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2 files changed, 639 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llsingleton.cpp b/indra/llcommon/llsingleton.cpp
index 9b49e52377..204c0d24d0 100755
--- a/indra/llcommon/llsingleton.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llsingleton.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,295 @@
#include "linden_common.h"
#include "llsingleton.h"
+#include "llerror.h"
+#include "lldependencies.h"
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+// Our master list of all LLSingletons is itself an LLSingleton. We used to
+// store it in a function-local static, but that could get destroyed before
+// the last of the LLSingletons -- and ~LLSingletonBase() definitely wants to
+// remove itself from the master list. Since the whole point of this master
+// list is to help track inter-LLSingleton dependencies, and since we have
+// this implicit dependency from every LLSingleton to the master list, make it
+// an LLSingleton.
+class LLSingletonBase::MasterList:
+ public LLSingleton<LLSingletonBase::MasterList>
+ friend class LLSingleton<LLSingletonBase::MasterList>;
+ // No need to make this private with accessors; nobody outside this source
+ // file can see it.
+ LLSingletonBase::list_t mList;
+LLSingletonBase::list_t& LLSingletonBase::get_master()
+ return LLSingletonBase::MasterList::instance().mList;
+void LLSingletonBase::add_master()
+ // As each new LLSingleton is constructed, add to the master list.
+ get_master().push_back(this);
+void LLSingletonBase::remove_master()
+ // When an LLSingleton is destroyed, remove from master list.
+ // add_master() used to capture the iterator to the newly-added list item
+ // so we could directly erase() it from the master list. Unfortunately
+ // that runs afoul of destruction-dependency order problems. So search the
+ // master list, and remove this item IF FOUND. We have few enough
+ // LLSingletons, and they are so rarely destroyed (once per run), that the
+ // cost of a linear search should not be an issue.
+ get_master().remove(this);
+// Wrapping our initializing list in a static method ensures that it will be
+// constructed on demand. This list doesn't also need to be in an LLSingleton
+// because (a) it should be empty by program shutdown and (b) none of our
+// destructors reference it.
+LLSingletonBase::list_t& LLSingletonBase::get_initializing()
+ static list_t sList;
+ return sList;
+ mCleaned(false),
+ mDeleteSingleton(NULL)
+ // Make this the currently-initializing LLSingleton.
+ push_initializing();
+LLSingletonBase::~LLSingletonBase() {}
+void LLSingletonBase::push_initializing()
+ get_initializing().push_back(this);
+void LLSingletonBase::pop_initializing()
+ list_t& list(get_initializing());
+ if (list.empty())
+ {
+ LL_ERRS() << "Underflow in stack of currently-initializing LLSingletons at "
+ << typeid(*this).name() << "::getInstance()" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ if (list.back() != this)
+ {
+ LL_ERRS() << "Push/pop mismatch in stack of currently-initializing LLSingletons: "
+ << typeid(*this).name() << "::getInstance() trying to pop "
+ << typeid(*list.back()).name() << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ // Here we're sure that list.back() == this. Whew, pop it.
+ list.pop_back();
+void LLSingletonBase::capture_dependency()
+ // Did this getInstance() call come from another LLSingleton, or from
+ // vanilla application code? Note that although this is a nontrivial
+ // method, the vast majority of its calls arrive here with initializing
+ // empty().
+ list_t& initializing(get_initializing());
+ if (! initializing.empty())
+ {
+ // getInstance() is being called by some other LLSingleton. But -- is
+ // this a circularity? That is, does 'this' already appear in the
+ // initializing stack?
+ // For what it's worth, normally 'initializing' should contain very
+ // few elements.
+ list_t::const_iterator found =
+ std::find(initializing.begin(), initializing.end(), this);
+ if (found != initializing.end())
+ {
+ // Report the circularity. Requiring the coder to dig through the
+ // logic to diagnose exactly how we got here is less than helpful.
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ for ( ; found != initializing.end(); ++found)
+ {
+ // 'found' is an iterator; *found is an LLSingletonBase*; **found
+ // is the actual LLSingletonBase instance.
+ out << typeid(**found).name() << " -> ";
+ }
+ // DEBUGGING: Initially, make this crump. We want to know how bad
+ // the problem is before we add it to the long, sad list of
+ // ominous warnings that everyone always ignores.
+ LL_ERRS() << "LLSingleton circularity: " << out.str()
+ << typeid(*this).name() << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Here 'this' is NOT already in the 'initializing' stack. Great!
+ // Record the dependency.
+ // initializing.back() is the LLSingletonBase* currently being
+ // initialized. Store 'this' in its mDepends set.
+ initializing.back()->mDepends.insert(this);
+ }
+ }
+LLSingletonBase::vec_t LLSingletonBase::dep_sort()
+ // While it would theoretically be possible to maintain a static
+ // SingletonDeps through the life of the program, dynamically adding and
+ // removing LLSingletons as they are created and destroyed, in practice
+ // it's less messy to construct it on demand. The overhead of doing so
+ // should happen basically twice: once for cleanupAll(), once for
+ // deleteAll().
+ typedef LLDependencies<LLSingletonBase*> SingletonDeps;
+ SingletonDeps sdeps;
+ list_t& master(get_master());
+ BOOST_FOREACH(LLSingletonBase* sp, master)
+ {
+ // Build the SingletonDeps structure by adding, for each
+ // LLSingletonBase* sp in the master list, sp itself. It has no
+ // associated value type in our SingletonDeps, hence the 0. We don't
+ // record the LLSingletons it must follow; rather, we record the ones
+ // it must precede. Copy its mDepends to a KeyList to express that.
+ sdeps.add(sp, 0,
+ SingletonDeps::KeyList(),
+ SingletonDeps::KeyList(sp->mDepends.begin(), sp->mDepends.end()));
+ }
+ vec_t ret;
+ ret.reserve(master.size());
+ // We should be able to effect this with a transform_iterator that
+ // extracts just the first (key) element from each sorted_iterator, then
+ // uses vec_t's range constructor... but frankly this is more
+ // straightforward, as long as we remember the above reserve() call!
+ BOOST_FOREACH(SingletonDeps::sorted_iterator::value_type pair, sdeps.sort())
+ {
+ ret.push_back(pair.first);
+ }
+ // The master list is not itself pushed onto the master list. Add it as
+ // the very last entry -- it is the LLSingleton on which ALL others
+ // depend! -- so our caller will process it.
+ ret.push_back(MasterList::getInstance());
+ return ret;
+void LLSingletonBase::cleanupAll()
+ // It's essential to traverse these in dependency order.
+ BOOST_FOREACH(LLSingletonBase* sp, dep_sort())
+ {
+ // Call cleanupSingleton() only if we haven't already done so for this
+ // instance.
+ if (! sp->mCleaned)
+ {
+ sp->mCleaned = true;
+ try
+ {
+ sp->cleanupSingleton();
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS() << "Exception in " << typeid(*sp).name()
+ << "::cleanupSingleton(): " << e.what() << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS() << "Unknown exception in " << typeid(*sp).name()
+ << "::cleanupSingleton()" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void LLSingletonBase::deleteAll()
+ // It's essential to traverse these in dependency order.
+ BOOST_FOREACH(LLSingletonBase* sp, dep_sort())
+ {
+ // Capture the class name first: in case of exception, don't count on
+ // being able to extract it later.
+ const char* name = typeid(*sp).name();
+ try
+ {
+ // Call static method through instance function pointer.
+ if (! sp->mDeleteSingleton)
+ {
+ // This Should Not Happen... but carry on.
+ LL_WARNS() << name << "::mDeleteSingleton not initialized!" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // properly initialized: call it.
+ // From this point on, DO NOT DEREFERENCE sp!
+ sp->mDeleteSingleton();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS() << "Exception in " << name
+ << "::deleteSingleton(): " << e.what() << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS() << "Unknown exception in " << name
+ << "::deleteSingleton()" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ }
+/*------------------------ Final cleanup management ------------------------*/
+class LLSingletonBase::MasterRefcount
+ // store a POD int so it will be statically initialized to 0
+ int refcount;
+static LLSingletonBase::MasterRefcount sMasterRefcount;
+LLSingletonBase::ref_ptr_t LLSingletonBase::get_master_refcount()
+ // Calling this method constructs a new ref_ptr_t, which implicitly calls
+ // intrusive_ptr_add_ref(MasterRefcount*).
+ return &sMasterRefcount;
+void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(LLSingletonBase::MasterRefcount* mrc)
+ // Count outstanding SingletonLifetimeManager instances.
+ ++mrc->refcount;
+void intrusive_ptr_release(LLSingletonBase::MasterRefcount* mrc)
+ // Notice when each SingletonLifetimeManager instance is destroyed.
+ if (! --mrc->refcount)
+ {
+ // The last instance was destroyed. Time to kill any remaining
+ // LLSingletons -- but in dependency order.
+ LLSingletonBase::deleteAll();
+ }
+/*---------------------------- Logging helpers -----------------------------*/
+void LLSingletonBase::logerrs(const char* p1, const char* p2, const char* p3)
+ LL_ERRS() << p1 << p2 << p3 << LL_ENDL;
+void LLSingletonBase::logwarns(const char* p1, const char* p2, const char* p3)
+ LL_WARNS() << p1 << p2 << p3 << LL_ENDL;
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llsingleton.h b/indra/llcommon/llsingleton.h
index 5d2a26cae5..7706ed53f2 100755
--- a/indra/llcommon/llsingleton.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llsingleton.h
@@ -25,10 +25,151 @@
-#include "llerror.h" // *TODO: eliminate this
-#include <typeinfo>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
+#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <typeinfo>
+// TODO:
+// Tests for all this!
+class LLSingletonBase: private boost::noncopyable
+ class MasterList;
+ class MasterRefcount;
+ typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<MasterRefcount> ref_ptr_t;
+ // All existing LLSingleton instances are tracked in this master list.
+ typedef std::list<LLSingletonBase*> list_t;
+ static list_t& get_master();
+ // This, on the other hand, is a stack whose top indicates the LLSingleton
+ // currently being initialized.
+ static list_t& get_initializing();
+ // Produce a vector<LLSingletonBase*> of master list, in dependency order.
+ typedef std::vector<LLSingletonBase*> vec_t;
+ static vec_t dep_sort();
+ bool mCleaned; // cleanupSingleton() has been called
+ // we directly depend on these other LLSingletons
+ typedef boost::unordered_set<LLSingletonBase*> set_t;
+ set_t mDepends;
+ // Base-class constructor should only be invoked by the DERIVED_TYPE
+ // constructor.
+ LLSingletonBase();
+ virtual ~LLSingletonBase();
+ // Every new LLSingleton should be added to/removed from the master list
+ void add_master();
+ void remove_master();
+ // with a little help from our friends.
+ template <class T> friend class LLSingleton_manage_master;
+ // Maintain a stack of the LLSingleton subclass instance currently being
+ // initialized. We use this to notice direct dependencies: we want to know
+ // if A requires B. We deduce that if while initializing A, control
+ // reaches B::getInstance().
+ // We want &A to be at the top of that stack during both A::A() and
+ // A::initSingleton(), since a call to B::getInstance() might occur during
+ // either.
+ // Unfortunately the desired timespan does not correspond neatly with a
+ // single C++ scope, else we'd use RAII to track it. But we do know that
+ // LLSingletonBase's constructor definitely runs just before
+ // LLSingleton's, which runs just before the specific subclass's.
+ void push_initializing();
+ // LLSingleton is, and must remain, the only caller to initSingleton().
+ // That being the case, we control exactly when it happens -- and we can
+ // pop the stack immediately thereafter.
+ void pop_initializing();
+ // If a given call to B::getInstance() happens during either A::A() or
+ // A::initSingleton(), record that A directly depends on B.
+ void capture_dependency();
+ // delegate LL_ERRS() logging to llsingleton.cpp
+ static void logerrs(const char* p1, const char* p2="", const char* p3="");
+ // delegate LL_WARNS() logging to llsingleton.cpp
+ static void logwarns(const char* p1, const char* p2="", const char* p3="");
+ // obtain canonical ref_ptr_t
+ static ref_ptr_t get_master_refcount();
+ // Default methods in case subclass doesn't declare them.
+ virtual void initSingleton() {}
+ virtual void cleanupSingleton() {}
+ // deleteSingleton() isn't -- and shouldn't be -- a virtual method. It's a
+ // class static. However, given only Foo*, deleteAll() does need to be
+ // able to reach Foo::deleteSingleton(). Make LLSingleton (which declares
+ // deleteSingleton()) store a pointer here. Since we know it's a static
+ // class method, a classic-C function pointer will do.
+ void (*mDeleteSingleton)();
+ /**
+ * Call this to call the cleanupSingleton() method for every LLSingleton
+ * constructed since the start of the last cleanupAll() call. (Any
+ * LLSingleton constructed DURING a cleanupAll() call won't be cleaned up
+ * until the next cleanupAll() call.) cleanupSingleton() neither deletes
+ * nor destroys its LLSingleton; therefore it's safe to include logic that
+ * might take significant realtime or even throw an exception.
+ *
+ * The most important property of cleanupAll() is that cleanupSingleton()
+ * methods are called in dependency order, leaf classes last. Thus, given
+ * two LLSingleton subclasses A and B, if A's dependency on B is properly
+ * expressed as a B::getInstance() or B::instance() call during either
+ * A::A() or A::initSingleton(), B will be cleaned up after A.
+ *
+ * If a cleanupSingleton() method throws an exception, the exception is
+ * logged, but cleanupAll() attempts to continue calling the rest of the
+ * cleanupSingleton() methods.
+ */
+ static void cleanupAll();
+ /**
+ * Call this to call the deleteSingleton() method for every LLSingleton
+ * constructed since the start of the last deleteAll() call. (Any
+ * LLSingleton constructed DURING a deleteAll() call won't be cleaned up
+ * until the next deleteAll() call.) deleteSingleton() deletes and
+ * destroys its LLSingleton. Any cleanup logic that might take significant
+ * realtime -- or throw an exception -- must not be placed in your
+ * LLSingleton's destructor, but rather in its cleanupSingleton() method.
+ *
+ * The most important property of deleteAll() is that deleteSingleton()
+ * methods are called in dependency order, leaf classes last. Thus, given
+ * two LLSingleton subclasses A and B, if A's dependency on B is properly
+ * expressed as a B::getInstance() or B::instance() call during either
+ * A::A() or A::initSingleton(), B will be cleaned up after A.
+ *
+ * If a deleteSingleton() method throws an exception, the exception is
+ * logged, but deleteAll() attempts to continue calling the rest of the
+ * deleteSingleton() methods.
+ */
+ static void deleteAll();
+// support ref_ptr_t
+void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(LLSingletonBase::MasterRefcount*);
+void intrusive_ptr_release(LLSingletonBase::MasterRefcount*);
+// Most of the time, we want LLSingleton_manage_master() to forward its
+// methods to LLSingletonBase::add_master() and remove_master().
+template <class T>
+struct LLSingleton_manage_master
+ void add(LLSingletonBase* sb) { sb->add_master(); }
+ void remove(LLSingletonBase* sb) { sb->remove_master(); }
+// But for the specific case of LLSingletonBase::MasterList, don't.
+template <>
+struct LLSingleton_manage_master<LLSingletonBase::MasterList>
+ void add(LLSingletonBase*) {}
+ void remove(LLSingletonBase*) {}
* LLSingleton implements the getInstance() method part of the Singleton
@@ -42,146 +183,225 @@
* Foo& instance = Foo::instance();
+ * LLSingleton recognizes a couple special methods in your derived class.
+ *
+ * If you override LLSingleton<T>::initSingleton(), your method will be called
+ * immediately after the instance is constructed. This is useful for breaking
+ * circular dependencies: if you find that your LLSingleton subclass
+ * constructor references other LLSingleton subclass instances in a chain
+ * leading back to yours, move the instance reference from your constructor to
+ * your initSingleton() method.
+ *
+ * If you override LLSingleton<T>::cleanupSingleton(), your method will be
+ * called if someone calls LLSingletonBase::cleanupAll(). The significant part
+ * of this promise is that cleanupAll() will call individual
+ * cleanupSingleton() methods in reverse dependency order.
+ *
+ * That is, consider LLSingleton subclasses C, B and A. A depends on B, which
+ * in turn depends on C. These dependencies are expressed as calls to
+ * B::instance() or B::getInstance(), and C::instance() or C::getInstance().
+ * It shouldn't matter whether these calls appear in A::A() or
+ * A::initSingleton(), likewise B::B() or B::initSingleton().
+ *
+ * We promise that if you later call LLSingletonBase::cleanupAll():
+ * 1. A::cleanupSingleton() will be called before
+ * 2. B::cleanupSingleton(), which will be called before
+ * 3. C::cleanupSingleton().
+ * Put differently, if your LLSingleton subclass constructor or
+ * initSingleton() method explicitly depends on some other LLSingleton
+ * subclass, you may continue to rely on that other subclass in your
+ * cleanupSingleton() method.
+ *
+ * We introduce a special cleanupSingleton() method because cleanupSingleton()
+ * operations can involve nontrivial realtime, or might throw an exception. A
+ * destructor should do neither!
+ *
+ * If your cleanupSingleton() method throws an exception, we log that
+ * exception but proceed with the remaining cleanupSingleton() calls.
+ *
+ * Similarly, if at some point you call LLSingletonBase::deleteAll(), all
+ * remaining LLSingleton instances will be destroyed in dependency order. (Or
+ * call MySubclass::deleteSingleton() to specifically destroy the canonical
+ * MySubclass instance.)
+ *
* As currently written, LLSingleton is not thread-safe.
template <typename DERIVED_TYPE>
-class LLSingleton : private boost::noncopyable
+class LLSingleton : public LLSingletonBase
- typedef enum e_init_state
- {
- } EInitState;
+ typedef enum e_init_state
+ {
+ UNINITIALIZED = 0, // must be default-initialized state
+ } EInitState;
static DERIVED_TYPE* constructSingleton()
return new DERIVED_TYPE();
- // stores pointer to singleton instance
- struct SingletonLifetimeManager
- {
- SingletonLifetimeManager()
- {
- construct();
- }
- static void construct()
- {
- sData.mInitState = CONSTRUCTING;
- sData.mInstance = constructSingleton();
- sData.mInitState = INITIALIZING;
- }
- ~SingletonLifetimeManager()
- {
- if (sData.mInitState != DELETED)
- {
- deleteSingleton();
- }
- }
- };
+ // stores pointer to singleton instance
+ struct SingletonLifetimeManager
+ {
+ SingletonLifetimeManager():
+ mMasterRefcount(LLSingletonBase::get_master_refcount())
+ {
+ construct();
+ }
+ static void construct()
+ {
+ sData.mInitState = CONSTRUCTING;
+ sData.mInstance = constructSingleton();
+ sData.mInitState = INITIALIZING;
+ }
+ ~SingletonLifetimeManager()
+ {
+ // The dependencies between LLSingletons, and the arbitrary order
+ // of static-object destruction, mean that we DO NOT WANT this
+ // destructor to delete this LLSingleton. This destructor will run
+ // without regard to any other LLSingleton whose cleanup might
+ // depend on its existence. What we really want is to count the
+ // runtime's attempts to cleanup LLSingleton static data -- and on
+ // the very last one, call LLSingletonBase::deleteAll(). That
+ // method will properly honor cross-LLSingleton dependencies. This
+ // is why we store an intrusive_ptr to a MasterRefcount: our
+ // ref_ptr_t member counts SingletonLifetimeManager instances.
+ // Once the runtime destroys the last of these, THEN we can delete
+ // every remaining LLSingleton.
+ }
+ LLSingletonBase::ref_ptr_t mMasterRefcount;
+ };
+ LLSingleton()
+ {
+ // populate base-class function pointer with the static
+ // deleteSingleton() function for this particular specialization
+ mDeleteSingleton = &deleteSingleton;
+ // add this new instance to the master list
+ LLSingleton_manage_master<DERIVED_TYPE>().add(this);
+ }
- virtual ~LLSingleton()
- {
- sData.mInstance = NULL;
- sData.mInitState = DELETED;
- }
- /**
- * @brief Immediately delete the singleton.
- *
- * A subsequent call to LLProxy::getInstance() will construct a new
- * instance of the class.
- *
- * LLSingletons are normally destroyed after main() has exited and the C++
- * runtime is cleaning up statically-constructed objects. Some classes
- * derived from LLSingleton have objects that are part of a runtime system
- * that is terminated before main() exits. Calling the destructor of those
- * objects after the termination of their respective systems can cause
- * crashes and other problems during termination of the project. Using this
- * method to destroy the singleton early can prevent these crashes.
- *
- * An example where this is needed is for a LLSingleton that has an APR
- * object as a member that makes APR calls on destruction. The APR system is
- * shut down explicitly before main() exits. This causes a crash on exit.
- * Using this method before the call to apr_terminate() and NOT calling
- * getInstance() again will prevent the crash.
- */
- static void deleteSingleton()
- {
- delete sData.mInstance;
- sData.mInstance = NULL;
- sData.mInitState = DELETED;
- }
- static DERIVED_TYPE* getInstance()
- {
- static SingletonLifetimeManager sLifeTimeMgr;
- switch (sData.mInitState)
- {
- // should never be uninitialized at this point
- llassert(false);
- return NULL;
- LL_ERRS() << "Tried to access singleton " << typeid(DERIVED_TYPE).name() << " from singleton constructor!" << LL_ENDL;
- return NULL;
- // go ahead and flag ourselves as initialized so we can be reentrant during initialization
- sData.mInitState = INITIALIZED;
- // initialize singleton after constructing it so that it can reference other singletons which in turn depend on it,
- // thus breaking cyclic dependencies
- sData.mInstance->initSingleton();
- return sData.mInstance;
- return sData.mInstance;
- case DELETED:
- LL_WARNS() << "Trying to access deleted singleton " << typeid(DERIVED_TYPE).name() << " creating new instance" << LL_ENDL;
- SingletonLifetimeManager::construct();
- // same as first time construction
- sData.mInitState = INITIALIZED;
- sData.mInstance->initSingleton();
- return sData.mInstance;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- // Reference version of getInstance()
- // Preferred over getInstance() as it disallows checking for NULL
- static DERIVED_TYPE& instance()
- {
- return *getInstance();
- }
- // Has this singleton been created yet?
- // Use this to avoid accessing singletons before they can safely be constructed.
- static bool instanceExists()
- {
- return sData.mInitState == INITIALIZED;
- }
+ virtual ~LLSingleton()
+ {
+ // remove this instance from the master list
+ LLSingleton_manage_master<DERIVED_TYPE>().remove(this);
+ sData.mInstance = NULL;
+ sData.mInitState = DELETED;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Immediately delete the singleton.
+ *
+ * A subsequent call to LLProxy::getInstance() will construct a new
+ * instance of the class.
+ *
+ * Without an explicit call to LLSingletonBase::deleteAll(), LLSingletons
+ * are implicitly destroyed after main() has exited and the C++ runtime is
+ * cleaning up statically-constructed objects. Some classes derived from
+ * LLSingleton have objects that are part of a runtime system that is
+ * terminated before main() exits. Calling the destructor of those objects
+ * after the termination of their respective systems can cause crashes and
+ * other problems during termination of the project. Using this method to
+ * destroy the singleton early can prevent these crashes.
+ *
+ * An example where this is needed is for a LLSingleton that has an APR
+ * object as a member that makes APR calls on destruction. The APR system is
+ * shut down explicitly before main() exits. This causes a crash on exit.
+ * Using this method before the call to apr_terminate() and NOT calling
+ * getInstance() again will prevent the crash.
+ */
+ static void deleteSingleton()
+ {
+ delete sData.mInstance;
+ sData.mInstance = NULL;
+ sData.mInitState = DELETED;
+ }
- virtual void initSingleton() {}
+ static DERIVED_TYPE* getInstance()
+ {
+ static SingletonLifetimeManager sLifeTimeMgr;
+ switch (sData.mInitState)
+ {
+ // should never be uninitialized at this point
+ logerrs("Uninitialized singleton ", typeid(DERIVED_TYPE).name());
+ return NULL;
+ logerrs("Tried to access singleton ", typeid(DERIVED_TYPE).name(),
+ " from singleton constructor!");
+ return NULL;
+ // go ahead and flag ourselves as initialized so we can be
+ // reentrant during initialization
+ sData.mInitState = INITIALIZED;
+ // initialize singleton after constructing it so that it can
+ // reference other singletons which in turn depend on it, thus
+ // breaking cyclic dependencies
+ sData.mInstance->initSingleton();
+ // pop this off stack of initializing singletons
+ sData.mInstance->pop_initializing();
+ break;
+ break;
+ case DELETED:
+ logwarns("Trying to access deleted singleton ", typeid(DERIVED_TYPE).name(),
+ " -- creating new instance");
+ SingletonLifetimeManager::construct();
+ // same as first time construction
+ sData.mInitState = INITIALIZED;
+ sData.mInstance->initSingleton();
+ // pop this off stack of initializing singletons
+ sData.mInstance->pop_initializing();
+ break;
+ }
+ // By this point, if DERIVED_TYPE was pushed onto the initializing
+ // stack, it has been popped off. So the top of that stack, if any, is
+ // an LLSingleton that directly depends on DERIVED_TYPE. If this call
+ // came from another LLSingleton, rather than from vanilla application
+ // code, record the dependency.
+ sData.mInstance->capture_dependency();
+ return sData.mInstance;
+ }
- struct SingletonData
- {
- // explicitly has a default constructor so that member variables are zero initialized in BSS
- // and only changed by singleton logic, not constructor running during startup
- EInitState mInitState;
- DERIVED_TYPE* mInstance;
- };
- static SingletonData sData;
+ // Reference version of getInstance()
+ // Preferred over getInstance() as it disallows checking for NULL
+ static DERIVED_TYPE& instance()
+ {
+ return *getInstance();
+ }
+ // Has this singleton been created yet?
+ // Use this to avoid accessing singletons before they can safely be constructed.
+ static bool instanceExists()
+ {
+ return sData.mInitState == INITIALIZED;
+ }
+ struct SingletonData
+ {
+ // explicitly has a default constructor so that member variables are zero initialized in BSS
+ // and only changed by singleton logic, not constructor running during startup
+ EInitState mInitState;
+ DERIVED_TYPE* mInstance;
+ };
+ static SingletonData sData;
template<typename T>