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diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/leap.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/leap.lua
index cfb7377523..69cedb4c9e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/leap.lua
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/leap.lua
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
local fiber = require('fiber')
local ErrorQueue = require('ErrorQueue')
+local inspect = require('inspect')
local function dbg(...) end
-- local dbg = require('printf')
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ local reply, command = LL.get_event_pumps()
-- pending is NOT a weak table because the caller of request() or generate()
-- never sees the WaitForReqid object. pending holds the only reference, so
-- it should NOT be garbage-collected.
-pending = {}
+local pending = {}
-- Our consumer will instantiate some number of WaitFor subclass objects.
-- As these are traversed in descending priority order, we must keep
-- them in a list.
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ pending = {}
-- to it. Once the consuming script drops the reference, allow Lua to
-- garbage-collect the WaitFor despite its entry in waitfors.
local weak_values = {__mode='v'}
-waitfors = setmetatable({}, weak_values)
+local waitfors = setmetatable({}, weak_values)
-- It has been suggested that we should use UUIDs as ["reqid"] values,
-- since UUIDs are guaranteed unique. However, as the "namespace" for
-- ["reqid"] values is our very own reply pump, we can get away with
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ local function requestSetup(pump, data)
local waitfor = leap.WaitForReqid:new(reqid)
pending[reqid] = waitfor
-- Pass reqid to send() to stamp it into (a copy of) the request data.
- dbg('requestSetup(%s, %s)', pump, data)
+ dbg('requestSetup(%s, %s) storing %s', pump, data,
leap.send(pump, data, reqid)
return reqid, waitfor
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ end
-- If you pass checklast=<callable accepting(event)>, each response event is
-- passed to that callable (after the yield). When the callable returns
--- True, the generator terminates in the usual way.
+-- true, the generator terminates in the usual way.
-- See request() remarks about ["reqid"].
function leap.generate(pump, data, checklast)
@@ -203,12 +204,80 @@ function leap.generate(pump, data, checklast)
+-- Send the specified request LLSD, expecting an immediate reply followed by
+-- an arbitrary number of subsequent replies with the same reqid. Block the
+-- calling coroutine until the first (immediate) reply, but launch a separate
+-- fiber on which to call the passed callback with later replies.
+-- Once the callback returns true, the background fiber terminates.
+function leap.eventstream(pump, data, callback)
+ local reqid, waitfor = requestSetup(pump, data)
+ local response = waitfor:wait()
+ if response.error then
+ -- clean up our WaitForReqid
+ waitfor:close()
+ error(response.error)
+ end
+ -- No error, so far so good:
+ -- call the callback with the first response just in case
+ local ok, done = pcall(callback, response)
+ if not ok then
+ -- clean up our WaitForReqid
+ waitfor:close()
+ error(done)
+ end
+ if done then
+ return response
+ end
+ -- callback didn't throw an error, and didn't say stop,
+ -- so set up to handle subsequent events
+ -- TODO: distinguish "daemon" fibers that can be terminated even if waiting
+ fiber.launch(
+ pump,
+ function ()
+ local ok, done
+ repeat
+ event = waitfor:wait()
+ if not event then
+ -- wait() returns nil once the queue is closed (e.g. cancelreq())
+ ok, done = true, true
+ else
+ ok, done = pcall(callback, event)
+ end
+ -- not ok means callback threw an error (caught as 'done')
+ -- done means callback succeeded but wants to stop
+ until (not ok) or done
+ -- once we break this loop, clean up our WaitForReqid
+ waitfor:close()
+ if not ok then
+ -- can't reflect the error back to our caller
+ LL.print_warning(fiber.get_name() .. ': ' .. done)
+ end
+ end)
+ return response
+-- we might want to clean up after leap.eventstream() even if the callback has
+-- not yet returned true
+function leap.cancelreq(reqid)
+ dbg('cancelreq(%s)', reqid)
+ local waitfor = pending[reqid]
+ if waitfor ~= nil then
+ -- close() removes the pending entry and also closes the queue,
+ -- breaking the background fiber's wait loop.
+ dbg('cancelreq(%s) canceling %s', reqid,
+ waitfor:close()
+ end
local function cleanup(message)
- -- we're done: clean up all pending coroutines
- for i, waitfor in pairs(pending) do
+ -- We're done: clean up all pending coroutines.
+ -- Iterate over copies of the pending and waitfors tables, since the
+ -- close() operation modifies the real tables.
+ for i, waitfor in pairs(table.clone(pending)) do
- for i, waitfor in pairs(waitfors) do
+ for i, waitfor in pairs(table.clone(waitfors)) do
@@ -223,7 +292,8 @@ local function unsolicited(pump, data)
- LL.print_debug(string.format('unsolicited(%s, %s) discarding unclaimed event', pump, data))
+ LL.print_debug(string.format('unsolicited(%s, %s) discarding unclaimed event',
+ pump, inspect(data)))
-- Route incoming (pump, data) event to the appropriate waiting coroutine.
@@ -231,14 +301,17 @@ local function dispatch(pump, data)
local reqid = data['reqid']
-- if the response has no 'reqid', it's not from request() or generate()
if reqid == nil then
+-- dbg('dispatch() found no reqid; calling unsolicited(%s, %s)', pump, data)
return unsolicited(pump, data)
-- have reqid; do we have a WaitForReqid?
local waitfor = pending[reqid]
if waitfor == nil then
+-- dbg('dispatch() found no WaitForReqid(%s); calling unsolicited(%s, %s)', reqid, pump, data)
return unsolicited(pump, data)
-- found the right WaitForReqid object, let it handle the event
+-- dbg('dispatch() calling %s.handle(%s, %s)',, pump, data)
waitfor:handle(pump, data)
@@ -284,11 +357,9 @@ end
-- called by WaitFor.disable()
local function unregisterWaitFor(waitfor)
- for i, w in pairs(waitfors) do
- if w == waitfor then
- waitfors[i] = nil
- break
- end
+ local i = table.find(waitfors, waitfor)
+ if i ~= nil then
+ waitfors[i] = nil
@@ -417,6 +488,7 @@ end
-- called by cleanup() at end
function leap.WaitFor:close()
+ self:disable()
@@ -437,6 +509,8 @@ function leap.WaitForReqid:new(reqid)
setmetatable(obj, self)
self.__index = self
+ obj.reqid = reqid
return obj
@@ -447,4 +521,10 @@ function leap.WaitForReqid:filter(pump, data)
return data
+function leap.WaitForReqid:close()
+ -- remove this entry from pending table
+ pending[self.reqid] = nil
+ self._queue:close()
return leap