Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Don't step on SUNLIGHT_COLOR uniform w/ syncLightState competing set.
Put drawpool alpha render loop lighting setup changes as they were
(this will give back some performance and possibly require reopening 10566).
Remove shadow influence on ambient term causing inverted lighting in extreme setups.
Fix accum of shadow weights and handling of clipped areas in spot shadow sampling.
Fix reflection/distortion map culling planes again.
Fix broken handling of shadow disables in ALM forward shaders.
Fix up culling issues from perf work and fix Depth of Field rendering to get depth values properly.
Baseline for performance work.
Mods to improve alpha obj render performance.
Removes hacky fix for HUD elements getting atmospherics.
Re-orders rendering of glow to remove ~10ms/frame of shader re-re-rebinding.
Fix up default classes and basic shader loading (remove unused shared modules).
Tie using deferred rendering in water reflection/distortion map generation to debug var again
(claw back some performance lost to doing post-deferred in water map generation).
Edit softenLightF for class1/class2 to make them comparable again.
Fix lighting and gamma correction differences between deferred and forward rendering including materials objects.
Verify 10612 and 10500 remain fixed.
Make sure all necessary deferred shaders get the atmospheric uniform updates for doing frag-based atmospherics.
Remove fade effect on sun disc as it nears horizon (stars poke through).
Remove blend effect when sun disc nears horizon (was letting the stars show through).
Add ambiance handling to the light loop in the forward incarnation of materialF
and tweak alphaF to match lighing of material alpha-blend objects and non-ALM rendering.
Fix shadow sampling min with caster dp and offset tweaks.
Fix moon direction not being transformed as the sun dir is.
Fix colorspace issue causing some objects to render grayish instead of blackish.
Fix view-dependent peter-panning from incorrectly biased shadow pos offset.
Fix distortion map rendering in deferred mode not including underwater fog effects.
Fix distortion map rendering not including post-deferred content at all.
Fix distortion map rendering not including anything but sky when camera is underwater.
Update sun_up_factor/sunmoon_glow_factor uniforms even when sun disc isn't in use.
Replace clamp on height in atmospherics calcs on fragment shader path.
Fix colorspace conversions in material shaders in forward rendering mode.
Fix deferred shaders not setting the sun_up_factor uniform and getting moonlight instead of sunlight.
Make area beyond far split of directional light unshadowed again.
Another pass at playing with shadow_offset/bias to balance between peter-panning and shadow acne while sun and/or moon are near the horizon.
Fix side-effects of having both sun and moon as potential directional light contributors.
We pass an int to the shader indicating which to prefer instead of making per-pixel decisions
and pass the moonlight color/di independently.
Obsolete llsettingssky fade color which was unused elsewhere and cached for no reason.
Another attempt at getting approximage handling of projector ambiance in the alpha object shader.
This will not be a perfect match for non-transparent objects but should be close enough.
Pass projector ambiance as the .w element of the light_attenuation uniform
so that alpha shader can emulate the behavior of proper spot projectors.
Use gl_FragDepth on deferred sun disc to fix z-fighting with sky dome and get layering of sky/stars/sun/moon/clouds correct.
Fix bug with setting texture matrix for rigged mesh.
Fix z-fighting between sea and sky in ALM by cheating sky, stars, and moon using gl_FragDepth.
Fix handling of atmospheric haze glow w.r.t independent sun/moon positioning
(we can no longer depend on them being mutex to each other).
Use a new edge water shader to allow forcing frag depth to avoid z-fighting at back edge of water edge pieces.
This will not work for ALM because forcing the depth breaks the use of the depth to backproject gbuffer position which breaks lighting calcs.
Intel HD x000 compiler a fighting chance.
More WIP for edge-specific water shader for 9996.
Prepare for using ifdef to conditionally engage using gl_FragDepth in water shaders
(because GL requires that writing to gl_FragDepth on any path means you need to
write a depth value on every path).
Force frag depth in water shaders to avoid z-fighting at back edge of water edge pieces.
Further tweaking of directional shadow sampling to balance between peter-panning and shadow acne.
Move stars to just this side of the sky some to reduce parallax.
Remove decodeNormF and uses of decode_normal in favor of unified use of getNorm
(try to help the Intel HD x000 compiler learn to link correctly).
Tweak application of shadow bias to balance between shadow acne and Peter-panning
by using light_dir z value, per-split bias multiplier, and better jitter noise method.
Also tweak impl of spot shadow sampling func to work around issues with Intel HD shader compiler
which crashes with Intel HD 3000 driver 4459 due to shadow map array access with index using math (kwality).
Fix positioning of sun/moon discs w.r.t atmo haze glow.
Disable killing glow when sun is not up.
Modify sun disc shader to better position itself within the sun glow and to
fade as the sun approaches the horizon (to mask where the position difference is greatest).
Fix cloud shaders to ignore clouds when cloud_scale is 0.
Fix creation of heavenly body geo to avoid degenerate vector math
and not randomly flip orientation when crossing zenith.
Add sun_up_factor to eliminate sun glow around moon when sun is down.
Use clamp on dot product of view and light norm to eliminate 2nd halo.
Use clamping on dot product to determine halo TCs to fix abrupt cutoff at dot == 0.
Ifdef around engaging advanced atmo which is not ready for primetime yet.
Fix OSX shader compile bug from use of #if FOO instead of #ifdef FOO or #if defined(FOO)
preventing atmospherics (and thus ALM) from working on OSX.
Fix handling of backfaces in shared shadow sampling broken during de-duplication.
Modify distortion vec calc in shader to account for modified range of reflection scale above/below.
Clean up deferred\alpha shader to allow re-entrant graphics switching (link error on 2nd compile/link of deferred shaders).
Clean up some uses of pragma(optimize,...).
non-ALM lighting.