path: root/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tools.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tools.xml')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tools.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tools.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..feee659736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tools.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
+<floater name="toolbox floater" short_title="BUILD TOOLS">
+ <floater.string name="status_rotate">
+ Drag colored bands to rotate object
+ </floater.string>
+ <floater.string name="status_scale">
+ Click and drag to stretch selected side
+ </floater.string>
+ <floater.string name="status_move">
+ Drag to move, shift-drag to copy
+ </floater.string>
+ <floater.string name="status_modifyland">
+ Click and hold to modify land
+ </floater.string>
+ <floater.string name="status_camera">
+ Click and drag to move camera
+ </floater.string>
+ <floater.string name="status_grab">
+ Drag to move, Ctrl to lift, Ctrl+Shift to rotate
+ </floater.string>
+ <floater.string name="status_place">
+ Click inworld to build
+ </floater.string>
+ <floater.string name="status_selectland">
+ Click and drag to select land
+ </floater.string>
+ <floater.string name="grid_screen_text">
+ Screen
+ </floater.string>
+ <floater.string name="grid_local_text">
+ Local
+ </floater.string>
+ <floater.string name="grid_world_text">
+ World
+ </floater.string>
+ <floater.string name="grid_reference_text">
+ Reference
+ </floater.string>
+ <floater.string name="grid_attachment_text">
+ Attachment
+ </floater.string>
+ <button name="button focus" tool_tip="Focus"/>
+ <button name="button move" tool_tip="移動"/>
+ <button name="button edit" tool_tip="編輯"/>
+ <button name="button create" tool_tip="Create"/>
+ <button name="button land" tool_tip="Land"/>
+ <text name="text status">
+ Drag to move, shift-drag to copy
+ </text>
+ <radio_group name="focus_radio_group">
+ <radio_item label="Zoom" name="radio zoom"/>
+ <radio_item label="Orbit (Ctrl)" name="radio orbit"/>
+ <radio_item label="Pan (Ctrl+Shift)" name="radio pan"/>
+ </radio_group>
+ <slider_bar initial_value="0.125" name="slider zoom"/>
+ <radio_group name="move_radio_group">
+ <radio_item label="移動" name="radio move"/>
+ <radio_item label="Lift (Ctrl)" name="radio lift"/>
+ <radio_item label="Spin (Ctrl+Shift)" name="radio spin"/>
+ </radio_group>
+ <radio_group name="edit_radio_group">
+ <radio_item label="移動" name="radio position"/>
+ <radio_item label="Rotate (Ctrl)" name="radio rotate"/>
+ <radio_item label="Stretch (Ctrl+Shift)" name="radio stretch"/>
+ <radio_item label="Select Face" name="radio select face"/>
+ </radio_group>
+ <check_box label="Edit linked" name="checkbox edit linked parts"/>
+ <button label="Link" name="link_btn"/>
+ <button label="Unlink" name="unlink_btn"/>
+ <text name="RenderingCost" tool_tip="Shows the rendering cost calculated for this object">
+ þ: [COUNT]
+ </text>
+ <text label="Stretch Both Sides" name="checkbox uniform label">
+ Stretch Both Sides
+ </text>
+ <check_box initial_value="true" label="伸展材質" name="checkbox stretch textures"/>
+ <check_box initial_value="true" label="貼齊格線" name="checkbox snap to grid"/>
+ <combo_box name="combobox grid mode" tool_tip="Choose the type of grid ruler for positioning the object">
+ <combo_box.item label="World grid" name="World"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Local grid" name="Local"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Reference grid" name="Reference"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <button name="Options..." tool_tip="See more grid options"/>
+ <button name="ToolCube" tool_tip="Cube"/>
+ <button name="ToolPrism" tool_tip="Prism"/>
+ <button name="ToolPyramid" tool_tip="Pyramid"/>
+ <button name="ToolTetrahedron" tool_tip="Tetrahedron"/>
+ <button name="ToolCylinder" tool_tip="Cylinder"/>
+ <button name="ToolHemiCylinder" tool_tip="Hemicylinder"/>
+ <button name="ToolCone" tool_tip="Cone"/>
+ <button name="ToolHemiCone" tool_tip="Hemicone"/>
+ <button name="ToolSphere" tool_tip="Sphere"/>
+ <button name="ToolHemiSphere" tool_tip="Hemisphere"/>
+ <button name="ToolTorus" tool_tip="Torus"/>
+ <button name="ToolTube" tool_tip="Tube"/>
+ <button name="ToolRing" tool_tip="Ring"/>
+ <button name="ToolTree" tool_tip="Tree"/>
+ <button name="ToolGrass" tool_tip="Grass"/>
+ <check_box label="Keep Tool selected" name="checkbox sticky"/>
+ <check_box label="Copy selection" name="checkbox copy selection"/>
+ <check_box initial_value="true" label="Center Copy" name="checkbox copy centers"/>
+ <check_box label="Rotate Copy" name="checkbox copy rotates"/>
+ <radio_group name="land_radio_group">
+ <radio_item label="Select Land" name="radio select land"/>
+ <radio_item label="Flatten" name="radio flatten"/>
+ <radio_item label="Raise" name="radio raise"/>
+ <radio_item label="Lower" name="radio lower"/>
+ <radio_item label="Smooth" name="radio smooth"/>
+ <radio_item label="Roughen" name="radio noise"/>
+ <radio_item label="Revert" name="radio revert"/>
+ </radio_group>
+ <text name="Bulldozer:">
+ Bulldozer:
+ </text>
+ <text name="Dozer Size:">
+ 尺寸
+ </text>
+ <slider_bar initial_value="2.0" name="slider brush size"/>
+ <text name="Strength:">
+ Strength
+ </text>
+ <slider_bar initial_value="0.00" name="slider force"/>
+ <button label="套用" label_selected="套用" name="button apply to selection" tool_tip="Modify selected land"/>
+ <text name="obj_count">
+ Objects: [COUNT]
+ </text>
+ <text name="prim_count">
+ Prims: [COUNT]
+ </text>
+ <tab_container name="Object Info Tabs">
+ <panel label="一般" name="General">
+ <panel.string name="text deed continued">
+ Deed
+ </panel.string>
+ <panel.string name="text deed">
+ Deed
+ </panel.string>
+ <panel.string name="text modify info 1">
+ You can modify this object
+ </panel.string>
+ <panel.string name="text modify info 2">
+ You can modify these objects
+ </panel.string>
+ <panel.string name="text modify info 3">
+ You can&apos;t modify this object
+ </panel.string>
+ <panel.string name="text modify info 4">
+ You can&apos;t modify these objects
+ </panel.string>
+ <panel.string name="text modify warning">
+ You must select entire object to set permissions
+ </panel.string>
+ <panel.string name="Cost Default">
+ 價格: L$
+ </panel.string>
+ <panel.string name="Cost Total">
+ 總價: L$
+ </panel.string>
+ <panel.string name="Cost Per Unit">
+ Price Per: L$
+ </panel.string>
+ <panel.string name="Cost Mixed">
+ Mixed Price
+ </panel.string>
+ <panel.string name="Sale Mixed">
+ Mixed Sale
+ </panel.string>
+ <text name="Name:">
+ 名稱:
+ </text>
+ <text name="Description:">
+ 描述:
+ </text>
+ <text name="Creator:">
+ 創造者:
+ </text>
+ <text name="Owner:">
+ 擁有者:
+ </text>
+ <text name="Group:">
+ 社團:
+ </text>
+ <name_box initial_value="載入中..." name="Group Name Proxy"/>
+ <button name="button set group" tool_tip="Choose a group to share this object&apos;s permissions"/>
+ <check_box label="分享" name="checkbox share with group" tool_tip="Allow all members of the set group to share your modify permissions for this object. You must Deed to enable role restrictions."/>
+ <button label="Deed" label_selected="Deed" name="button deed" tool_tip="Deeding gives this item away with next owner permissions. Group shared objects can be deeded by a group officer."/>
+ <text name="label click action">
+ Click to:
+ </text>
+ <combo_box name="clickaction">
+ <combo_box.item label="Touch (default)" name="Touch/grab(default)"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Sit on object" name="Sitonobject"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Buy object" name="Buyobject"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Pay object" name="Payobject"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Open" name="Open"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Zoom" name="Zoom"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <check_box label="出售:" name="checkbox for sale"/>
+ <combo_box name="sale type">
+ <combo_box.item label="副本" name="Copy"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="內容" name="Contents"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="原件" name="Original"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <spinner label="價格: L$" name="Edit Cost"/>
+ <check_box label="Show in search" name="search_check" tool_tip="Let people see this object in search results"/>
+ <panel name="perms_build">
+ <text name="perm_modify">
+ You can modify this object
+ </text>
+ <text name="Anyone can:">
+ 任何人:
+ </text>
+ <check_box label="移動" name="checkbox allow everyone move"/>
+ <check_box label="覆製" name="checkbox allow everyone copy"/>
+ <text name="Next owner can:">
+ 下一個擁有者:
+ </text>
+ <check_box label="修改" name="checkbox next owner can modify"/>
+ <check_box label="覆製" name="checkbox next owner can copy"/>
+ <check_box label="轉移" name="checkbox next owner can transfer" tool_tip="下一個擁有者可以送人或轉售這個物件"/>
+ <text name="B:">
+ B:
+ </text>
+ <text name="O:">
+ O:
+ </text>
+ <text name="G:">
+ G:
+ </text>
+ <text name="E:">
+ E:
+ </text>
+ <text name="N:">
+ N:
+ </text>
+ <text name="F:">
+ F:
+ </text>
+ </panel>
+ </panel>
+ <panel label="Object" name="Object">
+ <check_box label="Locked" name="checkbox locked" tool_tip="Prevents object from being moved or deleted. Frequently useful during building to avoid unintended edits."/>
+ <check_box label="Physical" name="Physical Checkbox Ctrl" tool_tip="Allows object to be pushed and affected by gravity"/>
+ <check_box label="Temporary" name="Temporary Checkbox Ctrl" tool_tip="Causes object to be deleted 1 minute after creation"/>
+ <check_box label="Phantom" name="Phantom Checkbox Ctrl" tool_tip="Causes object to not collide with other objects or avatars"/>
+ <text name="label position">
+ Position (meters)
+ </text>
+ <spinner label="X" name="Pos X"/>
+ <spinner label="Y" name="Pos Y"/>
+ <spinner label="Z" name="Pos Z"/>
+ <text name="label size">
+ 尺寸(公尺)
+ </text>
+ <spinner label="X" name="Scale X"/>
+ <spinner label="Y" name="Scale Y"/>
+ <spinner label="Z" name="Scale Z"/>
+ <text name="label rotation">
+ Rotation (degrees)
+ </text>
+ <spinner label="X" name="Rot X"/>
+ <spinner label="Y" name="Rot Y"/>
+ <spinner label="Z" name="Rot Z"/>
+ <combo_box name="comboBaseType">
+ <combo_box.item label="Box" name="Box"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Cylinder" name="Cylinder"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Prism" name="Prism"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Sphere" name="Sphere"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Torus" name="Torus"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Tube" name="Tube"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Ring" name="Ring"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Sculpted" name="Sculpted"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <combo_box name="material">
+ <combo_box.item label="Stone" name="Stone"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Metal" name="Metal"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Glass" name="Glass"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Wood" name="Wood"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Flesh" name="Flesh"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Plastic" name="Plastic"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Rubber" name="Rubber"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <text name="text cut">
+ Path Cut (begin/end)
+ </text>
+ <spinner label="B" name="cut begin"/>
+ <spinner label="E" name="cut end"/>
+ <text name="text hollow">
+ Hollow
+ </text>
+ <text name="text skew">
+ Skew
+ </text>
+ <text name="Hollow Shape">
+ Hollow Shape
+ </text>
+ <combo_box name="hole">
+ <combo_box.item label="預設" name="Default"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Circle" name="Circle"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Square" name="Square"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Triangle" name="Triangle"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <text name="text twist">
+ Twist (begin/end)
+ </text>
+ <spinner label="B" name="Twist Begin"/>
+ <spinner label="E" name="Twist End"/>
+ <text name="scale_taper">
+ Taper
+ </text>
+ <text name="scale_hole">
+ 洞尺寸
+ </text>
+ <spinner label="X" name="Taper Scale X"/>
+ <spinner label="Y" name="Taper Scale Y"/>
+ <text name="text topshear">
+ Top Shear
+ </text>
+ <spinner label="X" name="Shear X"/>
+ <spinner label="Y" name="Shear Y"/>
+ <text name="advanced_cut">
+ Profile Cut (begin/end)
+ </text>
+ <text name="advanced_dimple">
+ Dimple (begin/end)
+ </text>
+ <text name="advanced_slice">
+ Slice (begin/end)
+ </text>
+ <spinner label="B" name="Path Limit Begin"/>
+ <spinner label="E" name="Path Limit End"/>
+ <text name="text taper2">
+ Taper
+ </text>
+ <spinner label="X" name="Taper X"/>
+ <spinner label="Y" name="Taper Y"/>
+ <text name="text radius delta">
+ Radius
+ </text>
+ <text name="text revolutions">
+ Revolutions
+ </text>
+ <texture_picker label="Sculpt Texture" name="sculpt texture control" tool_tip="點擊以挑選圖片"/>
+ <check_box label="Mirror" name="sculpt mirror control" tool_tip="Flips sculpted prim along the X axis"/>
+ <check_box label="Inside-out" name="sculpt invert control" tool_tip="Inverts the sculpted prims normals, making it appear inside-out"/>
+ <text name="label sculpt type">
+ Stitching type
+ </text>
+ <combo_box name="sculpt type control">
+ <combo_box.item label="(無)" name="None"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Sphere" name="Sphere"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Torus" name="Torus"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Plane" name="Plane"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Cylinder" name="Cylinder"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ </panel>
+ <panel label="Features" name="Features">
+ <text name="select_single">
+ Select only one primitive to edit features.
+ </text>
+ <text name="edit_object">
+ Edit object features:
+ </text>
+ <check_box label="Flexible Path" name="Flexible1D Checkbox Ctrl" tool_tip="Allows object to flex about the Z axis (Client-side only)"/>
+ <spinner label="Softness" name="FlexNumSections"/>
+ <spinner label="Gravity" name="FlexGravity"/>
+ <spinner label="Drag" name="FlexFriction"/>
+ <spinner label="Wind" name="FlexWind"/>
+ <spinner label="Tension" name="FlexTension"/>
+ <spinner label="Force X" name="FlexForceX"/>
+ <spinner label="Force Y" name="FlexForceY"/>
+ <spinner label="Force Z" name="FlexForceZ"/>
+ <check_box label="Light" name="Light Checkbox Ctrl" tool_tip="Causes object to emit light"/>
+ <color_swatch name="colorswatch" tool_tip="Click to open color picker"/>
+ <texture_picker label="" name="light texture control" tool_tip="Click to choose a projection image (only has effect with deferred rendering enabled)"/>
+ <spinner label="Intensity" name="Light Intensity"/>
+ <spinner label="FOV" name="Light FOV"/>
+ <spinner label="Radius" name="Light Radius"/>
+ <spinner label="Focus" name="Light Focus"/>
+ <spinner label="Falloff" name="Light Falloff"/>
+ <spinner label="Ambiance" name="Light Ambiance"/>
+ </panel>
+ <panel label="材質" name="Texture">
+ <panel.string name="string repeats per meter">
+ Repeats Per Meter
+ </panel.string>
+ <panel.string name="string repeats per face">
+ Repeats Per Face
+ </panel.string>
+ <texture_picker label="材質" name="texture control" tool_tip="點擊以挑選圖片"/>
+ <color_swatch label="Color" name="colorswatch" tool_tip="Click to open color picker"/>
+ <text name="color trans">
+ Transparency %
+ </text>
+ <text name="glow label">
+ Glow
+ </text>
+ <check_box label="Full Bright" name="checkbox fullbright"/>
+ <text name="tex gen">
+ Mapping
+ </text>
+ <combo_box name="combobox texgen">
+ <combo_box.item label="預設" name="Default"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Planar" name="Planar"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <text name="label shininess">
+ Shininess
+ </text>
+ <combo_box name="combobox shininess">
+ <combo_box.item label="無" name="None"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Low" name="Low"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Medium" name="Medium"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="High" name="High"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <text name="label bumpiness">
+ Bumpiness
+ </text>
+ <combo_box name="combobox bumpiness">
+ <combo_box.item label="無" name="None"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Brightness" name="Brightness"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Darkness" name="Darkness"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="woodgrain" name="woodgrain"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="bark" name="bark"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="bricks" name="bricks"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="checker" name="checker"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="concrete" name="concrete"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="crustytile" name="crustytile"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="cutstone" name="cutstone"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="discs" name="discs"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="gravel" name="gravel"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="petridish" name="petridish"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="siding" name="siding"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="stonetile" name="stonetile"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="stucco" name="stucco"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="suction" name="suction"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="weave" name="weave"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <check_box initial_value="false" label="Align planar faces" name="checkbox planar align" tool_tip="Align textures on all selected faces with the last selected face. Requires Planar texture mapping."/>
+ <text name="rpt">
+ Repeats / Face
+ </text>
+ <spinner label="Horizontal (U)" name="TexScaleU"/>
+ <check_box label="Flip" name="checkbox flip s"/>
+ <spinner label="Vertical (V)" name="TexScaleV"/>
+ <check_box label="Flip" name="checkbox flip t"/>
+ <spinner label="Rotation˚" name="TexRot"/>
+ <spinner label="Repeats / Meter" name="rptctrl"/>
+ <button label="套用" label_selected="套用" name="button apply"/>
+ <text name="tex offset">
+ 材質位移
+ </text>
+ <spinner label="Horizontal (U)" name="TexOffsetU"/>
+ <spinner label="Vertical (V)" name="TexOffsetV"/>
+ <panel name="Add_Media">
+ <text name="media_tex">
+ Media
+ </text>
+ <button name="add_media" tool_tip="Add Media"/>
+ <button name="delete_media" tool_tip="刪除這個媒體材質"/>
+ <button name="edit_media" tool_tip="Edit this Media"/>
+ <button label="Align" label_selected="Align Media" name="button align" tool_tip="Align media texture (must load first)"/>
+ </panel>
+ </panel>
+ <panel label="Content" name="Contents">
+ <button label="New Script" label_selected="New Script" name="button new script"/>
+ <button label="Permissions" name="button permissions"/>
+ </panel>
+ </tab_container>
+ <panel name="land info panel">
+ <text name="label_parcel_info">
+ Parcel Information
+ </text>
+ <text name="label_area_price">
+ Price: L$[PRICE] for [AREA] m²
+ </text>
+ <text name="label_area">
+ 面積: [AREA] m²
+ </text>
+ <button label="關於土地" label_selected="關於土地" name="button about land"/>
+ <check_box label="顯示擁有主" name="checkbox show owners" tool_tip="Colorize the parcels according to the type of owner:
+Green = Your land
+Aqua = Your group&apos;s land
+Red = Owned by others
+Yellow = For sale
+Purple = For auction
+Grey = Public"/>
+ <text name="label_parcel_modify">
+ Modify Parcel
+ </text>
+ <button label="Subdivide" label_selected="Subdivide" name="button subdivide land"/>
+ <button label="Join" label_selected="Join" name="button join land"/>
+ <text name="label_parcel_trans">
+ Land Transactions
+ </text>
+ <button label="購買土地" label_selected="購買土地" name="button buy land"/>
+ <button label="Abandon Land" label_selected="Abandon Land" name="button abandon land"/>
+ </panel>