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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/skins')
87 files changed, 590 insertions, 1696 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/da/floater_tos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/da/floater_tos.xml index af9ee0bd06..bd8ecb92e9 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/da/floater_tos.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/da/floater_tos.xml @@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ </floater.string> <button label="Fortsæt" label_selected="Fortsæt" name="Continue"/> <button label="Annullér" label_selected="Annullér" name="Cancel"/> - <check_box label="Jeg er enig med "Terms of Service and Privacy Policy"" name="agree_chk"/> + <text name="agree_list"> + Jeg er enig med "Terms of Service and Privacy Policy" + </text> <text name="tos_heading"> Læs venligst følgende "Terms of Service and Privacy Policy" grundigt. For at fortsætte med at logge på [SECOND_LIFE], skal du acceptere aftale. </text> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_preferences.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_preferences.xml index a4f6df515d..159f65be30 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_preferences.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_preferences.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <floater name="Preferences" title="EINSTELLUNGEN"> + <floater.string name="email_unverified_tooltip"> + Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse unter https://accounts.secondlife.com/change_email/ zur Aktivierung der E-Mail-Funktion des IM. + </floater.string> <button label="OK" label_selected="OK" name="OK"/> <button label="Abbrechen" label_selected="Abbrechen" name="Cancel"/> <tab_container name="pref core"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_tos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_tos.xml index 636c2629da..918b1a9be3 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_tos.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_tos.xml @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ <text name="external_tos_required"> Sie müssen sich unter https://my.secondlife.com anmelden und die Servicebedingungen akzeptieren, bevor Sie fortfahren können. Vielen Dank! </text> - <check_box label="Ich habe die" name="agree_chk"/> + <check_box label="" name="agree_chk"/> <text name="agree_list"> - Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, die Datenschutzrichtlinie sowie die Servicebedingungen inklusive der Anforderungen zur Streitschlichtung gelesen und akzeptiere diese. + Ich habe die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, die Datenschutzrichtlinie sowie die Servicebedingungen inklusive der Anforderungen zur Streitschlichtung gelesen und akzeptiere diese. </text> <button label="Weiter" label_selected="Weiter" name="Continue"/> <button label="Abbrechen" label_selected="Abbrechen" name="Cancel"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/mime_types.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/mime_types.xml index 8728a57737..f8b4ae00c9 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/mime_types.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/mime_types.xml @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ Echtzeit-Streaming </label> </scheme> + <scheme name="example"> + <label name="example_label"> + Beispiel-Plugin-Schema auslösen + </label> + </scheme> <scheme name="libvlc"> <label name="libvlc_label"> Von LibVLC unterstützte Medien diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/notifications.xml index 113cbc276a..8ff3ac770b 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/notifications.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/notifications.xml @@ -692,6 +692,9 @@ Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf [_URL]. </url> <usetemplate ignoretext="Meine Hardware wird nicht unterstützt" name="okcancelignore" notext="Nein" yestext="Ja"/> </notification> + <notification name="RunLauncher"> + Bitte starten Sie die ausführbare Viewer-Datei nicht direkt. Aktualisieren Sie alle bestehenden Verknüpfungen, um stattdessen den LS_Launcher zu starten. + </notification> <notification name="OldGPUDriver"> Wahrscheinlich gibt es einen neueren Treiber für Ihren Grafikchip. Durch Aktualisieren der Grafiktreiber lässt sich die Leistung u. U. beträchtlich verbessern. @@ -1595,154 +1598,14 @@ Geben Sie das Objekt zum Verkauf frei und versuchen Sie es erneut. Raw-Terrain-Datei wurde heruntergeladen nach: [DOWNLOAD_PATH]. </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsMandatory"> - Eine neue Version von [SUPPORT_SITE] ist verfügbar. -[MESSAGE] -Sie müssen das Update herunterladen, um [APP_NAME] weiter verwenden zu können. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Beenden" yestext="Herunterladen"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindows"> - Eine neue Version von [APP_NAME] ist verfügbar. -[MESSAGE] -Dieses Update ist nicht erforderlich, für bessere Leistung und Stabilität sollte es jedoch installiert werden. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Weiter" yestext="Herunterladen"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsReleaseForDownload"> - Eine neue Version von [APP_NAME] ist verfügbar. -[MESSAGE] -Dieses Update ist nicht erforderlich, für bessere Leistung und Stabilität sollte es jedoch installiert werden. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Weiter" yestext="Herunterladen"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxMandatory"> - Eine neue Version von [SUPPORT_SITE] ist verfügbar. -[MESSAGE] -Sie müssen das Update herunterladen, um [APP_NAME] weiter verwenden zu können. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Beenden" yestext="Herunterladen"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinux"> - Eine neue Version von [APP_NAME] ist verfügbar. -[MESSAGE] -Dieses Update ist nicht erforderlich, für bessere Leistung und Stabilität sollte es jedoch installiert werden. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Weiter" yestext="Herunterladen"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxReleaseForDownload"> - Eine neue Version von [APP_NAME] ist verfügbar. -[MESSAGE] -Dieses Update ist nicht erforderlich, für bessere Leistung und Stabilität sollte es jedoch installiert werden. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Weiter" yestext="Herunterladen"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacMandatory"> - Eine neue Version von [SUPPORT_SITE] ist verfügbar. -[MESSAGE] -Sie müssen das Update herunterladen, um [APP_NAME] weiter verwenden zu können. - -In Ihren Anwendungsordner herunterladen? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Beenden" yestext="Herunterladen"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMac"> - Eine neue Version von [APP_NAME] ist verfügbar. -[MESSAGE] -Dieses Update ist nicht erforderlich, für bessere Leistung und Stabilität sollte es jedoch installiert werden. - -In Ihren Anwendungsordner herunterladen? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Weiter" yestext="Herunterladen"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacReleaseForDownload"> - Eine neue Version von [APP_NAME] ist verfügbar. -[MESSAGE] -Dieses Update ist nicht erforderlich, für bessere Leistung und Stabilität sollte es jedoch installiert werden. - -In Ihren Anwendungsordner herunterladen? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Weiter" yestext="Herunterladen"/> - </notification> - <notification name="FailedUpdateInstall"> - Beim Installieren des Viewer-Updates ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. -Laden Sie den neuesten Viewer von http://secondlife.com/download herunter und installieren Sie ihn. + <notification name="RequiredUpdate"> + Für die Anmeldung ist Version [VERSION] erforderlich. Diese sollte für Sie aktualisiert worden sein, was offenbar nicht geschehen ist. Bitte laden Sie die Datei unter https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ herunter. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> - <notification name="FailedRequiredUpdateInstall"> - Ein erforderliches Update konnte nicht installiert werden. -Sie können sich erst anmelden, wenn [APP_NAME] aktualisiert wurde. - -Laden Sie den neuesten Viewer von http://secondlife.com/download herunter und installieren Sie ihn. + <notification name="LoginFailedUnknown"> + Die Anmeldung ist aus nicht bekannten Gründen leider fehlgeschlagen. Falls diese Meldung weiterhin angezeigt wird, besuchen Sie bitte die [SUPPORT_SITE]. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Beenden"/> </notification> - <notification name="UpdaterServiceNotRunning"> - Für Ihre SecondLife-Installation ist ein Update erforderlich. - -Sie können dieses Update von http://www.secondlife.com/downloads herunterladen oder jetzt installieren. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Second Life beenden" yestext="Jetzt herunterladen und installieren"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundTip"> - Für Ihre [APP_NAME]-Installation wurde ein Update heruntergeladen. -Version [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] Informationen zu diesem Update] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Später..." yestext="Jetzt installieren und [APP_NAME] neu starten"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundDialog"> - Für Ihre [APP_NAME]-Installation wurde ein Update heruntergeladen. -Version [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] Informationen zu diesem Update] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Später..." yestext="Jetzt installieren und [APP_NAME] neu starten"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - Ein erforderliches Softwareupdate wurde heruntergeladen. -Version [VERSION] [[INFO_URL] Infos zu diesem Update] - -Zur Installation des Updates muss [APP_NAME] neu gestartet werden. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - Zur Installation des Updates muss [APP_NAME] neu gestartet werden. -[[INFO_URL] Infos zu diesem Update] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundTip"> - Für Ihre [APP_NAME]-Installation wurde ein Update heruntergeladen. -Version [VERSION] -Dieser experimentelle Viewer wurde durch einen [NEW_CHANNEL] Viewer ersetzt; -weitere Details zu diesem Update finden Sie [[INFO_URL] hier]. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Später..." yestext="Jetzt installieren und [APP_NAME] neu starten"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundDialog"> - Für Ihre [APP_NAME]-Installation wurde ein Update heruntergeladen. -Version [VERSION] -Dieser experimentelle Viewer wurde durch einen [NEW_CHANNEL] Viewer ersetzt; -weitere Infos zu diesem Update finden Sie [[INFO_URL] hier]. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Später..." yestext="Jetzt installieren und [APP_NAME] neu starten"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - Ein erforderliches Softwareupdate wurde heruntergeladen. -Version [VERSION] -Dieser experimentelle Viewer wurde durch einen [NEW_CHANNEL] Viewer ersetzt; -weitere Infos zu diesem Update finden Sie [[INFO_URL] hier]. - -Zur Installation des Updates muss [APP_NAME] neu gestartet werden. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - Zur Installation des Updates muss [APP_NAME] neu gestartet werden. -Dieser experimentelle Viewer wurde durch einen [NEW_CHANNEL] Viewer ersetzt; -weitere Infos zu diesem Update finden Sie [[INFO_URL] hier]. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadInProgress"> - Ein Update ist verfügbar. -Es wird im Hintergrund heruntergeladen. Wenn der Download fertig ist, werden Sie aufgefordert, den Viewer neu zu starten, damit die Installation abgeschlossen werden kann. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadComplete"> - Ein Update wurde heruntergeladen. Es wird beim Neustart installiert. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateCheckError"> - Beim Suchen nach einem Update ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. -Versuchen Sie es später erneut. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateViewerUpToDate"> - Ihr Viewer ist auf dem neuesten Stand. -Wenn Sie die neuesten Features und Fixes ausprobieren möchten, gehen Sie zur Seite „Alternate Viewers“. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> <notification name="DeedObjectToGroup"> Bei Übertragung dieses Objekts erhält die Gruppe: * An das Objekt bezahlte L$ @@ -2505,7 +2368,7 @@ Möchten Sie den Nicht-stören-Modus deaktivieren, bevor Sie diese Transaktion a <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Abbrechen" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="ConfirmEmptyTrash"> - [COUNT] Objekte werden dauerhaft gelöscht. Möchten Sie den Inhalt Ihres Papierkorbs wirklich dauerhaft löschen? + [COUNT] Bestellungen und Ordner werden dauerhaft gelöscht. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Inhalt Ihres Papierkorbs dauerhaft löschen möchten? <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Abbrechen" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="TrashIsFull"> @@ -3511,12 +3374,22 @@ Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerk- und Firewalleinstellungen. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="NoVoiceConnect"> - Verbindung mit Voice-Server ist leider nicht möglich: + Wir können uns nicht mit dem Voice-Server verbinden: [HOSTID] -Voice-Kommunikation ist leider nicht verfügbar. -Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihr Netzwerk- und Firewall-Setup. +Ports, die für Sprache erlaubt sein müssen, sind: +:TCP: 80, 443 +:UDP: 3478, 3479, 5060, 5062, 6250, 12000-32000 + +Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerk- und Firewall-Einstellungen. +Deaktivieren Sie alle SIP-ALG-Funktionen in Ihrem Router. + +Sprachkommunikation ist nicht möglich. + <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> + </notification> + <notification name="NoVoiceConnect-GIAB"> + Es gibt Probleme mit der Verbindung zu Ihrem Voice-Server. Voice-Kommunikation ist leider nicht verfügbar. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerk- und Firewall-Konfiguration. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="AvatarRezLeftNotification"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_main_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_main_inventory.xml index d265f040ab..a3adea9fa2 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_main_inventory.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_main_inventory.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <panel label="Sonstiges" name="main inventory panel"> <panel.string name="ItemcountFetching"> - Inventar ([ITEM_COUNT] Artikel werden abgerufen... [FILTER] + Holen von [ITEM_COUNT] Bestellungen und [CATEGORY_COUNT] Ordnern... [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountCompleted"> - [ITEM_COUNT] Objekte [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] Bestellungen und [CATEGORY_COUNT] Ordner [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountUnknown"> - Abgerufen: [ITEM_COUNT] Artikel [FILTER] + Geholte [ITEM_COUNT] Bestellungen und [CATEGORY_COUNT] Ordner [FILTER] </panel.string> <text name="ItemcountText"> Objekte: diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_setup.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_setup.xml index 4414bbfae7..3e596de55c 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_setup.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_setup.xml @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ Softwareupdates: </text> <combo_box name="updater_service_combobox"> - <combo_box.item label="Automatisch installieren" name="Install_automatically"/> - <combo_box.item label="Ich werde Updates manuell herunterladen und installieren" name="Install_manual"/> + <combo_box.item label="Alle Updates automatisch installieren" name="Install_automatically"/> + <combo_box.item label="Mich fragen, wenn ein optionales Update bereit zur Installation ist" name="Install_ask"/> + <combo_box.item label="Nur zwingend erforderliche Updates installieren" name="Install_manual"/> </combo_box> <check_box label="Bereit, Release-Kandidaten zu verwenden" name="update_willing_to_test"/> <check_box label="Versionshinweise nach der Aktualisierung anzeigen" name="update_show_release_notes"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/strings.xml index a8e14fc20f..3e66007627 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/strings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/strings.xml @@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ Grafikinitialisierung fehlgeschlagen. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihren Grafiktreiber. </string> <string name="AboutHeader"> - [APP_NAME] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) ([CHANNEL]) -[[VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL] [ReleaseNotes]] + [CHANNEL] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]Bit) [[VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL] [ReleaseNotes]] </string> <string name="BuildConfig"> Build-Konfiguration [BUILD_CONFIG] @@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ Erstellungszeit VFS (Cache): [VFS_TIME] <string name="AboutLibs"> J2C-Decoderversion: [J2C_VERSION] Audiotreiberversion: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] -CEF-Version: [LIBCEF_VERSION] +[LIBCEF_VERSION] LibVLC-Version: [LIBVLC_VERSION] Voice-Server-Version: [VOICE_VERSION] </string> @@ -278,9 +277,8 @@ Wenn Sie der Ansicht sind, dass Sie diese Meldung fälschlicherweise erhalten ha Abmeldeanforderung führte zu einem Simulatorfehler. </string> <string name="LoginFailedPendingLogout"> - Das System meldet Sie gerade ab. -Ihr Konto ist erst ab -[TIME] Pacific Time wieder verfügbar. + Das System meldet Sie gerade ab. +Bitte warten Sie eine Minute, bevor Sie sich erneut einloggen. </string> <string name="LoginFailedUnableToCreateSession"> Es kann keine gültige Sitzung erstellt werden. @@ -1446,6 +1444,9 @@ besuchen Sie bitte http://secondlife.com/support <string name="InventoryNoMatchingItems"> Sie haben nicht das Richtige gefunden? Versuchen Sie es mit der [secondlife:///app/search/all/[SEARCH_TERM] Suche]. </string> + <string name="InventoryNoMatchingRecentItems"> + Sie haben nicht das Richtige gefunden? Versuchen Sie [secondlife:///app/inventory/filters Show filters]. + </string> <string name="PlacesNoMatchingItems"> Sie haben nicht das Richtige gefunden? Versuchen Sie es mit der [secondlife:///app/search/places/[SEARCH_TERM] Suche]. </string> @@ -1512,6 +1513,9 @@ Falls diese Meldung weiterhin angezeigt wird, wenden Sie sich unter http://suppo <string name="InventoryMarketplaceListingsNoItems"> Ziehen Sie Ordner in diesen Bereich, um sie im [[MARKETPLACE_DASHBOARD_URL] Marktplatz] zum Verkauf anzubieten. </string> + <string name="InventoryItemsCount"> + ( [ITEMS_COUNT] Artikel ) + </string> <string name="Marketplace Validation Warning Stock"> Bestandsordner müssen in einem Versionsordner gespeichert sein </string> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about_land.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about_land.xml index 535af317d9..cf843a07a6 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about_land.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about_land.xml @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ name="Buy Land..." width="130" /> <button - enabled="false" + enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="23" label="Linden Sale" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_auction.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_auction.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 9c6d114c4c..0000000000 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_auction.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> -<floater - legacy_header_height="18" - can_resize="true" - height="412" - layout="topleft" - min_height="412" - min_width="420" - name="floater_auction" - help_topic="floater_auction" - title="START LINDEN LAND SALE" - width="420"> - <floater.string - name="already for sale"> - You cannot auction parcels which are already for sale. - </floater.string> - <icon - bottom="280" - follows="left|right|top|bottom" - layout="topleft" - left="4" - name="snapshot_icon" - right="-4" - top="24" /> - <text - follows="left|right|bottom" - height="16" - layout="topleft" - left_delta="0" - name="parcel_text" - top_pad="12" - width="400" /> - <check_box - control_name="AuctionShowFence" - follows="left|bottom" - height="16" - initial_value="true" - label="Include yellow selection fence" - layout="topleft" - left_delta="0" - name="fence_check" - top_pad="12" - width="199" /> - <button - follows="left|bottom" - height="20" - label="Snapshot" - label_selected="Snapshot" - layout="topleft" - left_delta="0" - name="snapshot_btn" - top_pad="4" - width="150"> - <button.commit_callback - function="ClickSnapshot" /> - </button> - <button - follows="left|bottom" - height="20" - label="Sell to Anyone" - label_selected="Sell to Anyone" - layout="topleft" - left_delta="0" - name="sell_to_anyone_btn" - top_pad="4" - width="150"> - <button.commit_callback - function="ClickSellToAnyone" /> - </button> - <button - follows="left|bottom" - height="20" - label="Clear Settings" - label_selected="Clear Settings" - layout="topleft" - left_delta="0" - name="reset_parcel_btn" - top_pad="4" - width="150"> - <button.commit_callback - function="ClickResetParcel" /> - </button> - <button - follows="left|bottom" - height="20" - label="Start Auction" - label_selected="Start Auction" - layout="topleft" - left_pad="4" - name="start_auction_btn" - top_delta="0" - width="150"> - <button.commit_callback - function="ClickStartAuction" /> - </button> -</floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_buy_land.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_buy_land.xml index 22cc058e46..9fe56e447e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_buy_land.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_buy_land.xml @@ -702,16 +702,6 @@ This parcel is 512 m² of land. right="400"> You have L$ 2,100. </text> - <check_box - follows="bottom|left" - height="20" - label="Remove [AMOUNT] m² of contribution from group." - layout="topleft" - left_delta="3" - name="remove_contribution" - top_delta="14" - visible="false" - width="275" /> <button follows="bottom|left" height="20" @@ -721,6 +711,15 @@ This parcel is 512 m² of land. name="buy_btn" top="460" width="100" /> + <check_box + follows="bottom|left" + height="20" + label="Remove [AMOUNT] m² of contribution from group." + layout="topleft" + left_pad="3" + name="remove_contribution" + visible="false" + width="275" /> <button follows="bottom|right" height="20" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_inventory_item_properties.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_inventory_item_properties.xml index 6667238232..45e16c59ae 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_inventory_item_properties.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_inventory_item_properties.xml @@ -418,30 +418,5 @@ width="90"> N: </text--> - <!--text - type="string" - length="1" - follows="left|top" - height="10" - layout="topleft" - left="10" - name="SaleLabel" - top_pad="5" - width="330"> - Mark Item: - </text--> - - <!--text - type="string" - length="1" - follows="left|top" - height="16" - layout="topleft" - left="10" - name="TextPrice" - top_pad="5" - width="78"> - Price: L$ - </text--> </floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_preferences_graphics_advanced.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_preferences_graphics_advanced.xml index c6b91a8b2f..c2500951a6 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_preferences_graphics_advanced.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_preferences_graphics_advanced.xml @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ follows="left|top" height="16" layout="topleft" - name="ShadersText" + name="HardwareText" top_delta="20" left="10" width="128"> @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ follows="left|top" height="16" layout="topleft" - name="AvatarText" + name="MeshText" top_delta="20" left="400" top="21" @@ -509,6 +509,7 @@ label_width="185" layout="topleft" left="420" + min_val="1" max_val="2" name="ObjectMeshDetail" show_text="false" @@ -916,7 +917,7 @@ are saved in a preset file. --> label="RenderAvatarMaxComplexity" layout="topleft" left="0" - name="RenderAvatarMaxNonImpostors" + name="RenderAvatarMaxComplexity" top_delta="0" width="0"> </check_box> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_report_abuse.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_report_abuse.xml index 225266af86..8fa5b49573 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_report_abuse.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_report_abuse.xml @@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ tool_tip="Category -- select the category that best describes this report" top_pad="5" width="313"> + <!-- Values can be populated from capability --> <combo_box.item label="Select category" name="Select_category" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_snapshot.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_snapshot.xml index 76adaad57c..e50747cb5f 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_snapshot.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_snapshot.xml @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ top_delta="0" width="31" /> <panel - height="154" + height="159" layout="topleft" follows="top|left" left="0" @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ left="0" name="panel_container" default_panel_name="panel_snapshot_options" - top_pad="10" + top_pad="5" width="215"> <panel class="llpanelsnapshotoptions" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/fonts.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/fonts.xml index 550af03683..82027d9e7c 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/fonts.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/fonts.xml @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ <font name="default" comment="default font files (global fallbacks)"> <file>DejaVuSans.ttf</file> <os name="Windows"> + <file>meiryo.TTC</file> <file>MSGOTHIC.TTC</file> <file>gulim.ttc</file> <file>simhei.ttf</file> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_inventory.xml index 5b45364127..3ea9e77a03 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_inventory.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_inventory.xml @@ -88,14 +88,6 @@ function="Inventory.Share" /> </menu_item_call> <menu_item_call - label="Buy" - layout="topleft" - name="Task Buy"> - <menu_item_call.on_click - function="Inventory.DoToSelected" - parameter="task_buy" /> - </menu_item_call> - <menu_item_call label="Open" layout="topleft" name="Task Open"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_people_blocked_gear.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_people_blocked_gear.xml index 01ca38f51a..5e16707340 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_people_blocked_gear.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_people_blocked_gear.xml @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ <menu_item_check label="Block Particles" layout="topleft" - name="MuteText"> + name="MuteParticles"> <on_check function="Block.Check" parameter="block_particles" /> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_viewer.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_viewer.xml index 81bb83f133..d28f47c2e1 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_viewer.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_viewer.xml @@ -1487,7 +1487,8 @@ </menu_item_call> <menu_item_call label="Set UI Size to Default" - name="Set UI Size to Default"> + name="Set UI Size to Default" + shortcut="control|alt|shift|R"> <menu_item_call.on_click function="View.DefaultUISize" /> </menu_item_call> @@ -2373,16 +2374,6 @@ function="ToggleControl" parameter="DebugShowMemory" /> </menu_item_check> - <menu_item_check - label="Show Private Mem Info" - name="Show Private Mem Info"> - <menu_item_check.on_check - function="CheckControl" - parameter="DebugShowPrivateMem" /> - <menu_item_check.on_click - function="ToggleControl" - parameter="DebugShowPrivateMem" /> - </menu_item_check> <menu_item_separator/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml index 98cd11fb6c..a1494515ed 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml @@ -10463,14 +10463,6 @@ Not enough script resources available to attach object! </notification> <notification - icon="alertmodal.tga" - name="IllegalAttachment" - type="notify"> - <tag>fail</tag> - The attachment has requested a nonexistent point on the avatar. It has been attached to the chest instead. - </notification> - - <notification icon="alertmodal.tga" name="CantDropItemTrialUser" type="notify"> @@ -11080,7 +11072,7 @@ An internal error prevented us from properly updating your viewer. The L$ balan name="LargePrimAgentIntersect" type="notify"> <tag>fail</tag> -Cannot create large prims that intersect other players. Please re-try when other players have moved. +Cannot create large prims that intersect other residents. Please re-try when other residents have moved. </notification> <notification diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_block_list_sidetray.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_block_list_sidetray.xml index 574e5f3cbc..c324e24a86 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_block_list_sidetray.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_block_list_sidetray.xml @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ layout="topleft" left="3" name="blocked" + keep_one_selected="false" tool_tip="List of currently blocked Residents" top_pad="4" right="-1"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_notices.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_notices.xml index c8ce5cdebf..47aceb2c2e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_notices.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_notices.xml @@ -180,13 +180,20 @@ Maximum 200 per group daily <line_editor follows="left|top|right" enabled="false" - height="19" + height="20" layout="topleft" max_length_bytes="90" mouse_opaque="false" name="create_inventory_name" top_pad="2" width="285" /> + <icon + height="16" + layout="topleft" + left_delta="5" + name="create_inv_icon" + top_delta="2" + width="16" /> <text text_color="EmphasisColor" follows="left|top" @@ -350,6 +357,13 @@ Maximum 200 per group daily name="view_inventory_name" top_pad="8" width="250"/> + <icon + height="16" + layout="topleft" + left_delta="5" + name="view_inv_icon" + top_delta="2" + width="16" /> <button follows="left|top" height="23" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_roles.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_roles.xml index dac4371a38..714d4166c0 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_roles.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_roles.xml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <panel - height="680" + height="750" label="Members & Roles" layout="topleft" left="0" @@ -284,8 +284,7 @@ clicking on their names. width="20" /> <scroll_list.columns label="" - name="action" - width="270" /> + name="action" /> </scroll_list> </panel> <panel @@ -451,7 +450,39 @@ clicking on their names. </scroll_list> </panel> <panel - height="550" + height="90" + background_visible="false" + bg_alpha_color="FloaterUnfocusBorderColor" + layout="topleft" + follows="top|left|right" + left="0" + right="-1" + width="313" + mouse_opaque="false" + name="members_header" + top_pad="3" + visible="false"> + <text_editor + bg_readonly_color="Transparent" + text_readonly_color="EmphasisColor" + font="SansSerifSmall" + type="string" + enabled="false" + halign="left" + layout="topleft" + top_pad="0" + follows="left|top|right" + left="0" + right="-1" + height="90" + max_length="512" + name="member_action_description" + word_wrap="true"> + This Ability is 'Eject Members from this Group'. Only an Owner can eject another Owner. + </text_editor> + </panel> + <panel + height="460" background_visible="false" bg_alpha_color="FloaterUnfocusBorderColor" layout="topleft" @@ -599,11 +630,42 @@ clicking on their names. width="20" /> <scroll_list.columns label="" - name="action" - width="270" /> + name="action" /> </scroll_list> </panel> <panel + height="90" + background_visible="false" + bg_alpha_color="FloaterUnfocusBorderColor" + layout="topleft" + follows="top|left|right" + left="0" + right="-1" + width="313" + mouse_opaque="false" + name="roles_header" + top_pad="3" + visible="false"> + <text_editor + bg_readonly_color="Transparent" + text_readonly_color="EmphasisColor" + font="SansSerifSmall" + type="string" + enabled="false" + halign="left" + layout="topleft" + top_pad="0" + follows="left|top|right" + left="0" + right="-1" + height="90" + max_length="512" + name="role_action_description" + word_wrap="true"> + This Ability is 'Eject Members from this Group'. Only an Owner can eject another Owner. + </text_editor> + </panel> + <panel height="424" background_visible="false" bg_alpha_color="FloaterUnfocusBorderColor" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_people.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_people.xml index 2cb06d6877..8fc0f6f642 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_people.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_people.xml @@ -345,6 +345,7 @@ Looking for people to hang out with? Try the [secondlife:///app/worldmap World M left="0" multi_select="true" name="avatars_online" + keep_one_selected="false" show_permissions_granted="true" top="0" width="307" /> @@ -362,6 +363,7 @@ Looking for people to hang out with? Try the [secondlife:///app/worldmap World M left="0" multi_select="true" name="avatars_all" + keep_one_selected="false" show_permissions_granted="true" top="0" width="307" /> @@ -517,6 +519,7 @@ Looking for people to hang out with? Try the [secondlife:///app/worldmap World M height="388" layout="topleft" left="3" + keep_one_selected="false" name="group_list" right="-2" top_pad="4" /> @@ -631,6 +634,7 @@ Looking for people to hang out with? Try the [secondlife:///app/worldmap World M multi_select="true" name="avatar_list" show_last_interaction_time="true" + keep_one_selected="false" right="-2" top_pad="4" /> </panel> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_uploads.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_uploads.xml index 343c2db2f1..67eff2b762 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_uploads.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_uploads.xml @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ height="12" layout="topleft" left="37" - name="title_animation" + name="title_model" top_pad="7" width="100"> Models diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_tools_texture.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_tools_texture.xml index ffdbc5d227..8c769d87de 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_tools_texture.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_tools_texture.xml @@ -11,14 +11,6 @@ name="Texture" top="0" width="295"> - <panel.string - name="string repeats per meter"> - Repeats Per Meter - </panel.string> - <panel.string - name="string repeats per face"> - Repeats Per Face - </panel.string> <text type="string" length="1" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_volume_pulldown.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_volume_pulldown.xml index 6adede0362..2034409111 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_volume_pulldown.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_volume_pulldown.xml @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ top="10" volume="true"> <slider.commit_callback - function="Pref.setControlFalse" + function="Vol.setControlFalse" parameter="MuteAudio" /> </slider> <button @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ top_pad="4" volume="true"> <slider.commit_callback - function="Pref.setControlFalse" + function="Vol.setControlFalse" parameter="MuteUI" /> </slider> <button @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ top_pad="4" volume="true"> <slider.commit_callback - function="Pref.setControlFalse" + function="Vol.setControlFalse" parameter="MuteAmbient" /> </slider> <button @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ top_pad="4" volume="true"> <slider.commit_callback - function="Pref.setControlFalse" + function="Vol.setControlFalse" parameter="MuteSounds" /> </slider> <button @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ tab_stop="false" width="16"> <button.commit_callback - function="Pref.SetSounds"/> + function="Vol.SetSounds"/> </button> <check_box name="gesture_audio_play_btn" @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ top_pad="4" volume="true"> <slider.commit_callback - function="Pref.setControlFalse" + function="Vol.setControlFalse" parameter="MuteMusic" /> </slider> <button @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ top_delta="2" width="350"> <check_box.commit_callback - function="Pref.updateMediaAutoPlayCheckbox"/> + function="Vol.updateMediaAutoPlayCheckbox"/> </check_box> <slider control_name="AudioLevelMedia" @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ top_pad="4" volume="true"> <slider.commit_callback - function="Pref.setControlFalse" + function="Vol.setControlFalse" parameter="MuteMedia" /> </slider> <button @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ name="enable_media" width="110"> <check_box.commit_callback - function="Pref.updateMediaAutoPlayCheckbox"/> + function="Vol.updateMediaAutoPlayCheckbox"/> </check_box> <slider control_name="AudioLevelVoice" @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ show_text="false" volume="true"> <slider.commit_callback - function="Pref.setControlFalse" + function="Vol.setControlFalse" parameter="MuteVoice" /> </slider> <button diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/role_actions.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/role_actions.xml index 8d058b0b53..f79d752fdb 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/role_actions.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/role_actions.xml @@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ description="These Abilities include powers to add and remove group Members, and allow new Members to join without an invitation." name="Membership"> <action description="Invite People to this Group" - longdescription="Invite People to this Group using the 'Invite' button in the Roles section > Members tab." + longdescription="Invite People to this Group using the 'Invite' button in the Roles & Members section > Members tab." name="member invite" value="1" /> - <action description="Eject Members from this Group" - longdescription="Eject Members from this Group using the 'Eject' button in the Roles section > Members tab. An Owner can eject anyone except another Owner. If you're not an Owner, a Member can be ejected from a group if, and only if, they're only in the Everyone Role, and NO other Roles. To remove Members from Roles, you need to have the 'Remove Members from Roles' Ability." + <action description="Eject Members belonging to the 'Everyone' role from this Group" + longdescription="Eject Members from this Group using the 'Eject' button in the Roles & Members section > Members tab. An Owner can eject anyone except another Owner. If you're not an Owner, a Member can be ejected from a group if, and only if, they're only in the Everyone Role, and NO other Roles. To remove Members from Roles, you need to have the 'Remove Members from Roles' Ability." name="member eject" value="2" /> <action description="Manage ban list" longdescription="Allows the group member to ban / un-ban Residents from this group." @@ -21,25 +21,25 @@ description="These Abilities include powers to add, remove, and change group Roles, add and remove Members in Roles, and assign Abilities to Roles." name="Roles"> <action description="Create new Roles" - longdescription="Create new Roles in the Roles section > Roles tab." + longdescription="Create new Roles in the Roles & Members section > Roles tab." name="role create" value="4" /> <action description="Delete Roles" - longdescription="Delete Roles in the Roles section > Roles tab." + longdescription="Delete Roles in the Roles & Members section > Roles tab." name="role delete" value="5" /> <action description="Change Role names, titles, descriptions, and whether Role members are publicly revealed" - longdescription="Change Role names, titles, descriptions, and whether Role members are publicly revealed. This is done at the bottom of the the Roles section > Roles tab after selecting a Role." + longdescription="Change Role names, titles, descriptions, and whether Role members are publicly revealed. This is done at the bottom of the the Roles & Members section > Roles tab after selecting a Role." name="role properties" value="6" /> <action description="Assign Members to Assigner's Roles" - longdescription="Assign Members to Roles in the list of Assigned Roles (Roles section > Members tab). A Member with this Ability can only add Members to a Role that the assigner is already in." + longdescription="Assign Members to Roles in the list of Assigned Roles (Roles & Members section > Members tab). A Member with this Ability can only add Members to a Role that the assigner is already in." name="role assign member limited" value="7" /> <action description="Assign Members to Any Role" - longdescription="Assign Members to Any Role in the list of Assigned Roles (Roles section > Members tab). *WARNING* Any Member in a Role with this Ability can assign themselves--and any other non-Owner Member--to Roles that have more powers than they currently have, potentially elevating themselves to near-Owner power. Be sure you know what you're doing before assigning this Ability." + longdescription="Assign Members to Any Role in the list of Assigned Roles (Roles & Members section > Members tab). *WARNING* Any Member in a Role with this Ability can assign themselves--and any other non-Owner Member--to Roles that have more powers than they currently have, potentially elevating themselves to near-Owner power. Be sure you know what you're doing before assigning this Ability." name="role assign member" value="8" /> <action description="Remove Members from Roles" - longdescription="Remove Members from Roles in the list of Assigned Roles (Roles section > Members tab). Owners can't be removed." + longdescription="Remove Members from Roles in the list of Assigned Roles (Roles & Members section > Members tab). Owners can't be removed." name="role remove member" value="9" /> <action description="Assign and Remove Abilities in Roles" - longdescription="Assign and Remove Abilities for each Role in the list of Allowed Abilities (Roles section > Roles tab). *WARNING* Any Member in a Role with this Ability can assign themselves--and any other non-Owner Member--all Abilities, potentially elevating themselves to near-Owner power. Be sure you know what you're doing before assigning this Ability." + longdescription="Assign and Remove Abilities for each Role in the list of Allowed Abilities (Roles & Members section > Roles tab). *WARNING* Any Member in a Role with this Ability can assign themselves--and any other non-Owner Member--all Abilities, potentially elevating themselves to near-Owner power. Be sure you know what you're doing before assigning this Ability." name="role change actions" value="10" /> </action_set> <action_set diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_appearance.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_appearance.xml index 1d98a84e25..2a1eb425ed 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_appearance.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_appearance.xml @@ -131,15 +131,6 @@ width="333"> tab_group="1" top_pad="6" follows="all" /> - <!-- <button - follows="bottom|left" - height="23" - label="New outfit" - layout="topleft" - left_pad="5" - right="-10" - name="newlook_btn" - width="100" />--> <panel class="panel_outfit_edit" filename="panel_outfit_edit.xml" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml index 17ce94d2d7..fd2749bb81 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml @@ -159,8 +159,7 @@ Your account is not accessible until If you feel this is an error, please contact support@secondlife.com.</string> <string name="LoginFailedPendingLogoutFault">Request for logout responded with a fault from simulator.</string> <string name="LoginFailedPendingLogout">The system is logging you out right now. -Your Account will not be available until -[TIME] Pacific Time.</string> +Please wait a minute before you try logging in again.</string> <string name="LoginFailedUnableToCreateSession">Unable to create valid session.</string> <string name="LoginFailedUnableToConnectToSimulator">Unable to connect to a simulator.</string> <string name="LoginFailedRestrictedHours">Your account can only access Second Life @@ -4203,8 +4202,7 @@ Try enclosing path to the editor with double quotes. <string name="ExperiencePermissionShort10">Control Camera</string> <string name="ExperiencePermissionShort11">Teleport</string> <string name="ExperiencePermissionShort12">Permission</string> - <string name="ExperiencePermissionShortUnknown">Unknown: [Permission]</string> - + <!-- Conversation log messages --> <string name="logging_calls_disabled_log_empty"> Conversations are not being logged. To begin keeping a log, choose "Save: Log only" or "Save: Log and transcripts" under Preferences > Chat. diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_preferences.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_preferences.xml index cb2a1dde14..edd0824e57 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_preferences.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_preferences.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <floater name="Preferences" title="PREFERENCIAS"> + <floater.string name="email_unverified_tooltip"> + Por favor ingresa al link siguiente y verifica tu dirección de correo electrónico para permitir que IM te envíe un email: https://accounts.secondlife.com/change_email/ + </floater.string> <button label="OK" label_selected="OK" name="OK"/> <button label="Cancelar" label_selected="Cancelar" name="Cancel"/> <tab_container name="pref core"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_tos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_tos.xml index 412e0501a0..10c77a695e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_tos.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_tos.xml @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ <text name="external_tos_required"> Para poder proseguir, debes iniciar sesión en https://my.secondlife.com y aceptar las Condiciones del servicio. Gracias. </text> - <check_box label="He leído y acepto" name="agree_chk"/> + <check_box label="" name="agree_chk"/> <text name="agree_list"> - los Términos y Condiciones, la Política de privacidad y las Condiciones del servicio de Second Life, incluyendo los requerimientos para resolver disputas. + Leí los Términos y Condiciones, la Política de privacidad y las Condiciones del servicio de Second Life, incluyendo los requerimientos para resolver disputas. </text> <button label="Continuar" label_selected="Continuar" name="Continue"/> <button label="Cancelar" label_selected="Cancelar" name="Cancel"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/mime_types.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/mime_types.xml index 74e447c707..fad1cab56f 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/mime_types.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/mime_types.xml @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ Real Time Streaming </label> </scheme> + <scheme name="example"> + <label name="example_label"> + Plugin Ejemplo desencadenador de esquema + </label> + </scheme> <scheme name="libvlc"> <label name="libvlc_label"> Medios compatibles con LibVLC diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/notifications.xml index 1b2ffcc7d4..fdf9003321 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/notifications.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/notifications.xml @@ -680,6 +680,9 @@ El objeto debe de haber sido borrado o estar fuera de rango ('out of range& </url> <usetemplate ignoretext="El hardware de mi ordenador no está admitido" name="okcancelignore" notext="No" yestext="Sí"/> </notification> + <notification name="RunLauncher"> + Por favor no inicies directamente el visualizador ejecutable. Actualiza los atajos existentes para utilizar SL_Launcher en vez. + </notification> <notification name="OldGPUDriver"> Probablemente ya existe un controlador más reciente para tu procesador de gráficos. La actualización del controlador de gráficos puede mejorar sustancialmente el rendimiento. @@ -1585,157 +1588,14 @@ Por favor, pon en venta el objeto y vuelve a intentarlo. Acabada la descarga del archivo raw de terreno en: [DOWNLOAD_PATH]. </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsMandatory"> - Hay una versión nueva de [SECOND_LIFE] disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Debes descargar esta actualización para usar [SECOND_LIFE]. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Salir" yestext="Descargarla"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindows"> - Hay una versión actualizada de [SECOND_LIFE] disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Esta actualización no es obligatoria, pero te sugerimos instalarla para mejorar el rendimiento y la estabilidad. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuar" yestext="Descargarla"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsReleaseForDownload"> - Hay una versión actualizada de [SECOND_LIFE] disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Esta actualización no es obligatoria, pero te sugerimos instalarla para mejorar el rendimiento y la estabilidad. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuar" yestext="Descargarla"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxMandatory"> - Hay una versión nueva de [SECOND_LIFE] disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Debes descargar esta actualización para usar [SECOND_LIFE]. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Salir" yestext="Descargar"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinux"> - Hay una versión actualizada de [SECOND_LIFE] disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Esta actualización no es obligatoria, pero te sugerimos instalarla para mejorar el rendimiento y la estabilidad. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuar" yestext="Descargar"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxReleaseForDownload"> - Hay una versión actualizada de [SECOND_LIFE] disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Esta actualización no es obligatoria, pero te sugerimos instalarla para mejorar el rendimiento y la estabilidad. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuar" yestext="Descargar"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacMandatory"> - Hay una versión nueva de [SECOND_LIFE] disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Debes descargar esta actualización para usar [SECOND_LIFE]. - -¿Descargarla a tu carpeta de Programas? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Salir" yestext="Descargarla"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMac"> - Hay una versión actualizada de [SECOND_LIFE] disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Esta actualización no es obligatoria, pero te sugerimos instalarla para mejorar el rendimiento y la estabilidad. - -¿Descargarla a tu carpeta de Programas? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuar" yestext="Descargarla"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacReleaseForDownload"> - Hay una versión actualizada de [SECOND_LIFE] disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Esta actualización no es obligatoria, pero te sugerimos instalarla para mejorar el rendimiento y la estabilidad. - -¿Descargarla a tu carpeta de Programas? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuar" yestext="Descargarla"/> - </notification> - <notification name="FailedUpdateInstall"> - Se ha producido un error al instalar la actualización del visor. -Descarga e instala el último visor a través de -http://secondlife.com/download. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> + <notification name="RequiredUpdate"> + La versión [VERSION] es necesaria para iniciar sesión. Esto debería haber sido actualizado, pero parece que no fue así. Por favor, descarga desde https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ + <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Aceptar"/> </notification> - <notification name="FailedRequiredUpdateInstall"> - No hemos podido instalar una actualización necesaria. -No podrás iniciar sesión hasta que [APP_NAME] se haya actualizado. - -Descarga e instala el último visor a través de -http://secondlife.com/download. + <notification name="LoginFailedUnknown"> + Lo sentimos, error en el inicio de sesión, motivo desconocido. Si sigues recibiendo este mensaje, por favor, acude al [SUPPORT_SITE]. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Salir"/> </notification> - <notification name="UpdaterServiceNotRunning"> - Hay una actualización necesaria para la instalación de Second Life. - -Puedes descargar esta actualización de http://www.secondlife.com/downloads -o instalarla ahora. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Salir de Second Life" yestext="Descargar e instalar ahora"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundTip"> - Hemos descargado una actualización para la instalación de [APP_NAME]. -Versión [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL]; información acerca de esta actualización] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Más tarde..." yestext="Instalar ahora y reiniciar [NOMBRE_APL]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundDialog"> - Hemos descargado una actualización para la instalación de [APP_NAME]. -Versión [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL]; información acerca de esta actualización] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Más tarde..." yestext="Instalar ahora y reiniciar [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - Hemos descargado una actualización de software necesaria. -Versión [VERSION] [[INFO_URL] Información sobre esta actualización] - -Para instalar la actualización, hay que reiniciar [APP_NAME]. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - Para instalar la actualización, hay que reiniciar [APP_NAME]. -[[INFO_URL] Información sobre esta actualización] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundTip"> - Hemos descargado una actualización aplicable a tu instalación de [APP_NAME]. -Versión [VERSION] -Este visor experimental se ha sustituido por un visor de [NEW_CHANNEL]. -Consulta [[INFO_URL] para informarte sobre esta actualización.] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Más tarde..." yestext="Instalar ahora y reiniciar [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundDialog"> - Hemos descargado una actualización aplicable a tu instalación de [APP_NAME]. -Versión [VERSION] -Este visor experimental se ha sustituido por un visor de [NEW_CHANNEL]. -Consulta [[INFO_URL] Información sobre esta actualización]. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Más tarde..." yestext="Instalar ahora y reiniciar [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - Hemos descargado una actualización de software necesaria. -Versión [VERSION] -Este visor experimental se ha sustituido por un visor de [NEW_CHANNEL]. -Consulta [[INFO_URL] Información sobre esta actualización]. - -Para instalar la actualización, hay que reiniciar [APP_NAME]. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - Para instalar la actualización, hay que reiniciar [APP_NAME]. -Este visor experimental se ha sustituido por un visor de [NEW_CHANNEL]. -Consulta [[INFO_URL] Información sobre esta actualización]. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadInProgress"> - Está disponible una actualización. -Se está descargando en segundo plano y, en cuanto esté lista, te pediremos que reinicies el visor para terminar de instalarla. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadComplete"> - Se ha descargado una actualización. Se instalará durante el reinicio. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateCheckError"> - Ha ocurrido un error al buscar actualizaciones. -Repite la operación más adelante. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateViewerUpToDate"> - El visor está actualizado. -Si estás impaciente por probar las nuevas funciones y correcciones, lee la página sobre los visores alternativos. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> <notification name="DeedObjectToGroup"> Transferir este objeto al grupo hará que: * Reciba los L$ pagados en el objeto @@ -2499,7 +2359,7 @@ Linden Lab <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Cancelar" yestext="Aceptar"/> </notification> <notification name="ConfirmEmptyTrash"> - [COUNT] elementos serán borrados de forma permanente. ¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar de forma permanente el contenido de la Papelera? + [COUNT] los objetos y las carpetas se borrarán de forma permanente. ¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar de forma permanente el contenido de la Papelera? <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Cancelar" yestext="Aceptar"/> </notification> <notification name="TrashIsFull"> @@ -3497,14 +3357,24 @@ Comprueba la configuración de la red y del servidor de seguridad. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="NoVoiceConnect"> - Tenemos problemas de conexión con tu servidor de voz: + No se pudo establecer una conexión con el servidor de voz: + +[HOSTID] + +Los puertos que deben estar activos para el servicio de voz son: +:TCP: 80, 443 +:UDP: 3478, 3479, 5060, 5062, 6250, 12000-32000 -[HOSTID] +Comprueba la configuración de la red y del servidor de seguridad. +Desactiva las funciones SIP ALG de tu router. No podrás establecer comunicaciones de voz. -Comprueba la configuración de la red y del servidor de seguridad. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> + <notification name="NoVoiceConnect-GIAB"> + Tenemos problemas de conexión con tu servidor de voz: No podrás establecer comunicaciones de voz. Comprueba la configuración de la red y del servidor de seguridad. + <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Aceptar"/> + </notification> <notification name="AvatarRezLeftNotification"> ( [EXISTENCE] segundos vivo) El avatar '[NAME]' ya estaba totalmente cargado al salir. diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_main_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_main_inventory.xml index 5924dc7b9a..1252c7ce0d 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_main_inventory.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_main_inventory.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <panel label="Cosas" name="main inventory panel"> <panel.string name="ItemcountFetching"> - Obtenidos [ITEM_COUNT] ítems... [FILTER] + Obteniendo [ITEM_COUNT] Objetos y [CATEGORY_COUNT] Carpetas... [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountCompleted"> - [ITEM_COUNT] ítems [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] Objetos y [CATEGORY_COUNT] Carpetas [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountUnknown"> - Obtenidos [ITEM_COUNT] ítems [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] Objetos y [CATEGORY_COUNT] Carpetas Obtenidos [FILTER] </panel.string> <text name="ItemcountText"> Ítems: diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_setup.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_setup.xml index 0b3ca03bcc..34947ca478 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_setup.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_setup.xml @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ Actualizaciones de software: </text> <combo_box name="updater_service_combobox"> - <combo_box.item label="Instalar automáticamente" name="Install_automatically"/> - <combo_box.item label="Descargaré e instalaré manualmente las actualizaciones" name="Install_manual"/> + <combo_box.item label="Instalar cada actualización automáticamente" name="Install_automatically"/> + <combo_box.item label="Preguntarme cuando una actualización opcional está disponible para instalar" name="Install_ask"/> + <combo_box.item label="Instalar sólo actualizaciones obligatorias" name="Install_manual"/> </combo_box> <check_box label="Admitir candidatos a la versión comercial a la hora de realizar actualizaciones" name="update_willing_to_test"/> <check_box label="Mostrar las notas de la versión después de la actualización" name="update_show_release_notes"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/strings.xml index 9eef5d2d41..341c6d2fe8 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/strings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/strings.xml @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Error de inicialización de gráficos. Actualiza tu controlador de gráficos. </string> <string name="AboutHeader"> - [APP_NAME] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) ([CHANNEL]) + [CHANNEL] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) [[VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL] [ReleaseNotes]] </string> <string name="BuildConfig"> @@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ Memoria de textura: [TEXTURE_MEMORY]MB Tiempo de creación de VFS (caché): [VFS_TIME] </string> <string name="AboutLibs"> - Versión de J2C Decoder: [J2C_VERSION] -Versión de Audio Driver: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] -Versión de CEF: [LIBCEF_VERSION] -Versión de LibVLC: [LIBVLC_VERSION] -Versión de Voice Server: [VOICE_VERSION] + Versión de descodificador J2C: [J2C_VERSION] +Versión del controlador audio: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] +[LIBCEF_VERSION] +Versión LibVLC: [LIBVLC_VERSION] +Versión del servidor de voz: [VOICE_VERSION] </string> <string name="AboutTraffic"> Paquetes perdidos: [PACKETS_LOST,number,0]/[PACKETS_IN,number,0] ([PACKETS_PCT,number,1]%) @@ -269,9 +269,8 @@ Si crees que se trata de un error, ponte en contacto con support@secondlife.com. La solicitud de cierre de sesión ha obtenido como resultado un error del simulador. </string> <string name="LoginFailedPendingLogout"> - El sistema está cerrando tu sesión en estos momentos. -Tu cuenta no estará disponible hasta las -[HORA] (horario de la costa del Pacífico). + El sistema te desconectará. +Por favor, aguarda un momento antes de intentar conectarte nuevamente. </string> <string name="LoginFailedUnableToCreateSession"> No se ha podido crear una sesión válida. @@ -1428,6 +1427,9 @@ http://secondlife.com/support para obtener ayuda sobre cómo solucionar este pro <string name="InventoryNoMatchingItems"> ¿No encuentras lo que buscas? Prueba con [secondlife:///app/search/all/[SEARCH_TERM] Buscar]. </string> + <string name="InventoryNoMatchingRecentItems"> + ¿No encuentras lo que buscas? Intenta [secondlife:///app/inventory/filters Show filters]. + </string> <string name="PlacesNoMatchingItems"> ¿No encuentras lo que buscas? Prueba con [secondlife:///app/search/places/[SEARCH_TERM] Buscar]. </string> @@ -1494,6 +1496,9 @@ Si sigues recibiendo el mismo mensaje, solicita ayuda al personal de asistencia <string name="InventoryMarketplaceListingsNoItems"> Arrastra carpetas a esta sección para incluirlas en la lista de venta del [[MARKETPLACE_DASHBOARD_URL] Mercado]. </string> + <string name="InventoryItemsCount"> + ( [ITEMS_COUNT] Objetos) + </string> <string name="Marketplace Validation Warning Stock"> La carpeta de stock debe estar contenida en una carpeta de versión </string> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_preferences.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_preferences.xml index 25887bb5f7..1730202031 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_preferences.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_preferences.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <floater name="Preferences" title="PRÉFÉRENCES"> + <floater.string name="email_unverified_tooltip"> + Veuillez vérifier votre adresse électronique pour autoriser les IM par courriel en vous rendant à l'adresse https://accounts.secondlife.com/change_email/ + </floater.string> <button label="OK" label_selected="OK" name="OK"/> <button label="Annuler" label_selected="Annuler" name="Cancel"/> <tab_container name="pref core"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_tos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_tos.xml index 124a8ffee2..ca6800e835 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_tos.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_tos.xml @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ <text name="external_tos_required"> Vous devez vous rendre sur https://my.secondlife.com et vous connecter pour accepter les Conditions d’utilisation avant de pouvoir continuer. Merci ! </text> - <check_box label="J'ai lu et j'accepte" name="agree_chk"/> + <check_box label="" name="agree_chk"/> <text name="agree_list"> - les termes et conditions; la Politique de confidentialité et les Conditions d'utilisation de Second Life, y compris ls exigences de résolution des différends. + J'ai lu et j'accepte les termes et les conditions, la Politique de confidentialité et les Conditions d'utilisation du service, y compris les conditions de résolution des différends. </text> <button label="Continuer" label_selected="Continuer" name="Continue"/> <button label="Annuler" label_selected="Annuler" name="Cancel"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/mime_types.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/mime_types.xml index 15b1dc5a23..243752eb9d 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/mime_types.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/mime_types.xml @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ Flux en temps réel </label> </scheme> + <scheme name="example"> + <label name="example_label"> + Exemple de programme de déclenchement du Plugin + </label> + </scheme> <scheme name="libvlc"> <label name="libvlc_label"> Médias pris en charge par LibVLC diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/notifications.xml index 1df2850cb3..6225eba119 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/notifications.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/notifications.xml @@ -684,6 +684,9 @@ Consulter [_URL] pour en savoir plus ? </url> <usetemplate ignoretext="Mon matériel n'est pas pris en charge" name="okcancelignore" notext="Non" yestext="Oui"/> </notification> + <notification name="RunLauncher"> + Veuillez ne pas exécuter la visionneuse directement. Actualiser tout raccourci existant pour lancer SL_Launcher + </notification> <notification name="OldGPUDriver"> Il existe probablement un pilote plus récent pour votre puce graphique. La mise à jour des pilotes graphiques est susceptible d’améliorer considérablement les performances. @@ -1578,157 +1581,14 @@ Veuillez choisir un objet à vendre et réessayer. Téléchargement du fichier de terrain raw effectué vers : [DOWNLOAD_PATH]. </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsMandatory"> - Une nouvelle version de [APP_NAME] est disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Pour utiliser [APP_NAME], vous devez télécharger cette mise à jour. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Quitter" yestext="Télécharger"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindows"> - Une mise à jour de [APP_NAME] est disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Cette mise à jour n'est pas requise mais si vous voulez une meilleure performance et plus de stabilité, nous vous recommandons de l'installer. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuer" yestext="Télécharger"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsReleaseForDownload"> - Une mise à jour de [APP_NAME] est disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Cette mise à jour n'est pas requise mais si vous voulez une meilleure performance et plus de stabilité, nous vous recommandons de l'installer. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuer" yestext="Télécharger"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxMandatory"> - Une nouvelle version de [APP_NAME] est disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Pour utiliser [APP_NAME], vous devez télécharger cette mise à jour. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Quitter" yestext="Télécharger"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinux"> - Une mise à jour de [APP_NAME] est disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Cette mise à jour n'est pas requise mais si vous voulez une meilleure performance et plus de stabilité, nous vous recommandons de l'installer. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuer" yestext="Télécharger"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxReleaseForDownload"> - Une mise à jour de [APP_NAME] est disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Cette mise à jour n'est pas requise mais si vous voulez une meilleure performance et plus de stabilité, nous vous recommandons de l'installer. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuer" yestext="Télécharger"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacMandatory"> - Une nouvelle version de [APP_NAME] est disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Pour utiliser [APP_NAME], vous devez télécharger cette mise à jour. - -Télécharger vers le dossier Applications ? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Quitter" yestext="Télécharger"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMac"> - Une mise à jour de [APP_NAME] est disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Cette mise à jour n'est pas requise mais si vous voulez une meilleure performance et plus de stabilité, nous vous recommandons de l'installer. - -Télécharger vers le dossier Applications ? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuer" yestext="Télécharger"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacReleaseForDownload"> - Une mise à jour de [APP_NAME] est disponible. -[MESSAGE] -Cette mise à jour n'est pas requise mais si vous voulez une meilleure performance et plus de stabilité, nous vous recommandons de l'installer. - -Télécharger vers le dossier Applications ? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuer" yestext="Télécharger"/> - </notification> - <notification name="FailedUpdateInstall"> - Une erreur est survenue lors de l'installation de la mise à jour du client. -Veuillez télécharger et installer la dernière version du client à la page Web -http://secondlife.com/download. + <notification name="RequiredUpdate"> + La version [VERSION] est nécessaire pour vous connecter. Cette version aurait dû être mise à jour, mais visiblement, elle ne l'a pas été. Veuillez télécharger la dernière version sur https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> - <notification name="FailedRequiredUpdateInstall"> - Impossible d'installer une mise à jour requise. -Vous ne pourrez pas vous connecter tant que [APP_NAME] ne sera pas mis à jour. - -Veuillez télécharger et installer la dernière version du client à la page Web -http://secondlife.com/download. + <notification name="LoginFailedUnknown"> + Désolé, la connexion a échoué pour un raison non reconnue. Si ce message persiste, veuillez consulter la page [SUPPORT_SITE]. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Quitter"/> </notification> - <notification name="UpdaterServiceNotRunning"> - Une mise à jour requise pour votre installation Second Life existe. - -Pour la télécharger, accédez à http://www.secondlife.com/downloads. -Vous pouvez également l'installer dès maintenant. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Quitter Second Life" yestext="Télécharger et installer maintenant"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundTip"> - Nous avons téléchargé une mise à jour de votre installation [APP_NAME]. -Version [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] Informations relatives à cette mise à jour] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Ultérieurement..." yestext="Installer maintenant et redémarrer [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundDialog"> - Nous avons téléchargé une mise à jour de votre installation [APP_NAME]. -Version [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] Informations relatives à cette mise à jour] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Ultérieurement..." yestext="Installer maintenant et redémarrer [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - Nous avons téléchargé une mise à jour logicielle requise. -Version [VERSION] [Informations au sujet de cette mise à jour [INFO_URL]] - -[APP_NAME] doit être redémarré pour que la mise à jour soit installée. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - [APP_NAME] doit être redémarré pour que la mise à jour soit installée. -[Informations au sujet de cette mise à jour [INFO_URL]] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundTip"> - Nous avons téléchargé une mise à jour de votre installation [APP_NAME]. -Version [VERSION] -Le client expérimental a été remplacé par un nouveau client [NEW_CHANNEL] ; -consultez [[INFO_URL] pour en savoir plus sur cette mise à jour] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Ultérieurement..." yestext="Installer maintenant et redémarrer [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundDialog"> - Nous avons téléchargé une mise à jour de votre installation [APP_NAME]. -Version [VERSION] -Le client expérimental a été remplacé par un nouveau client [NEW_CHANNEL] ; -consultez [Informations au sujet de cette mise à jour [INFO_URL]] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Ultérieurement..." yestext="Installer maintenant et redémarrer [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - Nous avons téléchargé une mise à jour logicielle requise. -Version [VERSION] -Le client expérimental a été remplacé par un nouveau client [NEW_CHANNEL] ; -consultez [Informations au sujet de cette mise à jour [INFO_URL]] - -[APP_NAME] doit être redémarré pour que la mise à jour soit installée. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - [APP_NAME] doit être redémarré pour que la mise à jour soit installée. -Le client expérimental a été remplacé par un nouveau client [NEW_CHANNEL] ; -consultez [Informations au sujet de cette mise à jour [INFO_URL]] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadInProgress"> - Une mise à jour est disponible. -Elle est en cours de téléchargement en arrière-plan et nous vous inviterons à redémarrer votre client pour terminer son installation dès qu’elle est prête. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadComplete"> - Une mise à jour a été téléchargée. Elle sera installée au redémarrage. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateCheckError"> - Une erreur est survenue lors de la recherche de mises à jour. -Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateViewerUpToDate"> - Votre client est à jour. -Si vous êtes impatients de découvrir les dernières fonctionnalités et corrections, consultez la page Autres clients. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> <notification name="DeedObjectToGroup"> Si vous cédez cet objet, le groupe : * recevra les L$ versés pour l'objet ; @@ -2492,7 +2352,7 @@ Voulez-vous désactiver Ne pas déranger avant de terminer cette transaction ? <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Annuler" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="ConfirmEmptyTrash"> - [COUNT] objets seront supprimés définitivement. Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer le contenu de votre corbeille de manière permanente ? + [COUNT] les objets et les dossiers seront supprimés définitivement. Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer le contenu de votre corbeille de manière permanente ? <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Annuler" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="TrashIsFull"> @@ -3498,12 +3358,22 @@ Veuillez vérifier la configuration de votre réseau et de votre pare-feu. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="NoVoiceConnect"> - Problèmes de connexion à votre serveur vocal : + La connexion au serveur vocal est impossible : [HOSTID] +Les ports autorisés pour la voix sont : +:TCP: 80, 443 +:UDP: 3478, 3479, 5060, 5062, 6250, 12000-32000 + +Veuillez vérifier la configuration de votre réseau et de votre pare-feu. +Veuillez désactiver toute fonctionnalité SIP ALG dans votre routeur. + Aucune communication vocale n'est disponible. -Veuillez vérifier la configuration de votre réseau et de votre pare-feu. + <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> + </notification> + <notification name="NoVoiceConnect-GIAB"> + Nous rencontrons des difficultés pour vous connecter à votre serveur vocal. Aucune communication vocale n'est disponible. Veuillez vérifier la configuration de votre réseau et de votre pare-feu. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="AvatarRezLeftNotification"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_main_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_main_inventory.xml index 11488af119..5bcee89752 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_main_inventory.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_main_inventory.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <panel label="Choses" name="main inventory panel"> <panel.string name="ItemcountFetching"> - [ITEM_COUNT] articles récupérés... [FILTER] + Recherche [ITEM_COUNT] d'articles et [CATEGORY_COUNT] de dossiers... [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountCompleted"> - [ITEM_COUNT] articles [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] Articles et [CATEGORY_COUNT] dossiers [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountUnknown"> - [ITEM_COUNT] articles [FILTER] récupérés + Recherche effectuée [ITEM_COUNT] d'articles et [CATEGORY_COUNT] de dossiers [FILTER] </panel.string> <text name="ItemcountText"> Articles : diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_preferences_setup.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_preferences_setup.xml index 3b819b40c8..7ac84fb4bd 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_preferences_setup.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_preferences_setup.xml @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ Mises à jour logicielles : </text> <combo_box name="updater_service_combobox"> - <combo_box.item label="Installation automatique" name="Install_automatically"/> - <combo_box.item label="Je téléchargerai et installerai les mises à jour manuellement" name="Install_manual"/> + <combo_box.item label="Installer chaque mise à jour automatiquement" name="Install_automatically"/> + <combo_box.item label="Toujours me demander lorsqu'une mise à jour facultative est prête à être installée" name="Install_ask"/> + <combo_box.item label="Installer uniquement les mises à jour obligatoires" name="Install_manual"/> </combo_box> <check_box label="Accepte de passer aux versions avant sortie officielle" name="update_willing_to_test"/> <check_box label="Afficher les notes de version après la mise à jour" name="update_show_release_notes"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/strings.xml index 58aab5e7b8..d76beee93d 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/strings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/strings.xml @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ Échec d'initialisation des graphiques. Veuillez mettre votre pilote graphique à jour. </string> <string name="AboutHeader"> - [APP_NAME] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) ([CHANNEL]) -[[VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL] [Notes de version]] + [CHANNEL] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) +[[VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL] [ReleaseNotes]] </string> <string name="BuildConfig"> Configuration de la construction [BUILD_CONFIG] @@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ Mémoire textures : [TEXTURE_MEMORY] Mo Durée de création VFS (cache) : [VFS_TIME] </string> <string name="AboutLibs"> - Version J2C Decoder : [J2C_VERSION] -Version Audio Driver : [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] -Version CEF : [LIBCEF_VERSION] -Version LibVLC : [LIBVLC_VERSION] -Version serveur vocal : [VOICE_VERSION] + J2C Decoder Version: [J2C_VERSION] +Audio Driver Version: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] +[LIBCEF_VERSION] +LibVLC Version: [LIBVLC_VERSION] +Voice Server Version: [VOICE_VERSION] </string> <string name="AboutTraffic"> Paquets perdus : [PACKETS_LOST,number,0]/[PACKETS_IN,number,0] ([PACKETS_PCT,number,1]%) @@ -278,9 +278,8 @@ Si vous pensez qu'il s'agit d'une erreur, contactez l'Assist Le simulateur a renvoyé une erreur en réponse à la demande de déconnexion. </string> <string name="LoginFailedPendingLogout"> - Le système est en train de vous déconnecter. -Votre compte sera indisponible jusqu'à -[TIME], heure du Pacifique. + Le système est en train de vous déconnecter. +Veuillez réessayer de vous connecter dans une minute. </string> <string name="LoginFailedUnableToCreateSession"> Impossible de créer de session valide. @@ -1446,6 +1445,9 @@ http://secondlife.com/support pour vous aider à résoudre ce problème. <string name="InventoryNoMatchingItems"> Vous n'avez pas trouvé ce que vous cherchiez ? Essayez [secondlife:///app/search/all/[SEARCH_TERM] Rechercher]. </string> + <string name="InventoryNoMatchingRecentItems"> + Avez-vous trouvé ce que vous cherchiez ? Essayez [secondlife:///app/inventory/filters Show filters]. + </string> <string name="PlacesNoMatchingItems"> Vous n'avez pas trouvé ce que vous cherchiez ? Essayez [secondlife:///app/search/places/[SEARCH_TERM] Rechercher]. </string> @@ -1512,6 +1514,9 @@ Si vous continuez de recevoir ce message, contactez l’assistance Second Life <string name="InventoryMarketplaceListingsNoItems"> Pour mettre des dossiers en vente sur la [[MARKETPLACE_DASHBOARD_URL] Place du marché], faites-les glisser vers cette zone. </string> + <string name="InventoryItemsCount"> + ( [ITEMS_COUNT] Articles ) + </string> <string name="Marketplace Validation Warning Stock"> le dossier de stock doit être contenu dans un dossier de version </string> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_preferences.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_preferences.xml index 189ba195c5..895b6eef3c 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_preferences.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_preferences.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <floater name="Preferences" title="PREFERENZE"> + <floater.string name="email_unverified_tooltip"> + Verifica la tua email per abilitare l’opzione “Invia IM all'e-mail” visitando il sito https://accounts.secondlife.com/change_email/ + </floater.string> <button label="OK" label_selected="OK" name="OK"/> <button label="Annulla" label_selected="Annulla" name="Cancel"/> <tab_container name="pref core" tab_width="100"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_tos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_tos.xml index 8fa74e0fca..31314d1800 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_tos.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_tos.xml @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ <text name="external_tos_required"> Per continuare, visita https://my.secondlife.com e accedi per accettare i Termini del servizio. Grazie. </text> - <check_box label="Ho letto e sono d’accordo con" name="agree_chk"/> + <check_box label="" name="agree_chk"/> <text name="agree_list"> - i Termini e le Condizioni di Second Life, le clausole di riservatezza, i Termini del Servizio, compresi i requisiti per la risoluzione delle dispute. + Ho letto e accettato i Termini e le Condizioni di Second Life, le clausole di riservatezza e i Termini del Servizio, compresi i requisiti per la risoluzione delle dispute. </text> <button label="Continua" label_selected="Continua" name="Continue"/> <button label="Annulla" label_selected="Annulla" name="Cancel"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/mime_types.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/mime_types.xml index 7e528b0688..1f6f9223fe 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/mime_types.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/mime_types.xml @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ Streaming in tempo reale </label> </scheme> + <scheme name="example"> + <label name="example_label"> + Tasto di comando schema plugin di esempio + </label> + </scheme> <scheme name="libvlc"> <label name="libvlc_label"> Media supportati da LibVLC diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/notifications.xml index e556381f8f..cf354b8f4f 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/notifications.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/notifications.xml @@ -682,6 +682,9 @@ Visitare [_URL] per ulteriori informazioni? </url> <usetemplate ignoretext="L'hardware di questo computer non è compatibile" name="okcancelignore" notext="No" yestext="Si"/> </notification> + <notification name="RunLauncher"> + Non avviare direttamente il viewer eseguibile. Aggiorna le scorciatoie attuali per avviare invece il Launcher_SL. + </notification> <notification name="OldGPUDriver"> È probabile che ci sia un driver aggiornato per il processore grafico. L'aggiornamento dei driver della grafica può migliorare le prestazioni in maniera significativa. @@ -1581,156 +1584,13 @@ Imposta l'oggetto per la vendita e riprova. Hai terminato di scaricare il file del terreno nella cartella: [DOWNLOAD_PATH]. </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsMandatory"> - È disponibile una nuova versione di [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Devi scaricare questo aggiornamento per utilizzare [APP_NAME]. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Esci" yestext="Scarica l'aggiornamento"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindows"> - È disponibile una versione aggiornata di [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Questo aggiornamento non è necessario, ma ti consigliamo di installarlo per migliorare il rendimento e la stabilità. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continua" yestext="Scarica l'aggiornamento"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsReleaseForDownload"> - È disponibile una versione aggiornata di [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Questo aggiornamento non è necessario, ma ti consigliamo di installarlo per migliorare il rendimento e la stabilità. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continua" yestext="Scarica l'aggiornamento"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxMandatory"> - È disponibile una nuova versione di [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Devi scaricare questo aggiornamento per utilizzare [APP_NAME]. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Esci" yestext="Scarica"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinux"> - È disponibile una versione aggiornata di [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Questo aggiornamento non è necessario, ma ti consigliamo di installarlo per migliorare il rendimento e la stabilità. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continua" yestext="Scarica"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxReleaseForDownload"> - È disponibile una versione aggiornata di [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Questo aggiornamento non è necessario, ma ti consigliamo di installarlo per migliorare il rendimento e la stabilità. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continua" yestext="Scarica"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacMandatory"> - È disponibile una nuova versione di [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Devi scaricare questo aggiornamento per utilizzare [APP_NAME]. - -Scaricare nella cartella Applicazioni? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Esci" yestext="Scarica l'aggiornamento"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMac"> - È disponibile una versione aggiornata di [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Questo aggiornamento non è necessario, ma ti consigliamo di installarlo per migliorare il rendimento e la stabilità. - -Scaricare nella cartella Applicazioni? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continua" yestext="Scarica l'aggiornamento"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacReleaseForDownload"> - È disponibile una versione aggiornata di [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Questo aggiornamento non è necessario, ma ti consigliamo di installarlo per migliorare il rendimento e la stabilità. - -Scaricare nella cartella Applicazioni? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continua" yestext="Scarica l'aggiornamento"/> - </notification> - <notification name="FailedUpdateInstall"> - Si è verificato un errore durante l'aggiornamento del viewer. -Scarica e installa la versione più recente del viewer da -http://secondlife.com/download. + <notification name="RequiredUpdate"> + É richiesta la versione [VERSION] per l’accesso. Sembra che dovresti avere la versione aggiornata, ma cosí non é. Scaricala da https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> - <notification name="FailedRequiredUpdateInstall"> - Non è stato possibile installare un aggiornamento richiesto. -Non potrai accedere fino a quando non verrà aggiornato [APP_NAME]. - -Scarica e installa la versione più recente del viewer da -http://secondlife.com/download. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Esci"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdaterServiceNotRunning"> - È disponibile un aggiornamento obbligatorio per l'installazione di Second Life. - -Puoi scaricare questo aggiornamento da http://www.secondlife.com/downloads -oppure puoi installarlo adesso. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Esci da Second Life" yestext="Scarica e aggiorna adesso"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundTip"> - È stato scaricato un aggiornamento dell'installazione di [APP_NAME]. -Versione [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] Informazioni su questo aggiornamento] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Più tardi..." yestext="Installa ora e riavvia [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundDialog"> - È stato scaricato un aggiornamento dell'installazione di [APP_NAME]. -Versione [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] Informazioni su questo aggiornamento] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Più tardi..." yestext="Installa ora e riavvia [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - È stato scaricato un aggiornamento obbligatorio del software. -Versione [VERSION] [[INFO_URL] Informazioni su questo aggiornamento] - -Per installare l'aggiornamento è necessario riavviare [APP_NAME]. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - Per installare l'aggiornamento è necessario riavviare [APP_NAME]. -[[INFO_URL] Informazioni su questo aggiornamento] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundTip"> - È stato scaricato un aggiornamento dell'installazione di [APP_NAME]. -Versione [VERSION] -Questo viewer sperimentale è stato sostituito con un viewer [NEW_CHANNEL]; -vedi [[INFO_URL] per informazioni su queesto aggiornamento] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Più tardi..." yestext="Installa ora e riavvia [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundDialog"> - È stato scaricato un aggiornamento dell'installazione di [APP_NAME]. -Versione [VERSION] -Questo viewer sperimentale è stato sostituito con un viewer [NEW_CHANNEL]; -vedi [[INFO_URL] Informazioni su questo aggiornamento] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Più tardi..." yestext="Installa ora e riavvia [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - È stato scaricato un aggiornamento obbligatorio del software. -Versione [VERSION] -Questo viewer sperimentale è stato sostituito con un viewer [NEW_CHANNEL]; -vedi [[INFO_URL] Informazioni su questo aggiornamento] - -Per installare l'aggiornamento è necessario riavviare [APP_NAME]. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - Per installare l'aggiornamento è necessario riavviare [APP_NAME]. -Questo viewer sperimentale è stato sostituito con un viewer [NEW_CHANNEL]; -vedi [[INFO_URL] Informazioni su questo aggiornamento] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadInProgress"> - È disponibile un aggiornamento. -È in fase di download. Al termine ti verrà chiesto di riavviare il computer per completare l'installazione. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadComplete"> - È stato scaricato un aggiornamento. Verrà installato durante il riavvio. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateCheckError"> - Si è verificato un errore durante la ricerca dell'aggiornamento. -Riprova più tardi. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateViewerUpToDate"> - Il Viewer è aggiornato. -Per provare le funzioni e modifiche più recenti, visita la pagina Alternate Viewers. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> + <notification name="LoginFailedUnknown"> + Spiacenti, accesso non riuscito per ragioni sconosciute. Se continui a visualizzare questo messaggio, visita il [SUPPORT_SITE]. + <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Chiudi"/> </notification> <notification name="DeedObjectToGroup"> La cessione di questo oggetto farà in modo che il gruppo: @@ -2496,7 +2356,7 @@ Vuoi disattivare la modalità Non disturbare prima di completare questa transazi <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Annulla" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="ConfirmEmptyTrash"> - [COUNT] oggetti verranno eliminati definitivamente. Vuoi veramente eliminare in modo permanente il contenuto del tuo Cestino? + [COUNT] oggetti e cartelle verranno eliminati definitivamente. Vuoi veramente eliminare in modo permanente il contenuto del tuo Cestino? <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Annulla" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="TrashIsFull"> @@ -3501,12 +3361,22 @@ Ti consigliamo di controllare le tue impostazioni di rete e della firewall. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="NoVoiceConnect"> - A causa di problemi di connessione al server vocale + Non riusciamo a collegarci al server voce: [HOSTID] -le comunicazioni tramite voce non saranno disponibili. -Ti consigliamo di controllare le tue impostazioni di rete e della firewall. +porte che devono avere il permesso voce sono: +:TCP: 80, 443 +:UDP: 3478, 3479, 5060, 5062, 6250, 12000-32000 + +Controlla le tue impostazione di rete e della firewall. +Disabilita la funzione SIP ALG del router. + +La comunicazione voce non sará possibile. + <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> + </notification> + <notification name="NoVoiceConnect-GIAB"> + Stiamo riscontrando dei problemi nel connetterci al tuo server di voce. La comunicazione voce non sará possibile. Controlla le tue impostazione di rete e della firewall. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="AvatarRezLeftNotification"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_main_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_main_inventory.xml index 6121651ea8..5d11967cee 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_main_inventory.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_main_inventory.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <panel label="Cose" name="main inventory panel"> <panel.string name="ItemcountFetching"> - Recupero di [ITEM_COUNT] oggetti... [FILTER] + Recupero di [ITEM_COUNT] oggetti e [CATEGORY_COUNT] cartelle... [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountCompleted"> - [ITEM_COUNT] oggetti [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] oggetti e [CATEGORY_COUNT] cartelle [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountUnknown"> - Recuperati [ITEM_COUNT] elementi [FILTER] + Recuperati [ITEM_COUNT] oggetti e [CATEGORY_COUNT] cartelle [FILTER] </panel.string> <text name="ItemcountText"> Oggetti: diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_setup.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_setup.xml index d34bb7c3a4..24375e0de1 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_setup.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_setup.xml @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ Aggiornamenti software: </text> <combo_box name="updater_service_combobox"> - <combo_box.item label="Installa automaticamente" name="Install_automatically"/> - <combo_box.item label="Scarica e installa manualmente gli aggiornamenti" name="Install_manual"/> + <combo_box.item label="Installa gli aggiornamenti automaticamente" name="Install_automatically"/> + <combo_box.item label="Chiedimi quando è pronto un aggiornamento facoltativo" name="Install_ask"/> + <combo_box.item label="Installa solo gli aggiornamenti obbligatori" name="Install_manual"/> </combo_box> <check_box label="Disponibile agli aggiornamenti con versioni non rilasciate" name="update_willing_to_test"/> <check_box label="Mostra note di release dopo l'aggiornamento" name="update_show_release_notes"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/strings.xml index 15fa594aae..ad74e16170 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/strings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/strings.xml @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Inizializzazione grafica non riuscita. Aggiorna il driver della scheda grafica! </string> <string name="AboutHeader"> - [APP_NAME] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) ([CHANNEL]) + [CHANNEL] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) [[VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL] [ReleaseNotes]] </string> <string name="BuildConfig"> @@ -74,11 +74,10 @@ Memoria texture: [TEXTURE_MEMORY] MB Data/ora creazione VFS (cache): [VFS_TIME] </string> <string name="AboutLibs"> - Versione J2C Decoder: [J2C_VERSION] -Versione Driver audio: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] -Versione CEF: [LIBCEF_VERSION] -Versione LibVLC: [LIBVLC_VERSION] -Versione Server voice: [VOICE_VERSION] + J2C Versione decoder: [J2C_VERSION] +Versione del driver audio: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION][LIBCEF_VERSION] +Versione LibVLC: [LIBVLC_VERSION] +Versione server voce: [VOICE_VERSION] </string> <string name="AboutTraffic"> Pacchetti perduti: [PACKETS_LOST,number,0]/[PACKETS_IN,number,0] ([PACKETS_PCT,number,1]%) @@ -275,9 +274,8 @@ Se ritieni che si tratta di un errore, contatta support@secondlife.com. Errore del simulatore in seguito alla richiesta di logout. </string> <string name="LoginFailedPendingLogout"> - Il sistema sta eseguendo il logout in questo momento. -Il tuo account non sarà disponibile fino alle -[TIME] fuso orario del Pacifico. + Il sistema sta eseguendo il logout in questo momento. +Prova ad accedere nuovamente tra un minuto. </string> <string name="LoginFailedUnableToCreateSession"> Non è possibile creare una sessione valida. @@ -1437,6 +1435,9 @@ http://secondlife.com/support per risolvere il problema. <string name="InventoryNoMatchingItems"> Non riesci a trovare quello che cerchi? Prova [secondlife:///app/search/all/[SEARCH_TERM] Cerca]. </string> + <string name="InventoryNoMatchingRecentItems"> + Non hai trovato ció che cercavi? Prova [secondlife:///app/inventory/filters Show filters]. + </string> <string name="PlacesNoMatchingItems"> Non riesci a trovare quello che cerchi? Prova [secondlife:///app/search/places/[SEARCH_TERM] Cerca]. </string> @@ -1503,6 +1504,9 @@ Se continui a ricevere questo messaggio, contatta l'assistenza Second Life <string name="InventoryMarketplaceListingsNoItems"> Trascina le cartelle in questa area per metterle in vendita su [[MARKETPLACE_DASHBOARD_URL] Marketplace]. </string> + <string name="InventoryItemsCount"> + ( [ITEM_COUNT] oggetti ) + </string> <string name="Marketplace Validation Warning Stock"> la cartella di magazzino deve essere inclusa in una cartella di versione </string> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_preferences.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_preferences.xml index fa337defe7..7482c4772a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_preferences.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_preferences.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <floater name="Preferences" title="環境設定"> + <floater.string name="email_unverified_tooltip"> + IM を有効にするには、https://accounts.secondlife.com/change_email/ からあなたのメールアドレスを確認してください + </floater.string> <button label="OK" label_selected="OK" name="OK"/> <button label="取り消し" label_selected="取り消し" name="Cancel"/> <tab_container name="pref core"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_tos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_tos.xml index 28e51e6d63..8a6a6ff58a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_tos.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_tos.xml @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ <text name="external_tos_required"> 操作を続けるに、https://my.secondlife.com に移動し、利用規約に同意する必要があります。 </text> - <check_box label="私は以下の内容を読み、同意します。" name="agree_chk"/> + <check_box label="" name="agree_chk"/> <text name="agree_list"> - Second Life の利用規約、プライバシーポリシー、およびサービス規約(紛争解決のための必要条件を含む)。 + 私は、Second Life の利用規約、プライバシーポリシー、およびサービス規約(紛争解決のための必要条件を含む)を読み、同意しました。 </text> <button label="続行" label_selected="続行" name="Continue"/> <button label="取り消し" label_selected="取り消し" name="Cancel"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/mime_types.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/mime_types.xml index 6de9244b40..3b29a622a4 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/mime_types.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/mime_types.xml @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ リアルタイム・ストリーミング </label> </scheme> + <scheme name="example"> + <label name="example_label"> + 例 プラグイン スキーム トリガー + </label> + </scheme> <scheme name="libvlc"> <label name="libvlc_label"> LibVLC 対応メディア diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/notifications.xml index 75cd429823..67586efc9e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/notifications.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/notifications.xml @@ -702,6 +702,9 @@ L$ が不足しているのでこのグループに参加することができ </url> <usetemplate ignoretext="使用中のコンピューターのハードウェアがサポートされていないとき" name="okcancelignore" notext="いいえ" yestext="はい"/> </notification> + <notification name="RunLauncher"> + ビューワ実行ファイルを直接実行しないでください。代わりに、既存のショートカットの内のどれかをアップデートし、SL_Launcher を実行してください。 + </notification> <notification name="OldGPUDriver"> グラフィックスチップに最新のドライバがある可能性があります。グラフィックドライバを更新することにより、大幅にパフォーマンスが向上します。 @@ -1610,154 +1613,14 @@ SHA1 フィンガープリント: [MD5_DIGEST] 未加工の地形ファイルをダウンロードしました: [DOWNLOAD_PATH] </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsMandatory"> - [APP_NAME] の最新バージョンがご利用可能です。 -[MESSAGE] -[APP_NAME] をご利用になるにはこのアップデートは必須です。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="終了" yestext="ダウンロード"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindows"> - [APP_NAME] のアップデートバージョンがご利用可能です。 -[MESSAGE] -このアップデートは必須ではありませんが、パフォーマンス向上のためにインストールをおすすめします。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="続行" yestext="ダウンロード"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsReleaseForDownload"> - [APP_NAME] のアップデートバージョンがご利用可能です。 -[MESSAGE] -このアップデートは必須ではありませんが、パフォーマンス向上のためにインストールをおすすめします。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="続行" yestext="ダウンロード"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxMandatory"> - [APP_NAME] の最新バージョンがご利用可能です。 -[MESSAGE] -[APP_NAME] をご利用になるにはこのアップデートは必須です。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="終了" yestext="ダウンロード"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinux"> - [APP_NAME] のアップデートバージョンがご利用可能です。 -[MESSAGE] -このアップデートは必須ではありませんが、パフォーマンス向上のためにインストールをおすすめします。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="続ける" yestext="ダウンロード"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxReleaseForDownload"> - [APP_NAME] のアップデートバージョンがご利用可能です。 -[MESSAGE] -このアップデートは必須ではありませんが、パフォーマンス向上のためにインストールをおすすめします。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="続ける" yestext="ダウンロード"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacMandatory"> - [APP_NAME] の最新バージョンがご利用可能です。 -[MESSAGE] -[APP_NAME] をご利用になるにはこのアップデートは必須です。 - -あなたのアプリケーションフォルダにダウンロードしますか? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="終了" yestext="ダウンロード"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMac"> - [APP_NAME] のアップデートバージョンがご利用可能です。 -[MESSAGE] -このアップデートは必須ではありませんが、パフォーマンス向上のためにインストールをおすすめします。 - -あなたのアプリケーションフォルダにダウンロードしますか? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="続行" yestext="ダウンロード"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacReleaseForDownload"> - [APP_NAME] のアップデートバージョンがご利用可能です。 -[MESSAGE] -このアップデートは必須ではありませんが、パフォーマンス向上のためにインストールをおすすめします。 - -あなたのアプリケーションフォルダにダウンロードしますか? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="続行" yestext="ダウンロード"/> - </notification> - <notification name="FailedUpdateInstall"> - ビューワのアップデートをインストール中にエラーが発生しました。 -http://secondlife.com/download から最新バージョンをダウンロードしてインストールしてください。 + <notification name="RequiredUpdate"> + ログインするには、バージョン [VERSION] が必要です。このアップデートは自動的に行われるものですが、まだ実行されてないようです。https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ からダウンロードしてください。 <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> - <notification name="FailedRequiredUpdateInstall"> - 必要なアップデートをインストールできませんでした。 -[APP_NAME] がアップデートされるまでログインできません。 - -http://secondlife.com/download から最新バージョンをダウンロードしてインストールしてください。 + <notification name="LoginFailedUnknown"> + 申し訳ありませんが、不明な理由によってログインに失敗しました。このメッセージが何度も出る場合は、[SUPPORT_SITE] をご確認ください。 <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="終了"/> </notification> - <notification name="UpdaterServiceNotRunning"> - お使いの Second Life に必要なアップデートがインストールされていません。 - -このアップデートは、http://www.secondlife.com/downloads からダウンロードして、今すぐインストールできます。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="終了" yestext="今すぐダウンロードしてインストール"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundTip"> - お使いの [APP_NAME] に必要なアップデートをダウンロードしました。 -バージョン [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] このアップデートに関する情報] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="後で実行" yestext="今すぐインストールして [APP_NAME] を再起動"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundDialog"> - お使いの [APP_NAME] に必要なアップデートをダウンロードしました。 -バージョン [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] このアップデートに関する情報] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="後で実行" yestext="今すぐインストールして [APP_NAME] を再起動"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - 必要なソフトウェアのアップデートをダウンロードしました。 -バージョン [VERSION] [[INFO_URL] このアップデートに関する情報] - -アップデートをインストールするには [APP_NAME] を再起動する必要があります。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - アップデートをインストールするには [APP_NAME] を再起動する必要があります。 -[[INFO_URL] このアップデートに関する情報] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundTip"> - お使いの [APP_NAME] に必要なアップデートをダウンロードしました。 -バージョン [VERSION] -この試験的なビューアが [NEW_CHANNEL] ビューアに置き換えられています; -このアップデートの詳細については、[[INFO_URL] を参照してください] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="後で実行" yestext="今すぐインストールして [APP_NAME] を再起動"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundDialog"> - お使いの [APP_NAME] に必要なアップデートをダウンロードしました。 -バージョン [VERSION] -この試験的なビューアが [NEW_CHANNEL] ビューアに置き換えられています; -[[INFO_URL] このアップデートに関する情報] を参照 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="後で実行" yestext="今すぐインストールして [APP_NAME] を再起動"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - 必要なソフトウェアのアップデートをダウンロードしました。 -バージョン [VERSION] -この試験的なビューアが [NEW_CHANNEL] ビューアに置き換えられています; -[[INFO_URL] このアップデートに関する情報] を参照 - -アップデートをインストールするには [APP_NAME] を再起動する必要があります。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - アップデートをインストールするには [APP_NAME] を再起動する必要があります。 -この試験的なビューアが [NEW_CHANNEL] ビューアに置き換えられています; -[[INFO_URL] このアップデートに関する情報] を参照 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadInProgress"> - アップデートを利用できます。 -バックグラウンドでアップデートをダウンロードしています。準備ができ次第、インストールを完了するために、ビューワを再起動するように求めるメッセージが表示されます。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadComplete"> - アップデートがダウンロードされました。再起動中にインストールされます。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateCheckError"> - アップデートの確認中にエラーが発生しました。 -あとでもう一度お試しください。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateViewerUpToDate"> - ご利用のビューワは最新です! -最新の機能と修正を今すぐ試したい場合は、代替ビューワページ (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers) をチェックしてください。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> <notification name="DeedObjectToGroup"> このオブジェクトを譲渡するとグループは以下のことが可能です: * オブジェクトに支払われた L$ を受領します。 @@ -2531,7 +2394,7 @@ Linden Lab <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="キャンセル" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="ConfirmEmptyTrash"> - [COUNT] アイテムが完全に削除されます。ごみ箱の項目をすべて削除しますか? + [COUNT] 個のアイテムとフォルダーが完全に削除されます。ごみ箱の項目をすべて削除しますか? <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="キャンセル" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="TrashIsFull"> @@ -3536,12 +3399,22 @@ M キーを押して変更します。 <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="NoVoiceConnect"> - ボイスサーバーに接続できません: + ボイスサーバーに接続できません: 音声に許可される必要のある [HOSTID] -ボイスチャットによるコミュニケーションが利用できません。 +ポート: +:TCP:80, 443 +:UDP:3478, 3479, 5060, 5062, 6250, 12000-32000 + お使いのネットワークやファイアウォールの設定を確認してください。 +お使いのルーターの SIP ALG 機能をすべて無効にしてください。 + +ボイスチャットによるコミュニケーションが利用できません。 + <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> + </notification> + <notification name="NoVoiceConnect-GIAB"> + ボイスサーバーに接続できません。ボイスチャットによるコミュニケーションが利用できません。お使いのネットワークやファイアウォールの設定を確認してください。 <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="AvatarRezLeftNotification"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_main_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_main_inventory.xml index dce3475585..5751154163 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_main_inventory.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_main_inventory.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <panel label="もの" name="main inventory panel"> <panel.string name="ItemcountFetching"> - [ITEM_COUNT] 個のアイテムを取得中です... [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] 個のアイテムと [CATEGORY_COUNT] 個のフォルダーを取得中です... [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountCompleted"> - [ITEM_COUNT] 個のアイテム [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] 個のアイテムと [CATEGORY_COUNT] 個のフォルダー [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountUnknown"> - [ITEM_COUNT] 個の取得アイテム [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] 個のアイテムと [CATEGORY_COUNT] 個のフォルダーを取得しました [FILTER] </panel.string> <text name="ItemcountText"> アイテム: diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_preferences_setup.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_preferences_setup.xml index 4c40ba7f7b..ac5e43c4d4 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_preferences_setup.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_preferences_setup.xml @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ ソフトウェアアップデート: </text> <combo_box name="updater_service_combobox"> - <combo_box.item label="自動的にインストール" name="Install_automatically"/> - <combo_box.item label="更新を手動でダウンロードしてインストールします" name="Install_manual"/> + <combo_box.item label="各アップデートを自動的にインストールする" name="Install_automatically"/> + <combo_box.item label="オプションのアップデートのインストール準備ができたら通知する" name="Install_ask"/> + <combo_box.item label="必須アップデートのみインストールする" name="Install_manual"/> </combo_box> <check_box label="release candidate にアップグレードします" name="update_willing_to_test"/> <check_box label="更新後にリリースノートを表示する" name="update_show_release_notes"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/strings.xml index 1d1b8a0fff..5ca7ddd92c 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/strings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/strings.xml @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ グラフィックを初期化できませんでした。グラフィックドライバを更新してください。 </string> <string name="AboutHeader"> - [APP_NAME] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) ([CHANNEL]) + [CHANNEL] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) [[VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL] [ReleaseNotes]] </string> <string name="BuildConfig"> @@ -77,11 +77,10 @@ LOD 係数: [LOD_FACTOR] VFS(キャッシュ)作成時間: [VFS_TIME] </string> <string name="AboutLibs"> - J2C デコーダバージョン:[J2C_VERSION] -オーディオドライババージョン:[AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] -CEF バージョン: [LIBCEF_VERSION] -LibVLC バージョン: [LIBVLC_VERSION] -ボイスサーバーバージョン:[VOICE_VERSION] + J2C デコーダバージョン: [J2C_VERSION] +オーディオドライババージョン: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] +[LIBCEF_VERSION] LibVLC バージョン: [LIBVLC_VERSION] +ボイスサーバーバージョン: [VOICE_VERSION] </string> <string name="AboutTraffic"> パケットロス:[PACKETS_LOST,number,0]/[PACKETS_IN,number,0] ([PACKETS_PCT,number,1]%) @@ -279,8 +278,7 @@ support@secondlife.com にお問い合わせください。 </string> <string name="LoginFailedPendingLogout"> システムによるログアウトが実行されました。 -あなたのアカウントは -太平洋時間の [TIME] までご利用いただけません。 +しばらくしてから再度お試しください。 </string> <string name="LoginFailedUnableToCreateSession"> 有効なセッションを生成できません。 @@ -1446,6 +1444,9 @@ support@secondlife.com にお問い合わせください。 <string name="InventoryNoMatchingItems"> お探しのものは見つかりましたか? [secondlife:///app/search/all/[SEARCH_TERM] 検索] をお試しください。 </string> + <string name="InventoryNoMatchingRecentItems"> + お探しのものは見つかりましたか?[secondlife:///app/inventory/filters Show filters] をお試しください。 + </string> <string name="PlacesNoMatchingItems"> お探しのものは見つかりましたか? [secondlife:///app/search/places/[SEARCH_TERM] 検索] をお試しください。 </string> @@ -1511,6 +1512,9 @@ support@secondlife.com にお問い合わせください。 <string name="InventoryMarketplaceListingsNoItems"> [[MARKETPLACE_DASHBOARD_URL] マーケットプレイス]に販売するアイテムを一覧するには、フォルダをこのエリアにドラッグします。 </string> + <string name="InventoryItemsCount"> + ([ITEMS_COUNT] 個のアイテム) + </string> <string name="Marketplace Validation Warning Stock"> バージョンフォルダに在庫フォルダが含まれなければなりません </string> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_tos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_tos.xml index c3bc528d17..789c65a16e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_tos.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_tos.xml @@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ </floater.string> <button label="Kontynuuj" label_selected="Kontynuuj" name="Continue" /> <button label="Anuluj" label_selected="Anuluj" name="Cancel" /> - <check_box label="Zgadzam się na Warunki korzystania z Usług (Terms of Service) i Politykę Prywatności (Privacy Policy)" name="agree_chk" /> + <text name="agree_list"> + Zgadzam się na Warunki korzystania z Usług (Terms of Service) i Politykę Prywatności (Privacy Policy) + </text> <text name="tos_heading"> Proszę dokładnie przeczytać Warunki korzystania z Usług (Terms of Service) i Politykę Prywatności (Privacy Policy). Musisz je zaakceptować, aby kontynuować logowanie. </text> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_preferences.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_preferences.xml index b3cd20b0e9..8a2ef83a3b 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_preferences.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_preferences.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <floater name="Preferences" title="PREFERÊNCIAS"> + <floater.string name="email_unverified_tooltip"> + Vericiar seu e-mail para habilitar o IM para envio de e-mail pelo endereço https://accounts.secondlife.com/change_email/ + </floater.string> <button label="OK" label_selected="OK" name="OK"/> <button label="Cancelar" label_selected="Cancelar" name="Cancel"/> <tab_container name="pref core"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_tos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_tos.xml index f8b2bc4aa7..0581c95bc6 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_tos.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_tos.xml @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ <text name="external_tos_required"> Antes de continuar, você precisará visitar https://my.secondlife.com e fazer login para aceitar os Termos de Serviço. Obrigado! </text> - <check_box label="Li e concordo" name="agree_chk"/> + <check_box label="" name="agree_chk"/> <text name="agree_list"> - os Termos e condições, Política de privacidade e Termos de serviço do Second Life, incluindo as exigências para resolver disputas. + Eu lie e concordo com os Termos e condições, Política de privacidade e Termos de serviço do Second Life, incluindo as exigências para resolver disputas. </text> <button label="Continuar" label_selected="Continuar" name="Continue"/> <button label="Cancelar" label_selected="Cancelar" name="Cancel"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/mime_types.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/mime_types.xml index 54902f165b..75307f0aaf 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/mime_types.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/mime_types.xml @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ Transmissão em tempo real </label> </scheme> + <scheme name="example"> + <label name="example_label"> + Exemplo Plugin scheme trigger + </label> + </scheme> <scheme name="libvlc"> <label name="libvlc_label"> Mídia com suporte a LibVLC diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/notifications.xml index 1113ce2848..b66f65c682 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/notifications.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/notifications.xml @@ -678,6 +678,9 @@ Consultar [_URL] para mais informações? </url> <usetemplate ignoretext="O hardware do meu computador não é suportado" name="okcancelignore" notext="Não" yestext="Sim"/> </notification> + <notification name="RunLauncher"> + Não executar diretamente o visualizador executável. Atualizar quaisquer atalhos existentes para executar o SL_Launcher. + </notification> <notification name="OldGPUDriver"> Provavelmente, há um driver mais recente para o seu chip gráfico. A atualização dos drivers gráficos pode melhorar significativamente o desempenho. @@ -1572,157 +1575,14 @@ Por favor, ponha o objeto à venda e tente novamente. Download do arquivo de terreno RAW concluído em: [DOWNLOAD_PATH] </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsMandatory"> - Existe uma nova versão do [APP_NAME] -[MESSAGE] -Baixe a atualização para usar o [APP_NAME]. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Sair" yestext="Atualizar"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindows"> - Existe uma nova versão do [APP_NAME] -[MESSAGE] -Não é preciso passar para a nova versão, mas ela pode melhorar o desempenho e estabilidade do visualizador. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuar" yestext="Atualizar"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsReleaseForDownload"> - Existe uma nova versão do [APP_NAME] -[MESSAGE] -Não é preciso passar para a nova versão, mas ela pode melhorar o desempenho e estabilidade do visualizador. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuar" yestext="Atualizar"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxMandatory"> - Existe uma nova versão do [APP_NAME] -[MESSAGE] -Baixe a atualização para usar o [APP_NAME]. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Sair" yestext="Baixar"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinux"> - Existe uma nova versão do [APP_NAME] -[MESSAGE] -Não é preciso passar para a nova versão, mas ela pode melhorar o desempenho e estabilidade. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuar" yestext="Baixar"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxReleaseForDownload"> - Existe uma nova versão do [APP_NAME] -[MESSAGE] -Não é preciso passar para a nova versão, mas ela pode melhorar o desempenho e estabilidade. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuar" yestext="Baixar"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacMandatory"> - Existe uma nova versão do [APP_NAME] -[MESSAGE] -Baixe a atualização para usar o [APP_NAME]. - -Salvar na pasta Aplicativos? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Sair" yestext="Atualizar"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMac"> - Existe uma nova versão do [APP_NAME] -[MESSAGE] -Não é preciso passar para a nova versão, mas ela pode melhorar o desempenho e estabilidade do visualizador. - -Salvar na pasta Aplicativos? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuar" yestext="Atualizar"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacReleaseForDownload"> - Existe uma nova versão do [APP_NAME] -[MESSAGE] -Não é preciso passar para a nova versão, mas ela pode melhorar o desempenho e estabilidade do visualizador. - -Salvar na pasta Aplicativos? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Continuar" yestext="Atualizar"/> - </notification> - <notification name="FailedUpdateInstall"> - Ocorreu um erro de atualização do visualizador. -Baixe e instale a versão mais recente do visualizador em -http://secondlife.com/download. + <notification name="RequiredUpdate"> + Versão [VERSION] é obrigatório para efetuar login. Isto deveria ter sido atualizado por você, mas aparentemente não foi. Baixe a versão mais recente em https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> - <notification name="FailedRequiredUpdateInstall"> - Não foi possível instalar uma atualização necessária. -Não será possível acessar a sua conta até que você atualize o [APP_NAME]. - -Baixe e instale a versão mais recente do visualizador em -http://secondlife.com/download. + <notification name="LoginFailedUnknown"> + Desculpe, motivo de falha de login desconhecido. Se você continuar a receber esta mensagem, por favor consulte o [SUPPORT_SITE]. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Sair"/> </notification> - <notification name="UpdaterServiceNotRunning"> - A instalação do Second Life requer uma atualização. - -Baixe a atualização em http://www.secondlife.com/downloads -ou você pode instalar a instalação agora. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Sair do Second Life" yestext="Baixar e instalar agora"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundTip"> - Baixamos uma atualização para a instalação do [APP_NAME]. -Versão [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] sobre esta atualização] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Depois..." yestext="Instalar agora e reiniciar o [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundDialog"> - Baixamos uma atualização para a instalação do [APP_NAME]. -Versão [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] sobre esta atualização] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Depois..." yestext="Instalar agora e reiniciar o [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - O software requer uma atualização que já foi baixada. -Versão [VERSION] Informação [[INFO_URL] sobre essa atualização] - -Para instalar a atualização, será preciso reiniciar o [APP_NAME]. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - Para instalar a atualização, será preciso reiniciar o [APP_NAME]. -Informação [[INFO_URL] sobre essa atualização] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundTip"> - Baixamos uma atualização para a instalação do [APP_NAME]. -Versão [VERSION] -O visualizador experimental foi substituído por um visualizador [NEW_CHANNEL]; -consulte [[INFO_URL] para obter mais detalhes sobre essa atualização] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Depois..." yestext="Instalar agora e reiniciar o [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundDialog"> - Baixamos uma atualização para a instalação do [APP_NAME]. -Versão [VERSION] -O visualizador experimental foi substituído por um visualizador [NEW_CHANNEL]; -consulte a informação [[INFO_URL] sobre essa atualização] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Depois..." yestext="Instalar agora e reiniciar o [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - O software requer uma atualização que já foi baixada. -Versão [VERSION] -O visualizador experimental foi substituído por um visualizador [NEW_CHANNEL]; -consulte a informação [[INFO_URL] sobre essa atualização] - -Para instalar a atualização, será preciso reiniciar o [APP_NAME]. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - Para instalar a atualização, será preciso reiniciar o [APP_NAME]. -O visualizador experimental foi substituído por um visualizador [NEW_CHANNEL]; -consulte a informação [[INFO_URL] sobre essa atualização] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadInProgress"> - Uma atualização está disponível! -O download está ocorrendo em segundo plano e reiniciaremos seu visualizador automaticamente para terminar a instalação assim que ele estiver concluído. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadComplete"> - Uma atualização foi baixada. Ela será instalada durante a reinicialização. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateCheckError"> - Erro ao verificar atualizações. -Tente novamente mais tarde. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateViewerUpToDate"> - Seu visualizador está atualizado! -Se você estiver muito ansioso para experimentar os novos recursos e correções, consulte a página de visualizadores alternativos. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> <notification name="DeedObjectToGroup"> Delegar este objeto causará ao grupo: * Receber os L$ pagos ao objeto @@ -2484,7 +2344,7 @@ Deseja desativar o Não perturbe antes de concluir esta transação? <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Cancelar" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="ConfirmEmptyTrash"> - [COUNT] itens serão excluídos permanentemente. Tem certeza de que deseja excluir o conteúdo da Lixeira? Para sempre? + [COUNT] itens e pastas serão excluídas permanentemente. Tem certeza de que deseja excluir o conteúdo da Lixeira? Para sempre? <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Cancelar" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="TrashIsFull"> @@ -3486,12 +3346,22 @@ Verifique a configuração da sua rede e firewall. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="NoVoiceConnect"> - Estamos tendo problemas de conexão com o seu servidor de voz: + Não conseguimos conectar ao servidor de voz: [HOSTID] +As portas que devem ter permissão para voz são: +:TCP: 80, 443 +:UDP: 3478, 3479, 5060, 5062, 6250, 12000-32000 + +Verifique a configuração da sua rede e firewall. +Desativar qualquer configuração SIP ALG em seu router. + Talvez não seja possível se comunicar via voz. -Verifique a configuração da sua rede e firewall. + <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> + </notification> + <notification name="NoVoiceConnect-GIAB"> + Estamos tendo problemas de conexão com o seu servidor de voz: Talvez não seja possível se comunicar via voz. Verifique a configuração da sua rede e firewall. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="AvatarRezLeftNotification"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_main_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_main_inventory.xml index cde53518d0..009b5b3193 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_main_inventory.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_main_inventory.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <panel label="Coisas" name="main inventory panel"> <panel.string name="ItemcountFetching"> - Reunindo [ITEM_COUNT] itens ... [FILTER] + Reunir [ITEM_COUNT] Itens e [CATEGORY_COUNT] Pastas... [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountCompleted"> - [ITEM_COUNT] itens [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] Itens e [CATEGORY_COUNT] Pastas [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountUnknown"> - Recuperados [ITEM_COUNT] itens [FILTER] + Itens [ITEM_COUNT] e Pastas [CATEGORY_COUNT] Reunidos [FILTER] </panel.string> <text name="ItemcountText"> Itens: diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_setup.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_setup.xml index c6f6bba320..ce356a6447 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_setup.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_setup.xml @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ Atualizações de software: </text> <combo_box name="updater_service_combobox"> - <combo_box.item label="Instalar automaticamente" name="Install_automatically"/> - <combo_box.item label="Baixarei e instalarei as atualizações manualmente" name="Install_manual"/> + <combo_box.item label="Instalar cada atualização automaticamente" name="Install_automatically"/> + <combo_box.item label="Pergunte-me quando uma atualização opcional estiver pronta para ser instalada" name="Install_ask"/> + <combo_box.item label="Instalar somente as atualizações obrigatórias" name="Install_manual"/> </combo_box> <check_box label="Disposto a atualizar para candidatos da versão" name="update_willing_to_test"/> <check_box label="Mostrar notas de versão após atualização" name="update_show_release_notes"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/strings.xml index 9e24296edd..ee048e28e3 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/strings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/strings.xml @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Falha na inicialização dos gráficos. Atualize seu driver gráfico! </string> <string name="AboutHeader"> - [APP_NAME] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) ([CHANNEL]) + [CHANNEL] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) [[VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL] [ReleaseNotes]] </string> <string name="BuildConfig"> @@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ Memória de textura: [TEXTURE_MEMORY]MB Tempo de criação de VFS (cache): [VFS_TIME] </string> <string name="AboutLibs"> - Versão do J2C Decoder: [J2C_VERSION] + Versão do J2C Decoder: [J2C_VERSION] Versão do driver de áudio: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] -Versão de CEF: [LIBCEF_VERSION] -Versão da LibVLC: [LIBVLC_VERSION] +[LIBCEF_VERSION] +Versão do LibVLC: [LIBVLC_VERSION] Versão do servidor de voz: [VOICE_VERSION] </string> <string name="AboutTraffic"> @@ -248,7 +248,8 @@ Entre em contato com o suporte do Second Life para obter ajuda em http://support Reação à solicitação de saída foi uma falha do simulador. </string> <string name="LoginFailedPendingLogout"> - O sistema está passando para o modo offline. Sua conta não está disponível para acesso até [TIME], horário do Pacífico nos EUA (GMT-08). + O sistema o está desconectando no momento. +Aguarde um minuto antes que tentar logar-se novamente. </string> <string name="LoginFailedUnableToCreateSession"> Impossível criar sessão válida. @@ -1394,6 +1395,9 @@ http://secondlife.com/support para ajuda ao resolver este problema. <string name="InventoryNoMatchingItems"> Não encontrou o que procura? Tente buscar no [secondlife:///app/search/people/[SEARCH_TERM] Search]. </string> + <string name="InventoryNoMatchingRecentItems"> + Não encontrou o que procura? Tente [secondlife:///app/inventory/filters Show filters]. + </string> <string name="PlacesNoMatchingItems"> Não encontrou o que procura? Tente buscar no [secondlife:///app/search/groups/[SEARCH_TERM] Search]. </string> @@ -1460,6 +1464,9 @@ Se você continuar a receber essa mensagem, entre em contato com o suporte do Se <string name="InventoryMarketplaceListingsNoItems"> Arraste pastas para esta área para listá-las para venda no [Marketplace [MARKETPLACE_DASHBOARD_URL]]. </string> + <string name="InventoryItemsCount"> + ( [ITEMS_COUNT] Items ) + </string> <string name="Marketplace Validation Warning Stock"> a pasta de estoque deve estar em uma pasta de versões </string> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/floater_preferences.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/floater_preferences.xml index fa78eedd3a..1f04eabaf7 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/floater_preferences.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/floater_preferences.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <floater name="Preferences" title="НАСТРОЙКИ"> + <floater.string name="email_unverified_tooltip"> + Проверьте свою электронную почту для отправки мгновенных сообщений через электронную почту на странице https://accounts.secondlife.com/change_email/ + </floater.string> <button label="ОК" label_selected="ОК" name="OK"/> <button label="Отмена" label_selected="Отмена" name="Cancel"/> <tab_container name="pref core"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/floater_tos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/floater_tos.xml index 4c53fc9038..3f2b5747d5 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/floater_tos.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/floater_tos.xml @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ <text name="external_tos_required"> Для продолжения перейдите на сайт https://my.secondlife.com, войдите и примите Условия обслуживания. Спасибо! </text> - <check_box label="Я прочитал и согласен с" name="agree_chk"/> + <check_box label="" name="agree_chk"/> <text name="agree_list"> - условия и положения по конфиденциальности Пользовательского соглашения, включая требования по разрешению разногласий. + Я прочитал и согласен с Условиями и положениями по конфиденциальности Пользовательского соглашения, включая требования по разрешению разногласий Second Life. </text> <button label="Продолжить" label_selected="Продолжить" name="Continue"/> <button label="Отмена" label_selected="Отмена" name="Cancel"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/mime_types.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/mime_types.xml index 9c3ce00c5e..cfb7208049 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/mime_types.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/mime_types.xml @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ Поток RealTime </label> </scheme> + <scheme name="example"> + <label name="example_label"> + Пример триггера схемы плагина + </label> + </scheme> <scheme name="libvlc"> <label name="libvlc_label"> Медиа с поддержкой LibVLC diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/notifications.xml index cfc6dc7ffd..483cebaac5 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/notifications.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/notifications.xml @@ -684,6 +684,9 @@ </url> <usetemplate ignoretext="Оборудование моего компьютера не поддерживается" name="okcancelignore" notext="Нет" yestext="Да"/> </notification> + <notification name="RunLauncher"> + Пожалуйста, не запускайте напрямую исполняемый файл просмотра. Обновите все имеющиеся ярлыки, чтобы вместо этого запускать SL_Launcher. + </notification> <notification name="OldGPUDriver"> Возможно, для вашей видеокарты имеется более новый драйвер. Обновление драйвера может существенно повысить быстродействие. @@ -1580,157 +1583,14 @@ Завершена загрузка файла ландшафта: [DOWNLOAD_PATH]. </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsMandatory"> - Появилась новая версия [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Это обновление необходимо загрузить для использования [APP_NAME]. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Выйти" yestext="Загрузить"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindows"> - Появилось обновление для [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Устанавливать это обновление не обязательно, но рекомендуется для повышения производительности и стабильности. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Продолжить" yestext="Загрузить"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsReleaseForDownload"> - Появилось обновление для [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Устанавливать это обновление не обязательно, но рекомендуется для повышения производительности и стабильности. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Продолжить" yestext="Загрузить"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxMandatory"> - Появилась новая версия [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Это обновление необходимо загрузить для использования [APP_NAME]. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Выйти" yestext="Загрузить"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinux"> - Появилось обновление для [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Устанавливать это обновление не обязательно, но рекомендуется для повышения производительности и стабильности. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Продолжить" yestext="Загрузить"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxReleaseForDownload"> - Появилось обновление для [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Устанавливать это обновление не обязательно, но рекомендуется для повышения производительности и стабильности. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Продолжить" yestext="Загрузить"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacMandatory"> - Появилась новая версия [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Это обновление необходимо загрузить для использования [APP_NAME]. - -Загрузить его в папку приложений? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Выйти" yestext="Загрузить"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMac"> - Появилось обновление для [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Устанавливать это обновление не обязательно, но рекомендуется для повышения производительности и стабильности. - -Загрузить его в папку приложений? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Продолжить" yestext="Загрузить"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacReleaseForDownload"> - Появилось обновление для [APP_NAME]. -[MESSAGE] -Устанавливать это обновление не обязательно, но рекомендуется для повышения производительности и стабильности. - -Загрузить его в папку приложений? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Продолжить" yestext="Загрузить"/> - </notification> - <notification name="FailedUpdateInstall"> - Произошла ошибка при установке обновления. -Загрузите новую версию программы на сайте -http://secondlife.com/download. + <notification name="RequiredUpdate"> + Для входа необходима версия \[VERSION]. Для вас обновление должно было произведено автоматически, но по какой-то причине этого не произошло. Скачайте обновление с веб-сайта https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> - <notification name="FailedRequiredUpdateInstall"> - Не удалось установить обязательное обновление. -Вы не сможете войти в [APP_NAME], пока обновление не будет установлено. - -Загрузите новую версию программы на сайте -http://secondlife.com/download. + <notification name="LoginFailedUnknown"> + Извините, ошибка входа по неустановленной причине. Если данное сообщение повторится, посетите веб-сайт [SUPPORT_SITE]. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Выйти"/> </notification> - <notification name="UpdaterServiceNotRunning"> - Появились обязательные обновления для вашей версии Second Life. - -Загрузите это обновление на сайте http://www.secondlife.com/downloads -или установите его сейчас. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Выйти из Second Life" yestext="Загрузить и установить сейчас"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundTip"> - Загружено обновление для вашей версии [APP_NAME]. -Версия [VERSION]. [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] Сведения об этом обновлении] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Позже..." yestext="Установите обновление и перезапустите [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundDialog"> - Загружено обновление для вашей версии [APP_NAME]. -Версия [VERSION]. [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] Сведения об этом обновлении] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Позже..." yestext="Установите обновление и перезапустите [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - Загружено обязательное обновление. -Версия [VERSION]. [[INFO_URL] Сведения об этом обновлении] - -Необходимо перезапустить [APP_NAME] для установки обновления. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - Необходимо перезапустить [APP_NAME] для установки обновления. -[[INFO_URL] Сведения об этом обновлении] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundTip"> - Загружено обновление для вашей версии [APP_NAME]. -Версия [VERSION] -На замену этой экспериментальной версии клиента предлагается клиент [NEW_CHANNEL]; -см. [[INFO_URL] об этом обновлении] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Позже..." yestext="Установите обновление и перезапустите [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundDialog"> - Загружено обновление для вашей версии [APP_NAME]. -Версия [VERSION] -На замену этой экспериментальной версии клиента предлагается клиент [NEW_CHANNEL]; -см. [[INFO_URL] Сведения об этом обновлении] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Позже..." yestext="Установите обновление и перезапустите [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - Загружено обязательное обновление. -Версия [VERSION] -На замену этой экспериментальной версии клиента предлагается клиент [NEW_CHANNEL]; -см. [[INFO_URL] Сведения об этом обновлении] - -Необходимо перезапустить [APP_NAME] для установки обновления. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - Необходимо перезапустить [APP_NAME] для установки обновления. -На замену этой экспериментальной версии клиента предлагается клиент [NEW_CHANNEL]; -см. [[INFO_URL] Сведения об этом обновлении] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadInProgress"> - Появилось обновление! -Оно сейчас загружается в фоновом режиме и, как только будет готово, вам будет предложено перезапустить клиент для завершения установки. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadComplete"> - Обновление загружено. Оно будет установлено после перезапуска. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateCheckError"> - При поиске обновлений произошла ошибка. -Повторите попытку позже. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateViewerUpToDate"> - Ваш клиент уже обновлен! -Если вы хотите немедленно испробовать наши новейшие функции и исправления, обратитесь на страницу «Альтернативные клиенты»: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> - </notification> <notification name="DeedObjectToGroup"> В результате передачи этого объекта группа: * Получит L$ в уплату за объект @@ -2491,7 +2351,7 @@ http://secondlife.com/download. <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Отмена" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="ConfirmEmptyTrash"> - Предметы [COUNT] будут удалены навсегда. Вы действительно хотите удалить содержимое корзины без возможности восстановления? + [COUNT] предметов(а) и папки будут окончательно удалены. Вы действительно хотите удалить содержимое корзины без возможности восстановления? <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Отмена" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="TrashIsFull"> @@ -3497,12 +3357,22 @@ http://secondlife.com/download. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="NoVoiceConnect"> - Возникли проблемы соединения с голосовым сервером: + Нет связи с речевым сервером: порты -[HOSTID] +[HOSTID], -Голосовая связь будет недоступна. -Проверьте настройки сети и брандмауэра. +выделенные для голосового соединения: +:TCP: 80, 443 +:UDP: 3478, 3479, 5060, 5062, 6250, 12000-32000 + +Проверьте настройки сети и брандмауэра. +Отключите любую функцию SIP ALG в маршрутизаторе. + +Голосовое общение будет недоступно. + <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> + </notification> + <notification name="NoVoiceConnect-GIAB"> + Проблемы соединения с речевым сервером: Голосовое общение будет недоступно. Проверьте настройки сети и брандмауэра. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="AvatarRezLeftNotification"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_main_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_main_inventory.xml index d83bb9b569..f2502bf6d3 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_main_inventory.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_main_inventory.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <panel label="Вещи" name="main inventory panel"> <panel.string name="ItemcountFetching"> - Обнаружено [ITEM_COUNT] вещей... [FILTER] + Выборка [ITEM_COUNT] предметов и [CATEGORY_COUNT] папок ... [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountCompleted"> - [ITEM_COUNT] вещей [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] предметов(а) и [CATEGORY_COUNT] папки(ок) [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountUnknown"> - Извлечено [ITEM_COUNT] вещей [FILTER] + Выборка [ITEM_COUNT] предметов и [CATEGORY_COUNT] папок [FILTER] </panel.string> <text name="ItemcountText"> Вещи: diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_setup.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_setup.xml index e1b185e8ef..d19a35c8b5 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_setup.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_setup.xml @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ Обновления ПО: </text> <combo_box name="updater_service_combobox"> - <combo_box.item label="Устанавливать автоматически" name="Install_automatically"/> - <combo_box.item label="Я буду загружать и устанавливать обновления вручную" name="Install_manual"/> + <combo_box.item label="Автоматическая установка каждого обновления" name="Install_automatically"/> + <combo_box.item label="Когда необязательное обновление будет готово к установке, запросите меня" name="Install_ask"/> + <combo_box.item label="Установка только обязательных обновлений" name="Install_manual"/> </combo_box> <check_box label="Устанавливать бета-версии" name="update_willing_to_test"/> <check_box label="Показать заметки о выпуске после обновления" name="update_show_release_notes"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/strings.xml index 4ebfa9cdcf..95225da7d0 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/strings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/strings.xml @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Ошибка инициализации графики. Обновите графический драйвер! </string> <string name="AboutHeader"> - [APP_NAME] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) ([CHANNEL]) + [CHANNEL] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) [[VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL] [ReleaseNotes]] </string> <string name="BuildConfig"> @@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ SLURL: <nolink>[SLURL]</nolink> Время создания VFS (кэш): [VFS_TIME] </string> <string name="AboutLibs"> - Версия декодера J2C: [J2C_VERSION] -Версия драйвера звука: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] -Версия CEF: [LIBCEF_VERSION] -Версия LibVLC: [LIBVLC_VERSION] -Версия голосового сервера: [VOICE_VERSION] + Версия декодера J2C: [J2C_VERSION] +Версия аудиодрайвера: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] +[LIBCEF_VERSION] +Версия LibVLC: [LIBVLC_VERSION] +Версия речевого сервера: [VOICE_VERSION] </string> <string name="AboutTraffic"> Потеряно пакетов: [PACKETS_LOST,number,0]/[PACKETS_IN,number,0] ([PACKETS_PCT,number,1]%) @@ -278,9 +278,8 @@ support@secondlife.com. В ответ на запрос выхода симулятор возвратил сообщение о сбое. </string> <string name="LoginFailedPendingLogout"> - В системе выполняется выход для вашего аккаунта. -Она будет недоступна до -[TIME] по тихоокеанскому времени. + В системе выполняется выход для вашего аккаунта. +Подождите минуту перед повторным входом в систему. </string> <string name="LoginFailedUnableToCreateSession"> Не удается создать допустимый сеанс. @@ -1443,6 +1442,9 @@ support@secondlife.com. <string name="InventoryNoMatchingItems"> Не нашли того, что вам нужно? Воспользуйтесь [secondlife:///app/search/all/[SEARCH_TERM] поиском]. </string> + <string name="InventoryNoMatchingRecentItems"> + Не нашли то, что искали? Попробуйте на [secondlife:///app/inventory/filters Show filters]. + </string> <string name="PlacesNoMatchingItems"> Не нашли того, что вам нужно? Воспользуйтесь [secondlife:///app/search/places/[SEARCH_TERM] поиском]. </string> @@ -1509,6 +1511,9 @@ support@secondlife.com. <string name="InventoryMarketplaceListingsNoItems"> Перетащите папки в эту область, чтобы выставить их на продажу в [[MARKETPLACE_DASHBOARD_URL] Торговом центре]. </string> + <string name="InventoryItemsCount"> + ( [ITEMS_COUNT] предметов(а)) + </string> <string name="Marketplace Validation Warning Stock"> В папке версии должна быть папка запасов </string> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_preferences.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_preferences.xml index 679b018247..c9d509c868 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_preferences.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_preferences.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <floater name="Preferences" title="TERCİHLER"> + <floater.string name="email_unverified_tooltip"> + Lütfen Anlık Mesajlaşmayı etkinleştirmek için https://accounts.secondlife.com/change_email/ adresini ziyaret ederek e-postanızı doğrulayın + </floater.string> <button label="Tamam" label_selected="Tamam" name="OK"/> <button label="İptal" label_selected="İptal" name="Cancel"/> <tab_container name="pref core"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_tos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_tos.xml index 249a0f691e..091a641f03 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_tos.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_tos.xml @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ <text name="external_tos_required"> Devam edebilmeniz için https://my.secondlife.com adresine gidip oturum açarak Hizmet Sözleşmesi'ni kabul etmeniz gerekir. Teşekkürler! </text> - <check_box label="Uyuşmazlıkların çözümü gerekliliklerini içeren Second Life Şartlar ve Koşulları, Gizlilik Politikası'nı ve Hizmet Koşulları'nı" name="agree_chk"/> + <check_box label="" name="agree_chk"/> <text name="agree_list"> - okudum ve kabul ediyorum. + Anlaşmazlıkların çözümü de dahil olmak üzere Second Life Şartlarını ve Koşullarını, Gizlilik Politikasını ve Hizmet Şartlarını okudum ve kabul ediyorum. </text> <button label="Devam Et" label_selected="Devam Et" name="Continue"/> <button label="İptal" label_selected="İptal" name="Cancel"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/mime_types.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/mime_types.xml index 5b13b0059a..6c049a5d07 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/mime_types.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/mime_types.xml @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ Gerçek Zamanlı Akış </label> </scheme> + <scheme name="example"> + <label name="example_label"> + Örnek Eklenti şeması tetikleyici + </label> + </scheme> <scheme name="libvlc"> <label name="libvlc_label"> LibVLC destekli ortam diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/notifications.xml index deec5540dd..d218eb1957 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/notifications.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/notifications.xml @@ -685,6 +685,9 @@ Daha fazla bilgi için [_URL] adresini ziyaret etmek ister misiniz? </url> <usetemplate ignoretext="Bilgisayar donanımım desteklenmiyor" name="okcancelignore" notext="Hayır" yestext="Evet"/> </notification> + <notification name="RunLauncher"> + Lütfen çalıştırılabilir görüntüleyiciyi doğrudan çalıştırmayın. SL_Launcher'ı çalıştırmak yerine tüm mevcut kısayolları güncelleyin. + </notification> <notification name="OldGPUDriver"> Grafik yonganız için muhtemelen daha yeni bir sürücü mevcut. Grafik sürücüleri güncellemek performansınızı kayda değer şekilde artırabilir. @@ -1581,157 +1584,14 @@ Nesneyi satılık olarak ayarlayıp tekrar deneyin. İşlenmemiş yüzey dosyasının şu konuma karşıdan yüklenmesi tamamlandı: [DOWNLOAD_PATH]. </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsMandatory"> - [APP_NAME] uygulamasının yeni bir sürümü mevcut. -[MESSAGE] -[APP_NAME] uygulamasını kullanabilmek için bu güncellemeyi karşıdan yüklemelisiniz. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Çık" yestext="Karşıdan Yükle"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindows"> - [APP_NAME] uygulamasının güncellenmiş bir sürümü mevcut. -[MESSAGE] -Bu güncelleme zorunlu değil, fakat performans ve kararlılığı iyileştirmek için güncellemeyi yüklemenizi öneririz. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Devam" yestext="Karşıdan Yükle"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsReleaseForDownload"> - [APP_NAME] uygulamasının güncellenmiş bir sürümü mevcut. -[MESSAGE] -Bu güncelleme zorunlu değil, fakat performans ve kararlılığı iyileştirmek için güncellemeyi yüklemenizi öneririz. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Devam" yestext="Karşıdan Yükle"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxMandatory"> - [APP_NAME] uygulamasının yeni bir sürümü mevcut. -[MESSAGE] -[APP_NAME] uygulamasını kullanabilmek için bu güncellemeyi karşıdan yüklemelisiniz. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Çık" yestext="Karşıdan Yükle"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinux"> - [APP_NAME] uygulamasının güncellenmiş bir sürümü mevcut. -[MESSAGE] -Bu güncelleme zorunlu değil, fakat performans ve kararlılığı iyileştirmek için güncellemeyi yüklemenizi öneririz. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Devam" yestext="Karşıdan Yükle"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxReleaseForDownload"> - [APP_NAME] uygulamasının güncellenmiş bir sürümü mevcut. -[MESSAGE] -Bu güncelleme zorunlu değil, fakat performans ve kararlılığı iyileştirmek için güncellemeyi yüklemenizi öneririz. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Devam" yestext="Karşıdan Yükle"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacMandatory"> - [APP_NAME] uygulamasının yeni bir sürümü mevcut. -[MESSAGE] -[APP_NAME] uygulamasını kullanabilmek için bu güncellemeyi karşıdan yüklemelisiniz. - -Uygulamalar klasörünüze karşıdan yüklensin mi? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Çık" yestext="Karşıdan Yükle"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMac"> - [APP_NAME] uygulamasının güncellenmiş bir sürümü mevcut. -[MESSAGE] -Bu güncelleme zorunlu değil, fakat performans ve kararlılığı iyileştirmek için güncellemeyi yüklemenizi öneririz. - -Uygulamalar klasörünüze karşıdan yüklensin mi? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Devam" yestext="Karşıdan Yükle"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacReleaseForDownload"> - [APP_NAME] uygulamasının güncellenmiş bir sürümü mevcut. -[MESSAGE] -Bu güncelleme zorunlu değil, fakat performans ve kararlılığı iyileştirmek için güncellemeyi yüklemenizi öneririz. - -Uygulamalar klasörünüze karşıdan yüklensin mi? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Devam" yestext="Karşıdan Yükle"/> - </notification> - <notification name="FailedUpdateInstall"> - Görüntüleyici güncellemesi yüklenirken bir hata oluştu. -Lütfen en son görüntüleyiciyi şu adresten karşıdan yükleyin ve kurun: -http://secondlife.com/download. + <notification name="RequiredUpdate"> + Oturum açma için [VERSION] sürümü gerekli. Bu sizin için güncellenmiş olmalıydı ancak görünüşe göre güncellenmemiş. Lütfen www.secondlife.com adresinden indirin. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/> </notification> - <notification name="FailedRequiredUpdateInstall"> - Gerekli bir güncellemeyi yükleyemedik. -[APP_NAME] güncellenene kadar oturum açamayacaksınız. - -Lütfen en son görüntüleyiciyi şu adresten karşıdan yükleyin ve kurun: -http://secondlife.com/download. + <notification name="LoginFailedUnknown"> + Üzgünüz, oturum açma bilinmeyen bir nedenden dolayı başarısız oldu. Bu mesajı almaya devam ederseniz, lütfen [SUPPORT_SITE] bölümüne başvurun. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Çık"/> </notification> - <notification name="UpdaterServiceNotRunning"> - Second Life kurulumunuz için gerekli bir güncelleme var. - -Bu güncellemeyi http://www.secondlife.com/downloads adresinden karşıdan yükleyebilir -veya şimdi kurabilirsiniz. - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Second Life'tan çık" yestext="Karşıdan yükle ve şimdi kur"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundTip"> - [APP_NAME] kurulumunuz için bir güncellemeyi karşıdan yükledik. -Sürüm [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] Bu güncelleme hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Sonra..." yestext="Şimdi kur ve [APP_NAME] uygulamasını yeniden başlat"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundDialog"> - [APP_NAME] kurulumunuz için bir güncellemeyi karşıdan yükledik. -Sürüm [VERSION] [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] Bu güncelleme hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Sonra..." yestext="Şimdi kur ve [APP_NAME] uygulamasını yeniden başlat"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - Gerekli bir yazılım güncellemesi indirdik. -Sürüm [VERSION] [[INFO_URL] Bu güncelleme hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi] - -Güncellemeyi yüklemek için [APP_NAME] uygulamasını yeniden başlatmalısınız. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - Güncellemeyi yüklemek için [APP_NAME] uygulamasını yeniden başlatmalısınız. -[[INFO_URL] Bu güncelleme hakkında bilgi] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundTip"> - [APP_NAME] kurulumunuz için bir güncelleme indirdik. -Sürüm [VERSION] -Bu deneysel görüntüleyicinin yerini bir [NEW_CHANNEL] görüntüleyici aldı; -bkz. [bu güncelleme hakkında bilgi için [INFO_URL]] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Sonra..." yestext="Şimdi yükle ve [APP_NAME] uygulamasını yeniden başlat"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundDialog"> - [APP_NAME] kurulumunuz için bir güncelleme indirdik. -Sürüm [VERSION] -Bu deneysel görüntüleyicinin yerini bir [NEW_CHANNEL] görüntüleyici aldı; -bkz. [[INFO_URL] Bu güncelleme hakkında bilgi] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Sonra..." yestext="Şimdi yükle ve [APP_NAME] uygulamasını yeniden başlat"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - Gerekli bir yazılım güncellemesi indirdik. -Sürüm [VERSION] -Bu deneysel görüntüleyicinin yerini bir [NEW_CHANNEL] görüntüleyici aldı; -bkz. [[INFO_URL] Bu güncelleme hakkında bilgi] - -Güncellemeyi yüklemek için [APP_NAME] uygulamasını yeniden başlatmalısınız. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - Güncellemeyi yüklemek için [APP_NAME] uygulamasını yeniden başlatmalısınız. -Bu deneysel görüntüleyicinin yerini bir [NEW_CHANNEL] görüntüleyici aldı; -bkz. [[INFO_URL] Bu güncelleme hakkında bilgi] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadInProgress"> - Bir güncelleme mevcut. -Şu anda arkaplanda indiriliyor ve hazır olduğunda yüklemeyi bitirmek için görüntüleyicinizi yeniden başlatmanız için sizi uyaracağız. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadComplete"> - Bir güncelleme indirildi. Yeniden başlatma sırasında yüklenecek. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateCheckError"> - Güncelleme kontrolü yapılırken bir hata oluştu. -Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateViewerUpToDate"> - Görüntüleyiciniz güncel. -En yeni özellikleri ve düzeltmeleri görmek için sabırsızlanıyorsanız Alternatif Görüntüleyici sayfasına göz atın. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers. - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/> - </notification> <notification name="DeedObjectToGroup"> Bu nesnenin devredilmesi grubun şunu yapmasına sebep olacak: * Nesneye ödenen L$'nı almasına @@ -2491,7 +2351,7 @@ Bu işlemi tamamlamadan önce Rahatsız Etme'yi kapatmak ister misiniz? <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="İptal Et" yestext="Tamam"/> </notification> <notification name="ConfirmEmptyTrash"> - [COUNT] öğe kalıcı olarak silinecektir. Çöp kutunuzun içeriğini kalıcı olarak silmek istediğinize emin misiniz? + [COUNT] öğe ve klasör kalıcı olarak silinecektir. Çöp kutunuzun içeriğini kalıcı olarak silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="İptal Et" yestext="Tamam"/> </notification> <notification name="TrashIsFull"> @@ -3497,12 +3357,22 @@ Lütfen ağ ve güvenlik duvarı ayarlarınızı kontrol edin. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/> </notification> <notification name="NoVoiceConnect"> - Ses sunucunuz ile bağlantı kurma konusunda sorun yaşıyoruz. + Ses sunucusuna bağlanamıyoruz: Ses için izin verilmesi gereken [HOSTID] -Ses bağlantıları kullanılamayacak. -Lütfen ağ ve güvenlik duvarı ayarlarınızı kontrol edin. +Portları: +:TCP: 80, 443 +:UDP: 3478, 3479, 5060, 5062, 6250, 12000-32000 + +Lütfen ağ ve güvenlik duvarı ayarlarınızı kontrol edin. +Yönlendiricinizdeki her SIP ALG özelliğini devre dışı bırakın. + +Sesli iletişim kullanılamayacak. + <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/> + </notification> + <notification name="NoVoiceConnect-GIAB"> + Ses sunucunuz ile bağlantı kurma konusunda sorun yaşıyoruz. Ses bağlantıları kullanılamayacak. Lütfen ağ ve güvenlik duvarı ayarlarınızı kontrol edin. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/> </notification> <notification name="AvatarRezLeftNotification"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/panel_main_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/panel_main_inventory.xml index 01252ff454..a11fd98b9a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/panel_main_inventory.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/panel_main_inventory.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <panel label="Eşyalar" name="main inventory panel"> <panel.string name="ItemcountFetching"> - [ITEM_COUNT] Öge Alınıyor... [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] Öğe ve [CATEGORY_COUNT] Klasör Alınıyor... [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountCompleted"> - [ITEM_COUNT] Öge [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] Öğe ve [CATEGORY_COUNT] Klasör [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountUnknown"> - Alınan [ITEM_COUNT] Öğe [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT] Öğe ve [CATEGORY_COUNT] Klasör Alındı [FILTER] </panel.string> <text name="ItemcountText"> Ögeler: diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/panel_preferences_setup.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/panel_preferences_setup.xml index 39a7ce9973..91a7cb48b7 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/panel_preferences_setup.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/panel_preferences_setup.xml @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ Yazılım güncelleştirmeleri: </text> <combo_box name="updater_service_combobox"> - <combo_box.item label="Otomatik olarak kurulsun" name="Install_automatically"/> - <combo_box.item label="Güncellemeleri manuel olarak indirip yükleyeceğim" name="Install_manual"/> + <combo_box.item label="Her bir güncellemeyi otomatik olarak yükle" name="Install_automatically"/> + <combo_box.item label="İsteğe bağlı bir güncelleme yüklenmeye hazır olduğunda bana sor" name="Install_ask"/> + <combo_box.item label="Yalnızca zorunlu güncellemeleri yükle" name="Install_manual"/> </combo_box> <check_box label="Sürüm adaylarına güncelleme yapmaya gönüllü" name="update_willing_to_test"/> <check_box label="Güncellemeden sonra Sürüm Notlarını göster" name="update_show_release_notes"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/strings.xml index 735d2ea93a..6850c67df3 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/strings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/strings.xml @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Grafik başlatma başarılamadı. Lütfen grafik sürücünüzü güncelleştirin! </string> <string name="AboutHeader"> - [APP_NAME] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) ([CHANNEL]) + [CHANNEL] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) [[VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL] [ReleaseNotes]] </string> <string name="BuildConfig"> @@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ Doku belleği: [TEXTURE_MEMORY]MB VFS (önbellek) oluşturma zamanı: [VFS_TIME] </string> <string name="AboutLibs"> - J2C Kod Çözücü Sürümü: [J2C_VERSION] -Ses Sürücüsü Sürümü: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] -CEF Sürümü: [LIBCEF_VERSION] -LibVLC Sürümü: [LIBVLC_VERSION] + J2C Kod Çözücü Sürümü: [J2C_VERSION] +Ses Sürücüsü Sürümü: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] +[LIBCEF_VERSION] +LibVLC Sürümü: [LIBVLC_VERSION] Ses Sunucusu Sürümü: [VOICE_VERSION] </string> <string name="AboutTraffic"> @@ -278,9 +278,8 @@ Bunun bir hata olduğunu düşünüyorsanız, lütfen şu adrese başvurun: supp Oturum kapatma talebi simülatörden bir hata yanıtı gelmesine neden oldu. </string> <string name="LoginFailedPendingLogout"> - Sistem şu anda oturumunuzu sonlandırıyor. -Hesabınıza şu zamana kadar erişemeyeceksiniz: -Pasifik Saati ile [TIME]. + Sistem şu anda oturumunuzu kapatıyor. +Lütfen yeniden oturum açmayı denemeden önce bir dakika bekleyin. </string> <string name="LoginFailedUnableToCreateSession"> Geçerli bir oturum oluşturulamadı. @@ -1443,6 +1442,9 @@ http://secondlife.com/support adresini ziyaret edin. <string name="InventoryNoMatchingItems"> Aradığınızı bulamadınız mı? [secondlife:///app/search/all/[SEARCH_TERM] Arama] ile bulmayı deneyin. </string> + <string name="InventoryNoMatchingRecentItems"> + Aradığınızı bulamadınız mı? [secondlife:///app/inventory/filters Show filters] seçeneğini deneyin. + </string> <string name="PlacesNoMatchingItems"> Aradığınızı bulamadınız mı? [secondlife:///app/search/places/[SEARCH_TERM] Arama] ile bulmayı deneyin. </string> @@ -1509,6 +1511,9 @@ Bu mesaj size gelmeye devam ederse lütfen http://support.secondlife.com adresin <string name="InventoryMarketplaceListingsNoItems"> Klasörleri [[MARKETPLACE_DASHBOARD_URL] Pazaryerinde] satılık olarak listelemek için bu alana sürükleyin. </string> + <string name="InventoryItemsCount"> + ( [ITEMS_COUNT] Öğe ) + </string> <string name="Marketplace Validation Warning Stock"> stok klasörü bir sürüm klasöründe bulunmalıdır </string> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_preferences.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_preferences.xml index c5b078f3c7..7f35f40b9e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_preferences.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_preferences.xml @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <floater name="Preferences" title="偏好設定"> + <floater.string name="email_unverified_tooltip"> + 請至以下網址確認電郵,以便啓動即時通訊: +https://accounts.secondlife.com/change_email/ + </floater.string> <button label="確定" label_selected="確定" name="OK"/> <button label="取消" label_selected="取消" name="Cancel"/> <tab_container name="pref core"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tos.xml index 4e028c849f..4cac07cd21 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tos.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tos.xml @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ <text name="external_tos_required"> 你需先登入 https://my.secondlife.com 同意服務條款,才可繼續。 謝謝你! </text> - <check_box label="我已閱畢並同意" name="agree_chk"/> + <check_box label="" name="agree_chk"/> <text name="agree_list"> - Second Life使用條款、隱私政策、服務條款,包括解決爭端的規定途徑。 + 我已閱畢並同意Second Life使用條款、隱私政策、服務條款,包括解決爭端的規定途徑。 </text> <button label="繼續" label_selected="繼續" name="Continue"/> <button label="取消" label_selected="取消" name="Cancel"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/mime_types.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/mime_types.xml index f4b6822778..52f25d18d2 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/mime_types.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/mime_types.xml @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ 即時串流 </label> </scheme> + <scheme name="example"> + <label name="example_label"> + 插件範例樣板觸發器 + </label> + </scheme> <scheme name="libvlc"> <label name="libvlc_label"> LibVLC支持的媒體 diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/notifications.xml index fd565a8f16..5949d068c3 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/notifications.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/notifications.xml @@ -685,6 +685,9 @@ </url> <usetemplate ignoretext="我的電腦硬體並不支援" name="okcancelignore" notext="否" yestext="是"/> </notification> + <notification name="RunLauncher"> + 請勿直接執行該瀏覽器可執行程式。 如果有SL_Launcher(SL啓動器)的捷徑,請更新,以便正常使用。 + </notification> <notification name="OldGPUDriver"> 你的顯示卡很可能有新版的驅動程式。 更新顯示驅動程式會大幅改善性能。 @@ -1574,153 +1577,16 @@ SHA1 指紋:[MD5_DIGEST] 原始地形檔案下載完成: [DOWNLOAD_PATH]。 </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsMandatory"> - 有個新版本的 [APP_NAME] 可供使用。 -[MESSAGE] -你必須下載這個更新才可使用 [APP_NAME]。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="結束退出" yestext="下載"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindows"> - 一個 [APP_NAME] 更新過的版本已經可用。 -[MESSAGE] -這個更新並非強制更新,但我們建議你安裝以增強效能及穩定性。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="繼續" yestext="下載"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadWindowsReleaseForDownload"> - 一個 [APP_NAME] 更新過的版本已經可用。 -[MESSAGE] -這個更新並非強制更新,但我們建議你安裝以增強效能及穩定性。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="繼續" yestext="下載"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxMandatory"> - 有個新版本的 [APP_NAME] 可供使用。 -[MESSAGE] -你必須下載這個更新才可使用 [APP_NAME]。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="結束退出" yestext="下載"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinux"> - 一個 [APP_NAME] 更新過的版本已經可用。 -[MESSAGE] -這個更新並非強制更新,但我們建議你安裝以增強效能及穩定性。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="繼續" yestext="下載"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadLinuxReleaseForDownload"> - 一個 [APP_NAME] 更新過的版本已經可用。 -[MESSAGE] -這個更新並非強制更新,但我們建議你安裝以增強效能及穩定性。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="繼續" yestext="下載"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacMandatory"> - 有個新版本的 [APP_NAME] 可供使用。 -[MESSAGE] -你必須下載這個更新才可使用 [APP_NAME]。 - -下載到 Applications 資料夾? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="結束退出" yestext="下載"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMac"> - 一個 [APP_NAME] 更新過的版本已經可用。 -[MESSAGE] -這個更新並非強制更新,但我們建議你安裝以增強效能及穩定性。 - -下載到 Applications 資料夾? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="繼續" yestext="下載"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadMacReleaseForDownload"> - 一個 [APP_NAME] 更新過的版本已經可用。 -[MESSAGE] -這個更新並非強制更新,但我們建議你安裝以增強效能及穩定性。 - -下載到 Applications 資料夾? - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="繼續" yestext="下載"/> - </notification> - <notification name="FailedUpdateInstall"> - 安裝更新版 Viewer 時出錯。 -請到 http://secondlife.com/download 下載並安裝最新版 Viewer。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/> - </notification> - <notification name="FailedRequiredUpdateInstall"> - 無法安裝必要的更新。 -除非 [APP_NAME] 更新,你將無法登入。 - -請到 http://secondlife.com/download 下載並安裝最新版 Viewer。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="結束退出"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdaterServiceNotRunning"> - 你已安裝的第二人生軟體現有一個必要的更新。 - -你可以到 http://www.secondlife.com/downloads 下載此更新,或者現在立即安裝。 - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="結束退出第二人生" yestext="立即下載及安裝"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundTip"> - 我們已為你的 [APP_NAME] 軟體下載了更新。 -[VERSION] 版本 [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] 關於此更新的資訊] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="稍候..." yestext="立即安裝及重新啟動 [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="DownloadBackgroundDialog"> - 我們已為你的 [APP_NAME] 軟體下載了更新。 -[VERSION] 版本 [[RELEASE_NOTES_FULL_URL] 關於此更新的資訊] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="稍候..." yestext="立即安裝及重新啟動 [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - 我們已下載了一個必要的軟體更新。 -[VERSION] 版本 [[INFO_URL] 關於此更新的資訊] - -我門必須重新啟動 [APP_NAME] 以安裝更新。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/> - </notification> - <notification name="RequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - 我門必須重新啟動 [APP_NAME] 以安裝更新。 -[[INFO_URL] 關於此更新的資訊] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundTip"> - 我們已為你的 [APP_NAME] 軟體下載了更新。 -版本:[VERSION] -原本試驗性質的瀏覽器已被 [NEW_CHANNEL] 瀏覽器取代, -參見[[INFO_URL] 此更新版的詳情] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="稍候..." yestext="立即安裝並重新啟動 [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelDownloadBackgroundDialog"> - 我們已為你的 [APP_NAME] 軟體下載了更新。 -版本:[VERSION] -原本試驗性質的瀏覽器已被 [NEW_CHANNEL] 瀏覽器取代, -參見[[INFO_URL] 介紹此更新版的資訊] - <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="稍候…" yestext="立即安裝並重新啟動 [APP_NAME]"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedVerboseDialog"> - 我們已下載了一個必要的軟體更新。 -版本:[VERSION] -原本試驗性質的瀏覽器已被 [NEW_CHANNEL] 瀏覽器取代, -參見[[INFO_URL] 介紹此更新版的資訊] - -我們必須重新啟動 [APP_NAME] 以便安裝更新。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/> - </notification> - <notification name="OtherChannelRequiredUpdateDownloadedDialog"> - 我們必須重新啟動 [APP_NAME] 以便安裝更新。 -原本試驗性質的瀏覽器已被 [NEW_CHANNEL] 瀏覽器取代, -參見[[INFO_URL] 介紹此更新版的資訊] - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadInProgress"> - 有更新版本! -正在背景下載中,一完成下載我們會通知你重啟瀏覽器以便安裝。 + <notification name="RequiredUpdate"> + 必須用[VERSION]版本登入。 +本來應該已經完成更新,但看來你的尚未更新。 +請到 http://secondlife.com/support/ 下載更新版 <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/> </notification> - <notification name="UpdateDownloadComplete"> - 一個更新版本已經下載完畢。 重啟時將會安裝。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateCheckError"> - 查詢是否有更新時出錯。 -請稍候再試一次。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/> - </notification> - <notification name="UpdateViewerUpToDate"> - 你的瀏覽器已是最新版! -如果你急欲試用最新的功能和修補,請光臨「替代瀏覽器」網頁:http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers。 - <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/> + <notification name="LoginFailedUnknown"> + 抱歉,登入失敗,原因不明。 +如果你一直看到此訊息,請查閱 [SUPPORT_SITE]。 + <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="退出"/> </notification> <notification name="DeedObjectToGroup"> 讓渡此物件將可讓這個群組: @@ -2482,7 +2348,7 @@ SHA1 指紋:[MD5_DIGEST] <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="取消" yestext="確定"/> </notification> <notification name="ConfirmEmptyTrash"> - [COUNT]個物項將會永久刪除。 你確定你要永久刪除垃圾筒中的內容? + [COUNT]個物項與資料夾將會永久刪除。 你確定你要永久刪除垃圾筒中的內容? <usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="取消" yestext="確定"/> </notification> <notification name="TrashIsFull"> @@ -3487,10 +3353,23 @@ SHA1 指紋:[MD5_DIGEST] <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/> </notification> <notification name="NoVoiceConnect"> - 試圖連接語音伺服器時出了問題: + 無法連通語音伺服器: [HOSTID] +必須允許語音的資料埠如下: +:TCP: 80, 443 +:UDP: 3478, 3479, 5060, 5062, 6250, 12000-32000 + +請檢查你的網路和防火牆設定。 +關閉路由器中的SIP ALG(應用層閘道)功能。 + +將無法用語音溝通。 + <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/> + </notification> + <notification name="NoVoiceConnect-GIAB"> + 試圖連接語音伺服器時出了問題。 + 將無法用語音溝通。 請檢查你的網路和防火牆設定。 <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/panel_main_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/panel_main_inventory.xml index 49553ecd18..1a28f4c3b5 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/panel_main_inventory.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/panel_main_inventory.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <panel label="事物" name="main inventory panel"> <panel.string name="ItemcountFetching"> - 正在擷取 [ITEM_COUNT] 個物項… [FILTER] + 正在擷取[ITEM_COUNT]個物項及[CATEGORY_COUNT]個資料夾… [FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountCompleted"> - [ITEM_COUNT] 物品 [FILTER] + [ITEM_COUNT]個物項及[CATEGORY_COUNT]個資料夾[FILTER] </panel.string> <panel.string name="ItemcountUnknown"> - 已取得 [ITEM_COUNT] 物品 [FILTER] + 擷取了[ITEM_COUNT]個物項及[CATEGORY_COUNT]個資料夾[FILTER] </panel.string> <text name="ItemcountText"> 物品: diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/panel_preferences_setup.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/panel_preferences_setup.xml index bdf980218c..64c0fd062e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/panel_preferences_setup.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/panel_preferences_setup.xml @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ 軟體更新: </text> <combo_box name="updater_service_combobox"> - <combo_box.item label="自動安裝" name="Install_automatically"/> - <combo_box.item label="讓我自己手動下載並安裝" name="Install_manual"/> + <combo_box.item label="自動安裝每一次更新" name="Install_automatically"/> + <combo_box.item label="每當有可自由選擇的更新,讓我做決定" name="Install_ask"/> + <combo_box.item label="僅安裝強制必要的更新" name="Install_manual"/> </combo_box> <check_box label="願意在更新時搶先試用釋出候選版" name="update_willing_to_test"/> <check_box label="更新後顯示發行記事" name="update_show_release_notes"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/strings.xml index 749d4c676c..e4f9c5d433 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/strings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/strings.xml @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ 顯像初始化失敗。 請更新你的顯像卡驅動程式! </string> <string name="AboutHeader"> - [APP_NAME] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]bit) ([CHANNEL]) + [CHANNEL] [VIEWER_VERSION_0].[VIEWER_VERSION_1].[VIEWER_VERSION_2].[VIEWER_VERSION_3] ([ADDRESS_SIZE]位元) [[VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL] [ReleaseNotes]] </string> <string name="BuildConfig"> @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ VFS(快取)建立時間:[VFS_TIME] <string name="AboutLibs"> J2C 解碼器版本: [J2C_VERSION] 音效驅動程式版本: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION] -CEF版本:[LIBCEF_VERSION] +[LIBCEF_VERSION] LibVLC版本:[LIBVLC_VERSION]N] 語音伺服器版本: [VOICE_VERSION] </string> @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ http://secondlife.com/viewer-access-faq </string> <string name="LoginFailedPendingLogout"> 系統正在處理你的登出。 -你的帳號要等到 [TIME] (太平洋時間)才可使用。 +請稍待一分鐘再試圖重新登入。 </string> <string name="LoginFailedUnableToCreateSession"> 無法建立有效的時域。 @@ -1438,6 +1438,9 @@ http://secondlife.com/support 求助解決問題。 <string name="InventoryNoMatchingItems"> 找不到你要找的嗎? 請試試 [secondlife:///app/search/places/ 搜尋]。 </string> + <string name="InventoryNoMatchingRecentItems"> + 找不到你要找的嗎? 請試試[secondlife:///app/inventory/filters 顯示過濾器]。 + </string> <string name="PlacesNoMatchingItems"> 找不到你要找的嗎? 請試試 [secondlife:///app/search/places/[SEARCH_TERM] 搜尋]。 </string> @@ -1504,6 +1507,9 @@ http://secondlife.com/support 求助解決問題。 <string name="InventoryMarketplaceListingsNoItems"> 將資料夾拖曳到這個區域,即可在[[MARKETPLACE_DASHBOARD_URL] Marketplace]刊登出售。 </string> + <string name="InventoryItemsCount"> + ([ITEMS_COUNT]個物項) + </string> <string name="Marketplace Validation Warning Stock"> 限量資料夾必須放在版本資料夾裡 </string> |