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authorNat Goodspeed <>2024-05-31 11:35:30 -0400
committerNat Goodspeed <>2024-05-31 11:35:30 -0400
commitc59f8bc59ad958d169a7626739b2b81439180537 (patch)
parente352192045cfe23a681dcaba71d94311f42e230f (diff)
Add leap.eventstream() and cancelreq() functions.
leap.eventstream() is used when we expect the viewer's LLEventAPI to send an immediate first response with the reqid from the request, followed by some number of subsequent responses bearing the same reqid. The difference between eventstream() and generate() is that generate() expects the caller to request each such response, whereas eventstream calls the caller's callback with each response. cancelreq() is for canceling the background fiber launched by eventstream() before the callback tells it to quit. Make WaitFor:close() remove the object from the waitfors list; similarly, make WaitForReqid:close() remove the object from the pending list. For this reason, cleanup() must iterate over a copy of each of the pending and waitfors lists. Instead of unregisterWaitFor() manually searching the waitfors list, use table.find().
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/leap.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/leap.lua
index cfb7377523..69cedb4c9e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/leap.lua
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/leap.lua
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
local fiber = require('fiber')
local ErrorQueue = require('ErrorQueue')
+local inspect = require('inspect')
local function dbg(...) end
-- local dbg = require('printf')
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ local reply, command = LL.get_event_pumps()
-- pending is NOT a weak table because the caller of request() or generate()
-- never sees the WaitForReqid object. pending holds the only reference, so
-- it should NOT be garbage-collected.
-pending = {}
+local pending = {}
-- Our consumer will instantiate some number of WaitFor subclass objects.
-- As these are traversed in descending priority order, we must keep
-- them in a list.
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ pending = {}
-- to it. Once the consuming script drops the reference, allow Lua to
-- garbage-collect the WaitFor despite its entry in waitfors.
local weak_values = {__mode='v'}
-waitfors = setmetatable({}, weak_values)
+local waitfors = setmetatable({}, weak_values)
-- It has been suggested that we should use UUIDs as ["reqid"] values,
-- since UUIDs are guaranteed unique. However, as the "namespace" for
-- ["reqid"] values is our very own reply pump, we can get away with
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ local function requestSetup(pump, data)
local waitfor = leap.WaitForReqid:new(reqid)
pending[reqid] = waitfor
-- Pass reqid to send() to stamp it into (a copy of) the request data.
- dbg('requestSetup(%s, %s)', pump, data)
+ dbg('requestSetup(%s, %s) storing %s', pump, data,
leap.send(pump, data, reqid)
return reqid, waitfor
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ end
-- If you pass checklast=<callable accepting(event)>, each response event is
-- passed to that callable (after the yield). When the callable returns
--- True, the generator terminates in the usual way.
+-- true, the generator terminates in the usual way.
-- See request() remarks about ["reqid"].
function leap.generate(pump, data, checklast)
@@ -203,12 +204,80 @@ function leap.generate(pump, data, checklast)
+-- Send the specified request LLSD, expecting an immediate reply followed by
+-- an arbitrary number of subsequent replies with the same reqid. Block the
+-- calling coroutine until the first (immediate) reply, but launch a separate
+-- fiber on which to call the passed callback with later replies.
+-- Once the callback returns true, the background fiber terminates.
+function leap.eventstream(pump, data, callback)
+ local reqid, waitfor = requestSetup(pump, data)
+ local response = waitfor:wait()
+ if response.error then
+ -- clean up our WaitForReqid
+ waitfor:close()
+ error(response.error)
+ end
+ -- No error, so far so good:
+ -- call the callback with the first response just in case
+ local ok, done = pcall(callback, response)
+ if not ok then
+ -- clean up our WaitForReqid
+ waitfor:close()
+ error(done)
+ end
+ if done then
+ return response
+ end
+ -- callback didn't throw an error, and didn't say stop,
+ -- so set up to handle subsequent events
+ -- TODO: distinguish "daemon" fibers that can be terminated even if waiting
+ fiber.launch(
+ pump,
+ function ()
+ local ok, done
+ repeat
+ event = waitfor:wait()
+ if not event then
+ -- wait() returns nil once the queue is closed (e.g. cancelreq())
+ ok, done = true, true
+ else
+ ok, done = pcall(callback, event)
+ end
+ -- not ok means callback threw an error (caught as 'done')
+ -- done means callback succeeded but wants to stop
+ until (not ok) or done
+ -- once we break this loop, clean up our WaitForReqid
+ waitfor:close()
+ if not ok then
+ -- can't reflect the error back to our caller
+ LL.print_warning(fiber.get_name() .. ': ' .. done)
+ end
+ end)
+ return response
+-- we might want to clean up after leap.eventstream() even if the callback has
+-- not yet returned true
+function leap.cancelreq(reqid)
+ dbg('cancelreq(%s)', reqid)
+ local waitfor = pending[reqid]
+ if waitfor ~= nil then
+ -- close() removes the pending entry and also closes the queue,
+ -- breaking the background fiber's wait loop.
+ dbg('cancelreq(%s) canceling %s', reqid,
+ waitfor:close()
+ end
local function cleanup(message)
- -- we're done: clean up all pending coroutines
- for i, waitfor in pairs(pending) do
+ -- We're done: clean up all pending coroutines.
+ -- Iterate over copies of the pending and waitfors tables, since the
+ -- close() operation modifies the real tables.
+ for i, waitfor in pairs(table.clone(pending)) do
- for i, waitfor in pairs(waitfors) do
+ for i, waitfor in pairs(table.clone(waitfors)) do
@@ -223,7 +292,8 @@ local function unsolicited(pump, data)
- LL.print_debug(string.format('unsolicited(%s, %s) discarding unclaimed event', pump, data))
+ LL.print_debug(string.format('unsolicited(%s, %s) discarding unclaimed event',
+ pump, inspect(data)))
-- Route incoming (pump, data) event to the appropriate waiting coroutine.
@@ -231,14 +301,17 @@ local function dispatch(pump, data)
local reqid = data['reqid']
-- if the response has no 'reqid', it's not from request() or generate()
if reqid == nil then
+-- dbg('dispatch() found no reqid; calling unsolicited(%s, %s)', pump, data)
return unsolicited(pump, data)
-- have reqid; do we have a WaitForReqid?
local waitfor = pending[reqid]
if waitfor == nil then
+-- dbg('dispatch() found no WaitForReqid(%s); calling unsolicited(%s, %s)', reqid, pump, data)
return unsolicited(pump, data)
-- found the right WaitForReqid object, let it handle the event
+-- dbg('dispatch() calling %s.handle(%s, %s)',, pump, data)
waitfor:handle(pump, data)
@@ -284,11 +357,9 @@ end
-- called by WaitFor.disable()
local function unregisterWaitFor(waitfor)
- for i, w in pairs(waitfors) do
- if w == waitfor then
- waitfors[i] = nil
- break
- end
+ local i = table.find(waitfors, waitfor)
+ if i ~= nil then
+ waitfors[i] = nil
@@ -417,6 +488,7 @@ end
-- called by cleanup() at end
function leap.WaitFor:close()
+ self:disable()
@@ -437,6 +509,8 @@ function leap.WaitForReqid:new(reqid)
setmetatable(obj, self)
self.__index = self
+ obj.reqid = reqid
return obj
@@ -447,4 +521,10 @@ function leap.WaitForReqid:filter(pump, data)
return data
+function leap.WaitForReqid:close()
+ -- remove this entry from pending table
+ pending[self.reqid] = nil
+ self._queue:close()
return leap