Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Move dynamic texture update (which does local back readback work) to just before swap
which may keep the Intel driver from tripping on its own shoelaces and is also subjectively faster for bakes.
Fix materialF including debug force to linear color and re-add logic
to stomp emissiveness when normals are not present unless explicitly requested via diffuse alpha mode.
Fix emissives without normal maps clobbering the alpha output in materialF.
Modify glow size calc to get close to pre-EEP sun glow behavior (may require sky vert settings >= mid).
Make bake ignore alpha readback for Intel until we can determine why their drivers now go boom.
Make alpha shader include vertex color modulation in both srgb and linear flavors.
Try aligning data used for glReadPixels to see if we can coax the Intel driver stack into being a less souciant pile of detritus.
Replace face color based test replaced with other logic in error.
Fixed downscaling of the refscale passed in from WL in the water shader.
Make refraction map include objects for all reflection detail levels.
Make llvovolume submit completely transparent yet still glowy faces again.
Make fullbright alpha test use correct handling when mask cutoff == 0.
like non-ALM.
Take out angular atten on additive too.
Remove spec killing additive fix for 1491 to unbreak fog.
Convince Geenzo code to get a little DeMorgan in it.
Trophy Unlocked: make all alpha textures partcipate in picking.
Modify method for nerfing additive on terrain so it doesn't trip up deferred lighting and make light artifacts.
Make ALM use of non-ALM water rendering for refraction map light differently than non-ALM use of same.
Make underwater terrain shader mult vert lighting.
Remove update threshold logic causing hiccups and rework sky updates.
Make deferred water do double transport again to match non-ALM rendering more closely.
Modify env settings blender to not skip.
Make intel throttle the CPU with sleeps in all cases and fix calc of microsec frame time.
Nerf backfacing additive in ALM to prevent lens flares when facing away from sun.
Use hack in spec gbuffer alpha to nerf additive only on terrain (leaves additive glare for sunsets on water).
Remove the ugly band of fog color at the horizon in Low/Low+ entirely.
Remove use of distance multiplier from sky shaders (but leave in the atmospherics helpers).
Fix class2/windlight clouds.
Make class1 sky use pre-projection pos to get proper distances for attenuation.
Make all sky shaders use the dist_mul again.
Revert to using old sky tessellation logic (may regress bugs addressed by new tess code).
Make alpha pass start with no shader bound.
Make diffuse mode alpha-blended fullbrights get into alpha pass properly.
Make genDrawInfo pay more attention to faces with 100% transparency that are not invisiprims.
Fix alpha output of fullbright deferred materials objects.
Made pointLightF use correct colorspace as multiPoint already was.
Revert fix for SL_11406 causing regression of SL-11041
Remove ambiance handling from alpha and blended materials objects for now.
Still too many setups where they get blown out due to attenuation mismatches with deferred.
Move vert alpha multiply back before discard tests to fix object transparency only object shadow casting.
Very likely re-breaks SL_11051 making fullbright alpha mask objects not cast when they should (due to broken vertex alpha...).
Fix incorrect diffuse handling in class1 softenLight from contrib.
is not selected.
the right
Take another pass at fixing up refraction map culling across render modes.
Adjust atmospheric lighting in frag shader.
Fix culling on Low+ water reflection pass.
Make Mid+ / High use class1 deferred sky again (no rainbows, but faster!).
Fix setting of cloud color for deferred sky/cloud shaders.
Put water reflections back in wrong colorspace for consistency with release.
Modify culling logic to exclude objects correctly in < Mid graphics.
(10625 guess).
Make fullbright alpha mask with mask cutoff == 0 not generate shadows.
Adjust handling of ambient across forward and deferred again.
More tweaking ambient light.