Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Consistency across class2/3/ALM lighting.
Put ambient clamp threshold back for lighter shadows but closer match to release lighting.
Fix handling of 1/light_y when y was tiny but getting even tinier.
Add similar adjustment to shader version of same calc.
Bias shadow sampling and allow control of how dark shadows are (clamped ambient).
Modify handling of additive to make extreme range of glow focus/size safe from lens flare artifacts.
to WL).
Remove all refs to now unused calcFragAtmospherics.
All paths now use the same atmospheric transport calcs.
can be differentiated in nSight while debugging.
Don't re-range density multiplier twice.
Fix use of density and distance multipliers in atmospherics to use original pre-EEP range instead of FS expanded range.
Modify additive calc to restore old behavior (probably reverts fix for "lens flare" bug).
policy hooks.
Given that mShaderObjects only ever expects one copy of a given shader object (leading to lots of "shaderV" and "shaderF"), it made having utility shaders a bit more difficult to incorporate.
This change makes sure the two are separated. Using this over a multimap largely for readibility.
Also, actually, you know, use this functionality.
branch : OPEN-340
Still some work to go here. Largely related to how certain values (i.e., SSAO mix values) are supplied. But so far, so good.
branch : OPEN-340
Make moon brightness env setting affect moon diffuse/ambient color combo so it affects in-world lighting.
Adjust how the moon brightness affects the moon disc texture rendering (washes out less).
Fix up culling issues from perf work and fix Depth of Field rendering to get depth values properly.
Baseline for performance work.
Mods to improve alpha obj render performance.
Removes hacky fix for HUD elements getting atmospherics.
Re-orders rendering of glow to remove ~10ms/frame of shader re-re-rebinding.
Fix up default classes and basic shader loading (remove unused shared modules).
Remove fade effect on sun disc as it nears horizon (stars poke through).
Fix side-effects of having both sun and moon as potential directional light contributors.
We pass an int to the shader indicating which to prefer instead of making per-pixel decisions
and pass the moonlight color/di independently.
Obsolete llsettingssky fade color which was unused elsewhere and cached for no reason.
Fix positioning of sun/moon discs w.r.t atmo haze glow.
Disable killing glow when sun is not up.
Modify sun disc shader to better position itself within the sun glow and to
fade as the sun approaches the horizon (to mask where the position difference is greatest).
Fix cloud shaders to ignore clouds when cloud_scale is 0.
Fix creation of heavenly body geo to avoid degenerate vector math
and not randomly flip orientation when crossing zenith.
Add sun_up_factor to eliminate sun glow around moon when sun is down.
Fix OSX shader compile bug from use of #if FOO instead of #ifdef FOO or #if defined(FOO)
preventing atmospherics (and thus ALM) from working on OSX.
Add new class3 shadow shaders for VSM shadows.
Add disabled shadow pass in WLSky for using above.
Plug more holes through which env ambient terms were finding their way into lighting calcs for HUDs.
Fix up mismatched indenting (tabs v spaces) on several shaders.
Fix class 1 and 2 transport/gamma funcs and made usage consistent across all shaders.
Fix class1\environment\waterV reverting to old d1/d2 names for wave directions.
Eliminate 20+ callsites with copy-paste of getPosition and/or getNorm code.
Make pipeline use getShadowTarget/releaseShadowTarget consistently.
lighting shaders.
Also fix terrain response to atmospherics shaders (was failing to apply ambient on low end even when atmospherics was on).
Make shaders use consistent naming and parameter order for transport and atmospheric helpers.
Share transport and gamma correction code where possible.
Add lots of asserts and other validation for when things don't go as planned.
Engage dumpShaderSource to get more source output with shader compilation fail.
extraneous GL state management.
Port over transport, gamma, atmospherics shader stub updates for per-fragment atmospherics.
Fix bindings of current/next noise map when current and next are the same (select only one and force blend factor to 0).
helper funcs.
Add optional moon brightness setting
Tweak position of sun in disc shader to better match the offset applied to the sun glow in atmospherics.
Fix binding of current/next sun/moon textures.
Remove redundant code in GLSLShader determination of tex uniform bindings.
Unhack mix calls in sun/moon shaders to reverse sense of blending (was working around reversed bindings).
Make perspective projection consistent between ALM and non-ALM when drawing water (horizon matches).
Make perspective projection consistent between ALM and non-ALM when drawing heavenly bodies (sun disc position matches).
Make gamma correction of sun disc tex consistent between ALM and non-ALM rendering.
to link the shaders without complaining about unwritten varying vars.
(default is no sun disc and just haze)
Refactor sky texture optimization to retain building the cubemap used by shiny.
shading, and fix transposed name of daycycle func.
Add plumbing facilities to allow current and next moon textures to be passed to moon shader.
Modify moon shader to blend between current and next moon textures by blend factor.
Add MouseMoon positioning ala MouseSun debug setting and accessors to use it.