* Enable CEF browser for Linux
* Disable the update for Linux, we don't have that one right now
* Update build_linux.yaml
We need libpulse-dev for volume_catcher Linux
* Add linux_volum_catcher* files
* Enable OpenAL for Linux-ReleaseOS
* Linux: Update OpenAL
* Update SDL2
* Add libsndio-dev to the dependencies.
* Update CEF to an official LL version
* Remove dupe of emoji_shortcodes
* Reording autobuild does because it can and wants to
* Linux: Disable NDOF for the time being. After updating the ndof 3P needs to be rebuilt and we do not have a fresh one from LL yet.
Forcefully undefine LIB_NDOF, it gets defined in the build variables no matter if it is safe to define.
* Remove wrestling with mutliarch and LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
* Remove tcmalloc snippet, tcmalloc is a very faint bad dream of the past
* Putting out a warning this viewer ran on a x64 arch and then suggesting to install 32 bit compat packages makes no sense at all
* CEF resources need to be in lib
* It;'s okay to warn about missing plugins
* Linux: CEF keyboard handling
* Remove old gstreamer 0.10 implementation
* Linux DSO loading always had been very peculiar due to macro magic.
At least now it is peculiar shared magic with only one implementation.
* Remove -fPIC. We get that one from LL_BUILD
* /proc/cpuinfo is not reliable to detrmine the max CPU clock. Try to determine this by reading "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq".
Only if this fails go back to /proc/cpuinfo
* Cleanup
* Cleanup common linker and compiler flags, make it more obvious which flags are for which OS/compiler
* Switch to correct plugin file
* Install libpulse-dev for volume catcher.
* And the runner needs libsndio-dev as well.
* check for runner.os=='linux'. matrix.os is the full name of the image (limux-large).