path: root/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
index b4d8046d18..cd10765b2f 100755
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
@@ -4456,6 +4456,90 @@ Remove estate manager for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ label="Select estate"
+ name="EstateAllowedExperienceAdd"
+ type="alert">
+ Add to allowed list for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ canceltext="Cancel"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ notext="All Estates"
+ yestext="This Estate"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alert.tga"
+ label="Select estate"
+ name="EstateAllowedExperienceRemove"
+ type="alert">
+ Remove from allowed list for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ canceltext="Cancel"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ notext="All Estates"
+ yestext="This Estate"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alert.tga"
+ label="Select estate"
+ name="EstateBlockedExperienceAdd"
+ type="alert">
+ Add to blocked list for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ canceltext="Cancel"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ notext="All Estates"
+ yestext="This Estate"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alert.tga"
+ label="Select estate"
+ name="EstateBlockedExperienceRemove"
+ type="alert">
+ Remove from blocked list for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ canceltext="Cancel"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ notext="All Estates"
+ yestext="This Estate"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alert.tga"
+ label="Select estate"
+ name="EstateTrustedExperienceAdd"
+ type="alert">
+ Add to key list for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ canceltext="Cancel"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ notext="All Estates"
+ yestext="This Estate"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alert.tga"
+ label="Select estate"
+ name="EstateTrustedExperienceRemove"
+ type="alert">
+ Remove from key list for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ canceltext="Cancel"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ notext="All Estates"
+ yestext="This Estate"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alert.tga"
label="Confirm Kick"
@@ -7150,6 +7234,154 @@ Is this OK?
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="ExperienceAcquireFailed"
+ type="alertmodal">
+Unable to acquire a new experience:
+ <tag>fail</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ name="okbutton"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="NotInGroupExperienceProfileMessage"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ A change to the experience group was ignored because the owner is not a member of the selected group.
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="UneditableExperienceProfileMessage"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ The uneditable field '[field]' was ignored when updating the experience profile.
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="RestrictedToOwnerExperienceProfileMessage"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ Ignored changes to the field '[field]' which can only be set by the experience owner.
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="MaturityRatingExceedsOwnerExperienceProfileMessage"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ You may not set the maturity rating of an experience higher than that of the owner.
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="RestrictedTermExperienceProfileMessage"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ The following terms prevented the update of the experience profile name and/or description: [extra_info]
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="TeleportedHomeExperienceRemoved"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ You have been teleported from the region [region_name] for removing the experience secondlife:///app/experience/[public_id]/profile and are no longer permitted in the region.
+ <form name="form">
+ <ignore name="ignore"
+ text="Kicked from region for removing an experience"/>
+ </form>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="TrustedExperienceEntry"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ You have been allowed into the region [region_name] by participating in the key experience secondlife:///app/experience/[public_id]/profile removing this experience may kick you from the region.
+ <form name="form">
+ <ignore name="ignore"
+ text="Allowed into a region by an experience"/>
+ </form>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="TrustedExperiencesAvailable"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+You do not have access to this destination. You may be allowed into the region by Accepting an experience below:
+Other Key Experiences may be available.
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="ExperienceEvent"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notifytip">
+ An object was allowed to [EventType] by the secondlife:///app/experience/[public_id]/profile experience.
+ Owner: secondlife:///app/agent/[OwnerID]/inspect
+ Object Name: [ObjectName]
+ Parcel Name: [ParcelName]
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="ExperienceEventAttachment"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notifytip">
+ An attachment was allowed to [EventType] by the secondlife:///app/experience/[public_id]/profile experience.
+ Owner: secondlife:///app/agent/[OwnerID]/inspect
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="ScriptQuestionExperience"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+&apos;&lt;nolink&gt;[OBJECTNAME]&lt;/nolink&gt;&apos;, an object owned by &apos;[NAME]&apos;, requests your participation in the [GRID_WIDE] experience:
+Once permission is granted you will not see this message again for this experience unless it is revoked from the experience profile.
+Scripts associated with this experience will be able to do the following on regions where the experience is active:
+ <unique combine="combine_with_new">
+ <context>experience</context>
+ </unique>
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <form name="form">
+ <button
+ index="3"
+ name="BlockExperience"
+ text="Block Experience"/>
+ <button
+ index="2"
+ name="Mute"
+ text="Block Object"/>
+ <button
+ index="0"
+ name="Yes"
+ text="Yes"/>
+ <button
+ index="1"
+ name="No"
+ text="No"/>
+ </form>
+ </notification>
+ <notification