Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
remove some unused glsl files.
Make alpha shader apply vert color everywhere.
Fix direct light matching across alpha/blended-material/deferred.
Get diffuse lighting to match from Low to Ultra.
Make sun disc and moon shaders use sRGB hardware tex sampling.
Remove sun disc shader use of fullbright transport (fogging).
Tweak forced frag depths for sun/moon disc images to resolve depth fighting with hills etc.
New fix for 925/926 that doesn't cause 896 again.
Also linearize moon disc tex color.
Juggle forced frag depths for moon/sun/stars/sky to get depth fighting with distant terrain...wait for it...sorted.
Make moon brightness env setting affect moon diffuse/ambient color combo so it affects in-world lighting.
Adjust how the moon brightness affects the moon disc texture rendering (washes out less).
Fix side-effects of having both sun and moon as potential directional light contributors.
We pass an int to the shader indicating which to prefer instead of making per-pixel decisions
and pass the moonlight color/di independently.
Obsolete llsettingssky fade color which was unused elsewhere and cached for no reason.
Fix bug with setting texture matrix for rigged mesh.
Fix z-fighting between sea and sky in ALM by cheating sky, stars, and moon using gl_FragDepth.
Fix handling of atmospheric haze glow w.r.t independent sun/moon positioning
(we can no longer depend on them being mutex to each other).
Fix cloud shaders to ignore clouds when cloud_scale is 0.
Fix creation of heavenly body geo to avoid degenerate vector math
and not randomly flip orientation when crossing zenith.
Add sun_up_factor to eliminate sun glow around moon when sun is down.
extraneous GL state management.
Add optional moon brightness setting
Fix binding of current/next sun/moon textures.
Remove redundant code in GLSLShader determination of tex uniform bindings.
Unhack mix calls in sun/moon shaders to reverse sense of blending (was working around reversed bindings).
and fix rendering issue from norm/spec channels during lighting.
(default is no sun disc and just haze)
Refactor sky texture optimization to retain building the cubemap used by shiny.
shading, and fix transposed name of daycycle func.