path: root/indra
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra')
3 files changed, 35 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llchathistory.cpp b/indra/newview/llchathistory.cpp
index 9a1572364f..2fc83c7e54 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llchathistory.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llchathistory.cpp
@@ -499,24 +499,29 @@ void LLChatHistory::appendMessage(const LLChat& chat, const bool use_plain_text_;
- //whether to show colon after a name in header copy/past and in plain text mode
- bool show_colon = chat.mChatType != CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT && chat.mChatType != CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER;
+ std::string prefix = chat.mText.substr(0, 4);
//IRC styled /me messages.
- bool irc_me = false;
+ bool irc_me = prefix == "/me " || prefix == "/me'";
- std::string prefix = chat.mText.substr(0, 4);
- if (prefix == "/me " || prefix == "/me'")
+ // Delimiter after a name in header copy/past and in plain text mode
+ std::string delimiter = (chat.mChatType != CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT && chat.mChatType != CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER)
+ ? ": "
+ : " ";
+ // Don't add any delimiter after name in irc styled messages
+ if (irc_me || chat.mChatStyle == CHAT_STYLE_IRC)
- irc_me = true;
+ delimiter = LLStringUtil::null;
+ = "ITALIC";
if (use_plain_text_chat_history)
mEditor->appendText("[" + chat.mTimeStr + "] ", mEditor->getText().size() != 0, style_params);
- if (utf8str_trim(chat.mFromName).size() != 0 && !irc_me)
+ if (utf8str_trim(chat.mFromName).size() != 0)
// Don't hotlink any messages from the system (e.g. "Second Life:"), so just add those in plain text.
if ( chat.mFromName != SYSTEM_FROM && chat.mFromID.notNull() )
@@ -524,11 +529,11 @@ void LLChatHistory::appendMessage(const LLChat& chat, const bool use_plain_text_
LLStyle::Params link_params(style_params);
// Convert the name to a hotlink and add to message.
- mEditor->appendText(chat.mFromName + (show_colon ? ": " : " "), false, link_params);
+ mEditor->appendText(chat.mFromName + delimiter, false, link_params);
- mEditor->appendText(chat.mFromName + (show_colon ? ": " : " "), false, style_params);
+ mEditor->appendText(chat.mFromName + delimiter, false, style_params);
@@ -574,35 +579,22 @@ void LLChatHistory::appendMessage(const LLChat& chat, const bool use_plain_text_
std::string header_text = "[" + chat.mTimeStr + "] ";
if (utf8str_trim(chat.mFromName).size() != 0 && chat.mFromName != SYSTEM_FROM)
- header_text += chat.mFromName + (show_colon ? ": " : " ");
+ header_text += chat.mFromName + delimiter;
mEditor->appendWidget(p, header_text, false);
mLastFromName = chat.mFromName;
mLastFromID = chat.mFromID;
mLastMessageTime = new_message_time;
- if (irc_me)
- {
- = "ITALIC";
- if (chat.mFromName.size() > 0)
- mEditor->appendText(chat.mFromName, FALSE, style_params);
+ std::string message = irc_me ? chat.mText.substr(3) : chat.mText;
+ if ( message.size() > 0 && !LLStringOps::isSpace(message[message.size() - 1]) )
+ {
// Ensure that message ends with NewLine, to avoid losing of new lines
// while copy/paste from text chat. See EXT-3263.
- mEditor->appendText(chat.mText.substr(3) + NEW_LINE, FALSE, style_params);
- }
- else
- {
- std::string message(chat.mText);
- if ( message.size() > 0 && !LLStringOps::isSpace(message[message.size() - 1]) )
- {
- // Ensure that message ends with NewLine, to avoid losing of new lines
- // while copy/paste from text chat. See EXT-3263.
- message += NEW_LINE;
- }
- mEditor->appendText(message, FALSE, style_params);
+ message += NEW_LINE;
+ mEditor->appendText(message, FALSE, style_params);
// automatically scroll to end when receiving chat from myself
diff --git a/indra/newview/llnearbychat.cpp b/indra/newview/llnearbychat.cpp
index fc0e51b76d..a7c1e73328 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llnearbychat.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llnearbychat.cpp
@@ -179,27 +179,7 @@ void LLNearbyChat::addMessage(const LLChat& chat,bool archive)
if (!chat.mMuted)
tmp_chat.mFromName = chat.mFromName;
- if (chat.mChatStyle == CHAT_STYLE_IRC)
- {
- LLColor4 txt_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("White");
- LLViewerChat::getChatColor(chat,txt_color);
- LLFontGL* fontp = LLViewerChat::getChatFont();
- std::string font_name = LLFontGL::nameFromFont(fontp);
- std::string font_size = LLFontGL::sizeFromFont(fontp);
- LLStyle::Params append_style_params;
- append_style_params.color(txt_color);
- append_style_params.readonly_color(txt_color);
- append_style_params.font.size(font_size);
- = "ITALIC";
- mChatHistory->appendMessage(chat, use_plain_text_chat_history, append_style_params);
- }
- else
- {
- mChatHistory->appendMessage(chat, use_plain_text_chat_history);
- }
+ mChatHistory->appendMessage(chat, use_plain_text_chat_history);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llnearbychathandler.cpp b/indra/newview/llnearbychathandler.cpp
index de4249a1dc..96442fafcc 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llnearbychathandler.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llnearbychathandler.cpp
@@ -180,6 +180,11 @@ void LLNearbyChatScreenChannel::addNotification(LLSD& notification)
if(panel && panel->messageID() == fromID && panel->canAddText())
+ if (CHAT_STYLE_IRC == notification["chat_style"].asInteger())
+ {
+ notification["message"] = notification["from"].asString() + notification["message"].asString();
+ }
@@ -331,25 +336,22 @@ void LLNearbyChatHandler::processChat(const LLChat& chat_msg)
LLChat& tmp_chat = const_cast<LLChat&>(chat_msg);
- if (tmp_chat.mChatStyle == CHAT_STYLE_IRC)
- {
- if(!tmp_chat.mFromName.empty())
- tmp_chat.mText = tmp_chat.mFromName + tmp_chat.mText.substr(3);
- else
- tmp_chat.mText = tmp_chat.mText.substr(3);
- }
+ LLNearbyChat* nearby_chat = LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance<LLNearbyChat>("nearby_chat", LLSD());
//sometimes its usefull to have no name at all...
//if(tmp_chat.mFromName.empty() && tmp_chat.mFromID!= LLUUID::null)
// tmp_chat.mFromName = tmp_chat.mFromID.asString();
- LLNearbyChat* nearby_chat = LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance<LLNearbyChat>("nearby_chat", LLSD());
return;//no need in toast if chat is visible
+ // Handle irc styled messages for toast panel
+ if (tmp_chat.mChatStyle == CHAT_STYLE_IRC)
+ {
+ tmp_chat.mText = tmp_chat.mText.substr(3);
+ }
// arrange a channel on a screen