path: root/indra/newview/llviewertexturelist.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llviewertexturelist.cpp')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewertexturelist.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewertexturelist.cpp
index c812504f9b..38e35b3d58 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewertexturelist.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewertexturelist.cpp
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ S32 LLViewerTextureList::sNumImages = 0;
LLViewerTextureList gTextureList;
+extern LLGLSLShader gCopyProgram;
ETexListType get_element_type(S32 priority)
return (priority == LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_ICON || priority == LLViewerFetchedTexture::BOOST_THUMBNAIL) ? TEX_LIST_SCALE : TEX_LIST_STANDARD;
@@ -195,13 +197,6 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::doPreloadImages()
- LLPointer<LLImageRaw> img_blak_square_tex(new LLImageRaw(2, 2, 3));
- memset(img_blak_square_tex->getData(), 0, img_blak_square_tex->getDataSize());
- LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture> img_blak_square(new LLViewerFetchedTexture(img_blak_square_tex, FTT_DEFAULT, false));
- gBlackSquareID = img_blak_square->getID();
- img_blak_square->setUnremovable(true);
- addImage(img_blak_square, TEX_LIST_STANDARD);
static std::string get_texture_list_name()
@@ -306,7 +301,7 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::shutdown()
// Write out list of currently loaded textures for precaching on startup
typedef std::set<std::pair<S32,LLViewerFetchedTexture*> > image_area_list_t;
image_area_list_t image_area_list;
- for (image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
+ for (image_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
iter != mImageList.end(); ++iter)
LLViewerFetchedTexture* image = *iter;
@@ -362,8 +357,11 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::shutdown()
// Flush all of the references
- mLoadingStreamList.clear();
- mCreateTextureList.clear();
+ while (!mCreateTextureList.empty())
+ {
+ mCreateTextureList.front()->mCreatePending = false;
+ mCreateTextureList.pop();
+ }
@@ -377,7 +375,7 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::dump()
LL_INFOS() << "LLViewerTextureList::dump()" << LL_ENDL;
- for (image_priority_list_t::iterator it = mImageList.begin(); it != mImageList.end(); ++it)
+ for (image_list_t::iterator it = mImageList.begin(); it != mImageList.end(); ++it)
LLViewerFetchedTexture* image = *it;
@@ -391,15 +389,9 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::dump()
-void LLViewerTextureList::destroyGL(bool save_state)
+void LLViewerTextureList::destroyGL()
- LLImageGL::destroyGL(save_state);
-void LLViewerTextureList::restoreGL()
- llassert_always(mInitialized) ;
- LLImageGL::restoreGL();
+ LLImageGL::destroyGL();
/* Vertical tab container button image IDs
@@ -736,6 +728,7 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::removeImageFromList(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image)
size_t count = 0;
if (image->isInImageList())
+ image->setInImageList(false);
count = mImageList.erase(image) ;
if(count != 1)
@@ -772,8 +765,6 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::removeImageFromList(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image)
- image->setInImageList(false) ;
void LLViewerTextureList::addImage(LLViewerFetchedTexture *new_image, ETexListType tex_type)
@@ -819,15 +810,6 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::deleteImage(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image)
-void LLViewerTextureList::dirtyImage(LLViewerFetchedTexture *image)
- mDirtyTextureList.insert(image);
void LLViewerTextureList::updateImages(F32 max_time)
@@ -844,7 +826,7 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::updateImages(F32 max_time)
cleared = false;
- LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->setTextureBandwidth(LLTrace::get_frame_recording().getPeriodMeanPerSec(LLStatViewer::TEXTURE_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED).value());
+ LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->setTextureBandwidth((F32)LLTrace::get_frame_recording().getPeriodMeanPerSec(LLStatViewer::TEXTURE_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED).value());
using namespace LLStatViewer;
@@ -868,12 +850,6 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::updateImages(F32 max_time)
//handle results from decode threads
- if (!mDirtyTextureList.empty())
- {
- gPipeline.dirtyPoolObjectTextures(mDirtyTextureList);
- mDirtyTextureList.clear();
- }
bool didone = false;
for (image_list_t::iterator iter = mCallbackList.begin();
iter != mCallbackList.end(); )
@@ -905,7 +881,7 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::clearFetchingRequests()
- for (image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
+ for (image_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
iter != mImageList.end(); ++iter)
LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = *iter;
@@ -913,106 +889,126 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::clearFetchingRequests()
-static void touch_texture(LLViewerFetchedTexture* tex, F32 vsize)
- if (tex)
- {
- tex->addTextureStats(vsize);
- }
extern bool gCubeSnapshot;
-void LLViewerTextureList::updateImageDecodePriority(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep)
+void LLViewerTextureList::updateImageDecodePriority(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, bool flush_images)
- if (imagep->isInDebug() || imagep->isUnremovable())
- {
- //update_counter--;
- return; //is in debug, ignore.
- }
static LLCachedControl<F32> bias_distance_scale(gSavedSettings, "TextureBiasDistanceScale", 1.f);
static LLCachedControl<F32> texture_scale_min(gSavedSettings, "TextureScaleMinAreaFactor", 0.04f);
static LLCachedControl<F32> texture_scale_max(gSavedSettings, "TextureScaleMaxAreaFactor", 25.f);
+ F32 max_vsize = 0.f;
+ bool on_screen = false;
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < LLRender::NUM_TEXTURE_CHANNELS; ++i)
- for (U32 i = 0; i < LLRender::NUM_TEXTURE_CHANNELS; ++i)
+ for (S32 fi = 0; fi < imagep->getNumFaces(i); ++fi)
- for (S32 fi = 0; fi < imagep->getNumFaces(i); ++fi)
+ LLFace* face = (*(imagep->getFaceList(i)))[fi];
+ if (face && face->getViewerObject())
- LLFace* face = (*(imagep->getFaceList(i)))[fi];
+ F32 radius;
+ F32 cos_angle_to_view_dir;
+ static LLCachedControl<F32> bias_unimportant_threshold(gSavedSettings, "TextureBiasUnimportantFactor", 0.25f);
+ F32 vsize = face->getPixelArea();
+ bool in_frustum = face->calcPixelArea(cos_angle_to_view_dir, radius);
+ on_screen = in_frustum;
+ // Scale desired texture resolution higher or lower depending on texture scale
+ //
+ // Minimum usage examples: a 1024x1024 texture with aplhabet, runing string
+ // shows one letter at a time
+ //
+ // Maximum usage examples: huge chunk of terrain repeats texture
+ S32 te_offset = face->getTEOffset(); // offset is -1 if not inited
+ LLViewerObject* objp = face->getViewerObject();
+ const LLTextureEntry* te = (te_offset < 0 || te_offset >= objp->getNumTEs()) ? nullptr : objp->getTE(te_offset);
+ F32 min_scale = te ? llmin(fabsf(te->getScaleS()), fabsf(te->getScaleT())) : 1.f;
+ min_scale = llclamp(min_scale * min_scale, texture_scale_min(), texture_scale_max());
+ vsize /= min_scale;
+ // if bias is > 2, apply to on-screen textures as well
+ bool apply_bias = LLViewerTexture::sDesiredDiscardBias > 2.f;
+ // apply bias to off screen objects or objects that are small on screen all the time
+ if (!in_frustum || !face->getDrawable()->isVisible() || face->getImportanceToCamera() < bias_unimportant_threshold)
+ { // further reduce by discard bias when off screen or occluded
+ apply_bias = true;
+ }
- if (face && face->getViewerObject() && face->getTextureEntry())
+ if (apply_bias)
- F32 vsize = face->getPixelArea();
- // Scale desired texture resolution higher or lower depending on texture scale
- //
- // Minimum usage examples: a 1024x1024 texture with aplhabet, runing string
- // shows one letter at a time
- //
- // Maximum usage examples: huge chunk of terrain repeats texture
- const LLTextureEntry* te = face->getTextureEntry();
- F32 min_scale = te ? llmin(fabsf(te->getScaleS()), fabsf(te->getScaleT())) : 1.f;
- min_scale = llclamp(min_scale*min_scale, texture_scale_min(), texture_scale_max());
- vsize /= min_scale;
- vsize /= LLViewerTexture::sDesiredDiscardBias;
- vsize /= llmax(1.f, (LLViewerTexture::sDesiredDiscardBias-1.f) * (1.f + face->getDrawable()->mDistanceWRTCamera * bias_distance_scale));
- F32 radius;
- F32 cos_angle_to_view_dir;
- bool in_frustum = face->calcPixelArea(cos_angle_to_view_dir, radius);
- if (!in_frustum || !face->getDrawable()->isVisible())
- { // further reduce by discard bias when off screen or occluded
- vsize /= LLViewerTexture::sDesiredDiscardBias;
- }
- // if a GLTF material is present, ignore that face
- // as far as this texture stats go, but update the GLTF material
- // stats
- LLFetchedGLTFMaterial* mat = te ? (LLFetchedGLTFMaterial*)te->getGLTFRenderMaterial() : nullptr;
- llassert(mat == nullptr || dynamic_cast<LLFetchedGLTFMaterial*>(te->getGLTFRenderMaterial()) != nullptr);
- if (mat)
- {
- touch_texture(mat->mBaseColorTexture, vsize);
- touch_texture(mat->mNormalTexture, vsize);
- touch_texture(mat->mMetallicRoughnessTexture, vsize);
- touch_texture(mat->mEmissiveTexture, vsize);
- }
- else
- {
- imagep->addTextureStats(vsize);
- }
+ F32 bias = powf(4, LLViewerTexture::sDesiredDiscardBias - 1.f);
+ bias = (F32) llround(bias);
+ vsize /= bias;
+ max_vsize = llmax(max_vsize, vsize);
- //imagep->setDebugText(llformat("%.3f - %d", sqrtf(imagep->getMaxVirtualSize()), imagep->getBoostLevel()));
+ if (imagep->getType() == LLViewerTexture::LOD_TEXTURE && imagep->getBoostLevel() == LLViewerTexture::BOOST_NONE)
+ { // conditionally reset max virtual size for unboosted LOD_TEXTURES
+ // this is an alternative to decaying mMaxVirtualSize over time
+ // that keeps textures from continously downrezzing and uprezzing in the background
- F32 lazy_flush_timeout = 30.f; // stop decoding
- F32 max_inactive_time = 20.f; // actually delete
- S32 min_refs = 3; // 1 for mImageList, 1 for mUUIDMap, 1 for local reference
+ if (LLViewerTexture::sDesiredDiscardBias > 1.5f ||
+ (!on_screen && LLViewerTexture::sDesiredDiscardBias > 1.f))
+ {
+ imagep->mMaxVirtualSize = 0.f;
+ }
+ }
+ imagep->addTextureStats(max_vsize);
+#if 0
+ imagep->setDebugText(llformat("%d/%d - %d/%d -- %d/%d",
+ (S32)sqrtf(max_vsize),
+ (S32)sqrtf(imagep->mMaxVirtualSize),
+ imagep->getDiscardLevel(),
+ imagep->getDesiredDiscardLevel(),
+ imagep->getWidth(),
+ imagep->getFullWidth()));
+ // make sure to addTextureStats for any spotlights that are using this texture
+ for (S32 vi = 0; vi < imagep->getNumVolumes(LLRender::LIGHT_TEX); ++vi)
+ {
+ LLVOVolume* volume = (*imagep->getVolumeList(LLRender::LIGHT_TEX))[vi];
+ volume->updateSpotLightPriority();
+ }
+ F32 max_inactive_time = 20.f; // inactive time before deleting saved raw image
+ S32 min_refs = 3; // 1 for mImageList, 1 for mUUIDMap, and 1 for "entries" in updateImagesFetchTextures
+ F32 lazy_flush_timeout = 30.f; // delete unused images after 30 seconds
// Flush formatted images using a lazy flush
S32 num_refs = imagep->getNumRefs();
- if (num_refs == min_refs)
+ if (num_refs <= min_refs && flush_images)
if (imagep->getLastReferencedTimer()->getElapsedTimeF32() > lazy_flush_timeout)
// Remove the unused image from the image list
- imagep = NULL; // should destroy the image
+ return;
- return;
+ // still referenced outside of image list, reset timer
+ imagep->getLastReferencedTimer()->reset();
if (imagep->hasSavedRawImage())
if (imagep->getElapsedLastReferencedSavedRawImageTime() > max_inactive_time)
@@ -1025,26 +1021,6 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::updateImageDecodePriority(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imag
- else if (imagep->isDeletionCandidate())
- {
- imagep->destroyTexture();
- return;
- }
- else if (imagep->isInactive())
- {
- if (imagep->getLastReferencedTimer()->getElapsedTimeF32() > max_inactive_time)
- {
- imagep->setDeletionCandidate();
- }
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- imagep->getLastReferencedTimer()->reset();
- //reset texture state.
- imagep->setInactive();
- }
if (!imagep->isInImageList())
@@ -1059,20 +1035,6 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::updateImageDecodePriority(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imag
-void LLViewerTextureList::setDebugFetching(LLViewerFetchedTexture* tex, S32 debug_level)
- if(!tex->setDebugFetching(debug_level))
- {
- return;
- }
- const F32 DEBUG_PRIORITY = 100000.f;
- removeImageFromList(tex);
- tex->mMaxVirtualSize = DEBUG_PRIORITY;
- addImageToList(tex);
F32 LLViewerTextureList::updateImagesCreateTextures(F32 max_time)
@@ -1084,22 +1046,65 @@ F32 LLViewerTextureList::updateImagesCreateTextures(F32 max_time)
LLTimer create_timer;
- image_list_t::iterator enditer = mCreateTextureList.begin();
- for (image_list_t::iterator iter = mCreateTextureList.begin();
- iter != mCreateTextureList.end();)
+ if (!mDownScaleQueue.empty() && gPipeline.mDownResMap.isComplete())
- image_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
- enditer = iter;
- LLViewerFetchedTexture *imagep = *curiter;
+ // just in case we downres textures, bind downresmap and copy program
+ gPipeline.mDownResMap.bindTarget();
+ gCopyProgram.bind();
+ gPipeline.mScreenTriangleVB->setBuffer();
+ // give time to downscaling first -- if mDownScaleQueue is not empty, we're running out of memory and need
+ // to free up memory by discarding off screen textures quickly
+ // do at least 5 and make sure we don't get too far behind even if it violates
+ // the time limit. If we don't downscale quickly the viewer will hit swap and may
+ // freeze.
+ S32 min_count = (S32)mCreateTextureList.size() / 20 + 5;
+ while (!mDownScaleQueue.empty())
+ {
+ LLViewerFetchedTexture* image = mDownScaleQueue.front();
+ llassert(image->mDownScalePending);
+ LLImageGL* img = image->getGLTexture();
+ if (img && img->getHasGLTexture())
+ {
+ img->scaleDown(image->getDesiredDiscardLevel());
+ }
+ image->mDownScalePending = false;
+ mDownScaleQueue.pop();
+ if (create_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() > max_time && --min_count <= 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ gCopyProgram.unbind();
+ gPipeline.mDownResMap.flush();
+ }
+ // do at least 5 and make sure we don't get too far behind even if it violates
+ // the time limit. Textures pending creation have a copy of their texture data
+ // in system memory, so we don't want to let them pile up.
+ S32 min_count = (S32) mCreateTextureList.size() / 20 + 5;
+ while (!mCreateTextureList.empty())
+ {
+ LLViewerFetchedTexture *imagep = mCreateTextureList.front();
+ llassert(imagep->mCreatePending);
+ imagep->mCreatePending = false;
+ mCreateTextureList.pop();
- if (create_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() > max_time)
+ if (create_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() > max_time && --min_count <= 0)
- mCreateTextureList.erase(mCreateTextureList.begin(), enditer);
return create_timer.getElapsedTimeF32();
@@ -1133,18 +1138,12 @@ F32 LLViewerTextureList::updateImagesLoadingFastCache(F32 max_time)
void LLViewerTextureList::forceImmediateUpdate(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep)
- if(!imagep)
+ if(!imagep || gCubeSnapshot)
return ;
- if(imagep->isInImageList())
- {
- removeImageFromList(imagep);
- }
- imagep->sMaxVirtualSize = LLViewerFetchedTexture::sMaxVirtualSize;
- addImageToList(imagep);
return ;
@@ -1152,18 +1151,22 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::forceImmediateUpdate(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep)
F32 LLViewerTextureList::updateImagesFetchTextures(F32 max_time)
typedef std::vector<LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture> > entries_list_t;
entries_list_t entries;
// update N textures at beginning of mImageList
U32 update_count = 0;
static const S32 MIN_UPDATE_COUNT = gSavedSettings.getS32("TextureFetchUpdateMinCount"); // default: 32
- // WIP -- dumb code here
+ // NOTE: a texture may be deleted as a side effect of some of these updates
+ // Deletion rules check ref count, so be careful not to hold any LLPointer references to the textures here other than the one in entries.
//update MIN_UPDATE_COUNT or 5% of other textures, whichever is greater
update_count = llmax((U32) MIN_UPDATE_COUNT, (U32) mUUIDMap.size()/20);
update_count = llmin(update_count, (U32) mUUIDMap.size());
- {
+ { // copy entries out of UUID map to avoid iterator invalidation from deletion inside updateImageDecodeProiroty or updateFetch below
// copy entries out of UUID map for updating
@@ -1186,30 +1189,22 @@ F32 LLViewerTextureList::updateImagesFetchTextures(F32 max_time)
LLTimer timer;
- LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> last_imagep = nullptr;
for (auto& imagep : entries)
- if (imagep->getNumRefs() > 1) // make sure this image hasn't been deleted before attempting to update (may happen as a side effect of some other image updating)
+ mLastUpdateKey = LLTextureKey(imagep->getID(), (ETexListType)imagep->getTextureListType());
+ if (imagep->getNumRefs() > 1) // make sure this image hasn't been deleted before attempting to update (may happen as a side effect of some other image updating)
- last_imagep = imagep;
if (timer.getElapsedTimeF32() > max_time)
- if (last_imagep)
- {
- mLastUpdateKey = LLTextureKey(last_imagep->getID(), (ETexListType)last_imagep->getTextureListType());
- }
return timer.getElapsedTimeF32();
@@ -1218,7 +1213,7 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::updateImagesUpdateStats()
if (mForceResetTextureStats)
- for (image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
+ for (image_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
iter != mImageList.end(); )
LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = *iter++;
@@ -1238,7 +1233,7 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::decodeAllImages(F32 max_time)
// Update texture stats and priorities
std::vector<LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture> > image_list;
- for (image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
+ for (image_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
iter != mImageList.end(); )
LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = *iter++;
@@ -1258,7 +1253,7 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::decodeAllImages(F32 max_time)
// Update fetch (decode)
- for (image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
+ for (image_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
iter != mImageList.end(); )
LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = *iter++;
@@ -1285,7 +1280,7 @@ void LLViewerTextureList::decodeAllImages(F32 max_time)
// Update fetch again
- for (image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
+ for (image_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
iter != mImageList.end(); )
LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = *iter++;