path: root/indra
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra')
6 files changed, 215 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llrender/llimagegl.cpp b/indra/llrender/llimagegl.cpp
index f43671dee5..9bd3a0a6b0 100644
--- a/indra/llrender/llimagegl.cpp
+++ b/indra/llrender/llimagegl.cpp
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ S32 LLImageGL::dataFormatBits(S32 dataformat)
case GL_LUMINANCE: return 8;
case GL_ALPHA: return 8;
+ case GL_RED: return 8;
case GL_COLOR_INDEX: return 8;
case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: return 16;
case GL_RGB: return 24;
@@ -260,6 +261,7 @@ S32 LLImageGL::dataFormatComponents(S32 dataformat)
case GL_LUMINANCE: return 1;
case GL_ALPHA: return 1;
+ case GL_RED: return 1;
case GL_COLOR_INDEX: return 1;
case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: return 2;
case GL_RGB: return 3;
@@ -1199,7 +1201,29 @@ BOOL LLImageGL::setSubImageFromFrameBuffer(S32 fb_x, S32 fb_y, S32 x_pos, S32 y_
void LLImageGL::generateTextures(S32 numTextures, U32 *textures)
- glGenTextures(numTextures, textures);
+ static constexpr U32 pool_size = 1024;
+ static thread_local U32 name_pool[pool_size]; // pool of texture names
+ static thread_local U32 name_count = 0; // number of available names in the pool
+ if (name_count == 0)
+ {
+ LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED("iglgt - reup pool");
+ // pool is emtpy, refill it
+ glGenTextures(pool_size, name_pool);
+ name_count = pool_size;
+ }
+ if (numTextures <= name_count)
+ {
+ //copy teture names off the end of the pool
+ memcpy(textures, name_pool + name_count - numTextures, sizeof(U32) * numTextures);
+ name_count -= numTextures;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED("iglgt - pool miss");
+ glGenTextures(numTextures, textures);
+ }
// static
@@ -1221,15 +1245,18 @@ void LLImageGL::setManualImage(U32 target, S32 miplevel, S32 intformat, S32 widt
if (pixformat == GL_ALPHA && pixtype == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
{ //GL_ALPHA is deprecated, convert to RGBA
- use_scratch = true;
- scratch = new U32[width * height];
- U32 pixel_count = (U32)(width * height);
- for (U32 i = 0; i < pixel_count; i++)
+ if (pixels != nullptr)
- U8* pix = (U8*)&scratch[i];
- pix[0] = pix[1] = pix[2] = 0;
- pix[3] = ((U8*)pixels)[i];
+ use_scratch = true;
+ scratch = new U32[width * height];
+ U32 pixel_count = (U32)(width * height);
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < pixel_count; i++)
+ {
+ U8* pix = (U8*)&scratch[i];
+ pix[0] = pix[1] = pix[2] = 0;
+ pix[3] = ((U8*)pixels)[i];
+ }
pixformat = GL_RGBA;
@@ -1238,18 +1265,21 @@ void LLImageGL::setManualImage(U32 target, S32 miplevel, S32 intformat, S32 widt
if (pixformat == GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA && pixtype == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
{ //GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA is deprecated, convert to RGBA
- use_scratch = true;
- scratch = new U32[width * height];
- U32 pixel_count = (U32)(width * height);
- for (U32 i = 0; i < pixel_count; i++)
+ if (pixels != nullptr)
- U8 lum = ((U8*)pixels)[i * 2 + 0];
- U8 alpha = ((U8*)pixels)[i * 2 + 1];
+ use_scratch = true;
+ scratch = new U32[width * height];
+ U32 pixel_count = (U32)(width * height);
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < pixel_count; i++)
+ {
+ U8 lum = ((U8*)pixels)[i * 2 + 0];
+ U8 alpha = ((U8*)pixels)[i * 2 + 1];
- U8* pix = (U8*)&scratch[i];
- pix[0] = pix[1] = pix[2] = lum;
- pix[3] = alpha;
+ U8* pix = (U8*)&scratch[i];
+ pix[0] = pix[1] = pix[2] = lum;
+ pix[3] = alpha;
+ }
pixformat = GL_RGBA;
@@ -1258,19 +1288,21 @@ void LLImageGL::setManualImage(U32 target, S32 miplevel, S32 intformat, S32 widt
if (pixformat == GL_LUMINANCE && pixtype == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
{ //GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA is deprecated, convert to RGB
- use_scratch = true;
- scratch = new U32[width * height];
- U32 pixel_count = (U32)(width * height);
- for (U32 i = 0; i < pixel_count; i++)
+ if (pixels != nullptr)
- U8 lum = ((U8*)pixels)[i];
+ use_scratch = true;
+ scratch = new U32[width * height];
- U8* pix = (U8*)&scratch[i];
- pix[0] = pix[1] = pix[2] = lum;
- pix[3] = 255;
- }
+ U32 pixel_count = (U32)(width * height);
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < pixel_count; i++)
+ {
+ U8 lum = ((U8*)pixels)[i];
+ U8* pix = (U8*)&scratch[i];
+ pix[0] = pix[1] = pix[2] = lum;
+ pix[3] = 255;
+ }
+ }
pixformat = GL_RGBA;
intformat = GL_RGB8;
@@ -1308,6 +1340,10 @@ void LLImageGL::setManualImage(U32 target, S32 miplevel, S32 intformat, S32 widt
case GL_ALPHA8:
+ case GL_RED:
+ case GL_R8:
+ intformat = GL_COMPRESSED_RED;
+ break;
LL_WARNS() << "Could not compress format: " << std::hex << intformat << LL_ENDL;
@@ -2010,6 +2046,7 @@ void LLImageGL::calcAlphaChannelOffsetAndStride()
mAlphaStride = 2;
+ case GL_RED:
case GL_RGB:
case GL_SRGB:
mNeedsAlphaAndPickMask = FALSE;
diff --git a/indra/llrender/llrendertarget.cpp b/indra/llrender/llrendertarget.cpp
index 401085a00b..0408010513 100644
--- a/indra/llrender/llrendertarget.cpp
+++ b/indra/llrender/llrendertarget.cpp
@@ -170,6 +170,53 @@ bool LLRenderTarget::allocate(U32 resx, U32 resy, U32 color_fmt, bool depth, boo
return addColorAttachment(color_fmt);
+void LLRenderTarget::setColorAttachment(LLImageGL* img, LLGLuint use_name)
+ llassert(img != nullptr); // img must not be null
+ llassert(sUseFBO); // FBO support must be enabled
+ llassert(mDepth == 0); // depth buffers not supported with this mode
+ llassert(mTex.empty()); // mTex must be empty with this mode (binding target should be done via LLImageGL)
+ if (mFBO == 0)
+ {
+ glGenFramebuffers(1, (GLuint*)&mFBO);
+ }
+ mResX = img->getWidth();
+ mResY = img->getHeight();
+ mUsage = img->getTarget();
+ if (use_name == 0)
+ {
+ use_name = img->getTexName();
+ }
+ mTex.push_back(use_name);
+ glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, mFBO);
+ LLTexUnit::getInternalType(mUsage), use_name, 0);
+ stop_glerror();
+ check_framebuffer_status();
+ glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, sCurFBO);
+void LLRenderTarget::releaseColorAttachment()
+ llassert(mTex.size() == 1); //cannot use releaseColorAttachment with LLRenderTarget managed color targets
+ llassert(mFBO != 0); // mFBO must be valid
+ glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, mFBO);
+ glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, LLTexUnit::getInternalType(mUsage), 0, 0);
+ glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, sCurFBO);
+ mTex.clear();
bool LLRenderTarget::addColorAttachment(U32 color_fmt)
if (color_fmt == 0)
diff --git a/indra/llrender/llrendertarget.h b/indra/llrender/llrendertarget.h
index 6c07ac5b1c..584f224dca 100644
--- a/indra/llrender/llrendertarget.h
+++ b/indra/llrender/llrendertarget.h
@@ -81,6 +81,24 @@ public:
// DO use for render targets that resize often and aren't likely to ruin someone's day if they break
void resize(U32 resx, U32 resy);
+ //point this render target at a particular LLImageGL
+ // Intended usage:
+ // LLRenderTarget target;
+ // target.addColorAttachment(image);
+ // target.bindTarget();
+ // < issue GL calls>
+ // target.flush();
+ // target.releaseColorAttachment();
+ //
+ // attachment -- LLImageGL to render into
+ // use_name -- optional texture name to target instead of attachment->getTexName()
+ // NOTE: setColorAttachment and releaseColorAttachment cannot be used in conjuction with
+ // addColorAttachment, allocateDepth, resize, etc.
+ void setColorAttachment(LLImageGL* attachment, LLGLuint use_name = 0);
+ // detach from current color attachment
+ void releaseColorAttachment();
//add color buffer attachment
//limit of 4 color attachments per render target
bool addColorAttachment(U32 color_fmt);
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/normgenF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/normgenF.glsl
index d0c06cd51f..7a941674b8 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/normgenF.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/normgenF.glsl
@@ -43,18 +43,18 @@ uniform float norm_scale;
void main()
- float alpha = texture2D(alphaMap, vary_texcoord0).a;
+ float c = texture2D(alphaMap, vary_texcoord0).r;
- vec3 right = vec3(norm_scale, 0, (texture2D(alphaMap, vary_texcoord0+vec2(stepX, 0)).a-alpha)*255);
- vec3 left = vec3(-norm_scale, 0, (texture2D(alphaMap, vary_texcoord0-vec2(stepX, 0)).a-alpha)*255);
- vec3 up = vec3(0, -norm_scale, (texture2D(alphaMap, vary_texcoord0-vec2(0, stepY)).a-alpha)*255);
- vec3 down = vec3(0, norm_scale, (texture2D(alphaMap, vary_texcoord0+vec2(0, stepY)).a-alpha)*255);
+ vec3 right = vec3(norm_scale, 0, (texture2D(alphaMap, vary_texcoord0+vec2(stepX, 0)).r-c)*255);
+ vec3 left = vec3(-norm_scale, 0, (texture2D(alphaMap, vary_texcoord0-vec2(stepX, 0)).r-c)*255);
+ vec3 up = vec3(0, -norm_scale, (texture2D(alphaMap, vary_texcoord0-vec2(0, stepY)).r-c)*255);
+ vec3 down = vec3(0, norm_scale, (texture2D(alphaMap, vary_texcoord0+vec2(0, stepY)).r-c)*255);
vec3 norm = cross(right, down) + cross(down, left) + cross(left,up) + cross(up, right);
norm = normalize(norm);
norm *= 0.5;
norm += 0.5;
- frag_color = vec4(norm, alpha);
+ frag_color = vec4(norm, c);
diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolbump.cpp b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolbump.cpp
index 1d5419b515..2892fc6f9f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolbump.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolbump.cpp
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
LLStandardBumpmap gStandardBumpmapList[TEM_BUMPMAP_COUNT];
LL::WorkQueue::weak_t LLBumpImageList::sMainQueue;
LL::WorkQueue::weak_t LLBumpImageList::sTexUpdateQueue;
+LLRenderTarget LLBumpImageList::sRenderTarget;
// static
U32 LLStandardBumpmap::sStandardBumpmapCount = 0;
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ static S32 cube_channel = -1;
static S32 diffuse_channel = -1;
static S32 bump_channel = -1;
+#define LL_BUMPLIST_MULTITHREADED 0 // TODO -- figure out why this doesn't work
// static
void LLStandardBumpmap::init()
@@ -776,6 +777,8 @@ void LLBumpImageList::clear()
+ sRenderTarget.release();
@@ -1032,6 +1035,8 @@ void LLBumpImageList::generateNormalMapFromAlpha(LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* nr
// static
void LLBumpImageList::onSourceLoaded( BOOL success, LLViewerTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLUUID& source_asset_id, EBumpEffect bump_code )
if( success )
@@ -1201,145 +1206,111 @@ void LLBumpImageList::onSourceLoaded( BOOL success, LLViewerTexture *src_vi, LLI
{ //convert to normal map
- //disable compression on normal maps to prevent errors below
- bump->getGLTexture()->setAllowCompression(false);
- bump->getGLTexture()->setUseMipMaps(TRUE);
- auto* bump_ptr = bump.get();
- auto* dst_ptr = dst_image.get();
+ LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED("bil - create normal map");
+ LLImageGL* img = bump->getGLTexture();
+ LLImageRaw* dst_ptr = dst_image.get();
+ LLGLTexture* bump_ptr = bump.get();
- bump_ptr->ref();
- bump_ptr->setExplicitFormat(GL_RGBA8, GL_ALPHA);
- auto create_texture = [=]()
+ img->ref();
+ bump_ptr->ref();
+ auto create_func = [=]()
- bump_ptr->getGLTexture()->mActiveThread = LLThread::currentID();
- LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED("bil - create texture deferred");
+ img->setUseMipMaps(TRUE);
+ // upload dst_image to GPU (greyscale in red channel)
+ img->setExplicitFormat(GL_RED, GL_RED);
bump_ptr->createGLTexture(0, dst_ptr);
+ dst_ptr->unref();
- auto gen_normal_map = [=]()
+ auto generate_func = [=]()
- bump_ptr->getGLTexture()->mActiveThread = LLThread::currentID();
- LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED("bil - generate normal map");
- if (gNormalMapGenProgram.mProgramObject == 0)
- {
- bump_ptr->unref();
- dst_ptr->unref();
- return;
- }
- gPipeline.mScreen.bindTarget();
- LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_FALSE);
- LLGLDisable cull(GL_CULL_FACE);
- LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND);
- gGL.setColorMask(TRUE, TRUE);
- gNormalMapGenProgram.bind();
- static LLStaticHashedString sNormScale("norm_scale");
- static LLStaticHashedString sStepX("stepX");
- static LLStaticHashedString sStepY("stepY");
- gNormalMapGenProgram.uniform1f(sNormScale, gSavedSettings.getF32("RenderNormalMapScale"));
- gNormalMapGenProgram.uniform1f(sStepX, 1.f / bump_ptr->getWidth());
- gNormalMapGenProgram.uniform1f(sStepY, 1.f / bump_ptr->getHeight());
+ // Allocate an empty RGBA texture at "tex_name" the same size as bump
+ // Note: bump will still point at GPU copy of dst_image
+ bump_ptr->setExplicitFormat(GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA);
+ LLGLuint tex_name;
+ img->createGLTexture(0, nullptr, 0, 0, true, &tex_name);
- LLVector2 v((F32)bump_ptr->getWidth() / gPipeline.mScreen.getWidth(),
- (F32)bump_ptr->getHeight() / gPipeline.mScreen.getHeight());
+ // point render target at empty buffer
+ sRenderTarget.setColorAttachment(img, tex_name);
- gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(bump_ptr);
- S32 width = bump_ptr->getWidth();
- S32 height = bump_ptr->getHeight();
- S32 screen_width = gPipeline.mScreen.getWidth();
- S32 screen_height = gPipeline.mScreen.getHeight();
- glViewport(0, 0, screen_width, screen_height);
- for (S32 left = 0; left < width; left += screen_width)
+ // generate normal map in empty texture
- S32 right = left + screen_width;
- right = llmin(right, width);
+ sRenderTarget.bindTarget();
- F32 left_tc = (F32)left / width;
- F32 right_tc = (F32)right / width;
+ LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_FALSE);
+ LLGLDisable cull(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND);
+ gGL.setColorMask(TRUE, TRUE);
- for (S32 bottom = 0; bottom < height; bottom += screen_height)
- {
- S32 top = bottom + screen_height;
- top = llmin(top, height);
+ gNormalMapGenProgram.bind();
- F32 bottom_tc = (F32)bottom / height;
- F32 top_tc = (F32)(bottom + screen_height) / height;
- top_tc = llmin(top_tc, 1.f);
+ static LLStaticHashedString sNormScale("norm_scale");
+ static LLStaticHashedString sStepX("stepX");
+ static LLStaticHashedString sStepY("stepY");
- F32 screen_right = (F32)(right - left) / screen_width;
- F32 screen_top = (F32)(top - bottom) / screen_height;
+ gNormalMapGenProgram.uniform1f(sNormScale, gSavedSettings.getF32("RenderNormalMapScale"));
+ gNormalMapGenProgram.uniform1f(sStepX, 1.f / bump_ptr->getWidth());
+ gNormalMapGenProgram.uniform1f(sStepY, 1.f / bump_ptr->getHeight());
- gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP);
- gGL.texCoord2f(left_tc, bottom_tc);
- gGL.vertex2f(0, 0);
+ gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(bump_ptr);
- gGL.texCoord2f(left_tc, top_tc);
- gGL.vertex2f(0, screen_top);
+ gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP);
+ gGL.texCoord2f(0, 0);
+ gGL.vertex2f(0, 0);
- gGL.texCoord2f(right_tc, bottom_tc);
- gGL.vertex2f(screen_right, 0);
+ gGL.texCoord2f(0, 1);
+ gGL.vertex2f(0, 1);
- gGL.texCoord2f(right_tc, top_tc);
- gGL.vertex2f(screen_right, screen_top);
+ gGL.texCoord2f(1, 0);
+ gGL.vertex2f(1, 0);
- gGL.end();
+ gGL.texCoord2f(1, 1);
+ gGL.vertex2f(1, 1);
- gGL.flush();
+ gGL.end();
- S32 w = right - left;
- S32 h = top - bottom;
+ gGL.flush();
- glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, left, bottom, 0, 0, w, h);
- }
- }
+ gNormalMapGenProgram.unbind();
- glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ sRenderTarget.flush();
+ sRenderTarget.releaseColorAttachment();
+ }
- gPipeline.mScreen.flush();
+ // point bump at normal map and free gpu copy of dst_image
+ img->syncTexName(tex_name);
- gNormalMapGenProgram.unbind();
+ // generate mipmap
+ gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(img);
+ glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ gGL.getTexUnit(0)->disable();
- //generateNormalMapFromAlpha(dst_image, nrm_image);
- dst_ptr->unref();
+ img->unref();
- auto main_queue = sMainQueue.lock();
- if (LLImageGLThread::sEnabled)
- { //dispatch creation to background thread
- main_queue->postTo(sTexUpdateQueue, create_texture, gen_normal_map);
+ auto main_queue = LLImageGLThread::sEnabled ? sMainQueue.lock() : nullptr;
+ if (main_queue)
+ { //dispatch texture upload to background thread, issue GPU commands to generate normal map on main thread
+ main_queue->postTo(
+ sTexUpdateQueue,
+ create_func,
+ generate_func);
- {
- create_texture();
- gen_normal_map();
+ { // immediate upload texture and generate normal map
+ create_func();
+ generate_func();
iter->second = bump; // derefs (and deletes) old image
diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolbump.h b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolbump.h
index 6e21859738..e8a027967b 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolbump.h
+++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolbump.h
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ private:
bump_image_map_t mDarknessEntries;
static LL::WorkQueue::weak_t sMainQueue;
static LL::WorkQueue::weak_t sTexUpdateQueue;
+ static LLRenderTarget sRenderTarget;
extern LLBumpImageList gBumpImageList;