path: root/indra/viewer_components/updater/scripts/darwin/
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/viewer_components/updater/scripts/darwin/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 412 deletions
diff --git a/indra/viewer_components/updater/scripts/darwin/ b/indra/viewer_components/updater/scripts/darwin/
deleted file mode 100755
index 08f4f0ebb9..0000000000
--- a/indra/viewer_components/updater/scripts/darwin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-@author Nat Goodspeed
-@date 2012-12-20
-@brief Update the containing Second Life application bundle to the version in
- the specified disk image file.
- This Python implementation is derived from the previous mac-updater
- application, a funky mix of C++, classic C and Objective-C.
-Copyright (c) 2012, Linden Research, Inc.
-import os
-import sys
-import cgitb
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-import errno
-import glob
-import plistlib
-import re
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-import time
-from janitor import Janitor
-from messageframe import MessageFrame
-import Tkinter, tkMessageBox
-TITLE = "Second Life Viewer Updater"
-# Magic bundle identifier used by all Second Life viewer bundles
-BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.secondlife.indra.viewer"
-# Magic OS directory name that causes Cocoa viewer to crash on OS X 10.7.5
-# (see MAINT-3331)
-STATE_DIR = os.path.join(
- os.environ["HOME"], "Library", "Saved Application State",
- BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER + ".savedState")
-# Global handle to the MessageFrame so we can update message
-FRAME = None
-# Global handle to logfile, once it's open
-LOGF = None
-# ****************************************************************************
-# Logging and messaging
-# This script is normally run implicitly by the old viewer to update to the
-# new viewer. Its UI consists of a MessageFrame and possibly a Tk error box.
-# Log details to updater.log -- especially uncaught exceptions!
-# ****************************************************************************
-def log(message):
- """write message only to LOGF (also called by status() and fail())"""
- # If we don't even have LOGF open yet, at least write to Console log
- logf = LOGF or sys.stderr
- logf.writelines((time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ ", time.gmtime()), message, '\n'))
- logf.flush()
-def status(message):
- """display and log normal progress message"""
- log(message)
- global FRAME
- if not FRAME:
- FRAME = MessageFrame(message, TITLE)
- else:
- FRAME.set(message)
-def fail(message):
- """log message, produce error box, then terminate with nonzero rc"""
- log(message)
- # If we haven't yet called status() (we don't yet have a FRAME), perform a
- # bit of trickery to bypass the spurious "main window" that Tkinter would
- # otherwise pop up if the first call is showerror().
- if not FRAME:
- root = Tkinter.Tk()
- root.withdraw()
- # If we do have a LOGF available, mention it in the error box.
- if LOGF:
- message = "%s\n(Updater log in %s)" % (message,
- # We explicitly specify the WARNING icon because, at least on the Tkinter
- # bundled with the system-default Python 2.7 on Mac OS X 10.7.4, the
- # ERROR, QUESTION and INFO icons are all the silly Tk rocket ship. At
- # least WARNING has an exclamation in a yellow triangle, even though
- # overlaid by a smaller image of the rocket ship.
- tkMessageBox.showerror(TITLE,
-"""An error occurred while updating Second Life:
-Please download the latest viewer from""" % message,
- icon=tkMessageBox.WARNING)
- sys.exit(1)
-def exception(err):
- """call fail() with an exception instance"""
- fail("%s exception: %s" % (err.__class__.__name__, str(err)))
-def excepthook(type, value, traceback):
- """
- Store this hook function into sys.excepthook until we have a logfile.
- """
- # At least in older Python versions, it could be tricky to produce a
- # string from 'type' and 'value'. For instance, an OSError exception would
- # pass type=OSError and value=some_tuple. Empirically, this funky
- # expression seems to work.
- exception(type(*value))
-sys.excepthook = excepthook
-class ExceptHook(object):
- """
- Store an instance of this class into sys.excepthook once we have a logfile
- open.
- """
- def __init__(self, logfile):
- # There's no magic to the cgitb.enable() function -- it merely stores
- # an instance of cgitb.Hook into sys.excepthook, passing enable()'s
- # params into Hook.__init__(). Sadly, enable() doesn't forward all its
- # params using (*args, **kwds) syntax -- another story. But the point
- # is that all the goodness is in the cgitb.Hook class. Capture an
- # instance.
- self.hook = cgitb.Hook(file=logfile, format="text")
- def __call__(self, type, value, traceback):
- # produce nice text traceback to logfile
- self.hook(type, value, traceback)
- # Now display an error box.
- excepthook(type, value, traceback)
-def write_marker(markerfile, markertext):
- log("writing %r to %s" % (markertext, markerfile))
- try:
- with open(markerfile, "w") as markerf:
- markerf.write(markertext)
- except IOError, err:
- # write_marker() is invoked by fail(), and fail() is invoked by other
- # error-handling functions. If we try to invoke any of those, we'll
- # get infinite recursion. If for any reason we can't write markerfile,
- # try to log it -- otherwise shrug.
- log("%s exception: %s" % (err.__class__.__name__, err))
-# ****************************************************************************
-# Utility
-# ****************************************************************************
-def allow_errno(errn):
- """
- Execute body of 'with' statement, accepting OSError with specific errno
- 'errn'. Propagate any other exception, or an OSError with any other errno.
- """
- try:
- # run the body of the 'with' statement
- yield
- except OSError, err:
- # unless errno == passed errn, re-raise the exception
- if err.errno != errn:
- raise
-# ****************************************************************************
-# Main script logic
-# ****************************************************************************
-def main(dmgfile, markerfile, markertext):
- # Should we fail, we're supposed to write 'markertext' to 'markerfile'.
- # Wrap the fail() function so we do that.
- global fail
- oldfail = fail
- def fail(message):
- write_marker(markerfile, markertext)
- oldfail(message)
- try:
- # Starting with the Cocoafied viewer, we'll find viewer logs in
- # ~/Library/Application Support/$CFBundleIdentifier/logs rather than in
- # ~/Library/Application Support/SecondLife/logs as before. This could be
- # obnoxious -- but we Happen To Know that markerfile is a path specified
- # within the viewer's logs directory. Use that.
- logsdir = os.path.dirname(markerfile)
- # Move the old updater.log file out of the way
- logname = os.path.join(logsdir, "updater.log")
- # Nonexistence is okay. Anything else, not so much.
- with allow_errno(errno.ENOENT):
- os.rename(logname, logname + ".old")
- # Open new updater.log.
- global LOGF
- LOGF = open(logname, "w")
- # Now that LOGF is in fact open for business, use it to log any further
- # uncaught exceptions.
- sys.excepthook = ExceptHook(LOGF)
- # log how this script was invoked
- log(' '.join(repr(arg) for arg in sys.argv))
- # prepare for other cleanup
- with Janitor(LOGF) as janitor:
- # Under some circumstances, this script seems to be invoked with a
- # nonexistent pathname. Check for that.
- if not os.path.isfile(dmgfile):
- fail(dmgfile + " has been deleted")
- # Try to derive the name of the running viewer app bundle from our
- # own pathname. (Hopefully the old viewer won't copy this script
- # to a temp dir before running!)
- # Somewhat peculiarly, this script is currently packaged in
- # with the viewer executable. But even
- # if we decide to move it to, we'll
- # still find two levels up from dirname(__file__).
- appdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- os.pardir, os.pardir))
- if not appdir.endswith(".app"):
- # This can happen if either this script has been copied before
- # being executed, or if it's in an unexpected place in the app
- # bundle.
- fail(appdir + " is not an application directory")
- # We need to install into appdir's parent directory -- can we?
- installdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(appdir, os.pardir))
- if not os.access(installdir, os.W_OK):
- fail("Can't modify " + installdir)
- # invent a temporary directory
- tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- log("created " + tempdir)
- # clean it up when we leave
- janitor.later(shutil.rmtree, tempdir)
- status("Mounting image...")
- mntdir = os.path.join(tempdir, "mnt")
- log("mkdir " + mntdir)
- os.mkdir(mntdir)
- command = ["hdiutil", "attach", dmgfile, "-mountpoint", mntdir]
- log(' '.join(command))
- # Instantiating subprocess.Popen launches a child process with the
- # specified command line. stdout=PIPE passes a pipe to its stdout.
- hdiutil = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=LOGF)
- # Popen.communicate() reads that pipe until the child process
- # terminates, returning (stdout, stderr) output. Select just stdout.
- hdiutil_out = hdiutil.communicate()[0]
- if hdiutil.returncode != 0:
- fail("Couldn't mount " + dmgfile)
- # hdiutil should report the devnode. Find that.
- found ="/dev/[^ ]*\b", hdiutil_out)
- if not found:
- # If we don't spot the devnode, log it and continue -- we only
- # use it to detach it. Don't fail the whole update if we can't
- # clean up properly.
- log("Couldn't spot devnode in hdiutil output:\n" + hdiutil_out)
- else:
- # If we do spot the devnode, detach it when done.
- janitor.later(, ["hdiutil", "detach",],
- stdout=LOGF, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- status("Searching for app bundle...")
- for candidate in glob.glob(os.path.join(mntdir, "*.app")):
- log("Considering " + candidate)
- try:
- # By convention, a valid Mac app bundle has a
- # Contents/Info.plist file containing at least
- # CFBundleIdentifier.
- CFBundleIdentifier = \
- plistlib.readPlist(os.path.join(candidate, "Contents",
- "Info.plist"))["CFBundleIdentifier"]
- except Exception, err:
- # might be IOError, xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError, KeyError
- # Any of these means it's not a valid app bundle. Instead
- # of aborting, just skip this candidate and continue.
- log("%s not a valid app bundle: %s: %s" %
- (candidate, err.__class__.__name__, err))
- continue
- if CFBundleIdentifier == BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER:
- break
- log("unrecognized CFBundleIdentifier: " + CFBundleIdentifier)
- else:
- fail("Could not find Second Life viewer in " + dmgfile)
- # Here 'candidate' is the new viewer to install
- log("Found " + candidate)
- # This logic was changed to make Mac updates behave more like
- # Windows. Most of the time, the user doesn't change the name of
- # the app bundle on our .dmg installer (e.g. "Second Life Beta
- #"). Most of the time, the version manager directs a
- # given viewer to update to another .dmg containing an app bundle
- # with THE SAME name. In that case, everything behaves as usual.
- # The case that was changed is when the version manager offers (or
- # mandates) an update to a .dmg containing a different app bundle
- # name. This can happen, for instance, to a user who's downloaded
- # a "project beta" viewer, and the project subsequently publishes
- # a Release Candidate viewer. Say the project beta's app bundle
- # name is something like "Second Life Beta". Anyone
- # launching that viewer will be offered an update to the
- # corresponding Release Candidate viewer -- which will be built as
- # a release viewer, with app bundle name "Second Life".
- # On Windows, we run the NSIS installer, which will update/replace
- # the embedded install directory name, e.g. Second Life Viewer.
- # But the Mac installer used to locate the app bundle name in the
- # mounted .dmg file, then ignore that name, copying its contents
- # into the app bundle directory of the running viewer. That is,
- # we'd install the Release Candidate from the .dmg's "Second
- #" into "/Applications/Second Life Beta". This
- # is undesired behavior.
- # Instead, having found the app bundle name on the mounted .dmg,
- # we try to install that app bundle name into the parent directory
- # of the running app bundle.
- # Are we installing a different app bundle name? If so, call it
- # out, both in the log and for the user -- this is an odd case.
- # (Presumably they've already agreed to a similar notification in
- # the viewer before the viewer launched this script, but still.)
- bundlename = os.path.basename(candidate)
- if os.path.basename(appdir) == bundlename:
- # updating the running app bundle, which we KNOW exists
- appexists = True
- else:
- # installing some other app bundle
- newapp = os.path.join(installdir, bundlename)
- appexists = os.path.exists(newapp)
- message = "Note: %s %s %s" % \
- (appdir, "updating" if appexists else "installing new", newapp)
- status(message)
- # okay, we have no further need of the name of the running app
- # bundle.
- appdir = newapp
- status("Preparing to copy files...")
- if appexists:
- # move old viewer to temp location in case copy from .dmg fails
- aside = os.path.join(tempdir, os.path.basename(appdir))
- log("mv %r %r" % (appdir, aside))
- # Use shutil.move() instead of os.rename(). move() first tries
- # os.rename(), but falls back to shutil.copytree() if the dest is
- # on a different filesystem.
- shutil.move(appdir, aside)
- status("Copying files...")
- # shutil.copytree()'s target must not already exist. But we just
- # moved appdir out of the way.
- log("cp -p %r %r" % (candidate, appdir))
- try:
- # The viewer app bundle does include internal symlinks. Keep them
- # as symlinks.
- shutil.copytree(candidate, appdir, symlinks=True)
- except Exception, err:
- # copy failed -- try to restore previous viewer before crumping
- type, value, traceback = sys.exc_info()
- if appexists:
- log("exception response: mv %r %r" % (aside, appdir))
- shutil.move(aside, appdir)
- # let our previously-set sys.excepthook handle this
- raise type, value, traceback
- status("Cleaning up...")
- log("touch " + appdir)
- os.utime(appdir, None) # set to current time
- # MAINT-3331: remove STATE_DIR. Empirically, this resolves a
- # persistent, mysterious crash after updating our viewer on an OS
- # X 10.7.5 system.
- log("rm -rf '%s'" % STATE_DIR)
- with allow_errno(errno.ENOENT):
- shutil.rmtree(STATE_DIR)
- command = ["open", appdir]
- log(' '.join(command))
- subprocess.check_call(command, stdout=LOGF, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- # If all the above succeeded, delete the .dmg file. We don't do this
- # as a janitor.later() operation because we only want to do it if we
- # get this far successfully. Note that this is out of the scope of the
- # Janitor: we must detach the .dmg before removing it!
- log("rm " + dmgfile)
- os.remove(dmgfile)
- except Exception, err:
- # Because we carefully set sys.excepthook -- and even modify it to log
- # the problem once we have our log file open -- you might think we
- # could just let exceptions propagate. But when we do that, on
- # exception in this block, we FIRST restore the no-side-effects fail()
- # and THEN implicitly call sys.excepthook(), which calls the (no-side-
- # effects) fail(). Explicitly call sys.excepthook() BEFORE restoring
- # fail(). Only then do we get the enriched fail() behavior.
- sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info())
- finally:
- # When we leave main() -- for whatever reason -- reset fail() the way
- # it was before, because the bound markerfile, markertext params
- # passed to this main() call are no longer applicable.
- fail = oldfail
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # We expect this script to be invoked with:
- # - the pathname to the .dmg we intend to install;
- # - the pathname to an update-error marker file to create on failure;
- # - the content to write into the marker file.
- main(*sys.argv[1:])