path: root/indra/llplugin
diff options
authorAnsariel <>2024-05-22 21:25:21 +0200
committerAndrey Lihatskiy <>2024-05-22 22:40:26 +0300
commite2e37cced861b98de8c1a7c9c0d3a50d2d90e433 (patch)
tree1bb897489ce524986f6196201c10ac0d8861aa5f /indra/llplugin
parent069ea06848f766466f1a281144c82a0f2bd79f3a (diff)
Fix line endlings
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llplugin')
3 files changed, 2363 insertions, 2363 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llplugin/llpluginclassmedia.cpp b/indra/llplugin/llpluginclassmedia.cpp
index a349eed8f8..0ab79c4901 100644
--- a/indra/llplugin/llpluginclassmedia.cpp
+++ b/indra/llplugin/llpluginclassmedia.cpp
@@ -1,1593 +1,1593 @@
- * @file llpluginclassmedia.cpp
- * @brief LLPluginClassMedia handles a plugin which knows about the "media" message class.
- *
- * @cond
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- * @endcond
- */
-#include "linden_common.h"
-#include "indra_constants.h"
-#include "llpluginclassmedia.h"
-#include "llpluginmessageclasses.h"
-#include "llcontrol.h"
-extern LLControlGroup gSavedSettings;
-extern bool gHiDPISupport;
-static int nextPowerOf2( int value )
- int next_power_of_2 = 1;
- while ( next_power_of_2 < value )
- {
- next_power_of_2 <<= 1;
- }
- return next_power_of_2;
-LLPluginClassMedia::LLPluginClassMedia(LLPluginClassMediaOwner *owner)
- mOwner = owner;
- reset();
- //debug use
- mDeleteOK = true ;
- llassert_always(mDeleteOK) ;
- reset();
-bool LLPluginClassMedia::init(const std::string &launcher_filename, const std::string &plugin_dir, const std::string &plugin_filename, bool debug)
- LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "launcher: " << launcher_filename << LL_ENDL;
- LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "dir: " << plugin_dir << LL_ENDL;
- LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "plugin: " << plugin_filename << LL_ENDL;
- mPlugin = LLPluginProcessParent::create(this);
- mPlugin->setSleepTime(mSleepTime);
- // Queue up the media init message -- it will be sent after all the currently queued messages.
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "init");
- message.setValue("target", mTarget);
- message.setValueReal("factor", mZoomFactor);
- sendMessage(message);
- mPlugin->init(launcher_filename, plugin_dir, plugin_filename, debug);
- return true;
-void LLPluginClassMedia::reset()
- if(mPlugin)
- {
- mPlugin->requestShutdown();
- mPlugin.reset();
- }
- mTextureParamsReceived = false;
- mRequestedTextureDepth = 0;
- mRequestedTextureInternalFormat = 0;
- mRequestedTextureFormat = 0;
- mRequestedTextureType = 0;
- mRequestedTextureSwapBytes = false;
- mRequestedTextureCoordsOpenGL = false;
- mTextureSharedMemorySize = 0;
- mTextureSharedMemoryName.clear();
- mDefaultMediaWidth = 0;
- mDefaultMediaHeight = 0;
- mNaturalMediaWidth = 0;
- mNaturalMediaHeight = 0;
- mSetMediaWidth = -1;
- mSetMediaHeight = -1;
- mRequestedMediaWidth = 0;
- mRequestedMediaHeight = 0;
- mRequestedTextureWidth = 0;
- mRequestedTextureHeight = 0;
- mFullMediaWidth = 0;
- mFullMediaHeight = 0;
- mTextureWidth = 0;
- mTextureHeight = 0;
- mMediaWidth = 0;
- mMediaHeight = 0;
- mDirtyRect = LLRect::null;
- mAutoScaleMedia = false;
- mRequestedVolume = 0.0f;
- mPriority = PRIORITY_NORMAL;
- mAllowDownsample = false;
- mPadding = 0;
- mLastMouseX = 0;
- mLastMouseY = 0;
- mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_NONE;
- mSleepTime = 1.0f / 100.0f;
- mCanCut = false;
- mCanCopy = false;
- mCanPaste = false;
- mMediaName.clear();
- mMediaDescription.clear();
- mBackgroundColor = LLColor4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- // media_browser class
- mNavigateURI.clear();
- mNavigateResultCode = -1;
- mNavigateResultString.clear();
- mHistoryBackAvailable = false;
- mHistoryForwardAvailable = false;
- mStatusText.clear();
- mProgressPercent = 0;
- mClickURL.clear();
- mClickNavType.clear();
- mClickTarget.clear();
- mClickUUID.clear();
- mStatusCode = 0;
- mClickEnforceTarget = false;
- // media_time class
- mCurrentTime = 0.0f;
- mDuration = 0.0f;
- mCurrentRate = 0.0f;
- mLoadedDuration = 0.0f;
-void LLPluginClassMedia::idle(void)
- if(mPlugin)
- {
- mPlugin->idle();
- }
- if((mMediaWidth == -1) || (!mTextureParamsReceived) || (mPlugin == NULL) || (mPlugin->isBlocked()) || (mOwner == NULL))
- {
- // Can't process a size change at this time
- }
- else if((mRequestedMediaWidth != mMediaWidth) || (mRequestedMediaHeight != mMediaHeight))
- {
- // Calculate the correct size for the media texture
- mRequestedTextureHeight = mRequestedMediaHeight;
- if(mPadding < 0)
- {
- // negative values indicate the plugin wants a power of 2
- mRequestedTextureWidth = nextPowerOf2(mRequestedMediaWidth);
- }
- else
- {
- mRequestedTextureWidth = mRequestedMediaWidth;
- if(mPadding > 1)
- {
- // Pad up to a multiple of the specified number of bytes per row
- int rowbytes = mRequestedTextureWidth * mRequestedTextureDepth;
- int pad = rowbytes % mPadding;
- if(pad != 0)
- {
- rowbytes += mPadding - pad;
- }
- if(rowbytes % mRequestedTextureDepth == 0)
- {
- mRequestedTextureWidth = rowbytes / mRequestedTextureDepth;
- }
- else
- {
- LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Unable to pad texture width, padding size " << mPadding << "is not a multiple of pixel size " << mRequestedTextureDepth << LL_ENDL;
- }
- }
- }
- // Size change has been requested but not initiated yet.
- size_t newsize = mRequestedTextureWidth * mRequestedTextureHeight * mRequestedTextureDepth;
- // Add an extra line for padding, just in case.
- newsize += mRequestedTextureWidth * mRequestedTextureDepth;
- if(newsize != mTextureSharedMemorySize)
- {
- if(!mTextureSharedMemoryName.empty())
- {
- // Tell the plugin to remove the old memory segment
- mPlugin->removeSharedMemory(mTextureSharedMemoryName);
- mTextureSharedMemoryName.clear();
- }
- mTextureSharedMemorySize = newsize;
- mTextureSharedMemoryName = mPlugin->addSharedMemory(mTextureSharedMemorySize);
- if(!mTextureSharedMemoryName.empty())
- {
- void *addr = mPlugin->getSharedMemoryAddress(mTextureSharedMemoryName);
- // clear texture memory to avoid random screen visual fuzz from uninitialized texture data
- if (addr)
- {
- memset( addr, 0x00, newsize );
- }
- else
- {
- LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Failed to get previously created shared memory address: " << mTextureSharedMemoryName << " size: " << mTextureSharedMemorySize << LL_ENDL;
- }
- // We could do this to force an update, but textureValid() will still be returning false until the first roundtrip to the plugin,
- // so it may not be worthwhile.
- // mDirtyRect.setOriginAndSize(0, 0, mRequestedMediaWidth, mRequestedMediaHeight);
- }
- }
- // This is our local indicator that a change is in progress.
- mTextureWidth = -1;
- mTextureHeight = -1;
- mMediaWidth = -1;
- mMediaHeight = -1;
- // This invalidates any existing dirty rect.
- resetDirty();
- // Send a size change message to the plugin
- {
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "size_change");
- message.setValue("name", mTextureSharedMemoryName);
- message.setValueS32("width", mRequestedMediaWidth);
- message.setValueS32("height", mRequestedMediaHeight);
- message.setValueS32("texture_width", mRequestedTextureWidth);
- message.setValueS32("texture_height", mRequestedTextureHeight);
- message.setValueReal("background_r", mBackgroundColor.mV[VX]);
- message.setValueReal("background_g", mBackgroundColor.mV[VY]);
- message.setValueReal("background_b", mBackgroundColor.mV[VZ]);
- message.setValueReal("background_a", mBackgroundColor.mV[VW]);
- mPlugin->sendMessage(message); // DO NOT just use sendMessage() here -- we want this to jump ahead of the queue.
- LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "Sending size_change" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- }
- if(mPlugin && mPlugin->isRunning())
- {
- // Send queued messages
- while(!mSendQueue.empty())
- {
- LLPluginMessage message = mSendQueue.front();
- mSendQueue.pop();
- mPlugin->sendMessage(message);
- }
- }
-int LLPluginClassMedia::getTextureWidth() const
- return nextPowerOf2(mTextureWidth);
-int LLPluginClassMedia::getTextureHeight() const
- return nextPowerOf2(mTextureHeight);
-unsigned char* LLPluginClassMedia::getBitsData()
- unsigned char *result = NULL;
- if((mPlugin != NULL) && !mTextureSharedMemoryName.empty())
- {
- result = (unsigned char*)mPlugin->getSharedMemoryAddress(mTextureSharedMemoryName);
- }
- return result;
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setSize(int width, int height)
- if((width > 0) && (height > 0))
- {
- mSetMediaWidth = width;
- mSetMediaHeight = height;
- }
- else
- {
- mSetMediaWidth = -1;
- mSetMediaHeight = -1;
- }
- setSizeInternal();
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setSizeInternal(void)
- if((mSetMediaWidth > 0) && (mSetMediaHeight > 0))
- {
- mRequestedMediaWidth = mSetMediaWidth;
- mRequestedMediaHeight = mSetMediaHeight;
- }
- else if((mNaturalMediaWidth > 0) && (mNaturalMediaHeight > 0))
- {
- mRequestedMediaWidth = mNaturalMediaWidth;
- mRequestedMediaHeight = mNaturalMediaHeight;
- }
- else
- {
- mRequestedMediaWidth = mDefaultMediaWidth;
- mRequestedMediaHeight = mDefaultMediaHeight;
- }
- // Save these for size/interest calculations
- mFullMediaWidth = mRequestedMediaWidth;
- mFullMediaHeight = mRequestedMediaHeight;
- if(mAllowDownsample)
- {
- switch(mPriority)
- {
- // Reduce maximum texture dimension to (or below) mLowPrioritySizeLimit
- while((mRequestedMediaWidth > mLowPrioritySizeLimit) || (mRequestedMediaHeight > mLowPrioritySizeLimit))
- {
- mRequestedMediaWidth /= 2;
- mRequestedMediaHeight /= 2;
- }
- break;
- default:
- // Don't adjust texture size
- break;
- }
- }
- if(mAutoScaleMedia)
- {
- mRequestedMediaWidth = nextPowerOf2(mRequestedMediaWidth);
- mRequestedMediaHeight = nextPowerOf2(mRequestedMediaHeight);
- }
- if (!gHiDPISupport)
- {
- if (mRequestedMediaWidth > 2048)
- mRequestedMediaWidth = 2048;
- if (mRequestedMediaHeight > 2048)
- mRequestedMediaHeight = 2048;
- }
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setAutoScale(bool auto_scale)
- if(auto_scale != mAutoScaleMedia)
- {
- mAutoScaleMedia = auto_scale;
- setSizeInternal();
- }
-bool LLPluginClassMedia::textureValid(void)
- if(
- !mTextureParamsReceived ||
- mTextureWidth <= 0 ||
- mTextureHeight <= 0 ||
- mMediaWidth <= 0 ||
- mMediaHeight <= 0 ||
- mRequestedMediaWidth != mMediaWidth ||
- mRequestedMediaHeight != mMediaHeight ||
- getBitsData() == NULL
- )
- return false;
- return true;
-bool LLPluginClassMedia::getDirty(LLRect *dirty_rect)
- bool result = !mDirtyRect.isEmpty();
- if(dirty_rect != NULL)
- {
- *dirty_rect = mDirtyRect;
- }
- return result;
-void LLPluginClassMedia::resetDirty(void)
- mDirtyRect = LLRect::null;
-std::string LLPluginClassMedia::translateModifiers(MASK modifiers)
- std::string result;
- if(modifiers & MASK_CONTROL)
- {
- result += "control|";
- }
- if(modifiers & MASK_ALT)
- {
- result += "alt|";
- }
- if(modifiers & MASK_SHIFT)
- {
- result += "shift|";
- }
- // TODO: should I deal with platform differences here or in callers?
- // TODO: how do we deal with the Mac "command" key?
- if(modifiers & MASK_SOMETHING)
- {
- result += "meta|";
- }
- return result;
-void LLPluginClassMedia::jsEnableObject( bool enable )
- if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
- {
- return;
- }
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_enable_object");
- message.setValueBoolean( "enable", enable );
- sendMessage( message );
-void LLPluginClassMedia::jsAgentLocationEvent( double x, double y, double z )
- if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
- {
- return;
- }
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_agent_location");
- message.setValueReal( "x", x );
- message.setValueReal( "y", y );
- message.setValueReal( "z", z );
- sendMessage( message );
-void LLPluginClassMedia::jsAgentGlobalLocationEvent( double x, double y, double z )
- if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
- {
- return;
- }
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_agent_global_location");
- message.setValueReal( "x", x );
- message.setValueReal( "y", y );
- message.setValueReal( "z", z );
- sendMessage( message );
-void LLPluginClassMedia::jsAgentOrientationEvent( double angle )
- if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
- {
- return;
- }
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_agent_orientation");
- message.setValueReal( "angle", angle );
- sendMessage( message );
-void LLPluginClassMedia::jsAgentLanguageEvent( const std::string& language )
- if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
- {
- return;
- }
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_agent_language");
- message.setValue( "language", language );
- sendMessage( message );
-void LLPluginClassMedia::jsAgentRegionEvent( const std::string& region )
- if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
- {
- return;
- }
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_agent_region");
- message.setValue( "region", region );
- sendMessage( message );
-void LLPluginClassMedia::jsAgentMaturityEvent( const std::string& maturity )
- if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
- {
- return;
- }
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_agent_maturity");
- message.setValue( "maturity", maturity );
- sendMessage( message );
-void LLPluginClassMedia::mouseEvent(EMouseEventType type, int button, int x, int y, MASK modifiers)
- if(type == MOUSE_EVENT_MOVE)
- {
- if(!mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked())
- {
- // Don't queue up mouse move events that can't be delivered.
- return;
- }
- if((x == mLastMouseX) && (y == mLastMouseY))
- {
- // Don't spam unnecessary mouse move events.
- return;
- }
- mLastMouseX = x;
- mLastMouseY = y;
- }
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "mouse_event");
- std::string temp;
- switch(type)
- {
- case MOUSE_EVENT_DOWN: temp = "down"; break;
- case MOUSE_EVENT_UP: temp = "up"; break;
- case MOUSE_EVENT_MOVE: temp = "move"; break;
- case MOUSE_EVENT_DOUBLE_CLICK: temp = "double_click"; break;
- }
- message.setValue("event", temp);
- message.setValueS32("button", button);
- message.setValueS32("x", x);
- // Incoming coordinates are OpenGL-style ((0,0) = lower left), so flip them here if the plugin has requested it.
- if(!mRequestedTextureCoordsOpenGL)
- {
- // TODO: Should I use mMediaHeight or mRequestedMediaHeight here?
- y = mMediaHeight - y;
- }
- message.setValueS32("y", y);
- message.setValue("modifiers", translateModifiers(modifiers));
- sendMessage(message);
-bool LLPluginClassMedia::keyEvent(EKeyEventType type, int key_code, MASK modifiers, LLSD native_key_data)
- bool result = true;
- // FIXME:
- // HACK: we don't have an easy way to tell if the plugin is going to handle a particular keycode.
- // For now, return false for the ones the webkit plugin won't handle properly.
- switch(key_code)
- {
- case KEY_TAB:
- case KEY_RETURN:
- case KEY_SHIFT:
- case KEY_ALT:
- case KEY_ESCAPE:
- case KEY_PAGE_UP:
- case KEY_END:
- case KEY_HOME:
- case KEY_LEFT:
- case KEY_UP:
- case KEY_RIGHT:
- case KEY_DOWN:
- case KEY_INSERT:
- case KEY_DELETE:
- // These will be handled
- break;
- default:
- // regular ASCII characters will also be handled
- if(key_code >= KEY_SPECIAL)
- {
- // Other "special" codes will not work properly.
- result = false;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(modifiers & MASK_ALT)
- {
- // Option-key modified characters should be handled by the unicode input path instead of this one.
- result = false;
- }
- if(result)
- {
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "key_event");
- std::string temp;
- switch(type)
- {
- case KEY_EVENT_DOWN: temp = "down"; break;
- case KEY_EVENT_UP: temp = "up"; break;
- case KEY_EVENT_REPEAT: temp = "repeat"; break;
- }
- message.setValue("event", temp);
- message.setValueS32("key", key_code);
- message.setValue("modifiers", translateModifiers(modifiers));
- message.setValueLLSD("native_key_data", native_key_data);
- sendMessage(message);
- }
- return result;
-void LLPluginClassMedia::scrollEvent(int x, int y, int clicks_x, int clicks_y, MASK modifiers)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "scroll_event");
- message.setValueS32("x", x);
- message.setValueS32("y", y);
- message.setValueS32("clicks_x", clicks_x);
- message.setValueS32("clicks_y", clicks_y);
- message.setValue("modifiers", translateModifiers(modifiers));
- sendMessage(message);
-bool LLPluginClassMedia::textInput(const std::string &text, MASK modifiers, LLSD native_key_data)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "text_event");
- message.setValue("text", text);
- message.setValue("modifiers", translateModifiers(modifiers));
- message.setValueLLSD("native_key_data", native_key_data);
- sendMessage(message);
- return true;
-// This function injects a previously stored OpenID cookie into
-// each new media instance - see SL-15867 for details. It appears
-// that the way we use the cache, shared between multiple CEF
-// instances means that sometimes the OpenID cookie cannot be read
-// even though it appears to be there. The long term solution to
-// this is to create a separate cache directory for each instance
-// but that has its own set of problems. This short term approach
-// "forces" each new media instance to have a copy of the cookie
-// so that a page that needs it - e.g. Profiles - finds it and
-// can log in successfully.
-void LLPluginClassMedia::injectOpenIDCookie()
- // can be called before we know who the user is at login
- // and there is no OpenID cookie at that point so no
- // need to try to set it (these values will all be empty)
- if (sOIDcookieName.length() && sOIDcookieValue.length())
- {
- setCookie(sOIDcookieUrl, sOIDcookieName,
- sOIDcookieValue, sOIDcookieHost, sOIDcookiePath, sOIDcookieHttpOnly, sOIDcookieSecure);
- }
-// We store each component of the OpenI cookie individuality here
-// because previously, there was some significant parsing to
-// break up the raw string into these components and we do not
-// want to have to do that again here. Stored as statics because
-// we want to share their value between all instances of this
-// class - the ones that receive it at login and any others
-// that open afterwards (e.g. the Profiles floater)
-std::string LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookieUrl = std::string();
-std::string LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookieName = std::string();
-std::string LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookieValue = std::string();
-std::string LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookieHost = std::string();
-std::string LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookiePath = std::string();
-bool LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookieHttpOnly = false;
-bool LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookieSecure = false;
-// Once we receive the OpenID cookie, it is parsed/processed
-// in llViewerMedia::parseRawCookie() and then the component
-// values are stored here so that next time a new media
-// instance is created, we can use injectOpenIDCookie()
-// to "insist" that the cookie store remember its value.
-// One might ask why we need to go via LLViewerMedia (which
-// makes this call) - this is because the raw cookie arrives
-// here in this file but undergoes non-trivial processing
-// in LLViewerMedia.
-void LLPluginClassMedia::storeOpenIDCookie(const std::string url,
- const std::string name, const std::string value,
- const std::string host, const std::string path,
- bool httponly, bool secure)
- sOIDcookieUrl = url;
- sOIDcookieName = name;
- sOIDcookieValue = value;
- sOIDcookieHost = host;
- sOIDcookiePath = path;
- sOIDcookieHttpOnly = httponly;
- sOIDcookieSecure = secure;
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setCookie(std::string uri, std::string name, std::string value, std::string domain, std::string path, bool httponly, bool secure)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "set_cookie");
- message.setValue("uri", uri);
- message.setValue("name", name);
- message.setValue("value", value);
- message.setValue("domain", domain);
- message.setValue("path", path);
- message.setValueBoolean("httponly", httponly);
- message.setValueBoolean("secure", secure);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::loadURI(const std::string &uri)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "load_uri");
- message.setValue("uri", uri);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::executeJavaScript(const std::string &code)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "execute_javascript");
- message.setValue("code", code);
- sendMessage(message);
-const char* LLPluginClassMedia::priorityToString(EPriority priority)
- const char* result = "UNKNOWN";
- switch(priority)
- {
- case PRIORITY_UNLOADED: result = "unloaded"; break;
- case PRIORITY_STOPPED: result = "stopped"; break;
- case PRIORITY_HIDDEN: result = "hidden"; break;
- case PRIORITY_SLIDESHOW: result = "slideshow"; break;
- case PRIORITY_LOW: result = "low"; break;
- case PRIORITY_NORMAL: result = "normal"; break;
- case PRIORITY_HIGH: result = "high"; break;
- }
- return result;
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setPriority(EPriority priority)
- if(mPriority != priority)
- {
- mPriority = priority;
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "set_priority");
- std::string priority_string = priorityToString(priority);
- switch(priority)
- {
- mSleepTime = 1.0f;
- break;
- mSleepTime = 1.0f;
- break;
- mSleepTime = 1.0f;
- break;
- mSleepTime = 1.0f;
- break;
- mSleepTime = 1.0f / 25.0f;
- break;
- mSleepTime = 1.0f / 50.0f;
- break;
- mSleepTime = 1.0f / 100.0f;
- break;
- }
- message.setValue("priority", priority_string);
- sendMessage(message);
- if(mPlugin)
- {
- mPlugin->setSleepTime(mSleepTime);
- }
- LL_DEBUGS("PluginPriority") << this << ": setting priority to " << priority_string << LL_ENDL;
- // This may affect the calculated size, so recalculate it here.
- setSizeInternal();
- }
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setLowPrioritySizeLimit(int size)
- int power = nextPowerOf2(size);
- if(mLowPrioritySizeLimit != power)
- {
- mLowPrioritySizeLimit = power;
- // This may affect the calculated size, so recalculate it here.
- setSizeInternal();
- }
-F64 LLPluginClassMedia::getCPUUsage()
- F64 result = 0.0f;
- if(mPlugin)
- {
- result = mPlugin->getCPUUsage();
- }
- return result;
-void LLPluginClassMedia::sendPickFileResponse(const std::vector<std::string> files)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "pick_file_response");
- if(mPlugin && mPlugin->isBlocked())
- {
- // If the plugin sent a blocking pick-file request, the response should unblock it.
- message.setValueBoolean("blocking_response", true);
- }
- LLSD file_list = LLSD::emptyArray();
- for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator in_iter = files.begin(); in_iter != files.end(); ++in_iter)
- {
- file_list.append(LLSD::String(*in_iter));
- }
- message.setValueLLSD("file_list", file_list);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::sendAuthResponse(bool ok, const std::string &username, const std::string &password)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "auth_response");
- message.setValueBoolean("ok", ok);
- message.setValue("username", username);
- message.setValue("password", password);
- if(mPlugin && mPlugin->isBlocked())
- {
- // If the plugin sent a blocking pick-file request, the response should unblock it.
- message.setValueBoolean("blocking_response", true);
- }
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::cut()
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "edit_cut");
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::copy()
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "edit_copy");
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::paste()
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "edit_paste");
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setUserDataPath(const std::string &user_data_path_cache,
- const std::string &username,
- const std::string &user_data_path_cef_log)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "set_user_data_path");
- message.setValue("cache_path", user_data_path_cache);
- message.setValue("username", username); // cef shares cache between users but creates user-based contexts
- message.setValue("cef_log_file", user_data_path_cef_log);
- bool cef_verbose_log = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CefVerboseLog");
- message.setValueBoolean("cef_verbose_log", cef_verbose_log);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setLanguageCode(const std::string &language_code)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "set_language_code");
- message.setValue("language", language_code);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setPluginsEnabled(const bool enabled)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "plugins_enabled");
- message.setValueBoolean("enable", enabled);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setJavascriptEnabled(const bool enabled)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "javascript_enabled");
- message.setValueBoolean("enable", enabled);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setWebSecurityDisabled(const bool disabled)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "web_security_disabled");
- message.setValueBoolean("disabled", disabled);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setFileAccessFromFileUrlsEnabled(const bool enabled)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "file_access_from_file_urls");
- message.setValueBoolean("enabled", enabled);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::enableMediaPluginDebugging( bool enable )
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "enable_media_plugin_debugging");
- message.setValueBoolean( "enable", enable );
- sendMessage( message );
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setTarget(const std::string &target)
- mTarget = target;
-/* virtual */
-void LLPluginClassMedia::receivePluginMessage(const LLPluginMessage &message)
- std::string message_class = message.getClass();
- if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA)
- {
- std::string message_name = message.getName();
- if(message_name == "texture_params")
- {
- mRequestedTextureDepth = message.getValueS32("depth");
- mRequestedTextureInternalFormat = message.getValueU32("internalformat");
- mRequestedTextureFormat = message.getValueU32("format");
- mRequestedTextureType = message.getValueU32("type");
- mRequestedTextureSwapBytes = message.getValueBoolean("swap_bytes");
- mRequestedTextureCoordsOpenGL = message.getValueBoolean("coords_opengl");
- // These two are optional, and will default to 0 if they're not specified.
- mDefaultMediaWidth = message.getValueS32("default_width");
- mDefaultMediaHeight = message.getValueS32("default_height");
- mAllowDownsample = message.getValueBoolean("allow_downsample");
- mPadding = message.getValueS32("padding");
- setSizeInternal();
- mTextureParamsReceived = true;
- }
- else if(message_name == "updated")
- {
- if(message.hasValue("left"))
- {
- LLRect newDirtyRect;
- newDirtyRect.mLeft = message.getValueS32("left");
- newDirtyRect.mTop = message.getValueS32("top");
- newDirtyRect.mRight = message.getValueS32("right");
- newDirtyRect.mBottom = message.getValueS32("bottom");
- // The plugin is likely to have top and bottom switched, due to vertical flip and OpenGL coordinate confusion.
- // If they're backwards, swap them.
- if(newDirtyRect.mTop < newDirtyRect.mBottom)
- {
- S32 temp = newDirtyRect.mTop;
- newDirtyRect.mTop = newDirtyRect.mBottom;
- newDirtyRect.mBottom = temp;
- }
- if(mDirtyRect.isEmpty())
- {
- mDirtyRect = newDirtyRect;
- }
- else
- {
- mDirtyRect.unionWith(newDirtyRect);
- }
- LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "adjusted incoming rect is: ("
- << newDirtyRect.mLeft << ", "
- << newDirtyRect.mTop << ", "
- << newDirtyRect.mRight << ", "
- << newDirtyRect.mBottom << "), new dirty rect is: ("
- << mDirtyRect.mLeft << ", "
- << mDirtyRect.mTop << ", "
- << mDirtyRect.mRight << ", "
- << mDirtyRect.mBottom << ")"
- << LL_ENDL;
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_CONTENT_UPDATED);
- }
- bool time_duration_updated = false;
- int previous_percent = mProgressPercent;
- if(message.hasValue("current_time"))
- {
- mCurrentTime = message.getValueReal("current_time");
- time_duration_updated = true;
- }
- if(message.hasValue("duration"))
- {
- mDuration = message.getValueReal("duration");
- time_duration_updated = true;
- }
- if(message.hasValue("current_rate"))
- {
- mCurrentRate = message.getValueReal("current_rate");
- }
- if(message.hasValue("loaded_duration"))
- {
- mLoadedDuration = message.getValueReal("loaded_duration");
- time_duration_updated = true;
- }
- else
- {
- // If the message doesn't contain a loaded_duration param, assume it's equal to duration
- mLoadedDuration = mDuration;
- }
- // Calculate a percentage based on the loaded duration and total duration.
- if(mDuration != 0.0f) // Don't divide by zero.
- {
- mProgressPercent = (int)((mLoadedDuration * 100.0f)/mDuration);
- }
- if(time_duration_updated)
- {
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_TIME_DURATION_UPDATED);
- }
- if(previous_percent != mProgressPercent)
- {
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_PROGRESS_UPDATED);
- }
- }
- else if(message_name == "media_status")
- {
- std::string status = message.getValue("status");
- LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "Status changed to: " << status << LL_ENDL;
- if(status == "loading")
- {
- mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_LOADING;
- }
- else if(status == "loaded")
- {
- mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_LOADED;
- }
- else if(status == "error")
- {
- mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_ERROR;
- }
- else if(status == "playing")
- {
- mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_PLAYING;
- }
- else if(status == "paused")
- {
- mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_PAUSED;
- }
- else if(status == "done")
- {
- mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_DONE;
- }
- else
- {
- // empty string or any unknown string
- mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_NONE;
- }
- }
- else if(message_name == "size_change_request")
- {
- S32 width = message.getValueS32("width");
- S32 height = message.getValueS32("height");
- std::string name = message.getValue("name");
- // TODO: check that name matches?
- mNaturalMediaWidth = width;
- mNaturalMediaHeight = height;
- setSizeInternal();
- }
- else if(message_name == "size_change_response")
- {
- std::string name = message.getValue("name");
- // TODO: check that name matches?
- mTextureWidth = message.getValueS32("texture_width");
- mTextureHeight = message.getValueS32("texture_height");
- mMediaWidth = message.getValueS32("width");
- mMediaHeight = message.getValueS32("height");
- // This invalidates any existing dirty rect.
- resetDirty();
- // TODO: should we verify that the plugin sent back the right values?
- // Two size changes in a row may cause them to not match, due to queueing, etc.
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_SIZE_CHANGED);
- }
- else if(message_name == "cursor_changed")
- {
- mCursorName = message.getValue("name");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_CURSOR_CHANGED);
- }
- else if(message_name == "edit_state")
- {
- if(message.hasValue("cut"))
- {
- mCanCut = message.getValueBoolean("cut");
- }
- if(message.hasValue("copy"))
- {
- mCanCopy = message.getValueBoolean("copy");
- }
- if(message.hasValue("paste"))
- {
- mCanPaste = message.getValueBoolean("paste");
- }
- }
- else if(message_name == "name_text")
- {
- mHistoryBackAvailable = message.getValueBoolean("history_back_available");
- mHistoryForwardAvailable = message.getValueBoolean("history_forward_available");
- mMediaName = message.getValue("name");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_NAME_CHANGED);
- }
- else if(message_name == "pick_file")
- {
- mIsMultipleFilePick = message.getValueBoolean("multiple_files");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_PICK_FILE_REQUEST);
- }
- else if(message_name == "auth_request")
- {
- mAuthURL = message.getValue("url");
- mAuthRealm = message.getValue("realm");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_AUTH_REQUEST);
- }
- else if (message_name == "file_download")
- {
- mFileDownloadFilename = message.getValue("filename");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_FILE_DOWNLOAD);
- }
- else if(message_name == "debug_message")
- {
- mDebugMessageText = message.getValue("message_text");
- mDebugMessageLevel = message.getValue("message_level");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_DEBUG_MESSAGE);
- }
- else if (message_name == "tooltip_text")
- {
- mHoverText = message.getValue("tooltip");
- }
- else
- {
- LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Unknown " << message_name << " class message: " << message_name << LL_ENDL;
- }
- }
- else if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER)
- {
- std::string message_name = message.getName();
- if(message_name == "navigate_begin")
- {
- mNavigateURI = message.getValue("uri");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_BEGIN);
- }
- else if(message_name == "navigate_complete")
- {
- mNavigateURI = message.getValue("uri");
- mNavigateResultCode = message.getValueS32("result_code");
- mNavigateResultString = message.getValue("result_string");
- mHistoryBackAvailable = message.getValueBoolean("history_back_available");
- mHistoryForwardAvailable = message.getValueBoolean("history_forward_available");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_COMPLETE);
- }
- else if(message_name == "progress")
- {
- mProgressPercent = message.getValueS32("percent");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_PROGRESS_UPDATED);
- }
- else if(message_name == "status_text")
- {
- mStatusText = message.getValue("status");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_STATUS_TEXT_CHANGED);
- }
- else if(message_name == "location_changed")
- {
- mLocation = message.getValue("uri");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGED);
- }
- else if(message_name == "click_href")
- {
- mClickURL = message.getValue("uri");
- mClickTarget = message.getValue("target");
- // need a link to have a UUID that identifies it to a system further
- // upstream - plugin could make it but we have access to LLUUID here
- // so why don't we use it
- mClickUUID = LLUUID::generateNewID().asString();
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_CLICK_LINK_HREF);
- }
- else if(message_name == "click_nofollow")
- {
- mClickURL = message.getValue("uri");
- mClickNavType = message.getValue("nav_type");
- mClickTarget.clear();
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_CLICK_LINK_NOFOLLOW);
- }
- else if(message_name == "navigate_error_page")
- {
- mStatusCode = message.getValueS32("status_code");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_ERROR_PAGE);
- }
- else if(message_name == "close_request")
- {
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_CLOSE_REQUEST);
- }
- else if(message_name == "geometry_change")
- {
- mClickUUID = message.getValue("uuid");
- mGeometryX = message.getValueS32("x");
- mGeometryY = message.getValueS32("y");
- mGeometryWidth = message.getValueS32("width");
- mGeometryHeight = message.getValueS32("height");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_GEOMETRY_CHANGE);
- }
- else if(message_name == "link_hovered")
- {
- // text is not currently used -- the tooltip hover text is taken from the "title".
- mHoverLink = message.getValue("link");
- mHoverText = message.getValue("title");
- // message.getValue("text");
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_LINK_HOVERED);
- }
- else
- {
- LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Unknown " << message_name << " class message: " << message_name << LL_ENDL;
- }
- }
- else if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME)
- {
- std::string message_name = message.getName();
- // This class hasn't defined any incoming messages yet.
-// if(message_name == "message_name")
-// {
-// }
-// else
- {
- LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Unknown " << message_name << " class message: " << message_name << LL_ENDL;
- }
- }
-/* virtual */
-void LLPluginClassMedia::pluginLaunchFailed()
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_PLUGIN_FAILED_LAUNCH);
-/* virtual */
-void LLPluginClassMedia::pluginDied()
- mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_PLUGIN_FAILED);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::EMediaEvent event)
- if(mOwner)
- {
- mOwner->handleMediaEvent(this, event);
- }
-void LLPluginClassMedia::sendMessage(const LLPluginMessage &message)
- if(mPlugin && mPlugin->isRunning())
- {
- mPlugin->sendMessage(message);
- }
- else
- {
- // The plugin isn't set up yet -- queue this message to be sent after initialization.
- mSendQueue.push(message);
- }
-// MARK: media_browser class functions
-bool LLPluginClassMedia::pluginSupportsMediaBrowser(void)
- std::string version = mPlugin->getMessageClassVersion(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER);
- return !version.empty();
-void LLPluginClassMedia::focus(bool focused)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "focus");
- message.setValueBoolean("focused", focused);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::set_page_zoom_factor( F64 factor )
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "set_page_zoom_factor");
- message.setValueReal("factor", factor);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::clear_cache()
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "clear_cache");
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::clear_cookies()
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "clear_cookies");
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::cookies_enabled(bool enable)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "cookies_enabled");
- message.setValueBoolean("enable", enable);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::proxy_setup(bool enable, const std::string &host, int port)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "proxy_setup");
- message.setValueBoolean("enable", enable);
- message.setValue("host", host);
- message.setValueS32("port", port);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::browse_stop()
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "browse_stop");
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::browse_reload(bool ignore_cache)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "browse_reload");
- message.setValueBoolean("ignore_cache", ignore_cache);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::browse_forward()
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "browse_forward");
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::browse_back()
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "browse_back");
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setBrowserUserAgent(const std::string& user_agent)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "set_user_agent");
- message.setValue("user_agent", user_agent);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::showWebInspector( bool show )
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "show_web_inspector");
- message.setValueBoolean("show", true); // only open for now - closed manually by user
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::proxyWindowOpened(const std::string &target, const std::string &uuid)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "proxy_window_opened");
- message.setValue("target", target);
- message.setValue("uuid", uuid);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::proxyWindowClosed(const std::string &uuid)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "proxy_window_closed");
- message.setValue("uuid", uuid);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::ignore_ssl_cert_errors(bool ignore)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "ignore_ssl_cert_errors");
- message.setValueBoolean("ignore", ignore);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::addCertificateFilePath(const std::string& path)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "add_certificate_file_path");
- message.setValue("path", path);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setOverrideClickTarget(const std::string &target)
- mClickEnforceTarget = true;
- mOverrideClickTarget = target;
-void LLPluginClassMedia::crashPlugin()
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_INTERNAL, "crash");
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::hangPlugin()
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_INTERNAL, "hang");
- sendMessage(message);
-// MARK: media_time class functions
-bool LLPluginClassMedia::pluginSupportsMediaTime(void)
- std::string version = mPlugin->getMessageClassVersion(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME);
- return !version.empty();
-void LLPluginClassMedia::stop()
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME, "stop");
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::start(float rate)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME, "start");
- message.setValueReal("rate", rate);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::pause()
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME, "pause");
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::seek(float time)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME, "seek");
- message.setValueReal("time", time);
- mCurrentTime = time; // assume that it worked and we will receive an update later
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setLoop(bool loop)
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME, "set_loop");
- message.setValueBoolean("loop", loop);
- sendMessage(message);
-void LLPluginClassMedia::setVolume(float volume)
- if(volume != mRequestedVolume)
- {
- mRequestedVolume = volume;
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME, "set_volume");
- message.setValueReal("volume", volume);
- sendMessage(message);
- }
-float LLPluginClassMedia::getVolume()
- return mRequestedVolume;
-void LLPluginClassMedia::initializeUrlHistory(const LLSD& url_history)
- // Send URL history to plugin
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "init_history");
- message.setValueLLSD("history", url_history);
- sendMessage(message);
- LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "Sending history" << LL_ENDL;
+ * @file llpluginclassmedia.cpp
+ * @brief LLPluginClassMedia handles a plugin which knows about the "media" message class.
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include "indra_constants.h"
+#include "llpluginclassmedia.h"
+#include "llpluginmessageclasses.h"
+#include "llcontrol.h"
+extern LLControlGroup gSavedSettings;
+extern bool gHiDPISupport;
+static int nextPowerOf2( int value )
+ int next_power_of_2 = 1;
+ while ( next_power_of_2 < value )
+ {
+ next_power_of_2 <<= 1;
+ }
+ return next_power_of_2;
+LLPluginClassMedia::LLPluginClassMedia(LLPluginClassMediaOwner *owner)
+ mOwner = owner;
+ reset();
+ //debug use
+ mDeleteOK = true ;
+ llassert_always(mDeleteOK) ;
+ reset();
+bool LLPluginClassMedia::init(const std::string &launcher_filename, const std::string &plugin_dir, const std::string &plugin_filename, bool debug)
+ LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "launcher: " << launcher_filename << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "dir: " << plugin_dir << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "plugin: " << plugin_filename << LL_ENDL;
+ mPlugin = LLPluginProcessParent::create(this);
+ mPlugin->setSleepTime(mSleepTime);
+ // Queue up the media init message -- it will be sent after all the currently queued messages.
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "init");
+ message.setValue("target", mTarget);
+ message.setValueReal("factor", mZoomFactor);
+ sendMessage(message);
+ mPlugin->init(launcher_filename, plugin_dir, plugin_filename, debug);
+ return true;
+void LLPluginClassMedia::reset()
+ if(mPlugin)
+ {
+ mPlugin->requestShutdown();
+ mPlugin.reset();
+ }
+ mTextureParamsReceived = false;
+ mRequestedTextureDepth = 0;
+ mRequestedTextureInternalFormat = 0;
+ mRequestedTextureFormat = 0;
+ mRequestedTextureType = 0;
+ mRequestedTextureSwapBytes = false;
+ mRequestedTextureCoordsOpenGL = false;
+ mTextureSharedMemorySize = 0;
+ mTextureSharedMemoryName.clear();
+ mDefaultMediaWidth = 0;
+ mDefaultMediaHeight = 0;
+ mNaturalMediaWidth = 0;
+ mNaturalMediaHeight = 0;
+ mSetMediaWidth = -1;
+ mSetMediaHeight = -1;
+ mRequestedMediaWidth = 0;
+ mRequestedMediaHeight = 0;
+ mRequestedTextureWidth = 0;
+ mRequestedTextureHeight = 0;
+ mFullMediaWidth = 0;
+ mFullMediaHeight = 0;
+ mTextureWidth = 0;
+ mTextureHeight = 0;
+ mMediaWidth = 0;
+ mMediaHeight = 0;
+ mDirtyRect = LLRect::null;
+ mAutoScaleMedia = false;
+ mRequestedVolume = 0.0f;
+ mPriority = PRIORITY_NORMAL;
+ mAllowDownsample = false;
+ mPadding = 0;
+ mLastMouseX = 0;
+ mLastMouseY = 0;
+ mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_NONE;
+ mSleepTime = 1.0f / 100.0f;
+ mCanCut = false;
+ mCanCopy = false;
+ mCanPaste = false;
+ mMediaName.clear();
+ mMediaDescription.clear();
+ mBackgroundColor = LLColor4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ // media_browser class
+ mNavigateURI.clear();
+ mNavigateResultCode = -1;
+ mNavigateResultString.clear();
+ mHistoryBackAvailable = false;
+ mHistoryForwardAvailable = false;
+ mStatusText.clear();
+ mProgressPercent = 0;
+ mClickURL.clear();
+ mClickNavType.clear();
+ mClickTarget.clear();
+ mClickUUID.clear();
+ mStatusCode = 0;
+ mClickEnforceTarget = false;
+ // media_time class
+ mCurrentTime = 0.0f;
+ mDuration = 0.0f;
+ mCurrentRate = 0.0f;
+ mLoadedDuration = 0.0f;
+void LLPluginClassMedia::idle(void)
+ if(mPlugin)
+ {
+ mPlugin->idle();
+ }
+ if((mMediaWidth == -1) || (!mTextureParamsReceived) || (mPlugin == NULL) || (mPlugin->isBlocked()) || (mOwner == NULL))
+ {
+ // Can't process a size change at this time
+ }
+ else if((mRequestedMediaWidth != mMediaWidth) || (mRequestedMediaHeight != mMediaHeight))
+ {
+ // Calculate the correct size for the media texture
+ mRequestedTextureHeight = mRequestedMediaHeight;
+ if(mPadding < 0)
+ {
+ // negative values indicate the plugin wants a power of 2
+ mRequestedTextureWidth = nextPowerOf2(mRequestedMediaWidth);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mRequestedTextureWidth = mRequestedMediaWidth;
+ if(mPadding > 1)
+ {
+ // Pad up to a multiple of the specified number of bytes per row
+ int rowbytes = mRequestedTextureWidth * mRequestedTextureDepth;
+ int pad = rowbytes % mPadding;
+ if(pad != 0)
+ {
+ rowbytes += mPadding - pad;
+ }
+ if(rowbytes % mRequestedTextureDepth == 0)
+ {
+ mRequestedTextureWidth = rowbytes / mRequestedTextureDepth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Unable to pad texture width, padding size " << mPadding << "is not a multiple of pixel size " << mRequestedTextureDepth << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Size change has been requested but not initiated yet.
+ size_t newsize = mRequestedTextureWidth * mRequestedTextureHeight * mRequestedTextureDepth;
+ // Add an extra line for padding, just in case.
+ newsize += mRequestedTextureWidth * mRequestedTextureDepth;
+ if(newsize != mTextureSharedMemorySize)
+ {
+ if(!mTextureSharedMemoryName.empty())
+ {
+ // Tell the plugin to remove the old memory segment
+ mPlugin->removeSharedMemory(mTextureSharedMemoryName);
+ mTextureSharedMemoryName.clear();
+ }
+ mTextureSharedMemorySize = newsize;
+ mTextureSharedMemoryName = mPlugin->addSharedMemory(mTextureSharedMemorySize);
+ if(!mTextureSharedMemoryName.empty())
+ {
+ void *addr = mPlugin->getSharedMemoryAddress(mTextureSharedMemoryName);
+ // clear texture memory to avoid random screen visual fuzz from uninitialized texture data
+ if (addr)
+ {
+ memset( addr, 0x00, newsize );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Failed to get previously created shared memory address: " << mTextureSharedMemoryName << " size: " << mTextureSharedMemorySize << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ // We could do this to force an update, but textureValid() will still be returning false until the first roundtrip to the plugin,
+ // so it may not be worthwhile.
+ // mDirtyRect.setOriginAndSize(0, 0, mRequestedMediaWidth, mRequestedMediaHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ // This is our local indicator that a change is in progress.
+ mTextureWidth = -1;
+ mTextureHeight = -1;
+ mMediaWidth = -1;
+ mMediaHeight = -1;
+ // This invalidates any existing dirty rect.
+ resetDirty();
+ // Send a size change message to the plugin
+ {
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "size_change");
+ message.setValue("name", mTextureSharedMemoryName);
+ message.setValueS32("width", mRequestedMediaWidth);
+ message.setValueS32("height", mRequestedMediaHeight);
+ message.setValueS32("texture_width", mRequestedTextureWidth);
+ message.setValueS32("texture_height", mRequestedTextureHeight);
+ message.setValueReal("background_r", mBackgroundColor.mV[VX]);
+ message.setValueReal("background_g", mBackgroundColor.mV[VY]);
+ message.setValueReal("background_b", mBackgroundColor.mV[VZ]);
+ message.setValueReal("background_a", mBackgroundColor.mV[VW]);
+ mPlugin->sendMessage(message); // DO NOT just use sendMessage() here -- we want this to jump ahead of the queue.
+ LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "Sending size_change" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ }
+ if(mPlugin && mPlugin->isRunning())
+ {
+ // Send queued messages
+ while(!mSendQueue.empty())
+ {
+ LLPluginMessage message = mSendQueue.front();
+ mSendQueue.pop();
+ mPlugin->sendMessage(message);
+ }
+ }
+int LLPluginClassMedia::getTextureWidth() const
+ return nextPowerOf2(mTextureWidth);
+int LLPluginClassMedia::getTextureHeight() const
+ return nextPowerOf2(mTextureHeight);
+unsigned char* LLPluginClassMedia::getBitsData()
+ unsigned char *result = NULL;
+ if((mPlugin != NULL) && !mTextureSharedMemoryName.empty())
+ {
+ result = (unsigned char*)mPlugin->getSharedMemoryAddress(mTextureSharedMemoryName);
+ }
+ return result;
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setSize(int width, int height)
+ if((width > 0) && (height > 0))
+ {
+ mSetMediaWidth = width;
+ mSetMediaHeight = height;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mSetMediaWidth = -1;
+ mSetMediaHeight = -1;
+ }
+ setSizeInternal();
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setSizeInternal(void)
+ if((mSetMediaWidth > 0) && (mSetMediaHeight > 0))
+ {
+ mRequestedMediaWidth = mSetMediaWidth;
+ mRequestedMediaHeight = mSetMediaHeight;
+ }
+ else if((mNaturalMediaWidth > 0) && (mNaturalMediaHeight > 0))
+ {
+ mRequestedMediaWidth = mNaturalMediaWidth;
+ mRequestedMediaHeight = mNaturalMediaHeight;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mRequestedMediaWidth = mDefaultMediaWidth;
+ mRequestedMediaHeight = mDefaultMediaHeight;
+ }
+ // Save these for size/interest calculations
+ mFullMediaWidth = mRequestedMediaWidth;
+ mFullMediaHeight = mRequestedMediaHeight;
+ if(mAllowDownsample)
+ {
+ switch(mPriority)
+ {
+ // Reduce maximum texture dimension to (or below) mLowPrioritySizeLimit
+ while((mRequestedMediaWidth > mLowPrioritySizeLimit) || (mRequestedMediaHeight > mLowPrioritySizeLimit))
+ {
+ mRequestedMediaWidth /= 2;
+ mRequestedMediaHeight /= 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Don't adjust texture size
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(mAutoScaleMedia)
+ {
+ mRequestedMediaWidth = nextPowerOf2(mRequestedMediaWidth);
+ mRequestedMediaHeight = nextPowerOf2(mRequestedMediaHeight);
+ }
+ if (!gHiDPISupport)
+ {
+ if (mRequestedMediaWidth > 2048)
+ mRequestedMediaWidth = 2048;
+ if (mRequestedMediaHeight > 2048)
+ mRequestedMediaHeight = 2048;
+ }
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setAutoScale(bool auto_scale)
+ if(auto_scale != mAutoScaleMedia)
+ {
+ mAutoScaleMedia = auto_scale;
+ setSizeInternal();
+ }
+bool LLPluginClassMedia::textureValid(void)
+ if(
+ !mTextureParamsReceived ||
+ mTextureWidth <= 0 ||
+ mTextureHeight <= 0 ||
+ mMediaWidth <= 0 ||
+ mMediaHeight <= 0 ||
+ mRequestedMediaWidth != mMediaWidth ||
+ mRequestedMediaHeight != mMediaHeight ||
+ getBitsData() == NULL
+ )
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginClassMedia::getDirty(LLRect *dirty_rect)
+ bool result = !mDirtyRect.isEmpty();
+ if(dirty_rect != NULL)
+ {
+ *dirty_rect = mDirtyRect;
+ }
+ return result;
+void LLPluginClassMedia::resetDirty(void)
+ mDirtyRect = LLRect::null;
+std::string LLPluginClassMedia::translateModifiers(MASK modifiers)
+ std::string result;
+ if(modifiers & MASK_CONTROL)
+ {
+ result += "control|";
+ }
+ if(modifiers & MASK_ALT)
+ {
+ result += "alt|";
+ }
+ if(modifiers & MASK_SHIFT)
+ {
+ result += "shift|";
+ }
+ // TODO: should I deal with platform differences here or in callers?
+ // TODO: how do we deal with the Mac "command" key?
+ if(modifiers & MASK_SOMETHING)
+ {
+ result += "meta|";
+ }
+ return result;
+void LLPluginClassMedia::jsEnableObject( bool enable )
+ if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_enable_object");
+ message.setValueBoolean( "enable", enable );
+ sendMessage( message );
+void LLPluginClassMedia::jsAgentLocationEvent( double x, double y, double z )
+ if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_agent_location");
+ message.setValueReal( "x", x );
+ message.setValueReal( "y", y );
+ message.setValueReal( "z", z );
+ sendMessage( message );
+void LLPluginClassMedia::jsAgentGlobalLocationEvent( double x, double y, double z )
+ if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_agent_global_location");
+ message.setValueReal( "x", x );
+ message.setValueReal( "y", y );
+ message.setValueReal( "z", z );
+ sendMessage( message );
+void LLPluginClassMedia::jsAgentOrientationEvent( double angle )
+ if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_agent_orientation");
+ message.setValueReal( "angle", angle );
+ sendMessage( message );
+void LLPluginClassMedia::jsAgentLanguageEvent( const std::string& language )
+ if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_agent_language");
+ message.setValue( "language", language );
+ sendMessage( message );
+void LLPluginClassMedia::jsAgentRegionEvent( const std::string& region )
+ if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_agent_region");
+ message.setValue( "region", region );
+ sendMessage( message );
+void LLPluginClassMedia::jsAgentMaturityEvent( const std::string& maturity )
+ if( ! mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked() )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "js_agent_maturity");
+ message.setValue( "maturity", maturity );
+ sendMessage( message );
+void LLPluginClassMedia::mouseEvent(EMouseEventType type, int button, int x, int y, MASK modifiers)
+ if(type == MOUSE_EVENT_MOVE)
+ {
+ if(!mPlugin || !mPlugin->isRunning() || mPlugin->isBlocked())
+ {
+ // Don't queue up mouse move events that can't be delivered.
+ return;
+ }
+ if((x == mLastMouseX) && (y == mLastMouseY))
+ {
+ // Don't spam unnecessary mouse move events.
+ return;
+ }
+ mLastMouseX = x;
+ mLastMouseY = y;
+ }
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "mouse_event");
+ std::string temp;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case MOUSE_EVENT_DOWN: temp = "down"; break;
+ case MOUSE_EVENT_UP: temp = "up"; break;
+ case MOUSE_EVENT_MOVE: temp = "move"; break;
+ case MOUSE_EVENT_DOUBLE_CLICK: temp = "double_click"; break;
+ }
+ message.setValue("event", temp);
+ message.setValueS32("button", button);
+ message.setValueS32("x", x);
+ // Incoming coordinates are OpenGL-style ((0,0) = lower left), so flip them here if the plugin has requested it.
+ if(!mRequestedTextureCoordsOpenGL)
+ {
+ // TODO: Should I use mMediaHeight or mRequestedMediaHeight here?
+ y = mMediaHeight - y;
+ }
+ message.setValueS32("y", y);
+ message.setValue("modifiers", translateModifiers(modifiers));
+ sendMessage(message);
+bool LLPluginClassMedia::keyEvent(EKeyEventType type, int key_code, MASK modifiers, LLSD native_key_data)
+ bool result = true;
+ // FIXME:
+ // HACK: we don't have an easy way to tell if the plugin is going to handle a particular keycode.
+ // For now, return false for the ones the webkit plugin won't handle properly.
+ switch(key_code)
+ {
+ case KEY_TAB:
+ case KEY_RETURN:
+ case KEY_SHIFT:
+ case KEY_ALT:
+ case KEY_ESCAPE:
+ case KEY_PAGE_UP:
+ case KEY_END:
+ case KEY_HOME:
+ case KEY_LEFT:
+ case KEY_UP:
+ case KEY_RIGHT:
+ case KEY_DOWN:
+ case KEY_INSERT:
+ case KEY_DELETE:
+ // These will be handled
+ break;
+ default:
+ // regular ASCII characters will also be handled
+ if(key_code >= KEY_SPECIAL)
+ {
+ // Other "special" codes will not work properly.
+ result = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(modifiers & MASK_ALT)
+ {
+ // Option-key modified characters should be handled by the unicode input path instead of this one.
+ result = false;
+ }
+ if(result)
+ {
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "key_event");
+ std::string temp;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case KEY_EVENT_DOWN: temp = "down"; break;
+ case KEY_EVENT_UP: temp = "up"; break;
+ case KEY_EVENT_REPEAT: temp = "repeat"; break;
+ }
+ message.setValue("event", temp);
+ message.setValueS32("key", key_code);
+ message.setValue("modifiers", translateModifiers(modifiers));
+ message.setValueLLSD("native_key_data", native_key_data);
+ sendMessage(message);
+ }
+ return result;
+void LLPluginClassMedia::scrollEvent(int x, int y, int clicks_x, int clicks_y, MASK modifiers)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "scroll_event");
+ message.setValueS32("x", x);
+ message.setValueS32("y", y);
+ message.setValueS32("clicks_x", clicks_x);
+ message.setValueS32("clicks_y", clicks_y);
+ message.setValue("modifiers", translateModifiers(modifiers));
+ sendMessage(message);
+bool LLPluginClassMedia::textInput(const std::string &text, MASK modifiers, LLSD native_key_data)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "text_event");
+ message.setValue("text", text);
+ message.setValue("modifiers", translateModifiers(modifiers));
+ message.setValueLLSD("native_key_data", native_key_data);
+ sendMessage(message);
+ return true;
+// This function injects a previously stored OpenID cookie into
+// each new media instance - see SL-15867 for details. It appears
+// that the way we use the cache, shared between multiple CEF
+// instances means that sometimes the OpenID cookie cannot be read
+// even though it appears to be there. The long term solution to
+// this is to create a separate cache directory for each instance
+// but that has its own set of problems. This short term approach
+// "forces" each new media instance to have a copy of the cookie
+// so that a page that needs it - e.g. Profiles - finds it and
+// can log in successfully.
+void LLPluginClassMedia::injectOpenIDCookie()
+ // can be called before we know who the user is at login
+ // and there is no OpenID cookie at that point so no
+ // need to try to set it (these values will all be empty)
+ if (sOIDcookieName.length() && sOIDcookieValue.length())
+ {
+ setCookie(sOIDcookieUrl, sOIDcookieName,
+ sOIDcookieValue, sOIDcookieHost, sOIDcookiePath, sOIDcookieHttpOnly, sOIDcookieSecure);
+ }
+// We store each component of the OpenI cookie individuality here
+// because previously, there was some significant parsing to
+// break up the raw string into these components and we do not
+// want to have to do that again here. Stored as statics because
+// we want to share their value between all instances of this
+// class - the ones that receive it at login and any others
+// that open afterwards (e.g. the Profiles floater)
+std::string LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookieUrl = std::string();
+std::string LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookieName = std::string();
+std::string LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookieValue = std::string();
+std::string LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookieHost = std::string();
+std::string LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookiePath = std::string();
+bool LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookieHttpOnly = false;
+bool LLPluginClassMedia::sOIDcookieSecure = false;
+// Once we receive the OpenID cookie, it is parsed/processed
+// in llViewerMedia::parseRawCookie() and then the component
+// values are stored here so that next time a new media
+// instance is created, we can use injectOpenIDCookie()
+// to "insist" that the cookie store remember its value.
+// One might ask why we need to go via LLViewerMedia (which
+// makes this call) - this is because the raw cookie arrives
+// here in this file but undergoes non-trivial processing
+// in LLViewerMedia.
+void LLPluginClassMedia::storeOpenIDCookie(const std::string url,
+ const std::string name, const std::string value,
+ const std::string host, const std::string path,
+ bool httponly, bool secure)
+ sOIDcookieUrl = url;
+ sOIDcookieName = name;
+ sOIDcookieValue = value;
+ sOIDcookieHost = host;
+ sOIDcookiePath = path;
+ sOIDcookieHttpOnly = httponly;
+ sOIDcookieSecure = secure;
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setCookie(std::string uri, std::string name, std::string value, std::string domain, std::string path, bool httponly, bool secure)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "set_cookie");
+ message.setValue("uri", uri);
+ message.setValue("name", name);
+ message.setValue("value", value);
+ message.setValue("domain", domain);
+ message.setValue("path", path);
+ message.setValueBoolean("httponly", httponly);
+ message.setValueBoolean("secure", secure);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::loadURI(const std::string &uri)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "load_uri");
+ message.setValue("uri", uri);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::executeJavaScript(const std::string &code)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "execute_javascript");
+ message.setValue("code", code);
+ sendMessage(message);
+const char* LLPluginClassMedia::priorityToString(EPriority priority)
+ const char* result = "UNKNOWN";
+ switch(priority)
+ {
+ case PRIORITY_UNLOADED: result = "unloaded"; break;
+ case PRIORITY_STOPPED: result = "stopped"; break;
+ case PRIORITY_HIDDEN: result = "hidden"; break;
+ case PRIORITY_SLIDESHOW: result = "slideshow"; break;
+ case PRIORITY_LOW: result = "low"; break;
+ case PRIORITY_NORMAL: result = "normal"; break;
+ case PRIORITY_HIGH: result = "high"; break;
+ }
+ return result;
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setPriority(EPriority priority)
+ if(mPriority != priority)
+ {
+ mPriority = priority;
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "set_priority");
+ std::string priority_string = priorityToString(priority);
+ switch(priority)
+ {
+ mSleepTime = 1.0f;
+ break;
+ mSleepTime = 1.0f;
+ break;
+ mSleepTime = 1.0f;
+ break;
+ mSleepTime = 1.0f;
+ break;
+ mSleepTime = 1.0f / 25.0f;
+ break;
+ mSleepTime = 1.0f / 50.0f;
+ break;
+ mSleepTime = 1.0f / 100.0f;
+ break;
+ }
+ message.setValue("priority", priority_string);
+ sendMessage(message);
+ if(mPlugin)
+ {
+ mPlugin->setSleepTime(mSleepTime);
+ }
+ LL_DEBUGS("PluginPriority") << this << ": setting priority to " << priority_string << LL_ENDL;
+ // This may affect the calculated size, so recalculate it here.
+ setSizeInternal();
+ }
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setLowPrioritySizeLimit(int size)
+ int power = nextPowerOf2(size);
+ if(mLowPrioritySizeLimit != power)
+ {
+ mLowPrioritySizeLimit = power;
+ // This may affect the calculated size, so recalculate it here.
+ setSizeInternal();
+ }
+F64 LLPluginClassMedia::getCPUUsage()
+ F64 result = 0.0f;
+ if(mPlugin)
+ {
+ result = mPlugin->getCPUUsage();
+ }
+ return result;
+void LLPluginClassMedia::sendPickFileResponse(const std::vector<std::string> files)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "pick_file_response");
+ if(mPlugin && mPlugin->isBlocked())
+ {
+ // If the plugin sent a blocking pick-file request, the response should unblock it.
+ message.setValueBoolean("blocking_response", true);
+ }
+ LLSD file_list = LLSD::emptyArray();
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator in_iter = files.begin(); in_iter != files.end(); ++in_iter)
+ {
+ file_list.append(LLSD::String(*in_iter));
+ }
+ message.setValueLLSD("file_list", file_list);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::sendAuthResponse(bool ok, const std::string &username, const std::string &password)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "auth_response");
+ message.setValueBoolean("ok", ok);
+ message.setValue("username", username);
+ message.setValue("password", password);
+ if(mPlugin && mPlugin->isBlocked())
+ {
+ // If the plugin sent a blocking pick-file request, the response should unblock it.
+ message.setValueBoolean("blocking_response", true);
+ }
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::cut()
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "edit_cut");
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::copy()
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "edit_copy");
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::paste()
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "edit_paste");
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setUserDataPath(const std::string &user_data_path_cache,
+ const std::string &username,
+ const std::string &user_data_path_cef_log)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "set_user_data_path");
+ message.setValue("cache_path", user_data_path_cache);
+ message.setValue("username", username); // cef shares cache between users but creates user-based contexts
+ message.setValue("cef_log_file", user_data_path_cef_log);
+ bool cef_verbose_log = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CefVerboseLog");
+ message.setValueBoolean("cef_verbose_log", cef_verbose_log);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setLanguageCode(const std::string &language_code)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "set_language_code");
+ message.setValue("language", language_code);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setPluginsEnabled(const bool enabled)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "plugins_enabled");
+ message.setValueBoolean("enable", enabled);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setJavascriptEnabled(const bool enabled)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "javascript_enabled");
+ message.setValueBoolean("enable", enabled);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setWebSecurityDisabled(const bool disabled)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "web_security_disabled");
+ message.setValueBoolean("disabled", disabled);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setFileAccessFromFileUrlsEnabled(const bool enabled)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "file_access_from_file_urls");
+ message.setValueBoolean("enabled", enabled);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::enableMediaPluginDebugging( bool enable )
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "enable_media_plugin_debugging");
+ message.setValueBoolean( "enable", enable );
+ sendMessage( message );
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setTarget(const std::string &target)
+ mTarget = target;
+/* virtual */
+void LLPluginClassMedia::receivePluginMessage(const LLPluginMessage &message)
+ std::string message_class = message.getClass();
+ if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA)
+ {
+ std::string message_name = message.getName();
+ if(message_name == "texture_params")
+ {
+ mRequestedTextureDepth = message.getValueS32("depth");
+ mRequestedTextureInternalFormat = message.getValueU32("internalformat");
+ mRequestedTextureFormat = message.getValueU32("format");
+ mRequestedTextureType = message.getValueU32("type");
+ mRequestedTextureSwapBytes = message.getValueBoolean("swap_bytes");
+ mRequestedTextureCoordsOpenGL = message.getValueBoolean("coords_opengl");
+ // These two are optional, and will default to 0 if they're not specified.
+ mDefaultMediaWidth = message.getValueS32("default_width");
+ mDefaultMediaHeight = message.getValueS32("default_height");
+ mAllowDownsample = message.getValueBoolean("allow_downsample");
+ mPadding = message.getValueS32("padding");
+ setSizeInternal();
+ mTextureParamsReceived = true;
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "updated")
+ {
+ if(message.hasValue("left"))
+ {
+ LLRect newDirtyRect;
+ newDirtyRect.mLeft = message.getValueS32("left");
+ newDirtyRect.mTop = message.getValueS32("top");
+ newDirtyRect.mRight = message.getValueS32("right");
+ newDirtyRect.mBottom = message.getValueS32("bottom");
+ // The plugin is likely to have top and bottom switched, due to vertical flip and OpenGL coordinate confusion.
+ // If they're backwards, swap them.
+ if(newDirtyRect.mTop < newDirtyRect.mBottom)
+ {
+ S32 temp = newDirtyRect.mTop;
+ newDirtyRect.mTop = newDirtyRect.mBottom;
+ newDirtyRect.mBottom = temp;
+ }
+ if(mDirtyRect.isEmpty())
+ {
+ mDirtyRect = newDirtyRect;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mDirtyRect.unionWith(newDirtyRect);
+ }
+ LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "adjusted incoming rect is: ("
+ << newDirtyRect.mLeft << ", "
+ << newDirtyRect.mTop << ", "
+ << newDirtyRect.mRight << ", "
+ << newDirtyRect.mBottom << "), new dirty rect is: ("
+ << mDirtyRect.mLeft << ", "
+ << mDirtyRect.mTop << ", "
+ << mDirtyRect.mRight << ", "
+ << mDirtyRect.mBottom << ")"
+ << LL_ENDL;
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_CONTENT_UPDATED);
+ }
+ bool time_duration_updated = false;
+ int previous_percent = mProgressPercent;
+ if(message.hasValue("current_time"))
+ {
+ mCurrentTime = message.getValueReal("current_time");
+ time_duration_updated = true;
+ }
+ if(message.hasValue("duration"))
+ {
+ mDuration = message.getValueReal("duration");
+ time_duration_updated = true;
+ }
+ if(message.hasValue("current_rate"))
+ {
+ mCurrentRate = message.getValueReal("current_rate");
+ }
+ if(message.hasValue("loaded_duration"))
+ {
+ mLoadedDuration = message.getValueReal("loaded_duration");
+ time_duration_updated = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If the message doesn't contain a loaded_duration param, assume it's equal to duration
+ mLoadedDuration = mDuration;
+ }
+ // Calculate a percentage based on the loaded duration and total duration.
+ if(mDuration != 0.0f) // Don't divide by zero.
+ {
+ mProgressPercent = (int)((mLoadedDuration * 100.0f)/mDuration);
+ }
+ if(time_duration_updated)
+ {
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_TIME_DURATION_UPDATED);
+ }
+ if(previous_percent != mProgressPercent)
+ {
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_PROGRESS_UPDATED);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "media_status")
+ {
+ std::string status = message.getValue("status");
+ LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "Status changed to: " << status << LL_ENDL;
+ if(status == "loading")
+ {
+ mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_LOADING;
+ }
+ else if(status == "loaded")
+ {
+ mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_LOADED;
+ }
+ else if(status == "error")
+ {
+ mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_ERROR;
+ }
+ else if(status == "playing")
+ {
+ mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_PLAYING;
+ }
+ else if(status == "paused")
+ {
+ mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_PAUSED;
+ }
+ else if(status == "done")
+ {
+ mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_DONE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // empty string or any unknown string
+ mStatus = LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_NONE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "size_change_request")
+ {
+ S32 width = message.getValueS32("width");
+ S32 height = message.getValueS32("height");
+ std::string name = message.getValue("name");
+ // TODO: check that name matches?
+ mNaturalMediaWidth = width;
+ mNaturalMediaHeight = height;
+ setSizeInternal();
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "size_change_response")
+ {
+ std::string name = message.getValue("name");
+ // TODO: check that name matches?
+ mTextureWidth = message.getValueS32("texture_width");
+ mTextureHeight = message.getValueS32("texture_height");
+ mMediaWidth = message.getValueS32("width");
+ mMediaHeight = message.getValueS32("height");
+ // This invalidates any existing dirty rect.
+ resetDirty();
+ // TODO: should we verify that the plugin sent back the right values?
+ // Two size changes in a row may cause them to not match, due to queueing, etc.
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_SIZE_CHANGED);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "cursor_changed")
+ {
+ mCursorName = message.getValue("name");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_CURSOR_CHANGED);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "edit_state")
+ {
+ if(message.hasValue("cut"))
+ {
+ mCanCut = message.getValueBoolean("cut");
+ }
+ if(message.hasValue("copy"))
+ {
+ mCanCopy = message.getValueBoolean("copy");
+ }
+ if(message.hasValue("paste"))
+ {
+ mCanPaste = message.getValueBoolean("paste");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "name_text")
+ {
+ mHistoryBackAvailable = message.getValueBoolean("history_back_available");
+ mHistoryForwardAvailable = message.getValueBoolean("history_forward_available");
+ mMediaName = message.getValue("name");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_NAME_CHANGED);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "pick_file")
+ {
+ mIsMultipleFilePick = message.getValueBoolean("multiple_files");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_PICK_FILE_REQUEST);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "auth_request")
+ {
+ mAuthURL = message.getValue("url");
+ mAuthRealm = message.getValue("realm");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_AUTH_REQUEST);
+ }
+ else if (message_name == "file_download")
+ {
+ mFileDownloadFilename = message.getValue("filename");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_FILE_DOWNLOAD);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "debug_message")
+ {
+ mDebugMessageText = message.getValue("message_text");
+ mDebugMessageLevel = message.getValue("message_level");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_DEBUG_MESSAGE);
+ }
+ else if (message_name == "tooltip_text")
+ {
+ mHoverText = message.getValue("tooltip");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Unknown " << message_name << " class message: " << message_name << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER)
+ {
+ std::string message_name = message.getName();
+ if(message_name == "navigate_begin")
+ {
+ mNavigateURI = message.getValue("uri");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_BEGIN);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "navigate_complete")
+ {
+ mNavigateURI = message.getValue("uri");
+ mNavigateResultCode = message.getValueS32("result_code");
+ mNavigateResultString = message.getValue("result_string");
+ mHistoryBackAvailable = message.getValueBoolean("history_back_available");
+ mHistoryForwardAvailable = message.getValueBoolean("history_forward_available");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_COMPLETE);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "progress")
+ {
+ mProgressPercent = message.getValueS32("percent");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_PROGRESS_UPDATED);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "status_text")
+ {
+ mStatusText = message.getValue("status");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_STATUS_TEXT_CHANGED);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "location_changed")
+ {
+ mLocation = message.getValue("uri");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGED);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "click_href")
+ {
+ mClickURL = message.getValue("uri");
+ mClickTarget = message.getValue("target");
+ // need a link to have a UUID that identifies it to a system further
+ // upstream - plugin could make it but we have access to LLUUID here
+ // so why don't we use it
+ mClickUUID = LLUUID::generateNewID().asString();
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_CLICK_LINK_HREF);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "click_nofollow")
+ {
+ mClickURL = message.getValue("uri");
+ mClickNavType = message.getValue("nav_type");
+ mClickTarget.clear();
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_CLICK_LINK_NOFOLLOW);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "navigate_error_page")
+ {
+ mStatusCode = message.getValueS32("status_code");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_ERROR_PAGE);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "close_request")
+ {
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_CLOSE_REQUEST);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "geometry_change")
+ {
+ mClickUUID = message.getValue("uuid");
+ mGeometryX = message.getValueS32("x");
+ mGeometryY = message.getValueS32("y");
+ mGeometryWidth = message.getValueS32("width");
+ mGeometryHeight = message.getValueS32("height");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_GEOMETRY_CHANGE);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "link_hovered")
+ {
+ // text is not currently used -- the tooltip hover text is taken from the "title".
+ mHoverLink = message.getValue("link");
+ mHoverText = message.getValue("title");
+ // message.getValue("text");
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_LINK_HOVERED);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Unknown " << message_name << " class message: " << message_name << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME)
+ {
+ std::string message_name = message.getName();
+ // This class hasn't defined any incoming messages yet.
+// if(message_name == "message_name")
+// {
+// }
+// else
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Unknown " << message_name << " class message: " << message_name << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ }
+/* virtual */
+void LLPluginClassMedia::pluginLaunchFailed()
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_PLUGIN_FAILED_LAUNCH);
+/* virtual */
+void LLPluginClassMedia::pluginDied()
+ mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_EVENT_PLUGIN_FAILED);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::mediaEvent(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::EMediaEvent event)
+ if(mOwner)
+ {
+ mOwner->handleMediaEvent(this, event);
+ }
+void LLPluginClassMedia::sendMessage(const LLPluginMessage &message)
+ if(mPlugin && mPlugin->isRunning())
+ {
+ mPlugin->sendMessage(message);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The plugin isn't set up yet -- queue this message to be sent after initialization.
+ mSendQueue.push(message);
+ }
+// MARK: media_browser class functions
+bool LLPluginClassMedia::pluginSupportsMediaBrowser(void)
+ std::string version = mPlugin->getMessageClassVersion(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER);
+ return !version.empty();
+void LLPluginClassMedia::focus(bool focused)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "focus");
+ message.setValueBoolean("focused", focused);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::set_page_zoom_factor( F64 factor )
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "set_page_zoom_factor");
+ message.setValueReal("factor", factor);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::clear_cache()
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "clear_cache");
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::clear_cookies()
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "clear_cookies");
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::cookies_enabled(bool enable)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "cookies_enabled");
+ message.setValueBoolean("enable", enable);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::proxy_setup(bool enable, const std::string &host, int port)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "proxy_setup");
+ message.setValueBoolean("enable", enable);
+ message.setValue("host", host);
+ message.setValueS32("port", port);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::browse_stop()
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "browse_stop");
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::browse_reload(bool ignore_cache)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "browse_reload");
+ message.setValueBoolean("ignore_cache", ignore_cache);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::browse_forward()
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "browse_forward");
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::browse_back()
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "browse_back");
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setBrowserUserAgent(const std::string& user_agent)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "set_user_agent");
+ message.setValue("user_agent", user_agent);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::showWebInspector( bool show )
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "show_web_inspector");
+ message.setValueBoolean("show", true); // only open for now - closed manually by user
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::proxyWindowOpened(const std::string &target, const std::string &uuid)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "proxy_window_opened");
+ message.setValue("target", target);
+ message.setValue("uuid", uuid);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::proxyWindowClosed(const std::string &uuid)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "proxy_window_closed");
+ message.setValue("uuid", uuid);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::ignore_ssl_cert_errors(bool ignore)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "ignore_ssl_cert_errors");
+ message.setValueBoolean("ignore", ignore);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::addCertificateFilePath(const std::string& path)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "add_certificate_file_path");
+ message.setValue("path", path);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setOverrideClickTarget(const std::string &target)
+ mClickEnforceTarget = true;
+ mOverrideClickTarget = target;
+void LLPluginClassMedia::crashPlugin()
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_INTERNAL, "crash");
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::hangPlugin()
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_INTERNAL, "hang");
+ sendMessage(message);
+// MARK: media_time class functions
+bool LLPluginClassMedia::pluginSupportsMediaTime(void)
+ std::string version = mPlugin->getMessageClassVersion(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME);
+ return !version.empty();
+void LLPluginClassMedia::stop()
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME, "stop");
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::start(float rate)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME, "start");
+ message.setValueReal("rate", rate);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::pause()
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME, "pause");
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::seek(float time)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME, "seek");
+ message.setValueReal("time", time);
+ mCurrentTime = time; // assume that it worked and we will receive an update later
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setLoop(bool loop)
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME, "set_loop");
+ message.setValueBoolean("loop", loop);
+ sendMessage(message);
+void LLPluginClassMedia::setVolume(float volume)
+ if(volume != mRequestedVolume)
+ {
+ mRequestedVolume = volume;
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME, "set_volume");
+ message.setValueReal("volume", volume);
+ sendMessage(message);
+ }
+float LLPluginClassMedia::getVolume()
+ return mRequestedVolume;
+void LLPluginClassMedia::initializeUrlHistory(const LLSD& url_history)
+ // Send URL history to plugin
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "init_history");
+ message.setValueLLSD("history", url_history);
+ sendMessage(message);
+ LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "Sending history" << LL_ENDL;
diff --git a/indra/llplugin/llpluginsharedmemory.cpp b/indra/llplugin/llpluginsharedmemory.cpp
index e6c43f5fcc..a10d251069 100644
--- a/indra/llplugin/llpluginsharedmemory.cpp
+++ b/indra/llplugin/llpluginsharedmemory.cpp
@@ -1,502 +1,502 @@
- * @file llpluginsharedmemory.cpp
- * LLPluginSharedMemory manages a shared memory segment for use by the LLPlugin API.
- *
- * @cond
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- * @endcond
- */
-#include "linden_common.h"
-#include "llpluginsharedmemory.h"
-// on Mac and Linux, we use the native shm_open/mmap interface by using
-// in the appropriate sections below.
-// For Windows, use:
-// #define USE_WIN32_SHARED_MEMORY 1
-// If we ever want to fall back to the apr implementation for a platform, use:
-#elif LL_DARWIN
-#elif LL_LINUX
-// FIXME: This path thing is evil and unacceptable.
- // Apparnently using the "Global\\" prefix here only works from administrative accounts under Vista.
- // Other options I've seen referenced are "Local\\" and "Session\\".
- // mac and linux
- #include "llapr.h"
- #include "apr_shm.h"
- #include <sys/fcntl.h>
- #include <sys/mman.h>
- #include <errno.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-int LLPluginSharedMemory::sSegmentNumber = 0;
-std::string LLPluginSharedMemory::createName(void)
- std::stringstream newname;
- newname << GetCurrentProcessId();
-#else // LL_WINDOWS
- newname << getpid();
-#endif // LL_WINDOWS
- newname << "_" << sSegmentNumber++;
- return newname.str();
- * @brief LLPluginSharedMemoryImpl is the platform-dependent implementation of LLPluginSharedMemory. TODO:DOC is this necessary/sufficient? kinda obvious.
- *
- */
-class LLPluginSharedMemoryPlatformImpl
- LLPluginSharedMemoryPlatformImpl();
- ~LLPluginSharedMemoryPlatformImpl();
- apr_shm_t* mAprSharedMemory;
- int mSharedMemoryFD;
- HANDLE mMapFile;
- * Constructor. Creates a shared memory segment.
- */
- mSize = 0;
- mMappedAddress = NULL;
- mNeedsDestroy = false;
- mImpl = new LLPluginSharedMemoryPlatformImpl;
- * Destructor. Uses destroy() and detach() to ensure shared memory segment is cleaned up.
- */
- if(mNeedsDestroy)
- destroy();
- else
- detach();
- unlink();
- delete mImpl;
-// MARK: apr implementation
- mAprSharedMemory = NULL;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::map(void)
- mMappedAddress = apr_shm_baseaddr_get(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory);
- if(mMappedAddress == NULL)
- {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::unmap(void)
- // This is a no-op under apr.
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::close(void)
- // This is a no-op under apr.
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::unlink(void)
- // This is a no-op under apr.
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::create(size_t size)
- mName += createName();
- mSize = size;
- apr_status_t status = apr_shm_create( &(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory), mSize, mName.c_str(), gAPRPoolp );
- if(ll_apr_warn_status(status))
- {
- return false;
- }
- mNeedsDestroy = true;
- return map();
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::destroy(void)
- if(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory)
- {
- apr_status_t status = apr_shm_destroy(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory);
- if(ll_apr_warn_status(status))
- {
- // TODO: Is this a fatal error? I think not...
- }
- mImpl->mAprSharedMemory = NULL;
- }
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::attach(const std::string &name, size_t size)
- mName = name;
- mSize = size;
- apr_status_t status = apr_shm_attach( &(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory), mName.c_str(), gAPRPoolp );
- if(ll_apr_warn_status(status))
- {
- return false;
- }
- return map();
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::detach(void)
- if(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory)
- {
- apr_status_t status = apr_shm_detach(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory);
- if(ll_apr_warn_status(status))
- {
- // TODO: Is this a fatal error? I think not...
- }
- mImpl->mAprSharedMemory = NULL;
- }
- return true;
-// MARK: shm_open/mmap implementation
- mSharedMemoryFD = -1;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::map(void)
- mMappedAddress = ::mmap(NULL, mSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD, 0);
- if(mMappedAddress == NULL)
- {
- return false;
- }
- LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "memory mapped at " << mMappedAddress << LL_ENDL;
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::unmap(void)
- if(mMappedAddress != NULL)
- {
- LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "calling munmap(" << mMappedAddress << ", " << mSize << ")" << LL_ENDL;
- if(::munmap(mMappedAddress, mSize) == -1)
- {
- // TODO: Is this a fatal error? I think not...
- }
- mMappedAddress = NULL;
- }
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::close(void)
- if(mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD != -1)
- {
- LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "calling close(" << mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD << ")" << LL_ENDL;
- if(::close(mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD) == -1)
- {
- // TODO: Is this a fatal error? I think not...
- }
- mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD = -1;
- }
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::unlink(void)
- if(!mName.empty())
- {
- if(::shm_unlink(mName.c_str()) == -1)
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::create(size_t size)
- mName += createName();
- mSize = size;
- // Preemptive unlink, just in case something didn't get cleaned up.
- unlink();
- mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD = ::shm_open(mName.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
- if(mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD == -1)
- {
- return false;
- }
- mNeedsDestroy = true;
- if(::ftruncate(mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD, mSize) == -1)
- {
- return false;
- }
- return map();
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::destroy(void)
- unmap();
- close();
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::attach(const std::string &name, size_t size)
- mName = name;
- mSize = size;
- mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD = ::shm_open(mName.c_str(), O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
- if(mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD == -1)
- {
- return false;
- }
- // unlink here so the segment will be cleaned up automatically after the last close.
- unlink();
- return map();
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::detach(void)
- unmap();
- close();
- return true;
-// MARK: Win32 CreateFileMapping-based implementation
-// Reference:
- mMapFile = NULL;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::map(void)
- mMappedAddress = MapViewOfFile(
- mImpl->mMapFile, // handle to map object
- FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write permission
- 0,
- 0,
- mSize);
- if(mMappedAddress == NULL)
- {
- LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "MapViewOfFile failed: " << GetLastError() << LL_ENDL;
- return false;
- }
- LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "memory mapped at " << mMappedAddress << LL_ENDL;
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::unmap(void)
- if(mMappedAddress != NULL)
- {
- UnmapViewOfFile(mMappedAddress);
- mMappedAddress = NULL;
- }
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::close(void)
- if(mImpl->mMapFile != NULL)
- {
- CloseHandle(mImpl->mMapFile);
- mImpl->mMapFile = NULL;
- }
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::unlink(void)
- // This is a no-op on Windows.
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::create(size_t size)
- mName += createName();
- mSize = size;
- mImpl->mMapFile = CreateFileMappingA(
- INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // use paging file
- NULL, // default security
- PAGE_READWRITE, // read/write access
- 0, // max. object size
- mSize, // buffer size
- mName.c_str()); // name of mapping object
- if(mImpl->mMapFile == NULL)
- {
- LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "CreateFileMapping failed: " << GetLastError() << LL_ENDL;
- return false;
- }
- mNeedsDestroy = true;
- return map();
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::destroy(void)
- unmap();
- close();
- return true;
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::attach(const std::string &name, size_t size)
- mName = name;
- mSize = size;
- mImpl->mMapFile = OpenFileMappingA(
- FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write access
- false, // do not inherit the name
- mName.c_str()); // name of mapping object
- if(mImpl->mMapFile == NULL)
- {
- LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "OpenFileMapping failed: " << GetLastError() << LL_ENDL;
- return false;
- }
- return map();
-bool LLPluginSharedMemory::detach(void)
- unmap();
- close();
- return true;
+ * @file llpluginsharedmemory.cpp
+ * LLPluginSharedMemory manages a shared memory segment for use by the LLPlugin API.
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include "llpluginsharedmemory.h"
+// on Mac and Linux, we use the native shm_open/mmap interface by using
+// in the appropriate sections below.
+// For Windows, use:
+// #define USE_WIN32_SHARED_MEMORY 1
+// If we ever want to fall back to the apr implementation for a platform, use:
+#elif LL_DARWIN
+#elif LL_LINUX
+// FIXME: This path thing is evil and unacceptable.
+ // Apparnently using the "Global\\" prefix here only works from administrative accounts under Vista.
+ // Other options I've seen referenced are "Local\\" and "Session\\".
+ // mac and linux
+ #include "llapr.h"
+ #include "apr_shm.h"
+ #include <sys/fcntl.h>
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+int LLPluginSharedMemory::sSegmentNumber = 0;
+std::string LLPluginSharedMemory::createName(void)
+ std::stringstream newname;
+ newname << GetCurrentProcessId();
+#else // LL_WINDOWS
+ newname << getpid();
+#endif // LL_WINDOWS
+ newname << "_" << sSegmentNumber++;
+ return newname.str();
+ * @brief LLPluginSharedMemoryImpl is the platform-dependent implementation of LLPluginSharedMemory. TODO:DOC is this necessary/sufficient? kinda obvious.
+ *
+ */
+class LLPluginSharedMemoryPlatformImpl
+ LLPluginSharedMemoryPlatformImpl();
+ ~LLPluginSharedMemoryPlatformImpl();
+ apr_shm_t* mAprSharedMemory;
+ int mSharedMemoryFD;
+ HANDLE mMapFile;
+ * Constructor. Creates a shared memory segment.
+ */
+ mSize = 0;
+ mMappedAddress = NULL;
+ mNeedsDestroy = false;
+ mImpl = new LLPluginSharedMemoryPlatformImpl;
+ * Destructor. Uses destroy() and detach() to ensure shared memory segment is cleaned up.
+ */
+ if(mNeedsDestroy)
+ destroy();
+ else
+ detach();
+ unlink();
+ delete mImpl;
+// MARK: apr implementation
+ mAprSharedMemory = NULL;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::map(void)
+ mMappedAddress = apr_shm_baseaddr_get(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory);
+ if(mMappedAddress == NULL)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::unmap(void)
+ // This is a no-op under apr.
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::close(void)
+ // This is a no-op under apr.
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::unlink(void)
+ // This is a no-op under apr.
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::create(size_t size)
+ mName += createName();
+ mSize = size;
+ apr_status_t status = apr_shm_create( &(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory), mSize, mName.c_str(), gAPRPoolp );
+ if(ll_apr_warn_status(status))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ mNeedsDestroy = true;
+ return map();
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::destroy(void)
+ if(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory)
+ {
+ apr_status_t status = apr_shm_destroy(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory);
+ if(ll_apr_warn_status(status))
+ {
+ // TODO: Is this a fatal error? I think not...
+ }
+ mImpl->mAprSharedMemory = NULL;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::attach(const std::string &name, size_t size)
+ mName = name;
+ mSize = size;
+ apr_status_t status = apr_shm_attach( &(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory), mName.c_str(), gAPRPoolp );
+ if(ll_apr_warn_status(status))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return map();
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::detach(void)
+ if(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory)
+ {
+ apr_status_t status = apr_shm_detach(mImpl->mAprSharedMemory);
+ if(ll_apr_warn_status(status))
+ {
+ // TODO: Is this a fatal error? I think not...
+ }
+ mImpl->mAprSharedMemory = NULL;
+ }
+ return true;
+// MARK: shm_open/mmap implementation
+ mSharedMemoryFD = -1;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::map(void)
+ mMappedAddress = ::mmap(NULL, mSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD, 0);
+ if(mMappedAddress == NULL)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "memory mapped at " << mMappedAddress << LL_ENDL;
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::unmap(void)
+ if(mMappedAddress != NULL)
+ {
+ LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "calling munmap(" << mMappedAddress << ", " << mSize << ")" << LL_ENDL;
+ if(::munmap(mMappedAddress, mSize) == -1)
+ {
+ // TODO: Is this a fatal error? I think not...
+ }
+ mMappedAddress = NULL;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::close(void)
+ if(mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD != -1)
+ {
+ LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "calling close(" << mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD << ")" << LL_ENDL;
+ if(::close(mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD) == -1)
+ {
+ // TODO: Is this a fatal error? I think not...
+ }
+ mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD = -1;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::unlink(void)
+ if(!mName.empty())
+ {
+ if(::shm_unlink(mName.c_str()) == -1)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::create(size_t size)
+ mName += createName();
+ mSize = size;
+ // Preemptive unlink, just in case something didn't get cleaned up.
+ unlink();
+ mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD = ::shm_open(mName.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
+ if(mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD == -1)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ mNeedsDestroy = true;
+ if(::ftruncate(mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD, mSize) == -1)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return map();
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::destroy(void)
+ unmap();
+ close();
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::attach(const std::string &name, size_t size)
+ mName = name;
+ mSize = size;
+ mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD = ::shm_open(mName.c_str(), O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
+ if(mImpl->mSharedMemoryFD == -1)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // unlink here so the segment will be cleaned up automatically after the last close.
+ unlink();
+ return map();
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::detach(void)
+ unmap();
+ close();
+ return true;
+// MARK: Win32 CreateFileMapping-based implementation
+// Reference:
+ mMapFile = NULL;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::map(void)
+ mMappedAddress = MapViewOfFile(
+ mImpl->mMapFile, // handle to map object
+ FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write permission
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ mSize);
+ if(mMappedAddress == NULL)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "MapViewOfFile failed: " << GetLastError() << LL_ENDL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "memory mapped at " << mMappedAddress << LL_ENDL;
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::unmap(void)
+ if(mMappedAddress != NULL)
+ {
+ UnmapViewOfFile(mMappedAddress);
+ mMappedAddress = NULL;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::close(void)
+ if(mImpl->mMapFile != NULL)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(mImpl->mMapFile);
+ mImpl->mMapFile = NULL;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::unlink(void)
+ // This is a no-op on Windows.
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::create(size_t size)
+ mName += createName();
+ mSize = size;
+ mImpl->mMapFile = CreateFileMappingA(
+ INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // use paging file
+ NULL, // default security
+ PAGE_READWRITE, // read/write access
+ 0, // max. object size
+ mSize, // buffer size
+ mName.c_str()); // name of mapping object
+ if(mImpl->mMapFile == NULL)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "CreateFileMapping failed: " << GetLastError() << LL_ENDL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ mNeedsDestroy = true;
+ return map();
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::destroy(void)
+ unmap();
+ close();
+ return true;
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::attach(const std::string &name, size_t size)
+ mName = name;
+ mSize = size;
+ mImpl->mMapFile = OpenFileMappingA(
+ FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write access
+ false, // do not inherit the name
+ mName.c_str()); // name of mapping object
+ if(mImpl->mMapFile == NULL)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "OpenFileMapping failed: " << GetLastError() << LL_ENDL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return map();
+bool LLPluginSharedMemory::detach(void)
+ unmap();
+ close();
+ return true;
diff --git a/indra/llplugin/slplugin/slplugin.cpp b/indra/llplugin/slplugin/slplugin.cpp
index 2fe94a3387..81a27cf2e5 100644
--- a/indra/llplugin/slplugin/slplugin.cpp
+++ b/indra/llplugin/slplugin/slplugin.cpp
@@ -1,268 +1,268 @@
- * @file slplugin.cpp
- * @brief Loader shell for plugins, intended to be launched by the plugin host application, which directly loads a plugin dynamic library.
- *
- * @cond
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- *
- * @endcond
- */
-#include "linden_common.h"
-#include "llpluginprocesschild.h"
-#include "llpluginmessage.h"
-#include "llerrorcontrol.h"
-#include "llapr.h"
-#include "llstring.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-using namespace std;
- #include "slplugin-objc.h"
- #include <signal.h>
- On Mac OS, since we call WaitNextEvent, this process will show up in the dock unless we set the LSBackgroundOnly or LSUIElement flag in the Info.plist.
- Normally non-bundled binaries don't have an info.plist file, but it's possible to embed one in the binary by adding this to the linker flags:
- -sectcreate __TEXT __info_plist /path/to/slplugin_info.plist
- which means adding this to the gcc flags:
- -Wl,-sectcreate,__TEXT,__info_plist,/path/to/slplugin_info.plist
- Now that SLPlugin is a bundled app on the Mac, this is no longer necessary (it can just use a regular Info.plist file), but I'm leaving this comment in for posterity.
-// Signal handlers to make crashes not show an OS dialog...
-static void crash_handler(int sig)
- // Just exit cleanly.
- // TODO: add our own crash reporting
- _exit(1);
-#include <windows.h>
-// Our exception handler - will probably just exit and the host application
-// will miss the heartbeat and log the error in the usual fashion.
-LONG WINAPI myWin32ExceptionHandler( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* exception_infop )
- //std::cerr << "This plugin (" << __FILE__ << ") - ";
- //std::cerr << "intercepted an unhandled exception and will exit immediately." << std::endl;
- // TODO: replace exception handler before we exit?
-// Hook our exception handler and replace the system one
-void initExceptionHandler()
- // save old exception handler in case we need to restore it at the end
- prev_filter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter( myWin32ExceptionHandler );
-bool checkExceptionHandler()
- bool ok = true;
- prev_filter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(myWin32ExceptionHandler);
- if (prev_filter != myWin32ExceptionHandler)
- {
- LL_WARNS("AppInit") << "Our exception handler (" << (void *)myWin32ExceptionHandler << ") replaced with " << prev_filter << "!" << LL_ENDL;
- ok = false;
- }
- if (prev_filter == nullptr)
- {
- ok = false;
- if (nullptr == myWin32ExceptionHandler)
- {
- LL_WARNS("AppInit") << "Exception handler uninitialized." << LL_ENDL;
- }
- else
- {
- LL_WARNS("AppInit") << "Our exception handler (" << (void *)myWin32ExceptionHandler << ") replaced with NULL!" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- }
- return ok;
-// If this application on Windows platform is a console application, a console is always
-// created which is bad. Making it a Windows "application" via CMake settings but not
-// adding any code to explicitly create windows does the right thing.
-int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- ll_init_apr();
- // Set up llerror logging
- {
- LLError::initForApplication(".",".");
- LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_INFO);
-// LLError::setTagLevel("Plugin", LLError::LEVEL_DEBUG);
-// LLError::logToFile("slplugin.log");
- }
- if( strlen( lpCmdLine ) == 0 )
- {
- LL_ERRS("slplugin") << "usage: " << "SLPlugin" << " launcher_port" << LL_ENDL;
- };
- U32 port = 0;
- if(!LLStringUtil::convertToU32(lpCmdLine, port))
- {
- LL_ERRS("slplugin") << "port number must be numeric" << LL_ENDL;
- };
- // Insert our exception handler into the system so this plugin doesn't
- // display a crash message if something bad happens. The host app will
- // see the missing heartbeat and log appropriately.
- initExceptionHandler();
- if(argc < 2)
- {
- LL_ERRS("slplugin") << "usage: " << argv[0] << " launcher_port" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- U32 port = 0;
- if(!LLStringUtil::convertToU32(argv[1], port))
- {
- LL_ERRS("slplugin") << "port number must be numeric" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- // Catch signals that most kinds of crashes will generate, and exit cleanly so the system crash dialog isn't shown.
- signal(SIGILL, &crash_handler); // illegal instruction
- signal(SIGFPE, &crash_handler); // floating-point exception
- signal(SIGBUS, &crash_handler); // bus error
- signal(SIGSEGV, &crash_handler); // segmentation violation
- signal(SIGSYS, &crash_handler); // non-existent system call invoked
- signal(SIGEMT, &crash_handler); // emulate instruction executed
- LLCocoaPlugin cocoa_interface;
- cocoa_interface.setupCocoa();
- cocoa_interface.createAutoReleasePool();
-#endif //LL_DARWIN
- LLPluginProcessChild *plugin = new LLPluginProcessChild();
- plugin->init(port);
- cocoa_interface.deleteAutoReleasePool();
- LLTimer timer;
- timer.start();
- checkExceptionHandler();
- // If the plugin opens a new window (such as the Flash plugin's fullscreen player), we may need to bring this plugin process to the foreground.
- // Use this to track the current frontmost window and bring this process to the front if it changes.
- // cocoa_interface.mEventTarget = GetEventDispatcherTarget();
- while(!plugin->isDone())
- {
- cocoa_interface.createAutoReleasePool();
- timer.reset();
- plugin->idle();
- {
- cocoa_interface.processEvents();
- }
- F64 elapsed = timer.getElapsedTimeF64();
- F64 remaining = plugin->getSleepTime() - elapsed;
- if(remaining <= 0.0)
- {
- // We've already used our full allotment.
-// LL_INFOS("slplugin") << "elapsed = " << elapsed * 1000.0f << " ms, remaining = " << remaining * 1000.0f << " ms, not sleeping" << LL_ENDL;
- // Still need to service the network...
- plugin->pump();
- }
- else
- {
-// LL_INFOS("slplugin") << "elapsed = " << elapsed * 1000.0f << " ms, remaining = " << remaining * 1000.0f << " ms, sleeping for " << remaining * 1000.0f << " ms" << LL_ENDL;
-// timer.reset();
- // This also services the network as needed.
- plugin->sleep(remaining);
-// LL_INFOS("slplugin") << "slept for "<< timer.getElapsedTimeF64() * 1000.0f << " ms" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- // More agressive checking of interfering exception handlers.
- // Doesn't appear to be required so far - even for plugins
- // that do crash with a single call to the intercept
- // exception handler such as QuickTime.
- //checkExceptionHandler();
- cocoa_interface.deleteAutoReleasePool();
- }
- delete plugin;
- ll_cleanup_apr();
- return 0;
+ * @file slplugin.cpp
+ * @brief Loader shell for plugins, intended to be launched by the plugin host application, which directly loads a plugin dynamic library.
+ *
+ * @cond
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ *
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include "llpluginprocesschild.h"
+#include "llpluginmessage.h"
+#include "llerrorcontrol.h"
+#include "llapr.h"
+#include "llstring.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace std;
+ #include "slplugin-objc.h"
+ #include <signal.h>
+ On Mac OS, since we call WaitNextEvent, this process will show up in the dock unless we set the LSBackgroundOnly or LSUIElement flag in the Info.plist.
+ Normally non-bundled binaries don't have an info.plist file, but it's possible to embed one in the binary by adding this to the linker flags:
+ -sectcreate __TEXT __info_plist /path/to/slplugin_info.plist
+ which means adding this to the gcc flags:
+ -Wl,-sectcreate,__TEXT,__info_plist,/path/to/slplugin_info.plist
+ Now that SLPlugin is a bundled app on the Mac, this is no longer necessary (it can just use a regular Info.plist file), but I'm leaving this comment in for posterity.
+// Signal handlers to make crashes not show an OS dialog...
+static void crash_handler(int sig)
+ // Just exit cleanly.
+ // TODO: add our own crash reporting
+ _exit(1);
+#include <windows.h>
+// Our exception handler - will probably just exit and the host application
+// will miss the heartbeat and log the error in the usual fashion.
+LONG WINAPI myWin32ExceptionHandler( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* exception_infop )
+ //std::cerr << "This plugin (" << __FILE__ << ") - ";
+ //std::cerr << "intercepted an unhandled exception and will exit immediately." << std::endl;
+ // TODO: replace exception handler before we exit?
+// Hook our exception handler and replace the system one
+void initExceptionHandler()
+ // save old exception handler in case we need to restore it at the end
+ prev_filter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter( myWin32ExceptionHandler );
+bool checkExceptionHandler()
+ bool ok = true;
+ prev_filter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(myWin32ExceptionHandler);
+ if (prev_filter != myWin32ExceptionHandler)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("AppInit") << "Our exception handler (" << (void *)myWin32ExceptionHandler << ") replaced with " << prev_filter << "!" << LL_ENDL;
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ if (prev_filter == nullptr)
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ if (nullptr == myWin32ExceptionHandler)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("AppInit") << "Exception handler uninitialized." << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("AppInit") << "Our exception handler (" << (void *)myWin32ExceptionHandler << ") replaced with NULL!" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ }
+ return ok;
+// If this application on Windows platform is a console application, a console is always
+// created which is bad. Making it a Windows "application" via CMake settings but not
+// adding any code to explicitly create windows does the right thing.
+int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ ll_init_apr();
+ // Set up llerror logging
+ {
+ LLError::initForApplication(".",".");
+ LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_INFO);
+// LLError::setTagLevel("Plugin", LLError::LEVEL_DEBUG);
+// LLError::logToFile("slplugin.log");
+ }
+ if( strlen( lpCmdLine ) == 0 )
+ {
+ LL_ERRS("slplugin") << "usage: " << "SLPlugin" << " launcher_port" << LL_ENDL;
+ };
+ U32 port = 0;
+ if(!LLStringUtil::convertToU32(lpCmdLine, port))
+ {
+ LL_ERRS("slplugin") << "port number must be numeric" << LL_ENDL;
+ };
+ // Insert our exception handler into the system so this plugin doesn't
+ // display a crash message if something bad happens. The host app will
+ // see the missing heartbeat and log appropriately.
+ initExceptionHandler();
+ if(argc < 2)
+ {
+ LL_ERRS("slplugin") << "usage: " << argv[0] << " launcher_port" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ U32 port = 0;
+ if(!LLStringUtil::convertToU32(argv[1], port))
+ {
+ LL_ERRS("slplugin") << "port number must be numeric" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ // Catch signals that most kinds of crashes will generate, and exit cleanly so the system crash dialog isn't shown.
+ signal(SIGILL, &crash_handler); // illegal instruction
+ signal(SIGFPE, &crash_handler); // floating-point exception
+ signal(SIGBUS, &crash_handler); // bus error
+ signal(SIGSEGV, &crash_handler); // segmentation violation
+ signal(SIGSYS, &crash_handler); // non-existent system call invoked
+ signal(SIGEMT, &crash_handler); // emulate instruction executed
+ LLCocoaPlugin cocoa_interface;
+ cocoa_interface.setupCocoa();
+ cocoa_interface.createAutoReleasePool();
+#endif //LL_DARWIN
+ LLPluginProcessChild *plugin = new LLPluginProcessChild();
+ plugin->init(port);
+ cocoa_interface.deleteAutoReleasePool();
+ LLTimer timer;
+ timer.start();
+ checkExceptionHandler();
+ // If the plugin opens a new window (such as the Flash plugin's fullscreen player), we may need to bring this plugin process to the foreground.
+ // Use this to track the current frontmost window and bring this process to the front if it changes.
+ // cocoa_interface.mEventTarget = GetEventDispatcherTarget();
+ while(!plugin->isDone())
+ {
+ cocoa_interface.createAutoReleasePool();
+ timer.reset();
+ plugin->idle();
+ {
+ cocoa_interface.processEvents();
+ }
+ F64 elapsed = timer.getElapsedTimeF64();
+ F64 remaining = plugin->getSleepTime() - elapsed;
+ if(remaining <= 0.0)
+ {
+ // We've already used our full allotment.
+// LL_INFOS("slplugin") << "elapsed = " << elapsed * 1000.0f << " ms, remaining = " << remaining * 1000.0f << " ms, not sleeping" << LL_ENDL;
+ // Still need to service the network...
+ plugin->pump();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+// LL_INFOS("slplugin") << "elapsed = " << elapsed * 1000.0f << " ms, remaining = " << remaining * 1000.0f << " ms, sleeping for " << remaining * 1000.0f << " ms" << LL_ENDL;
+// timer.reset();
+ // This also services the network as needed.
+ plugin->sleep(remaining);
+// LL_INFOS("slplugin") << "slept for "<< timer.getElapsedTimeF64() * 1000.0f << " ms" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ // More agressive checking of interfering exception handlers.
+ // Doesn't appear to be required so far - even for plugins
+ // that do crash with a single call to the intercept
+ // exception handler such as QuickTime.
+ //checkExceptionHandler();
+ cocoa_interface.deleteAutoReleasePool();
+ }
+ delete plugin;
+ ll_cleanup_apr();
+ return 0;