path: root/indra/newview
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1 files changed, 18 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloatermodelpreview.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloatermodelpreview.cpp
index 823e0879d1..230a740007 100755
--- a/indra/newview/llfloatermodelpreview.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloatermodelpreview.cpp
@@ -1356,6 +1356,8 @@ void LLModelPreview::rebuildUploadData()
F32 max_scale = 0.f;
+ BOOL importerDebug = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ImporterDebug");
for (LLModelLoader::scene::iterator iter = mBaseScene.begin(); iter != mBaseScene.end(); ++iter)
{ //for each transform in scene
LLMatrix4 mat = iter->first;
@@ -1418,8 +1420,6 @@ void LLModelPreview::rebuildUploadData()
FindModel(mScene[i], name_to_match, lod_model, transform);
- BOOL importerDebug = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ImporterDebug");
// Fall back to old method of index-based association if
// we could not find a match based on the mesh names
@@ -1561,75 +1561,30 @@ void LLModelPreview::rebuildUploadData()
- // Since sub-models affect verification, we need to know number of original/primary models
- U32 base_primary_count = 0;
- U32 base_total_count = mBaseModel.size();
- for (U32 base_ind = 0; base_ind < base_total_count; ++base_ind)
- {
- if (mBaseModel[base_ind] && !mBaseModel[base_ind]->mSubmodelID)
- {
- base_primary_count++;
- }
- }
- //reorder materials to match mBaseModel
- for (U32 i = 0; i < LLModel::NUM_LODS-1; i++)
+ for (U32 lod = 0; lod < LLModel::NUM_LODS-1; lod++)
- int refFaceCnt = 0;
- int modelFaceCnt = 0;
- U32 model_primary_count = 0;
- U32 model_total_count = mModel[i].size();
- for (U32 model_ind = 0; model_ind < model_total_count; ++model_ind)
- {
- if (mModel[i][model_ind] && !mModel[i][model_ind]->mSubmodelID)
- {
- model_primary_count++;
- }
- }
- // Since we don't have a reliable method to check sub-models, check only original/primary models
- //
- // Note: we can matchMaterialOrder() for sub-models if they have same id and same label,
- // but since sub-models are leftovers from original models with random material order, we
- // can't warranty that checking sub-models is valid.
- // Original model retains full material list, so we should get ERROR_MATERIALS even
- // if we don't check sub-models. See LLDAELoader::loadModelsFromDomMesh()
- if (base_primary_count == model_primary_count)
+ // Search for models that are not included into upload data
+ // If we found any, that means something we loaded is not a sub-model.
+ for (U32 model_ind = 0; model_ind < mModel[lod].size(); ++model_ind)
- U32 model_ind = 0;
- U32 base_ind = 0;
- U32 models_matched = 0;
- while (models_matched < base_primary_count)
+ bool found_model = false;
+ for (LLMeshUploadThread::instance_list::iterator iter = mUploadData.begin(); iter != mUploadData.end(); ++iter)
- // filter out sub-models
- while (mModel[i][model_ind]
- && mModel[i][model_ind]->mSubmodelID
- && model_ind < model_primary_count)
- {
- model_ind++;
- }
- while (mBaseModel[base_ind]
- && mBaseModel[base_ind]->mSubmodelID
- && base_ind < base_total_count)
- {
- base_ind++;
- }
- if (model_ind >= model_total_count || base_ind >= base_total_count)
+ LLModelInstance& instance = *iter;
+ if (instance.mLOD[lod] == mModel[lod][model_ind])
- // Safeguard, shouldn't happen unless something is wrong with models in the list
- LL_WARNS() << "Materials of some models were not verified and reordered" << LL_ENDL;
+ found_model = true;
- if (mModel[i][model_ind] && !mModel[i][model_ind]->matchMaterialOrder(mBaseModel[base_ind], refFaceCnt, modelFaceCnt ) )
+ }
+ if (!found_model && mModel[lod][model_ind] && !mModel[lod][model_ind]->mSubmodelID)
+ {
+ if (importerDebug)
- setLoadState( LLModelLoader::ERROR_MATERIALS );
- mFMP->childDisable( "calculate_btn" );
+ LL_INFOS() << "Model " << mModel[lod][model_ind]->mLabel << " was not used - mismatching lod models." << LL_ENDL;
- models_matched++;
- model_ind++;
- base_ind++;
+ setLoadState( LLModelLoader::ERROR_MATERIALS );
+ mFMP->childDisable( "calculate_btn" );