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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/app_settings')
327 files changed, 14942 insertions, 2500 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/CA.pem b/indra/newview/app_settings/CA.pem index 8c1b9a1f37..8c1b9a1f37 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/CA.pem +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/CA.pem diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/anim.ini b/indra/newview/app_settings/anim.ini index 63c84e544d..63c84e544d 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/anim.ini +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/anim.ini diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/autoreplace.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/autoreplace.xml new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..09d19f7b04 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/autoreplace.xml @@ -0,0 +1,8330 @@ +<llsd> + <array> + <map> + <key>name</key> + <string>Abbreviations</string> + <key>replacements</key> + <map> + <key>afaic</key> + <string>As far as I am concerned</string> + <key>afaik</key> + <string>As far as I know</string> + <key>afk</key> + <string>away from keyboard</string> + <key>atm</key> + <string>at the moment</string> + <key>bbiab</key> + <string>be back in a bit</string> + <key>bbl</key> + <string>be back later</string> + <key>brb</key> + <string>be right back</string> + <key>btw</key> + <string>by the way</string> + <key>fyi</key> + <string>For your information</string> + <key>fwiw</key> + <string>For what its worth</string> + <key>gtg</key> + <string>got to go</string> + <key>idk</key> + <string>I don't know</string> + <key>iirc</key> + <string>if I recall correctly</string> + <key>imho</key> + <string>in my humble opinion</string> + <key>imo</key> + <string>in my opinion</string> + <key>irl</key> + <string>in real life</string> + <key>np</key> + <string>no problem</string> + <key>nsfw</key> + <string>not safe for work</string> + <key>nvm</key> + <string>nevermind</string> + <key>tc</key> + <string>take care</string> + <key>thx</key> + <string>thanks</string> + <key>ttfn</key> + <string>ta-ta for now</string> + <key>ttyl</key> + <string>talk to you later</string> + <key>ty</key> + <string>thank you</string> + <key>tyvm</key> + <string>thank you very much</string> + <key>wb</key> + <string>welcome back</string> + <key>yw</key> + <string>you're welcome</string> + <key>yvw</key> + <string>you're very welcome</string> + </map> + </map> + <map> + <key>name</key> + <string>Spelling Corrections</string> + <key>replacements</key> + <map> + <key>Amercia</key> + <string>America</string> + <key>Bernouilli</key> + <string>Bernoulli</string> + <key>Blitzkreig</key> + <string>Blitzkrieg</string> + <key>Bonnano</key> + <string>Bonanno</string> + <key>Brasillian</key> + <string>Brazilian</string> + <key>Britian</key> + <string>Britain</string> + <key>Brittish</key> + <string>British</string> + <key>Buddah</key> + <string>Buddha</string> + <key>Buddist</key> + <string>Buddhist</string> + <key>Cambrige</key> + <string>Cambridge</string> + <key>Capetown</key> + <string>Cape Town</string> + <key>Carmalite</key> + <string>Carmelite</string> + <key>Carnagie</key> + <string>Carnegie</string> + <key>Carnagie-Mellon</key> + <string>Carnegie-Mellon</string> + <key>Carnigie</key> + <string>Carnegie</string> + <key>Carnigie-Mellon</key> + <string>Carnegie-Mellon</string> + <key>Carribbean</key> + <string>Caribbean</string> + <key>Carribean</key> + <string>Caribbean</string> + <key>Carthagian</key> + <string>Carthaginian</string> + <key>Cataline</key> + <string>Catiline</string> + <key>Ceasar</key> + <string>Caesar</string> + <key>Celcius</key> + <string>Celsius</string> + <key>Champange</key> + <string>Champagne</string> + <key>Cincinatti</key> + <string>Cincinnati</string> + <key>Cincinnatti</key> + <string>Cincinnati</string> + <key>Conneticut</key> + <string>Connecticut</string> + <key>Dardenelles</key> + <string>Dardanelles</string> + <key>Dravadian</key> + <string>Dravidian</string> + <key>Enlish</key> + <string>English</string> + <key>Europian</key> + <string>European</string> + <key>Europians</key> + <string>Europeans</string> + <key>Eurpean</key> + <string>European</string> + <key>Eurpoean</key> + <string>European</string> + <key>Farenheit</key> + <string>Fahrenheit</string> + <key>Febuary</key> + <string>February</string> + <key>Feburary</key> + <string>February</string> + <key>Flemmish</key> + <string>Flemish</string> + <key>Formalhaut</key> + <string>Fomalhaut</string> + <key>Foundland</key> + <string>Newfoundland</string> + <key>Fransiscan</key> + <string>Franciscan</string> + <key>Fransiscans</key> + <string>Franciscans</string> + <key>Galations</key> + <string>Galatians</string> + <key>Gameboy</key> + <string>Game Boy</string> + <key>Ghandi</key> + <string>Gandhi</string> + <key>Godounov</key> + <string>Godunov</string> + <key>Gothenberg</key> + <string>Gothenburg</string> + <key>Gottleib</key> + <string>Gottlieb</string> + <key>Guaduloupe</key> + <string>Guadalupe</string> + <key>Guadulupe</key> + <string>Guadalupe</string> + <key>Guatamala</key> + <string>Guatemala</string> + <key>Guatamalan</key> + <string>Guatemalan</string> + <key>Guilia</key> + <string>Giulia</string> + <key>Guilio</key> + <string>Giulio</string> + <key>Guiness</key> + <string>Guinness</string> + <key>Guiseppe</key> + <string>Giuseppe</string> + <key>Habsbourg</key> + <string>Habsburg</string> + <key>Hallowean</key> + <string>Halloween</string> + <key>Heidelburg</key> + <string>Heidelberg</string> + <key>Ihaca</key> + <string>Ithaca</string> + <key>Israelies</key> + <string>Israelis</string> + <key>Janurary</key> + <string>January</string> + <key>Januray</key> + <string>January</string> + <key>Japanes</key> + <string>Japanese</string> + <key>Johanine</key> + <string>Johannine</string> + <key>Jospeh</key> + <string>Joseph</string> + <key>Juadaism</key> + <string>Judaism</string> + <key>Juadism</key> + <string>Judaism</string> + <key>Lybia</key> + <string>Libya</string> + <key>Malcom</key> + <string>Malcolm</string> + <key>Massachussets</key> + <string>Massachusetts</string> + <key>Massachussetts</key> + <string>Massachusetts</string> + <key>Mediteranean</key> + <string>Mediterranean</string> + <key>Michagan</key> + <string>Michigan</string> + <key>Misouri</key> + <string>Missouri</string> + <key>Missisipi</key> + <string>Mississippi</string> + <key>Missisippi</key> + <string>Mississippi</string> + <key>Monserrat</key> + <string>Montserrat</string> + <key>Montnana</key> + <string>Montana</string> + <key>Morisette</key> + <string>Morissette</string> + <key>Morrisette</key> + <string>Morissette</string> + <key>Mythraic</key> + <string>Mithraic</string> + <key>Naploeon</key> + <string>Napoleon</string> + <key>Napolean</key> + <string>Napoleon</string> + <key>Napoleonian</key> + <string>Napoleonic</string> + <key>Nazereth</key> + <string>Nazareth</string> + <key>Newyorker</key> + <string>New Yorker</string> + <key>Novermber</key> + <string>November</string> + <key>Nullabour</key> + <string>Nullarbor</string> + <key>Nuremburg</key> + <string>Nuremberg</string> + <key>Palistian</key> + <string>Palestinian</string> + <key>Palistinian</key> + <string>Palestinian</string> + <key>Palistinians</key> + <string>Palestinians</string> + <key>Papanicalou</key> + <string>Papanicolaou</string> + <key>Peloponnes</key> + <string>Peloponnesus</string> + <key>Pennyslvania</key> + <string>Pennsylvania</string> + <key>Pharoah</key> + <string>Pharaoh</string> + <key>Philipines</key> + <string>Philippines</string> + <key>Phillipine</key> + <string>Philippine</string> + <key>Phillipines</key> + <string>Philippines</string> + <key>Phillippines</key> + <string>Philippines</string> + <key>Phonecian</key> + <string>Phoenecian</string> + <key>Portugese</key> + <string>Portuguese</string> + <key>Postdam</key> + <string>Potsdam</string> + <key>Premonasterians</key> + <string>Premonstratensians</string> + <key>Pucini</key> + <string>Puccini</string> + <key>Puertorrican</key> + <string>Puerto Rican</string> + <key>Puertorricans</key> + <string>Puerto Ricans</string> + <key>Queenland</key> + <string>Queensland</string> + <key>Rockerfeller</key> + <string>Rockefeller</string> + <key>Russion</key> + <string>Russian</string> + <key>Sanhedrim</key> + <string>Sanhedrin</string> + <key>Saterday</key> + <string>Saturday</string> + <key>Saterdays</key> + <string>Saturdays</string> + <key>Sionist</key> + <string>Zionist</string> + <key>Sionists</key> + <string>Zionists</string> + <key>Sixtin</key> + <string>Sistine</string> + <key>Skagerak</key> + <string>Skagerrak</string> + <key>Tolkein</key> + <string>Tolkien</string> + <key>Tuscon</key> + <string>Tucson</string> + <key>Ukranian</key> + <string>Ukrainian</string> + <key>UnitesStates</key> + <string>UnitedStates</string> + <key>Yementite</key> + <string>Yemenite</string> + <key>abandonned</key> + <string>abandoned</string> + <key>aberation</key> + <string>aberration</string> + <key>abilties</key> + <string>abilities</string> + <key>abilty</key> + <string>ability</string> + <key>abondon</key> + <string>abandon</string> + <key>abondoned</key> + <string>abandoned</string> + <key>abondoning</key> + <string>abandoning</string> + <key>abondons</key> + <string>abandons</string> + <key>aborigene</key> + <string>aborigine</string> + <key>abortificant</key> + <string>abortifacient</string> + <key>abreviate</key> + <string>abbreviate</string> + <key>abreviated</key> + <string>abbreviated</string> + <key>abreviation</key> + <string>abbreviation</string> + <key>abritrary</key> + <string>arbitrary</string> + <key>absail</key> + <string>abseil</string> + <key>absailing</key> + <string>abseiling</string> + <key>absense</key> + <string>absence</string> + <key>absolutly</key> + <string>absolutely</string> + <key>absorbsion</key> + <string>absorption</string> + <key>absorbtion</key> + <string>absorption</string> + <key>abundacies</key> + <string>abundances</string> + <key>abundancies</key> + <string>abundances</string> + <key>abundunt</key> + <string>abundant</string> + <key>abutts</key> + <string>abuts</string> + <key>acadamy</key> + <string>academy</string> + <key>acadmic</key> + <string>academic</string> + <key>accademic</key> + <string>academic</string> + <key>accademy</key> + <string>academy</string> + <key>acccused</key> + <string>accused</string> + <key>accelleration</key> + <string>acceleration</string> + <key>accension</key> + <string>ascension</string> + <key>acceptence</key> + <string>acceptance</string> + <key>acceptible</key> + <string>acceptable</string> + <key>accessable</key> + <string>accessible</string> + <key>accidentaly</key> + <string>accidentally</string> + <key>accidently</key> + <string>accidentally</string> + <key>acclimitization</key> + <string>acclimatization</string> + <key>accomadate</key> + <string>accommodate</string> + <key>accomadated</key> + <string>accommodated</string> + <key>accomadates</key> + <string>accommodates</string> + <key>accomadating</key> + <string>accommodating</string> + <key>accomadation</key> + <string>accommodation</string> + <key>accomadations</key> + <string>accommodations</string> + <key>accomdate</key> + <string>accommodate</string> + <key>accomodate</key> + <string>accommodate</string> + <key>accomodated</key> + <string>accommodated</string> + <key>accomodates</key> + <string>accommodates</string> + <key>accomodating</key> + <string>accommodating</string> + <key>accomodation</key> + <string>accommodation</string> + <key>accomodations</key> + <string>accommodations</string> + <key>accompanyed</key> + <string>accompanied</string> + <key>accordeon</key> + <string>accordion</string> + <key>accordian</key> + <string>accordion</string> + <key>accoring</key> + <string>according</string> + <key>accoustic</key> + <string>acoustic</string> + <key>accquainted</key> + <string>acquainted </string> + <key>accrediation</key> + <string>accreditation</string> + <key>accredidation</key> + <string>accreditation</string> + <key>accross</key> + <string>across</string> + <key>accussed</key> + <string>accused</string> + <key>acedemic</key> + <string>academic</string> + <key>acheive</key> + <string>achieve</string> + <key>acheived</key> + <string>achieved</string> + <key>acheivement</key> + <string>achievement</string> + <key>acheivements</key> + <string>achievements</string> + <key>acheives</key> + <string>achieves</string> + <key>acheiving</key> + <string>achieving</string> + <key>acheivment</key> + <string>achievement</string> + <key>acheivments</key> + <string>achievements</string> + <key>achievment</key> + <string>achievement</string> + <key>achievments</key> + <string>achievements</string> + <key>achivement</key> + <string>achievement</string> + <key>achivements</key> + <string>achievements</string> + <key>acknowldeged</key> + <string>acknowledged</string> + <key>acknowledgeing</key> + <string>acknowledging</string> + <key>ackward</key> + <string>awkward</string> + <key>acommodate</key> + <string>accommodate</string> + <key>acomplish</key> + <string>accomplish</string> + <key>acomplished</key> + <string>accomplished</string> + <key>acomplishment</key> + <string>accomplishment</string> + <key>acomplishments</key> + <string>accomplishments</string> + <key>acording</key> + <string>according</string> + <key>acordingly</key> + <string>accordingly</string> + <key>acquaintence</key> + <string>acquaintance</string> + <key>acquaintences</key> + <string>acquaintances</string> + <key>acquiantence</key> + <string>acquaintance</string> + <key>acquiantences</key> + <string>acquaintances</string> + <key>acquited</key> + <string>acquitted</string> + <key>activites</key> + <string>activities</string> + <key>activly</key> + <string>actively</string> + <key>actualy</key> + <string>actually</string> + <key>acuracy</key> + <string>accuracy</string> + <key>acused</key> + <string>accused</string> + <key>acustom</key> + <string>accustom</string> + <key>acustommed</key> + <string>accustomed</string> + <key>adavanced</key> + <string>advanced</string> + <key>adbandon</key> + <string>abandon</string> + <key>additinally</key> + <string>additionally</string> + <key>additionaly</key> + <string>additionally</string> + <key>additonal</key> + <string>additional</string> + <key>additonally</key> + <string>additionally</string> + <key>addmission</key> + <string>admission</string> + <key>addopt</key> + <string>adopt</string> + <key>addopted</key> + <string>adopted</string> + <key>addoptive</key> + <string>adoptive</string> + <key>addres</key> + <string>address</string> + <key>addresable</key> + <string>addressable</string> + <key>addresed</key> + <string>addressed</string> + <key>addresing</key> + <string>addressing</string> + <key>addressess</key> + <string>addresses</string> + <key>addtion</key> + <string>addition</string> + <key>addtional</key> + <string>additional</string> + <key>adecuate</key> + <string>adequate</string> + <key>adequit</key> + <string>adequate</string> + <key>adhearing</key> + <string>adhering</string> + <key>adherance</key> + <string>adherence</string> + <key>admendment</key> + <string>amendment</string> + <key>admininistrative</key> + <string>administrative</string> + <key>adminstered</key> + <string>administered</string> + <key>adminstrate</key> + <string>administrate</string> + <key>adminstration</key> + <string>administration</string> + <key>adminstrative</key> + <string>administrative</string> + <key>adminstrator</key> + <string>administrator</string> + <key>admissability</key> + <string>admissibility</string> + <key>admissable</key> + <string>admissible</string> + <key>admited</key> + <string>admitted</string> + <key>admitedly</key> + <string>admittedly</string> + <key>adn</key> + <string>and</string> + <key>adolecent</key> + <string>adolescent</string> + <key>adquire</key> + <string>acquire</string> + <key>adquired</key> + <string>acquired</string> + <key>adquires</key> + <string>acquires</string> + <key>adquiring</key> + <string>acquiring</string> + <key>adres</key> + <string>address</string> + <key>adresable</key> + <string>addressable</string> + <key>adresing</key> + <string>addressing</string> + <key>adress</key> + <string>address</string> + <key>adressable</key> + <string>addressable</string> + <key>adressed</key> + <string>addressed</string> + <key>adressing</key> + <string>addressing</string> + <key>adventrous</key> + <string>adventurous</string> + <key>advertisment</key> + <string>advertisement</string> + <key>advertisments</key> + <string>advertisements</string> + <key>advesary</key> + <string>adversary</string> + <key>adviced</key> + <string>advised</string> + <key>aeriel</key> + <string>aerial</string> + <key>aeriels</key> + <string>aerials</string> + <key>afair</key> + <string>affair</string> + <key>afficianados</key> + <string>aficionados</string> + <key>afficionado</key> + <string>aficionado</string> + <key>afficionados</key> + <string>aficionados</string> + <key>affilate</key> + <string>affiliate</string> + <key>affilliate</key> + <string>affiliate</string> + <key>affort</key> + <string>afford</string> + <key>aforememtioned</key> + <string>aforementioned</string> + <key>againnst</key> + <string>against</string> + <key>agains</key> + <string>against</string> + <key>agaisnt</key> + <string>against</string> + <key>aganist</key> + <string>against</string> + <key>aggaravates</key> + <string>aggravates</string> + <key>aggreed</key> + <string>agreed</string> + <key>aggreement</key> + <string>agreement</string> + <key>aggregious</key> + <string>egregious</string> + <key>aggresive</key> + <string>aggressive</string> + <key>agian</key> + <string>again</string> + <key>agianst</key> + <string>against</string> + <key>agin</key> + <string>again</string> + <key>agina</key> + <string>again</string> + <key>aginst</key> + <string>against</string> + <key>agravate</key> + <string>aggravate</string> + <key>agre</key> + <string>agree</string> + <key>agred</key> + <string>agreed</string> + <key>agreeement</key> + <string>agreement</string> + <key>agreemnt</key> + <string>agreement</string> + <key>agregate</key> + <string>aggregate</string> + <key>agregates</key> + <string>aggregates</string> + <key>agreing</key> + <string>agreeing</string> + <key>agression</key> + <string>aggression</string> + <key>agressive</key> + <string>aggressive</string> + <key>agressively</key> + <string>aggressively</string> + <key>agressor</key> + <string>aggressor</string> + <key>agricuture</key> + <string>agriculture</string> + <key>agrieved</key> + <string>aggrieved</string> + <key>ahev</key> + <string>have</string> + <key>ahppen</key> + <string>happen</string> + <key>ahve</key> + <string>have</string> + <key>aicraft</key> + <string>aircraft</string> + <key>aiport</key> + <string>airport</string> + <key>airbourne</key> + <string>airborne</string> + <key>aircaft</key> + <string>aircraft</string> + <key>aircrafts</key> + <string>aircraft</string> + <key>airporta</key> + <string>airports</string> + <key>airrcraft</key> + <string>aircraft</string> + <key>aisian</key> + <string>asian</string> + <key>albiet</key> + <string>albeit</string> + <key>alchohol</key> + <string>alcohol</string> + <key>alchoholic</key> + <string>alcoholic</string> + <key>alchol</key> + <string>alcohol</string> + <key>alcholic</key> + <string>alcoholic</string> + <key>alcohal</key> + <string>alcohol</string> + <key>alcoholical</key> + <string>alcoholic</string> + <key>aledge</key> + <string>allege</string> + <key>aledged</key> + <string>alleged</string> + <key>aledges</key> + <string>alleges</string> + <key>alege</key> + <string>allege</string> + <key>aleged</key> + <string>alleged</string> + <key>alegience</key> + <string>allegiance</string> + <key>algebraical</key> + <string>algebraic</string> + <key>algorhitms</key> + <string>algorithms</string> + <key>algoritm</key> + <string>algorithm</string> + <key>algoritms</key> + <string>algorithms</string> + <key>alientating</key> + <string>alienating</string> + <key>alledge</key> + <string>allege</string> + <key>alledged</key> + <string>alleged</string> + <key>alledgedly</key> + <string>allegedly</string> + <key>alledges</key> + <string>alleges</string> + <key>allegedely</key> + <string>allegedly</string> + <key>allegedy</key> + <string>allegedly</string> + <key>allegely</key> + <string>allegedly</string> + <key>allegence</key> + <string>allegiance</string> + <key>allegience</key> + <string>allegiance</string> + <key>allign</key> + <string>align</string> + <key>alligned</key> + <string>aligned</string> + <key>alliviate</key> + <string>alleviate</string> + <key>allopone</key> + <string>allophone</string> + <key>allopones</key> + <string>allophones</string> + <key>allready</key> + <string>already</string> + <key>allthough</key> + <string>although</string> + <key>alltime</key> + <string>all-time</string> + <key>alltogether</key> + <string>altogether</string> + <key>almsot</key> + <string>almost</string> + <key>alochol</key> + <string>alcohol</string> + <key>alomst</key> + <string>almost</string> + <key>alot</key> + <string>a lot</string> + <key>alotted</key> + <string>allotted</string> + <key>alowed</key> + <string>allowed</string> + <key>alowing</key> + <string>allowing</string> + <key>alreayd</key> + <string>already</string> + <key>alse</key> + <string>else</string> + <key>alsot</key> + <string>also</string> + <key>alternitives</key> + <string>alternatives</string> + <key>altho</key> + <string>although</string> + <key>althought</key> + <string>although</string> + <key>altough</key> + <string>although</string> + <key>alusion</key> + <string>allusion</string> + <key>alwasy</key> + <string>always</string> + <key>alwyas</key> + <string>always</string> + <key>amalgomated</key> + <string>amalgamated</string> + <key>amatuer</key> + <string>amateur</string> + <key>amature</key> + <string>armature</string> + <key>amendmant</key> + <string>amendment</string> + <key>amerliorate</key> + <string>ameliorate</string> + <key>amke</key> + <string>make</string> + <key>amking</key> + <string>making</string> + <key>ammend</key> + <string>amend</string> + <key>ammended</key> + <string>amended</string> + <key>ammendment</key> + <string>amendment</string> + <key>ammendments</key> + <string>amendments</string> + <key>ammount</key> + <string>amount</string> + <key>ammused</key> + <string>amused</string> + <key>amoung</key> + <string>among</string> + <key>amoungst</key> + <string>amongst</string> + <key>amung</key> + <string>among</string> + <key>amunition</key> + <string>ammunition</string> + <key>analagous</key> + <string>analogous</string> + <key>analitic</key> + <string>analytic</string> + <key>analogeous</key> + <string>analogous</string> + <key>anarchim</key> + <string>anarchism</string> + <key>anarchistm</key> + <string>anarchism</string> + <key>anbd</key> + <string>and</string> + <key>ancestory</key> + <string>ancestry</string> + <key>ancilliary</key> + <string>ancillary</string> + <key>androgenous</key> + <string>androgynous</string> + <key>androgeny</key> + <string>androgyny</string> + <key>anihilation</key> + <string>annihilation</string> + <key>aniversary</key> + <string>anniversary</string> + <key>annoint</key> + <string>anoint</string> + <key>annointed</key> + <string>anointed</string> + <key>annointing</key> + <string>anointing</string> + <key>annoints</key> + <string>anoints</string> + <key>annouced</key> + <string>announced</string> + <key>annualy</key> + <string>annually</string> + <key>annuled</key> + <string>annulled</string> + <key>anohter</key> + <string>another</string> + <key>anomolies</key> + <string>anomalies</string> + <key>anomolous</key> + <string>anomalous</string> + <key>anomoly</key> + <string>anomaly</string> + <key>anonimity</key> + <string>anonymity</string> + <key>anounced</key> + <string>announced</string> + <key>anouncement</key> + <string>announcement</string> + <key>ansalisation</key> + <string>nasalisation</string> + <key>ansalization</key> + <string>nasalization</string> + <key>ansestors</key> + <string>ancestors</string> + <key>antartic</key> + <string>antarctic</string> + <key>anthromorphization</key> + <string>anthropomorphization</string> + <key>anthropolgist</key> + <string>anthropologist</string> + <key>anthropolgy</key> + <string>anthropology</string> + <key>anual</key> + <string>annual</string> + <key>anulled</key> + <string>annulled</string> + <key>anwsered</key> + <string>answered</string> + <key>anyhwere</key> + <string>anywhere</string> + <key>anyother</key> + <string>any other</string> + <key>anytying</key> + <string>anything</string> + <key>aparent</key> + <string>apparent</string> + <key>aparment</key> + <string>apartment</string> + <key>apenines</key> + <string>apennines</string> + <key>aplication</key> + <string>application</string> + <key>aplied</key> + <string>applied</string> + <key>apolegetics</key> + <string>apologetics</string> + <key>apon</key> + <string>apron</string> + <key>apparant</key> + <string>apparent</string> + <key>apparantly</key> + <string>apparently</string> + <key>appart</key> + <string>apart</string> + <key>appartment</key> + <string>apartment</string> + <key>appartments</key> + <string>apartments</string> + <key>appealling</key> + <string>appealing</string> + <key>appeareance</key> + <string>appearance</string> + <key>appearence</key> + <string>appearance</string> + <key>appearences</key> + <string>appearances</string> + <key>apperance</key> + <string>appearance</string> + <key>apperances</key> + <string>appearances</string> + <key>appereance</key> + <string>appearance</string> + <key>appereances</key> + <string>appearances</string> + <key>applicaiton</key> + <string>application</string> + <key>applicaitons</key> + <string>applications</string> + <key>appologies</key> + <string>apologies</string> + <key>appology</key> + <string>apology</string> + <key>apprearance</key> + <string>appearance</string> + <key>apprieciate</key> + <string>appreciate</string> + <key>approachs</key> + <string>approaches</string> + <key>appropiate</key> + <string>appropriate</string> + <key>appropraite</key> + <string>appropriate</string> + <key>appropropiate</key> + <string>appropriate</string> + <key>approproximate</key> + <string>approximate</string> + <key>approxamately</key> + <string>approximately</string> + <key>approxiately</key> + <string>approximately</string> + <key>approximitely</key> + <string>approximately</string> + <key>aprehensive</key> + <string>apprehensive</string> + <key>apropriate</key> + <string>appropriate</string> + <key>aproximate</key> + <string>approximate</string> + <key>aproximately</key> + <string>approximately</string> + <key>aquaduct</key> + <string>aqueduct</string> + <key>aquaintance</key> + <string>acquaintance</string> + <key>aquainted</key> + <string>acquainted</string> + <key>aquiantance</key> + <string>acquaintance</string> + <key>aquire</key> + <string>acquire</string> + <key>aquired</key> + <string>acquired</string> + <key>aquiring</key> + <string>acquiring</string> + <key>aquisition</key> + <string>acquisition</string> + <key>aquitted</key> + <string>acquitted</string> + <key>aranged</key> + <string>arranged</string> + <key>arangement</key> + <string>arrangement</string> + <key>arbitarily</key> + <string>arbitrarily</string> + <key>arbitary</key> + <string>arbitrary</string> + <key>archaelogists</key> + <string>archaeologists</string> + <key>archaelogy</key> + <string>archaeology</string> + <key>archaoelogy</key> + <string>archaeology</string> + <key>archaology</key> + <string>archaeology</string> + <key>archeaologist</key> + <string>archaeologist</string> + <key>archeaologists</key> + <string>archaeologists</string> + <key>archetect</key> + <string>architect</string> + <key>archetects</key> + <string>architects</string> + <key>archetectural</key> + <string>architectural</string> + <key>archetecturally</key> + <string>architecturally</string> + <key>archetecture</key> + <string>architecture</string> + <key>archiac</key> + <string>archaic</string> + <key>archictect</key> + <string>architect</string> + <key>archimedian</key> + <string>archimedean</string> + <key>architecht</key> + <string>architect</string> + <key>architechturally</key> + <string>architecturally</string> + <key>architechture</key> + <string>architecture</string> + <key>architechtures</key> + <string>architectures</string> + <key>architectual</key> + <string>architectural</string> + <key>archtype</key> + <string>archetype</string> + <key>archtypes</key> + <string>archetypes</string> + <key>aready</key> + <string>already</string> + <key>areodynamics</key> + <string>aerodynamics</string> + <key>argubly</key> + <string>arguably</string> + <key>arguement</key> + <string>argument</string> + <key>arguements</key> + <string>arguments</string> + <key>arised</key> + <string>arose</string> + <key>arival</key> + <string>arrival</string> + <key>armamant</key> + <string>armament</string> + <key>armistace</key> + <string>armistice</string> + <key>arogant</key> + <string>arrogant</string> + <key>arogent</key> + <string>arrogant</string> + <key>aroud</key> + <string>around</string> + <key>arrangment</key> + <string>arrangement</string> + <key>arrangments</key> + <string>arrangements</string> + <key>arround</key> + <string>around</string> + <key>artical</key> + <string>article</string> + <key>artice</key> + <string>article</string> + <key>articel</key> + <string>article</string> + <key>artifical</key> + <string>artificial</string> + <key>artifically</key> + <string>artificially</string> + <key>artillary</key> + <string>artillery</string> + <key>arund</key> + <string>around</string> + <key>asetic</key> + <string>ascetic</string> + <key>asfar</key> + <string>as far</string> + <key>asign</key> + <string>assign</string> + <key>aslo</key> + <string>also</string> + <key>asociated</key> + <string>associated</string> + <key>asorbed</key> + <string>absorbed</string> + <key>asphyxation</key> + <string>asphyxiation</string> + <key>assasin</key> + <string>assassin</string> + <key>assasinate</key> + <string>assassinate</string> + <key>assasinated</key> + <string>assassinated</string> + <key>assasinates</key> + <string>assassinates</string> + <key>assasination</key> + <string>assassination</string> + <key>assasinations</key> + <string>assassinations</string> + <key>assasined</key> + <string>assassinated</string> + <key>assasins</key> + <string>assassins</string> + <key>assassintation</key> + <string>assassination</string> + <key>assemple</key> + <string>assemble</string> + <key>assertation</key> + <string>assertion</string> + <key>asside</key> + <string>aside</string> + <key>assisnate</key> + <string>assassinate</string> + <key>assit</key> + <string>assist</string> + <key>assitant</key> + <string>assistant</string> + <key>assocation</key> + <string>association</string> + <key>assoicate</key> + <string>associate</string> + <key>assoicated</key> + <string>associated</string> + <key>assoicates</key> + <string>associates</string> + <key>assosication</key> + <string>assassination</string> + <key>asssassans</key> + <string>assassins</string> + <key>assualt</key> + <string>assault</string> + <key>assualted</key> + <string>assaulted</string> + <key>assymetric</key> + <string>asymmetric</string> + <key>assymetrical</key> + <string>asymmetrical</string> + <key>asteriod</key> + <string>asteroid</string> + <key>asthetic</key> + <string>aesthetic</string> + <key>asthetical</key> + <string>aesthetical</string> + <key>asthetically</key> + <string>aesthetically</string> + <key>asume</key> + <string>assume</string> + <key>aswell</key> + <string>as well</string> + <key>atain</key> + <string>attain</string> + <key>atempting</key> + <string>attempting</string> + <key>atheistical</key> + <string>atheistic</string> + <key>athenean</key> + <string>athenian</string> + <key>atheneans</key> + <string>athenians</string> + <key>athiesm</key> + <string>atheism</string> + <key>athiest</key> + <string>atheist</string> + <key>atorney</key> + <string>attorney</string> + <key>atribute</key> + <string>attribute</string> + <key>atributed</key> + <string>attributed</string> + <key>atributes</key> + <string>attributes</string> + <key>attaindre</key> + <string>attainder</string> + <key>attemp</key> + <string>attempt</string> + <key>attemped</key> + <string>attempted</string> + <key>attemt</key> + <string>attempt</string> + <key>attemted</key> + <string>attempted</string> + <key>attemting</key> + <string>attempting</string> + <key>attemts</key> + <string>attempts</string> + <key>attendence</key> + <string>attendance</string> + <key>attendent</key> + <string>attendant</string> + <key>attendents</key> + <string>attendants</string> + <key>attened</key> + <string>attended</string> + <key>attension</key> + <string>attention</string> + <key>attitide</key> + <string>attitude</string> + <key>attributred</key> + <string>attributed</string> + <key>attrocities</key> + <string>atrocities</string> + <key>audeince</key> + <string>audience</string> + <key>auromated</key> + <string>automated</string> + <key>austrailia</key> + <string>Australia</string> + <key>austrailian</key> + <string>Australian</string> + <key>auther</key> + <string>author</string> + <key>authobiographic</key> + <string>autobiographic</string> + <key>authobiography</key> + <string>autobiography</string> + <key>authorative</key> + <string>authoritative</string> + <key>authorites</key> + <string>authorities</string> + <key>authorithy</key> + <string>authority</string> + <key>authoritiers</key> + <string>authorities</string> + <key>authoritive</key> + <string>authoritative</string> + <key>authrorities</key> + <string>authorities</string> + <key>autochtonous</key> + <string>autochthonous</string> + <key>autoctonous</key> + <string>autochthonous</string> + <key>automaticly</key> + <string>automatically</string> + <key>automibile</key> + <string>automobile</string> + <key>automonomous</key> + <string>autonomous</string> + <key>autor</key> + <string>author</string> + <key>autority</key> + <string>authority</string> + <key>auxilary</key> + <string>auxiliary</string> + <key>auxillaries</key> + <string>auxiliaries</string> + <key>auxillary</key> + <string>auxiliary</string> + <key>auxilliaries</key> + <string>auxiliaries</string> + <key>auxilliary</key> + <string>auxiliary</string> + <key>availabe</key> + <string> available</string> + <key>availablity</key> + <string>availability</string> + <key>availaible</key> + <string>available</string> + <key>availble</key> + <string>available</string> + <key>availiable</key> + <string>available</string> + <key>availible</key> + <string>available</string> + <key>avalable</key> + <string>available</string> + <key>avalance</key> + <string>avalanche</string> + <key>avaliable</key> + <string>available</string> + <key>avation</key> + <string>aviation</string> + <key>avengence</key> + <string>a vengeance</string> + <key>averageed</key> + <string>averaged</string> + <key>avilable</key> + <string>available</string> + <key>awared</key> + <string>awarded</string> + <key>awya</key> + <string>away</string> + <key>baceause</key> + <string>because</string> + <key>backgorund</key> + <string>background</string> + <key>backrounds</key> + <string>backgrounds</string> + <key>bakc</key> + <string>back</string> + <key>banannas</key> + <string>bananas</string> + <key>bandwith</key> + <string>bandwidth</string> + <key>bankrupcy</key> + <string>bankruptcy</string> + <key>banruptcy</key> + <string>bankruptcy</string> + <key>baout</key> + <string>about</string> + <key>basicaly</key> + <string>basically</string> + <key>basicly</key> + <string>basically</string> + <key>bcak</key> + <string>back</string> + <key>beachead</key> + <string>beachhead</string> + <key>beacuse</key> + <string>because</string> + <key>beastiality</key> + <string>bestiality</string> + <key>beatiful</key> + <string>beautiful</string> + <key>beaurocracy</key> + <string>bureaucracy</string> + <key>beaurocratic</key> + <string>bureaucratic</string> + <key>beautyfull</key> + <string>beautiful</string> + <key>becamae</key> + <string>became</string> + <key>becames</key> + <string>becomes</string> + <key>becasue</key> + <string>because</string> + <key>beccause</key> + <string>because</string> + <key>becomeing</key> + <string>becoming</string> + <key>becomming</key> + <string>becoming</string> + <key>becouse</key> + <string>because</string> + <key>becuase</key> + <string>because</string> + <key>bedore</key> + <string>before</string> + <key>befoer</key> + <string>before</string> + <key>beggin</key> + <string>begin</string> + <key>begginer</key> + <string>beginner</string> + <key>begginers</key> + <string>beginners</string> + <key>beggining</key> + <string>beginning</string> + <key>begginings</key> + <string>beginnings</string> + <key>beggins</key> + <string>begins</string> + <key>begining</key> + <string>beginning</string> + <key>beginnig</key> + <string>beginning</string> + <key>behavour</key> + <string>behavior</string> + <key>beleagured</key> + <string>beleaguered</string> + <key>beleif</key> + <string>belief</string> + <key>beleive</key> + <string>believe</string> + <key>beleived</key> + <string>believed</string> + <key>beleives</key> + <string>believes</string> + <key>beleiving</key> + <string>believing</string> + <key>beligum</key> + <string>belgium</string> + <key>belive</key> + <string>believe</string> + <key>belived</key> + <string>believed</string> + <key>belives</key> + <string>believes</string> + <key>belligerant</key> + <string>belligerent</string> + <key>bellweather</key> + <string>bellwether</string> + <key>bemusemnt</key> + <string>bemusement</string> + <key>beneficary</key> + <string>beneficiary</string> + <key>beng</key> + <string>being</string> + <key>benificial</key> + <string>beneficial</string> + <key>benifit</key> + <string>benefit</string> + <key>benifits</key> + <string>benefits</string> + <key>bergamont</key> + <string>bergamot</string> + <key>beseige</key> + <string>besiege</string> + <key>beseiged</key> + <string>besieged</string> + <key>beseiging</key> + <string>besieging</string> + <key>betwen</key> + <string>between</string> + <key>beween</key> + <string>between</string> + <key>bewteen</key> + <string>between</string> + <key>bilateraly</key> + <string>bilaterally</string> + <key>billingualism</key> + <string>bilingualism</string> + <key>binominal</key> + <string>binomial</string> + <key>bizzare</key> + <string>bizarre</string> + <key>blaim</key> + <string>blame</string> + <key>blaimed</key> + <string>blamed</string> + <key>blessure</key> + <string>blessing</string> + <key>bodydbuilder</key> + <string>bodybuilder</string> + <key>bombardement</key> + <string>bombardment</string> + <key>bombarment</key> + <string>bombardment</string> + <key>bondary</key> + <string>boundary</string> + <key>borke</key> + <string>broke</string> + <key>boundry</key> + <string>boundary</string> + <key>bouyancy</key> + <string>buoyancy</string> + <key>bouyant</key> + <string>buoyant</string> + <key>boyant</key> + <string>buoyant</string> + <key>breakthough</key> + <string>breakthrough</string> + <key>breakthroughts</key> + <string>breakthroughs</string> + <key>breif</key> + <string>brief</string> + <key>breifly</key> + <string>briefly</string> + <key>brethen</key> + <string>brethren</string> + <key>bretheren</key> + <string>brethren</string> + <key>briliant</key> + <string>brilliant</string> + <key>brillant</key> + <string>brilliant</string> + <key>brimestone</key> + <string>brimstone</string> + <key>broacasted</key> + <string>broadcast</string> + <key>broadacasting</key> + <string>broadcasting</string> + <key>broady</key> + <string>broadly</string> + <key>buisness</key> + <string>business</string> + <key>buisnessman</key> + <string>businessman</string> + <key>buoancy</key> + <string>buoyancy</string> + <key>burried</key> + <string>buried</string> + <key>busineses</key> + <string>businesses</string> + <key>busness</key> + <string>business</string> + <key>bussiness</key> + <string>business</string> + <key>caculater</key> + <string>calculator</string> + <key>cacuses</key> + <string>caucuses</string> + <key>cahracters</key> + <string>characters</string> + <key>calaber</key> + <string>caliber</string> + <key>calculater</key> + <string>calculator</string> + <key>calculs</key> + <string>calculus</string> + <key>calenders</key> + <string>calendars</string> + <key>caligraphy</key> + <string>calligraphy</string> + <key>caluclate</key> + <string>calculate</string> + <key>caluclated</key> + <string>calculated</string> + <key>caluculate</key> + <string>calculate</string> + <key>caluculated</key> + <string>calculated</string> + <key>calulate</key> + <string>calculate</string> + <key>calulated</key> + <string>calculated</string> + <key>calulater</key> + <string>calculator</string> + <key>camoflage</key> + <string>camouflage</string> + <key>campain</key> + <string>campaign</string> + <key>campains</key> + <string>campaigns</string> + <key>candadate</key> + <string>candidate</string> + <key>candiate</key> + <string>candidate</string> + <key>candidiate</key> + <string>candidate</string> + <key>cannister</key> + <string>canister</string> + <key>cannisters</key> + <string>canisters</string> + <key>cannnot</key> + <string>cannot</string> + <key>cannonical</key> + <string>canonical</string> + <key>cannotation</key> + <string>connotation</string> + <key>cannotations</key> + <string>connotations</string> + <key>cant</key> + <string>can't</string> + <key>caost</key> + <string>coast</string> + <key>caperbility</key> + <string>capability</string> + <key>capible</key> + <string>capable</string> + <key>captial</key> + <string>capital</string> + <key>captued</key> + <string>captured</string> + <key>capturd</key> + <string>captured</string> + <key>carachter</key> + <string>character</string> + <key>caracterized</key> + <string>characterized</string> + <key>carcas</key> + <string>carcass</string> + <key>carefull</key> + <string>careful</string> + <key>careing</key> + <string>caring</string> + <key>carismatic</key> + <string>charismatic</string> + <key>carnege</key> + <string>carnage</string> + <key>carnige</key> + <string>carnage</string> + <key>carniverous</key> + <string>carnivorous</string> + <key>carreer</key> + <string>career</string> + <key>carrers</key> + <string>careers</string> + <key>cartdridge</key> + <string>cartridge</string> + <key>carthographer</key> + <string>cartographer</string> + <key>cartilege</key> + <string>cartilage</string> + <key>cartilidge</key> + <string>cartilage</string> + <key>cartrige</key> + <string>cartridge</string> + <key>casette</key> + <string>cassette</string> + <key>casion</key> + <string>caisson</string> + <key>cassawory</key> + <string>cassowary</string> + <key>cassowarry</key> + <string>cassowary</string> + <key>casulaties</key> + <string>casualties</string> + <key>casulaty</key> + <string>casualty</string> + <key>catagories</key> + <string>categories</string> + <key>catagorized</key> + <string>categorized</string> + <key>catagory</key> + <string>category</string> + <key>catapillar</key> + <string>caterpillar</string> + <key>catapillars</key> + <string>caterpillars</string> + <key>catapiller</key> + <string>caterpillar</string> + <key>catapillers</key> + <string>caterpillars</string> + <key>catepillar</key> + <string>caterpillar</string> + <key>catepillars</key> + <string>caterpillars</string> + <key>catergorize</key> + <string>categorize</string> + <key>catergorized</key> + <string>categorized</string> + <key>caterpilar</key> + <string>caterpillar</string> + <key>caterpilars</key> + <string>caterpillars</string> + <key>caterpiller</key> + <string>caterpillar</string> + <key>caterpillers</key> + <string>caterpillars</string> + <key>cathlic</key> + <string>catholic</string> + <key>catholocism</key> + <string>catholicism</string> + <key>catterpilar</key> + <string>caterpillar</string> + 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<string>ceremonious</string> + <key>cerimony</key> + <string>ceremony</string> + <key>ceromony</key> + <string>ceremony</string> + <key>certainity</key> + <string>certainty</string> + <key>certian</key> + <string>certain</string> + <key>chalenging</key> + <string>challenging</string> + <key>challange</key> + <string>challenge</string> + <key>challanged</key> + <string>challenged</string> + <key>challege</key> + <string>challenge</string> + <key>changable</key> + <string>changeable</string> + <key>charachter</key> + <string>character</string> + <key>charachters</key> + <string>characters</string> + <key>charactersistic</key> + <string>characteristic</string> + <key>charactor</key> + <string>character </string> + <key>charactors</key> + <string>characters</string> + <key>charasmatic</key> + <string>charismatic</string> + <key>charaterized</key> + <string>characterized</string> + <key>chariman</key> + <string>chairman</string> + <key>charistics</key> + <string>characteristics</string> + <key>cheif</key> + <string>chief</string> + <key>cheifs</key> + <string>chiefs</string> + <key>chemcial</key> + <string>chemical</string> + <key>chemcially</key> + <string>chemically</string> + <key>chemestry</key> + <string>chemistry</string> + <key>chemicaly</key> + <string>chemically</string> + <key>childbird</key> + <string>childbirth</string> + <key>childen</key> + <string>children</string> + <key>choosen</key> + <string>chosen</string> + <key>chracter</key> + <string>character</string> + <key>chuch</key> + <string>church</string> + <key>churchs</key> + <string>churches</string> + <key>circulaton</key> + <string>circulation</string> + <key>circumsicion</key> + <string>circumcision</string> + <key>circut</key> + <string>circuit</string> + <key>ciricuit</key> + <string>circuit</string> + <key>ciriculum</key> + <string>curriculum</string> + <key>civillian</key> + <string>civilian</string> + <key>claer</key> + <string>clear</string> + <key>claerer</key> + <string>clearer</string> + <key>claerly</key> + <string>clearly</string> + <key>claimes</key> + <string>claims</string> + <key>clas</key> + <string>class</string> + <key>clasic</key> + <string>classic</string> + <key>clasical</key> + <string>classical</string> + <key>clasically</key> + <string>classically</string> + <key>cleareance</key> + <string>clearance</string> + <key>clera</key> + <string>clear</string> + <key>clincial</key> + <string>clinical</string> + <key>clinicaly</key> + <string>clinically</string> + <key>cmo</key> + <string>com</string> + <key>cmoputer</key> + <string>computer</string> + <key>co-incided</key> + <string>coincided</string> + <key>coctail</key> + <string>cocktail</string> + <key>coform</key> + <string>conform</string> + <key>cognizent</key> + <string>cognizant</string> + <key>coincedentally</key> + <string>coincidentally</string> + <key>colaborations</key> + <string>collaborations</string> + <key>colateral</key> + <string>collateral</string> + <key>colelctive</key> + <string>collective</string> + <key>collaberative</key> + <string>collaborative</string> + <key>collecton</key> + <string>collection</string> + <key>collegue</key> + <string>colleague</string> + <key>collegues</key> + <string>colleagues</string> + <key>collonade</key> + <string>colonnade</string> + <key>collonies</key> + <string>colonies</string> + <key>collony</key> + <string>colony </string> + <key>collosal</key> + <string>colossal</string> + <key>colonizators</key> + <string>colonizers</string> + <key>comander</key> + <string>commander</string> + <key>comando</key> + <string>commando</string> + <key>comandos</key> + <string>commandos</string> + <key>comany</key> + <string>company</string> + <key>comapany</key> + <string>company</string> + <key>comback</key> + <string>comeback</string> + <key>combanations</key> + <string>combinations</string> + <key>combinatins</key> + <string>combinations</string> + <key>combusion</key> + <string>combustion</string> + <key>comdemnation</key> + <string>condemnation</string> + <key>comemmorates</key> + <string>commemorates</string> + <key>comemoretion</key> + <string>commemoration</string> + <key>comision</key> + <string>commission</string> + <key>comisioned</key> + <string>commissioned</string> + <key>comisioner</key> + <string>commissioner</string> + <key>comisioning</key> + <string>commissioning</string> + <key>comisions</key> + <string>commissions</string> + <key>comission</key> + <string>commission</string> + <key>comissioned</key> + <string>commissioned</string> + <key>comissioner</key> + <string>commissioner</string> + <key>comissioning</key> + <string>commissioning</string> + <key>comissions</key> + <string>commissions</string> + <key>comited</key> + <string>committed</string> + <key>comiting</key> + <string>committing</string> + <key>comitted</key> + <string>committed</string> + <key>comittee</key> + <string>committee</string> + <key>comitting</key> + <string>committing</string> + <key>commandoes</key> + <string>commandos</string> + <key>commedic</key> + <string>comedic</string> + <key>commemerative</key> + <string>commemorative</string> + <key>commemmorate</key> + <string>commemorate</string> + <key>commemmorating</key> + <string>commemorating</string> + <key>commerical</key> + <string>commercial</string> + <key>commerically</key> + <string>commercially</string> + <key>commericial</key> + <string>commercial</string> + <key>commericially</key> + <string>commercially</string> + <key>commerorative</key> + <string>commemorative</string> + <key>comming</key> + <string>coming</string> + <key>comminication</key> + <string>communication</string> + <key>commision</key> + <string>commission</string> + <key>commisioned</key> + <string>commissioned</string> + <key>commisioner</key> + <string>commissioner</string> + <key>commisioning</key> + <string>commissioning</string> + <key>commisions</key> + <string>commissions</string> + <key>commited</key> + <string>committed</string> + <key>commitee</key> + <string>committee</string> + <key>commiting</key> + <string>committing</string> + <key>committe</key> + <string>committee</string> + <key>committment</key> + <string>commitment</string> + <key>committments</key> + <string>commitments</string> + <key>commmemorated</key> + <string>commemorated</string> + <key>commongly</key> + <string>commonly</string> + <key>commonweath</key> + <string>commonwealth</string> + <key>commuications</key> + <string>communications</string> + <key>commuinications</key> + <string>communications</string> + <key>communciation</key> + <string>communication</string> + <key>communiation</key> + <string>communication</string> + <key>communites</key> + <string>communities</string> + <key>compability</key> + <string>compatibility</string> + <key>comparision</key> + <string>comparison</string> + <key>comparisions</key> + <string>comparisons</string> + <key>comparitive</key> + <string>comparative</string> + <key>comparitively</key> + <string>comparatively</string> + <key>compatabilities</key> + <string>compatibilities</string> + <key>compatability</key> + <string>compatibility</string> + <key>compatable</key> + <string>compatible</string> + <key>compatablities</key> + <string>compatibilities</string> + <key>compatablity</key> + <string>compatibility</string> + <key>compatiable</key> + <string>compatible</string> + <key>compatiblities</key> + <string>compatibilities</string> + <key>compatiblity</key> + <string>compatibility</string> + <key>compeitions</key> + <string>competitions</string> + <key>compensantion</key> + <string>compensation</string> + <key>competance</key> + <string>competence</string> + <key>competant</key> + <string>competent</string> + <key>competative</key> + <string>competitive</string> + <key>competion</key> + <string>competition</string> + <key>competitiion</key> + <string>competition</string> + <key>competive</key> + <string>competitive</string> + <key>competiveness</key> + <string>competitiveness</string> + <key>comphrehensive</key> + <string>comprehensive</string> + <key>compitent</key> + <string>competent</string> + <key>completedthe</key> + <string>completed the</string> + <key>completelyl</key> + <string>completely</string> + <key>completetion</key> + <string>completion</string> + <key>complier</key> + <string>compiler</string> + <key>componant</key> + <string>component</string> + <key>comprable</key> + <string>comparable</string> + <key>comprimise</key> + <string>compromise</string> + <key>compulsary</key> + <string>compulsory</string> + <key>compulsery</key> + <string>compulsory</string> + <key>computarized</key> + <string>computerized</string> + <key>concensus</key> + <string>consensus</string> + <key>concider</key> + <string>consider</string> + <key>concidered</key> + <string>considered</string> + <key>concidering</key> + <string>considering</string> + <key>conciders</key> + <string>considers</string> + <key>concieted</key> + <string>conceited</string> + <key>concieved</key> + <string>conceived</string> + <key>concious</key> + <string>conscious</string> + <key>conciously</key> + <string>consciously</string> + <key>conciousness</key> + <string>consciousness</string> + <key>condamned</key> + <string>condemned</string> + <key>condemmed</key> + <string>condemned</string> + <key>condidtion</key> + <string>condition</string> + <key>condidtions</key> + <string>conditions</string> + <key>conditionsof</key> + <string>conditions of</string> + <key>conected</key> + <string>connected</string> + <key>conection</key> + <string>connection</string> + <key>conesencus</key> + <string>consensus</string> + <key>confidental</key> + <string>confidential</string> + <key>confidentally</key> + <string>confidentially</string> + <key>confids</key> + <string>confides</string> + <key>configureable</key> + <string>configurable</string> + <key>confortable</key> + <string>comfortable</string> + <key>congradulations</key> + <string>congratulations</string> + <key>congresional</key> + <string>congressional</string> + <key>conived</key> + <string>connived</string> + <key>conjecutre</key> + <string>conjecture</string> + <key>conjuction</key> + <string>conjunction</string> + <key>conotations</key> + <string>connotations</string> + <key>conquerd</key> + <string>conquered</string> + <key>conquerer</key> + <string>conqueror</string> + <key>conquerers</key> + <string>conquerors</string> + <key>conqured</key> + <string>conquered</string> + <key>conscent</key> + <string>consent</string> + <key>consciouness</key> + <string>consciousness</string> + <key>consdider</key> + <string>consider</string> + <key>consdidered</key> + <string>considered</string> + <key>consdiered</key> + <string>considered</string> + <key>consectutive</key> + <string>consecutive</string> + <key>consenquently</key> + <string>consequently</string> + <key>consentrate</key> + <string>concentrate</string> + <key>consentrated</key> + <string>concentrated</string> + <key>consentrates</key> + 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<string>constitution</string> + <key>consitutional</key> + <string>constitutional</string> + <key>consolodate</key> + <string>consolidate</string> + <key>consolodated</key> + <string>consolidated</string> + <key>consonent</key> + <string>consonant</string> + <key>consonents</key> + <string>consonants</string> + <key>consorcium</key> + <string>consortium</string> + <key>conspiracys</key> + <string>conspiracies</string> + <key>conspiriator</key> + <string>conspirator</string> + <key>constaints</key> + <string>constraints</string> + <key>constanly</key> + <string>constantly</string> + <key>constarnation</key> + <string>consternation</string> + <key>constatn</key> + <string>constant</string> + <key>constinually</key> + <string>continually</string> + <key>constituant</key> + <string>constituent</string> + <key>constituants</key> + <string>constituents</string> + <key>constituion</key> + <string>constitution</string> + <key>constituional</key> + <string>constitutional</string> + <key>consttruction</key> + <string>construction</string> + <key>constuction</key> + <string>construction</string> + <key>consulant</key> + <string>consultant</string> + <key>consumate</key> + <string>consummate</string> + <key>consumated</key> + <string>consummated</string> + <key>contaiminate</key> + <string>contaminate</string> + <key>containes</key> + <string>contains</string> + <key>contamporaries</key> + <string>contemporaries</string> + <key>contamporary</key> + <string>contemporary</string> + <key>contempoary</key> + <string>contemporary</string> + <key>contemporaneus</key> + <string>contemporaneous</string> + <key>contempory</key> + <string>contemporary</string> + <key>contendor</key> + <string>contender</string> + <key>contibute</key> + <string>contribute </string> + <key>contibuted</key> + <string>contributed </string> + <key>contibutes</key> + <string>contributes </string> + <key>contigent</key> + <string>contingent</string> + <key>contined</key> + <string>continued</string> + <key>continous</key> + <string>continuous</string> + <key>continously</key> + <string>continuously</string> + <key>continueing</key> + <string>continuing</string> + <key>contravercial</key> + <string>controversial</string> + <key>contraversy</key> + <string>controversy</string> + <key>contributer</key> + <string>contributor</string> + <key>contributers</key> + <string>contributors</string> + <key>contritutions</key> + <string>contributions</string> + <key>controled</key> + <string>controlled</string> + <key>controling</key> + <string>controlling</string> + <key>controll</key> + <string>control</string> + <key>controlls</key> + <string>controls</string> + <key>controvercial</key> + <string>controversial</string> + <key>controvercy</key> + <string>controversy</string> + <key>controveries</key> + <string>controversies</string> + <key>controversal</key> + <string>controversial</string> + <key>controversey</key> + <string>controversy</string> + <key>controvertial</key> + <string>controversial</string> + <key>controvery</key> + <string>controversy</string> + <key>contruction</key> + <string>construction</string> + <key>conveinent</key> + <string>convenient</string> + <key>convenant</key> + <string>covenant</string> + <key>convential</key> + <string>conventional</string> + <key>convertables</key> + <string>convertibles</string> + <key>convertion</key> + <string>conversion</string> + <key>conveyer</key> + <string>conveyor</string> + <key>conviced</key> + <string>convinced</string> + <key>convienient</key> + <string>convenient</string> + <key>coordiantion</key> + <string>coordination</string> + <key>coorperations</key> + <string>corporations</string> + <key>copmetitors</key> + <string>competitors</string> + <key>coputer</key> + <string>computer</string> + <key>copywrite</key> + <string>copyright</string> + <key>coridal</key> + <string>cordial</string> + <key>cornmitted</key> + <string>committed</string> + <key>corosion</key> + <string>corrosion</string> + <key>corparate</key> + <string>corporate</string> + <key>corperations</key> + <string>corporations</string> + <key>correcters</key> + <string>correctors</string> + <key>correponding</key> + <string>corresponding</string> + <key>correposding</key> + <string>corresponding</string> + <key>correspondant</key> + <string>correspondent</string> + <key>correspondants</key> + <string>correspondents</string> + <key>corridoors</key> + <string>corridors</string> + <key>corrispond</key> + <string>correspond</string> + <key>corrispondant</key> + <string>correspondent</string> + <key>corrispondants</key> + <string>correspondents</string> + <key>corrisponded</key> + <string>corresponded</string> + <key>corrisponding</key> + <string>corresponding</string> + <key>corrisponds</key> + <string>corresponds</string> + <key>costitution</key> + <string>constitution</string> + <key>coucil</key> + <string>council</string> + <key>counries</key> + <string>countries</string> + <key>countains</key> + <string>contains</string> + <key>countires</key> + <string>countries</string> + <key>coururier</key> + <string>courier</string> + <key>coverted</key> + <string>converted</string> + <key>cpoy</key> + <string>copy</string> + <key>creaeted</key> + <string>created</string> + <key>creedence</key> + <string>credence</string> + <key>critereon</key> + <string>criterion</string> + <key>criterias</key> + <string>criteria</string> + <key>criticists</key> + <string>critics</string> + <key>critising</key> + <string>criticising</string> + <key>critisising</key> + <string>criticising</string> + <key>critisism</key> + <string>criticism</string> + <key>critisisms</key> + <string>criticisms</string> + <key>critisize</key> + <string>criticise</string> + <key>critisized</key> + <string>criticised</string> + <key>critisizes</key> + <string>criticises</string> + <key>critisizing</key> + <string>criticising</string> + <key>critized</key> + <string>criticized</string> + <key>critizing</key> + <string>criticizing</string> + <key>crockodiles</key> + <string>crocodiles</string> + <key>crowm</key> + <string>crown</string> + <key>crtical</key> + <string>critical</string> + <key>crticised</key> + <string>criticised</string> + <key>crucifiction</key> + <string>crucifixion</string> + <key>crusies</key> + <string>cruises</string> + <key>crystalisation</key> + <string>crystallisation</string> + <key>culiminating</key> + <string>culminating</string> + <key>cumulatative</key> + <string>cumulative</string> + <key>curch</key> + <string>church</string> + <key>curcuit</key> + <string>circuit</string> + <key>currenly</key> + <string>currently</string> + <key>curriculem</key> + <string>curriculum</string> + <key>cxan</key> + <string>cyan</string> + <key>cyclinder</key> + <string>cylinder</string> + <key>dacquiri</key> + <string>daiquiri</string> + <key>dael</key> + <string>deal</string> + <key>dalmation</key> + <string>dalmatian</string> + <key>damenor</key> + <string>demeanor</string> + <key>dammage</key> + <string>damage</string> + <key>daugher</key> + <string>daughter</string> + <key>debateable</key> + <string>debatable</string> + <key>decendant</key> + <string>descendant</string> + <key>decendants</key> + <string>descendants</string> + <key>decendent</key> + <string>descendant</string> + <key>decendents</key> + <string>descendants</string> + <key>decideable</key> + <string>decidable</string> + <key>decidely</key> + <string>decidedly</string> + <key>decieved</key> + <string>deceived</string> + <key>decison</key> + <string>decision</string> + <key>decomissioned</key> + <string>decommissioned</string> + <key>decomposit</key> + <string>decompose</string> + <key>decomposited</key> + <string>decomposed</string> + <key>decompositing</key> + <string>decomposing</string> + <key>decomposits</key> + <string>decomposes</string> + <key>decress</key> + <string>decrees</string> + <key>decribe</key> + <string>describe</string> + <key>decribed</key> + <string>described</string> + <key>decribes</key> + <string>describes</string> + <key>decribing</key> + <string>describing</string> + <key>dectect</key> + <string>detect</string> + <key>defendent</key> + <string>defendant</string> + <key>defendents</key> + <string>defendants</string> + <key>deffensively</key> + <string>defensively</string> + <key>deffine</key> + <string>define</string> + <key>deffined</key> + <string>defined</string> + <key>definance</key> + <string>defiance</string> + <key>definate</key> + <string>definite</string> + <key>definately</key> + <string>definitely</string> + <key>definatly</key> + <string>definitely</string> + <key>definetly</key> + <string>definitely</string> + <key>definining</key> + <string>defining</string> + <key>definit</key> + <string>definite</string> + <key>definitly</key> + <string>definitely</string> + <key>definiton</key> + <string>definition</string> + <key>defintion</key> + <string>definition</string> + <key>degrate</key> + <string>degrade</string> + <key>delagates</key> + <string>delegates</string> + <key>delapidated</key> + <string>dilapidated</string> + <key>delerious</key> + <string>delirious</string> + <key>delevopment</key> + <string>development</string> + <key>deliberatly</key> + <string>deliberately</string> + <key>delusionally</key> + <string>delusively</string> + <key>demenor</key> + <string>demeanor</string> + <key>demographical</key> + <string>demographic</string> + <key>demolision</key> + <string>demolition</string> + <key>demorcracy</key> + <string>democracy</string> + <key>demostration</key> + <string>demonstration</string> + <key>denegrating</key> + <string>denigrating</string> + <key>densly</key> + <string>densely</string> + <key>deparment</key> + <string>department</string> + <key>deparmental</key> + <string>departmental</string> + <key>deparments</key> + <string>departments</string> + <key>dependance</key> + <string>dependence</string> + <key>dependancy</key> + <string>dependency</string> + <key>dependant</key> + <string>dependent</string> + <key>deram</key> + <string>dream</string> + <key>deriviated</key> + <string>derived</string> + <key>derivitive</key> + <string>derivative</string> + <key>derogitory</key> + <string>derogatory</string> + <key>descendands</key> + <string>descendants</string> + <key>descibed</key> + <string>described</string> + <key>descision</key> + <string>decision</string> + <key>descisions</key> + <string>decisions</string> + <key>descriibes</key> + <string>describes</string> + <key>descripters</key> + <string>descriptors</string> + <key>descripton</key> + <string>description</string> + <key>desctruction</key> + <string>destruction</string> + <key>descuss</key> + <string>discuss</string> + <key>desgined</key> + <string>designed</string> + <key>deside</key> + <string>decide</string> + <key>desigining</key> + <string>designing</string> + <key>desinations</key> + <string>destinations</string> + <key>desintegrated</key> + <string>disintegrated</string> + <key>desintegration</key> + <string>disintegration</string> + <key>desireable</key> + <string>desirable</string> + <key>desitned</key> + <string>destined</string> + <key>desktiop</key> + <string>desktop</string> + <key>desorder</key> + <string>disorder</string> + <key>desoriented</key> + <string>disoriented</string> + <key>desparate</key> + <string>desperate</string> + <key>despict</key> + <string>depict</string> + <key>despiration</key> + <string>desperation</string> + <key>dessicated</key> + <string>desiccated</string> + <key>dessigned</key> + <string>designed</string> + <key>destablized</key> + <string>destabilized</string> + <key>destory</key> + <string>destroy</string> + <key>detailled</key> + <string>detailed</string> + <key>detatched</key> + <string>detached</string> + <key>deteoriated</key> + <string>deteriorated</string> + <key>deteriate</key> + <string>deteriorate</string> + <key>deterioriating</key> + <string>deteriorating</string> + <key>determinining</key> + <string>determining</string> + <key>detremental</key> + <string>detrimental</string> + <key>devasted</key> + <string>devastated</string> + <key>develope</key> + <string>develop</string> + <key>developement</key> + <string>development</string> + <key>developped</key> + <string>developed</string> + <key>develpment</key> + <string>development</string> + <key>devels</key> + <string>delves</string> + <key>devestated</key> + <string>devastated</string> + <key>devestating</key> + <string>devastating</string> + <key>devide</key> + <string>divide</string> + <key>devided</key> + <string>divided</string> + <key>devistating</key> + <string>devastating</string> + <key>devolopement</key> + <string>development</string> + <key>diablical</key> + <string>diabolical</string> + <key>diamons</key> + <string>diamonds</string> + <key>diaster</key> + <string>disaster</string> + <key>dichtomy</key> + <string>dichotomy</string> + <key>diconnects</key> + <string>disconnects</string> + <key>dicover</key> + <string>discover</string> + <key>dicovered</key> + <string>discovered</string> + <key>dicovering</key> + <string>discovering</string> + <key>dicovers</key> + <string>discovers</string> + <key>dicovery</key> + <string>discovery</string> + <key>dicussed</key> + <string>discussed</string> + <key>didnt</key> + <string>didn't</string> + <key>diea</key> + <string>idea</string> + <key>dieing</key> + <string>dying</string> + <key>dieties</key> + <string>deities</string> + <key>diety</key> + <string>deity</string> + <key>diferent</key> + <string>different</string> + <key>diferrent</key> + <string>different</string> + <key>differentiatiations</key> + <string>differentiations</string> + <key>differnt</key> + <string>different</string> + <key>difficulity</key> + <string>difficulty</string> + <key>diffrent</key> + <string>different</string> + <key>dificulties</key> + <string>difficulties</string> + <key>dificulty</key> + <string>difficulty</string> + <key>dimenions</key> + <string>dimensions</string> + <key>dimention</key> + <string>dimension</string> + <key>dimentional</key> + <string>dimensional</string> + <key>dimentions</key> + <string>dimensions</string> + <key>dimesnional</key> + <string>dimensional</string> + <key>diminuitive</key> + <string>diminutive</string> + <key>dimunitive</key> + <string>diminutive</string> + <key>diosese</key> + <string>diocese</string> + <key>diphtong</key> + <string>diphthong</string> + <key>diphtongs</key> + <string>diphthongs</string> + <key>diplomancy</key> + <string>diplomacy</string> + <key>dipthong</key> + <string>diphthong</string> + <key>dipthongs</key> + <string>diphthongs</string> + <key>dirived</key> + <string>derived</string> + <key>disagreeed</key> + <string>disagreed</string> + <key>disapeared</key> + <string>disappeared</string> + <key>disapointing</key> + <string>disappointing</string> + <key>disappearred</key> + <string>disappeared</string> + <key>disaproval</key> + <string>disapproval</string> + <key>disasterous</key> + <string>disastrous</string> + <key>disatisfaction</key> + <string>dissatisfaction</string> + <key>disatisfied</key> + <string>dissatisfied</string> + <key>disatrous</key> + <string>disastrous</string> + <key>discontentment</key> + <string>discontent</string> + <key>discribe</key> + <string>describe</string> + <key>discribed</key> + <string>described</string> + <key>discribes</key> + <string>describes</string> + <key>discribing</key> + <string>describing</string> + <key>disctinction</key> + <string>distinction</string> + <key>disctinctive</key> + <string>distinctive</string> + <key>disemination</key> + <string>dissemination</string> + <key>disenchanged</key> + <string>disenchanted</string> + <key>disiplined</key> + <string>disciplined</string> + <key>disobediance</key> + <string>disobedience</string> + <key>disobediant</key> + <string>disobedient</string> + <key>disolved</key> + <string>dissolved</string> + <key>disover</key> + <string>discover</string> + <key>dispair</key> + <string>despair</string> + <key>disparingly</key> + <string>disparagingly</string> + <key>dispence</key> + <string>dispense</string> + <key>dispenced</key> + <string>dispensed</string> + <key>dispencing</key> + <string>dispensing</string> + <key>dispicable</key> + <string>despicable</string> + <key>dispite</key> + <string>despite</string> + <key>dispostion</key> + <string>disposition</string> + <key>disproportiate</key> + <string>disproportionate</string> + <key>disputandem</key> + <string>disputandum</string> + <key>disricts</key> + <string>districts</string> + <key>dissagreement</key> + <string>disagreement</string> + <key>dissapear</key> + <string>disappear</string> + <key>dissapearance</key> + <string>disappearance</string> + <key>dissapeared</key> + <string>disappeared</string> + <key>dissapearing</key> + <string>disappearing</string> + <key>dissapears</key> + <string>disappears</string> + <key>dissappear</key> + <string>disappear</string> + <key>dissappears</key> + <string>disappears</string> + <key>dissappointed</key> + <string>disappointed</string> + <key>dissarray</key> + <string>disarray</string> + <key>dissobediance</key> + <string>disobedience</string> + <key>dissobediant</key> + <string>disobedient</string> + <key>dissobedience</key> + <string>disobedience</string> + <key>dissobedient</key> + <string>disobedient</string> + <key>distiction</key> + <string>distinction</string> + <key>distingish</key> + <string>distinguish</string> + <key>distingished</key> + <string>distinguished</string> + <key>distingishes</key> + <string>distinguishes</string> + <key>distingishing</key> + <string>distinguishing</string> + <key>distingquished</key> + <string>distinguished</string> + <key>distrubution</key> + <string>distribution</string> + <key>distruction</key> + <string>destruction</string> + <key>distructive</key> + <string>destructive</string> + <key>ditributed</key> + <string>distributed</string> + <key>diversed</key> + <string>diverged</string> + <key>divice</key> + <string>device</string> + <key>divison</key> + <string>division</string> + <key>divisons</key> + <string>divisions</string> + <key>doccument</key> + <string>document</string> + <key>doccumented</key> + <string>documented</string> + <key>doccuments</key> + <string>documents</string> + <key>docrines</key> + <string>doctrines</string> + <key>doctines</key> + <string>doctrines</string> + <key>documenatry</key> + <string>documentary</string> + <key>doens</key> + <string>does</string> + <key>doesnt</key> + <string>doesn't</string> + <key>doign</key> + <string>doing</string> + <key>dominaton</key> + <string>domination</string> + <key>dominent</key> + <string>dominant</string> + <key>dominiant</key> + <string>dominant</string> + <key>donig</key> + <string>doing</string> + <key>dont</key> + <string>don't</string> + <key>dosen't</key> + <string>doesn't</string> + <key>doub</key> + <string>doubt</string> + <key>doulbe</key> + <string>double</string> + <key>dowloads</key> + <string>downloads</string> + <key>dramtic</key> + <string>dramatic</string> + <key>draughtman</key> + <string>draughtsman</string> + <key>dreasm</key> + <string>dreams</string> + <key>driectly</key> + <string>directly</string> + <key>drnik</key> + <string>drink</string> + <key>druming</key> + <string>drumming</string> + <key>drummless</key> + <string>drumless</string> + <key>dupicate</key> + <string>duplicate</string> + <key>durig</key> + <string>during</string> + <key>durring</key> + <string>during</string> + <key>duting</key> + <string>during</string> + <key>dyas</key> + <string>dryas</string> + <key>eahc</key> + <string>each</string> + <key>ealier</key> + <string>earlier</string> + <key>earlies</key> + <string>earliest</string> + <key>earnt</key> + <string>earned</string> + <key>ecclectic</key> + <string>eclectic</string> + <key>eceonomy</key> + <string>economy</string> + <key>ecidious</key> + <string>deciduous</string> + <key>eclispe</key> + <string>eclipse</string> + <key>ecomonic</key> + <string>economic</string> + <key>ect</key> + <string>etc</string> + <key>eearly</key> + <string>early</string> + <key>efel</key> + <string>evil</string> + <key>effeciency</key> + <string>efficiency</string> + <key>effecient</key> + <string>efficient</string> + <key>effeciently</key> + <string>efficiently</string> + <key>efficency</key> + <string>efficiency</string> + <key>efficent</key> + <string>efficient</string> + <key>efficently</key> + <string>efficiently</string> + <key>efford</key> + <string>effort</string> + <key>effords</key> + <string>efforts</string> + <key>effulence</key> + <string>effluence</string> + <key>eigth</key> + <string>eight</string> + <key>eiter</key> + <string>either</string> + <key>elction</key> + <string>election</string> + <key>electic</key> + <string>electric</string> + <key>electon</key> + <string>electron</string> + <key>electrial</key> + <string>electrical</string> + <key>electricly</key> + <string>electrically</string> + <key>electricty</key> + <string>electricity</string> + <key>elementay</key> + <string>elementary</string> + <key>eleminated</key> + <string>eliminated</string> + <key>eleminating</key> + <string>eliminating</string> + <key>eles</key> + <string>eels</string> + <key>eletricity</key> + <string>electricity</string> + <key>elicided</key> + <string>elicited</string> + <key>eligable</key> + <string>eligible</string> + <key>elimentary</key> + <string>elementary</string> + <key>ellected</key> + <string>elected</string> + <key>elphant</key> + <string>elephant</string> + <key>embarass</key> + <string>embarrass</string> + <key>embarassed</key> + <string>embarrassed</string> + <key>embarassing</key> + <string>embarrassing</string> + <key>embarassment</key> + <string>embarrassment</string> + <key>embargos</key> + <string>embargoes</string> + <key>embarras</key> + <string>embarrass</string> + <key>embarrased</key> + <string>embarrassed</string> + <key>embarrasing</key> + <string>embarrassing</string> + <key>embarrasment</key> + <string>embarrassment</string> + <key>embezelled</key> + <string>embezzled</string> + <key>emblamatic</key> + <string>emblematic</string> + <key>eminate</key> + <string>emanate</string> + <key>eminated</key> + <string>emanated</string> + <key>emision</key> + <string>emission</string> + <key>emited</key> + <string>emitted</string> + <key>emiting</key> + <string>emitting</string> + <key>emition</key> + <string>emission</string> + <key>emmediately</key> + <string>immediately</string> + <key>emmigrated</key> + <string>immigrated</string> + <key>emminently</key> + <string>eminently</string> + <key>emmisaries</key> + <string>emissaries</string> + <key>emmisarries</key> + <string>emissaries</string> + <key>emmisarry</key> + <string>emissary</string> + <key>emmisary</key> + <string>emissary</string> + <key>emmision</key> + <string>emission</string> + <key>emmisions</key> + <string>emissions</string> + <key>emmited</key> + <string>emitted</string> + <key>emmiting</key> + <string>emitting</string> + <key>emmitted</key> + <string>emitted</string> + <key>emmitting</key> + <string>emitting</string> + <key>emnity</key> + <string>enmity</string> + <key>emperical</key> + <string>empirical</string> + <key>emphaised</key> + <string>emphasised</string> + <key>emphsis</key> + <string>emphasis</string> + <key>emphysyma</key> + <string>emphysema</string> + <key>emprisoned</key> + <string>imprisoned</string> + <key>enameld</key> + <string>enameled</string> + <key>enchancement</key> + <string>enhancement</string> + <key>encouraing</key> + <string>encouraging</string> + <key>encryptiion</key> + <string>encryption</string> + <key>encylopedia</key> + <string>encyclopedia</string> + <key>endevors</key> + <string>endeavors</string> + <key>endevour</key> + <string>endeavour</string> + <key>endig</key> + <string>ending</string> + <key>endolithes</key> + <string>endoliths</string> + <key>enduce</key> + <string>induce</string> + <key>ened</key> + <string>need</string> + <key>enflamed</key> + <string>inflamed</string> + <key>enforceing</key> + <string>enforcing</string> + <key>engagment</key> + <string>engagement</string> + <key>engeneer</key> + <string>engineer</string> + <key>engeneering</key> + <string>engineering</string> + <key>engieneer</key> + <string>engineer</string> + <key>engieneers</key> + <string>engineers</string> + <key>enlargment</key> + <string>enlargement</string> + <key>enlargments</key> + <string>enlargements</string> + <key>enourmous</key> + <string>enormous</string> + <key>enourmously</key> + <string>enormously</string> + <key>ensconsed</key> + <string>ensconced</string> + <key>entaglements</key> + <string>entanglements</string> + <key>enteratinment</key> + <string>entertainment</string> + <key>enthusiatic</key> + <string>enthusiastic</string> + <key>entitity</key> + <string>entity</string> + <key>entitlied</key> + <string>entitled</string> + <key>entrepeneur</key> + <string>entrepreneur</string> + <key>entrepeneurs</key> + <string>entrepreneurs</string> + <key>enviorment</key> + <string>environment</string> + <key>enviormental</key> + <string>environmental</string> + <key>enviormentally</key> + <string>environmentally</string> + <key>enviorments</key> + <string>environments</string> + <key>enviornment</key> + <string>environment</string> + <key>enviornmental</key> + <string>environmental</string> + <key>enviornmentalist</key> + <string>environmentalist</string> + <key>enviornmentally</key> + <string>environmentally</string> + <key>enviornments</key> + <string>environments</string> + <key>enviroment</key> + <string>environment</string> + <key>enviromental</key> + <string>environmental</string> + <key>enviromentalist</key> + <string>environmentalist</string> + <key>enviromentally</key> + <string>environmentally</string> + <key>enviroments</key> + <string>environments</string> + <key>envolutionary</key> + <string>evolutionary</string> + 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<key>errupted</key> + <string>erupted</string> + <key>esential</key> + <string>essential</string> + <key>esitmated</key> + <string>estimated</string> + <key>esle</key> + <string>else</string> + <key>especialy</key> + <string>especially</string> + <key>essencial</key> + <string>essential</string> + <key>essense</key> + <string>essence</string> + <key>essentail</key> + <string>essential</string> + <key>essentialy</key> + <string>essentially</string> + <key>essentual</key> + <string>essential</string> + <key>essesital</key> + <string>essential</string> + <key>estabishes</key> + <string>establishes</string> + <key>establising</key> + <string>establishing</string> + <key>ethnocentricm</key> + <string>ethnocentrism</string> + <key>ethose</key> + <string>those</string> + <key>evenhtually</key> + <string>eventually</string> + <key>eventally</key> + <string>eventually</string> + <key>eventhough</key> + <string>even though</string> + <key>eventially</key> + <string>eventually</string> + 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<key>excecute</key> + <string>execute</string> + <key>excecuted</key> + <string>executed</string> + <key>excecutes</key> + <string>executes</string> + <key>excecuting</key> + <string>executing</string> + <key>excecution</key> + <string>execution</string> + <key>excedded</key> + <string>exceeded</string> + <key>excelent</key> + <string>excellent</string> + <key>excell</key> + <string>excel</string> + <key>excellance</key> + <string>excellence</string> + <key>excellant</key> + <string>excellent</string> + <key>excells</key> + <string>excels</string> + <key>excercise</key> + <string>exercise</string> + <key>exchanching</key> + <string>exchanging</string> + <key>excisted</key> + <string>existed</string> + <key>exculsivly</key> + <string>exclusively</string> + <key>execising</key> + <string>exercising</string> + <key>exection</key> + <string>execution</string> + <key>exectued</key> + <string>executed</string> + <key>exeedingly</key> + <string>exceedingly</string> + <key>exelent</key> + <string>excellent</string> + <key>exellent</key> + <string>excellent</string> + <key>exemple</key> + <string>example</string> + <key>exept</key> + <string>except</string> + <key>exeptional</key> + <string>exceptional</string> + <key>exerbate</key> + <string>exacerbate</string> + <key>exerbated</key> + <string>exacerbated</string> + <key>exerciese</key> + <string>exercises</string> + <key>exerpt</key> + <string>excerpt</string> + <key>exerpts</key> + <string>excerpts</string> + <key>exersize</key> + <string>exercise</string> + <key>exerternal</key> + <string>external</string> + <key>exhalted</key> + <string>exalted</string> + <key>exhibtion</key> + <string>exhibition</string> + <key>exibition</key> + <string>exhibition</string> + <key>exibitions</key> + <string>exhibitions</string> + <key>exicting</key> + <string>exciting</string> + <key>exinct</key> + <string>extinct</string> + <key>existance</key> + <string>existence</string> + <key>existant</key> + <string>existent</string> + <key>existince</key> + <string>existence</string> + <key>exliled</key> + <string>exiled</string> + <key>exludes</key> + <string>excludes</string> + <key>exmaple</key> + <string>example</string> + <key>exonorate</key> + <string>exonerate</string> + <key>exoskelaton</key> + <string>exoskeleton</string> + <key>expalin</key> + <string>explain</string> + <key>expatriot</key> + <string>expatriate</string> + <key>expeced</key> + <string>expected</string> + <key>expecially</key> + <string>especially</string> + <key>expeditonary</key> + <string>expeditionary</string> + <key>expeiments</key> + <string>experiments</string> + <key>expell</key> + <string>expel</string> + <key>expells</key> + <string>expels</string> + <key>experiance</key> + <string>experience</string> + <key>experianced</key> + <string>experienced</string> + <key>expiditions</key> + <string>expeditions</string> + <key>expierence</key> + <string>experience</string> + <key>explaination</key> + <string>explanation</string> + <key>explaning</key> + <string>explaining</string> + <key>explictly</key> + <string>explicitly</string> + <key>exploititive</key> + <string>exploitative</string> + <key>explotation</key> + <string>exploitation</string> + <key>expropiated</key> + <string>expropriated</string> + <key>expropiation</key> + <string>expropriation</string> + <key>exressed</key> + <string>expressed</string> + <key>extemely</key> + <string>extremely</string> + <key>extention</key> + <string>extension</string> + <key>extentions</key> + <string>extensions</string> + <key>extered</key> + <string>exerted</string> + <key>extermist</key> + <string>extremist</string> + <key>extint</key> + <string>extinct</string> + <key>extradiction</key> + <string>extradition</string> + <key>extraterrestial</key> + <string>extraterrestrial</string> + <key>extraterrestials</key> + <string>extraterrestrials</string> + <key>extravagent</key> + <string>extravagant</string> + <key>extrememly</key> + <string>extremely</string> + <key>extremeophile</key> + <string>extremophile</string> + <key>extremly</key> + <string>extremely</string> + <key>extrordinarily</key> + <string>extraordinarily</string> + <key>extrordinary</key> + <string>extraordinary</string> + <key>eyar</key> + <string>year</string> + <key>eyars</key> + <string>years</string> + <key>eyasr</key> + <string>years</string> + <key>faciliate</key> + <string>facilitate</string> + <key>faciliated</key> + <string>facilitated</string> + <key>faciliates</key> + <string>facilitates</string> + <key>facilites</key> + <string>facilities</string> + <key>facillitate</key> + <string>facilitate</string> + <key>facinated</key> + <string>fascinated</string> + <key>facist</key> + <string>fascist</string> + <key>familes</key> + <string>families</string> + <key>familliar</key> + <string>familiar</string> + <key>famoust</key> + <string>famous</string> + <key>fanatism</key> + <string>fanaticism</string> + <key>fatc</key> + <string>fact</string> + <key>faught</key> + <string>fought</string> + <key>favoutrable</key> + <string>favourable</string> + <key>feasable</key> + <string>feasible</string> + <key>fedreally</key> + <string>federally</string> + <key>feromone</key> + <string>pheromone</string> + <key>fertily</key> + <string>fertility</string> + <key>fianite</key> + <string>finite</string> + <key>fianlly</key> + <string>finally</string> + <key>ficticious</key> + <string>fictitious</string> + <key>fictious</key> + <string>fictitious</string> + <key>fidn</key> + <string>find</string> + <key>fiercly</key> + <string>fiercely</string> + <key>fightings</key> + <string>fighting</string> + <key>filiament</key> + <string>filament</string> + <key>fimilies</key> + <string>families</string> + <key>finacial</key> + <string>financial</string> + <key>finaly</key> + <string>finally</string> + <key>financialy</key> + <string>financially</string> + <key>firends</key> + <string>friends</string> + <key>firts</key> + <string>first</string> + <key>fisionable</key> + <string>fissionable</string> + <key>flamable</key> + <string>flammable</string> + <key>flawess</key> + <string>flawless</string> + <key>fleed</key> + <string>fled</string> + <key>florescent</key> + <string>fluorescent</string> + <key>flourescent</key> + <string>fluorescent</string> + <key>flourine</key> + <string>fluorine</string> + <key>fluorish</key> + <string>flourish</string> + <key>follwoing</key> + <string>following</string> + <key>folowing</key> + <string>following</string> + <key>fomed</key> + <string>formed</string> + <key>fomr</key> + <string>from</string> + <key>fonetic</key> + <string>phonetic</string> + <key>fontrier</key> + <string>fontier</string> + <key>foootball</key> + <string>football</string> + <key>forbad</key> + <string>forbade</string> + <key>forbiden</key> + <string>forbidden</string> + <key>foreward</key> + <string>foreword</string> + <key>forfiet</key> + <string>forfeit</string> + <key>forhead</key> + <string>forehead</string> + <key>foriegn</key> + <string>foreign</string> + <key>formallize</key> + <string>formalize</string> + <key>formallized</key> + <string>formalized</string> + <key>formaly</key> + <string>formally</string> + <key>formelly</key> + <string>formerly</string> + <key>formidible</key> + <string>formidable</string> + <key>formost</key> + <string>foremost</string> + <key>forsaw</key> + <string>foresaw</string> + <key>forseeable</key> + <string>foreseeable</string> + <key>fortelling</key> + <string>foretelling</string> + <key>forunner</key> + <string>forerunner</string> + <key>foucs</key> + <string>focus</string> + <key>foudn</key> + <string>found</string> + <key>fougth</key> + <string>fought</string> + <key>foundaries</key> + <string>foundries</string> + <key>foundary</key> + <string>foundry</string> + <key>fourties</key> + <string>forties</string> + <key>fourty</key> + <string>forty</string> + <key>fouth</key> + <string>fourth</string> + <key>foward</key> + <string>forward</string> + <key>freind</key> + <string>friend</string> + <key>freindly</key> + <string>friendly</string> + <key>frequentily</key> + <string>frequently</string> + <key>frome</key> + <string>from</string> + <key>fromed</key> + <string>formed</string> + <key>froniter</key> + <string>frontier</string> + <key>fucntion</key> + <string>function</string> + <key>fucntioning</key> + <string>functioning</string> + <key>fufill</key> + <string>fulfill</string> + <key>fufilled</key> + <string>fulfilled</string> + <key>fulfiled</key> + <string>fulfilled</string> + <key>fullfill</key> + <string>fulfill</string> + <key>fullfilled</key> + <string>fulfilled</string> + <key>fundametal</key> + <string>fundamental</string> + <key>fundametals</key> + <string>fundamentals</string> + <key>funguses</key> + <string>fungi</string> + <key>funtion</key> + <string>function</string> + <key>furuther</key> + <string>further</string> + <key>futher</key> + <string>further</string> + <key>futhermore</key> + <string>furthermore</string> + <key>galatic</key> + <string>galactic</string> + <key>gallaxies</key> + <string>galaxies</string> + <key>galvinized</key> + <string>galvanized</string> + <key>ganerate</key> + <string>generate</string> + <key>ganes</key> + <string>games</string> + <key>ganster</key> + <string>gangster</string> + <key>garantee</key> + <string>guarantee</string> + <key>garanteed</key> + <string>guaranteed</string> + <key>garantees</key> + <string>guarantees</string> + <key>garnison</key> + <string>garrison</string> + <key>gaurantee</key> + <string>guarantee</string> + <key>gauranteed</key> + <string>guaranteed</string> + <key>gaurantees</key> + <string>guarantees</string> + <key>gaurd</key> + <string>guard</string> + <key>gaurentee</key> + <string>guarantee</string> + <key>gaurenteed</key> + <string>guaranteed</string> + <key>gaurentees</key> + <string>guarantees</string> + <key>geneological</key> + <string>genealogical</string> + <key>geneologies</key> + <string>genealogies</string> + <key>geneology</key> + <string>genealogy</string> + <key>generaly</key> + <string>generally</string> + <key>generatting</key> + <string>generating</string> + <key>genialia</key> + <string>genitalia</string> + <key>geographicial</key> + <string>geographical</string> + <key>geometrician</key> + <string>geometer</string> + <key>geometricians</key> + <string>geometers</string> + <key>gerat</key> + <string>great</string> + <key>glight</key> + <string>flight</string> + <key>gnawwed</key> + <string>gnawed</string> + <key>godess</key> + <string>goddess</string> + <key>godesses</key> + <string>goddesses</string> + <key>gogin</key> + <string>going</string> + <key>goign</key> + <string>going</string> + <key>gonig</key> + <string>going</string> + <key>gouvener</key> + <string>governor</string> + <key>govement</key> + <string>government</string> + <key>govenment</key> + <string>government</string> + <key>govenrment</key> + <string>government</string> + <key>goverance</key> + 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<string>haemorrhage</string> + <key>haev</key> + <string>have</string> + <key>halp</key> + <string>help</string> + <key>hapen</key> + <string>happen</string> + <key>hapened</key> + <string>happened</string> + <key>hapening</key> + <string>happening</string> + <key>happend</key> + <string>happened</string> + <key>happended</key> + <string>happened</string> + <key>happenned</key> + <string>happened</string> + <key>harased</key> + <string>harassed</string> + <key>harases</key> + <string>harasses</string> + <key>harasment</key> + <string>harassment</string> + <key>harasments</key> + <string>harassments</string> + <key>harassement</key> + <string>harassment</string> + <key>harras</key> + <string>harass</string> + <key>harrased</key> + <string>harassed</string> + <key>harrases</key> + <string>harasses</string> + <key>harrasing</key> + <string>harassing</string> + <key>harrasment</key> + <string>harassment</string> + <key>harrasments</key> + <string>harassments</string> + <key>harrassed</key> + <string>harassed</string> + <key>harrasses</key> + <string>harassed</string> + <key>harrassing</key> + <string>harassing</string> + <key>harrassment</key> + <string>harassment</string> + <key>harrassments</key> + <string>harassments</string> + <key>hasnt</key> + <string>hasn't</string> + <key>haviest</key> + <string>heaviest</string> + <key>headquarer</key> + <string>headquarter</string> + <key>headquater</key> + <string>headquarter</string> + <key>headquatered</key> + <string>headquartered</string> + <key>headquaters</key> + <string>headquarters</string> + <key>healthercare</key> + <string>healthcare</string> + <key>heared</key> + <string>heard</string> + <key>heathy</key> + <string>healthy</string> + <key>heigher</key> + <string>higher</string> + <key>heirarchy</key> + <string>hierarchy</string> + <key>heiroglyphics</key> + <string>hieroglyphics</string> + <key>helment</key> + <string>helmet</string> + <key>helpfull</key> + <string>helpful</string> + <key>helpped</key> + <string>helped</string> + <key>hemmorhage</key> + <string>hemorrhage</string> + <key>herad</key> + <string>heard</string> + <key>heridity</key> + <string>heredity</string> + <key>heroe</key> + <string>hero</string> + <key>heros</key> + <string>heroes</string> + <key>hertiage</key> + <string>heritage</string> + <key>hertzs</key> + <string>hertz</string> + <key>hesistant</key> + <string>hesitant</string> + <key>heterogenous</key> + <string>heterogeneous</string> + <key>hieght</key> + <string>height</string> + <key>hierachical</key> + <string>hierarchical</string> + <key>hierachies</key> + <string>hierarchies</string> + <key>hierachy</key> + <string>hierarchy</string> + <key>hierarcical</key> + <string>hierarchical</string> + <key>hierarcy</key> + <string>hierarchy</string> + <key>hieroglph</key> + <string>hieroglyph</string> + <key>hieroglphs</key> + <string>hieroglyphs</string> + <key>higer</key> + <string>higher</string> + <key>higest</key> + <string>highest</string> + <key>higway</key> + <string>highway</string> + <key>hillarious</key> + <string>hilarious</string> + <key>himselv</key> + <string>himself</string> + <key>hinderance</key> + <string>hindrance</string> + <key>hinderence</key> + <string>hindrance</string> + <key>hindrence</key> + <string>hindrance</string> + <key>hipopotamus</key> + <string>hippopotamus</string> + <key>hismelf</key> + <string>himself</string> + <key>histocompatability</key> + <string>histocompatibility</string> + <key>historicians</key> + <string>historians</string> + <key>hitsingles</key> + <string>hit singles</string> + <key>holliday</key> + <string>holiday</string> + <key>homestate</key> + <string>home state</string> + <key>homogeneize</key> + <string>homogenize</string> + <key>homogeneized</key> + <string>homogenized</string> + <key>honory</key> + <string>honorary</string> + <key>horrifing</key> + <string>horrifying</string> + <key>hosited</key> + <string>hoisted</string> + <key>hospitible</key> + <string>hospitable</string> + <key>hounour</key> + <string>honour</string> + <key>housr</key> + <string>hours</string> + <key>howver</key> + <string>however</string> + <key>hsitorians</key> + <string>historians</string> + <key>hstory</key> + <string>history</string> + <key>hten</key> + <string>then</string> + <key>htere</key> + <string>there</string> + <key>htey</key> + <string>they</string> + <key>htikn</key> + <string>think</string> + <key>hting</key> + <string>thing</string> + <key>htink</key> + <string>think</string> + <key>htis</key> + <string>this</string> + <key>humer</key> + <string>humor</string> + <key>humerous</key> + <string>humorous</string> + <key>huminoid</key> + <string>humanoid</string> + <key>humoural</key> + <string>humoral</string> + <key>humurous</key> + <string>humorous</string> + <key>husban</key> + <string>husband</string> + <key>hvae</key> + <string>have</string> + <key>hvaing</key> + <string>having</string> + <key>hvea</key> + <string>have</string> + <key>hwihc</key> + <string>which</string> + <key>hwile</key> + <string>while</string> + <key>hwole</key> + <string>whole</string> + <key>hydogen</key> + <string>hydrogen</string> + <key>hydropile</key> + <string>hydrophile</string> + <key>hydropilic</key> + <string>hydrophilic</string> + <key>hydropobe</key> + <string>hydrophobe</string> + <key>hydropobic</key> + <string>hydrophobic</string> + <key>hygeine</key> + <string>hygiene</string> + <key>hypocracy</key> + <string>hypocrisy</string> + <key>hypocrasy</key> + <string>hypocrisy</string> + <key>hypocricy</key> + <string>hypocrisy</string> + <key>hypocrit</key> + <string>hypocrite</string> + <key>hypocrits</key> + <string>hypocrites</string> + <key>i</key> + <string>I</string> + <key>iconclastic</key> + <string>iconoclastic</string> + <key>idaeidae</key> + <string>idea</string> + <key>idaes</key> + <string>ideas</string> + <key>idealogies</key> + <string>ideologies</string> + <key>idealogy</key> + <string>ideology</string> + <key>identicial</key> + <string>identical</string> + <key>identifers</key> + <string>identifiers</string> + <key>ideosyncratic</key> + <string>idiosyncratic</string> + <key>idesa</key> + <string>ideas</string> + <key>idiosyncracy</key> + <string>idiosyncrasy</string> + <key>illegimacy</key> + <string>illegitimacy</string> + <key>illegitmate</key> + <string>illegitimate</string> + <key>illess</key> + <string>illness</string> + <key>illiegal</key> + <string>illegal</string> + <key>illution</key> + <string>illusion</string> + <key>ilness</key> + <string>illness</string> + <key>ilogical</key> + <string>illogical</string> + <key>imagenary</key> + <string>imaginary</string> + <key>imagin</key> + <string>imagine</string> + <key>imaginery</key> + <string>imaginary</string> + <key>imcomplete</key> + <string>incomplete</string> + <key>imediately</key> + <string>immediately</string> + <key>imense</key> + <string>immense</string> + <key>immediatley</key> + <string>immediately</string> + <key>immediatly</key> + <string>immediately</string> + <key>immidately</key> + <string>immediately</string> + <key>immidiately</key> + <string>immediately</string> + <key>immitate</key> + <string>imitate</string> + <key>immitated</key> + <string>imitated</string> + <key>immitating</key> + <string>imitating</string> + <key>immitator</key> + <string>imitator</string> + <key>immunosupressant</key> + <string>immunosuppressant</string> + <key>impecabbly</key> + <string>impeccably</string> + <key>impedence</key> + <string>impedance</string> + <key>implamenting</key> + <string>implementing</string> + <key>impliment</key> + <string>implement</string> + <key>implimented</key> + <string>implemented</string> + <key>imploys</key> + <string>employs</string> + <key>importamt</key> + <string>important</string> + <key>imprioned</key> + <string>imprisoned</string> + <key>imprisonned</key> + <string>imprisoned</string> + <key>improvision</key> + <string>improvisation</string> + <key>improvments</key> + <string>improvements</string> + <key>inablility</key> + <string>inability</string> + <key>inaccessable</key> + <string>inaccessible</string> + <key>inadiquate</key> + <string>inadequate</string> + <key>inadquate</key> + <string>inadequate</string> + <key>inadvertant</key> + <string>inadvertent</string> + <key>inadvertantly</key> + <string>inadvertently</string> + <key>inagurated</key> + <string>inaugurated</string> + <key>inaguration</key> + <string>inauguration</string> + <key>inappropiate</key> + <string>inappropriate</string> + <key>inaugures</key> + <string>inaugurates</string> + <key>inbalance</key> + <string>imbalance</string> + <key>inbalanced</key> + <string>imbalanced</string> + <key>inbetween</key> + <string>between</string> + <key>incarcirated</key> + <string>incarcerated</string> + <key>incidentially</key> + <string>incidentally</string> + <key>incidently</key> + <string>incidentally</string> + <key>inclreased</key> + <string>increased</string> + <key>includ</key> + <string>include</string> + <key>includng</key> + <string>including</string> + <key>incompatabilities</key> + <string>incompatibilities</string> + <key>incompatability</key> + <string>incompatibility</string> + <key>incompatable</key> + <string>incompatible</string> + <key>incompatablities</key> + <string>incompatibilities</string> + <key>incompatablity</key> + <string>incompatibility</string> + <key>incompatiblities</key> + <string>incompatibilities</string> + <key>incompatiblity</key> + <string>incompatibility</string> + <key>incompetance</key> + <string>incompetence</string> + <key>incompetant</key> + <string>incompetent</string> + <key>incomptable</key> + <string>incompatible</string> + <key>incomptetent</key> + <string>incompetent</string> + <key>inconsistant</key> + <string>inconsistent</string> + <key>incoroporated</key> + <string>incorporated</string> + <key>incorperation</key> + <string>incorporation</string> + <key>incorportaed</key> + <string>incorporated</string> + <key>incorprates</key> + <string>incorporates</string> + <key>incorruptable</key> + <string>incorruptible</string> + <key>incramentally</key> + <string>incrementally</string> + <key>increadible</key> + <string>incredible</string> + <key>incredable</key> + <string>incredible</string> + <key>inctroduce</key> + <string>introduce</string> + <key>inctroduced</key> + <string>introduced</string> + <key>incuding</key> + <string>including</string> + <key>incunabla</key> + <string>incunabula</string> + <key>indefinately</key> + <string>indefinitely</string> + <key>indefineable</key> + <string>undefinable</string> + <key>indefinitly</key> + <string>indefinitely</string> + <key>indentical</key> + <string>identical</string> + <key>indepedantly</key> + <string>independently</string> + <key>indepedence</key> + <string>independence</string> + <key>independance</key> + <string>independence</string> + <key>independant</key> + <string>independent</string> + <key>independantly</key> + <string>independently</string> + <key>independece</key> + <string>independence</string> + <key>independendet</key> + <string>independent</string> + <key>indespensable</key> + <string>indispensable</string> + <key>indespensible</key> + <string>indispensable</string> + <key>indictement</key> + <string>indictment</string> + <key>indigineous</key> + <string>indigenous</string> + <key>indipendence</key> + <string>independence</string> + <key>indipendent</key> + <string>independent</string> + <key>indipendently</key> + <string>independently</string> + <key>indispensible</key> + <string>indispensable</string> + <key>indisputible</key> + <string>indisputable</string> + <key>indisputibly</key> + <string>indisputably</string> + <key>indite</key> + <string>indict</string> + <key>individualy</key> + <string>individually</string> + <key>indpendent</key> + <string>independent</string> + <key>indpendently</key> + <string>independently</string> + <key>indulgue</key> + <string>indulge</string> + <key>indutrial</key> + <string>industrial</string> + <key>indviduals</key> + <string>individuals</string> + <key>inefficienty</key> + <string>inefficiently</string> + <key>inevatible</key> + <string>inevitable</string> + <key>inevitible</key> + <string>inevitable</string> + <key>inevititably</key> + <string>inevitably</string> + <key>infalability</key> + <string>infallibility</string> + <key>infallable</key> + <string>infallible</string> + <key>infectuous</key> + <string>infectious</string> + <key>infered</key> + <string>inferred</string> + <key>infilitrate</key> + <string>infiltrate</string> + <key>infilitrated</key> + <string>infiltrated</string> + <key>infilitration</key> + <string>infiltration</string> + <key>infinit</key> + <string>infinite</string> + <key>inflamation</key> + <string>inflammation</string> + <key>influencial</key> + <string>influential</string> + <key>influented</key> + <string>influenced</string> + <key>infomation</key> + <string>information</string> + <key>informtion</key> + <string>information</string> + <key>infrantryman</key> + <string>infantryman</string> + <key>infrigement</key> + <string>infringement</string> + <key>ingenius</key> + <string>ingenious</string> + <key>ingreediants</key> + <string>ingredients</string> + <key>inhabitans</key> + <string>inhabitants</string> + <key>inherantly</key> + <string>inherently</string> + <key>inheritence</key> + <string>inheritance</string> + <key>inital</key> + <string>initial</string> + <key>initally</key> + <string>initially</string> + <key>initation</key> + <string>initiation</string> + <key>initiaitive</key> + <string>initiative</string> + <key>inlcuding</key> + <string>including</string> + <key>inmigrant</key> + <string>immigrant</string> + <key>inmigrants</key> + <string>immigrants</string> + <key>innoculated</key> + <string>inoculated</string> + <key>inocence</key> + <string>innocence</string> + <key>inofficial</key> + <string>unofficial</string> + <key>inot</key> + <string>into</string> + <key>inpeach</key> + <string>impeach</string> + <key>inpolite</key> + <string>impolite</string> + <key>inprisonment</key> + <string>imprisonment</string> + <key>inproving</key> + <string>improving</string> + <key>insectiverous</key> + <string>insectivorous</string> + <key>insensative</key> + <string>insensitive</string> + <key>inseperable</key> + <string>inseparable</string> + <key>insistance</key> + <string>insistence</string> + <key>insitution</key> + <string>institution</string> + <key>insitutions</key> + <string>institutions</string> + <key>inspite</key> + <string>in spite</string> + <key>instade</key> + <string>instead</string> + <key>instatance</key> + <string>instance</string> + <key>institue</key> + <string>institute</string> + <key>instuction</key> + <string>instruction</string> + <key>instuments</key> + <string>instruments</string> + <key>instutionalized</key> + <string>institutionalized</string> + <key>instutions</key> + <string>intuitions</string> + <key>insurence</key> + <string>insurance</string> + <key>intelectual</key> + <string>intellectual</string> + <key>inteligence</key> + <string>intelligence</string> + <key>inteligent</key> + <string>intelligent</string> + <key>intenational</key> + <string>international</string> + <key>intented</key> + <string>intended</string> + <key>intepretation</key> + <string>interpretation</string> + <key>intepretator</key> + <string>interpretor</string> + <key>interational</key> + <string>international</string> + <key>interbread</key> + <string>interbreed</string> + <key>interchangable</key> + <string>interchangeable</string> + <key>interchangably</key> + <string>interchangeably</string> + <key>intercontinetal</key> + <string>intercontinental</string> + <key>intered</key> + <string>interred</string> + <key>interelated</key> + <string>interrelated</string> + <key>interferance</key> + <string>interference</string> + <key>interfereing</key> + <string>interfering</string> + <key>intergrated</key> + <string>integrated</string> + <key>intergration</key> + <string>integration</string> + <key>interm</key> + <string>interim</string> + <key>internation</key> + <string>international</string> + <key>interpet</key> + <string>interpret</string> + <key>interrim</key> + <string>interim</string> + <key>interrugum</key> + <string>interregnum</string> + <key>intertaining</key> + <string>entertaining</string> + <key>interupt</key> + <string>interrupt</string> + <key>intervines</key> + <string>intervenes</string> + <key>intevene</key> + <string>intervene</string> + <key>intial</key> + <string>initial</string> + <key>intially</key> + <string>initially</string> + <key>intrduced</key> + <string>introduced</string> + <key>intrest</key> + <string>interest</string> + <key>introdued</key> + <string>introduced</string> + <key>intruduced</key> + <string>introduced</string> + <key>intrument</key> + <string>instrument</string> + <key>intrumental</key> + <string>instrumental</string> + <key>intruments</key> + <string>instruments</string> + <key>intrusted</key> + <string>entrusted</string> + <key>intutive</key> + <string>intuitive</string> + <key>intutively</key> + <string>intuitively</string> + <key>inudstry</key> + <string>industry</string> + <key>inventer</key> + <string>inventor</string> + <key>invertibrates</key> + <string>invertebrates</string> + <key>investingate</key> + <string>investigate</string> + <key>involvment</key> + <string>involvement</string> + <key>irelevent</key> + <string>irrelevant</string> + <key>iresistable</key> + <string>irresistible</string> + <key>iresistably</key> + <string>irresistibly</string> + <key>iresistible</key> + <string>irresistible</string> + <key>iresistibly</key> + <string>irresistibly</string> + <key>iritable</key> + <string>irritable</string> + <key>iritated</key> + <string>irritated</string> + <key>ironicly</key> + <string>ironically</string> + <key>irregardless</key> + <string>regardless</string> + <key>irrelevent</key> + <string>irrelevant</string> + <key>irreplacable</key> + <string>irreplaceable</string> + <key>irresistable</key> + <string>irresistible</string> + <key>irresistably</key> + <string>irresistibly</string> + <key>isnt</key> + <string>isn't</string> + <key>issueing</key> + <string>issuing</string> + <key>itnroduced</key> + <string>introduced</string> + <key>iunior</key> + <string>junior</string> + <key>iwll</key> + <string>will</string> + <key>iwth</key> + <string>with</string> + <key>jaques</key> + <string>jacques</string> + <key>jeapardy</key> + <string>jeopardy</string> + <key>jewllery</key> + <string>jewellery</string> + <key>jouney</key> + <string>journey</string> + <key>journied</key> + <string>journeyed</string> + <key>journies</key> + <string>journeys</string> + <key>jstu</key> + <string>just</string> + <key>jsut</key> + <string>just</string> + <key>judical</key> + <string>judicial</string> + <key>judisuary</key> + <string>judiciary</string> + <key>juducial</key> + <string>judicial</string> + <key>juristiction</key> + <string>jurisdiction</string> + <key>juristictions</key> + <string>jurisdictions</string> + <key>kindergarden</key> + <string>kindergarten</string> + <key>klenex</key> + <string>kleenex</string> + <key>knifes</key> + <string>knives</string> + <key>knive</key> + <string>knife</string> + <key>knowlege</key> + <string>knowledge</string> + <key>knowlegeable</key> + <string>knowledgeable</string> + <key>knwo</key> + <string>know</string> + <key>knwos</key> + <string>knows</string> + <key>konw</key> + <string>know</string> + <key>konws</key> + <string>knows</string> + <key>kwno</key> + <string>know</string> + <key>labatory</key> + <string>laboratory</string> + <key>labratory</key> + <string>laboratory</string> + <key>laguage</key> + <string>language</string> + <key>laguages</key> + <string>languages</string> + <key>larg</key> + <string>large</string> + <key>largst</key> + <string>largest</string> + <key>larrry</key> + <string>larry</string> + <key>lastr</key> + <string>last</string> + <key>lattitude</key> + <string>latitude</string> + <key>launhed</key> + <string>launched</string> + <key>lavae</key> + <string>larvae</string> + <key>layed</key> + <string>laid</string> + <key>lazyness</key> + <string>laziness</string> + <key>leage</key> + <string>league</string> + <key>leanr</key> + <string>learn</string> + <key>leathal</key> + <string>lethal</string> + <key>lefted</key> + <string>left</string> + <key>legitamate</key> + <string>legitimate</string> + <key>legitmate</key> + <string>legitimate</string> + <key>leibnitz</key> + <string>leibniz</string> + <key>lenght</key> + <string>length</string> + <key>leran</key> + <string>learn</string> + <key>lerans</key> + <string>learns</string> + <key>leutenant</key> + <string>lieutenant</string> + <key>levetate</key> + <string>levitate</string> + <key>levetated</key> + <string>levitated</string> + <key>levetates</key> + <string>levitates</string> + <key>levetating</key> + <string>levitating</string> + <key>levle</key> + <string>level</string> + <key>liasion</key> + <string>liaison</string> + <key>liason</key> + <string>liaison</string> + <key>liasons</key> + <string>liaisons</string> + <key>libary</key> + <string>library</string> + <key>libell</key> + <string>libel</string> + <key>libguistic</key> + <string>linguistic</string> + <key>libguistics</key> + <string>linguistics</string> + <key>libitarianisn</key> + <string>libertarianism</string> + <key>lieing</key> + <string>lying</string> + <key>liek</key> + <string>like</string> + <key>liekd</key> + <string>liked</string> + <key>liesure</key> + <string>leisure</string> + <key>lieuenant</key> + <string>lieutenant</string> + <key>lieved</key> + <string>lived</string> + <key>liftime</key> + <string>lifetime</string> + <key>lightyear</key> + <string>light year</string> + <key>lightyears</key> + <string>light years</string> + <key>likelyhood</key> + <string>likelihood</string> + <key>linnaena</key> + <string>linnaean</string> + <key>lippizaner</key> + <string>lipizzaner</string> + <key>liquify</key> + <string>liquefy</string> + <key>liscense</key> + <string>license</string> + <key>lisence</key> + <string>license</string> + <key>lisense</key> + <string>license</string> + <key>listners</key> + <string>listeners</string> + <key>litature</key> + <string>literature</string> + <key>literaly</key> + <string>literally</string> + <key>literture</key> + <string>literature</string> + <key>littel</key> + <string>little</string> + <key>litterally</key> + <string>literally</string> + <key>liuke</key> + <string>like</string> + <key>livley</key> + <string>lively</string> + <key>lmits</key> + <string>limits</string> + <key>loev</key> + <string>love</string> + <key>lonelyness</key> + <string>loneliness</string> + <key>longitudonal</key> + <string>longitudinal</string> + <key>lonley</key> + <string>lonely</string> + <key>lonly</key> + <string>lonely</string> + <key>loosing</key> + <string>losing</string> + <key>lotharingen</key> + <string>lothringen</string> + <key>lsat</key> + <string>last</string> + <key>lukid</key> + <string>likud</string> + <key>lveo</key> + <string>love</string> + <key>lvoe</key> + <string>love</string> + <key>maching</key> + <string>machine</string> + <key>mackeral</key> + <string>mackerel</string> + <key>magasine</key> + <string>magazine</string> + <key>magincian</key> + <string>magician</string> + <key>magnificient</key> + <string>magnificent</string> + <key>magolia</key> + <string>magnolia</string> + <key>mailny</key> + <string>mainly</string> + <key>maintainance</key> + <string>maintenance</string> + <key>maintainence</key> + <string>maintenance</string> + <key>maintance</key> + <string>maintenance</string> + <key>maintenence</key> + <string>maintenance</string> + <key>maintinaing</key> + <string>maintaining</string> + <key>maintioned</key> + <string>mentioned</string> + <key>majoroty</key> + <string>majority</string> + <key>maked</key> + <string>marked</string> + <key>makse</key> + <string>makes</string> + <key>maltesian</key> + <string>Maltese</string> + <key>mamal</key> + <string>mammal</string> + <key>mamalian</key> + <string>mammalian</string> + <key>managable</key> + <string>manageable</string> + <key>managment</key> + <string>management</string> + <key>maneouvre</key> + <string>manoeuvre</string> + <key>maneouvred</key> + <string>manoeuvred</string> + <key>maneouvres</key> + <string>manoeuvres</string> + <key>maneouvring</key> + <string>manoeuvring</string> + <key>manisfestations</key> + <string>manifestations</string> + <key>manoeuverability</key> + <string>maneuverability</string> + <key>manouver</key> + <string>maneuver</string> + <key>manouverability</key> + <string>maneuverability</string> + <key>manouverable</key> + <string>maneuverable</string> + <key>manouvers</key> + <string>maneuvers</string> + <key>mantained</key> + <string>maintained</string> + <key>manuever</key> + <string>maneuver</string> + <key>manuevers</key> + <string>maneuvers</string> + <key>manufacturedd</key> + <string>manufactured</string> + <key>manufature</key> + <string>manufacture</string> + <key>manufatured</key> + <string>manufactured</string> + <key>manufaturing</key> + <string>manufacturing</string> + <key>manuver</key> + <string>maneuver</string> + <key>mariage</key> + <string>marriage</string> + <key>marjority</key> + <string>majority</string> + <key>markes</key> + <string>marks</string> + <key>marketting</key> + <string>marketing</string> + <key>marmelade</key> + <string>marmalade</string> + <key>marrage</key> + <string>marriage</string> + <key>marraige</key> + <string>marriage</string> + <key>marrtyred</key> + <string>martyred</string> + <key>marryied</key> + <string>married</string> + <key>massmedia</key> + <string>mass media</string> + <key>masterbation</key> + <string>masturbation</string> + <key>mataphysical</key> + <string>metaphysical</string> + <key>materalists</key> + <string>materialist</string> + <key>mathamatics</key> + <string>mathematics</string> + <key>mathematican</key> + <string>mathematician</string> + <key>mathematicas</key> + <string>mathematics</string> + <key>matheticians</key> + <string>mathematicians</string> + <key>mathmatically</key> + <string>mathematically</string> + <key>mathmatician</key> + <string>mathematician</string> + <key>mathmaticians</key> + <string>mathematicians</string> + <key>mccarthyst</key> + <string>mccarthyist</string> + <key>mchanics</key> + <string>mechanics</string> + <key>meaninng</key> + <string>meaning</string> + <key>mear</key> + <string>wear</string> + <key>mechandise</key> + <string>merchandise</string> + <key>medacine</key> + <string>medicine</string> + <key>medeival</key> + <string>medieval</string> + <key>medevial</key> + <string>medieval</string> + <key>mediciney</key> + <string>mediciny</string> + <key>medievel</key> + <string>medieval</string> + <key>mediterainnean</key> + <string>mediterranean</string> + <key>meerkrat</key> + <string>meerkat</string> + <key>melieux</key> + <string>milieux</string> + <key>membranaphone</key> + <string>membranophone</string> + <key>memeber</key> + <string>member</string> + <key>menally</key> + <string>mentally</string> + <key>meranda</key> + <string>Miranda</string> + <key>mercentile</key> + <string>mercantile</string> + <key>messanger</key> + <string>messenger</string> + <key>messenging</key> + <string>messaging</string> + <key>metalic</key> + <string>metallic</string> + <key>metalurgic</key> + <string>metallurgic</string> + <key>metalurgical</key> + <string>metallurgical</string> + <key>metalurgy</key> + <string>metallurgy</string> + <key>metamorphysis</key> + <string>metamorphosis</string> + <key>metaphoricial</key> + <string>metaphorical</string> + <key>meterologist</key> + <string>meteorologist</string> + <key>meterology</key> + <string>meteorology</string> + <key>methaphor</key> + <string>metaphor</string> + <key>methaphors</key> + <string>metaphors</string> + <key>micoscopy</key> + <string>microscopy</string> + <key>midwifes</key> + <string>midwives</string> + <key>mileau</key> + <string>milieu</string> + <key>milennia</key> + <string>millennia</string> + <key>milennium</key> + <string>millennium</string> + <key>mileu</key> + <string>milieu</string> + <key>miliary</key> + <string>military</string> + <key>milion</key> + <string>million</string> + <key>miliraty</key> + <string>military</string> + <key>millenia</key> + <string>millennia</string> + <key>millenial</key> + <string>millennial</string> + <key>millenialism</key> + <string>millennialism</string> + <key>millenium</key> + <string>millennium</string> + <key>millepede</key> + <string>millipede</string> + <key>millioniare</key> + <string>millionaire</string> + <key>millitary</key> + <string>military</string> + <key>millon</key> + <string>million</string> + <key>miltary</key> + <string>military</string> + <key>minature</key> + <string>miniature</string> + <key>minerial</key> + <string>mineral</string> + <key>miniscule</key> + <string>minuscule</string> + <key>ministery</key> + <string>ministry</string> + <key>minstries</key> + <string>ministries</string> + <key>minstry</key> + <string>ministry</string> + <key>minumum</key> + <string>minimum</string> + <key>mirrorred</key> + <string>mirrored</string> + <key>miscelaneous</key> + <string>miscellaneous</string> + <key>miscellanious</key> + <string>miscellaneous</string> + <key>miscellanous</key> + <string>miscellaneous</string> + <key>mischeivous</key> + <string>mischievous</string> + <key>mischevious</key> + <string>mischievous</string> + <key>mischievious</key> + <string>mischievous</string> + <key>misdameanor</key> + <string>misdemeanor</string> + <key>misdameanors</key> + <string>misdemeanors</string> + <key>misdemenor</key> + <string>misdemeanor</string> + <key>misdemenors</key> + <string>misdemeanors</string> + <key>misfourtunes</key> + <string>misfortunes</string> + <key>misile</key> + <string>missile</string> + <key>mispell</key> + <string>misspell</string> + <key>mispelled</key> + <string>misspelled</string> + <key>mispelling</key> + <string>misspelling</string> + <key>missen</key> + <string>mizzen</string> + <key>missle</key> + <string>missile</string> + <key>missonary</key> + <string>missionary</string> + <key>misterious</key> + <string>mysterious</string> + <key>mistery</key> + <string>mystery</string> + <key>misteryous</key> + <string>mysterious</string> + <key>mkae</key> + <string>make</string> + <key>mkaes</key> + <string>makes</string> + <key>mkaing</key> + <string>making</string> + <key>mkea</key> + <string>make</string> + <key>moderm</key> + <string>modem</string> + <key>modle</key> + <string>model</string> + <key>moent</key> + <string>moment</string> + <key>moeny</key> + <string>money</string> + <key>mohammedans</key> + <string>muslims</string> + <key>moil</key> + <string>soil</string> + <key>moleclues</key> + <string>molecules</string> + <key>momento</key> + <string>memento</string> + <key>monestaries</key> + <string>monasteries</string> + <key>monestary</key> + <string>monastery</string> + <key>monickers</key> + <string>monikers</string> + <key>monolite</key> + <string>monolithic</string> + <key>montains</key> + <string>mountains</string> + <key>montanous</key> + <string>mountainous</string> + <key>monts</key> + <string>months</string> + <key>montypic</key> + <string>monotypic</string> + <key>moreso</key> + <string>more so</string> + <key>morgage</key> + <string>mortgage</string> + <key>morroccan</key> + <string>moroccan</string> + <key>morrocco</key> + <string>morocco</string> + <key>morroco</key> + <string>morocco</string> + <key>mortage</key> + <string>mortgage</string> + <key>mosture</key> + <string>moisture</string> + <key>motiviated</key> + <string>motivated</string> + <key>mounth</key> + <string>month</string> + <key>movei</key> + <string>movie</string> + <key>movment</key> + <string>movement</string> + <key>mroe</key> + <string>more</string> + <key>mucuous</key> + <string>mucous</string> + <key>muder</key> + <string>murder</string> + <key>mudering</key> + <string>murdering</string> + <key>muhammadan</key> + <string>muslim</string> + <key>multicultralism</key> + <string>multiculturalism</string> + <key>multipled</key> + <string>multiplied</string> + <key>multiplers</key> + <string>multipliers</string> + <key>munbers</key> + <string>numbers</string> + <key>muncipalities</key> + <string>municipalities</string> + <key>muncipality</key> + <string>municipality</string> + <key>munnicipality</key> + <string>municipality</string> + <key>muscels</key> + <string>muscles</string> + <key>muscial</key> + <string>musical</string> + <key>muscician</key> + <string>musician</string> + <key>muscicians</key> + <string>musicians</string> + <key>mutiliated</key> + <string>mutilated</string> + <key>myraid</key> + <string>myriad</string> + <key>mysef</key> + <string>myself</string> + <key>mysogynist</key> + <string>misogynist</string> + <key>mysogyny</key> + <string>misogyny</string> + <key>mysterous</key> + <string>mysterious</string> + <key>naieve</key> + <string>naive</string> + <key>naturaly</key> + <string>naturally</string> + <key>naturely</key> + <string>naturally</string> + <key>naturual</key> + <string>natural</string> + <key>naturually</key> + <string>naturally</string> + <key>neccesarily</key> + <string>necessarily</string> + <key>neccesary</key> + <string>necessary</string> + <key>neccessarily</key> + <string>necessarily</string> + <key>neccessary</key> + <string>necessary</string> + <key>neccessities</key> + <string>necessities</string> + <key>necesarily</key> + <string>necessarily</string> + <key>necesary</key> + <string>necessary</string> + <key>necessiate</key> + <string>necessitate</string> + <key>neglible</key> + <string>negligible</string> + <key>negligable</key> + <string>negligible</string> + <key>negociate</key> + <string>negotiate</string> + <key>negociation</key> + <string>negotiation</string> + <key>negociations</key> + <string>negotiations</string> + <key>negotation</key> + <string>negotiation</string> + <key>neice</key> + <string>niece</string> + <key>neigborhood</key> + <string>neighborhood</string> + <key>neigbour</key> + <string>neighbour</string> + <key>neigbourhood</key> + <string>neighbourhood</string> + <key>neolitic</key> + <string>neolithic</string> + <key>nessasarily</key> + <string>necessarily</string> + <key>nessecary</key> + <string>necessary</string> + <key>nestin</key> + <string>nesting</string> + <key>neverthless</key> + <string>nevertheless</string> + <key>newletters</key> + <string>newsletters</string> + <key>nickle</key> + <string>nickel</string> + <key>nightfa;;</key> + <string>nightfall</string> + <key>nightime</key> + <string>nighttime</string> + <key>nineth</key> + <string>ninth</string> + <key>ninteenth</key> + <string>nineteenth</string> + <key>ninties</key> + <string>1990s</string> + <key>ninty</key> + <string>ninety</string> + <key>nkow</key> + <string>know</string> + <key>nkwo</key> + <string>know</string> + <key>nmae</key> + <string>name</string> + <key>noncombatents</key> + <string>noncombatants</string> + <key>nonsence</key> + <string>nonsense</string> + <key>nontheless</key> + <string>nonetheless</string> + <key>noone</key> + <string>no one</string> + <key>norhern</key> + <string>northern</string> + <key>northen</key> + <string>northern</string> + <key>northereastern</key> + <string>northeastern</string> + <key>notabley</key> + <string>notably</string> + <key>noteable</key> + <string>notable</string> + <key>noteably</key> + <string>notably</string> + <key>noteriety</key> + <string>notoriety</string> + <key>noth</key> + <string>north</string> + <key>nothern</key> + <string>northern</string> + <key>noticable</key> + <string>noticeable</string> + <key>noticably</key> + <string>noticeably</string> + <key>noticeing</key> + <string>noticing</string> + <key>noticible</key> + <string>noticeable</string> + <key>notwhithstanding</key> + <string>notwithstanding</string> + <key>noveau</key> + <string>nouveau</string> + <key>nowdays</key> + <string>nowadays</string> + <key>nowe</key> + <string>now</string> + <key>nto</key> + <string>not</string> + <key>nucular</key> + <string>nuclear</string> + <key>nuculear</key> + <string>nuclear</string> + <key>nuisanse</key> + <string>nuisance</string> + <key>numberous</key> + <string>numerous</string> + <key>nusance</key> + <string>nuisance</string> + <key>nutritent</key> + <string>nutrient</string> + <key>nutritents</key> + <string>nutrients</string> + <key>nuturing</key> + <string>nurturing</string> + <key>obediance</key> + <string>obedience</string> + <key>obediant</key> + <string>obedient</string> + <key>obession</key> + <string>obsession</string> + <key>obssessed</key> + <string>obsessed</string> + <key>obstacal</key> + <string>obstacle</string> + <key>obstancles</key> + <string>obstacles</string> + <key>obstruced</key> + <string>obstructed</string> + <key>ocasion</key> + <string>occasion</string> + <key>ocasional</key> + <string>occasional</string> + <key>ocasionally</key> + <string>occasionally</string> + <key>ocasionaly</key> + <string>occasionally</string> + <key>ocasioned</key> + <string>occasioned</string> + <key>ocasions</key> + <string>occasions</string> + <key>ocassion</key> + <string>occasion</string> + <key>ocassional</key> + <string>occasional</string> + <key>ocassionally</key> + <string>occasionally</string> + <key>ocassionaly</key> + <string>occasionally</string> + <key>ocassioned</key> + <string>occasioned</string> + <key>ocassions</key> + <string>occasions</string> + <key>occaison</key> + <string>occasion</string> + <key>occassion</key> + <string>occasion</string> + <key>occassional</key> + <string>occasional</string> + <key>occassionally</key> + <string>occasionally</string> + <key>occassionaly</key> + <string>occasionally</string> + <key>occassioned</key> + <string>occasioned</string> + <key>occassions</key> + <string>occasions</string> + <key>occationally</key> + <string>occasionally</string> + <key>occour</key> + <string>occur</string> + <key>occurance</key> + <string>occurrence</string> + <key>occurances</key> + <string>occurrences</string> + <key>occured</key> + <string>occurred</string> + <key>occurence</key> + <string>occurrence</string> + <key>occurences</key> + <string>occurrences</string> + <key>occuring</key> + <string>occurring</string> + <key>occurr</key> + <string>occur</string> + <key>occurrance</key> + <string>occurrence</string> + <key>occurrances</key> + <string>occurrences</string> + <key>octohedra</key> + <string>octahedra</string> + <key>octohedral</key> + <string>octahedral</string> + <key>octohedron</key> + <string>octahedron</string> + <key>ocuntries</key> + <string>countries</string> + <key>ocuntry</key> + <string>country</string> + <key>ocurr</key> + <string>occur</string> + <key>ocurrance</key> + <string>occurrence</string> + <key>ocurred</key> + <string>occurred</string> + <key>ocurrence</key> + <string>occurrence</string> + <key>offcers</key> + <string>officers</string> + <key>offcially</key> + <string>officially</string> + <key>offereings</key> + <string>offerings</string> + <key>offical</key> + <string>official</string> + <key>offically</key> + <string>officially</string> + <key>officals</key> + <string>officials</string> + <key>officaly</key> + <string>officially</string> + <key>officialy</key> + <string>officially</string> + <key>offred</key> + <string>offered</string> + <key>oftenly</key> + <string>often</string> + <key>oging</key> + <string>going</string> + <key>omision</key> + <string>omission</string> + <key>omited</key> + <string>omitted</string> + <key>omiting</key> + <string>omitting</string> + <key>omlette</key> + <string>omelette</string> + <key>ommision</key> + <string>omission</string> + <key>ommited</key> + <string>omitted</string> + <key>ommiting</key> + <string>omitting</string> + <key>ommitted</key> + <string>omitted</string> + <key>ommitting</key> + <string>omitting</string> + <key>omniverous</key> + <string>omnivorous</string> + <key>omniverously</key> + <string>omnivorously</string> + <key>omre</key> + <string>more</string> + <key>onot</key> + <string>note</string> + <key>onxy</key> + <string>onyx</string> + <key>onyl</key> + <string>only</string> + <key>openess</key> + <string>openness</string> + <key>oponent</key> + <string>opponent</string> + <key>oportunity</key> + <string>opportunity</string> + <key>opose</key> + <string>oppose</string> + <key>oposite</key> + <string>opposite</string> + <key>oposition</key> + <string>opposition</string> + <key>oppenly</key> + <string>openly</string> + <key>oppinion</key> + <string>opinion</string> + <key>opponant</key> + <string>opponent</string> + <key>oppononent</key> + <string>opponent</string> + <key>oppositition</key> + <string>opposition</string> + <key>oppossed</key> + <string>opposed</string> + <key>opprotunity</key> + <string>opportunity</string> + <key>opression</key> + <string>oppression</string> + <key>opressive</key> + <string>oppressive</string> + <key>opthalmic</key> + <string>ophthalmic</string> + <key>opthalmologist</key> + <string>ophthalmologist</string> + <key>opthalmology</key> + <string>ophthalmology</string> + <key>opthamologist</key> + <string>ophthalmologist</string> + <key>optmizations</key> + <string>optimizations</string> + <key>optomism</key> + <string>optimism</string> + <key>orded</key> + <string>ordered</string> + <key>organim</key> + <string>organism</string> + <key>organistion</key> + <string>organisation</string> + <key>organiztion</key> + <string>organization</string> + <key>orgin</key> + <string>origin</string> + <key>orginal</key> + <string>original</string> + <key>orginally</key> + <string>originally</string> + <key>orginize</key> + <string>organise</string> + <key>oridinarily</key> + <string>ordinarily</string> + <key>origanaly</key> + <string>originally</string> + <key>originall</key> + <string>original</string> + <key>originaly</key> + <string>originally</string> + <key>originially</key> + <string>originally</string> + <key>originnally</key> + <string>originally</string> + <key>origional</key> + <string>original</string> + <key>orignally</key> + <string>originally</string> + <key>orignially</key> + <string>originally</string> + <key>otehr</key> + <string>other</string> + <key>oublisher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>ouevre</key> + <string>oeuvre</string> + <key>oustanding</key> + <string>outstanding</string> + <key>overshaddowed</key> + <string>overshadowed</string> + <key>overthere</key> + <string>over there</string> + <key>overwelming</key> + <string>overwhelming</string> + <key>overwheliming</key> + <string>overwhelming</string> + <key>owrk</key> + <string>work</string> + <key>owudl</key> + <string>would</string> + <key>oxigen</key> + <string>oxygen</string> + <key>oximoron</key> + <string>oxymoron</string> + <key>p0enis</key> + <string>penis</string> + <key>paide</key> + <string>paid</string> + <key>paitience</key> + <string>patience</string> + <key>palce</key> + <string>place</string> + <key>paleolitic</key> + <string>paleolithic</string> + <key>paliamentarian</key> + <string>parliamentarian</string> + <key>pallete</key> + <string>palette</string> + <key>pamflet</key> + <string>pamphlet</string> + <key>pamplet</key> + <string>pamphlet</string> + <key>pantomine</key> + <string>pantomime</string> + <key>paralel</key> + <string>parallel</string> + <key>paralell</key> + <string>parallel</string> + <key>paralelly</key> + <string>parallelly</string> + <key>paralely</key> + <string>parallelly</string> + <key>parallely</key> + <string>parallelly</string> + <key>paranthesis</key> + <string>parenthesis</string> + <key>paraphenalia</key> + <string>paraphernalia</string> + <key>parellels</key> + <string>parallels</string> + <key>parituclar</key> + <string>particular</string> + <key>parliment</key> + <string>parliament</string> + <key>parrakeets</key> + <string>parakeets</string> + <key>parralel</key> + <string>parallel</string> + <key>parrallel</key> + <string>parallel</string> + <key>parrallell</key> + <string>parallel</string> + <key>parrallelly</key> + <string>parallelly</string> + <key>parrallely</key> + <string>parallelly</string> + <key>partialy</key> + <string>partially</string> + <key>particually</key> + <string>particularly</string> + <key>particualr</key> + <string>particular</string> + <key>particuarly</key> + <string>particularly</string> + <key>particularily</key> + <string>particularly</string> + <key>particulary</key> + <string>particularly</string> + <key>pary</key> + <string>party</string> + <key>pased</key> + <string>passed</string> + <key>pasengers</key> + <string>passengers</string> + <key>passerbys</key> + <string>passersby</string> + <key>pasttime</key> + <string>pastime</string> + <key>pastural</key> + <string>pastoral</string> + <key>paticular</key> + <string>particular</string> + <key>pattented</key> + <string>patented</string> + <key>pavillion</key> + <string>pavilion</string> + <key>payed</key> + <string>paid</string> + <key>pblisher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>pbulisher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>peacefuland</key> + <string>peaceful and</string> + <key>peageant</key> + <string>pageant</string> + <key>peculure</key> + <string>peculiar</string> + <key>pedestrain</key> + <string>pedestrian</string> + <key>peformed</key> + <string>performed</string> + <key>peice</key> + <string>piece</string> + <key>penatly</key> + <string>penalty</string> + <key>penerator</key> + <string>penetrator</string> + <key>penisula</key> + <string>peninsula</string> + <key>penisular</key> + <string>peninsular</string> + <key>penninsula</key> + <string>peninsula</string> + <key>penninsular</key> + <string>peninsular</string> + <key>pennisula</key> + <string>peninsula</string> + <key>pensinula</key> + <string>peninsula</string> + <key>peom</key> + <string>poem</string> + <key>peoms</key> + <string>poems</string> + <key>peopel</key> + <string>people</string> + <key>peotry</key> + <string>poetry</string> + <key>perade</key> + <string>parade</string> + <key>percepted</key> + <string>perceived</string> + <key>percieve</key> + <string>perceive</string> + <key>percieved</key> + <string>perceived</string> + <key>perenially</key> + <string>perennially</string> + <key>perfomance</key> + <string>performance</string> + <key>perfomers</key> + <string>performers</string> + <key>performence</key> + <string>performance</string> + <key>performes</key> + <string>performed</string> + <key>perhasp</key> + <string>perhaps</string> + <key>perheaps</key> + <string>perhaps</string> + <key>perhpas</key> + <string>perhaps</string> + <key>peripathetic</key> + <string>peripatetic</string> + <key>peristent</key> + <string>persistent</string> + <key>perjery</key> + <string>perjury</string> + <key>perjorative</key> + <string>pejorative</string> + <key>permanant</key> + <string>permanent</string> + <key>permenant</key> + <string>permanent</string> + <key>permenantly</key> + <string>permanently</string> + <key>permissable</key> + <string>permissible</string> + <key>perogative</key> + <string>prerogative</string> + <key>peronal</key> + <string>personal</string> + <key>perosnality</key> + <string>personality</string> + <key>perphas</key> + <string>perhaps</string> + <key>perpindicular</key> + <string>perpendicular</string> + <key>perseverence</key> + <string>perseverance</string> + <key>persistance</key> + <string>persistence</string> + <key>persistant</key> + <string>persistent</string> + <key>personel</key> + <string>personnel</string> + <key>personell</key> + <string>personnel</string> + <key>personnell</key> + <string>personnel</string> + <key>persuded</key> + <string>persuaded</string> + <key>persue</key> + <string>pursue</string> + <key>persued</key> + <string>pursued</string> + <key>persuing</key> + <string>pursuing</string> + <key>persuit</key> + <string>pursuit</string> + <key>persuits</key> + <string>pursuits</string> + <key>pertubation</key> + <string>perturbation</string> + <key>pertubations</key> + <string>perturbations</string> + <key>pessiary</key> + <string>pessary</string> + <key>petetion</key> + <string>petition</string> + <key>phenomenom</key> + <string>phenomenon</string> + <key>phenomenonal</key> + <string>phenomenal</string> + <key>phenomenonly</key> + <string>phenomenally</string> + <key>phenomonenon</key> + <string>phenomenon</string> + <key>phenomonon</key> + <string>phenomenon</string> + <key>phenonmena</key> + <string>phenomena</string> + <key>philisopher</key> + <string>philosopher</string> + <key>philisophical</key> + <string>philosophical</string> + <key>philisophy</key> + <string>philosophy</string> + <key>phillosophically</key> + <string>philosophically</string> + <key>philospher</key> + <string>philosopher</string> + <key>philosphies</key> + <string>philosophies</string> + <key>philosphy</key> + <string>philosophy</string> + <key>phongraph</key> + <string>phonograph</string> + <key>phylosophical</key> + <string>philosophical</string> + <key>physicaly</key> + <string>physically</string> + <key>piblisher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>pich</key> + <string>pitch</string> + <key>pilgrimmage</key> + <string>pilgrimage</string> + <key>pilgrimmages</key> + <string>pilgrimages</string> + <key>pinapple</key> + <string>pineapple</string> + <key>pinnaple</key> + <string>pineapple</string> + <key>pinoneered</key> + <string>pioneered</string> + <key>plagarism</key> + <string>plagiarism</string> + <key>planation</key> + <string>plantation</string> + <key>planed</key> + <string>planned</string> + <key>plantiff</key> + <string>plaintiff</string> + <key>plateu</key> + <string>plateau</string> + <key>plausable</key> + <string>plausible</string> + <key>playright</key> + <string>playwright</string> + <key>playwrite</key> + <string>playwright</string> + <key>playwrites</key> + <string>playwrights</string> + <key>pleasent</key> + <string>pleasant</string> + <key>plebicite</key> + <string>plebiscite</string> + <key>plesant</key> + <string>pleasant</string> + <key>poenis</key> + <string>penis</string> + <key>poeoples</key> + <string>peoples</string> + <key>poety</key> + <string>poetry</string> + <key>poisin</key> + <string>poison</string> + <key>polical</key> + <string>political</string> + <key>polinator</key> + <string>pollinator</string> + <key>polinators</key> + <string>pollinators</string> + <key>politican</key> + <string>politician</string> + <key>politicans</key> + <string>politicians</string> + <key>poltical</key> + <string>political</string> + <key>polute</key> + <string>pollute</string> + <key>poluted</key> + <string>polluted</string> + <key>polutes</key> + <string>pollutes</string> + <key>poluting</key> + <string>polluting</string> + <key>polution</key> + <string>pollution</string> + <key>polyphonyic</key> + <string>polyphonic</string> + <key>polysaccaride</key> + <string>polysaccharide</string> + <key>polysaccharid</key> + <string>polysaccharide</string> + <key>pomegranite</key> + <string>pomegranate</string> + <key>pomotion</key> + <string>promotion</string> + <key>poportional</key> + <string>proportional</string> + <key>popoulation</key> + <string>population</string> + <key>popularaty</key> + <string>popularity</string> + <key>populare</key> + <string>popular</string> + <key>populer</key> + <string>popular</string> + <key>portait</key> + <string>portrait</string> + <key>portayed</key> + <string>portrayed</string> + <key>portraing</key> + <string>portraying</string> + <key>portuguease</key> + <string>portuguese</string> + <key>portugues</key> + <string>Portuguese</string> + <key>posess</key> + <string>possess</string> + <key>posessed</key> + <string>possessed</string> + <key>posesses</key> + <string>possesses</string> + <key>posessing</key> + <string>possessing</string> + <key>posession</key> + <string>possession</string> + <key>posessions</key> + <string>possessions</string> + <key>posion</key> + <string>poison</string> + <key>positon</key> + <string>position</string> + <key>possable</key> + <string>possible</string> + <key>possably</key> + <string>possibly</string> + <key>posseses</key> + <string>possesses</string> + <key>possesing</key> + <string>possessing</string> + <key>possesion</key> + <string>possession</string> + <key>possessess</key> + <string>possesses</string> + <key>possibile</key> + <string>possible</string> + <key>possibilty</key> + <string>possibility</string> + <key>possiblility</key> + <string>possibility</string> + <key>possiblilty</key> + <string>possibility</string> + <key>possiblities</key> + <string>possibilities</string> + <key>possiblity</key> + <string>possibility</string> + <key>possition</key> + <string>position</string> + <key>posthomous</key> + <string>posthumous</string> + <key>postion</key> + <string>position</string> + <key>postive</key> + <string>positive</string> + <key>potatos</key> + <string>potatoes</string> + <key>potrait</key> + <string>portrait</string> + <key>potrayed</key> + <string>portrayed</string> + <key>poulations</key> + <string>populations</string> + <key>poverful</key> + <string>powerful</string> + <key>poweful</key> + <string>powerful</string> + <key>powerfull</key> + <string>powerful</string> + <key>ppublisher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>practial</key> + <string>practical</string> + <key>practially</key> + <string>practically</string> + <key>practicaly</key> + <string>practically</string> + <key>practicioner</key> + <string>practitioner</string> + <key>practicioners</key> + <string>practitioners</string> + <key>practicly</key> + <string>practically</string> + <key>practioner</key> + <string>practitioner</string> + <key>practioners</key> + <string>practitioners</string> + <key>prairy</key> + <string>prairie</string> + <key>prarie</key> + <string>prairie</string> + <key>praries</key> + <string>prairies</string> + <key>pratice</key> + <string>practice</string> + <key>preample</key> + <string>preamble</string> + <key>precedessor</key> + <string>predecessor</string> + <key>preceed</key> + <string>precede</string> + <key>preceeded</key> + <string>preceded</string> + <key>preceeding</key> + <string>preceding</string> + <key>preceeds</key> + <string>precedes</string> + <key>precentage</key> + <string>percentage</string> + <key>precice</key> + <string>precise</string> + <key>precisly</key> + <string>precisely</string> + <key>precurser</key> + <string>precursor</string> + <key>predecesors</key> + <string>predecessors</string> + <key>predicatble</key> + <string>predictable</string> + <key>predicitons</key> + <string>predictions</string> + <key>predomiantly</key> + <string>predominately</string> + <key>prefered</key> + <string>preferred</string> + <key>prefering</key> + <string>preferring</string> + <key>preferrably</key> + <string>preferably</string> + <key>pregancies</key> + <string>pregnancies</string> + <key>preiod</key> + <string>period</string> + <key>preliferation</key> + <string>proliferation</string> + <key>premeire</key> + <string>premiere</string> + <key>premeired</key> + <string>premiered</string> + <key>premillenial</key> + <string>premillennial</string> + <key>preminence</key> + <string>preeminence</string> + <key>premission</key> + <string>permission</string> + <key>preocupation</key> + <string>preoccupation</string> + <key>prepair</key> + <string>prepare</string> + <key>prepartion</key> + <string>preparation</string> + <key>prepatory</key> + <string>preparatory</string> + <key>preperation</key> + <string>preparation</string> + <key>preperations</key> + <string>preparations</string> + <key>preriod</key> + <string>period</string> + <key>presedential</key> + <string>presidential</string> + <key>presense</key> + <string>presence</string> + <key>presidenital</key> + <string>presidential</string> + <key>presidental</key> + <string>presidential</string> + <key>presitgious</key> + <string>prestigious</string> + <key>prespective</key> + <string>perspective</string> + <key>prestigeous</key> + <string>prestigious</string> + <key>prestigous</key> + <string>prestigious</string> + <key>presumabely</key> + <string>presumably</string> + <key>presumibly</key> + <string>presumably</string> + <key>pretection</key> + <string>protection</string> + <key>prevelant</key> + <string>prevalent</string> + <key>preverse</key> + <string>perverse</string> + <key>previvous</key> + <string>previous</string> + <key>pricipal</key> + <string>principal</string> + <key>priciple</key> + <string>principle</string> + <key>priestood</key> + <string>priesthood</string> + <key>primarly</key> + <string>primarily</string> + <key>primative</key> + <string>primitive</string> + <key>primatively</key> + <string>primitively</string> + <key>primatives</key> + <string>primitives</string> + <key>primordal</key> + <string>primordial</string> + <key>priveledges</key> + <string>privileges</string> + <key>privelege</key> + <string>privilege</string> + <key>priveleged</key> + <string>privileged</string> + <key>priveleges</key> + <string>privileges</string> + <key>privelige</key> + <string>privilege</string> + <key>priveliged</key> + <string>privileged</string> + <key>priveliges</key> + <string>privileges</string> + <key>privelleges</key> + <string>privileges</string> + <key>privilage</key> + <string>privilege</string> + <key>priviledge</key> + <string>privilege</string> + <key>priviledges</key> + <string>privileges</string> + <key>privledge</key> + <string>privilege</string> + <key>privte</key> + <string>private</string> + <key>probabilaty</key> + <string>probability</string> + <key>probablistic</key> + <string>probabilistic</string> + <key>probablly</key> + <string>probably</string> + <key>probalibity</key> + <string>probability</string> + <key>probaly</key> + <string>probably</string> + <key>probelm</key> + <string>problem</string> + <key>proccess</key> + <string>process</string> + <key>proccessing</key> + <string>processing</string> + <key>procede</key> + <string>proceed</string> + <key>proceded</key> + <string>proceeded</string> + <key>procedes</key> + <string>proceeds</string> + <key>procedger</key> + <string>procedure</string> + <key>proceding</key> + <string>proceeding</string> + <key>procedings</key> + <string>proceedings</string> + <key>proceedure</key> + <string>procedure</string> + <key>proces</key> + <string>process</string> + <key>processer</key> + <string>processor</string> + <key>proclaimation</key> + <string>proclamation</string> + <key>proclamed</key> + <string>proclaimed</string> + <key>proclaming</key> + <string>proclaiming</string> + <key>proclomation</key> + <string>proclamation</string> + <key>profesion</key> + <string>profession</string> + <key>profesor</key> + <string>professor</string> + <key>professer</key> + <string>professor</string> + <key>proffesed</key> + <string>professed</string> + <key>proffesion</key> + <string>profession</string> + <key>proffesional</key> + <string>professional</string> + <key>proffesor</key> + <string>professor</string> + <key>profilic</key> + <string>prolific</string> + <key>progessed</key> + <string>progressed</string> + <key>programable</key> + <string>programmable</string> + <key>progrom</key> + <string>program</string> + <key>progroms</key> + <string>programs</string> + <key>prohabition</key> + <string>prohibition</string> + <key>prologomena</key> + <string>prolegomena</string> + <key>prominance</key> + <string>prominence</string> + <key>prominant</key> + <string>prominent</string> + <key>prominantly</key> + <string>prominently</string> + <key>prominately</key> + <string>prominently</string> + <key>promiscous</key> + <string>promiscuous</string> + <key>promotted</key> + <string>promoted</string> + <key>pronomial</key> + <string>pronominal</string> + <key>pronouced</key> + <string>pronounced</string> + <key>pronounched</key> + <string>pronounced</string> + <key>pronounciation</key> + <string>pronunciation</string> + <key>proove</key> + <string>prove</string> + <key>prooved</key> + <string>proved</string> + <key>prophacy</key> + <string>prophecy</string> + <key>propietary</key> + <string>proprietary</string> + <key>propmted</key> + <string>prompted</string> + <key>propoganda</key> + <string>propaganda</string> + <key>propogate</key> + <string>propagate</string> + <key>propogates</key> + <string>propagates</string> + <key>propogation</key> + <string>propagation</string> + <key>propostion</key> + <string>proposition</string> + <key>propotions</key> + <string>proportions</string> + <key>propper</key> + <string>proper</string> + <key>propperly</key> + <string>properly</string> + <key>proprietory</key> + <string>proprietary</string> + <key>proseletyzing</key> + <string>proselytizing</string> + <key>protaganist</key> + <string>protagonist</string> + <key>protaganists</key> + <string>protagonists</string> + <key>protocal</key> + <string>protocol</string> + <key>protoganist</key> + <string>protagonist</string> + <key>protrayed</key> + <string>portrayed</string> + <key>protruberance</key> + <string>protuberance</string> + <key>protruberances</key> + <string>protuberances</string> + <key>prouncements</key> + <string>pronouncements</string> + <key>provacative</key> + <string>provocative</string> + <key>provded</key> + <string>provided</string> + <key>provicial</key> + <string>provincial</string> + <key>provinicial</key> + <string>provincial</string> + <key>provisiosn</key> + <string>provision</string> + <key>provisonal</key> + <string>provisional</string> + <key>proximty</key> + <string>proximity</string> + <key>pseudononymous</key> + <string>pseudonymous</string> + <key>pseudonyn</key> + <string>pseudonym</string> + <key>psuedo</key> + <string>pseudo</string> + <key>psycology</key> + <string>psychology</string> + <key>psyhic</key> + <string>psychic</string> + <key>pubilsher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>pubisher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publiaher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publically</key> + <string>publicly</string> + <key>publicaly</key> + <string>publicly</string> + <key>publicher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publihser</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publisehr</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publiser</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publisger</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publisheed</key> + <string>published</string> + <key>publisherr</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publishher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publishor</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publishre</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publissher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publlisher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publsiher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>publusher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>puchasing</key> + <string>purchasing</string> + <key>pulisher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>pumkin</key> + <string>pumpkin</string> + <key>puplisher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>puritannical</key> + <string>puritanical</string> + <key>purposedly</key> + <string>purposely</string> + <key>purpotedly</key> + <string>purportedly</string> + <key>pursuade</key> + <string>persuade</string> + <key>pursuaded</key> + <string>persuaded</string> + <key>pursuades</key> + <string>persuades</string> + <key>pususading</key> + <string>persuading</string> + <key>puting</key> + <string>putting</string> + <key>pwoer</key> + <string>power</string> + <key>pyscic</key> + <string>psychic</string> + <key>qtuie</key> + <string>quiet</string> + <key>quantaty</key> + <string>quantity</string> + <key>quantitiy</key> + <string>quantity</string> + <key>quarantaine</key> + <string>quarantine</string> + <key>questonable</key> + <string>questionable</string> + <key>quicklyu</key> + <string>quickly</string> + <key>quinessential</key> + <string>quintessential</string> + <key>quitted</key> + <string>quit</string> + <key>quizes</key> + <string>quizzes</string> + <key>qutie</key> + <string>quiet</string> + <key>rabinnical</key> + <string>rabbinical</string> + <key>racaus</key> + <string>raucous</string> + <key>radiactive</key> + <string>radioactive</string> + <key>radify</key> + <string>ratify</string> + <key>raelly</key> + <string>really</string> + <key>rarified</key> + <string>rarefied</string> + <key>reaccurring</key> + <string>recurring</string> + <key>reacing</key> + <string>reaching</string> + <key>reacll</key> + <string>recall</string> + <key>readmition</key> + <string>readmission</string> + <key>realitvely</key> + <string>relatively</string> + <key>realsitic</key> + <string>realistic</string> + <key>realtions</key> + <string>relations</string> + <key>realy</key> + <string>really</string> + <key>realyl</key> + <string>really</string> + <key>reasearch</key> + <string>research</string> + <key>rebiulding</key> + <string>rebuilding</string> + <key>rebllions</key> + <string>rebellions</string> + <key>rebounce</key> + <string>rebound</string> + <key>reccomend</key> + <string>recommend</string> + <key>reccomendations</key> + <string>recommendations</string> + <key>reccomended</key> + <string>recommended</string> + <key>reccomending</key> + <string>recommending</string> + <key>reccommend</key> + <string>recommend</string> + <key>reccommended</key> + <string>recommended</string> + <key>reccommending</key> + <string>recommending</string> + <key>reccuring</key> + <string>recurring</string> + <key>receeded</key> + <string>receded</string> + <key>receeding</key> + <string>receding</string> + <key>receivedfrom</key> + <string>received from</string> + <key>recepient</key> + <string>recipient</string> + <key>recepients</key> + <string>recipients</string> + <key>receving</key> + <string>receiving</string> + <key>rechargable</key> + <string>rechargeable</string> + <key>reched</key> + <string>reached</string> + <key>recide</key> + <string>reside</string> + <key>recided</key> + <string>resided</string> + <key>recident</key> + <string>resident</string> + <key>recidents</key> + <string>residents</string> + <key>reciding</key> + <string>residing</string> + <key>reciepents</key> + <string>recipients</string> + <key>reciept</key> + <string>receipt</string> + <key>recieve</key> + <string>receive</string> + <key>recieved</key> + <string>received</string> + <key>reciever</key> + <string>receiver</string> + <key>recievers</key> + <string>receivers</string> + <key>recieves</key> + <string>receives</string> + <key>recieving</key> + <string>receiving</string> + <key>recipiant</key> + <string>recipient</string> + <key>recipiants</key> + <string>recipients</string> + <key>recived</key> + <string>received</string> + <key>recivership</key> + <string>receivership</string> + <key>recogise</key> + <string>recognise</string> + <key>recogize</key> + <string>recognize</string> + <key>recomend</key> + <string>recommend</string> + <key>recomended</key> + <string>recommended</string> + <key>recomending</key> + <string>recommending</string> + <key>recomends</key> + <string>recommends</string> + <key>recommedations</key> + <string>recommendations</string> + <key>reconaissance</key> + <string>reconnaissance</string> + <key>reconcilation</key> + <string>reconciliation</string> + <key>reconized</key> + <string>recognized</string> + <key>reconnaisance</key> + <string>reconnaissance</string> + <key>reconnaissence</key> + <string>reconnaissance</string> + <key>recontructed</key> + <string>reconstructed</string> + <key>recordproducer</key> + <string>record producer</string> + <key>recquired</key> + <string>required</string> + <key>recrational</key> + <string>recreational</string> + <key>recrod</key> + <string>record</string> + <key>recuiting</key> + <string>recruiting</string> + <key>recuring</key> + <string>recurring</string> + <key>recurrance</key> + <string>recurrence</string> + <key>rediculous</key> + <string>ridiculous</string> + <key>reedeming</key> + <string>redeeming</string> + <key>reenforced</key> + <string>reinforced</string> + <key>refect</key> + <string>reflect</string> + <key>refedendum</key> + <string>referendum</string> + <key>referal</key> + <string>referral</string> + <key>referece</key> + <string>reference</string> + <key>refereces</key> + <string>references</string> + <key>refered</key> + <string>referred</string> + <key>referemce</key> + <string>reference</string> + <key>referemces</key> + <string>references</string> + <key>referencs</key> + <string>references</string> + <key>referenece</key> + <string>reference</string> + <key>refereneced</key> + <string>referenced</string> + <key>refereneces</key> + <string>references</string> + <key>referiang</key> + <string>referring</string> + <key>refering</key> + <string>referring</string> + <key>refernce</key> + <string>references</string> + <key>refernces</key> + <string>references</string> + <key>referrence</key> + <string>reference</string> + <key>referrences</key> + <string>references</string> + <key>referrs</key> + <string>refers</string> + <key>reffered</key> + <string>referred</string> + <key>refference</key> + <string>reference</string> + <key>reffering</key> + <string>referring</string> + <key>refrence</key> + <string>reference</string> + <key>refrences</key> + <string>references</string> + <key>refrers</key> + <string>refers</string> + <key>refridgeration</key> + <string>refrigeration</string> + <key>refridgerator</key> + <string>refrigerator</string> + <key>refromist</key> + <string>reformist</string> + <key>refusla</key> + <string>refusal</string> + <key>regardes</key> + <string>regards</string> + <key>regluar</key> + <string>regular</string> + <key>reguarly</key> + <string>regularly</string> + <key>regulaion</key> + <string>regulation</string> + <key>regulaotrs</key> + <string>regulators</string> + <key>regularily</key> + <string>regularly</string> + <key>rehersal</key> + <string>rehearsal</string> + <key>reicarnation</key> + <string>reincarnation</string> + <key>reigining</key> + <string>reigning</string> + <key>reknown</key> + <string>renown</string> + <key>reknowned</key> + <string>renowned</string> + <key>rela</key> + <string>real</string> + <key>relaly</key> + <string>really</string> + <key>relatiopnship</key> + <string>relationship</string> + <key>relativly</key> + <string>relatively</string> + <key>relected</key> + <string>reelected</string> + <key>releive</key> + <string>relieve</string> + <key>releived</key> + <string>relieved</string> + <key>releiver</key> + <string>reliever</string> + <key>releses</key> + <string>releases</string> + <key>relevence</key> + <string>relevance</string> + <key>relevent</key> + <string>relevant</string> + <key>reliablity</key> + <string>reliability</string> + <key>relient</key> + <string>reliant</string> + <key>religeous</key> + <string>religious</string> + <key>religous</key> + <string>religious</string> + <key>religously</key> + <string>religiously</string> + <key>relinqushment</key> + <string>relinquishment</string> + <key>relitavely</key> + <string>relatively</string> + <key>relized</key> + <string>realized</string> + <key>relpacement</key> + <string>replacement</string> + <key>remaing</key> + <string>remaining</string> + <key>remeber</key> + <string>remember</string> + <key>rememberable</key> + <string>memorable</string> + <key>rememberance</key> + <string>remembrance</string> + <key>remembrence</key> + <string>remembrance</string> + <key>remenant</key> + <string>remnant</string> + <key>remenicent</key> + <string>reminiscent</string> + <key>reminent</key> + <string>remnant</string> + <key>reminescent</key> + <string>reminiscent</string> + <key>reminscent</key> + <string>reminiscent</string> + <key>reminsicent</key> + <string>reminiscent</string> + <key>rendevous</key> + <string>rendezvous</string> + <key>rendezous</key> + <string>rendezvous</string> + <key>renedered</key> + <string>rende</string> + <key>renewl</key> + <string>renewal</string> + <key>rennovate</key> + <string>renovate</string> + <key>rennovated</key> + <string>renovated</string> + <key>rennovating</key> + <string>renovating</string> + <key>rennovation</key> + <string>renovation</string> + <key>rentors</key> + <string>renters</string> + <key>reoccurrence</key> + <string>recurrence</string> + <key>reorganision</key> + <string>reorganisation</string> + <key>repatition</key> + <string>repetition</string> + <key>repectively</key> + <string>respectively</string> + <key>repeition</key> + <string>repetition</string> + <key>repentence</key> + <string>repentance</string> + <key>repentent</key> + <string>repentant</string> + <key>repeteadly</key> + <string>repeatedly</string> + <key>repetion</key> + <string>repetition</string> + <key>repid</key> + <string>rapid</string> + <key>reponse</key> + <string>response</string> + <key>reponsible</key> + <string>responsible</string> + <key>reportadly</key> + <string>reportedly</string> + <key>represantative</key> + <string>representative</string> + <key>representive</key> + <string>representative</string> + <key>representives</key> + <string>representatives</string> + <key>reproducable</key> + <string>reproducible</string> + <key>reprtoire</key> + <string>repertoire</string> + <key>repsectively</key> + <string>respectively</string> + <key>reptition</key> + <string>repetition</string> + <key>requirment</key> + <string>requirement</string> + <key>requred</key> + <string>required</string> + <key>resaurant</key> + <string>restaurant</string> + <key>resembelance</key> + <string>resemblance</string> + <key>resembes</key> + <string>resembles</string> + <key>resemblence</key> + <string>resemblance</string> + <key>resevoir</key> + <string>reservoir</string> + <key>residental</key> + <string>residential</string> + <key>resignement</key> + <string>resignment</string> + <key>resistable</key> + <string>resistible</string> + <key>resistence</key> + <string>resistance</string> + <key>resistent</key> + <string>resistant</string> + <key>respectivly</key> + <string>respectively</string> + <key>responce</key> + <string>response</string> + <key>responibilities</key> + <string>responsibilities</string> + <key>responisble</key> + <string>responsible</string> + <key>responnsibilty</key> + <string>responsibility</string> + <key>responsability</key> + <string>responsibility</string> + <key>responsibile</key> + <string>responsible</string> + <key>responsibilites</key> + <string>responsibilities</string> + <key>responsiblities</key> + <string>responsibilities</string> + <key>responsiblity</key> + <string>responsibility</string> + <key>ressemblance</key> + <string>resemblance</string> + <key>ressemble</key> + <string>resemble</string> + <key>ressembled</key> + <string>resembled</string> + <key>ressemblence</key> + <string>resemblance</string> + <key>ressembling</key> + <string>resembling</string> + <key>resssurecting</key> + <string>resurrecting</string> + <key>ressurect</key> + <string>resurrect</string> + <key>ressurected</key> + <string>resurrected</string> + <key>ressurection</key> + <string>resurrection</string> + <key>ressurrection</key> + <string>resurrection</string> + <key>restarant</key> + <string>restaurant</string> + <key>restarants</key> + <string>restaurants</string> + <key>restaraunt</key> + <string>restaurant</string> + <key>restaraunteur</key> + <string>restaurateur</string> + <key>restaraunteurs</key> + <string>restaurateurs</string> + <key>restaraunts</key> + <string>restaurants</string> + <key>restauranteurs</key> + <string>restaurateurs</string> + <key>restauration</key> + <string>restoration</string> + <key>restauraunt</key> + <string>restaurant</string> + <key>resteraunt</key> + <string>restaurant</string> + <key>resteraunts</key> + <string>restaurants</string> + <key>resticted</key> + <string>restricted</string> + <key>restraunt</key> + <string>restraint</string> + <key>resturant</key> + <string>restaurant</string> + <key>resturants</key> + <string>restaurants</string> + <key>resturaunt</key> + <string>restaurant</string> + <key>resturaunts</key> + <string>restaurants</string> + <key>resurecting</key> + <string>resurrecting</string> + <key>retalitated</key> + <string>retaliated</string> + <key>retalitation</key> + <string>retaliation</string> + <key>retreive</key> + <string>retrieve</string> + <key>returnd</key> + <string>returned</string> + <key>revaluated</key> + <string>reevaluated</string> + <key>reveiw</key> + <string>review</string> + <key>reveral</key> + <string>reversal</string> + <key>reversable</key> + <string>reversible</string> + <key>revolutionar</key> + <string>revolutionary</string> + <key>rewitten</key> + <string>rewritten</string> + <key>rewriet</key> + <string>rewrite</string> + <key>rference</key> + <string>reference</string> + <key>rferences</key> + <string>references</string> + <key>rhymme</key> + <string>rhyme</string> + <key>rhythem</key> + <string>rhythm</string> + <key>rhythim</key> + <string>rhythm</string> + <key>rhytmic</key> + <string>rhythmic</string> + <key>rigourous</key> + <string>rigorous</string> + <key>rininging</key> + <string>ringing</string> + <key>rised</key> + <string>rose</string> + <key>rococco</key> + <string>rococo</string> + <key>rocord</key> + <string>record</string> + <key>roomate</key> + <string>roommate</string> + <key>rougly</key> + <string>roughly</string> + <key>rucuperate</key> + <string>recuperate</string> + <key>rudimentatry</key> + <string>rudimentary</string> + <key>rulle</key> + <string>rule</string> + <key>runing</key> + <string>running</string> + <key>runnung</key> + <string>running</string> + <key>russina</key> + <string>Russian</string> + <key>rwite</key> + <string>write</string> + <key>rythem</key> + <string>rhythm</string> + <key>rythim</key> + <string>rhythm</string> + <key>rythm</key> + <string>rhythm</string> + <key>rythmic</key> + <string>rhythmic</string> + <key>rythyms</key> + <string>rhythms</string> + <key>sacrafice</key> + <string>sacrifice</string> + <key>sacreligious</key> + <string>sacrilegious</string> + <key>sacrifical</key> + <string>sacrificial</string> + <key>saftey</key> + <string>safety</string> + <key>safty</key> + <string>safety</string> + <key>salery</key> + <string>salary</string> + <key>sanctionning</key> + <string>sanctioning</string> + <key>sandwhich</key> + <string>sandwich</string> + <key>santioned</key> + <string>sanctioned</string> + <key>sargant</key> + <string>sergeant</string> + <key>sargeant</key> + <string>sergeant</string> + <key>satelite</key> + <string>satellite</string> + <key>satelites</key> + <string>satellites</string> + <key>satisfactority</key> + <string>satisfactorily</string> + <key>satric</key> + <string>satiric</string> + <key>satrical</key> + <string>satirical</string> + <key>satrically</key> + <string>satirically</string> + <key>sattelite</key> + <string>satellite</string> + <key>sattelites</key> + <string>satellites</string> + <key>saught</key> + <string>sought</string> + <key>saveing</key> + <string>saving</string> + <key>saxaphone</key> + <string>saxophone</string> + <key>scaleable</key> + <string>scalable</string> + <key>scandanavia</key> + <string>Scandinavia</string> + <key>scaricity</key> + <string>scarcity</string> + <key>scavanged</key> + <string>scavenged</string> + <key>schedual</key> + <string>schedule</string> + <key>scholarhip</key> + <string>scholarship</string> + <key>scholarstic</key> + <string>scholastic</string> + <key>scientfic</key> + <string>scientific</string> + <key>scientifc</key> + <string>scientific</string> + <key>scientis</key> + <string>scientist</string> + <key>scince</key> + <string>science</string> + <key>scinece</key> + <string>science</string> + <key>scirpt</key> + <string>script</string> + <key>scoll</key> + <string>scroll</string> + <key>screenwrighter</key> + <string>screenwriter</string> + <key>scrutinity</key> + <string>scrutiny</string> + <key>scuptures</key> + <string>sculptures</string> + <key>seach</key> + <string>search</string> + <key>seached</key> + <string>searched</string> + <key>seaches</key> + <string>searches</string> + <key>secratary</key> + <string>secretary</string> + <key>secretery</key> + <string>secretary</string> + <key>sedereal</key> + <string>sidereal</string> + <key>seeked</key> + <string>sought</string> + <key>segementation</key> + <string>segmentation</string> + <key>seguoys</key> + <string>segues</string> + <key>seige</key> + <string>siege</string> + <key>seing</key> + <string>seeing</string> + <key>seinor</key> + <string>senior</string> + <key>seldomly</key> + <string>seldom</string> + <key>senarios</key> + <string>scenarios</string> + <key>senstive</key> + <string>sensitive</string> + <key>sensure</key> + <string>censure</string> + <key>seperate</key> + <string>separate</string> + <key>seperated</key> + <string>separated</string> + <key>seperately</key> + <string>separately</string> + <key>seperates</key> + <string>separates</string> + <key>seperating</key> + <string>separating</string> + <key>seperation</key> + <string>separation</string> + <key>seperatism</key> + <string>separatism</string> + <key>seperatist</key> + <string>separatist</string> + <key>sepina</key> + <string>subpoena</string> + <key>sergent</key> + <string>sergeant</string> + <key>settelement</key> + <string>settlement</string> + <key>settlment</key> + <string>settlement</string> + <key>severeal</key> + <string>several</string> + <key>severley</key> + <string>severely</string> + <key>severly</key> + <string>severely</string> + <key>sevice</key> + <string>service</string> + <key>shadasloo</key> + <string>shadaloo</string> + <key>shaddow</key> + <string>shadow</string> + <key>shadoloo</key> + <string>shadaloo</string> + <key>shamen</key> + <string>shaman</string> + <key>sheat</key> + <string>sheath</string> + <key>sheild</key> + <string>shield</string> + <key>sherif</key> + <string>sheriff</string> + <key>shineing</key> + <string>shining</string> + <key>shiped</key> + <string>shipped</string> + <key>shiping</key> + <string>shipping</string> + <key>shopkeeepers</key> + <string>shopkeepers</string> + <key>shorly</key> + <string>shortly</string> + <key>shortwhile</key> + <string>short while</string> + <key>shoudl</key> + <string>should</string> + <key>shoudln</key> + <string>shouldn't</string> + <key>shouldnt</key> + <string>shouldn't</string> + <key>shreak</key> + <string>shriek</string> + <key>shrinked</key> + <string>shrunk</string> + <key>sicne</key> + <string>since</string> + <key>sideral</key> + <string>sidereal</string> + <key>siezure</key> + <string>seizure</string> + <key>siezures</key> + <string>seizures</string> + <key>siginificant</key> + <string>significant</string> + <key>signficant</key> + <string>significant</string> + <key>signficiant</key> + <string>significant</string> + <key>signfies</key> + <string>signifies</string> + <key>signifantly</key> + <string>significantly</string> + <key>significently</key> + <string>significantly</string> + <key>signifigant</key> + <string>significant</string> + <key>signifigantly</key> + <string>significantly</string> + <key>signitories</key> + <string>signatories</string> + <key>signitory</key> + <string>signatory</string> + <key>similarily</key> + <string>similarly</string> + <key>similiar</key> + <string>similar</string> + <key>similiarity</key> + <string>similarity</string> + <key>similiarly</key> + <string>similarly</string> + <key>simmilar</key> + <string>similar</string> + <key>simpley</key> + <string>simply</string> + <key>simplier</key> + <string>simpler</string> + <key>simultanous</key> + <string>simultaneous</string> + <key>simultanously</key> + <string>simultaneously</string> + <key>sincerley</key> + <string>sincerely</string> + <key>singsog</key> + <string>singsong</string> + <key>sinse</key> + <string>since</string> + <key>skateing</key> + <string>skating</string> + <key>slaugterhouses</key> + <string>slaughterhouses</string> + <key>slighly</key> + <string>slightly</string> + <key>slowy</key> + <string>slowly</string> + <key>smae</key> + <string>same</string> + <key>smealting</key> + <string>smelting</string> + <key>smoe</key> + <string>some</string> + <key>sneeks</key> + <string>sneaks</string> + <key>snese</key> + <string>sneeze</string> + <key>socalism</key> + <string>socialism</string> + <key>socities</key> + <string>societies</string> + <key>soem</key> + <string>some</string> + <key>sofware</key> + <string>software</string> + <key>sohw</key> + <string>show</string> + <key>soilders</key> + <string>soldiers</string> + <key>solatary</key> + <string>solitary</string> + <key>soley</key> + <string>solely</string> + <key>soliders</key> + <string>soldiers</string> + <key>soliliquy</key> + <string>soliloquy</string> + <key>soluable</key> + <string>soluble</string> + <key>somene</key> + <string>someone</string> + <key>somtimes</key> + <string>sometimes</string> + <key>somwhere</key> + <string>somewhere</string> + <key>sophicated</key> + <string>sophisticated</string> + <key>sophmore</key> + <string>sophomore</string> + <key>sorceror</key> + <string>sorcerer</string> + <key>sorrounding</key> + <string>surrounding</string> + <key>sotry</key> + <string>story</string> + <key>sotyr</key> + <string>story</string> + <key>soudn</key> + <string>sound</string> + <key>soudns</key> + <string>sounds</string> + <key>sould</key> + <string>could</string> + <key>sountrack</key> + <string>soundtrack</string> + <key>sourth</key> + <string>south</string> + <key>sourthern</key> + <string>southern</string> + <key>souvenier</key> + <string>souvenir</string> + <key>souveniers</key> + <string>souvenirs</string> + <key>soveits</key> + <string>soviets</string> + <key>sovereignity</key> + <string>sovereignty</string> + <key>soverign</key> + <string>sovereign</string> + <key>soverignity</key> + <string>sovereignty</string> + <key>soverignty</key> + <string>sovereignty</string> + <key>spainish</key> + <string>Spanish</string> + <key>speach</key> + <string>speech</string> + <key>specfic</key> + <string>specific</string> + <key>speciallized</key> + <string>specialized</string> + <key>specifiying</key> + <string>specifying</string> + <key>speciman</key> + <string>specimen</string> + <key>spectauclar</key> + <string>spectacular</string> + <key>spectaulars</key> + <string>spectaculars</string> + <key>spectum</key> + <string>spectrum</string> + <key>speices</key> + <string>species</string> + <key>spendour</key> + <string>splendour</string> + <key>spermatozoan</key> + <string>spermatozoon</string> + <key>spoace</key> + <string>space</string> + <key>sponser</key> + <string>sponsor</string> + <key>sponsered</key> + <string>sponsored</string> + <key>spontanous</key> + <string>spontaneous</string> + <key>sponzored</key> + <string>sponsored</string> + <key>spoonfulls</key> + <string>spoonfuls</string> + <key>sppeches</key> + <string>speeches</string> + <key>spreaded</key> + <string>spread</string> + <key>sprech</key> + <string>speech</string> + <key>spred</key> + <string>spread</string> + <key>spriritual</key> + <string>spiritual</string> + <key>spritual</key> + <string>spiritual</string> + <key>sqaure</key> + <string>square</string> + <key>stablility</key> + <string>stability</string> + <key>stainlees</key> + <string>stainless</string> + <key>staion</key> + <string>station</string> + <key>standars</key> + <string>standards</string> + <key>stange</key> + <string>strange</string> + <key>startegic</key> + <string>strategic</string> + <key>startegies</key> + <string>strategies</string> + <key>startegy</key> + <string>strategy</string> + <key>stateman</key> + <string>statesman</string> + <key>statememts</key> + <string>statements</string> + <key>statment</key> + <string>statement</string> + <key>steriods</key> + <string>steroids</string> + <key>sterotypes</key> + <string>stereotypes</string> + <key>stilus</key> + <string>stylus</string> + <key>stingent</key> + <string>stringent</string> + <key>stiring</key> + <string>stirring</string> + <key>stirrs</key> + <string>stirs</string> + <key>stlye</key> + <string>style</string> + <key>stomache</key> + <string>stomach</string> + <key>stong</key> + <string>strong</string> + <key>stopry</key> + <string>story</string> + <key>storeis</key> + <string>stories</string> + <key>storise</key> + <string>stories</string> + <key>stornegst</key> + <string>strongest</string> + <key>stoyr</key> + <string>story</string> + <key>stpo</key> + <string>stop</string> + <key>stradegies</key> + <string>strategies</string> + <key>stradegy</key> + <string>strategy</string> + <key>strat</key> + <string>start</string> + <key>stratagically</key> + <string>strategically</string> + <key>streemlining</key> + <string>streamlining</string> + <key>stregth</key> + <string>strength</string> + <key>strenghen</key> + <string>strengthen</string> + <key>strenghened</key> + <string>strengthened</string> + <key>strenghening</key> + <string>strengthening</string> + <key>strenght</key> + <string>strength</string> + <key>strenghten</key> + <string>strengthen</string> + <key>strenghtened</key> + <string>strengthened</string> + <key>strenghtening</key> + <string>strengthening</string> + <key>strengtened</key> + <string>strengthened</string> + <key>strenous</key> + <string>strenuous</string> + <key>strictist</key> + <string>strictest</string> + <key>strikely</key> + <string>strikingly</string> + <key>strnad</key> + <string>strand</string> + <key>stroy</key> + <string>story</string> + <key>structual</key> + <string>structural</string> + <key>stubborness</key> + <string>stubbornness</string> + <key>stucture</key> + <string>structure</string> + <key>stuctured</key> + <string>structured</string> + <key>studdy</key> + <string>study</string> + <key>studing</key> + <string>studying</string> + <key>stuggling</key> + <string>struggling</string> + <key>sturcture</key> + <string>structure</string> + <key>subcatagories</key> + <string>subcategories</string> + <key>subcatagory</key> + <string>subcategory</string> + <key>subconsiously</key> + <string>subconsciously</string> + <key>subjudgation</key> + <string>subjugation</string> + <key>submachne</key> + <string>submachine</string> + <key>subpecies</key> + <string>subspecies</string> + <key>subsidary</key> + <string>subsidiary</string> + <key>subsiduary</key> + <string>subsidiary</string> + <key>subsquent</key> + <string>subsequent</string> + <key>subsquently</key> + <string>subsequently</string> + <key>substace</key> + <string>substance</string> + <key>substancial</key> + <string>substantial</string> + <key>substatial</key> + <string>substantial</string> + <key>substituded</key> + <string>substituted</string> + <key>substract</key> + <string>subtract</string> + <key>substracted</key> + <string>subtracted</string> + <key>substracting</key> + <string>subtracting</string> + <key>substraction</key> + <string>subtraction</string> + <key>substracts</key> + <string>subtracts</string> + <key>subtances</key> + <string>substances</string> + <key>subterranian</key> + <string>subterranean</string> + <key>suburburban</key> + <string>suburban</string> + <key>succceeded</key> + <string>succeeded</string> + <key>succcesses</key> + <string>successes</string> + <key>succedded</key> + <string>succeeded</string> + <key>succeded</key> + <string>succeeded</string> + <key>succeds</key> + <string>succeeds</string> + <key>succesful</key> + <string>successful</string> + <key>succesfully</key> + <string>successfully</string> + <key>succesfuly</key> + <string>successfully</string> + <key>succesion</key> + <string>succession</string> + <key>succesive</key> + <string>successive</string> + <key>successfull</key> + <string>successful</string> + <key>successully</key> + <string>successfully</string> + <key>succsess</key> + <string>success</string> + <key>succsessfull</key> + <string>successful</string> + <key>suceed</key> + <string>succeed</string> + <key>suceeded</key> + <string>succeeded</string> + <key>suceeding</key> + <string>succeeding</string> + <key>suceeds</key> + <string>succeeds</string> + <key>sucesful</key> + <string>successful</string> + <key>sucesfully</key> + <string>successfully</string> + <key>sucesfuly</key> + <string>successfully</string> + <key>sucesion</key> + <string>succession</string> + <key>sucess</key> + <string>success</string> + <key>sucesses</key> + <string>successes</string> + <key>sucessful</key> + <string>successful</string> + <key>sucessfull</key> + <string>successful</string> + <key>sucessfully</key> + <string>successfully</string> + <key>sucessfuly</key> + <string>successfully</string> + <key>sucession</key> + <string>succession</string> + <key>sucessive</key> + <string>successive</string> + <key>sucessor</key> + <string>successor</string> + <key>sucessot</key> + <string>successor</string> + <key>sucide</key> + <string>suicide</string> + <key>sucidial</key> + <string>suicidal</string> + <key>sufferage</key> + <string>suffrage</string> + <key>sufferred</key> + <string>suffered</string> + <key>sufferring</key> + <string>suffering</string> + <key>sufficent</key> + <string>sufficient</string> + <key>sufficently</key> + <string>sufficiently</string> + <key>sumary</key> + <string>summary</string> + <key>sunglases</key> + <string>sunglasses</string> + <key>suop</key> + <string>soup</string> + <key>superceeded</key> + <string>superseded</string> + <key>superintendant</key> + <string>superintendent</string> + <key>suphisticated</key> + <string>sophisticated</string> + <key>suplimented</key> + <string>supplemented</string> + <key>supose</key> + <string>suppose</string> + <key>suposed</key> + <string>supposed</string> + <key>suposedly</key> + <string>supposedly</string> + <key>suposes</key> + <string>supposes</string> + <key>suposing</key> + <string>supposing</string> + <key>supplamented</key> + <string>supplemented</string> + <key>suppliementing</key> + <string>supplementing</string> + <key>suppoed</key> + <string>supposed</string> + <key>supposingly</key> + <string>supposedly</string> + <key>suppy</key> + <string>supply</string> + <key>supress</key> + <string>suppress</string> + <key>supressed</key> + <string>suppressed</string> + <key>supresses</key> + <string>suppresses</string> + <key>supressing</key> + <string>suppressing</string> + <key>suprise</key> + <string>surprise</string> + <key>suprised</key> + <string>surprised</string> + <key>suprising</key> + <string>surprising</string> + <key>suprisingly</key> + <string>surprisingly</string> + <key>suprize</key> + <string>surprise</string> + <key>suprized</key> + <string>surprised</string> + <key>suprizing</key> + <string>surprising</string> + <key>suprizingly</key> + <string>surprisingly</string> + <key>surfce</key> + <string>surface</string> + <key>surley</key> + <string>surely</string> + <key>suround</key> + <string>surround</string> + <key>surounded</key> + <string>surrounded</string> + <key>surounding</key> + <string>surrounding</string> + <key>suroundings</key> + <string>surroundings</string> + <key>surounds</key> + <string>surrounds</string> + <key>surplanted</key> + <string>supplanted</string> + <key>surpress</key> + <string>suppress</string> + <key>surpressed</key> + <string>suppressed</string> + <key>surprize</key> + <string>surprise</string> + <key>surprized</key> + <string>surprised</string> + <key>surprizing</key> + <string>surprising</string> + <key>surprizingly</key> + <string>surprisingly</string> + <key>surrended</key> + <string>surrendered</string> + <key>surrepetitious</key> + <string>surreptitious</string> + <key>surrepetitiously</key> + <string>surreptitiously</string> + <key>surreptious</key> + <string>surreptitious</string> + <key>surreptiously</key> + <string>surreptitiously</string> + <key>surronded</key> + <string>surrounded</string> + <key>surrouded</key> + <string>surrounded</string> + <key>surrouding</key> + <string>surrounding</string> + <key>surrundering</key> + <string>surrendering</string> + <key>surveilence</key> + <string>surveillance</string> + <key>surveill</key> + <string>surveil</string> + <key>surveyer</key> + <string>surveyor</string> + <key>surviver</key> + <string>survivor</string> + <key>survivers</key> + <string>survivors</string> + <key>survivied</key> + <string>survived</string> + <key>suseptable</key> + <string>susceptible</string> + <key>suseptible</key> + <string>susceptible</string> + <key>suspention</key> + <string>suspension</string> + <key>swaer</key> + <string>swear</string> + <key>swaers</key> + <string>swears</string> + <key>swepth</key> + <string>swept</string> + <key>swiming</key> + <string>swimming</string> + <key>syas</key> + <string>says</string> + <key>symetrical</key> + <string>symmetrical</string> + <key>symetrically</key> + <string>symmetrically</string> + <key>symetry</key> + <string>symmetry</string> + <key>symettric</key> + <string>symmetric</string> + <key>symmetral</key> + <string>symmetric</string> + <key>symmetricaly</key> + <string>symmetrically</string> + <key>synagouge</key> + <string>synagogue</string> + <key>syncronization</key> + <string>synchronization</string> + <key>synonomous</key> + <string>synonymous</string> + <key>synonymns</key> + <string>synonyms</string> + <key>synphony</key> + <string>symphony</string> + <key>syphyllis</key> + <string>syphilis</string> + <key>sypmtoms</key> + <string>symptoms</string> + <key>syrap</key> + <string>syrup</string> + <key>sysmatically</key> + <string>systematically</string> + <key>sytem</key> + <string>system</string> + <key>sytle</key> + <string>style</string> + <key>tabacco</key> + <string>tobacco</string> + <key>tahn</key> + <string>than</string> + <key>taht</key> + <string>that</string> + <key>talekd</key> + <string>talked</string> + <key>targetted</key> + <string>targeted</string> + <key>targetting</key> + <string>targeting</string> + <key>tast</key> + <string>taste</string> + <key>tath</key> + <string>that</string> + <key>tattooes</key> + <string>tattoos</string> + <key>taxanomic</key> + <string>taxonomic</string> + <key>taxanomy</key> + <string>taxonomy</string> + <key>teached</key> + <string>taught</string> + <key>techician</key> + <string>technician</string> + <key>techicians</key> + <string>technicians</string> + <key>techiniques</key> + <string>techniques</string> + <key>technitian</key> + <string>technician</string> + <key>technnology</key> + <string>technology</string> + <key>technolgy</key> + <string>technology</string> + <key>teh</key> + <string>the</string> + <key>tehy</key> + <string>they</string> + <key>telelevision</key> + <string>television</string> + <key>televsion</key> + <string>television</string> + <key>telphony</key> + <string>telephony</string> + <key>temerature</key> + <string>temperature</string> + <key>tempalte</key> + <string>template</string> + <key>tempaltes</key> + <string>templates</string> + <key>temparate</key> + <string>temperate</string> + <key>temperarily</key> + <string>temporarily</string> + <key>temperment</key> + <string>temperament</string> + <key>tempertaure</key> + <string>temperature</string> + <key>temperture</key> + <string>temperature</string> + <key>temprary</key> + <string>temporary</string> + <key>tenacle</key> + <string>tentacle</string> + <key>tenacles</key> + <string>tentacles</string> + <key>tendacy</key> + <string>tendency</string> + <key>tendancies</key> + <string>tendencies</string> + <key>tendancy</key> + <string>tendency</string> + <key>tennisplayer</key> + <string>tennis player</string> + <key>tepmorarily</key> + <string>temporarily</string> + <key>terrestial</key> + <string>terrestrial</string> + <key>terriories</key> + <string>territories</string> + <key>terriory</key> + <string>territory</string> + <key>territorist</key> + <string>terrorist</string> + <key>territoy</key> + <string>territory</string> + <key>terroist</key> + <string>terrorist</string> + <key>testiclular</key> + <string>testicular</string> + <key>tghe</key> + <string>the</string> + <key>thast</key> + <string>that's</string> + <key>theather</key> + <string>theater</string> + <key>theese</key> + <string>these</string> + <key>theif</key> + <string>thief</string> + <key>theives</key> + <string>thieves</string> + <key>themselfs</key> + <string>themselves</string> + <key>themslves</key> + <string>themselves</string> + <key>ther</key> + <string>there</string> + <key>therafter</key> + <string>thereafter</string> + <key>therby</key> + <string>thereby</string> + <key>theri</key> + <string>their</string> + <key>theyre</key> + <string>they're</string> + <key>thgat</key> + <string>that</string> + <key>thge</key> + <string>the</string> + <key>thier</key> + <string>their</string> + <key>thign</key> + <string>thing</string> + <key>thigns</key> + <string>things</string> + <key>thigsn</key> + <string>things</string> + <key>thikn</key> + <string>think</string> + <key>thikning</key> + <string>thinking</string> + <key>thikns</key> + <string>thinks</string> + <key>thiunk</key> + <string>think</string> + <key>thn</key> + <string>then</string> + <key>thna</key> + <string>than</string> + <key>thne</key> + <string>then</string> + <key>thnig</key> + <string>thing</string> + <key>thnigs</key> + <string>things</string> + <key>thoughout</key> + <string>throughout</string> + <key>threatend</key> + <string>threatened</string> + <key>threatning</key> + <string>threatening</string> + <key>threee</key> + <string>three</string> + <key>threshhold</key> + <string>threshold</string> + <key>thrid</key> + <string>third</string> + <key>throrough</key> + <string>thorough</string> + <key>throughly</key> + <string>thoroughly</string> + <key>throught</key> + <string>throat</string> + <key>througout</key> + <string>throughout</string> + <key>thru</key> + <string>through</string> + <key>thsi</key> + <string>this</string> + <key>thsoe</key> + <string>those</string> + <key>thta</key> + <string>that</string> + <key>thyat</key> + <string>that</string> + <key>tiem</key> + <string>time</string> + <key>tihkn</key> + <string>think</string> + <key>tihs</key> + <string>this</string> + <key>timne</key> + <string>time</string> + <key>tiome</key> + <string>time</string> + <key>tje</key> + <string>the</string> + <key>tjhe</key> + <string>the</string> + <key>tjpanishad</key> + <string>upanishad</string> + <key>tkae</key> + <string>take</string> + <key>tkaes</key> + <string>takes</string> + <key>tkaing</key> + <string>taking</string> + <key>tlaking</key> + <string>talking</string> + <key>tobbaco</key> + <string>tobacco</string> + <key>todays</key> + <string>today's</string> + <key>todya</key> + <string>today</string> + <key>toghether</key> + <string>together</string> + <key>toke</key> + <string>took</string> + <key>tolerence</key> + <string>tolerance</string> + <key>tomatos</key> + <string>tomatoes</string> + <key>tommorow</key> + <string>tomorrow</string> + <key>tommorrow</key> + <string>tomorrow</string> + <key>tongiht</key> + <string>tonight</string> + <key>toriodal</key> + <string>toroidal</string> + <key>tormenters</key> + <string>tormentors</string> + <key>tornadoe</key> + <string>tornado</string> + <key>torpeados</key> + <string>torpedoes</string> + <key>torpedos</key> + <string>torpedoes</string> + <key>tothe</key> + <string>to the</string> + <key>toubles</key> + <string>troubles</string> + <key>tounge</key> + <string>tongue</string> + <key>tourch</key> + <string>torch</string> + <key>towords</key> + <string>towards</string> + <key>towrad</key> + <string>toward</string> + <key>tradionally</key> + <string>traditionally</string> + <key>traditionaly</key> + <string>traditionally</string> + <key>traditionnal</key> + <string>traditional</string> + <key>traditition</key> + <string>tradition</string> + <key>tradtionally</key> + <string>traditionally</string> + <key>trafficed</key> + <string>trafficked</string> + <key>trafficing</key> + <string>trafficking</string> + <key>trafic</key> + <string>traffic</string> + <key>trancendent</key> + <string>transcendent</string> + <key>trancending</key> + <string>transcending</string> + <key>tranform</key> + <string>transform</string> + <key>tranformed</key> + <string>transformed</string> + <key>transcendance</key> + <string>transcendence</string> + <key>transcendant</key> + <string>transcendent</string> + <key>transcendentational</key> + <string>transcendental</string> + <key>transcripting</key> + <string>transcribing</string> + <key>transending</key> + <string>transcending</string> + <key>transesxuals</key> + <string>transsexuals</string> + <key>transfered</key> + <string>transferred</string> + <key>transfering</key> + <string>transferring</string> + <key>transformaton</key> + <string>transformation</string> + <key>transistion</key> + <string>transition</string> + <key>translater</key> + <string>translator</string> + <key>translaters</key> + <string>translators</string> + <key>transmissable</key> + <string>transmissible</string> + <key>transporation</key> + <string>transportation</string> + <key>tremelo</key> + <string>tremolo</string> + <key>tremelos</key> + <string>tremolos</string> + <key>triguered</key> + <string>triggered</string> + <key>triology</key> + <string>trilogy</string> + <key>troling</key> + <string>trolling</string> + <key>troup</key> + <string>troupe</string> + <key>troups</key> + <string>troops</string> + <key>truely</key> + <string>truly</string> + <key>trustworthyness</key> + <string>trustworthiness</string> + <key>turnk</key> + <string>trunk</string> + <key>tust</key> + <string>trust</string> + <key>twelth</key> + <string>twelfth</string> + <key>twon</key> + <string>town</string> + <key>twpo</key> + <string>two</string> + <key>tyhat</key> + <string>that</string> + <key>tyhe</key> + <string>they</string> + <key>typcial</key> + <string>typical</string> + <key>typicaly</key> + <string>typically</string> + <key>tyranies</key> + <string>tyrannies</string> + <key>tyrany</key> + <string>tyranny</string> + <key>tyrranies</key> + <string>tyrannies</string> + <key>tyrrany</key> + <string>tyranny</string> + <key>ubiquitious</key> + <string>ubiquitous</string> + <key>ublisher</key> + <string>publisher</string> + <key>uise</key> + <string>use</string> + <key>ultimely</key> + <string>ultimately</string> + <key>unacompanied</key> + <string>unaccompanied</string> + <key>unahppy</key> + <string>unhappy</string> + <key>unanymous</key> + <string>unanimous</string> + <key>unathorised</key> + <string>unauthorised</string> + <key>unavailible</key> + <string>unavailable</string> + <key>unballance</key> + <string>unbalance</string> + <key>unbeknowst</key> + <string>unbeknownst</string> + <key>unbeleivable</key> + <string>unbelievable</string> + <key>uncertainity</key> + <string>uncertainty</string> + <key>unchallengable</key> + <string>unchallengeable</string> + <key>unchangable</key> + <string>unchangeable</string> + <key>uncompetive</key> + <string>uncompetitive</string> + <key>unconcious</key> + <string>unconscious</string> + <key>unconciousness</key> + <string>unconsciousness</string> + <key>unconfortability</key> + <string>discomfort</string> + <key>uncontitutional</key> + <string>unconstitutional</string> + <key>unconvential</key> + <string>unconventional</string> + <key>undecideable</key> + <string>undecidable</string> + <key>understoon</key> + <string>understood</string> + <key>undesireable</key> + <string>undesirable</string> + <key>undetecable</key> + <string>undetectable</string> + <key>undoubtely</key> + <string>undoubtedly</string> + <key>undreground</key> + <string>underground</string> + <key>uneccesary</key> + <string>unnecessary</string> + <key>unecessary</key> + <string>unnecessary</string> + <key>unequalities</key> + <string>inequalities</string> + <key>unforetunately</key> + <string>unfortunately</string> + <key>unforgetable</key> + <string>unforgettable</string> + <key>unforgiveable</key> + <string>unforgivable</string> + <key>unfortunatley</key> + <string>unfortunately</string> + <key>unfortunatly</key> + <string>unfortunately</string> + <key>unfourtunately</key> + <string>unfortunately</string> + <key>unihabited</key> + <string>uninhabited</string> + <key>unilateraly</key> + <string>unilaterally</string> + <key>unilatreal</key> + <string>unilateral</string> + <key>unilatreally</key> + <string>unilaterally</string> + <key>uninterruped</key> + <string>uninterrupted</string> + <key>uninterupted</key> + <string>uninterrupted</string> + <key>univeral</key> + <string>universal</string> + <key>univeristies</key> 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<key>unoticeable</key> + <string>unnoticeable</string> + <key>unplease</key> + <string>displease</string> + <key>unplesant</key> + <string>unpleasant</string> + <key>unprecendented</key> + <string>unprecedented</string> + <key>unprecidented</key> + <string>unprecedented</string> + <key>unrepentent</key> + <string>unrepentant</string> + <key>unrepetant</key> + <string>unrepentant</string> + <key>unrepetent</key> + <string>unrepentant</string> + <key>unsed</key> + <string>unused</string> + <key>unsubstanciated</key> + <string>unsubstantiated</string> + <key>unsuccesful</key> + <string>unsuccessful</string> + <key>unsuccesfully</key> + <string>unsuccessfully</string> + <key>unsuccessfull</key> + <string>unsuccessful</string> + <key>unsucesful</key> + <string>unsuccessful</string> + <key>unsucesfuly</key> + <string>unsuccessfully</string> + <key>unsucessful</key> + <string>unsuccessful</string> + <key>unsucessfull</key> + <string>unsuccessful</string> + <key>unsucessfully</key> + <string>unsuccessfully</string> + <key>unsuprised</key> + <string>unsurprised</string> + <key>unsuprising</key> + <string>unsurprising</string> + <key>unsuprisingly</key> + <string>unsurprisingly</string> + <key>unsuprized</key> + <string>unsurprised</string> + <key>unsuprizing</key> + <string>unsurprising</string> + <key>unsuprizingly</key> + <string>unsurprisingly</string> + <key>unsurprized</key> + <string>unsurprised</string> + <key>unsurprizing</key> + <string>unsurprising</string> + <key>unsurprizingly</key> + <string>unsurprisingly</string> + <key>untill</key> + <string>until</string> + <key>untranslateable</key> + <string>untranslatable</string> + <key>unuseable</key> + <string>unusable</string> + <key>unusuable</key> + <string>unusable</string> + <key>unviersity</key> + <string>university</string> + <key>unwarrented</key> + <string>unwarranted</string> + <key>unweildly</key> + <string>unwieldy</string> + <key>unwieldly</key> + <string>unwieldy</string> + <key>upcomming</key> + <string>upcoming</string> + <key>upgradded</key> + <string>upgraded</string> + <key>upto</key> + <string>up to</string> + <key>usally</key> + <string>usually</string> + <key>useage</key> + <string>usage</string> + <key>usefull</key> + <string>useful</string> + <key>usefuly</key> + <string>usefully</string> + <key>useing</key> + <string>using</string> + <key>usualy</key> + <string>usually</string> + <key>ususally</key> + <string>usually</string> + <key>vaccum</key> + <string>vacuum</string> + <key>vaccume</key> + <string>vacuum</string> + <key>vacinity</key> + <string>vicinity</string> + <key>vaguaries</key> + <string>vagaries</string> + <key>vaieties</key> + <string>varieties</string> + <key>vailidty</key> + <string>validity</string> + <key>valetta</key> + <string>valletta</string> + <key>valuble</key> + <string>valuable</string> + <key>valueable</key> + <string>valuable</string> + <key>varations</key> + <string>variations</string> + <key>varient</key> + <string>variant</string> + 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<string>victories</string> + <key>volcanoe</key> + <string>volcano</string> + <key>voleyball</key> + <string>volleyball</string> + <key>volontary</key> + <string>voluntary</string> + <key>volonteer</key> + <string>volunteer</string> + <key>volonteered</key> + <string>volunteered</string> + <key>volonteering</key> + <string>volunteering</string> + <key>volonteers</key> + <string>volunteers</string> + <key>volounteer</key> + <string>volunteer</string> + <key>volounteered</key> + <string>volunteered</string> + <key>volounteering</key> + <string>volunteering</string> + <key>volounteers</key> + <string>volunteers</string> + <key>volumne</key> + <string>volume</string> + <key>vreity</key> + <string>variety</string> + <key>vrey</key> + <string>very</string> + <key>vriety</key> + <string>variety</string> + <key>vulnerablility</key> + <string>vulnerability</string> + <key>vyer</key> + <string>very</string> + <key>vyre</key> + <string>very</string> + <key>waht</key> + <string>what</string> + <key>wanna</key> + <string>want to</string> + <key>warantee</key> + <string>warranty</string> + <key>wardobe</key> + <string>wardrobe</string> + <key>warrent</key> + <string>warrant</string> + <key>warrriors</key> + <string>warriors</string> + <key>wasnt</key> + <string>wasn't</string> + <key>wass</key> + <string>was</string> + <key>watn</key> + <string>want</string> + <key>wayword</key> + <string>wayward</string> + <key>weaponary</key> + <string>weaponry</string> + <key>weas</key> + <string>was</string> + <key>wehn</key> + <string>when</string> + <key>weild</key> + <string>wield</string> + <key>weilded</key> + <string>wielded</string> + <key>wendsay</key> + <string>Wednesday</string> + <key>wensday</key> + <string>Wednesday</string> + <key>wereabouts</key> + <string>whereabouts</string> + <key>whant</key> + <string>want</string> + <key>whants</key> + <string>wants</string> + <key>whcih</key> + <string>which</string> + <key>wheras</key> + <string>whereas</string> + <key>wherease</key> + <string>whereas</string> + <key>whereever</key> + <string>wherever</string> + <key>whic</key> + <string>which</string> + <key>whihc</key> + <string>which</string> + <key>whith</key> + <string>with</string> + <key>whlch</key> + <string>which</string> + <key>whn</key> + <string>when</string> + <key>wholey</key> + <string>wholly</string> + <key>wholy</key> + <string>holy</string> + <key>whta</key> + <string>what</string> + <key>whther</key> + <string>whether</string> + <key>wich</key> + <string>which</string> + <key>widesread</key> + <string>widespread</string> + <key>wief</key> + <string>wife</string> + <key>wierd</key> + <string>weird</string> + <key>wiew</key> + <string>view</string> + <key>wih</key> + <string>with</string> + <key>wiht</key> + <string>with</string> + <key>wille</key> + <string>will</string> + <key>willingless</key> + <string>willingness</string> + <key>wirting</key> + <string>writing</string> + <key>withdrawl</key> + <string>withdrawal</string> + <key>witheld</key> + <string>withheld</string> + <key>withh</key> + <string>with</string> + <key>withing</key> + <string>within</string> + <key>withold</key> + <string>withhold</string> + <key>witht</key> + <string>with</string> + <key>witn</key> + <string>with</string> + <key>wiull</key> + <string>will</string> + <key>wnat</key> + <string>want</string> + <key>wnated</key> + <string>wanted</string> + <key>wnats</key> + <string>wants</string> + <key>wohle</key> + <string>whole</string> + <key>wokr</key> + <string>work</string> + <key>wokring</key> + <string>working</string> + <key>wonderfull</key> + <string>wonderful</string> + <key>wont</key> + <string>won't</string> + <key>wordlwide</key> + <string>worldwide</string> + <key>workststion</key> + <string>workstation</string> + <key>worls</key> + <string>world</string> + <key>worstened</key> + <string>worsened</string> + <key>woudl</key> + <string>would</string> + <key>wresters</key> + <string>wrestlers</string> + <key>wriet</key> + <string>write</string> + <key>writen</key> + <string>written</string> + <key>wroet</key> + <string>wrote</string> + <key>wrok</key> + <string>work</string> + <key>wroking</key> + <string>working</string> + <key>wtih</key> + <string>with</string> + <key>wupport</key> + <string>support</string> + <key>xenophoby</key> + <string>xenophobia</string> + <key>yaching</key> + <string>yachting</string> + <key>yaer</key> + <string>year</string> + <key>yaerly</key> + <string>yearly</string> + <key>yaers</key> + <string>years</string> + <key>yatch</key> + <string>yacht</string> + <key>yearm</key> + <string>year</string> + <key>yeasr</key> + <string>years</string> + <key>yeild</key> + <string>yield</string> + <key>yeilding</key> + <string>yielding</string> + <key>yera</key> + <string>year</string> + <key>yeras</key> + <string>years</string> + <key>yersa</key> + <string>years</string> + <key>yotube</key> + <string>YouTube</string> + <key>youre</key> + <string>you're</string> + <key>youseff</key> + <string>yousef</string> + <key>youself</key> + <string>yourself</string> + <key>ytou</key> + <string>you</string> + <key>yuo</key> + <string>you</string> + <key>zeebra</key> + <string>zebra</string> + </map> + </map> + </array> +</llsd> diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/cmd_line.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/cmd_line.xml index 15434f2b8f..a9f6079630 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/cmd_line.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/cmd_line.xml @@ -1,117 +1,180 @@ <?xml version="1.0"?> <llsd> <map> - <key>help</key> + <!-- Please insert new keys in alphabetical order. --> + <key>analyzeperformance</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>display this help message</string> + <string>When used in conjunction with logperformance, analyzes result of log against baseline.</string> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>AnalyzePerformance</string> + </map> - <key>short</key> - <string>h</string> + <key>autologin</key> + <map> + <key>desc</key> + <string>log in as last saved user</string> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>AutoLogin</string> </map> - <key>port</key> + <key>channel</key> <map> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>map-to</key> - <string>UserConnectionPort</string> + <string>CmdLineChannel</string> </map> - <key>drop</key> + <key>console</key> <map> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>map-to</key> - <string>PacketDropPercentage</string> + <string>ShowConsoleWindow</string> </map> - <key>inbw</key> + <key>cooperative</key> <map> + <key>desc</key> + <string>Yield some idle time to local host.</string> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>map-to</key> - <string>InBandwidth</string> + <string>YieldTime</string> </map> - <key>outbw</key> + <key>crashonstartup</key> + <map> + <key>desc</key> + <string>Crashes on startup. For QA use.</string> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>CrashOnStartup</string> + </map> + + <key>debugsession</key> + <map> + <key>desc</key> + <string>Run as if RenderDebugGL is TRUE, but log errors until end of session.</string> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>DebugSession</string> + </map> + + <key>debugviews</key> + <map> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>DebugViews</string> + </map> + + <key>disablecrashlogger</key> + <map> + <key>desc</key> + <string>Disables the crash logger and lets the OS handle crashes</string> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>DisableCrashLogger</string> + </map> + + <key>drop</key> <map> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>map-to</key> - <string>OutBandwidth</string> + <string>PacketDropPercentage</string> </map> - <key>grid</key> + <key>god</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>Specify the name of the grid, local, or an IP address to connect to.</string> + <string>Log in a god if you have god access.</string> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>ConnectAsGod</string> + </map> + + <key>graphicslevel</key> + <map> + <key>desc</key> + <string>Set the detail level. +0 - low, 1 - medium, 2 - high, 3 - ultra</string> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>map-to</key> - <string>CmdLineGridChoice</string> + <string>RenderQualityPerformance</string> </map> - <key>loginuri</key> + <key>grid</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>login server and CGI script to use</string> + <string>Specify the name of the grid to connect to.</string> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> - <key>compose</key> - <boolean>true</boolean> <key>map-to</key> - <string>CmdLineLoginURI</string> + <string>CmdLineGridChoice</string> </map> - <key>helperuri</key> + <key>update-service</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>helper web CGI prefix to use</string> + <string>Override the url base for the update query.</string> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>map-to</key> - <string>CmdLineHelperURI</string> + <string>CmdLineUpdateService</string> </map> - <key>debugviews</key> + <key>help</key> <map> - <key>map-to</key> - <string>DebugViews</string> + <key>desc</key> + <string>display this help message</string> + + <key>short</key> + <string>h</string> </map> - <key>skin</key> + <key>ignorepixeldepth</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>ui/branding skin folder to use</string> + <string>Ignore pixel depth settings.</string> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>IgnorePixelDepth</string> + </map> + + <key>inbw</key> + <map> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>map-to</key> - <string>SkinFolder</string> + <string>InBandwidth</string> </map> - <key>autologin</key> + <key>leap</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>log in as last saved user</string> + <string>command line to run an LLSD Event API Plugin</string> + <key>count</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <!-- you can specify multiple such plugins --> + <key>compose</key> + <boolean>true</boolean> <key>map-to</key> - <string>AutoLogin</string> + <string>LeapCommand</string> </map> - <key>quitafter</key> + <key>logfile</key> <map> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>map-to</key> - <string>QuitAfterSeconds</string> + <string>UserLogFile</string> </map> - <key>logperformance</key> + <key>login</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>Log performance metrics for benchmarking</string> + <string>3 tokens: first, last and password</string> + <key>count</key> + <integer>3</integer> <key>map-to</key> - <string>LogPerformance</string> + <string>UserLoginInfo</string> </map> <key>logmetrics</key> @@ -123,55 +186,49 @@ <key>map-to</key> <string>LogMetrics</string> </map> - - <key>analyzeperformance</key> - <map> - <key>desc</key> - <string>When used in conjunction with logperformance, analyzes result of log against baseline.</string> - <key>map-to</key> - <string>AnalyzePerformance</string> - </map> - <key>debugsession</key> + <key>logperformance</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>Run as if RenderDebugGL is TRUE, but log errors until end of session.</string> + <string>Log performance metrics for benchmarking</string> <key>map-to</key> - <string>DebugSession</string> + <string>LogPerformance</string> </map> - <key>replaysession</key> + <key>multiple</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>After login, replay last recorded session and quit.</string> + <string>Allow multiple viewers.</string> <key>map-to</key> - <string>ReplaySession</string> + <string>AllowMultipleViewers</string> </map> - <key>nonotifications</key> + <key>noaudio</key> <map> - <key>desc</key> - <string>User will not get any notifications. NOTE: All notifications that occur will get added to ignore file for future runs.</string> <key>map-to</key> - <string>IgnoreAllNotifications</string> + <string>NoAudio</string> </map> - <key>rotate</key> + <key>noinvlib</key> <map> + <key>desc</key> + <string>Do not request the inventory library.</string> <key>map-to</key> - <string>RotateRight</string> + <string>NoInventoryLibrary</string> </map> - <key>noaudio</key> + <key>nonotifications</key> <map> + <key>desc</key> + <string>User will not get any notifications. NOTE: All notifications that occur will get added to ignore file for future runs.</string> <key>map-to</key> - <string>NoAudio</string> + <string>IgnoreAllNotifications</string> </map> - <key>nosound</key> + <key>nopreload</key> <map> <key>map-to</key> - <string>NoAudio</string> + <string>NoPreload</string> </map> <key>noprobe</key> @@ -186,151 +243,134 @@ <string>NoQuickTime</string> </map> - <key>nopreload</key> + <key>nosound</key> <map> <key>map-to</key> - <string>NoPreload</string> + <string>NoAudio</string> </map> - <key>purge</key> + <key>no-verify-ssl-cert</key> <map> - <key>desc</key> - <string>Delete files in the cache.</string> <key>map-to</key> - <string>PurgeCacheOnNextStartup</string> + <string>NoVerifySSLCert</string> </map> - <key>noinvlib</key> + <key>novoice</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>Do not request the inventory library.</string> + <string>Disable voice.</string> <key>map-to</key> - <string>NoInventoryLibrary</string> + <string>CmdLineDisableVoice</string> </map> - <key>logfile</key> + <key>outbw</key> <map> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>map-to</key> - <string>UserLogFile</string> + <string>OutBandwidth</string> </map> - <key>graphicslevel</key> + <key>port</key> <map> - <key>desc</key> - <string>Set the detail level. -0 - low, 1 - medium, 2 - high, 3 - ultra</string> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>UserConnectionPort</string> </map> - <key>setdefault</key> + <key>purge</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>specify the value of a particular configuration variable which can be overridden by settings.xml.</string> - <key>count</key> - <integer>2</integer> - <!-- Special case. Mapped to settings procedurally. --> + <string>Delete files in the cache.</string> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>PurgeCacheOnNextStartup</string> </map> - <key>set</key> + <key>qa</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>specify the value of a particular configuration variable that overrides all other settings.</string> - <key>count</key> - <integer>2</integer> - <key>compose</key> - <boolean>true</boolean> - <!-- Special case. Mapped to settings procedurally. --> + <string>Activated debugging menu in Advanced Settings.</string> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>QAMode</string> </map> - <key>settings</key> + <key>quitafter</key> <map> - <key>desc</key> - <string>Specify the filename of a configuration file.</string> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> - <!-- Special case. Mapped to settings procedurally. --> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>QuitAfterSeconds</string> </map> - <key>sessionsettings</key> + <key>replaysession</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>Specify the filename of a configuration file that contains temporary per-session configuration overrides.</string> - <key>count</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <!-- Special case. Mapped to settings procedurally. --> + <string>After login, replay last recorded session and quit.</string> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>ReplaySession</string> </map> - <key>usersessionsettings</key> + <key>rotate</key> <map> - <key>desc</key> - <string>Specify the filename of a configuration file that contains temporary per-session configuration user overrides.</string> - <key>count</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <!-- Special case. Mapped to settings procedurally. --> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>RotateRight</string> </map> - <key>login</key> + <key>safe</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>3 tokens: first, last and password</string> - <key>count</key> - <integer>3</integer> + <string>Reset preferences, run in safe mode.</string> <key>map-to</key> - <string>UserLoginInfo</string> + <string>SafeMode</string> </map> - <key>god</key> + <key>sessionsettings</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>Log in a god if you have god access.</string> - <key>map-to</key> - <string>ConnectAsGod</string> - </map> - - <key>console</key> - <map> + <string>Specify the filename of a configuration file that contains temporary per-session configuration overrides.</string> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> - <key>map-to</key> - <string>ShowConsoleWindow</string> + <!-- Special case. Mapped to settings procedurally. --> </map> - <key>safe</key> + <key>set</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>Reset preferences, run in safe mode.</string> - <key>map-to</key> - <string>SafeMode</string> + <string>specify the value of a particular configuration variable that overrides all other settings.</string> + <key>count</key> + <integer>2</integer> + <key>compose</key> + <boolean>true</boolean> + <!-- Special case. Mapped to settings procedurally. --> </map> - <key>multiple</key> + <key>setdefault</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>Allow multiple viewers.</string> - <key>map-to</key> - <string>AllowMultipleViewers</string> + <string>specify the value of a particular configuration variable which can be overridden by settings.xml.</string> + <key>count</key> + <integer>2</integer> + <!-- Special case. Mapped to settings procedurally. --> </map> - <key>novoice</key> + <key>settings</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>Disable voice.</string> - <key>map-to</key> - <string>CmdLineDisableVoice</string> + <string>Specify the filename of a configuration file.</string> + <key>count</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <!-- Special case. Mapped to settings procedurally. --> </map> - <key>url</key> + <key>skin</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>Startup location</string> + <string>ui/branding skin folder to use</string> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> - <key>last_option</key> - <boolean>true</boolean> - <!-- Special case. Not mapped to a setting. --> + <key>map-to</key> + <string>SkinCurrent</string> </map> <key>slurl</key> @@ -343,72 +383,29 @@ <boolean>true</boolean> <key>last_option</key> <boolean>true</boolean> - <!-- Special case. Not mapped to a setting. --> - </map> - - <key>ignorepixeldepth</key> - <map> - <key>desc</key> - <string>Ignore pixel depth settings.</string> <key>map-to</key> - <string>IgnorePixelDepth</string> + <string>CmdLineLoginLocation</string> </map> - <key>cooperative</key> + <key>url</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>Yield some idle time to local host.</string> + <string>Startup location</string> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> + <key>last_option</key> + <boolean>true</boolean> <key>map-to</key> - <string>YieldTime</string> - </map> - - <key>no-verify-ssl-cert</key> - <map> - <key>map-to</key> - <string>NoVerifySSLCert</string> + <string>CmdLineLoginLocation</string> </map> - <key>channel</key> - <map> - <key>count</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <!-- Special case. Not mapped to a setting. --> - </map> - - <key>loginpage</key> + <key>usersessionsettings</key> <map> <key>desc</key> - <string>Login authentication page to use.</string> + <string>Specify the filename of a configuration file that contains temporary per-session configuration user overrides.</string> <key>count</key> <integer>1</integer> - <key>map-to</key> - <string>LoginPage</string> - </map> - - <key>qa</key> - <map> - <key>desc</key> - <string>Activated debugging menu in Advanced Settings.</string> - <key>map-to</key> - <string>QAMode</string> - </map> - - <key>crashonstartup</key> - <map> - <key>desc</key> - <string>Crashes on startup. For QA use.</string> - <key>map-to</key> - <string>CrashOnStartup</string> - </map> - - <key>disablecrashlogger</key> - <map> - <key>desc</key> - <string>Disables the crash logger and lets the OS handle crashes</string> - <key>map-to</key> - <string>DisableCrashLogger</string> + <!-- Special case. Mapped to settings procedurally. --> </map> </map> </llsd> diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/commands.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/commands.xml index 73df064ab2..ce878f156b 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/commands.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/commands.xml @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ <command name="aboutland" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_AboutLand_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_AboutLand_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_AboutLand_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -13,6 +15,8 @@ <command name="appearance" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Appearance_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Appearance_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Appearance_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -23,6 +27,8 @@ <command name="avatar" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Avatar_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Avatar_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Avatar_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -33,6 +39,8 @@ <command name="build" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Build_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Build_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Build_Tooltip" execute_function="Build.Toggle" @@ -44,17 +52,22 @@ /> <command name="chat" available_in_toybox="true" + is_flashing_allowed="true" icon="Command_Chat_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Chat_Label" - tooltip_ref="Command_Chat_Tooltip" + tooltip_ref="Command_Conversations_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" - execute_parameters="chat_bar" + execute_parameters="im_container" is_running_function="Floater.IsOpen" - is_running_parameters="chat_bar" + is_running_parameters="im_container" /> <command name="compass" available_in_toybox="false" icon="Command_Compass_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Compass_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Compass_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -65,6 +78,8 @@ <command name="destinations" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Destinations_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Destinations_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Destinations_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -75,6 +90,8 @@ <command name="gestures" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Gestures_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Gestures_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Gestures_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -85,6 +102,8 @@ <command name="howto" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_HowTo_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_HowTo_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_HowTo_Tooltip" execute_function="Help.ToggleHowTo" @@ -93,6 +112,8 @@ <command name="inventory" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Inventory_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Inventory_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Inventory_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -103,6 +124,8 @@ <command name="map" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Map_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Map_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Map_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -113,6 +136,8 @@ <command name="marketplace" available_in_toybox="false" icon="Command_Marketplace_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Marketplace_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Marketplace_Tooltip" execute_function="Avatar.OpenMarketplace" @@ -120,6 +145,8 @@ <command name="minimap" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_MiniMap_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_MiniMap_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_MiniMap_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -130,6 +157,8 @@ <command name="move" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Move_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Move_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Move_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -140,6 +169,8 @@ <command name="outbox" available_in_toybox="false" icon="Command_Outbox_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Outbox_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Outbox_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -150,6 +181,8 @@ <command name="people" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_People_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_People_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_People_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -160,6 +193,8 @@ <command name="picks" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Picks_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Picks_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Picks_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -170,6 +205,8 @@ <command name="places" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Places_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Places_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Places_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -180,6 +217,8 @@ <command name="preferences" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Preferences_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Preferences_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Preferences_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -190,6 +229,8 @@ <command name="profile" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Profile_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Profile_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Profile_Tooltip" execute_function="Avatar.ToggleMyProfile" @@ -198,6 +239,8 @@ <command name="search" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Search_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Search_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Search_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -208,6 +251,8 @@ <command name="snapshot" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Snapshot_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Snapshot_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Snapshot_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -215,9 +260,21 @@ is_running_function="Floater.IsOpen" is_running_parameters="snapshot" /> + <command name="social" + available_in_toybox="true" + icon="Command_Social_Icon" + label_ref="Command_Social_Label" + tooltip_ref="Command_Social_Tooltip" + execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" + execute_parameters="social" + is_running_function="Floater.IsOpen" + is_running_parameters="social" + /> <command name="speak" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_Speak_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_Speak_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_Speak_Tooltip" execute_function="Agent.PressMicrophone" @@ -232,6 +289,8 @@ <command name="view" available_in_toybox="true" icon="Command_View_Icon" + hover_icon_unselected="Command_Highlighting_Icon" + hover_icon_selected="Command_Highlighting_Selected_Icon" label_ref="Command_View_Label" tooltip_ref="Command_View_Tooltip" execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" @@ -239,14 +298,4 @@ is_running_function="Floater.IsOpen" is_running_parameters="camera" /> - <command name="voice" - available_in_toybox="true" - icon="Command_Voice_Icon" - label_ref="Command_Voice_Label" - tooltip_ref="Command_Voice_Tooltip" - execute_function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront" - execute_parameters="voice_controls" - is_running_function="Floater.IsOpen" - is_running_parameters="voice_controls" - /> </commands> diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/foldertypes.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/foldertypes.xml index 0d539177f3..0d539177f3 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/foldertypes.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/foldertypes.xml diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/grass.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/grass.xml index 4fc3b798af..4fc3b798af 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/grass.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/grass.xml diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/high_graphics.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/high_graphics.xml index 5bc2e1b7e6..5bc2e1b7e6 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/high_graphics.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/high_graphics.xml diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/ignorable_dialogs.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/ignorable_dialogs.xml index 17d3d3c9c5..17d3d3c9c5 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/ignorable_dialogs.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/ignorable_dialogs.xml diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/keys.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/keys.xml index 6e3673e7d9..6e3673e7d9 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/keys.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/keys.xml diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/keywords.ini b/indra/newview/app_settings/keywords.ini index 318b69438a..ad843bca14 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/keywords.ini +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/keywords.ini @@ -62,10 +62,12 @@ STATUS_ROTATE_X Passed in the llSetStatus library function. If FALSE, object do STATUS_ROTATE_Y Passed in the llSetStatus library function. If FALSE, object doesn't rotate around local Y axis STATUS_ROTATE_Z Passed in the llSetStatus library function. If FALSE, object doesn't rotate around local Z axis STATUS_SANDBOX Passed in the llSetStatus library function. If TRUE, object can't cross region boundaries or move more than 10 meters from its start location -STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB Passed in the llSetStatus library function. If TRUE, object can't be grabbed and physically dragged +STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB Passed in the llSetStatus library function. If TRUE, root prim of linkset (or unlinked prim) can't be grabbed and physically dragged STATUS_DIE_AT_EDGE Passed in the llSetStatus library function. If TRUE, objects that reach the edge of the world just die:rather than teleporting back to the owner STATUS_RETURN_AT_EDGE Passed in the llSetStatus library function. If TRUE, script rezzed objects that reach the edge of the world:are returned rather than killed:STATUS_RETURN_AT_EDGE trumps STATUS_DIE_AT_EDGE if both are set STATUS_CAST_SHADOWS Passed in the llSetStatus library function. If TRUE, object casts shadows on other objects +STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB_OBJECT Passed in the llSetStatus library function. If TRUE, no prims in linkset can be grabbed or physically dragged + AGENT Passed in llSensor library function to look for other Agents ACTIVE Passed in llSensor library function to look for moving objects PASSIVE Passed in llSensor library function to look for objects that aren't moving @@ -92,6 +94,9 @@ PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS Passed to llRequestPermissions library function to req PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA Passed to llRequestPermissions library function to request permission to track agent's camera PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA Passed to llRequestPermissions library function to request permission to change agent's camera PERMISSION_TELEPORT Passed to llRequestPermissions library function to request permission to teleport agent +PERMISSION_SILENT_ESTATE_MANAGEMENT Passed to llRequestPermissions library function to request permission to silently modify estate access lists +PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS Passed to llRequestPermissions library function to request permission to override animations on agent +PERMISSION_RETURN_OBJECTS Passed to llRequestPermissions library function to request permission to return objects DEBUG_CHANNEL Chat channel reserved for debug and error messages from scripts PUBLIC_CHANNEL Chat channel that broadcasts to all nearby users @@ -129,6 +134,7 @@ PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK PSYS_PART_TARGET_LINEAR_MASK +PSYS_PART_RIBBON_MASK PSYS_SRC_PATTERN PSYS_SRC_INNERANGLE Deprecated -- Use PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN @@ -145,12 +151,24 @@ PSYS_SRC_ACCEL PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY PSYS_SRC_OMEGA +PSYS_PART_BLEND_FUNC_SOURCE +PSYS_PART_BLEND_FUNC_DEST +PSYS_PART_START_GLOW +PSYS_PART_END_GLOW PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_DROP PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE_EMPTY +PSYS_PART_BF_ONE +PSYS_PART_BF_ZERO +PSYS_PART_BF_DEST_COLOR +PSYS_PART_BF_SOURCE_COLOR +PSYS_PART_BF_ONE_MINUS_DEST_COLOR +PSYS_PART_BF_ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_COLOR +PSYS_PART_BF_SOURCE_ALPHA +PSYS_PART_BF_ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_ALPHA OBJECT_UNKNOWN_DETAIL Returned by llGetObjectDetails when passed an invalid object parameter type OBJECT_NAME Used with llGetObjectDetails to get an object's name @@ -161,6 +179,23 @@ OBJECT_VELOCITY Used with llGetObjectDetails to get an object's velocity OBJECT_OWNER Used with llGetObjectDetails to get an object's owner's key. Will be NULL_KEY if group owned OBJECT_GROUP Used with llGetObjectDetails to get an object's group's key OBJECT_CREATOR Used with llGetObjectDetails to get an object's creator's key +OBJECT_RUNNING_SCRIPT_COUNT Used with llGetObjectDetails to get the number of running scripts in an object +OBJECT_TOTAL_SCRIPT_COUNT Used with llGetObjectDetails to get the total number of scripts in an object +OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY Used with llGetObjectDetails to get the total amount of script memory in an object +OBJECT_SCRIPT_TIME Used with llGetObjectDetails to get the average script time used by an object +OBJECT_PRIM_EQUIVALENCE Used with llGetObjectDetails to get the prim equivalence of an object +OBJECT_SERVER_COST Used with llGetObjectDetails to get the server cost of an object +OBJECT_STREAMING_COST Used with llGetObjectDetails to get the streaming (download) cost of an object +OBJECT_PHYSICS_COST Used with llGetObjectDetails to get the physics cost of an object +OBJECT_CHARACTER_TIME Used with llGetObjectDetails to get the pathfinding time (seconds) for an object +OBJECT_ROOT Used with llGetObjectDetails to get root ID of an object +OBJECT_ATTACHED_POINT Used with llGetObjectDetails to get attachent point where an object is attached +OBJECT_PATHFINDING_TYPE Used with llGetObjectDetails to get the pathfinding setting of an object +OBJECT_PHYSICS Used with llGetObjectDetails to determine if the object is physical or not +OBJECT_PHANTOM Used with llGetObjectDetails to determine if the object is phantom or not +OBJECT_TEMP_ON_REZ Used with llGetObjectDetails to determine if the object is temporary or not +OBJECT_RENDER_WEIGHT Used with llGetObjectDetails to return an avatar's rendering weight + # some vehicle params VEHICLE_TYPE_NONE @@ -271,7 +306,8 @@ ATTACH_LLLEG Passed to llAttachToAvatar to attach task to left lower leg ATTACH_BELLY Passed to llAttachToAvatar to attach task to belly ATTACH_LEFT_PEC Passed to llAttachToAvatar to attach task to left pectoral ATTACH_RIGHT_PEC Passed to llAttachToAvatar to attach task to right pectoral - +ATTACH_NECK Passed to llAttachToAvatar to attach task to neck +ATTACH_AVATAR_CENTER Passed to llAttachToAvatar to attach task to avatar center LAND_LEVEL Passed to llModifyLand to level terrain LAND_RAISE Passed to llModifyLand to raise terrain LAND_LOWER Passed to llModifyLand to lower terrain @@ -342,7 +378,7 @@ PRIM_MATERIAL Followed by PRIM_MATERIAL_STONE, PRIM_MATERIAL_METAL, PRIM_MATERI PRIM_PHYSICS Sets physics to TRUE or FALSE PRIM_FLEXIBLE Followed by TRUE or FALSE, integer softness, float gravity, float friction, float wind, float tension, and vector force PRIM_POINT_LIGHT Followed by TRUE or FALSE, vector color, float intensity, float radius, float falloff -PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ Sets temporay on rez to TRUE or FALSE +PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ Sets temporary on rez to TRUE or FALSE PRIM_PHANTOM Sets phantom to TRUE or FALSE PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS DEPRECATED. Takes 1 parameter, an integer, but has no effect when set and always returns 0 if used in llGetPrimitiveParams PRIM_POSITION Sets primitive position to a vector position @@ -354,6 +390,19 @@ PRIM_BUMP_SHINY Followed by an integer face, one of PRIM_SHINY_NONE, PRIM_SHINY PRIM_FULLBRIGHT Followed by an integer face, and TRUE or FALSE PRIM_TEXGEN Followed by an integer face, and one of PRIM_TEXGEN_DEFAULT or PRIM_TEXGEN_PLANAR PRIM_GLOW Followed by an integer face, and a float from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying glow amount +PRIM_TEXT Followed by string text, vector color, and float alpha +PRIM_NAME Followed by string name +PRIM_DESC Followed by string description +PRIM_ROT_LOCAL Followed by rotation rot +PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_TYPE Followed by PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_PRIM, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_NONE, or PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX +PRIM_OMEGA Followed by vector axis, float spinrate, and float gain +PRIM_POS_LOCAL Followed by vector position +PRIM_LINK_TARGET Followed by integer link_target, then additional prim parameter flags +PRIM_SLICE Followed by vector slice + +PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_PRIM Use the default physics shape +PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX Use the convex hull of the prim shape for physics +PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_NONE Ignore this prim in the physics shape PRIM_TYPE_BOX Followed by integer hole shape, vector cut, float hollow, vector twist,:vector top size, and vector top shear PRIM_TYPE_CYLINDER Followed by integer hole shape, vector cut, float hollow, vector twist,:vector top size, and vector top shear @@ -559,6 +608,98 @@ STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED Feature not supported STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error occurred STATUS_WHITELIST_FAILED URL failed to pass whitelist +PROFILE_NONE Disables profiling +PROFILE_SCRIPT_MEMORY Enables memory profiling + +RC_DATA_FLAGS TODO: add documentation +RC_DETECT_PHANTOM TODO: add documentation +RC_GET_LINK_NUM TODO: add documentation +RC_GET_NORMAL TODO: add documentation +RC_GET_ROOT_KEY TODO: add documentation +RC_MAX_HITS TODO: add documentation +RC_REJECT_TYPES Optional parameter set in llCastRay() to reject hit against certain object types. +RC_REJECT_AGENTS Bit mask for RC_REJECT_TYPES, rejects hits against avatars. +RC_REJECT_PHYSICAL Bit mask for RC_REJECT_TYPES, rejects hits against moving objects. +RC_REJECT_NONPHYSICAL Bit mask for RC_REJECT_TYPES, rejects hits against non-moving objects. +RC_REJECT_LAND Bit mask for RC_REJECT_TYPES, rejects hits against the terrian. + +RCERR_CAST_TIME_EXCEEDED TODO: add documentation +RCERR_SIM_PERF_LOW TODO: add documentation +RCERR_UNKNOWN TODO: add documentation + +ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_AGENT_ADD TODO: add documentation +ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_AGENT_REMOVE TODO: add documentation +ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_GROUP_ADD TODO: add documentation +ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_GROUP_REMOVE TODO: add documentation +ESTATE_ACCESS_BANNED_AGENT_ADD TODO: add documentation +ESTATE_ACCESS_BANNED_AGENT_REMOVE TODO: add documentation + +DENSITY TODO: add documentation +FRICTION TODO: add documentation +RESTITUTION TODO: add documentation +GRAVITY_MULTIPLIER TODO: add documentation + +KFM_COMMAND TODO: add documentation +KFM_CMD_PLAY TODO: add documentation +KFM_CMD_STOP TODO: add documentation +KFM_CMD_PAUSE TODO: add documentation +KFM_CMD_SET_MODE TODO: add documentation +KFM_MODE TODO: add documentation +KFM_FORWARD TODO: add documentation +KFM_LOOP TODO: add documentation +KFM_PING_PONG TODO: add documentation +KFM_REVERSE TODO: add documentation +KFM_DATA TODO: add documentation +KFM_ROTATION TODO: add documentation +KFM_TRANSLATION TODO: add documentation + +CHARACTER_CMD_STOP TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_CMD_JUMP TODO: add documentation + +CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_RADIUS TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_LENGTH TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_ORIENTATION TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_AVOIDANCE_MODE TODO: add documentation +PURSUIT_OFFSET TODO: add documentation +REQUIRE_LINE_OF_SIGHT TODO: add documentation +PURSUIT_FUZZ_FACTOR TODO: add documentation +PURSUIT_INTERCEPT TODO: add documentation +FORCE_DIRECT_PATH TODO: add documentation +VERTICAL TODO: add documentation +HORIZONTAL TODO: add documentation +AVOID_CHARACTERS TODO: add documentation +AVOID_DYNAMIC_OBSTACLES TODO: add documentation + +PU_EVADE_HIDDEN Triggered when an llEvade character thinks it has hidden from its pursuer. +PU_EVADE_SPOTTED Triggered when an llEvade character switches from hiding to running +PU_FAILURE_INVALID_GOAL Goal is not on the navigation-mesh and cannot be reached. +PU_FAILURE_INVALID_START Character cannot navigate from the current location - e.g., the character is off the navmesh or too high above it. +PU_FAILURE_NO_VALID_DESTINATION There's no good place for the character to go - e.g., it is patrolling and all the patrol points are now unreachable. +PU_FAILURE_OTHER Unknown failure +PU_FAILURE_TARGET_GONE Target (for llPursue or llEvade) can no longer be tracked - e.g., it left the region or is an avatar that is now more than about 30m outside the region. +PU_FAILURE_UNREACHABLE Goal is no longer reachable for some reason - e.g., an obstacle blocks the path. +PU_GOAL_REACHED Character has reached the goal and will stop or choose a new goal (if wandering). +PU_SLOWDOWN_DISTANCE_REACHED Character is near current goal. + +CHARACTER_TYPE TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_TYPE_A TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_TYPE_B TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_TYPE_C TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_TYPE_D TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_TYPE_NONE TODO: add documentation + +TRAVERSAL_TYPE TODO: add documentation +TRAVERSAL_TYPE_SLOW TODO: add documentation +TRAVERSAL_TYPE_FAST TODO: add documentation +TRAVERSAL_TYPE_NONE TODO: add documentation + +CHARACTER_MAX_ACCEL TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_MAX_DECEL TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_MAX_ANGULAR_SPEED TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_MAX_ANGULAR_ACCEL TODO: add documentation +CHARACTER_TURN_SPEED_MULTIPLIER TODO: add documentation + # string constants [word .1, .3, .5] NULL_KEY Indicates an empty key diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/lindenlab.pem b/indra/newview/app_settings/lindenlab.pem index eddae0426d..eddae0426d 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/lindenlab.pem +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/lindenlab.pem diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/llsd.xsd b/indra/newview/app_settings/llsd.xsd index 34612d9faa..34612d9faa 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/llsd.xsd +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/llsd.xsd diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/logcontrol.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/logcontrol.xml index a76eb3cd37..92a241857e 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/logcontrol.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/logcontrol.xml @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ <key>tags</key> <array> <string>AppInit</string> - <string>Capabilities</string> + <string>Capabilities</string> <string>SystemInfo</string> <string>TextureCache</string> <string>AppCache</string> @@ -42,10 +42,12 @@ </array> <key>tags</key> <array> - <!-- sample entry for debugging a specific item --> -<!-- <string>Voice</string> --> + <!-- sample entry for debugging specific items + <string>Avatar</string> + <string>Voice</string> + --> </array> </map> - </array> + </array> </map> </llsd> diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/low_graphics.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/low_graphics.xml index ca1dae0b86..ca1dae0b86 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/low_graphics.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/low_graphics.xml diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/mid_graphics.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/mid_graphics.xml index 01822fe64c..01822fe64c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/mid_graphics.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/mid_graphics.xml diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml index 203f6800aa..9cb63c6518 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml @@ -2,6 +2,28 @@ <llsd xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="llsd.xsd"> <map> + <key>IMShowTime</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Enable(disable) timestamp showing in the chat.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> + <key>IMShowNamesForP2PConv</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Enable(disable) showing of a names in the chat.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> <key>CrashHostUrl</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -47,7 +69,7 @@ <key>Type</key> <string>F32</string> <key>Value</key> - <real>0.95</real> + <real>1</real> </map> <key>AdvanceSnapshot</key> <map> @@ -104,6 +126,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> + <key>AnalyzePerformance</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Request performance analysis for a particular viewer run</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>AnimateTextures</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -148,7 +181,7 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> - <key>ApplyTextureImmediately</key> + <key>TextureLivePreview</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> <string>Preview selections in texture picker immediately</string> @@ -269,6 +302,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <real>1.0</real> </map> + <key>AudioLevelUnderwaterRolloff</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Controls the distance-based dropoff of audio volume underwater(fraction or multiple of default audio rolloff)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>5.0</real> + </map> <key>AudioLevelSFX</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -335,17 +379,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> - <key>AuditTexture</key> - <map> - <key>Comment</key> - <string>Enable texture auditting.</string> - <key>Persist</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <key>Type</key> - <string>Boolean</string> - <key>Value</key> - <integer>0</integer> - </map> + <key>AutoReplace</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Replaces keywords with a configured word or phrase</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>AutoAcceptNewInventory</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -1562,6 +1606,28 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>ChatLoadGroupMaxMembers</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Max number of active members we'll show up for an unresponsive group</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>100</real> + </map> + <key>ChatLoadGroupTimeout</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Time we give the server to send group participants before we hit the server for group info (seconds)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>10.0</real> + </map> <key>ChatOnlineNotification</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -1595,17 +1661,6 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> - <key>ChatWindow</key> - <map> - <key>Comment</key> - <string>Show chat in multiple windows(by default) or in one multi-tabbed window(requires restart)</string> - <key>Persist</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <key>Type</key> - <string>S32</string> - <key>Value</key> - <integer>0</integer> - </map> <key>CheesyBeacon</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -1628,6 +1683,61 @@ <key>Value</key> <string /> </map> + <key>ContextConeInAlpha</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Cone In Alpha</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>0.0</real> + </map> + <key>ContextConeOutAlpha</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Cone Out Alpha</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>1.0</real> + </map> + <key>ContextConeFadeTime</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Cone Fade Time</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>.08</real> + </map> + <key>ConversationHistoryPageSize</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Chat history of conversation opened from call log is displayed by pages. So this is number of entries per page.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>100</integer> + </map> + <key>ConversationSortOrder</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Specifies sort key for conversations</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>U32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>131073</integer> + </map> <key>CloseChatOnReturn</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -1639,6 +1749,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>CmdLineChannel</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Command line specified channel name</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string /> + </map> <key>CmdLineDisableVoice</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -1661,6 +1782,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <string /> </map> + <key>CmdLineUpdateService</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Override the url base for the update query.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string /> + </map> <key>CmdLineHelperURI</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -1685,6 +1817,17 @@ <string /> </array> </map> + <key>CmdLineLoginLocation</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Startup destination requested on command line</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string/> + </map> <key>ConnectAsGod</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -1806,6 +1949,28 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>CoroutineStackSize</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Size (in bytes) for each coroutine stack</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>262144</integer> + </map> + <key>CrashOnStartup</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>User-requested crash on viewer startup</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>CreateToolCopyCenters</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -1916,6 +2081,39 @@ <key>Value</key> <string /> </map> + <key>DebugAvatarAppearanceMessage</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Dump a bunch of XML files when handling appearance messages</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>DebugAvatarExperimentalServerAppearanceUpdate</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Experiment with sending full cof_contents instead of cof_version</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>DebugAvatarAppearanceServiceURLOverride</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>URL to use for baked texture requests; overrides value returned by login server.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string /> + </map> <key>DebugAvatarRezTime</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -1936,6 +2134,17 @@ <key>Type</key> <string>Boolean</string> <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> + <key>DebugAvatarCompositeBaked</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Colorize avatar meshes based on baked/composite state.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> <key>DebugBeaconLineWidth</key> @@ -1949,6 +2158,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> + <key>DebugForceAppearanceRequestFailure</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Request wrong cof version to test the failure path for server appearance update requests.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>DebugHideEmptySystemFolders</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -1993,6 +2213,28 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>DebugSession</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Request debugging for a particular viewer session</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>DebugShowAvatarRenderInfo</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Show avatar render cost information</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>DebugShowColor</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -2708,6 +2950,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>DefaultBlankNormalTexture</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Texture used as 'Blank' in texture picker for normal maps. (UUID texture reference)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string>5b53359e-59dd-d8a2-04c3-9e65134da47a</string> + </map> <key>DefaultFemaleAvatar</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -2730,8 +2983,29 @@ <key>Value</key> <string>Male Shape & Outfit</string> </map> - - <key>DefaultObjectTexture</key> + <key>DefaultObjectNormalTexture</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Texture used as 'Default' in texture picker for normal map. (UUID texture reference)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string>85f28839-7a1c-b4e3-d71d-967792970a7b</string> + </map> + <key>DefaultObjectSpecularTexture</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Texture used as 'Default' in texture picker for specular map. (UUID texture reference)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string>87e0e8f7-8729-1ea8-cfc9-8915773009db</string> + </map> + <key>DefaultObjectTexture</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> <string>Texture used as 'Default' in texture picker. (UUID texture reference)</string> @@ -2775,6 +3049,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>DisableCrashLogger</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Do not send crash report to Linden server</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>DisableMouseWarp</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -3182,17 +3467,6 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> - <key>EnableTextureAtlas</key> - <map> - <key>Comment</key> - <string>Whether to use texture atlas or not</string> - <key>Persist</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <key>Type</key> - <string>Boolean</string> - <key>Value</key> - <integer>0</integer> - </map> <key>EnableUIHints</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -3259,6 +3533,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <string>http://events.secondlife.com/viewer/embed/event/</string> </map> + <key>FastCacheFetchEnabled</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Enable texture fast cache fetching if set</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string>1</string> + </map> <key>FeatureManagerHTTPTable</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -3281,16 +3566,27 @@ <key>Value</key> <real>10.0</real> </map> - <key>FilterItemsPerFrame</key> + <key>FilterItemsMaxTimePerFrameVisible</key> <map> - <key>Comment</key> - <string>Maximum number of inventory items to match against search filter every frame (lower to increase framerate while searching, higher to improve search speed)</string> - <key>Persist</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <key>Type</key> - <string>S32</string> - <key>Value</key> - <integer>500</integer> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Max time devoted to items filtering per frame for visible inventory listings (in milliseconds)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>10</integer> + </map> + <key>FilterItemsMaxTimePerFrameUnvisible</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Max time devoted to items filtering per frame for non visible inventory listings (in milliseconds)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> </map> <key>FindLandArea</key> <map> @@ -4029,17 +4325,6 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>305</integer> </map> - <key>HelpUseLocal</key> - <map> - <key>Comment</key> - <string>If set, always use this for help: skins/default/html/[LANGUAGE]/help-offline/index.html</string> - <key>Persist</key> - <integer>0</integer> - <key>Type</key> - <string>Boolean</string> - <key>Value</key> - <integer>0</integer> - </map> <key>HelpURLFormat</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -4172,6 +4457,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> + <key>IMShowContentPanel</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Show Toolbar and Body Panels</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> <key>IgnoreAllNotifications</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -4214,7 +4510,7 @@ <key>Type</key> <string>F32</string> <key>Value</key> - <real>0.65</real> + <real>0.95</real> </map> <key>InBandwidth</key> <map> @@ -4271,6 +4567,28 @@ <key>Value</key> <real>1.0</real> </map> + <key>InventoryDebugSimulateOpFailureRate</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Rate at which we simulate failures of copy/link requests in some operations</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>0.0</real> + </map> + <key>InventoryDebugSimulateLateOpRate</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Rate at which we simulate late-completing copy/link requests in some operations</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>0.0</real> + </map> <key>InventoryDisplayInbox</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -4293,6 +4611,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>InventoryInboxToggleState</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Stores the open/closed state of inventory Received items panel</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>InventoryLinking</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -4590,6 +4919,27 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>LeapCommand</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Zero or more command lines to run LLSD Event API Plugin programs.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>LLSD</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array /> + </map> + <key>LeapPlaybackEventsCommand</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Command line to use leap to launch playback of event recordings</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>LLSD</string> + <key>Value</key> + </map> <key>LSLFindCaseInsensitivity</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -4965,6 +5315,28 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>LogMetrics</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Log viewer metrics</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string/> + </map> + <key>LogPerformance</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Log performance analysis for a particular viewer run</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>LogTextureNetworkTraffic</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -4990,7 +5362,7 @@ <key>LoginLocation</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Login location ('last', 'home')</string> + <string>Default Login location ('last', 'home') preference</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -5135,7 +5507,7 @@ <key>Comment</key> <string>Center the focal point of the minimap.</string> <key>Persist</key> - <integer>0</integer> + <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> <string>Boolean</string> <key>Value</key> @@ -5559,6 +5931,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <real>1.6</real> </map> + <key>MaxPersistentNotifications</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Maximum amount of persistent notifications</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>250</real> + </map> <key>MaxSelectDistance</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -5722,7 +6105,7 @@ <key>Type</key> <string>Boolean</string> <key>Value</key> - <integer>1</integer> + <integer>0</integer> </map> <key>MemoryPrivatePoolSize</key> <map> @@ -6057,7 +6440,7 @@ <key>NextLoginLocation</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Location to log into by default.</string> + <string>Location to log into for this session - set from command line or the login panel, cleared following a successfull login.</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -6109,6 +6492,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>NoQuickTime</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Disable QuickTime for a particular viewer run</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>NoVerifySSLCert</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -6142,6 +6536,90 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>305</integer> </map> + <key>NotificationConferenceIMOptions</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string> + Specifies how the UI responds to Conference IM Notifications. + Allowed values: [openconversations,toast,flash,noaction] + </string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string>toast</string> + </map> + <key>NotificationFriendIMOptions</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string> + Specifies how the UI responds to Friend IM Notifications. + Allowed values: [openconversations,toast,flash,noaction] + </string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string>toast</string> + </map> + <key>NotificationGroupChatOptions</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string> + Specifies how the UI responds to Group Chat Notifications. + Allowed values: [openconversations,toast,flash,noaction] + </string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string>toast</string> + </map> + <key>NotificationNearbyChatOptions</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string> + Specifies how the UI responds to Nearby Chat Notifications. + Allowed values: [openconversations,toast,flash,noaction] + </string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string>toast</string> + </map> + <key>NotificationNonFriendIMOptions</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string> + Specifies how the UI responds to Non Friend IM Notifications. + Allowed values: [openconversations,toast,flash,noaction] + </string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string>toast</string> + </map> + <key>NotificationObjectIMOptions</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string> + Specifies how the UI responds to Object IM Notifications. + Allowed values: [openconversations,toast,flash,noaction] + </string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string>toast</string> + </map> <key>NotificationToastLifeTime</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -6312,17 +6790,6 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> - <key>NumpadControl</key> - <map> - <key>Comment</key> - <string>How numpad keys control your avatar. 0 = Like the normal arrow keys, 1 = Numpad moves avatar when numlock is off, 2 = Numpad moves avatar regardless of numlock (use this if you have no numlock)</string> - <key>Persist</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <key>Type</key> - <string>S32</string> - <key>Value</key> - <integer>0</integer> - </map> <key>ObjectCacheEnabled</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -6658,6 +7125,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <real>90.0</real> </map> + <key>PlayChatAnim</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Your avatar plays the chat animation whenever you say, shout or whisper something in nearby chat</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> <key>PlayTypingAnim</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -6669,6 +7147,116 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> + <key>PlaySoundIncomingVoiceCall</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Plays a sound when have an incoming voice call.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> + <key>PlaySoundInventoryOffer</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Plays a sound when have an inventory offer.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>PlaySoundFriendIM</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Plays a sound when friend's IM received.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>PlaySoundNonFriendIM</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Plays a sound when non-friend's IM received.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>PlaySoundConferenceIM</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Plays a sound when conference IM received.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>PlaySoundGroupChatIM</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Plays a sound when group chat IM received.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>PlaySoundNearbyChatIM</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Plays a sound when nearby chat IM received.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>PlaySoundObjectIM</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Plays a sound when IM fom an object received.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>PlaySoundNewConversation</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Plays a sound when have a new conversation.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> + <key>PlaySoundTeleportOffer</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Plays a sound when have a teleport offer.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>PluginAttachDebuggerToPlugins</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -7120,7 +7708,7 @@ <key>QAModeEventHostPort</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Port on which lleventhost should listen</string> + <string>DEPRECATED: Port on which lleventhost should listen</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -7139,6 +7727,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>-1</integer> </map> + <key>QAModeMetrics</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>"Enables QA features (logging, faster cycling) for metrics collector"</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>QuietSnapshotsToDisk</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -7219,7 +7818,7 @@ <key>WebContentWindowLimit</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Maximum number of web brower windows that can be open at once in the Web content floater (0 for no limit)</string> + <string>Maximum number of web browser windows that can be open at once in the Web content floater (0 for no limit)</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -7348,7 +7947,7 @@ <key>Type</key> <string>S32</string> <key>Value</key> - <integer>4</integer> + <integer>3</integer> </map> <key>OctreeAlphaDistanceFactor</key> @@ -7587,6 +8186,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> + <key>RenderCompressTextures</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Enable texture compression on OpenGL 3.0 and later implementations (EXPERIMENTAL, requires restart)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>RenderPerformanceTest</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -8013,7 +8623,7 @@ <key>Type</key> <string>F32</string> <key>Value</key> - <real>0</real> + <real>-0.007</real> </map> <key>RenderShadowOffsetError</key> <map> @@ -8027,6 +8637,18 @@ <real>0</real> </map> + <key>RenderDepthPrePass</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>EXPERIMENTAL: Prime the depth buffer with simple prim geometry before rendering with textures.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>RenderDepthOfField</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -8039,6 +8661,18 @@ <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>RenderDepthOfFieldInEditMode</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Whether to use depth of field effect when in edit mode</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>CameraDoFResScale</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -8054,7 +8688,7 @@ <key>RenderSpotLightsInNondeferred</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Whether to support projectors as spotlights when Lighting and Shadows is disabled</string> + <string>Whether to support projectors as spotlights when Advanced Lighting Model is disabled</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -8097,7 +8731,6 @@ <key>Value</key> <real>1.0</real> </map> - <key>RenderDeferredTreeShadowBias</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -8186,6 +8819,18 @@ </array> </map> + <key>RenderSpecularPrecision</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Force 32-bit floating point LUT</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>U32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>0</real> + </map> + <key>RenderSpecularResX</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -8195,7 +8840,7 @@ <key>Type</key> <string>U32</string> <key>Value</key> - <real>512</real> + <real>1024</real> </map> <key>RenderSpecularResY</key> @@ -8207,7 +8852,7 @@ <key>Type</key> <string>U32</string> <key>Value</key> - <real>128</real> + <real>256</real> </map> <key>RenderSpecularExponent</key> @@ -8225,7 +8870,7 @@ <key>RenderDeferred</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Use deferred rendering pipeline.</string> + <string>Use deferred rendering pipeline (Advanced Lighting Model).</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -8413,7 +9058,7 @@ <key>RenderAutoMaskAlphaNonDeferred</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Use alpha masks where appropriate, in the non-deferred (non-'Lighting and Shadows') graphics mode</string> + <string>Use alpha masks where appropriate when not using the Advanced Lighting Model</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -8424,7 +9069,7 @@ <key>RenderAutoMaskAlphaDeferred</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Use alpha masks where appropriate, in the deferred ('Lighting and Shadows') graphics mode</string> + <string>Use alpha masks where appropriate in the Advanced Lighting Model</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -8476,6 +9121,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <real>1.0</real> </map> + <key>RenderDeferredDisplayGamma</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Gamma ramp exponent for final correction before display gamma.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>2.2</real> + </map> <key>RenderGLCoreProfile</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -8616,6 +9272,28 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> + <key>DisableAllRenderTypes</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Disables all rendering types.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>DisableAllRenderFeatures</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Disables all rendering features.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>RenderHUDInSnapshot</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -9057,10 +9735,22 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> + <key>RenderAutoMuteByteLimit</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Maximum bytes of attachments before an avatar is automatically visually muted (0 for no limit).</string> + <string>Maximum bytes of attachments before an avatar is rendered as a simple impostor (0 for no limit).</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>U32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>RenderAutoMuteRenderWeightLimit</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Maximum render weight before an avatar is rendered as a simple impostor (0 to not use this limit).</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -9071,7 +9761,7 @@ <key>RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Maximum surface area of attachments before an avatar is automatically visually muted (0 for no limit).</string> + <string>Maximum surface area of attachments before an avatar is rendered as a simple impostor (0 to not use this limit).</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -9079,28 +9769,40 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> - <key>RenderUseShaderLOD</key> - <map> - <key>Comment</key> - <string>Whether we want to have different shaders for LOD</string> - <key>Persist</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <key>Type</key> - <string>Boolean</string> - <key>Value</key> - <integer>1</integer> - </map> - <key>RenderUseShaderNearParticles</key> - <map> - <key>Comment</key> - <string>Whether we want to use shaders on near particles</string> - <key>Persist</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <key>Type</key> - <string>Boolean</string> - <key>Value</key> - <integer>0</integer> - </map> + <key>RenderAutoMuteFunctions</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Developing feature to render some avatars using simple impostors or colored silhouettes. (Set to 7 for all functionality)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>U32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>0</real> + </map> + <key>RenderAutoMuteLogging</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Show extra information in viewer logs about avatar rendering costs</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>RenderAutoHideSurfaceAreaLimit</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Maximum surface area of a set of proximal objects inworld before automatically hiding geometry to prevent system overload.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>RenderVBOEnable</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -9115,7 +9817,7 @@ <key>RenderUseVAO</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Use GL Vertex Array Objects</string> + <string>[EXPERIMENTAL] Use GL Vertex Array Objects.</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -9123,7 +9825,19 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> - <key>RenderVBOMappingDisable</key> + <key>RenderUseTransformFeedback</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>[EXPERIMENTAL] Use transform feedback shaders for LoD updates</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + + <key>RenderVBOMappingDisable</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> <string>Disable VBO glMapBufferARB</string> @@ -9178,6 +9892,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> + <key>RenderWaterMaterials</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Water planar reflections include materials rendering.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>RenderWaterMipNormal</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -9211,6 +9936,28 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> + <key>ReplaySession</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Request replay of previously-recorded pilot file</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>RevokePermsOnStopAnimation</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Clear animation permssions when choosing "Stop Animating Me"</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> <key>RotateRight</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -9663,6 +10410,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>ShowEventRecorderMenuItems</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Whether or not Event Recorder menu choices - Start / Stop event recording should appear in the (currently) Develop menu</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>ShowGestureButton</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -9732,7 +10490,7 @@ <key>ShowScriptErrorsLocation</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Show script error in chat or window</string> + <string>Show script error in chat (0) or window (1).</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -9916,6 +10674,39 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>2</integer> </map> + <key>BlockPeopleSortOrder</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Specifies sort order for recent people (0 = by name, 1 = by type)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>U32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>CallLogSortOrder</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Specifies sort order for Call Log (0 = by name, 1 = by date)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>U32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> + <key>SortFriendsFirst</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Specifies whether friends will be sorted first in Call Log</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> <key>ShowPGSearchAll</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -10609,6 +11400,39 @@ <key>Value</key> <real>20.0</real> </map> + <key>TexelPixelRatio</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>texel pixel ratio = texel / pixel</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>1.0</real> + </map> + <key>TextureCameraMotionThreshold</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>If the overall motion is lower than this value, textures will be loaded faster</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>0.2</real> + </map> + <key>TextureCameraMotionBoost</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Progressive discard level decrement when the camera is still</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>3</integer> + </map> <key>TextureDecodeDisabled</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -10642,6 +11466,105 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>TextureFetchConcurrency</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Maximum number of HTTP connections used for texture fetches</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>U32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>TextureFetchDebuggerEnabled</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Enable the texture fetching debugger if set</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>TextureFetchSource</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Debug use: Source to fetch textures</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>TextureFetchUpdateHighPriority</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Number of high priority textures to update per frame</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>32</integer> + </map> + <key>TextureFetchUpdateMaxMediumPriority</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Maximum number of medium priority textures to update per frame</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>256</integer> + </map> + <key>TextureFetchUpdateMinMediumPriority</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Minimum number of medium priority textures to update per frame</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>32</integer> + </map> + <key>TextureFetchUpdatePriorityThreshold</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Threshold under which textures will be considered too low priority and skipped for update</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>0.0</real> + </map> + <key>TextureFetchUpdateSkipLowPriority</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Flag indicating if we want to skip textures with too low of a priority</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>TextureFetchUpdatePriorities</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Number of priority texture to update per frame</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>32</integer> + </map> <key>TextureLoadFullRes</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -10664,6 +11587,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>TextureNewByteRange</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Use the new more accurate byte range computation for j2c discard levels</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> <key>TexturePickerShowFolders</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -10686,6 +11620,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>2</integer> </map> + <key>TextureReverseByteRange</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Minimal percent of the optimal byte range allowed to render a given discard level</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>50</integer> + </map> <key>ThrottleBandwidthKBPS</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -10729,7 +11674,8 @@ <string>F32</string> <key>Value</key> <real>0.1</real> - </map> <key>ToolTipFadeTime</key> + </map> + <key>ToolTipFadeTime</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> <string>Seconds over which tooltip fades away</string> @@ -11884,16 +12830,16 @@ <key>Value</key> <string>update</string> </map> - <key>UpdaterServiceProtocolVersion</key> + <key>UpdaterWillingToTest</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>The update protocol version to use.</string> + <string>Whether or not the updater should offer test candidate upgrades.</string> <key>Persist</key> - <integer>0</integer> + <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> - <string>String</string> + <string>Boolean</string> <key>Value</key> - <string>v1.0</string> + <string>1</string> </map> <key>UploadBakedTexOld</key> <map> @@ -12093,6 +13039,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> + <key>RenderSynchronousOcclusion</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Don't let occlusion queries get more than one frame behind (block until they complete).</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> <key>RenderDelayVBUpdate</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -12104,16 +13061,27 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> - <key>SpeakerParticipantDefaultOrder</key> + <key>SocialPhotoResolution</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Order for displaying speakers in voice controls. 0 = alphabetical. 1 = recent.</string> + <string>Default resolution when sharing photo using the social floater</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> - <string>U32</string> + <string>String</string> <key>Value</key> + <string>[i800,i600]</string> + </map> + <key>sourceid</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Identify referring agency to Linden web servers</string> + <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string /> </map> <key>SpeakerParticipantRemoveDelay</key> <map> @@ -12126,6 +13094,28 @@ <key>Value</key> <real>10.0</real> </map> + <key>SpellCheck</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Enable spellchecking on line and text editors</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> + <key>SpellCheckDictionary</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Current primary and secondary dictionaries used for spell checking</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string>English (United States),Second Life Glossary</string> + </map> <key>UseNewWalkRun</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -12137,6 +13127,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> + <key>UsePeopleAPI</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Use the people API cap for avatar name fetching, use old legacy protocol if false. Requires restart.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> <key>UseStartScreen</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -12184,12 +13185,13 @@ <key>UserLoginInfo</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Users loging data.</string> + <string>User login data.</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> <string>LLSD</string> <key>Value</key> + <string/> </map> <key>VFSOldSize</key> <map> @@ -12288,7 +13290,7 @@ <key>Type</key> <string>String</string> <key>Value</key> - <string>-1</string> + <string>0</string> </map> <key>VivoxDebugSIPURIHostName</key> <map> @@ -12631,10 +13633,10 @@ <key>Value</key> <real>50.0</real> </map> - <key>WellIconFlashCount</key> + <key>FlashCount</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Number of flashes of IM Well and Notification Well icons after which flashing buttons stay lit up. Requires restart.</string> + <string>Number of flashes of item. Requires restart.</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -12642,16 +13644,16 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>3</integer> </map> - <key>WellIconFlashPeriod</key> + <key>FlashPeriod</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Period at which IM Well and Notification Well icons flash (seconds). Requires restart.</string> + <string>Period at which item flash (seconds). Requires restart.</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> <string>F32</string> <key>Value</key> - <real>0.25</real> + <real>0.5</real> </map> <key>WindLightUseAtmosShaders</key> <map> @@ -12807,6 +13809,28 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>-1</integer> </map> + <key>MaxFPS</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Yield some time to the local host if we reach a threshold framerate.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>-1.0</real> + </map> + <key>ForcePeriodicRenderingTime</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Periodically enable all rendering masks for a single frame.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>-1.0</real> + </map> <key>ZoomDirect</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -13791,5 +14815,404 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> + <key>PathfindingRetrieveNeighboringRegion</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Download a neighboring region when visualizing a pathfinding navmesh (default val 99 means do not download neighbors).</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>U32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>99</integer> + </map> + <key>PathfindingNavMeshClear</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Background color when displaying pathfinding navmesh.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>0</real> + <real>0</real> + <real>0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingWalkable</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of walkable objects when displaying pathfinding navmesh object types.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>0.45490196078431372549019607843137</real> + <real>0.93333333333333333333333333333333</real> + <real>0.38823529411764705882352941176471</real> + <real>1.0</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingObstacle</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of static obstacle objects when displaying pathfinding navmesh object types.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingMaterial</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of material volumes when displaying pathfinding navmesh object types.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>0.5</real> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>0.3</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingExclusion</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of exclusion volumes when displaying pathfinding navmesh object types.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>0.3</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingConnectedEdge</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of a connected (crossable) edge when displaying pathfinding navmesh.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>0.86</real> + <real>0.86</real> + <real>0.86</real> + <real>1.0</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingBoundaryEdge</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of a boundary (non-crossable) edge when displaying pathfinding navmesh.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingHeatColorBase</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of the least walkable value when displaying the pathfinding navmesh as a heatmap.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingHeatColorMax</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of the most walkable value when displaying the pathfinding navmesh as a heatmap.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingFaceColor</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of the faces when displaying the default view of the pathfinding navmesh.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingTestPathValidEndColor</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of the pathfinding test-pathing tool end-point when the path is valid.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>0.78</real> + <real>0.47</real> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingTestPathInvalidEndColor</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of the pathfinding test-pathing tool end-point when the path is invalid.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingTestPathColor</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of the pathfinding test-path when the path is valid.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>0.59</real> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>0.9</real> + </array> + </map> + <key>PathfindingAmbiance</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Ambiance of lit pathfinding navmesh displays.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>0.5</real> + </map> + + <key>PathfindingXRayTint</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Amount to darken/lighten x-ray lines in pathfinding display.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>0.8</real> + </map> + + <key>PathfindingXRayOpacity</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Opacity of xray lines in pathfinding display.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>0.25</real> + </map> + + <key>PathfindingXRayWireframe</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Render pathfinding navmesh xray as a wireframe.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + + <key>PathfindingLineWidth</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Width of volume outlines in pathfinding navmesh display.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>2.0</real> + </map> + + <key>PathfindingLineOffset</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Depth offset of volume outlines in pathfinding display.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>F32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <real>2.3</real> + </map> + + <key>PathfindingWaterColor</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Color of water plane when displaying pathfinding navmesh.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Color4</string> + <key>Value</key> + <array> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>0.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + <real>1.0</real> + </array> + </map> + + <key>HideUIControls</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Hide all menu items and buttons</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + + <key>SimulateFBOFailure</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>[DEBUG] Make allocateScreenBuffer return false. Used to test error handling.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>DisablePrecacheDelayAfterTeleporting</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Disables the artificial delay in the viewer that precaches some incoming assets</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>FMODExProfilerEnable</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Enable profiler tool if using FMOD Ex</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>FMODExDecodeBufferSize</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Sets the streaming decode buffer size (in milliseconds)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>U32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1000</integer> + </map> + <key>FMODExStreamBufferSize</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Sets the streaming buffer size (in milliseconds)</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>U32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>7000</integer> + </map> + <key>DisablePrecacheDelayAfterTeleporting</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Disables the artificial delay in the viewer that precaches some incoming assets</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>0</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + + <key>VersionChannelName</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Version information generated by running the viewer</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>String</string> + <key>Value</key> + <string /> + </map> </map> </llsd> + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_crash_behavior.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_crash_behavior.xml index 97651ff4ca..97651ff4ca 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_crash_behavior.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_crash_behavior.xml diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_files.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_files.xml index bfc09286e3..4a9e522a96 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_files.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_files.xml @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ <file name="Global" file_name="settings.xml" required="true"/> + <file name="Global" + file_name="settings_install.xml" + required="false"/> <file name="PerAccount" file_name="settings_per_account.xml" required="true"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_minimal.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_minimal.xml index 01a70f2671..e660c1a33b 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_minimal.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_minimal.xml @@ -1 +1,4 @@ -<llsd/>
\ No newline at end of file +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<llsd> + <undef/> +</llsd> diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_per_account.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_per_account.xml index 143126b334..500151c935 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_per_account.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_per_account.xml @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ <llsd> <map> - <key>BusyResponseChanged</key> + <key>DoNotDisturbResponseChanged</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Does user's busy mode message differ from default?</string> + <string>Does user's do not disturb mode message differ from default?</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> @@ -11,17 +11,83 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> - <key>BusyModeResponse</key> + <key>DoNotDisturbModeResponse</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Auto response to instant messages while in busy mode.</string> + <string>Auto response to instant messages while in do not disturb mode.</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> <string>String</string> <key>Value</key> - <string>The Resident you messaged is in 'busy mode' which means they have requested not to be disturbed. Your message will still be shown in their IM panel for later viewing.</string> + <string>This resident has turned on 'Do Not Disturb' and will see your message later.</string> </map> + <key>ConversationsExpandMessagePaneFirst</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Expand either messages or conversations list pane from Conversations compact mode.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> + <key>ConversationsListPaneCollapsed</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Stores the expanded/collapsed state of the conversations list pane in Conversations floater.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>ConversationsListPaneWidth</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Conversations floater list pane width.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>205</integer> + </map> + <key>ConversationsMessagePaneCollapsed</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Stores the expanded/collapsed state of Conversations floater message pane.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>ConversationsMessagePaneWidth</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Conversations floater message pane width.</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>412</integer> + </map> + <key>ConversationsParticipantListCollapsed</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Stores the expanded/collapsed state of Nearby chat participant list</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>true</integer> + </map> <key>InstantMessageLogPath</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -54,18 +120,7 @@ <string>Boolean</string> <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> - </map> - <key>DisplayDestinationsOnInitialRun</key> - <map> - <key>Comment</key> - <string>Display the destinations guide when a user first launches Second Life.</string> - <key>Persist</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <key>Type</key> - <string>Boolean</string> - <key>Value</key> - <integer>1</integer> - </map> + </map> <key>LastInventoryInboxActivity</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -121,17 +176,6 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> - <key>LogInstantMessages</key> - <map> - <key>Comment</key> - <string>Log Instant Messages</string> - <key>Persist</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <key>Type</key> - <string>Boolean</string> - <key>Value</key> - <integer>1</integer> - </map> <key>LogShowHistory</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -215,7 +259,51 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> - <key>ShowFavoritesOnLogin</key> + <key>TranslatingEnabled</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Translation prefs are set</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>KeepConversationLogTranscripts</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Keep a conversation log and transcripts</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>S32</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>2</integer> + </map> + <key>NearbyChatIsNotTornOff</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>saving torn-off state of the nearby chat between sessions</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>1</integer> + </map> + <key>NearbyChatIsNotCollapsed</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Saving expanded/collapsed state of the nearby chat between sessions</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> + <key>ShowFavoritesOnLogin</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> <string>Determines whether favorites of last logged in user will be saved on exit from viewer and shown on login screen</string> diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/avatarF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/avatarF.glsl index b631ecb7d2..b631ecb7d2 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/avatarF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/avatarF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/avatarSkinV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/avatarSkinV.glsl index bc63d07d72..c98e7d1cd3 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/avatarSkinV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/avatarSkinV.glsl @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ mat4 getSkinnedTransform() mat4 ret; int i = int(floor(weight.x)); float x = fract(weight.x); - - ret[0] = mix(matrixPalette[i+0], matrixPalette[i+1], x); + + ret[0] = mix(matrixPalette[i+0], matrixPalette[i+1], x); ret[1] = mix(matrixPalette[i+15],matrixPalette[i+16], x); ret[2] = mix(matrixPalette[i+30],matrixPalette[i+31], x); ret[3] = vec4(0,0,0,1); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/avatarV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/avatarV.glsl index 19203ab670..19203ab670 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/avatarV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/avatarV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/eyeballF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/eyeballF.glsl index 4296e551db..4296e551db 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/eyeballF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/eyeballF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/eyeballV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/eyeballV.glsl index 82db15c3ae..82db15c3ae 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/eyeballV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/eyeballV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/objectSkinV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/objectSkinV.glsl index 43ed41a205..12996cf0d6 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/objectSkinV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/objectSkinV.glsl @@ -34,14 +34,18 @@ mat4 getObjectSkinnedTransform() vec4 w = fract(weight4); vec4 index = floor(weight4); - + + index = min(index, vec4(31.0)); + index = max(index, vec4( 0.0)); + float scale = 1.0/(w.x+w.y+w.z+w.w); w *= scale; - - mat4 mat = matrixPalette[int(index.x)]*w.x; - mat += matrixPalette[int(index.y)]*w.y; - mat += matrixPalette[int(index.z)]*w.z; - mat += matrixPalette[int(index.w)]*w.w; + + mat4 mat = matrixPalette[int(index.x)]*w.x; + mat += matrixPalette[int(index.y)]*w.y; + mat += matrixPalette[int(index.z)]*w.z; + mat += matrixPalette[int(index.w)]*w.w; return mat; } + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/pickAvatarF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/pickAvatarF.glsl index 7a35905280..7a35905280 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/pickAvatarF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/pickAvatarF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/pickAvatarV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/pickAvatarV.glsl index 78b5328c9a..78b5328c9a 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/pickAvatarV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/avatar/pickAvatarV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaF.glsl index dd87ddb330..e5f7366b70 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaF.glsl @@ -25,31 +25,429 @@ #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable +#define INDEXED 1 +#define NON_INDEXED 2 +#define NON_INDEXED_NO_COLOR 3 + #ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR out vec4 frag_color; #else #define frag_color gl_FragColor #endif -uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; +uniform float display_gamma; +uniform vec4 gamma; +uniform vec4 lightnorm; +uniform vec4 sunlight_color; +uniform vec4 ambient; +uniform vec4 blue_horizon; +uniform vec4 blue_density; +uniform float haze_horizon; +uniform float haze_density; +uniform float cloud_shadow; +uniform float density_multiplier; +uniform float distance_multiplier; +uniform float max_y; +uniform vec4 glow; +uniform float scene_light_strength; +uniform mat3 env_mat; +uniform mat3 ssao_effect_mat; -vec4 diffuseLookup(vec2 texcoord); +uniform vec3 sun_dir; -uniform vec2 screen_res; +#if HAS_SHADOW +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap0; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap1; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap2; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap3; + +uniform vec2 shadow_res; + +uniform mat4 shadow_matrix[6]; +uniform vec4 shadow_clip; +uniform float shadow_bias; + +#endif -vec3 atmosLighting(vec3 light); -vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light); +#ifdef USE_DIFFUSE_TEX +uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; +#endif -VARYING vec3 vary_ambient; -VARYING vec3 vary_directional; VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; VARYING vec3 vary_position; -VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +VARYING vec3 vary_norm; +#ifdef USE_VERTEX_COLOR VARYING vec4 vertex_color; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +#endif + +vec3 vary_PositionEye; +vec3 vary_SunlitColor; +vec3 vary_AmblitColor; +vec3 vary_AdditiveColor; +vec3 vary_AtmosAttenuation; uniform mat4 inv_proj; +uniform vec2 screen_res; + +uniform vec4 light_position[8]; +uniform vec3 light_direction[8]; +uniform vec3 light_attenuation[8]; +uniform vec3 light_diffuse[8]; + +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lte.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lte.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lte.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lte); +#endif + +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + +vec3 calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l) +{ + float a = max(dot(n,l),0.0); + a = pow(a, 1.0/1.3); + return vec3(a,a,a); +} + +vec3 calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 light_col, vec3 diffuse, vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float fa, float is_pointlight) +{ + //get light vector + vec3 lv = lp.xyz-v; + + //get distance + float d = length(lv); + + float da = 1.0; + + vec3 col = vec3(0); + + if (d > 0.0 && la > 0.0 && fa > 0.0) + { + //normalize light vector + lv = normalize(lv); + + //distance attenuation + float dist = d/la; + float dist_atten = clamp(1.0-(dist-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); + dist_atten *= dist_atten; + dist_atten *= 2.0; + + // spotlight coefficient. + float spot = max(dot(-ln, lv), is_pointlight); + da *= spot*spot; // GL_SPOT_EXPONENT=2 + + //angular attenuation + da *= max(dot(n, lv), 0.0); + + float lit = max(da * dist_atten,0.0); + + col = light_col * lit * diffuse; + + // no spec for alpha shader... + } + + return max(col, vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)); +} + +#if HAS_SHADOW +float pcfShadow(sampler2DShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc) +{ + stc.xyz /= stc.w; + stc.z += shadow_bias; + + stc.x = floor(stc.x*shadow_res.x + fract(stc.y*shadow_res.y*12345))/shadow_res.x; // add some chaotic jitter to X sample pos according to Y to disguise the snapping going on here + + float cs = shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz).x; + float shadow = cs; + + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(2.0/shadow_res.x, 1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(1.0/shadow_res.x, -1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-1.0/shadow_res.x, 1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-2.0/shadow_res.x, -1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + + return shadow*0.2; +} +#endif + +#ifdef WATER_FOG +uniform vec4 waterPlane; +uniform vec4 waterFogColor; +uniform float waterFogDensity; +uniform float waterFogKS; + +vec4 applyWaterFogDeferred(vec3 pos, vec4 color) +{ + //normalize view vector + vec3 view = normalize(pos); + float es = -(dot(view, waterPlane.xyz)); + + //find intersection point with water plane and eye vector + + //get eye depth + float e0 = max(-waterPlane.w, 0.0); + + vec3 int_v = waterPlane.w > 0.0 ? view * waterPlane.w/es : vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + + //get object depth + float depth = length(pos - int_v); + + //get "thickness" of water + float l = max(depth, 0.1); + + float kd = waterFogDensity; + float ks = waterFogKS; + vec4 kc = waterFogColor; + + float F = 0.98; + + float t1 = -kd * pow(F, ks * e0); + float t2 = kd + ks * es; + float t3 = pow(F, t2*l) - 1.0; + + float L = min(t1/t2*t3, 1.0); + + float D = pow(0.98, l*kd); + + color.rgb = color.rgb * D + kc.rgb * L; + color.a = kc.a + color.a; + + return color; +} +#endif + +vec3 getSunlitColor() +{ + return vary_SunlitColor; +} +vec3 getAmblitColor() +{ + return vary_AmblitColor; +} +vec3 getAdditiveColor() +{ + return vary_AdditiveColor; +} +vec3 getAtmosAttenuation() +{ + return vary_AtmosAttenuation; +} + +void setPositionEye(vec3 v) +{ + vary_PositionEye = v; +} + +void setSunlitColor(vec3 v) +{ + vary_SunlitColor = v; +} + +void setAmblitColor(vec3 v) +{ + vary_AmblitColor = v; +} + +void setAdditiveColor(vec3 v) +{ + vary_AdditiveColor = v; +} + +void setAtmosAttenuation(vec3 v) +{ + vary_AtmosAttenuation = v; +} + +void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye, float ambFactor) { + + vec3 P = inPositionEye; + setPositionEye(P); + + vec3 tmpLightnorm = lightnorm.xyz; + + vec3 Pn = normalize(P); + float Plen = length(P); + + vec4 temp1 = vec4(0); + vec3 temp2 = vec3(0); + vec4 blue_weight; + vec4 haze_weight; + vec4 sunlight = sunlight_color; + vec4 light_atten; + + //sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere + //this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes + light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (density_multiplier * max_y); + //I had thought blue_density and haze_density should have equal weighting, + //but attenuation due to haze_density tends to seem too strong + + temp1 = blue_density + vec4(haze_density); + blue_weight = blue_density / temp1; + haze_weight = vec4(haze_density) / temp1; + + //(TERRAIN) compute sunlight from lightnorm only (for short rays like terrain) + temp2.y = max(0.0, tmpLightnorm.y); + temp2.y = 1. / temp2.y; + sunlight *= exp( - light_atten * temp2.y); + + // main atmospheric scattering line integral + temp2.z = Plen * density_multiplier; + + // Transparency (-> temp1) + // ATI Bugfix -- can't store temp1*temp2.z*distance_multiplier in a variable because the ati + // compiler gets confused. + temp1 = exp(-temp1 * temp2.z * distance_multiplier); + + //final atmosphere attenuation factor + setAtmosAttenuation(temp1.rgb); + + //compute haze glow + //(can use temp2.x as temp because we haven't used it yet) + temp2.x = dot(Pn, tmpLightnorm.xyz); + temp2.x = 1. - temp2.x; + //temp2.x is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun + temp2.x = max(temp2.x, .03); //was glow.y + //set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) + temp2.x *= glow.x; + //higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") + temp2.x = pow(temp2.x, glow.z); + //glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function + + //add "minimum anti-solar illumination" + temp2.x += .25; + + //increase ambient when there are more clouds + vec4 tmpAmbient = ambient + (vec4(1.) - ambient) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; + + /* decrease value and saturation (that in HSV, not HSL) for occluded areas + * // for HSV color/geometry used here, see http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/index.html?node52.html + * // The following line of code performs the equivalent of: + * float ambAlpha = tmpAmbient.a; + * float ambValue = dot(vec3(tmpAmbient), vec3(0.577)); // projection onto <1/rt(3), 1/rt(3), 1/rt(3)>, the neutral white-black axis + * vec3 ambHueSat = vec3(tmpAmbient) - vec3(ambValue); + * tmpAmbient = vec4(RenderSSAOEffect.valueFactor * vec3(ambValue) + RenderSSAOEffect.saturationFactor *(1.0 - ambFactor) * ambHueSat, ambAlpha); + */ + tmpAmbient = vec4(mix(ssao_effect_mat * tmpAmbient.rgb, tmpAmbient.rgb, ambFactor), tmpAmbient.a); + + //haze color + setAdditiveColor( + vec3(blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight*(1.-cloud_shadow) + tmpAmbient) + + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight*(1.-cloud_shadow) * temp2.x + + tmpAmbient))); + + //brightness of surface both sunlight and ambient + setSunlitColor(vec3(sunlight * .5)); + setAmblitColor(vec3(tmpAmbient * .25)); + setAdditiveColor(getAdditiveColor() * vec3(1.0 - temp1)); +} + +vec3 atmosLighting(vec3 light) +{ + light *= getAtmosAttenuation().r; + light += getAdditiveColor(); + return (2.0 * light); +} + +vec3 atmosTransport(vec3 light) { + light *= getAtmosAttenuation().r; + light += getAdditiveColor() * 2.0; + return light; +} +vec3 atmosGetDiffuseSunlightColor() +{ + return getSunlitColor(); +} + +vec3 scaleDownLight(vec3 light) +{ + return (light / vec3(scene_light_strength, scene_light_strength, scene_light_strength)); +} + +vec3 scaleUpLight(vec3 light) +{ + return (light * vec3(scene_light_strength, scene_light_strength, scene_light_strength)); +} + +vec3 atmosAmbient(vec3 light) +{ + return getAmblitColor() + (light * vec3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); +} + +vec3 atmosAffectDirectionalLight(float lightIntensity) +{ + return getSunlitColor() * vec3(lightIntensity, lightIntensity, lightIntensity); +} + +vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light) +{ + //soft clip effect: + vec3 zeroes = vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); + vec3 ones = vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); + + light = ones - clamp(light, zeroes, ones); + light = ones - pow(light, gamma.xxx); + + return light; +} + +vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransport(vec3 light) { + float brightness = dot(light.rgb, vec3(0.33333)); + + return mix(atmosTransport(light.rgb), light.rgb + getAdditiveColor().rgb, brightness * brightness); +} + +vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light) +{ + //soft clip effect: + return light; +} void main() { @@ -58,16 +456,172 @@ void main() vec4 pos = vec4(vary_position, 1.0); - vec4 diff= diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy); + float shadow = 1.0; + +#if HAS_SHADOW + vec4 spos = pos; + + if (spos.z > -shadow_clip.w) + { + shadow = 0.0; - vec4 col = vec4(vary_ambient + vary_directional.rgb, vertex_color.a); - vec4 color = diff * col; + vec4 lpos; + + vec4 near_split = shadow_clip*-0.75; + vec4 far_split = shadow_clip*-1.25; + vec4 transition_domain = near_split-far_split; + float weight = 0.0; + + if (spos.z < near_split.z) + { + lpos = shadow_matrix[3]*spos; + + float w = 1.0; + w -= max(spos.z-far_split.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap3, lpos)*w; + weight += w; + shadow += max((pos.z+shadow_clip.z)/(shadow_clip.z-shadow_clip.w)*2.0-1.0, 0.0); + } + + if (spos.z < near_split.y && spos.z > far_split.z) + { + lpos = shadow_matrix[2]*spos; + + float w = 1.0; + w -= max(spos.z-far_split.y, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; + w -= max(near_split.z-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap2, lpos)*w; + weight += w; + } + + if (spos.z < near_split.x && spos.z > far_split.y) + { + lpos = shadow_matrix[1]*spos; + + float w = 1.0; + w -= max(spos.z-far_split.x, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; + w -= max(near_split.y-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap1, lpos)*w; + weight += w; + } + + if (spos.z > far_split.x) + { + lpos = shadow_matrix[0]*spos; + + float w = 1.0; + w -= max(near_split.x-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; + + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap0, lpos)*w; + weight += w; + } + + + shadow /= weight; + } + else + { + shadow = 1.0; + } +#endif + +#ifdef USE_INDEXED_TEX + vec4 diff = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy); +#else + vec4 diff = texture2D(diffuseMap,vary_texcoord0.xy); +#endif + +#ifdef FOR_IMPOSTOR + vec4 color; + color.rgb = diff.rgb; + +#ifdef USE_VERTEX_COLOR + float final_alpha = diff.a * vertex_color.a; + diff.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; +#else + float final_alpha = diff.a; +#endif - color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); + // Insure we don't pollute depth with invis pixels in impostor rendering + // + if (final_alpha < 0.01) + { + discard; + } +#else + +#ifdef USE_VERTEX_COLOR + float final_alpha = diff.a * vertex_color.a; + diff.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; +#else + float final_alpha = diff.a; +#endif + + + vec4 gamma_diff = diff; + diff.rgb = srgb_to_linear(diff.rgb); + + vec3 norm = vary_norm; + + calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz, 1.0); + + vec2 abnormal = encode_normal(norm.xyz); + norm.xyz = decode_normal(abnormal.xy); + + float da = dot(norm.xyz, sun_dir.xyz); + + float final_da = da; + final_da = min(final_da, shadow); + final_da = max(final_da, 0.0f); + final_da = min(final_da, 1.0f); + final_da = pow(final_da, 1.0/1.3); + + vec4 color = vec4(0,0,0,0); + + color.rgb = atmosAmbient(color.rgb); + color.a = final_alpha; + + float ambient = abs(da); + ambient *= 0.5; + ambient *= ambient; + ambient = (1.0-ambient); + + color.rgb *= ambient; + color.rgb += atmosAffectDirectionalLight(final_da); + color.rgb *= gamma_diff.rgb; + //color.rgb = mix(diff.rgb, color.rgb, final_alpha); + + color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - color.rgb += diff.rgb * vary_pointlight_col.rgb; + vec4 light = vec4(0,0,0,0); + + color.rgb = srgb_to_linear(color.rgb); + + #define LIGHT_LOOP(i) light.rgb += calcPointLightOrSpotLight(light_diffuse[i].rgb, diff.rgb, pos.xyz, norm, light_position[i], light_direction[i].xyz, light_attenuation[i].x, light_attenuation[i].y, light_attenuation[i].z); + + LIGHT_LOOP(1) + LIGHT_LOOP(2) + LIGHT_LOOP(3) + LIGHT_LOOP(4) + LIGHT_LOOP(5) + LIGHT_LOOP(6) + LIGHT_LOOP(7) + + // keep it linear + // + color.rgb += light.rgb; + + // straight to display gamma, we're post-deferred + // + color.rgb = linear_to_srgb(color.rgb); + +#ifdef WATER_FOG + color = applyWaterFogDeferred(pos.xyz, color); +#endif + +#endif frag_color = color; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaNonIndexedNoColorF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaNonIndexedNoColorF.glsl deleted file mode 100644 index cb87b754b4..0000000000 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaNonIndexedNoColorF.glsl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file alphaNonIndexedNoColorF.glsl - * - * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ - * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2005, Linden Research, Inc. - * - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; - * version 2.1 of the License only. - * - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * - * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA - * $/LicenseInfo$ - */ - -#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable - -#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR -out vec4 frag_color; -#else -#define frag_color gl_FragColor -#endif - -uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; -uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; - -uniform vec2 screen_res; - -vec3 atmosLighting(vec3 light); -vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light); - -VARYING vec3 vary_ambient; -VARYING vec3 vary_directional; -VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; -VARYING vec3 vary_position; -VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; - -uniform mat4 inv_proj; - -vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) -{ - float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).a; - vec2 sc = pos_screen.xy*2.0; - sc /= screen_res; - sc -= vec2(1.0,1.0); - vec4 ndc = vec4(sc.x, sc.y, 2.0*depth-1.0, 1.0); - vec4 pos = inv_proj * ndc; - pos /= pos.w; - pos.w = 1.0; - return pos; -} - -void main() -{ - vec2 frag = vary_fragcoord.xy/vary_fragcoord.z*0.5+0.5; - frag *= screen_res; - - vec4 pos = vec4(vary_position, 1.0); - - vec4 diff= texture2D(diffuseMap,vary_texcoord0.xy); - - vec4 col = vec4(vary_ambient + vary_directional.rgb, 1.0); - vec4 color = diff * col; - - color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); - - color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - - color.rgb += diff.rgb * vary_pointlight_col.rgb; - - frag_color = color; -} - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaSkinnedV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaSkinnedV.glsl deleted file mode 100644 index 5a0e8ff684..0000000000 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaSkinnedV.glsl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,144 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file alphaSkinnedV.glsl - * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ - * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. - * - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; - * version 2.1 of the License only. - * - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * - * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA - * $/LicenseInfo$ - */ - -uniform mat4 projection_matrix; -uniform mat4 modelview_matrix; - -ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; -ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; -ATTRIBUTE vec4 diffuse_color; -ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; - -mat4 getObjectSkinnedTransform(); -void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye); - -float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l); - -vec3 atmosAmbient(vec3 light); -vec3 atmosAffectDirectionalLight(float lightIntensity); - -VARYING vec3 vary_position; -VARYING vec3 vary_ambient; -VARYING vec3 vary_directional; -VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; -VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; -VARYING vec4 vertex_color; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; - - -uniform float near_clip; - -uniform vec4 light_position[8]; -uniform vec3 light_direction[8]; -uniform vec3 light_attenuation[8]; -uniform vec3 light_diffuse[8]; - -float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l) -{ - float a = max(dot(n,l),0.0); - return a; -} - -float calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float fa, float is_pointlight) -{ - //get light vector - vec3 lv = lp.xyz-v; - - //get distance - float d = dot(lv,lv); - - float da = 0.0; - - if (d > 0.0 && la > 0.0 && fa > 0.0) - { - //normalize light vector - lv = normalize(lv); - - //distance attenuation - float dist2 = d/la; - da = clamp(1.0-(dist2-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); - - // spotlight coefficient. - float spot = max(dot(-ln, lv), is_pointlight); - da *= spot*spot; // GL_SPOT_EXPONENT=2 - - //angular attenuation - da *= max(dot(n, lv), 0.0); - } - - return da; -} - -void main() -{ - vary_texcoord0 = texcoord0; - - vec4 pos; - vec3 norm; - - mat4 trans = getObjectSkinnedTransform(); - trans = modelview_matrix * trans; - - pos = trans * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); - - norm = position.xyz + normal.xyz; - norm = normalize(( trans*vec4(norm, 1.0) ).xyz-pos.xyz); - - vec4 frag_pos = projection_matrix * pos; - gl_Position = frag_pos; - - vary_position = pos.xyz; - - calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); - - vec4 col = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, diffuse_color.a); - - // Collect normal lights - col.rgb += light_diffuse[2].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[2], light_direction[2], light_attenuation[2].x, light_attenuation[2].y, light_attenuation[2].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[3].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[3], light_direction[3], light_attenuation[3].x, light_attenuation[3].y, light_attenuation[3].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[4].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[4], light_direction[4], light_attenuation[4].x, light_attenuation[4].y, light_attenuation[4].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[5].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[5], light_direction[5], light_attenuation[5].x, light_attenuation[5].y, light_attenuation[5].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[6].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[6], light_direction[6], light_attenuation[6].x, light_attenuation[6].y, light_attenuation[6].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[7].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[7], light_direction[7], light_attenuation[7].x, light_attenuation[7].y, light_attenuation[7].z); - - vary_pointlight_col = col.rgb*diffuse_color.rgb; - - col.rgb = vec3(0,0,0); - - // Add windlight lights - col.rgb = atmosAmbient(vec3(0.)); - - vary_ambient = col.rgb*diffuse_color.rgb; - vary_directional = diffuse_color.rgb*atmosAffectDirectionalLight(max(calcDirectionalLight(norm, light_position[0].xyz), (1.0-diffuse_color.a)*(1.0-diffuse_color.a))); - - col.rgb = min(col.rgb*diffuse_color.rgb, 1.0); - - vertex_color = col; - - - - vary_fragcoord.xyz = frag_pos.xyz + vec3(0,0,near_clip); -} - - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaV.glsl index cf38a2f4f7..b40785bbd7 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaV.glsl @@ -23,126 +23,118 @@ * $/LicenseInfo$ */ +#define INDEXED 1 +#define NON_INDEXED 2 +#define NON_INDEXED_NO_COLOR 3 + uniform mat3 normal_matrix; uniform mat4 texture_matrix0; +uniform mat4 projection_matrix; uniform mat4 modelview_matrix; uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; + +#ifdef USE_INDEXED_TEX void passTextureIndex(); +#endif + ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; -ATTRIBUTE vec4 diffuse_color; -ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; -vec4 calcLighting(vec3 pos, vec3 norm, vec4 color, vec4 baseCol); -void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye); +#ifdef USE_VERTEX_COLOR +ATTRIBUTE vec4 diffuse_color; +#endif -float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l); +ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; -vec3 atmosAmbient(vec3 light); -vec3 atmosAffectDirectionalLight(float lightIntensity); -vec3 scaleDownLight(vec3 light); -vec3 scaleUpLight(vec3 light); +#ifdef HAS_SKIN +mat4 getObjectSkinnedTransform(); +#else +#ifdef IS_AVATAR_SKIN +mat4 getSkinnedTransform(); +#endif +#endif -VARYING vec3 vary_ambient; -VARYING vec3 vary_directional; VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; VARYING vec3 vary_position; -VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; +#ifdef USE_VERTEX_COLOR VARYING vec4 vertex_color; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +#endif +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +VARYING vec3 vary_norm; uniform float near_clip; -uniform float shadow_offset; -uniform float shadow_bias; - -uniform vec4 light_position[8]; -uniform vec3 light_direction[8]; -uniform vec3 light_attenuation[8]; -uniform vec3 light_diffuse[8]; -float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l) -{ - float a = max(dot(n,l),0.0); - return a; -} - -float calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float fa, float is_pointlight) +void main() { - //get light vector - vec3 lv = lp.xyz-v; + vec4 pos; + vec3 norm; - //get distance - float d = dot(lv,lv); + //transform vertex +#ifdef HAS_SKIN + mat4 trans = getObjectSkinnedTransform(); + trans = modelview_matrix * trans; - float da = 0.0; - - if (d > 0.0 && la > 0.0 && fa > 0.0) - { - //normalize light vector - lv = normalize(lv); + pos = trans * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); - //distance attenuation - float dist2 = d/la; - da = clamp(1.0-(dist2-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); - - // spotlight coefficient. - float spot = max(dot(-ln, lv), is_pointlight); - da *= spot*spot; // GL_SPOT_EXPONENT=2 - - //angular attenuation - da *= max(dot(n, lv), 0.0); - } - - return da; -} - -void main() -{ - //transform vertex + norm = position.xyz + normal.xyz; + norm = normalize((trans * vec4(norm, 1.0)).xyz - pos.xyz); + vec4 frag_pos = projection_matrix * pos; + gl_Position = frag_pos; +#else + +#ifdef IS_AVATAR_SKIN + mat4 trans = getSkinnedTransform(); + vec4 pos_in = vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + pos.x = dot(trans[0], pos_in); + pos.y = dot(trans[1], pos_in); + pos.z = dot(trans[2], pos_in); + pos.w = 1.0; + + norm.x = dot(trans[0].xyz, normal); + norm.y = dot(trans[1].xyz, normal); + norm.z = dot(trans[2].xyz, normal); + norm = normalize(norm); + + vec4 frag_pos = projection_matrix * pos; + gl_Position = frag_pos; +#else + norm = normalize(normal_matrix * normal); vec4 vert = vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); - passTextureIndex(); - vec4 pos = (modelview_matrix * vert); + pos = (modelview_matrix * vert); gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix*vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef USE_INDEXED_TEX + passTextureIndex(); vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord0,0,1)).xy; +#else + vary_texcoord0 = texcoord0; +#endif - vec3 norm = normalize(normal_matrix * normal); - - float dp_directional_light = max(0.0, dot(norm, light_position[0].xyz)); - vary_position = pos.xyz + light_position[0].xyz * (1.0-dp_directional_light)*shadow_offset; - - calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); - - //vec4 color = calcLighting(pos.xyz, norm, diffuse_color, vec4(0.)); - vec4 col = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, diffuse_color.a); - - // Collect normal lights - col.rgb += light_diffuse[2].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[2], light_direction[2], light_attenuation[2].x, light_attenuation[2].y, light_attenuation[2].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[3].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[3], light_direction[3], light_attenuation[3].x, light_attenuation[3].y, light_attenuation[3].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[4].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[4], light_direction[4], light_attenuation[4].x, light_attenuation[4].y, light_attenuation[4].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[5].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[5], light_direction[5], light_attenuation[5].x, light_attenuation[5].y, light_attenuation[5].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[6].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[6], light_direction[6], light_attenuation[6].x, light_attenuation[6].y, light_attenuation[6].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[7].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[7], light_direction[7], light_attenuation[7].x, light_attenuation[7].y, light_attenuation[7].z); - - vary_pointlight_col = col.rgb*diffuse_color.rgb; - col.rgb = vec3(0,0,0); + vary_norm = norm; + vary_position = pos.xyz; - // Add windlight lights - col.rgb = atmosAmbient(vec3(0.)); - - vary_ambient = col.rgb*diffuse_color.rgb; - vary_directional.rgb = diffuse_color.rgb*atmosAffectDirectionalLight(max(calcDirectionalLight(norm, light_position[0].xyz), (1.0-diffuse_color.a)*(1.0-diffuse_color.a))); +#ifdef USE_VERTEX_COLOR + vertex_color = diffuse_color; +#endif - col.rgb = col.rgb*diffuse_color.rgb; - - vertex_color = col; +#ifdef HAS_SKIN + vary_fragcoord.xyz = frag_pos.xyz + vec3(0,0,near_clip); +#else - - +#ifdef IS_AVATAR_SKIN + vary_fragcoord.xyz = pos.xyz + vec3(0,0,near_clip); +#else pos = modelview_projection_matrix * vert; vary_fragcoord.xyz = pos.xyz + vec3(0,0,near_clip); +#endif +#endif + } + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/attachmentShadowF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/attachmentShadowF.glsl index 22c9a4d14e..22c9a4d14e 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/attachmentShadowF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/attachmentShadowF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/attachmentShadowV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/attachmentShadowV.glsl index 81961d7746..3f90600ace 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/attachmentShadowV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/attachmentShadowV.glsl @@ -39,7 +39,12 @@ void main() mat = modelview_matrix * mat; vec3 pos = (mat*vec4(position.xyz, 1.0)).xyz; + vec4 p = projection_matrix * vec4(pos, 1.0); +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP p.z = max(p.z, -p.w+0.01); gl_Position = p; +#else + gl_Position = p; +#endif } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarAlphaNoColorV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarAlphaNoColorV.glsl index 5f395801e5..c8ddefac26 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarAlphaNoColorV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarAlphaNoColorV.glsl @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ VARYING vec3 vary_directional; VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +VARYING vec3 vary_norm; uniform float near_clip; @@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ void main() norm.y = dot(trans[1].xyz, normal); norm.z = dot(trans[2].xyz, normal); norm = normalize(norm); + vary_norm = norm; vec4 frag_pos = projection_matrix * pos; gl_Position = frag_pos; diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarAlphaV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarAlphaV.glsl deleted file mode 100644 index d6149fcc32..0000000000 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarAlphaV.glsl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file avatarAlphaV.glsl - * - * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ - * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. - * - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; - * version 2.1 of the License only. - * - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * - * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA - * $/LicenseInfo$ - */ - -uniform mat4 projection_matrix; - -ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; -ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; -ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; - -vec4 calcLighting(vec3 pos, vec3 norm, vec4 color, vec4 baseCol); -mat4 getSkinnedTransform(); -void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye); - -float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l); -float calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float is_pointlight); - -vec3 atmosAmbient(vec3 light); -vec3 atmosAffectDirectionalLight(float lightIntensity); -vec3 scaleDownLight(vec3 light); -vec3 scaleUpLight(vec3 light); - -VARYING vec3 vary_position; -VARYING vec3 vary_ambient; -VARYING vec3 vary_directional; -VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; -VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; -VARYING vec4 vertex_color; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; - - -uniform float near_clip; - -uniform vec4 color; - -uniform vec4 light_position[8]; -uniform vec3 light_direction[8]; -uniform vec3 light_attenuation[8]; -uniform vec3 light_diffuse[8]; - -float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l) -{ - float a = max(dot(n,l),0.0); - return a; -} - -float calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float fa, float is_pointlight) -{ - //get light vector - vec3 lv = lp.xyz-v; - - //get distance - float d = dot(lv,lv); - - float da = 0.0; - - if (d > 0.0 && la > 0.0 && fa > 0.0) - { - //normalize light vector - lv = normalize(lv); - - //distance attenuation - float dist2 = d/la; - da = clamp(1.0-(dist2-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); - - // spotlight coefficient. - float spot = max(dot(-ln, lv), is_pointlight); - da *= spot*spot; // GL_SPOT_EXPONENT=2 - - //angular attenuation - da *= max(dot(n, lv), 0.0); - } - - return da; -} - -void main() -{ - vary_texcoord0 = texcoord0; - - vec4 pos; - vec3 norm; - - mat4 trans = getSkinnedTransform(); - vec4 pos_in = vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); - pos.x = dot(trans[0], pos_in); - pos.y = dot(trans[1], pos_in); - pos.z = dot(trans[2], pos_in); - pos.w = 1.0; - - norm.x = dot(trans[0].xyz, normal); - norm.y = dot(trans[1].xyz, normal); - norm.z = dot(trans[2].xyz, normal); - norm = normalize(norm); - - vec4 frag_pos = projection_matrix * pos; - gl_Position = frag_pos; - - vary_position = pos.xyz; - - calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); - - vec4 col = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); - - // Collect normal lights - col.rgb += light_diffuse[2].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[2], light_direction[2], light_attenuation[2].x, light_attenuation[2].y, light_attenuation[2].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[3].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[3], light_direction[3], light_attenuation[3].x, light_attenuation[3].y, light_attenuation[3].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[4].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[4], light_direction[4], light_attenuation[4].x, light_attenuation[4].y, light_attenuation[4].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[5].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[5], light_direction[5], light_attenuation[5].x, light_attenuation[5].y, light_attenuation[5].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[6].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[6], light_direction[6], light_attenuation[6].x, light_attenuation[6].y, light_attenuation[6].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[7].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[7], light_direction[7], light_attenuation[7].x, light_attenuation[7].y, light_attenuation[7].z); - - vary_pointlight_col = col.rgb*color.rgb; - - col.rgb = vec3(0,0,0); - - // Add windlight lights - col.rgb = atmosAmbient(vec3(0.)); - - vary_ambient = col.rgb*color.rgb; - vary_directional = color.rgb*atmosAffectDirectionalLight(max(calcDirectionalLight(norm, light_position[0].xyz), 0.0)); - - col.rgb = col.rgb * color.rgb; - - vertex_color = col; - - - - vary_fragcoord.xyz = frag_pos.xyz + vec3(0,0,near_clip); -} - - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarEyesV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarEyesV.glsl index 01ffb862f7..01ffb862f7 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarEyesV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarEyesV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarF.glsl index 46d2aa4877..662c762bca 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarF.glsl @@ -31,14 +31,22 @@ out vec4 frag_data[3]; uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; +uniform float minimum_alpha; + VARYING vec3 vary_normal; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + void main() { vec4 diff = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); - if (diff.a < 0.2) + if (diff.a < minimum_alpha) { discard; } @@ -46,6 +54,6 @@ void main() frag_data[0] = vec4(diff.rgb, 0.0); frag_data[1] = vec4(0,0,0,0); vec3 nvn = normalize(vary_normal); - frag_data[2] = vec4(nvn.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, nvn.z, 0.0); + frag_data[2] = vec4(encode_normal(nvn.xyz), 0.0, 0.0); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarShadowF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarShadowF.glsl index 3686f2f647..b809b73973 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarShadowF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarShadowF.glsl @@ -31,12 +31,16 @@ out vec4 frag_color; uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP VARYING vec4 post_pos; +#endif void main() { frag_color = vec4(1,1,1,1); +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP gl_FragDepth = max(post_pos.z/post_pos.w*0.5+0.5, 0.0); +#endif } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarShadowV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarShadowV.glsl index 23feb09d72..bde1ad4e9f 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarShadowV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarShadowV.glsl @@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP VARYING vec4 post_pos; +#endif void main() { @@ -51,9 +53,13 @@ void main() norm = normalize(norm); pos = projection_matrix * pos; +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP post_pos = pos; gl_Position = vec4(pos.x, pos.y, pos.w*0.5, pos.w); +#else + gl_Position = pos; +#endif } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarV.glsl index 1bd8fee7c9..1bd8fee7c9 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/avatarV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/blurLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/blurLightF.glsl index f400eb7a5b..a4f54dff70 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/blurLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/blurLightF.glsl @@ -46,11 +46,6 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord; uniform mat4 inv_proj; uniform vec2 screen_res; -vec3 getKern(int i) -{ - return kern[i]; -} - vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) { float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).r; @@ -64,18 +59,36 @@ vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) return pos; } +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + void main() { vec2 tc = vary_fragcoord.xy; vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, tc).xyz; - norm = vec3((norm.xy-0.5)*2.0,norm.z); // unpack norm + norm = decode_normal(norm.xy); // unpack norm + vec3 pos = getPosition(tc).xyz; vec4 ccol = texture2DRect(lightMap, tc).rgba; vec2 dlt = kern_scale * delta / (1.0+norm.xy*norm.xy); dlt /= max(-pos.z*dist_factor, 1.0); - vec2 defined_weight = getKern(0).xy; // special case the first (centre) sample's weight in the blur; we have to sample it anyway so we get it for 'free' + vec2 defined_weight = kern[0].xy; // special case the first (centre) sample's weight in the blur; we have to sample it anyway so we get it for 'free' vec4 col = defined_weight.xyxx * ccol; // relax tolerance according to distance to avoid speckling artifacts, as angles and distances are a lot more abrupt within a small screen area at larger distances @@ -85,28 +98,33 @@ void main() float tc_mod = 0.5*(tc.x + tc.y); // mod(tc.x+tc.y,2) tc_mod -= floor(tc_mod); tc_mod *= 2.0; - tc += ( (tc_mod - 0.5) * getKern(1).z * dlt * 0.5 ); + tc += ( (tc_mod - 0.5) * kern[1].z * dlt * 0.5 ); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { - vec2 samptc = tc + getKern(i).z*dlt; - vec3 samppos = getPosition(samptc).xyz; + vec2 samptc = tc + kern[i].z*dlt; + vec3 samppos = getPosition(samptc).xyz; + float d = dot(norm.xyz, samppos.xyz-pos.xyz);// dist from plane + if (d*d <= pointplanedist_tolerance_pow2) { - col += texture2DRect(lightMap, samptc)*getKern(i).xyxx; - defined_weight += getKern(i).xy; + col += texture2DRect(lightMap, samptc)*kern[i].xyxx; + defined_weight += kern[i].xy; } } + for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { - vec2 samptc = tc - getKern(i).z*dlt; - vec3 samppos = getPosition(samptc).xyz; + vec2 samptc = tc - kern[i].z*dlt; + vec3 samppos = getPosition(samptc).xyz; + float d = dot(norm.xyz, samppos.xyz-pos.xyz);// dist from plane + if (d*d <= pointplanedist_tolerance_pow2) { - col += texture2DRect(lightMap, samptc)*getKern(i).xyxx; - defined_weight += getKern(i).xy; + col += texture2DRect(lightMap, samptc)*kern[i].xyxx; + defined_weight += kern[i].xy; } } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/blurLightV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/blurLightV.glsl index 212f7e56ad..212f7e56ad 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/blurLightV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/blurLightV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/bumpF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/bumpF.glsl index 680eadb852..595c11fae2 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/bumpF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/bumpF.glsl @@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ VARYING vec3 vary_mat2; VARYING vec4 vertex_color; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + void main() { vec3 col = vertex_color.rgb * texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy).rgb; @@ -52,5 +58,5 @@ void main() frag_data[1] = vertex_color.aaaa; // spec //frag_data[1] = vec4(vec3(vertex_color.a), vertex_color.a+(1.0-vertex_color.a)*vertex_color.a); // spec - from former class3 - maybe better, but not so well tested vec3 nvn = normalize(tnorm); - frag_data[2] = vec4(nvn.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, nvn.z, 0.0); + frag_data[2] = vec4(encode_normal(nvn.xyz), vertex_color.a, 0.0); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/bumpSkinnedV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/bumpSkinnedV.glsl index 8ba75010a2..10144f3e16 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/bumpSkinnedV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/bumpSkinnedV.glsl @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; ATTRIBUTE vec4 diffuse_color; ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; -ATTRIBUTE vec3 binormal; +ATTRIBUTE vec4 tangent; VARYING vec3 vary_mat0; VARYING vec3 vary_mat1; @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ void main() vec3 n = normalize((mat * vec4(normal.xyz+position.xyz, 1.0)).xyz-pos.xyz); - vec3 b = normalize((mat * vec4(binormal.xyz+position.xyz, 1.0)).xyz-pos.xyz); - vec3 t = cross(b, n); + vec3 t = normalize((mat * vec4(tangent.xyz+position.xyz, 1.0)).xyz-pos.xyz); + vec3 b = cross(n, t) * tangent.w; vary_mat0 = vec3(t.x, b.x, n.x); vary_mat1 = vec3(t.y, b.y, n.y); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/bumpV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/bumpV.glsl index c8d38bb8f7..9f9749394e 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/bumpV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/bumpV.glsl @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; ATTRIBUTE vec4 diffuse_color; ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; -ATTRIBUTE vec3 binormal; +ATTRIBUTE vec4 tangent; VARYING vec3 vary_mat0; VARYING vec3 vary_mat1; @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ void main() vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord0,0,1)).xy; vec3 n = normalize(normal_matrix * normal); - vec3 b = normalize(normal_matrix * binormal); - vec3 t = cross(b, n); + vec3 t = normalize(normal_matrix * tangent.xyz); + vec3 b = cross(n, t) * tangent.w; vary_mat0 = vec3(t.x, b.x, n.x); vary_mat1 = vec3(t.y, b.y, n.y); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cloudsF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cloudsF.glsl index 1d8ca04ccd..1d8ca04ccd 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cloudsF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cloudsF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cloudsV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cloudsV.glsl index 17f425475c..17f425475c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cloudsV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cloudsV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cofF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cofF.glsl index ccbc3c557c..ccbc3c557c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cofF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cofF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseAlphaMaskF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseAlphaMaskF.glsl index b2027d3a5d..7930b5d18b 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseAlphaMaskF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseAlphaMaskF.glsl @@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ VARYING vec3 vary_normal; VARYING vec4 vertex_color; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + void main() { vec4 col = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy) * vertex_color; @@ -49,6 +55,6 @@ void main() frag_data[0] = vec4(col.rgb, 0.0); frag_data[1] = vec4(0,0,0,0); // spec vec3 nvn = normalize(vary_normal); - frag_data[2] = vec4(nvn.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, nvn.z, 0.0); + frag_data[2] = vec4(encode_normal(nvn.xyz), 0.0, 0.0); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseAlphaMaskIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseAlphaMaskIndexedF.glsl index ead384b07c..8525e13333 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseAlphaMaskIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseAlphaMaskIndexedF.glsl @@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ uniform float minimum_alpha; VARYING vec4 vertex_color; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + void main() { vec4 col = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy) * vertex_color; @@ -44,9 +50,9 @@ void main() { discard; } - + frag_data[0] = vec4(col.rgb, 0.0); frag_data[1] = vec4(0,0,0,0); vec3 nvn = normalize(vary_normal); - frag_data[2] = vec4(nvn.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, nvn.z, 0.0); + frag_data[2] = vec4(encode_normal(nvn.xyz), 0.0, 0.0); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseAlphaMaskNoColorF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseAlphaMaskNoColorF.glsl index f73fa6f231..37d70a2412 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseAlphaMaskNoColorF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseAlphaMaskNoColorF.glsl @@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; VARYING vec3 vary_normal; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + void main() { vec4 col = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); @@ -49,6 +55,6 @@ void main() frag_data[0] = vec4(col.rgb, 0.0); frag_data[1] = vec4(0,0,0,0); // spec vec3 nvn = normalize(vary_normal); - frag_data[2] = vec4(nvn.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, nvn.z, 0.0); + frag_data[2] = vec4(encode_normal(nvn.xyz), 0.0, 0.0); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseF.glsl index 227aa2aae3..6befb1bd8b 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseF.glsl @@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ VARYING vec3 vary_normal; VARYING vec4 vertex_color; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + void main() { vec3 col = vertex_color.rgb * texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy).rgb; @@ -42,6 +48,6 @@ void main() frag_data[1] = vertex_color.aaaa; // spec //frag_data[1] = vec4(vec3(vertex_color.a), vertex_color.a+(1.0-vertex_color.a)*vertex_color.a); // spec - from former class3 - maybe better, but not so well tested vec3 nvn = normalize(vary_normal); - frag_data[2] = vec4(nvn.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, nvn.z, 0.0); + frag_data[2] = vec4(encode_normal(nvn.xyz), vertex_color.a, 0.0); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseIndexedF.glsl index d442e5403a..adc361d7a2 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseIndexedF.glsl @@ -33,13 +33,22 @@ VARYING vec3 vary_normal; VARYING vec4 vertex_color; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + + void main() { vec3 col = vertex_color.rgb * diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy).rgb; + + vec3 spec; + spec.rgb = vec3(vertex_color.a); frag_data[0] = vec4(col, 0.0); - frag_data[1] = vertex_color.aaaa; // spec - //frag_data[1] = vec4(vec3(vertex_color.a), vertex_color.a+(1.0-vertex_color.a)*vertex_color.a); // spec - from former class3 - maybe better, but not so well tested + frag_data[1] = vec4(spec, vertex_color.a); // spec vec3 nvn = normalize(vary_normal); - frag_data[2] = vec4(nvn.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, nvn.z, 0.0); + frag_data[2] = vec4(encode_normal(nvn.xyz), vertex_color.a, 0.0); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseNoColorV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseNoColorV.glsl index 9461e3e32e..9461e3e32e 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseNoColorV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseNoColorV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseSkinnedV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseSkinnedV.glsl index a74290bfcd..a74290bfcd 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseSkinnedV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseSkinnedV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseV.glsl index 76d29b1df7..3c026796c8 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/diffuseV.glsl @@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ void main() passTextureIndex(); vary_normal = normalize(normal_matrix * normal); - + vertex_color = diffuse_color; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/dofCombineF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/dofCombineF.glsl index a425e5062e..a425e5062e 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/dofCombineF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/dofCombineF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/emissiveF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/emissiveF.glsl index 6aa4d7b4ed..ed02c4a481 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/emissiveF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/emissiveF.glsl @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ void main() float shadow = 1.0; vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy)*vertex_color; - + color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(2.2)); color.rgb = fullbrightAtmosTransport(color.rgb); color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/emissiveV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/emissiveV.glsl index 115b04797f..115b04797f 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/emissiveV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/emissiveV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightF.glsl index 36433a5827..f22b16965c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightF.glsl @@ -31,23 +31,147 @@ out vec4 frag_color; #define frag_color gl_FragColor #endif +#if !HAS_DIFFUSE_LOOKUP +uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; +#endif + +VARYING vec3 vary_position; VARYING vec4 vertex_color; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; -vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransport(vec3 light); -vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light); +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lte.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lte.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lte.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lte); +#endif + +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + +vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransportDeferred(vec3 light) +{ + return light; +} + +vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClipDeferred(vec3 light) +{ + //soft clip effect: + return light; +} + +#ifdef HAS_ALPHA_MASK +uniform float minimum_alpha; +#endif + +#ifdef WATER_FOG +uniform vec4 waterPlane; +uniform vec4 waterFogColor; +uniform float waterFogDensity; +uniform float waterFogKS; + +vec4 applyWaterFogDeferred(vec3 pos, vec4 color) +{ + //normalize view vector + vec3 view = normalize(pos); + float es = -(dot(view, waterPlane.xyz)); + + //find intersection point with water plane and eye vector + + //get eye depth + float e0 = max(-waterPlane.w, 0.0); + + vec3 int_v = waterPlane.w > 0.0 ? view * waterPlane.w/es : vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + + //get object depth + float depth = length(pos - int_v); + + //get "thickness" of water + float l = max(depth, 0.1); + + float kd = waterFogDensity; + float ks = waterFogKS; + vec4 kc = waterFogColor; + + float F = 0.98; + + float t1 = -kd * pow(F, ks * e0); + float t2 = kd + ks * es; + float t3 = pow(F, t2*l) - 1.0; + + float L = min(t1/t2*t3, 1.0); + + float D = pow(0.98, l*kd); + + color.rgb = color.rgb * D + kc.rgb * L; + color.a = kc.a + color.a; + + return color; +} +#endif void main() { - float shadow = 1.0; +#if HAS_DIFFUSE_LOOKUP + vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy); +#else + vec4 color = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); +#endif - vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy)*vertex_color; + float final_alpha = color.a * vertex_color.a; + +#ifdef HAS_ALPHA_MASK + if (color.a < minimum_alpha) + { + discard; + } +#endif + + color.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; + color.rgb = srgb_to_linear(color.rgb); + color.rgb = fullbrightAtmosTransportDeferred(color.rgb); + color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClipDeferred(color.rgb); - color.rgb = fullbrightAtmosTransport(color.rgb); + color.rgb = linear_to_srgb(color.rgb); - color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); +#ifdef WATER_FOG + vec3 pos = vary_position; + vec4 fogged = applyWaterFogDeferred(pos, vec4(color.rgb, final_alpha)); + color.rgb = fogged.rgb; + color.a = fogged.a; +#else + color.a = final_alpha; +#endif - frag_color = color; + frag_color.rgb = color.rgb; + frag_color.a = color.a; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaNonIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightShinyF.glsl index beb3290187..b0db9876d3 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/alphaNonIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightShinyF.glsl @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * @file alphaF.glsl + * @file fullbrightShinyF.glsl * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ * $/LicenseInfo$ */ -#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable + #ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR out vec4 frag_color; @@ -31,59 +31,42 @@ out vec4 frag_color; #define frag_color gl_FragColor #endif -uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; +#ifndef diffuseLookup uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; +#endif - -uniform vec2 screen_res; - -vec3 atmosLighting(vec3 light); -vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light); - -VARYING vec3 vary_ambient; -VARYING vec3 vary_directional; -VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; -VARYING vec3 vary_position; -VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; VARYING vec4 vertex_color; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +VARYING vec3 vary_texcoord1; -uniform mat4 inv_proj; +uniform samplerCube environmentMap; -vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) -{ - float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).a; - vec2 sc = pos_screen.xy*2.0; - sc /= screen_res; - sc -= vec2(1.0,1.0); - vec4 ndc = vec4(sc.x, sc.y, 2.0*depth-1.0, 1.0); - vec4 pos = inv_proj * ndc; - pos /= pos.w; - pos.w = 1.0; - return pos; -} +vec3 fullbrightShinyAtmosTransport(vec3 light); +vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light); -void main() +void main() { - vec2 frag = vary_fragcoord.xy/vary_fragcoord.z*0.5+0.5; - frag *= screen_res; +#if HAS_DIFFUSE_LOOKUP + vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy); +#else + vec4 color = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); +#endif + - vec4 pos = vec4(vary_position, 1.0); + color.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; - vec4 diff= texture2D(diffuseMap,vary_texcoord0.xy); + vec3 envColor = textureCube(environmentMap, vary_texcoord1.xyz).rgb; + color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, envColor.rgb, vertex_color.a); - vec4 col = vec4(vary_ambient + vary_directional.rgb, vertex_color.a); - vec4 color = diff * col; + color.rgb = pow(color.rgb,vec3(2.2f,2.2f,2.2f)); - color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); + color.rgb = fullbrightShinyAtmosTransport(color.rgb); + color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + color.a = 1.0; - color.rgb += diff.rgb * vary_pointlight_col.rgb; + color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(1.0/2.2)); frag_color = color; - //frag_color = vec4(1,0,1,1); - //frag_color = vec4(1,0,1,1)*shadow; - } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightShinyV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightShinyV.glsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34bd8d445a --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightShinyV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +/** + * @file fullbrightShinyV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform mat3 normal_matrix; +uniform mat4 texture_matrix0; +uniform mat4 texture_matrix1; +uniform mat4 modelview_matrix; +uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; + + +void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye); + +uniform vec4 origin; + + + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; +void passTextureIndex(); +ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; +ATTRIBUTE vec4 diffuse_color; +ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; + +VARYING vec4 vertex_color; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +VARYING vec3 vary_texcoord1; + + +void main() +{ + //transform vertex + vec4 vert = vec4(position.xyz,1.0); + passTextureIndex(); + vec4 pos = (modelview_matrix * vert); + gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix*vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + + vec3 norm = normalize(normal_matrix * normal); + vec3 ref = reflect(pos.xyz, -norm); + + vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord0,0,1)).xy; + vary_texcoord1 = (texture_matrix1*vec4(ref,1.0)).xyz; + + calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); + + vertex_color = diffuse_color; +} diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightV.glsl index 2e6982d101..8e899e3e0f 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightV.glsl @@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ vec3 atmosAffectDirectionalLight(float lightIntensity); vec3 scaleDownLight(vec3 light); vec3 scaleUpLight(vec3 light); +#ifdef WATER_FOG +VARYING vec3 vary_position; +#endif VARYING vec4 vertex_color; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; @@ -53,12 +56,14 @@ void main() passTextureIndex(); gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix*vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); - + +#ifdef WATER_FOG + vary_position = pos.xyz; +#endif + vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord0,0,1)).xy; calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); - - vertex_color = diffuse_color; - + vertex_color = diffuse_color; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fxaaF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fxaaF.glsl index e02a7b405b..a2b4b3b8c8 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fxaaF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fxaaF.glsl @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ */ #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable +#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable #ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR out vec4 frag_color; @@ -2093,7 +2094,6 @@ uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; uniform vec2 rcp_screen_res; uniform vec4 rcp_frame_opt; uniform vec4 rcp_frame_opt2; -uniform vec2 screen_res; VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord; VARYING vec2 vary_tc; diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/giF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/giF.glsl deleted file mode 100644 index da1b234240..0000000000 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/giF.glsl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file giF.glsl - * - * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ - * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. - * - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; - * version 2.1 of the License only. - * - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * - * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA - * $/LicenseInfo$ - */ - -#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable - -#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR -out vec4 frag_color; -#else -#define frag_color gl_FragColor -#endif - -uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; -uniform sampler2DRect normalMap; -uniform sampler2D noiseMap; - -uniform sampler2D diffuseGIMap; -uniform sampler2D normalGIMap; -uniform sampler2D depthGIMap; - -uniform sampler2D lightFunc; - -// Inputs -VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord; - -uniform vec2 screen_res; - -uniform mat4 inv_proj; -uniform mat4 gi_mat; //gPipeline.mGIMatrix - eye space to sun space -uniform mat4 gi_mat_proj; //gPipeline.mGIMatrixProj - eye space to projected sun space -uniform mat4 gi_norm_mat; //gPipeline.mGINormalMatrix - eye space normal to sun space normal matrix -uniform mat4 gi_inv_proj; //gPipeline.mGIInvProj - projected sun space to sun space -uniform float gi_radius; -uniform float gi_intensity; -uniform int gi_samples; -uniform vec2 gi_kern[25]; -uniform vec2 gi_scale; -uniform vec3 gi_quad; -uniform vec3 gi_spec; -uniform float gi_direction_weight; -uniform float gi_light_offset; - -vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) -{ - float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).a; - vec2 sc = pos_screen.xy*2.0; - sc /= screen_res; - sc -= vec2(1.0,1.0); - vec4 ndc = vec4(sc.x, sc.y, 2.0*depth-1.0, 1.0); - vec4 pos = inv_proj * ndc; - pos /= pos.w; - pos.w = 1.0; - return pos; -} - -vec4 getGIPosition(vec2 gi_tc) -{ - float depth = texture2D(depthGIMap, gi_tc).a; - vec2 sc = gi_tc*2.0; - sc -= vec2(1.0, 1.0); - vec4 ndc = vec4(sc.x, sc.y, 2.0*depth-1.0, 1.0); - vec4 pos = gi_inv_proj*ndc; - pos.xyz /= pos.w; - pos.w = 1.0; - return pos; -} - -vec3 giAmbient(vec3 pos, vec3 norm) -{ - vec4 gi_c = gi_mat_proj * vec4(pos, 1.0); - gi_c.xyz /= gi_c.w; - - vec4 gi_pos = gi_mat*vec4(pos,1.0); - vec3 gi_norm = (gi_norm_mat*vec4(norm,1.0)).xyz; - gi_norm = normalize(gi_norm); - - vec2 tcx = gi_norm.xy; - vec2 tcy = gi_norm.yx; - - vec4 eye_pos = gi_mat*vec4(0,0,0,1.0); - - vec3 eye_dir = normalize(gi_pos.xyz-eye_pos.xyz/eye_pos.w); - - //vec3 eye_dir = vec3(0,0,-1); - //eye_dir = (gi_norm_mat*vec4(eye_dir, 1.0)).xyz; - //eye_dir = normalize(eye_dir); - - //float round_x = gi_scale.x; - //float round_y = gi_scale.y; - - vec3 debug = texture2D(normalGIMap, gi_c.xy).rgb*0.5+0.5; - debug.xz = vec2(0.0,0.0); - //debug = fract(debug); - - float round_x = 1.0/64.0; - float round_y = 1.0/64.0; - - //gi_c.x = floor(gi_c.x/round_x+0.5)*round_x; - //gi_c.y = floor(gi_c.y/round_y+0.5)*round_y; - - float fda = 0.0; - vec3 fdiff = vec3(0,0,0); - - vec3 rcol = vec3(0,0,0); - - float fsa = 0.0; - - for (int i = -1; i < 2; i+=2 ) - { - for (int j = -1; j < 2; j+=2) - { - vec2 tc = vec2(i, j)*0.75; - vec3 nz = texture2D(noiseMap, vary_fragcoord.xy/128.0+tc*0.5).xyz; - //tc += gi_norm.xy*nz.z; - tc += nz.xy*2.0; - tc /= gi_samples; - tc += gi_c.xy; - - vec3 lnorm = -normalize(texture2D(normalGIMap, tc.xy).xyz*2.0-1.0); - vec3 lpos = getGIPosition(tc.xy).xyz; - - vec3 at = lpos-gi_pos.xyz; - float dist = dot(at,at); - float da = clamp(1.0/(gi_spec.x*dist), 0.0, 1.0); - - if (da > 0.0) - { - //add angular attenuation - vec3 ldir = at; - float ang_atten = clamp(dot(ldir, gi_norm), 0.0, 1.0); - - float ld = -dot(ldir, lnorm); - - if (ang_atten > 0.0 && ld < 0.0) - { - vec3 diff = texture2D(diffuseGIMap, tc.xy).xyz; - da = da*ang_atten; - fda += da; - fdiff += diff*da; - } - } - } - } - - fdiff /= max(gi_spec.y*fda, gi_quad.z); - fdiff = clamp(fdiff, vec3(0), vec3(1)); - - vec3 ret = fda*fdiff; - //ret = ret*ret*gi_quad.x+ret*gi_quad.y+gi_quad.z; - - //fda *= nz.z; - - //rcol.rgb *= gi_intensity; - //return rcol.rgb+vary_AmblitColor.rgb*0.25; - //return vec4(debug, 0.0); - //return vec4(fda*fdiff, 0.0); - return clamp(ret,vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0)); - //return debug.xyz; -} - -void main() -{ - vec2 pos_screen = vary_fragcoord.xy; - vec4 pos = getPosition(pos_screen); - vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, pos_screen).xyz; - norm = vec3((norm.xy-0.5)*2.0,norm.z); // unpack norm - - frag_color.xyz = giAmbient(pos, norm); -} diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/impostorF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/impostorF.glsl index bc0719cb82..f8fdde43f9 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/impostorF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/impostorF.glsl @@ -38,6 +38,42 @@ uniform sampler2D specularMap; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + void main() { vec4 col = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); @@ -47,7 +83,12 @@ void main() discard; } - frag_data[0] = vec4(col.rgb, col.a * 0.005); - frag_data[1] = texture2D(specularMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); - frag_data[2] = vec4(texture2D(normalMap, vary_texcoord0.xy).xyz, 0.0); + vec4 norm = texture2D(normalMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); + vec4 spec = texture2D(specularMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); + + col.rgb = linear_to_srgb(col.rgb); + + frag_data[0] = vec4(col.rgb, 0.0); + frag_data[1] = spec; + frag_data[2] = vec4(norm.xy,0,0); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/impostorV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/impostorV.glsl index 42266e9378..42266e9378 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/impostorV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/impostorV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/luminanceF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/luminanceF.glsl index dcf474824d..dcf474824d 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/luminanceF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/luminanceF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/luminanceV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/luminanceV.glsl index f2dc60aa5d..f2dc60aa5d 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/luminanceV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/luminanceV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialF.glsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07d28ed4cd --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialF.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,788 @@ +/** + * @file materialF.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +#define DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_IGNORE 0 +#define DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND 1 +#define DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_MASK 2 +#define DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_EMISSIVE 3 + +uniform float emissive_brightness; +uniform float display_gamma; + +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lte.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lte.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lte.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lte); +#endif + +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND) + +#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR +out vec4 frag_color; +#else +#define frag_color gl_FragColor +#endif + +#if HAS_SUN_SHADOW + +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap0; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap1; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap2; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap3; + +uniform mat4 shadow_matrix[6]; +uniform vec4 shadow_clip; +uniform vec2 shadow_res; +uniform float shadow_bias; + +float pcfShadow(sampler2DShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc) +{ + stc.xyz /= stc.w; + stc.z += shadow_bias; + + stc.x = floor(stc.x*shadow_res.x + fract(stc.y*shadow_res.y*12345))/shadow_res.x; // add some chaotic jitter to X sample pos according to Y to disguise the snapping going on here + + float cs = shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz).x; + float shadow = cs; + + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(2.0/shadow_res.x, 1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(1.0/shadow_res.x, -1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-1.0/shadow_res.x, 1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-2.0/shadow_res.x, -1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + + return shadow*0.2; +} + +#endif + +uniform samplerCube environmentMap; +uniform sampler2D lightFunc; + +// Inputs +uniform vec4 morphFactor; +uniform vec3 camPosLocal; +//uniform vec4 camPosWorld; +uniform vec4 gamma; +uniform vec4 lightnorm; +uniform vec4 sunlight_color; +uniform vec4 ambient; +uniform vec4 blue_horizon; +uniform vec4 blue_density; +uniform float haze_horizon; +uniform float haze_density; +uniform float cloud_shadow; +uniform float density_multiplier; +uniform float distance_multiplier; +uniform float max_y; +uniform vec4 glow; +uniform float scene_light_strength; +uniform mat3 env_mat; +uniform mat3 ssao_effect_mat; + +uniform vec3 sun_dir; +VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord; + +VARYING vec3 vary_position; + +vec3 vary_PositionEye; + +vec3 vary_SunlitColor; +vec3 vary_AmblitColor; +vec3 vary_AdditiveColor; +vec3 vary_AtmosAttenuation; + +uniform mat4 inv_proj; +uniform vec2 screen_res; + +uniform vec4 light_position[8]; +uniform vec3 light_direction[8]; +uniform vec3 light_attenuation[8]; +uniform vec3 light_diffuse[8]; + +#ifdef WATER_FOG +uniform vec4 waterPlane; +uniform vec4 waterFogColor; +uniform float waterFogDensity; +uniform float waterFogKS; + +vec4 applyWaterFogDeferred(vec3 pos, vec4 color) +{ + //normalize view vector + vec3 view = normalize(pos); + float es = -(dot(view, waterPlane.xyz)); + + //find intersection point with water plane and eye vector + + //get eye depth + float e0 = max(-waterPlane.w, 0.0); + + vec3 int_v = waterPlane.w > 0.0 ? view * waterPlane.w/es : vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + + //get object depth + float depth = length(pos - int_v); + + //get "thickness" of water + float l = max(depth, 0.1); + + float kd = waterFogDensity; + float ks = waterFogKS; + vec4 kc = waterFogColor; + + float F = 0.98; + + float t1 = -kd * pow(F, ks * e0); + float t2 = kd + ks * es; + float t3 = pow(F, t2*l) - 1.0; + + float L = min(t1/t2*t3, 1.0); + + float D = pow(0.98, l*kd); + + color.rgb = color.rgb * D + kc.rgb * L; + color.a = kc.a + color.a; + + return color; +} +#endif + +vec3 calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l) +{ + float a = max(dot(n,l),0.0); + return vec3(a,a,a); +} + + +vec3 calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 light_col, vec3 npos, vec3 diffuse, vec4 spec, vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float fa, float is_pointlight, inout float glare) +{ + //get light vector + vec3 lv = lp.xyz-v; + + //get distance + float d = length(lv); + + float da = 1.0; + + vec3 col = vec3(0,0,0); + + if (d > 0.0 && la > 0.0 && fa > 0.0) + { + //normalize light vector + lv = normalize(lv); + + //distance attenuation + float dist = d/la; + float dist_atten = clamp(1.0-(dist-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); + dist_atten *= dist_atten; + dist_atten *= 2.0; + + // spotlight coefficient. + float spot = max(dot(-ln, lv), is_pointlight); + da *= spot*spot; // GL_SPOT_EXPONENT=2 + + //angular attenuation + da *= max(dot(n, lv), 0.0); + + float lit = max(da * dist_atten, 0.0); + + col = light_col*lit*diffuse; + + if (spec.a > 0.0) + { + //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm); + vec3 h = normalize(lv+npos); + float nh = dot(n, h); + float nv = dot(n, npos); + float vh = dot(npos, h); + float sa = nh; + float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4+0.5; + + float gtdenom = 2 * nh; + float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh)); + + if (nh > 0.0) + { + float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt/(nh*da); + vec3 speccol = lit*scol*light_col.rgb*spec.rgb; + col += speccol; + + float cur_glare = max(speccol.r, speccol.g); + cur_glare = max(cur_glare, speccol.b); + glare = max(glare, speccol.r); + glare += max(cur_glare, 0.0); + //col += spec.rgb; + } + } + } + + return max(col, vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)); + +} + +vec4 getPosition_d(vec2 pos_screen, float depth) +{ + vec2 sc = pos_screen.xy*2.0; + sc /= screen_res; + sc -= vec2(1.0,1.0); + vec4 ndc = vec4(sc.x, sc.y, 2.0*depth-1.0, 1.0); + vec4 pos = inv_proj * ndc; + pos /= pos.w; + pos.w = 1.0; + return pos; +} + +#ifndef WATER_FOG +vec3 getPositionEye() +{ + return vary_PositionEye; +} +#endif + +vec3 getSunlitColor() +{ + return vary_SunlitColor; +} +vec3 getAmblitColor() +{ + return vary_AmblitColor; +} +vec3 getAdditiveColor() +{ + return vary_AdditiveColor; +} +vec3 getAtmosAttenuation() +{ + return vary_AtmosAttenuation; +} + +void setPositionEye(vec3 v) +{ + vary_PositionEye = v; +} + +void setSunlitColor(vec3 v) +{ + vary_SunlitColor = v; +} + +void setAmblitColor(vec3 v) +{ + vary_AmblitColor = v; +} + +void setAdditiveColor(vec3 v) +{ + vary_AdditiveColor = v; +} + +void setAtmosAttenuation(vec3 v) +{ + vary_AtmosAttenuation = v; +} + +void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye, float ambFactor) { + + vec3 P = inPositionEye; + setPositionEye(P); + + vec3 tmpLightnorm = lightnorm.xyz; + + vec3 Pn = normalize(P); + float Plen = length(P); + + vec4 temp1 = vec4(0); + vec3 temp2 = vec3(0); + vec4 blue_weight; + vec4 haze_weight; + vec4 sunlight = sunlight_color; + vec4 light_atten; + + //sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere + //this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes + light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (density_multiplier * max_y); + //I had thought blue_density and haze_density should have equal weighting, + //but attenuation due to haze_density tends to seem too strong + + temp1 = blue_density + vec4(haze_density); + blue_weight = blue_density / temp1; + haze_weight = vec4(haze_density) / temp1; + + //(TERRAIN) compute sunlight from lightnorm only (for short rays like terrain) + temp2.y = max(0.0, tmpLightnorm.y); + temp2.y = 1. / temp2.y; + sunlight *= exp( - light_atten * temp2.y); + + // main atmospheric scattering line integral + temp2.z = Plen * density_multiplier; + + // Transparency (-> temp1) + // ATI Bugfix -- can't store temp1*temp2.z*distance_multiplier in a variable because the ati + // compiler gets confused. + temp1 = exp(-temp1 * temp2.z * distance_multiplier); + + //final atmosphere attenuation factor + setAtmosAttenuation(temp1.rgb); + + //compute haze glow + //(can use temp2.x as temp because we haven't used it yet) + temp2.x = dot(Pn, tmpLightnorm.xyz); + temp2.x = 1. - temp2.x; + //temp2.x is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun + temp2.x = max(temp2.x, .03); //was glow.y + //set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) + temp2.x *= glow.x; + //higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") + temp2.x = pow(temp2.x, glow.z); + //glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function + + //add "minimum anti-solar illumination" + temp2.x += .25; + + //increase ambient when there are more clouds + vec4 tmpAmbient = ambient + (vec4(1.) - ambient) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; + + /* decrease value and saturation (that in HSV, not HSL) for occluded areas + * // for HSV color/geometry used here, see http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/index.html?node52.html + * // The following line of code performs the equivalent of: + * float ambAlpha = tmpAmbient.a; + * float ambValue = dot(vec3(tmpAmbient), vec3(0.577)); // projection onto <1/rt(3), 1/rt(3), 1/rt(3)>, the neutral white-black axis + * vec3 ambHueSat = vec3(tmpAmbient) - vec3(ambValue); + * tmpAmbient = vec4(RenderSSAOEffect.valueFactor * vec3(ambValue) + RenderSSAOEffect.saturationFactor *(1.0 - ambFactor) * ambHueSat, ambAlpha); + */ + tmpAmbient = vec4(mix(ssao_effect_mat * tmpAmbient.rgb, tmpAmbient.rgb, ambFactor), tmpAmbient.a); + + //haze color + setAdditiveColor( + vec3(blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight*(1.-cloud_shadow) + tmpAmbient) + + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight*(1.-cloud_shadow) * temp2.x + + tmpAmbient))); + + //brightness of surface both sunlight and ambient + setSunlitColor(vec3(sunlight * .5)); + setAmblitColor(vec3(tmpAmbient * .25)); + setAdditiveColor(getAdditiveColor() * vec3(1.0 - temp1)); +} + +vec3 atmosLighting(vec3 light) +{ + light *= getAtmosAttenuation().r; + light += getAdditiveColor(); + return (2.0 * light); +} + +vec3 atmosTransport(vec3 light) { + light *= getAtmosAttenuation().r; + light += getAdditiveColor() * 2.0; + return light; +} +vec3 atmosGetDiffuseSunlightColor() +{ + return getSunlitColor(); +} + +vec3 scaleDownLight(vec3 light) +{ + return (light / vec3(scene_light_strength, scene_light_strength, scene_light_strength)); +} + +vec3 scaleUpLight(vec3 light) +{ + return (light * vec3(scene_light_strength, scene_light_strength, scene_light_strength)); +} + +vec3 atmosAmbient(vec3 light) +{ + return getAmblitColor() + (light * vec3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); +} + +vec3 atmosAffectDirectionalLight(float lightIntensity) +{ + return getSunlitColor() * vec3(lightIntensity, lightIntensity, lightIntensity); +} + +vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light) +{ + //soft clip effect: + vec3 zeroes = vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); + vec3 ones = vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); + + light = ones - clamp(light, zeroes, ones); + light = ones - pow(light, gamma.xxx); + + return light; +} + +vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransport(vec3 light) { + float brightness = dot(light.rgb, vec3(0.33333)); + + return mix(atmosTransport(light.rgb), light.rgb + getAdditiveColor().rgb, brightness * brightness); +} + +vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light) +{ + //soft clip effect: + return light; +} + +#else +#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR +out vec4 frag_data[3]; +#else +#define frag_data gl_FragData +#endif +#endif + +uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; + +#if HAS_NORMAL_MAP +uniform sampler2D bumpMap; +#endif + +#if HAS_SPECULAR_MAP +uniform sampler2D specularMap; + +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord2; +#endif + +uniform float env_intensity; +uniform vec4 specular_color; // specular color RGB and specular exponent (glossiness) in alpha + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_MASK) +uniform float minimum_alpha; +#endif + +#if HAS_NORMAL_MAP +VARYING vec3 vary_mat0; +VARYING vec3 vary_mat1; +VARYING vec3 vary_mat2; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord1; +#else +VARYING vec3 vary_normal; +#endif + +VARYING vec4 vertex_color; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; + +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + +void main() +{ + vec4 diffcol = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); + diffcol.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_MASK) + if (diffcol.a < minimum_alpha) + { + discard; + } +#endif + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND) + vec3 gamma_diff = diffcol.rgb; + diffcol.rgb = srgb_to_linear(diffcol.rgb); +#endif + +#if HAS_SPECULAR_MAP + vec4 spec = texture2D(specularMap, vary_texcoord2.xy); + spec.rgb *= specular_color.rgb; +#else + vec4 spec = vec4(specular_color.rgb, 1.0); +#endif + +#if HAS_NORMAL_MAP + vec4 norm = texture2D(bumpMap, vary_texcoord1.xy); + + norm.xyz = norm.xyz * 2 - 1; + + vec3 tnorm = vec3(dot(norm.xyz,vary_mat0), + dot(norm.xyz,vary_mat1), + dot(norm.xyz,vary_mat2)); +#else + vec4 norm = vec4(0,0,0,1.0); + vec3 tnorm = vary_normal; +#endif + + norm.xyz = tnorm; + norm.xyz = normalize(norm.xyz); + + vec2 abnormal = encode_normal(norm.xyz); + norm.xyz = decode_normal(abnormal.xy); + + vec4 final_color = diffcol; + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE != DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_EMISSIVE) + final_color.a = emissive_brightness; +#else + final_color.a = max(final_color.a, emissive_brightness); +#endif + + vec4 final_specular = spec; +#if HAS_SPECULAR_MAP + vec4 final_normal = vec4(encode_normal(normalize(tnorm)), env_intensity * spec.a, 0.0); + final_specular.a = specular_color.a * norm.a; +#else + vec4 final_normal = vec4(encode_normal(normalize(tnorm)), env_intensity, 0.0); + final_specular.a = specular_color.a; +#endif + + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND) + //forward rendering, output just lit RGBA + vec3 pos = vary_position; + +#if HAS_SUN_SHADOW + float shadow = 0.0; + + vec4 spos = vec4(pos,1.0); + + if (spos.z > -shadow_clip.w) + { + vec4 lpos; + + vec4 near_split = shadow_clip*-0.75; + vec4 far_split = shadow_clip*-1.25; + vec4 transition_domain = near_split-far_split; + float weight = 0.0; + + if (spos.z < near_split.z) + { + lpos = shadow_matrix[3]*spos; + + float w = 1.0; + w -= max(spos.z-far_split.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap3, lpos)*w; + weight += w; + shadow += max((pos.z+shadow_clip.z)/(shadow_clip.z-shadow_clip.w)*2.0-1.0, 0.0); + } + + if (spos.z < near_split.y && spos.z > far_split.z) + { + lpos = shadow_matrix[2]*spos; + + float w = 1.0; + w -= max(spos.z-far_split.y, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; + w -= max(near_split.z-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap2, lpos)*w; + weight += w; + } + + if (spos.z < near_split.x && spos.z > far_split.y) + { + lpos = shadow_matrix[1]*spos; + + float w = 1.0; + w -= max(spos.z-far_split.x, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; + w -= max(near_split.y-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap1, lpos)*w; + weight += w; + } + + if (spos.z > far_split.x) + { + lpos = shadow_matrix[0]*spos; + + float w = 1.0; + w -= max(near_split.x-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; + + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap0, lpos)*w; + weight += w; + } + + + shadow /= weight; + } + else + { + shadow = 1.0; + } +#else + float shadow = 1.0; +#endif + + spec = final_specular; + vec4 diffuse = final_color; + float envIntensity = final_normal.z; + + vec3 col = vec3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); + + float bloom = 0.0; + calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz, 1.0); + + vec3 refnormpersp = normalize(reflect(pos.xyz, norm.xyz)); + + float da =dot(norm.xyz, sun_dir.xyz); + + float final_da = da; + final_da = min(final_da, shadow); + //final_da = max(final_da, diffuse.a); + final_da = max(final_da, 0.0f); + final_da = min(final_da, 1.0f); + final_da = pow(final_da, 1.0/1.3); + + col.rgb = atmosAmbient(col); + + float ambient = min(abs(da), 1.0); + ambient *= 0.5; + ambient *= ambient; + ambient = (1.0-ambient); + + col.rgb *= ambient; + + col.rgb = col.rgb + atmosAffectDirectionalLight(final_da); + + col.rgb *= gamma_diff.rgb; + + + float glare = 0.0; + + if (spec.a > 0.0) // specular reflection + { + // the old infinite-sky shiny reflection + // + + float sa = dot(refnormpersp, sun_dir.xyz); + vec3 dumbshiny = vary_SunlitColor*shadow*(texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r); + + // add the two types of shiny together + vec3 spec_contrib = dumbshiny * spec.rgb; + bloom = dot(spec_contrib, spec_contrib) / 6; + + glare = max(spec_contrib.r, spec_contrib.g); + glare = max(glare, spec_contrib.b); + + col += spec_contrib; + } + + + col = mix(col.rgb, diffcol.rgb, diffuse.a); + + if (envIntensity > 0.0) + { + //add environmentmap + vec3 env_vec = env_mat * refnormpersp; + + vec3 refcol = textureCube(environmentMap, env_vec).rgb; + + col = mix(col.rgb, refcol, + envIntensity); + + float cur_glare = max(refcol.r, refcol.g); + cur_glare = max(cur_glare, refcol.b); + cur_glare *= envIntensity*4.0; + glare += cur_glare; + } + + //col = mix(atmosLighting(col), fullbrightAtmosTransport(col), diffuse.a); + //col = mix(scaleSoftClip(col), fullbrightScaleSoftClip(col), diffuse.a); + + col = atmosLighting(col); + col = scaleSoftClip(col); + + //convert to linear space before adding local lights + col = srgb_to_linear(col); + + vec3 npos = normalize(-pos.xyz); + + vec3 light = vec3(0,0,0); + + #define LIGHT_LOOP(i) light.rgb += calcPointLightOrSpotLight(light_diffuse[i].rgb, npos, diffuse.rgb, final_specular, pos.xyz, norm.xyz, light_position[i], light_direction[i].xyz, light_attenuation[i].x, light_attenuation[i].y, light_attenuation[i].z, glare); + + LIGHT_LOOP(1) + LIGHT_LOOP(2) + LIGHT_LOOP(3) + LIGHT_LOOP(4) + LIGHT_LOOP(5) + LIGHT_LOOP(6) + LIGHT_LOOP(7) + + col.rgb += light.rgb; + + glare = min(glare, 1.0); + float al = max(diffcol.a,glare)*vertex_color.a; + + //convert to gamma space for display on screen + col.rgb = linear_to_srgb(col.rgb); + +#ifdef WATER_FOG + vec4 temp = applyWaterFogDeferred(pos, vec4(col.rgb, al)); + col.rgb = temp.rgb; + al = temp.a; +#endif + + frag_color.rgb = col.rgb; + frag_color.a = al; + +#else + frag_data[0] = final_color; + frag_data[1] = final_specular; // XYZ = Specular color. W = Specular exponent. + frag_data[2] = final_normal; // XY = Normal. Z = Env. intensity. +#endif +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialV.glsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..393d1e69da --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +/** + * @file bumpV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +#define DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_IGNORE 0 +#define DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND 1 +#define DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_MASK 2 +#define DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_EMISSIVE 3 + +#if HAS_SKIN +uniform mat4 modelview_matrix; +uniform mat4 projection_matrix; +mat4 getObjectSkinnedTransform(); +#else +uniform mat3 normal_matrix; +uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; +#endif + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND) + +#if !HAS_SKIN +uniform mat4 modelview_matrix; +#endif + +VARYING vec3 vary_position; + +#endif + +uniform mat4 texture_matrix0; + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; +ATTRIBUTE vec4 diffuse_color; +ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; +ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; + + +#if HAS_NORMAL_MAP +ATTRIBUTE vec4 tangent; +ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord1; + +VARYING vec3 vary_mat0; +VARYING vec3 vary_mat1; +VARYING vec3 vary_mat2; + +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord1; +#else +VARYING vec3 vary_normal; +#endif + +#if HAS_SPECULAR_MAP +ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord2; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord2; +#endif + +VARYING vec4 vertex_color; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; + +void main() +{ +#if HAS_SKIN + mat4 mat = getObjectSkinnedTransform(); + + mat = modelview_matrix * mat; + + vec3 pos = (mat*vec4(position.xyz,1.0)).xyz; + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND) + vary_position = pos; +#endif + + gl_Position = projection_matrix*vec4(pos,1.0); + +#else + //transform vertex + gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + +#endif + + vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord0,0,1)).xy; + +#if HAS_NORMAL_MAP + vary_texcoord1 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord1,0,1)).xy; +#endif + +#if HAS_SPECULAR_MAP + vary_texcoord2 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord2,0,1)).xy; +#endif + +#if HAS_SKIN + vec3 n = normalize((mat*vec4(normal.xyz+position.xyz,1.0)).xyz-pos.xyz); +#if HAS_NORMAL_MAP + vec3 t = normalize((mat*vec4(tangent.xyz+position.xyz,1.0)).xyz-pos.xyz); + vec3 b = cross(n, t)*tangent.w; + + vary_mat0 = vec3(t.x, b.x, n.x); + vary_mat1 = vec3(t.y, b.y, n.y); + vary_mat2 = vec3(t.z, b.z, n.z); +#else //HAS_NORMAL_MAP +vary_normal = n; +#endif //HAS_NORMAL_MAP +#else //HAS_SKIN + vec3 n = normalize(normal_matrix * normal); +#if HAS_NORMAL_MAP + vec3 t = normalize(normal_matrix * tangent.xyz); + vec3 b = cross(n,t)*tangent.w; + //vec3 t = cross(b,n) * binormal.w; + + vary_mat0 = vec3(t.x, b.x, n.x); + vary_mat1 = vec3(t.y, b.y, n.y); + vary_mat2 = vec3(t.z, b.z, n.z); +#else //HAS_NORMAL_MAP + vary_normal = n; +#endif //HAS_NORMAL_MAP +#endif //HAS_SKIN + + vertex_color = diffuse_color; + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND) +#if !HAS_SKIN + vary_position = (modelview_matrix*vec4(position.xyz, 1.0)).xyz; +#endif +#endif +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiPointLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiPointLightF.glsl index 4d01eeb64e..236567219b 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiPointLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiPointLightF.glsl @@ -45,9 +45,8 @@ uniform float sun_wash; uniform int light_count; -#define MAX_LIGHT_COUNT 16 -uniform vec4 light[MAX_LIGHT_COUNT]; -uniform vec4 light_col[MAX_LIGHT_COUNT]; +uniform vec4 light[LIGHT_COUNT]; +uniform vec4 light_col[LIGHT_COUNT]; VARYING vec4 vary_fragcoord; uniform vec2 screen_res; @@ -56,6 +55,23 @@ uniform float far_z; uniform mat4 inv_proj; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) { float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).r; @@ -79,70 +95,70 @@ void main() } vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, frag.xy).xyz; - norm = vec3((norm.xy-0.5)*2.0,norm.z); // unpack norm + norm = decode_normal(norm.xy); // unpack norm norm = normalize(norm); vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, frag.xy); vec3 diff = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, frag.xy).rgb; + float noise = texture2D(noiseMap, frag.xy/128.0).b; vec3 out_col = vec3(0,0,0); vec3 npos = normalize(-pos); // As of OSX 10.6.7 ATI Apple's crash when using a variable size loop - for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHT_COUNT; ++i) + for (int i = 0; i < LIGHT_COUNT; ++i) { - bool light_contrib = (i < light_count); - vec3 lv = light[i].xyz-pos; - float dist2 = dot(lv,lv); - dist2 /= light[i].w; - if (dist2 > 1.0) + float dist = length(lv); + dist /= light[i].w; + if (dist <= 1.0) { - light_contrib = false; - } - float da = dot(norm, lv); - if (da < 0.0) - { - light_contrib = false; - } - - if (light_contrib) + if (da > 0.0) { lv = normalize(lv); da = dot(norm, lv); - + float fa = light_col[i].a+1.0; - float dist_atten = clamp(1.0-(dist2-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); + float dist_atten = clamp(1.0-(dist-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); + dist_atten *= dist_atten; + dist_atten *= 2.0; + dist_atten *= noise; float lit = da * dist_atten; - + vec3 col = light_col[i].rgb*lit*diff; + //vec3 col = vec3(dist2, light_col[i].a, lit); if (spec.a > 0.0) { + lit = min(da*6.0, 1.0) * dist_atten; //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm); - - float sa = dot(normalize(lv+npos),norm); - - if (sa > 0.0) + vec3 h = normalize(lv+npos); + float nh = dot(norm, h); + float nv = dot(norm, npos); + float vh = dot(npos, h); + float sa = nh; + float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4+0.5; + + float gtdenom = 2 * nh; + float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh)); + + if (nh > 0.0) { - sa = 6 * texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r * min(dist_atten*4.0, 1.0); - sa *= noise; - col += da*sa*light_col[i].rgb*spec.rgb; + float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt/(nh*da); + col += lit*scol*light_col[i].rgb*spec.rgb; + //col += spec.rgb; } } out_col += col; } } - - if (dot(out_col, out_col) <= 0.0) - { - discard; } + frag_color.rgb = out_col; frag_color.a = 0.0; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiPointLightV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiPointLightV.glsl index eefefa640d..eefefa640d 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiPointLightV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiPointLightV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiSpotLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiSpotLightF.glsl index 75de47614c..0e6ab80d4d 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiSpotLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiSpotLightF.glsl @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ out vec4 frag_color; //class 1 -- no shadows #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable +#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable uniform sampler2DRect diffuseRect; uniform sampler2DRect specularRect; @@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ uniform sampler2DRect normalMap; uniform samplerCube environmentMap; uniform sampler2D noiseMap; uniform sampler2D projectionMap; +uniform sampler2D lightFunc; uniform mat4 proj_mat; //screen space to light space uniform float proj_near; //near clip for projection @@ -55,8 +57,6 @@ uniform float far_clip; uniform vec3 proj_origin; //origin of projection to be used for angular attenuation uniform float sun_wash; -uniform int proj_shadow_idx; -uniform float shadow_fade; uniform vec3 center; uniform vec3 color; @@ -68,9 +68,64 @@ uniform vec2 screen_res; uniform mat4 inv_proj; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lte.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lte.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lte.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lte); +#endif + +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + + vec4 texture2DLodSpecular(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) { vec4 ret = texture2DLod(projectionMap, tc, lod); + ret.rgb = srgb_to_linear(ret.rgb); vec2 dist = tc-vec2(0.5); @@ -86,6 +141,7 @@ vec4 texture2DLodSpecular(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) vec4 texture2DLodDiffuse(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) { vec4 ret = texture2DLod(projectionMap, tc, lod); + ret.rgb = srgb_to_linear(ret.rgb); vec2 dist = vec2(0.5) - abs(tc-vec2(0.5)); @@ -103,6 +159,7 @@ vec4 texture2DLodDiffuse(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) vec4 texture2DLodAmbient(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) { vec4 ret = texture2DLod(projectionMap, tc, lod); + ret.rgb = srgb_to_linear(ret.rgb); vec2 dist = tc-vec2(0.5); @@ -136,14 +193,17 @@ void main() vec3 pos = getPosition(frag.xy).xyz; vec3 lv = center.xyz-pos.xyz; - float dist2 = dot(lv,lv); - dist2 /= size; - if (dist2 > 1.0) + float dist = length(lv); + dist /= size; + if (dist > 1.0) { discard; } - vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, frag.xy).xyz*2.0-1.0; + vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, frag.xy).xyz; + float envIntensity = norm.z; + + norm = decode_normal(norm.xy); norm = normalize(norm); float l_dist = -dot(lv, proj_n); @@ -157,7 +217,10 @@ void main() proj_tc.xyz /= proj_tc.w; float fa = falloff+1.0; - float dist_atten = min(1.0-(dist2-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 1.0); + float dist_atten = min(1.0-(dist-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 1.0); + dist_atten *= dist_atten; + dist_atten *= 2.0; + if (dist_atten <= 0.0) { discard; @@ -170,7 +233,8 @@ void main() vec3 col = vec3(0,0,0); vec3 diff_tex = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, frag.xy).rgb; - + vec3 dlit = vec3(0, 0, 0); + float noise = texture2D(noiseMap, frag.xy/128.0).b; if (proj_tc.z > 0.0 && proj_tc.x < 1.0 && @@ -188,14 +252,13 @@ void main() vec4 plcol = texture2DLodDiffuse(projectionMap, proj_tc.xy, lod); - vec3 lcol = color.rgb * plcol.rgb * plcol.a; + dlit = color.rgb * plcol.rgb * plcol.a; lit = da * dist_atten * noise; - col = lcol*lit*diff_tex; + col = dlit*lit*diff_tex; amb_da += (da*0.5)*proj_ambiance; } - //float diff = clamp((proj_range-proj_focus)/proj_range, 0.0, 1.0); vec4 amb_plcol = texture2DLodAmbient(projectionMap, proj_tc.xy, proj_lod); @@ -204,14 +267,39 @@ void main() amb_da *= dist_atten * noise; amb_da = min(amb_da, 1.0-lit); - - col += amb_da*color.rgb*diff_tex.rgb*amb_plcol.rgb*amb_plcol.a; + col += amb_da*color.rgb*diff_tex*amb_plcol.rgb*amb_plcol.a; } vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, frag.xy); + if (spec.a > 0.0) { + dlit *= min(da*6.0, 1.0) * dist_atten; + + vec3 npos = -normalize(pos); + + //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm); + vec3 h = normalize(lv+npos); + float nh = dot(norm, h); + float nv = dot(norm, npos); + float vh = dot(npos, h); + float sa = nh; + float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4+0.5; + + float gtdenom = 2 * nh; + float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh)); + + if (nh > 0.0) + { + float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt/(nh*da); + col += dlit*scol*spec.rgb; + //col += spec.rgb; + } + } + + if (envIntensity > 0.0) + { vec3 ref = reflect(normalize(pos), norm); //project from point pos in direction ref to plane proj_p, proj_n @@ -223,12 +311,10 @@ void main() vec3 pfinal = pos + ref * dot(pdelta, proj_n)/ds; vec4 stc = (proj_mat * vec4(pfinal.xyz, 1.0)); - + stc /= stc.w; if (stc.z > 0.0) { - stc.xy /= stc.w; - - float fatten = clamp(spec.a*spec.a+spec.a*0.5, 0.25, 1.0); + float fatten = clamp(envIntensity*envIntensity+envIntensity*0.25, 0.25, 1.0); stc.xy = (stc.xy - vec2(0.5)) * fatten + vec2(0.5); @@ -237,8 +323,7 @@ void main() stc.x > 0.0 && stc.y > 0.0) { - vec4 scol = texture2DLodSpecular(projectionMap, stc.xy, proj_lod-spec.a*proj_lod); - col += dist_atten*scol.rgb*color.rgb*scol.a*spec.rgb; + col += color.rgb*texture2DLodSpecular(projectionMap, stc.xy, proj_lod).rgb*spec.rgb; } } } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/normgenF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/normgenF.glsl index 62cfa5c316..62cfa5c316 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/normgenF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/normgenF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/normgenV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/normgenV.glsl index 9bceae05b7..9bceae05b7 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/normgenV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/normgenV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/pointLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/pointLightF.glsl index 19800a8b8e..106d48bd71 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/pointLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/pointLightF.glsl @@ -42,17 +42,35 @@ uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; uniform vec3 env_mat[3]; uniform float sun_wash; -uniform vec3 center; uniform vec3 color; uniform float falloff; uniform float size; VARYING vec4 vary_fragcoord; +VARYING vec3 trans_center; + uniform vec2 screen_res; uniform mat4 inv_proj; uniform vec4 viewport; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) { float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).r; @@ -74,16 +92,16 @@ void main() frag.xy *= screen_res; vec3 pos = getPosition(frag.xy).xyz; - vec3 lv = center.xyz-pos; - float dist2 = dot(lv,lv); - dist2 /= size; - if (dist2 > 1.0) + vec3 lv = trans_center.xyz-pos; + float dist = length(lv); + dist /= size; + if (dist > 1.0) { discard; } vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, frag.xy).xyz; - norm = vec3((norm.xy-0.5)*2.0,norm.z); // unpack norm + norm = decode_normal(norm.xy); // unpack norm float da = dot(norm, lv); if (da < 0.0) { @@ -98,20 +116,33 @@ void main() vec3 col = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, frag.xy).rgb; float fa = falloff+1.0; - float dist_atten = clamp(1.0-(dist2-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); - float lit = da * dist_atten * noise; + float dist_atten = clamp(1.0-(dist-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); + dist_atten *= dist_atten; + dist_atten *= 2.0; + float lit = da * dist_atten * noise; + col = color.rgb*lit*col; vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, frag.xy); if (spec.a > 0.0) { - float sa = dot(normalize(lv-normalize(pos)),norm); - if (sa > 0.0) + lit = min(da*6.0, 1.0) * dist_atten; + + vec3 npos = -normalize(pos); + vec3 h = normalize(lv+npos); + float nh = dot(norm, h); + float nv = dot(norm, npos); + float vh = dot(npos, h); + float sa = nh; + float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5) * 0.4+0.5; + float gtdenom = 2 * nh; + float gt = max(0,(min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh))); + + if (nh > 0.0) { - sa = 6 * texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r * min(dist_atten*4.0, 1.0); - sa *= noise; - col += da*sa*color.rgb*spec.rgb; + float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt/(nh*da); + col += lit*scol*color.rgb*spec.rgb; } } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/pointLightV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/pointLightV.glsl index cb14e6d4e8..a5625fbc16 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/pointLightV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/pointLightV.glsl @@ -24,16 +24,22 @@ */ uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; +uniform mat4 modelview_matrix; ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; +uniform vec3 center; +uniform float size; + VARYING vec4 vary_fragcoord; +VARYING vec3 trans_center; void main() { //transform vertex - vec4 pos = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + vec3 p = position*size+center; + vec4 pos = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(p.xyz, 1.0); vary_fragcoord = pos; - + trans_center = (modelview_matrix*vec4(center.xyz, 1.0)).xyz; gl_Position = pos; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredF.glsl index bf362e21a4..bf362e21a4 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredGammaCorrect.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredGammaCorrect.glsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e2f98aa29 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredGammaCorrect.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +/** + * @file postDeferredGammaCorrect.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable + +#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR +out vec4 frag_color; +#else +#define frag_color gl_FragColor +#endif + +uniform sampler2DRect diffuseRect; + +uniform vec2 screen_res; +VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord; + +uniform float display_gamma; + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + + +void main() +{ + vec4 diff = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, vary_fragcoord); + diff.rgb = linear_to_srgb(diff.rgb); + frag_color = diff; +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredNoDoFF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredNoDoFF.glsl index eb5beeef39..eb5beeef39 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredNoDoFF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredNoDoFF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredNoTCV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredNoTCV.glsl index bd0cb50464..bd0cb50464 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredNoTCV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredNoTCV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredV.glsl index 8edf5b2723..8edf5b2723 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postgiF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postgiF.glsl index 96f9628424..96f9628424 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postgiF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postgiF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowAlphaMaskF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowAlphaMaskF.glsl index cf8cf8364a..91a96977f0 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowAlphaMaskF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowAlphaMaskF.glsl @@ -29,11 +29,15 @@ out vec4 frag_color; #define frag_color gl_FragColor #endif -uniform float minimum_alpha; - uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; -VARYING vec4 post_pos; +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP +VARYING float pos_zd2; +#endif + +VARYING float pos_w; + +VARYING float target_pos_x; VARYING vec4 vertex_color; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; @@ -41,12 +45,22 @@ void main() { float alpha = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy).a * vertex_color.a; - if (alpha < minimum_alpha) + if (alpha < 0.05) // treat as totally transparent { discard; } + if (alpha < 0.88) // treat as semi-transparent + { + if (fract(0.5*floor(target_pos_x / pos_w )) < 0.25) + { + discard; + } + } + frag_color = vec4(1,1,1,1); - gl_FragDepth = max(post_pos.z/post_pos.w*0.5+0.5, 0.0); +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP + gl_FragDepth = max(pos_zd2/pos_w+0.5, 0.0); +#endif } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowAlphaMaskV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowAlphaMaskV.glsl index 7d3b06c56e..11411a605c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowAlphaMaskV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowAlphaMaskV.glsl @@ -25,12 +25,19 @@ uniform mat4 texture_matrix0; uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; +uniform float shadow_target_width; ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; ATTRIBUTE vec4 diffuse_color; ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; -VARYING vec4 post_pos; +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP +VARYING float pos_zd2; +#endif + +VARYING float pos_w; + +VARYING float target_pos_x; VARYING vec4 vertex_color; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; @@ -39,10 +46,19 @@ void passTextureIndex(); void main() { //transform vertex - vec4 pos = modelview_projection_matrix*vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); - post_pos = pos; + vec4 pre_pos = vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + vec4 pos = modelview_projection_matrix * pre_pos; + target_pos_x = 0.5 * (shadow_target_width - 1.0) * pos.x; + + pos_w = pos.w; + +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP + pos_zd2 = pos.z * 0.5; gl_Position = vec4(pos.x, pos.y, pos.w*0.5, pos.w); +#else + gl_Position = pos; +#endif passTextureIndex(); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowCubeV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowCubeV.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..ef153dfc5b --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowCubeV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +/** + * @file shadowCubeV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2011&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; + +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP +VARYING vec4 post_pos; +#endif + +uniform vec3 box_center; +uniform vec3 box_size; + +void main() +{ + //transform vertex + vec3 p = position*box_size+box_center; + vec4 pos = modelview_projection_matrix*vec4(p.xyz, 1.0); + +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP + post_pos = pos; + + gl_Position = vec4(pos.x, pos.y, pos.w*0.5, pos.w); +#else + gl_Position = pos; +#endif +} diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowF.glsl index 7e55fdc12a..3d1b182875 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowF.glsl @@ -29,11 +29,16 @@ out vec4 frag_color; #define frag_color gl_FragColor #endif +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP VARYING vec4 post_pos; +#endif void main() { frag_color = vec4(1,1,1,1); +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP gl_FragDepth = max(post_pos.z/post_pos.w*0.5+0.5, 0.0); +#endif + } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowV.glsl index 8b46e81f90..cc77a4cea0 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/shadowV.glsl @@ -27,14 +27,20 @@ uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP VARYING vec4 post_pos; +#endif void main() { //transform vertex vec4 pos = modelview_projection_matrix*vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); +#if !DEPTH_CLAMP post_pos = pos; - + gl_Position = vec4(pos.x, pos.y, pos.w*0.5, pos.w); +#else + gl_Position = pos; +#endif } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/skyF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/skyF.glsl index faa54a316e..22f4729e2e 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/skyF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/skyF.glsl @@ -61,6 +61,6 @@ void main() /// Gamma correct for WL (soft clip effect). frag_data[0] = vec4(scaleSoftClip(color.rgb), 1.0); frag_data[1] = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); - frag_data[2] = vec4(0,0,1,0); + frag_data[2] = vec4(0.5,0.5,0.0,1.0); //1.0 in norm.w masks off fog } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/skyV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/skyV.glsl index 7c02d31d43..7c02d31d43 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/skyV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/skyV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/softenLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/softenLightF.glsl index 66e3cf6d13..760d52a9ce 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/softenLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/softenLightF.glsl @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ */ #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable +#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable #ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR out vec4 frag_color; @@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ uniform float density_multiplier; uniform float distance_multiplier; uniform float max_y; uniform vec4 glow; +uniform float global_gamma; uniform float scene_light_strength; uniform mat3 env_mat; uniform mat3 ssao_effect_mat; @@ -77,6 +79,54 @@ vec3 vary_AtmosAttenuation; uniform mat4 inv_proj; uniform vec2 screen_res; +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lte.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lte.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lte.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lte); +#endif + +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + vec4 getPosition_d(vec2 pos_screen, float depth) { vec2 sc = pos_screen.xy*2.0; @@ -116,7 +166,6 @@ vec3 getAtmosAttenuation() return vary_AtmosAttenuation; } - void setPositionEye(vec3 v) { vary_PositionEye = v; @@ -142,6 +191,53 @@ void setAtmosAttenuation(vec3 v) vary_AtmosAttenuation = v; } + +#ifdef WATER_FOG +uniform vec4 waterPlane; +uniform vec4 waterFogColor; +uniform float waterFogDensity; +uniform float waterFogKS; + +vec4 applyWaterFogDeferred(vec3 pos, vec4 color) +{ + //normalize view vector + vec3 view = normalize(pos); + float es = -(dot(view, waterPlane.xyz)); + + //find intersection point with water plane and eye vector + + //get eye depth + float e0 = max(-waterPlane.w, 0.0); + + vec3 int_v = waterPlane.w > 0.0 ? view * waterPlane.w/es : vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + + //get object depth + float depth = length(pos - int_v); + + //get "thickness" of water + float l = max(depth, 0.1); + + float kd = waterFogDensity; + float ks = waterFogKS; + vec4 kc = waterFogColor; + + float F = 0.98; + + float t1 = -kd * pow(F, ks * e0); + float t2 = kd + ks * es; + float t3 = pow(F, t2*l) - 1.0; + + float L = min(t1/t2*t3, 1.0); + + float D = pow(0.98, l*kd); + + color.rgb = color.rgb * D + kc.rgb * L; + color.a = kc.a + color.a; + + return color; +} +#endif + void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye, float ambFactor) { vec3 P = inPositionEye; @@ -237,6 +333,15 @@ vec3 atmosTransport(vec3 light) { light += getAdditiveColor() * 2.0; return light; } + +vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransport(vec3 light) { + float brightness = dot(light.rgb, vec3(0.33333)); + + return mix(atmosTransport(light.rgb), light.rgb + getAdditiveColor().rgb, brightness * brightness); +} + + + vec3 atmosGetDiffuseSunlightColor() { return getSunlitColor(); @@ -271,60 +376,100 @@ vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light) return light; } + +vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light) +{ + //soft clip effect: + return light; +} + void main() { vec2 tc = vary_fragcoord.xy; float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, tc.xy).r; vec3 pos = getPosition_d(tc, depth).xyz; - vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, tc).xyz; - norm = vec3((norm.xy-0.5)*2.0,norm.z); // unpack norm + vec4 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, tc); + float envIntensity = norm.z; + norm.xyz = decode_normal(norm.xy); // unpack norm - float da = max(dot(norm.xyz, sun_dir.xyz), 0.0); - + float da = dot(norm.xyz, sun_dir.xyz); + + float final_da = max(0.0,da); + final_da = min(final_da, 1.0f); + final_da = pow(final_da, 1.0/1.3); + vec4 diffuse = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, tc); + + //convert to gamma space + diffuse.rgb = linear_to_srgb(diffuse.rgb); + vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, vary_fragcoord.xy); - vec3 col; float bloom = 0.0; - if (diffuse.a < 0.9) { calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz, 1.0); col = atmosAmbient(vec3(0)); - col += atmosAffectDirectionalLight(max(min(da, 1.0), diffuse.a)); + float ambient = min(abs(dot(norm.xyz, sun_dir.xyz)), 1.0); + ambient *= 0.5; + ambient *= ambient; + ambient = (1.0-ambient); + + col.rgb *= ambient; + + col += atmosAffectDirectionalLight(final_da); col *= diffuse.rgb; + vec3 refnormpersp = normalize(reflect(pos.xyz, norm.xyz)); + if (spec.a > 0.0) // specular reflection { // the old infinite-sky shiny reflection // - vec3 refnormpersp = normalize(reflect(pos.xyz, norm.xyz)); + float sa = dot(refnormpersp, sun_dir.xyz); - vec3 dumbshiny = vary_SunlitColor*(6 * texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r); + vec3 dumbshiny = vary_SunlitColor*(texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r); // add the two types of shiny together vec3 spec_contrib = dumbshiny * spec.rgb; - bloom = dot(spec_contrib, spec_contrib) / 4; + bloom = dot(spec_contrib, spec_contrib) / 6; col += spec_contrib; - - //add environmentmap + } + + + col = mix(col.rgb, diffuse.rgb, diffuse.a); + + if (envIntensity > 0.0) + { //add environmentmap vec3 env_vec = env_mat * refnormpersp; - col = mix(col.rgb, textureCube(environmentMap, env_vec).rgb, - max(spec.a-diffuse.a*2.0, 0.0)); + + + vec3 refcol = textureCube(environmentMap, env_vec).rgb; + + col = mix(col.rgb, refcol, + envIntensity); + } + + if (norm.w < 0.5) + { + col = mix(atmosLighting(col), fullbrightAtmosTransport(col), diffuse.a); + col = mix(scaleSoftClip(col), fullbrightScaleSoftClip(col), diffuse.a); } - - col = atmosLighting(col); - col = scaleSoftClip(col); - col = mix(col.rgb, diffuse.rgb, diffuse.a); - } - else - { - col = diffuse.rgb; - } + #ifdef WATER_FOG + vec4 fogged = applyWaterFogDeferred(pos,vec4(col, bloom)); + col = fogged.rgb; + bloom = fogged.a; + #endif + + col = srgb_to_linear(col); - frag_color.rgb = col; + //col = vec3(1,0,1); + //col.g = envIntensity; + } + frag_color.rgb = col.rgb; frag_color.a = bloom; } + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/softenLightV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/softenLightV.glsl index c6031fc45a..b59fcbe017 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/softenLightV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/softenLightV.glsl @@ -35,6 +35,6 @@ void main() //transform vertex vec4 pos = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); gl_Position = pos; - + vary_fragcoord = (pos.xy*0.5+0.5)*screen_res; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/spotLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/spotLightF.glsl index 7ed8ed3370..8d8a6c9dde 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/spotLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/spotLightF.glsl @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ * $/LicenseInfo$ */ - #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable +#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable #ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR out vec4 frag_color; @@ -32,12 +32,16 @@ out vec4 frag_color; #define frag_color gl_FragColor #endif +//class 1 -- no shadows + uniform sampler2DRect diffuseRect; uniform sampler2DRect specularRect; uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; uniform sampler2DRect normalMap; +uniform samplerCube environmentMap; uniform sampler2D noiseMap; uniform sampler2D projectionMap; +uniform sampler2D lightFunc; uniform mat4 proj_mat; //screen space to light space uniform float proj_near; //near clip for projection @@ -46,6 +50,7 @@ uniform vec3 proj_n; uniform float proj_focus; //distance from plane to begin blurring uniform float proj_lod; //(number of mips in proj map) uniform float proj_range; //range between near clip and far clip plane of projection +uniform float proj_ambient_lod; uniform float proj_ambiance; uniform float near_clip; uniform float far_clip; @@ -53,19 +58,127 @@ uniform float far_clip; uniform vec3 proj_origin; //origin of projection to be used for angular attenuation uniform float sun_wash; -uniform vec3 center; +uniform float size; uniform vec3 color; uniform float falloff; -uniform float size; +VARYING vec3 trans_center; VARYING vec4 vary_fragcoord; uniform vec2 screen_res; uniform mat4 inv_proj; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lte.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lte.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lte.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lte); +#endif + +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + +vec4 correctWithGamma(vec4 col) +{ + return vec4(srgb_to_linear(col.rgb), col.a); +} + +vec4 texture2DLodSpecular(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) +{ + vec4 ret = texture2DLod(projectionMap, tc, lod); + ret = correctWithGamma(ret); + + vec2 dist = tc-vec2(0.5); + + float det = max(1.0-lod/(proj_lod*0.5), 0.0); + + float d = dot(dist,dist); + + ret *= min(clamp((0.25-d)/0.25, 0.0, 1.0)+det, 1.0); + + return ret; +} + +vec4 texture2DLodDiffuse(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) +{ + vec4 ret = texture2DLod(projectionMap, tc, lod); + ret = correctWithGamma(ret); + + vec2 dist = vec2(0.5) - abs(tc-vec2(0.5)); + + float det = min(lod/(proj_lod*0.5), 1.0); + + float d = min(dist.x, dist.y); + + float edge = 0.25*det; + + ret *= clamp(d/edge, 0.0, 1.0); + + return ret; +} + +vec4 texture2DLodAmbient(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) +{ + vec4 ret = texture2DLod(projectionMap, tc, lod); + ret = correctWithGamma(ret); + + vec2 dist = tc-vec2(0.5); + + float d = dot(dist,dist); + + ret *= min(clamp((0.25-d)/0.25, 0.0, 1.0), 1.0); + + return ret; +} + + vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) { - float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).a; + float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).r; vec2 sc = pos_screen.xy*2.0; sc /= screen_res; sc -= vec2(1.0,1.0); @@ -84,16 +197,18 @@ void main() frag.xy *= screen_res; vec3 pos = getPosition(frag.xy).xyz; - vec3 lv = center.xyz-pos.xyz; - float dist2 = dot(lv,lv); - dist2 /= size; - if (dist2 > 1.0) + vec3 lv = trans_center.xyz-pos.xyz; + float dist = length(lv); + dist /= size; + if (dist > 1.0) { discard; } + vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, frag.xy).xyz; - norm = vec3((norm.xy-0.5)*2.0,norm.z); // unpack norm + float envIntensity = norm.z; + norm = decode_normal(norm.xy); norm = normalize(norm); float l_dist = -dot(lv, proj_n); @@ -107,7 +222,14 @@ void main() proj_tc.xyz /= proj_tc.w; float fa = falloff+1.0; - float dist_atten = clamp(1.0-(dist2-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); + float dist_atten = min(1.0-(dist-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 1.0); + dist_atten *= dist_atten; + dist_atten *= 2.0; + + if (dist_atten <= 0.0) + { + discard; + } lv = proj_origin-pos.xyz; lv = normalize(lv); @@ -117,47 +239,75 @@ void main() vec3 diff_tex = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, frag.xy).rgb; + vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, frag.xy); + + + float noise = texture2D(noiseMap, frag.xy/128.0).b; + vec3 dlit = vec3(0, 0, 0); + if (proj_tc.z > 0.0 && proj_tc.x < 1.0 && proj_tc.y < 1.0 && proj_tc.x > 0.0 && proj_tc.y > 0.0) { + float amb_da = proj_ambiance; float lit = 0.0; + if (da > 0.0) { + lit = da * dist_atten * noise; + float diff = clamp((l_dist-proj_focus)/proj_range, 0.0, 1.0); float lod = diff * proj_lod; - vec4 plcol = texture2DLod(projectionMap, proj_tc.xy, lod); - - vec3 lcol = color.rgb * plcol.rgb * plcol.a; + vec4 plcol = texture2DLodDiffuse(projectionMap, proj_tc.xy, lod); + dlit = color.rgb * plcol.rgb * plcol.a; - lit = da * dist_atten * noise; - - col = lcol*lit*diff_tex; + col = dlit*lit*diff_tex; + //amb_da += (da*0.5)*(1.0-shadow)*proj_ambiance; } - - float diff = clamp((proj_range-proj_focus)/proj_range, 0.0, 1.0); - float lod = diff * proj_lod; - vec4 amb_plcol = texture2DLod(projectionMap, proj_tc.xy, lod); - //float amb_da = mix(proj_ambiance, proj_ambiance*max(-da, 0.0), max(da, 0.0)); - float amb_da = proj_ambiance; - + //float diff = clamp((proj_range-proj_focus)/proj_range, 0.0, 1.0); + vec4 amb_plcol = texture2DLodAmbient(projectionMap, proj_tc.xy, proj_lod); + amb_da += (da*da*0.5+0.5)*proj_ambiance; - + amb_da *= dist_atten * noise; - + amb_da = min(amb_da, 1.0-lit); - - col += amb_da*color.rgb*diff_tex.rgb*amb_plcol.rgb*amb_plcol.a; + col += amb_da*color.rgb*diff_tex.rgb*amb_plcol.rgb*amb_plcol.a*diff_tex.rgb; } - - vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, frag.xy); + if (spec.a > 0.0) { + dlit *= min(da*6.0, 1.0) * dist_atten; + vec3 npos = -normalize(pos); + + //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm); + vec3 h = normalize(lv+npos); + float nh = dot(norm, h); + float nv = dot(norm, npos); + float vh = dot(npos, h); + float sa = nh; + float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4+0.5; + + float gtdenom = 2 * nh; + float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh)); + + if (nh > 0.0) + { + + float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt/(nh*da); + col += dlit*scol*spec.rgb; + //col += spec.rgb; + } + } + + + if (envIntensity > 0.0) + { vec3 ref = reflect(normalize(pos), norm); //project from point pos in direction ref to plane proj_p, proj_n @@ -168,19 +318,23 @@ void main() { vec3 pfinal = pos + ref * dot(pdelta, proj_n)/ds; - vec3 stc = (proj_mat * vec4(pfinal.xyz, 1.0)).xyz; + vec4 stc = (proj_mat * vec4(pfinal.xyz, 1.0)); if (stc.z > 0.0) { - stc.xy /= stc.z+proj_near; - + stc.xy /= stc.w; + + float fatten = clamp(envIntensity*envIntensity+envIntensity*0.5, 0.25, 1.0); + + //stc.xy = (stc.xy - vec2(0.5)) * fatten + vec2(0.5); + stc.xy = (stc.xy - vec2(0.5)) * fatten + vec2(0.5); + if (stc.x < 1.0 && stc.y < 1.0 && stc.x > 0.0 && stc.y > 0.0) { - vec4 scol = texture2DLod(projectionMap, stc.xy, proj_lod-spec.a*proj_lod); - col += dist_atten*scol.rgb*color.rgb*scol.a*spec.rgb; + col += color.rgb*texture2DLodSpecular(projectionMap, stc.xy, proj_lod-envIntensity*proj_lod).rgb*spec.rgb; } } } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/srgb.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/srgb.glsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..587f3d5a94 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/srgb.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/** + * @file srgb.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + return mix(high_range, low_range, lte); + +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); + +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/srgb_mac.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/srgb_mac.glsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6cc1e6e798 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/srgb_mac.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/** + * @file srgb.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + + vec3 result; + result.r = lte.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lte.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lte.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/starsF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/starsF.glsl index 821058804c..821058804c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/starsF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/starsF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/starsV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/starsV.glsl index 8bc5b06379..8bc5b06379 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/starsV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/starsV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightF.glsl index 5ca817aff6..5ca817aff6 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightNoFragCoordV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightNoFragCoordV.glsl index 47e9d15fbc..47e9d15fbc 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightNoFragCoordV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightNoFragCoordV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightSSAOF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightSSAOF.glsl index 2422d73a3e..c0a5865bef 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightSSAOF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightSSAOF.glsl @@ -49,6 +49,23 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord; uniform mat4 inv_proj; uniform vec2 screen_res; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) { float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).r; @@ -123,7 +140,7 @@ void main() vec4 pos = getPosition(pos_screen); vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, pos_screen).xyz; - norm = vec3((norm.xy-0.5)*2.0,norm.z); // unpack norm + norm = decode_normal(norm.xy); frag_color[0] = 1.0; frag_color[1] = calcAmbientOcclusion(pos, norm); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightV.glsl index 473d6df8fa..473d6df8fa 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/terrainF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/terrainF.glsl index 8a5e482e80..52a429465f 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/terrainF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/terrainF.glsl @@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ VARYING vec3 vary_normal; VARYING vec4 vary_texcoord0; VARYING vec4 vary_texcoord1; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + void main() { /// Note: This should duplicate the blending functionality currently used for the terrain rendering. @@ -56,6 +62,6 @@ void main() frag_data[0] = vec4(outColor.rgb, 0.0); frag_data[1] = vec4(0,0,0,0); vec3 nvn = normalize(vary_normal); - frag_data[2] = vec4(nvn.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, nvn.z, 0.0); + frag_data[2] = vec4(encode_normal(nvn.xyz), 0.0, 0.0); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/terrainV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/terrainV.glsl index 5effee4e4e..5effee4e4e 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/terrainV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/terrainV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeF.glsl index 6cf6106b51..808750496f 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeF.glsl @@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; uniform float minimum_alpha; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + void main() { vec4 col = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); @@ -48,5 +54,5 @@ void main() frag_data[0] = vec4(vertex_color.rgb*col.rgb, 0.0); frag_data[1] = vec4(0,0,0,0); vec3 nvn = normalize(vary_normal); - frag_data[2] = vec4(nvn.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, nvn.z, 0.0); + frag_data[2] = vec4(encode_normal(nvn.xyz), 0.0, 0.0); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeShadowF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeShadowF.glsl index d4d2f5f571..d4d2f5f571 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeShadowF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeShadowF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeShadowV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeShadowV.glsl index e472a75304..e472a75304 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeShadowV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeShadowV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeV.glsl index 3b6571a24a..3b6571a24a 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/treeV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/underWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/underWaterF.glsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..78f841c733 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/underWaterF.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +/** + * @file underWaterF.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR +out vec4 frag_data[3]; +#else +#define frag_data gl_FragData +#endif + +uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; +uniform sampler2D bumpMap; +uniform sampler2D screenTex; +uniform sampler2D refTex; +uniform sampler2D screenDepth; + +uniform vec4 fogCol; +uniform vec3 lightDir; +uniform vec3 specular; +uniform float lightExp; +uniform vec2 fbScale; +uniform float refScale; +uniform float znear; +uniform float zfar; +uniform float kd; +uniform vec4 waterPlane; +uniform vec3 eyeVec; +uniform vec4 waterFogColor; +uniform float waterFogDensity; +uniform float waterFogKS; +uniform vec2 screenRes; + +//bigWave is (refCoord.w, view.w); +VARYING vec4 refCoord; +VARYING vec4 littleWave; +VARYING vec4 view; + +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lte.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lte.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lte.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lte); +#endif + +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec4 applyWaterFog(vec4 color, vec3 viewVec) +{ + //normalize view vector + vec3 view = normalize(viewVec); + float es = -view.z; + + //find intersection point with water plane and eye vector + + //get eye depth + float e0 = max(-waterPlane.w, 0.0); + + //get object depth + float depth = length(viewVec); + + //get "thickness" of water + float l = max(depth, 0.1); + + float kd = waterFogDensity; + float ks = waterFogKS; + vec4 kc = waterFogColor; + + float F = 0.98; + + float t1 = -kd * pow(F, ks * e0); + float t2 = kd + ks * es; + float t3 = pow(F, t2*l) - 1.0; + + float L = min(t1/t2*t3, 1.0); + + float D = pow(0.98, l*kd); + //return vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); + return color * D + kc * L; + //depth /= 10.0; + //return vec4(depth,depth,depth,0.0); +} + +void main() +{ + vec4 color; + + //get detail normals + vec3 wave1 = texture2D(bumpMap, vec2(refCoord.w, view.w)).xyz*2.0-1.0; + vec3 wave2 = texture2D(bumpMap, littleWave.xy).xyz*2.0-1.0; + vec3 wave3 = texture2D(bumpMap, littleWave.zw).xyz*2.0-1.0; + vec3 wavef = normalize(wave1+wave2+wave3); + + //figure out distortion vector (ripply) + vec2 distort = (refCoord.xy/refCoord.z) * 0.5 + 0.5; + distort = distort+wavef.xy*refScale; + + vec4 fb = texture2D(screenTex, distort); + + frag_data[0] = vec4(linear_to_srgb(fb.rgb), 1.0); // diffuse + frag_data[1] = vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5, 0.95); // speccolor*spec, spec + frag_data[2] = vec4(encode_normal(wavef), 0.0, 0.0); // normalxyz, displace +} diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/waterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/waterF.glsl index 42dc7c0980..1c3ad49a21 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/waterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/waterF.glsl @@ -67,6 +67,49 @@ VARYING vec4 littleWave; VARYING vec4 view; VARYING vec4 vary_position; +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lte.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lte.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lte.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lte); +#endif + +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + void main() { vec4 color; @@ -115,7 +158,7 @@ void main() refcol *= df1 * 0.333; vec3 wavef = (wave1 + wave2 * 0.4 + wave3 * 0.6) * 0.5; - //wavef.z *= max(-viewVec.z, 0.1); + wavef.z *= max(-viewVec.z, 0.1); wavef = normalize(wavef); float df2 = dot(viewVec, wavef) * fresnelScale+fresnelOffset; @@ -125,13 +168,14 @@ void main() vec2 refvec4 = distort+refdistort4/dmod; float dweight = min(dist2*blurMultiplier, 1.0); vec4 baseCol = texture2D(refTex, refvec4); + refcol = mix(baseCol*df2, refcol, dweight); //get specular component - //float spec = clamp(dot(lightDir, (reflect(viewVec,wavef))),0.0,1.0); + float spec = clamp(dot(lightDir, (reflect(viewVec,wavef))),0.0,1.0); //harden specular - //spec = pow(spec, 128.0); + spec = pow(spec, 128.0); //figure out distortion vector (ripply) vec2 distort2 = distort+wavef.xy*refScale/max(dmod*df1, 1.0); @@ -142,24 +186,17 @@ void main() // Note we actually want to use just df1, but multiplying by 0.999999 gets around an nvidia compiler bug color.rgb = mix(fb.rgb, refcol.rgb, df1 * 0.99999); - float shadow = 1.0; vec4 pos = vary_position; - //vec3 nz = texture2D(noiseMap, gl_FragCoord.xy/128.0).xyz; - vec4 spos = pos; - - //spec *= shadow; - //color.rgb += spec * specular; + color.rgb += spec * specular; - //color.rgb = atmosTransport(color.rgb); - //color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - //color.a = spec * sunAngle2; + color.rgb = atmosTransport(color.rgb); + color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + color.a = spec * sunAngle2; - //wavef.z *= 0.1f; - //wavef = normalize(wavef); - vec3 screenspacewavef = (norm_mat*vec4(wavef, 1.0)).xyz; + vec3 screenspacewavef = normalize((norm_mat*vec4(wavef, 1.0)).xyz); - frag_data[0] = vec4(color.rgb, 0.5); // diffuse - frag_data[1] = vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5, 0.95); // speccolor*spec, spec - frag_data[2] = vec4(screenspacewavef.xy*0.5+0.5, screenspacewavef.z, screenspacewavef.z*0.5); // normalxyz, displace + frag_data[0] = vec4(color.rgb, color); // diffuse + frag_data[1] = vec4(0); // speccolor, spec + frag_data[2] = vec4(encode_normal(screenspacewavef.xyz*0.5+0.5), 0.05, 0);// normalxy, 0, 0 } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/waterV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/waterV.glsl index 9734acf005..9734acf005 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/waterV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/waterV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowExtractF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowExtractF.glsl index 0f5eb288fd..0f5eb288fd 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowExtractF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowExtractF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowExtractV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowExtractV.glsl index 1396dc6973..1396dc6973 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowExtractV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowExtractV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowF.glsl index c1f6af9f57..c1f6af9f57 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowV.glsl index cdb2281578..cdb2281578 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/effects/glowV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/terrainF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/terrainF.glsl index 668a710c04..668a710c04 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/terrainF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/terrainF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/terrainV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/terrainV.glsl index d09c5f9247..d09c5f9247 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/terrainV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/terrainV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/terrainWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/terrainWaterF.glsl index a956562396..a956562396 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/terrainWaterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/terrainWaterF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/underWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/underWaterF.glsl index 0d8dab0a41..0d8dab0a41 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/underWaterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/underWaterF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/waterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/waterF.glsl index 79bffab745..79bffab745 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/waterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/waterF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/waterFogF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/waterFogF.glsl index 4bdfce9260..4bdfce9260 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/waterFogF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/waterFogF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/waterV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/waterV.glsl index f66ba1d2d9..352cea7aaa 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/waterV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/waterV.glsl @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; + void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye); uniform vec2 d1; @@ -48,35 +49,35 @@ float wave(vec2 v, float t, float f, vec2 d, float s) void main() { //transform vertex + vec4 pos = vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); mat4 modelViewProj = modelview_projection_matrix; vec4 oPosition; //get view vector vec3 oEyeVec; - oEyeVec.xyz = position.xyz-eyeVec; + oEyeVec.xyz = pos.xyz-eyeVec; float d = length(oEyeVec.xy); float ld = min(d, 2560.0); - vec3 lpos = position; - lpos.xy = eyeVec.xy + oEyeVec.xy/d*ld; + pos.xy = eyeVec.xy + oEyeVec.xy/d*ld; view.xyz = oEyeVec; d = clamp(ld/1536.0-0.5, 0.0, 1.0); d *= d; - oPosition = vec4(lpos, 1.0); + oPosition = vec4(position, 1.0); oPosition.z = mix(oPosition.z, max(eyeVec.z*0.75, 0.0), d); oPosition = modelViewProj * oPosition; + refCoord.xyz = oPosition.xyz + vec3(0,0,0.2); //get wave position parameter (create sweeping horizontal waves) - vec3 v = lpos; + vec3 v = pos.xyz; v.x += (cos(v.x*0.08/*+time*0.01*/)+sin(v.y*0.02))*6.0; //push position for further horizon effect. - vec4 pos; pos.xyz = oEyeVec.xyz*(waterHeight/oEyeVec.z); pos.w = 1.0; pos = modelview_matrix*pos; diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/alphamaskF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/alphamaskF.glsl index f520f301d9..f520f301d9 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/alphamaskF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/alphamaskF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/alphamaskV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/alphamaskV.glsl index 3580d1f27b..3580d1f27b 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/alphamaskV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/alphamaskV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/clipF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/clipF.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..ac2bc8703b --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/clipF.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/** + * @file debugF.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR +out vec4 frag_color; +#else +#define frag_color gl_FragColor +#endif + +uniform vec4 color; +uniform vec4 clip_plane; + +VARYING vec3 vary_position; + + +void main() +{ + if (dot(vary_position,clip_plane.xyz)+clip_plane.w < 0.0) + { + discard; + } + + frag_color = color; +} diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/clipV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/clipV.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..e376b25a71 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/clipV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/** + * @file debugV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; +uniform mat4 modelview_matrix; + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; + +VARYING vec3 vary_position; + +void main() +{ + vary_position = (modelview_matrix*vec4(position.xyz,1.0)).xyz; + gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/customalphaF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/customalphaF.glsl index a96d04cc39..a96d04cc39 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/customalphaF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/customalphaF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/customalphaV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/customalphaV.glsl index 890474d6d8..890474d6d8 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/customalphaV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/customalphaV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/debugF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/debugF.glsl index 67c6baddbb..67c6baddbb 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/debugF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/debugF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/debugV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/debugV.glsl index f4d704577a..f4d704577a 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/debugV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/debugV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthF.glsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f8efd7cb4a --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthF.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +/** + * @file debugF.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR +out vec4 frag_color; +#else +#define frag_color gl_FragColor +#endif + +uniform sampler2D depthMap; + +VARYING vec2 tc0; +VARYING vec2 tc1; +VARYING vec2 tc2; +VARYING vec2 tc3; +VARYING vec2 tc4; +VARYING vec2 tc5; +VARYING vec2 tc6; +VARYING vec2 tc7; +VARYING vec2 tc8; + +void main() +{ + vec4 depth1 = + vec4(texture2D(depthMap, tc0).r, + texture2D(depthMap, tc1).r, + texture2D(depthMap, tc2).r, + texture2D(depthMap, tc3).r); + + vec4 depth2 = + vec4(texture2D(depthMap, tc4).r, + texture2D(depthMap, tc5).r, + texture2D(depthMap, tc6).r, + texture2D(depthMap, tc7).r); + + depth1 = min(depth1, depth2); + float depth = min(depth1.x, depth1.y); + depth = min(depth, depth1.z); + depth = min(depth, depth1.w); + depth = min(depth, texture2D(depthMap, tc8).r); + + gl_FragDepth = depth; +} diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthRectF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthRectF.glsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..942c5888e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthRectF.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +/** + * @file debugF.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable + +#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR +out vec4 frag_color; +#else +#define frag_color gl_FragColor +#endif + +uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; + +VARYING vec2 tc0; +VARYING vec2 tc1; +VARYING vec2 tc2; +VARYING vec2 tc3; +VARYING vec2 tc4; +VARYING vec2 tc5; +VARYING vec2 tc6; +VARYING vec2 tc7; +VARYING vec2 tc8; + +void main() +{ + vec4 depth1 = + vec4(texture2DRect(depthMap, tc0).r, + texture2DRect(depthMap, tc1).r, + texture2DRect(depthMap, tc2).r, + texture2DRect(depthMap, tc3).r); + + vec4 depth2 = + vec4(texture2DRect(depthMap, tc4).r, + texture2DRect(depthMap, tc5).r, + texture2DRect(depthMap, tc6).r, + texture2DRect(depthMap, tc7).r); + + depth1 = min(depth1, depth2); + float depth = min(depth1.x, depth1.y); + depth = min(depth, depth1.z); + depth = min(depth, depth1.w); + depth = min(depth, texture2DRect(depthMap, tc8).r); + + gl_FragDepth = depth; +} diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthV.glsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..71d80911d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +/** + * @file debugV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; + +uniform vec2 screen_res; + +uniform vec2 delta; + +VARYING vec2 tc0; +VARYING vec2 tc1; +VARYING vec2 tc2; +VARYING vec2 tc3; +VARYING vec2 tc4; +VARYING vec2 tc5; +VARYING vec2 tc6; +VARYING vec2 tc7; +VARYING vec2 tc8; + +void main() +{ + gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0); + + vec2 tc = (position.xy*0.5+0.5)*screen_res; + tc0 = tc+vec2(-delta.x,-delta.y); + tc1 = tc+vec2(0,-delta.y); + tc2 = tc+vec2(delta.x,-delta.y); + tc3 = tc+vec2(-delta.x,0); + tc4 = tc+vec2(0,0); + tc5 = tc+vec2(delta.x,0); + tc6 = tc+vec2(-delta.x,delta.y); + tc7 = tc+vec2(0,delta.y); + tc8 = tc+vec2(delta.x,delta.y); +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineF.glsl index ed803de277..ed803de277 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineFXAAF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineFXAAF.glsl index 59520bb99f..59520bb99f 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineFXAAF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineFXAAF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineFXAAV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineFXAAV.glsl index 058f3b1b82..058f3b1b82 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineFXAAV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineFXAAV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineV.glsl index f7970b7f78..f7970b7f78 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightF.glsl index 6cc9bbbea2..6cc9bbbea2 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightNormV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightNormV.glsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..947c2b0065 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightNormV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/** + * @file highlightV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform mat4 texture_matrix0; +uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; +ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; +ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord1; +ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord2; + +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; + +void main() +{ + //transform vertex + gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord1,0,1)).xy; +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightSpecV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightSpecV.glsl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5d102b739 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightSpecV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/** + * @file highlightV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform mat4 texture_matrix0; +uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; +ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; +ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord1; +ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord2; + +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; + +void main() +{ + //transform vertex + gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord2,0,1)).xy; +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightV.glsl index 9bf7b60eb7..9bf7b60eb7 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/highlightV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/occlusionCubeV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/occlusionCubeV.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..5c479d27a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/occlusionCubeV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/** + * @file occlusionCubeV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; + +uniform vec3 box_center; +uniform vec3 box_size; + +void main() +{ + vec3 p = position*box_size+box_center; + gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(p.xyz, 1.0); +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/occlusionF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/occlusionF.glsl index db130e456c..db130e456c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/occlusionF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/occlusionF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/occlusionV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/occlusionV.glsl index c26fa08ddc..c26fa08ddc 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/occlusionV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/occlusionV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/onetexturenocolorF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/onetexturenocolorF.glsl index 415181126b..415181126b 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/onetexturenocolorF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/onetexturenocolorF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/onetexturenocolorV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/onetexturenocolorV.glsl index 6b9986c8d7..6b9986c8d7 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/onetexturenocolorV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/onetexturenocolorV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingF.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..7379360e17 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingF.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +/** + * @file pathfindingF.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR +out vec4 frag_color; +#else +#define frag_color gl_FragColor +#endif + +VARYING vec4 vertex_color; + +void main() +{ + frag_color = vertex_color; +} diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingNoNormalV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingNoNormalV.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..19fa607307 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingNoNormalV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/** + * @file pathfindingV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; +ATTRIBUTE vec4 diffuse_color; + +VARYING vec4 vertex_color; + +uniform float tint; +uniform float alpha_scale; + +void main() +{ + gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + + vertex_color = vec4(diffuse_color.rgb * tint, diffuse_color.a*alpha_scale); +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingV.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..91f252cf1e --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/** + * @file pathfindingV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; +ATTRIBUTE vec4 diffuse_color; +ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; + +VARYING vec4 vertex_color; + +uniform float tint; +uniform float ambiance; +uniform float alpha_scale; + +void main() +{ + gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + + vec3 l1 = vec3(-0.75, 1, 1.0)*0.5; + vec3 l2 = vec3(0.5, -0.6, 0.4)*0.25; + vec3 l3 = vec3(0.5, -0.8, 0.3)*0.5; + + float lit = max(dot(normal, l1), 0.0); + lit += max(dot(normal, l2), 0.0); + lit += max(dot(normal, l3), 0.0); + + lit = clamp(lit, ambiance, 1.0); + + vertex_color = vec4(diffuse_color.rgb * tint * lit, diffuse_color.a*alpha_scale); +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/solidcolorF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/solidcolorF.glsl index 67dc500493..67dc500493 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/solidcolorF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/solidcolorF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/solidcolorV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/solidcolorV.glsl index c58f9dfdaf..c58f9dfdaf 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/solidcolorV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/solidcolorV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/splattexturerectF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/splattexturerectF.glsl index 772bb374e8..772bb374e8 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/splattexturerectF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/splattexturerectF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/splattexturerectV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/splattexturerectV.glsl index 641d670c26..641d670c26 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/splattexturerectV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/splattexturerectV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/twotextureaddF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/twotextureaddF.glsl index 95679e93e7..95679e93e7 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/twotextureaddF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/twotextureaddF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/twotextureaddV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/twotextureaddV.glsl index 3c2f297f7f..3c2f297f7f 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/twotextureaddV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/twotextureaddV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/uiF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/uiF.glsl index 299bfb72aa..299bfb72aa 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/uiF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/uiF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/uiV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/uiV.glsl index 220dafef25..220dafef25 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/uiV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/interface/uiV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskF.glsl index cf29939cb2..cad5b9ff04 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskF.glsl @@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; void default_lighting() { - vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy) * vertex_color; + vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy); + color *= vertex_color; + if (color.a < minimum_alpha) { discard; diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskNonIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskNonIndexedF.glsl index 4070d41f47..b9ddbc8e1c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskNonIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskNonIndexedF.glsl @@ -41,13 +41,15 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; void default_lighting() { - vec4 color = texture2D(diffuseMap,vary_texcoord0.xy) * vertex_color; + vec4 color = texture2D(diffuseMap,vary_texcoord0.xy); if (color.a < minimum_alpha) { discard; } + color.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; + color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightF.glsl index d6ebfcb825..d6ebfcb825 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightAlphaMaskF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightAlphaMaskF.glsl index 6c34643aab..5740987ab1 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightAlphaMaskF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightAlphaMaskF.glsl @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ out vec4 frag_color; #endif uniform float minimum_alpha; +uniform float texture_gamma; vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransport(vec3 light); vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light); @@ -39,13 +40,16 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; void fullbright_lighting() { - vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy) * vertex_color; + vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy); if (color.a < minimum_alpha) { discard; } + color.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; + + color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(texture_gamma)); color.rgb = fullbrightAtmosTransport(color.rgb); color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightF.glsl index 2ff7f795b0..c8771a3f1e 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightF.glsl @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ out vec4 frag_color; VARYING vec4 vertex_color; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +uniform float texture_gamma; + vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransport(vec3 light); vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light); @@ -39,10 +41,14 @@ void fullbright_lighting() { vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy) * vertex_color; + color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(texture_gamma)); + color.rgb = fullbrightAtmosTransport(color.rgb); color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(1.0/texture_gamma)); + frag_color = color; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightNonIndexedAlphaMaskF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightNonIndexedAlphaMaskF.glsl index f4477bd29a..f72f20b03d 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightNonIndexedAlphaMaskF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightNonIndexedAlphaMaskF.glsl @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ out vec4 frag_color; #endif uniform float minimum_alpha; +uniform float texture_gamma; vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransport(vec3 light); vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light); @@ -41,17 +42,22 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; void fullbright_lighting() { - vec4 color = texture2D(diffuseMap,vary_texcoord0.xy) * vertex_color; + vec4 color = texture2D(diffuseMap,vary_texcoord0.xy); if (color.a < minimum_alpha) { discard; } + + color.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; + color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(texture_gamma)); color.rgb = fullbrightAtmosTransport(color.rgb); color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(1.0/texture_gamma)); + frag_color = color; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightNonIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightNonIndexedF.glsl index 2738ff8947..2738ff8947 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightNonIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightNonIndexedF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyF.glsl index 777c8b45bb..c8282e9a51 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyF.glsl @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ void fullbright_shiny_lighting() color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - color.a = max(color.a, vertex_color.a); + color.a = 1.0; frag_color = color; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyNonIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyNonIndexedF.glsl index 4fa3b1d939..e7dbd4bbd2 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyNonIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyNonIndexedF.glsl @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ void fullbright_shiny_lighting() color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - color.a = max(color.a, vertex_color.a); + color.a = 1.0; frag_color = color; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyWaterF.glsl index 58984a4263..5886fc65be 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyWaterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyWaterF.glsl @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void fullbright_shiny_lighting_water() color.rgb = fullbrightShinyAtmosTransport(color.rgb); color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - color.a = max(color.a, vertex_color.a); + color.a = 1.0; frag_color = applyWaterFog(color); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyWaterNonIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyWaterNonIndexedF.glsl index a39b7205d7..cddc7d8df8 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyWaterNonIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyWaterNonIndexedF.glsl @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ void fullbright_shiny_lighting_water() color.rgb = fullbrightShinyAtmosTransport(color.rgb); color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - color.a = max(color.a, vertex_color.a); + color.a = 1.0; frag_color = applyWaterFog(color); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterAlphaMaskF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterAlphaMaskF.glsl index 99a6fe85fe..6dd3bb937f 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterAlphaMaskF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterAlphaMaskF.glsl @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ out vec4 frag_color; uniform float minimum_alpha; -vec4 diffuseLookup(vec2 texcoord); +/* vec4 diffuseLookup(vec2 texcoord); */ vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransport(vec3 light); vec4 applyWaterFog(vec4 color); @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; void fullbright_lighting_water() { - vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy) * vertex_color; + vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy); + + color.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; if (color.a < minimum_alpha) { diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterF.glsl index df182168f3..d3dacf9bc4 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterF.glsl @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ out vec4 frag_color; VARYING vec4 vertex_color; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; -vec4 diffuseLookup(vec2 texcoord); +/* vec4 diffuseLookup(vec2 texcoord); */ vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransport(vec3 light); vec4 applyWaterFog(vec4 color); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterNonIndexedAlphaMaskF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterNonIndexedAlphaMaskF.glsl index 63f92a8844..63f92a8844 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterNonIndexedAlphaMaskF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterNonIndexedAlphaMaskF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterNonIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterNonIndexedF.glsl index 0e68091e7c..0e68091e7c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterNonIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterNonIndexedF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFuncSpecularV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFuncSpecularV.glsl index 85cddc647d..85cddc647d 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFuncSpecularV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFuncSpecularV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFuncV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFuncV.glsl index a9288b3df6..a9288b3df6 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFuncV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFuncV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightNonIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightNonIndexedF.glsl index 0aca768021..0aca768021 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightNonIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightNonIndexedF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyF.glsl index 52e3b2ad02..9208c148ef 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyF.glsl @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ void shiny_lighting() color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - color.a = max(color.a, vertex_color.a); + color.a = 1.0; frag_color = color; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyNonIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyNonIndexedF.glsl index 474d5ea496..92628faa68 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyNonIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyNonIndexedF.glsl @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ void shiny_lighting() color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - color.a = max(color.a, vertex_color.a); + color.a = 1.0; frag_color = color; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyWaterF.glsl index d2a4c47aac..61841674e2 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyWaterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyWaterF.glsl @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void shiny_lighting_water() color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, envColor.rgb, vertex_color.a); color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); - color.a = max(color.a, vertex_color.a); + color.a = 1.0; frag_color = applyWaterFog(color); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyWaterNonIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyWaterNonIndexedF.glsl index f3bd662364..0b6e835fd0 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyWaterNonIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyWaterNonIndexedF.glsl @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void shiny_lighting_water() color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, envColor.rgb, vertex_color.a); color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); - color.a = max(color.a, vertex_color.a); + color.a = 1.0; frag_color = applyWaterFog(color); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightSpecularV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightSpecularV.glsl index 24bf9b3cee..24bf9b3cee 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightSpecularV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightSpecularV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightV.glsl index 8045809b82..8045809b82 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterAlphaMaskF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterAlphaMaskF.glsl index b68240ba0d..3426fea52f 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterAlphaMaskF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterAlphaMaskF.glsl @@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; void default_lighting_water() { - vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy) * vertex_color; + vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy); + + color.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; if (color.a < minimum_alpha) { diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterAlphaMaskNonIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterAlphaMaskNonIndexedF.glsl index da3b20012d..d9faa9b314 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterAlphaMaskNonIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterAlphaMaskNonIndexedF.glsl @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; void default_lighting_water() { - vec4 color = texture2D(diffuseMap,vary_texcoord0.xy) * vertex_color; + vec4 color = texture2D(diffuseMap,vary_texcoord0.xy); + + color.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; if (color.a < minimum_alpha) { diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterF.glsl index 00609e93cd..00609e93cd 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterNonIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterNonIndexedF.glsl index 13ecb7a636..13ecb7a636 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterNonIndexedF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterNonIndexedF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/sumLightsSpecularV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/sumLightsSpecularV.glsl index 7059ff31ae..7059ff31ae 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/sumLightsSpecularV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/sumLightsSpecularV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/sumLightsV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/sumLightsV.glsl index 41288c21c1..41288c21c1 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/sumLightsV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/sumLightsV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/bumpF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/bumpF.glsl index d55f0db530..d55f0db530 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/bumpF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/bumpF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/bumpV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/bumpV.glsl index a7738087dc..a7738087dc 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/bumpV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/bumpV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/emissiveSkinnedV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/emissiveSkinnedV.glsl index 8494ffba52..9064904191 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/emissiveSkinnedV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/emissiveSkinnedV.glsl @@ -48,11 +48,9 @@ void main() mat = modelview_matrix * mat; vec3 pos = (mat*vec4(position.xyz, 1.0)).xyz; + vertex_color = emissive; + calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); - vertex_color = emissive; - gl_Position = projection_matrix*vec4(pos, 1.0); - - } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/emissiveV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/emissiveV.glsl index e984deb0c8..e984deb0c8 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/emissiveV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/emissiveV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightF.glsl index a54c0caf81..a54c0caf81 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightNoColorV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightNoColorV.glsl index 5d6f14230c..5d6f14230c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightNoColorV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightNoColorV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyF.glsl index b312665032..b312665032 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinySkinnedV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinySkinnedV.glsl index 79b552ee1a..79b552ee1a 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinySkinnedV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinySkinnedV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyV.glsl index 34bd8d445a..34bd8d445a 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyWaterF.glsl index e1f3919907..e1f3919907 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyWaterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyWaterF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightSkinnedV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightSkinnedV.glsl index eff75435a9..eff75435a9 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightSkinnedV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightSkinnedV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightV.glsl index fc20d3270e..fc20d3270e 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightWaterF.glsl index 5d0ea0a8dd..5d0ea0a8dd 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightWaterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightWaterF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/impostorF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/impostorF.glsl index add437d144..add437d144 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/impostorF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/impostorF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/impostorV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/impostorV.glsl index e90dbb115a..e90dbb115a 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/impostorV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/impostorV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/indexedTextureF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/indexedTextureF.glsl index 254c1d4fc2..254c1d4fc2 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/indexedTextureF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/indexedTextureF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/indexedTextureV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/indexedTextureV.glsl index 7c0699d72f..ca29bf3143 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/indexedTextureV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/indexedTextureV.glsl @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ * $/LicenseInfo$ */ -ATTRIBUTE ivec4 texture_index; +ATTRIBUTE int texture_index; -VARYING_FLAT ivec4 vary_texture_index; +VARYING_FLAT int vary_texture_index; void passTextureIndex() { diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/nonindexedTextureV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/nonindexedTextureV.glsl index 80ea286ac0..80ea286ac0 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/nonindexedTextureV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/nonindexedTextureV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/previewF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/previewF.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..284da3d0ac --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/previewF.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/** + * @file previewF.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2011&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR +out vec4 frag_color; +#else +#define frag_color gl_FragColor +#endif + +uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; + +VARYING vec4 vertex_color; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; + +void main() +{ + vec4 color = texture2D(diffuseMap,vary_texcoord0.xy) * vertex_color; + frag_color = color; +} diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/previewV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/previewV.glsl index 5dcfa87066..7f3f84398b 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/previewV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/previewV.glsl @@ -32,12 +32,51 @@ ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; +uniform vec4 color; + VARYING vec4 vertex_color; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +uniform vec4 light_position[8]; +uniform vec3 light_direction[8]; +uniform vec3 light_attenuation[8]; +uniform vec3 light_diffuse[8]; + +//=================================================================================================== +//declare these here explicitly to separate them from atmospheric lighting elsewhere to work around +//drivers that are picky about functions being declared but not defined even if they aren't called +float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l) +{ + float a = max(dot(n,l),0.0); + return a; +} + + +float calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float is_pointlight) +{ + //get light vector + vec3 lv = lp.xyz-v; + + //get distance + float d = length(lv); + + //normalize light vector + lv *= 1.0/d; + + //distance attenuation + float da = clamp(1.0/(la * d), 0.0, 1.0); + + // spotlight coefficient. + float spot = max(dot(-ln, lv), is_pointlight); + da *= spot*spot; // GL_SPOT_EXPONENT=2 + + //angular attenuation + da *= calcDirectionalLight(n, lv); + + return da; +} +//==================================================================================================== -vec4 calcLighting(vec3 pos, vec3 norm, vec4 color, vec4 baseCol); -void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye); void main() { @@ -45,13 +84,15 @@ void main() vec4 pos = (modelview_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0)); gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord0,0,1)).xy; - + vec3 norm = normalize(normal_matrix * normal); - calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); - - vec4 color = calcLighting(pos.xyz, norm, vec4(1,1,1,1), vec4(0.)); - vertex_color = color; + vec4 col = vec4(0,0,0,1); - + // Collect normal lights (need to be divided by two, as we later multiply by 2) + col.rgb += light_diffuse[1].rgb * calcDirectionalLight(norm, light_position[1].xyz); + col.rgb += light_diffuse[2].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[2], light_direction[2], light_attenuation[2].x, light_attenuation[2].z); + col.rgb += light_diffuse[3].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[3], light_direction[3], light_attenuation[3].x, light_attenuation[3].z); + + vertex_color = col*color; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinyF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinyF.glsl index f8f88e2577..f8f88e2577 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinyF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinyF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinySimpleSkinnedV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinySimpleSkinnedV.glsl index 591d6fc5c9..591d6fc5c9 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinySimpleSkinnedV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinySimpleSkinnedV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinyV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinyV.glsl index fdb3453cc5..fdb3453cc5 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinyV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinyV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinyWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinyWaterF.glsl index 1e72e23eef..1e72e23eef 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinyWaterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/shinyWaterF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl index 29a2ce617b..29a2ce617b 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleNoColorV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleNoColorV.glsl index 0be52a52af..0be52a52af 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleNoColorV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleNoColorV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleNonIndexedV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleNonIndexedV.glsl index cb80697d15..cb80697d15 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleNonIndexedV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleNonIndexedV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleSkinnedV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleSkinnedV.glsl index 1c6e53b187..1c6e53b187 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleSkinnedV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleSkinnedV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleTexGenV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleTexGenV.glsl index d4dee78793..d4dee78793 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleTexGenV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleTexGenV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl index 37a20383e2..37a20383e2 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl index 2e87ac5bbc..2e87ac5bbc 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/treeV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/treeV.glsl index fa01a27ec0..fa01a27ec0 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/treeV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/treeV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/binormalV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/binormalV.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..449d8d8b4e --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/binormalV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/** + * @file binormalV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform mat3 normal_matrix; + +ATTRIBUTE vec4 tangent; + +VARYING vec4 tangent_out; + +void main() +{ + tangent_out = vec4(normal_matrix * tangent.xyz), tangent.w); +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/colorV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/colorV.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..59c4a7d895 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/colorV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/** + * @file colorV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform int color_in; + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; + +VARYING int color_out; + +void main() +{ + color_out = color_in; +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/normalV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/normalV.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..a213aa0ae8 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/normalV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/** + * @file normalV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform mat3 normal_matrix; + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; + +VARYING vec4 normal_out; + +void main() +{ + normal_out = vec4(normalize(normal_matrix * normal), 0.0); +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/positionV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/positionV.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..01eed18de4 --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/positionV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/** + * @file positionV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + +uniform mat4 modelview_matrix; + +uniform int texture_index_in; + +ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; + +VARYING vec3 position_out; +VARYING int texture_index_out; + +void main() +{ + texture_index_out = texture_index_in; + position_out = (modelview_matrix*vec4(position, 1.0)).xyz; +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/texcoordV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/texcoordV.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..0e074f3cec --- /dev/null +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/transform/texcoordV.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/** + * @file texcoordV.glsl + * + * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ + * Second Life Viewer Source Code + * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + * version 2.1 of the License only. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA + * $/LicenseInfo$ + */ + + +ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; + +VARYING vec2 texcoord_out; + +void main() +{ + texcoord_out = texcoord0; +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsF.glsl index aacc503e13..aacc503e13 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsHelpersV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsHelpersV.glsl index 6ff860362c..6ff860362c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsHelpersV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsHelpersV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsV.glsl index 76d7d5059d..76d7d5059d 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsF.glsl index 8bdae328bd..8bdae328bd 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsV.glsl index 8ec9ae617c..8ec9ae617c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterF.glsl index 636d4af006..636d4af006 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterV.glsl index 8afcc20f6d..8afcc20f6d 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/gammaF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/gammaF.glsl index 62f4e51449..62f4e51449 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/gammaF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/gammaF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/transportF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/transportF.glsl index 7c95ecdb14..7c95ecdb14 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/transportF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/transportF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/avatar/eyeballV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/avatar/eyeballV.glsl index 5af9f5c902..5af9f5c902 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/avatar/eyeballV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/avatar/eyeballV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaF.glsl deleted file mode 100644 index 08f6ec63fe..0000000000 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaF.glsl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file alphaF.glsl - * - * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ - * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. - * - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; - * version 2.1 of the License only. - * - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * - * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA - * $/LicenseInfo$ - */ - -#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable - -#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR -out vec4 frag_color; -#else -#define frag_color gl_FragColor -#endif - -VARYING vec4 vertex_color; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; - -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap0; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap1; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap2; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap3; -uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; - -uniform mat4 shadow_matrix[6]; -uniform vec4 shadow_clip; -uniform vec2 screen_res; -uniform vec2 shadow_res; - -vec3 atmosLighting(vec3 light); -vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light); - -VARYING vec3 vary_ambient; -VARYING vec3 vary_directional; -VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; -VARYING vec3 vary_position; -VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; - -uniform float shadow_bias; - -uniform mat4 inv_proj; - -float pcfShadow(sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc, float scl) -{ - stc.xyz /= stc.w; - stc.z += shadow_bias; - - float cs = shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz).x; - float shadow = cs; - - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(scl, scl, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(scl, -scl, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-scl, scl, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-scl, -scl, 0.0)).x, cs); - - return shadow/5.0; -} - - -void main() -{ - vec2 frag = vary_fragcoord.xy/vary_fragcoord.z*0.5+0.5; - frag *= screen_res; - - float shadow = 0.0; - vec4 pos = vec4(vary_position, 1.0); - - vec4 spos = pos; - - if (spos.z > -shadow_clip.w) - { - vec4 lpos; - - vec4 near_split = shadow_clip*-0.75; - vec4 far_split = shadow_clip*-1.25; - vec4 transition_domain = near_split-far_split; - float weight = 0.0; - - if (spos.z < near_split.z) - { - lpos = shadow_matrix[3]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - - float w = 1.0; - w -= max(spos.z-far_split.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap3, lpos, 0.25)*w; - weight += w; - shadow += max((pos.z+shadow_clip.z)/(shadow_clip.z-shadow_clip.w)*2.0-1.0, 0.0); - } - - if (spos.z < near_split.y && spos.z > far_split.z) - { - lpos = shadow_matrix[2]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - - float w = 1.0; - w -= max(spos.z-far_split.y, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; - w -= max(near_split.z-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap2, lpos, 0.75)*w; - weight += w; - } - - if (spos.z < near_split.x && spos.z > far_split.y) - { - lpos = shadow_matrix[1]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - - float w = 1.0; - w -= max(spos.z-far_split.x, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; - w -= max(near_split.y-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap1, lpos, 0.75)*w; - weight += w; - } - - if (spos.z > far_split.x) - { - lpos = shadow_matrix[0]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - - float w = 1.0; - w -= max(near_split.x-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; - - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap0, lpos, 1.0)*w; - weight += w; - } - - - shadow /= weight; - } - else - { - shadow = 1.0; - } - - vec4 diff = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy); - - vec4 col = vec4(vary_ambient + vary_directional.rgb*shadow, vertex_color.a); - vec4 color = diff * col; - - color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); - - color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - - color.rgb += diff.rgb * vary_pointlight_col.rgb; - - frag_color = color; -} - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaNonIndexedF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaNonIndexedF.glsl deleted file mode 100644 index aae6a070e2..0000000000 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaNonIndexedF.glsl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file alphaF.glsl - * - * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ - * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. - * - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; - * version 2.1 of the License only. - * - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * - * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA - * $/LicenseInfo$ - */ - -#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable - -#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR -out vec4 frag_color; -#else -#define frag_color gl_FragColor -#endif - -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap0; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap1; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap2; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap3; -uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; -uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; - -uniform mat4 shadow_matrix[6]; -uniform vec4 shadow_clip; -uniform vec2 screen_res; -uniform vec2 shadow_res; - -vec3 atmosLighting(vec3 light); -vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light); - -VARYING vec3 vary_ambient; -VARYING vec3 vary_directional; -VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; -VARYING vec3 vary_position; -VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; -VARYING vec4 vertex_color; - -uniform float shadow_bias; - -uniform mat4 inv_proj; - -vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) -{ - float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).a; - vec2 sc = pos_screen.xy*2.0; - sc /= screen_res; - sc -= vec2(1.0,1.0); - vec4 ndc = vec4(sc.x, sc.y, 2.0*depth-1.0, 1.0); - vec4 pos = inv_proj * ndc; - pos.xyz /= pos.w; - pos.w = 1.0; - return pos; -} - -float pcfShadow(sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc, float scl) -{ - stc.xyz /= stc.w; - stc.z += shadow_bias; - - float cs = shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz).x; - float shadow = cs; - - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(scl, scl, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(scl, -scl, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-scl, scl, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-scl, -scl, 0.0)).x, cs); - - return shadow/5.0; -} - - -void main() -{ - vec2 frag = vary_fragcoord.xy/vary_fragcoord.z*0.5+0.5; - frag *= screen_res; - - float shadow = 0.0; - vec4 pos = vec4(vary_position, 1.0); - - vec4 spos = pos; - - if (spos.z > -shadow_clip.w) - { - vec4 lpos; - - vec4 near_split = shadow_clip*-0.75; - vec4 far_split = shadow_clip*-1.25; - vec4 transition_domain = near_split-far_split; - float weight = 0.0; - - if (spos.z < near_split.z) - { - lpos = shadow_matrix[3]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - - float w = 1.0; - w -= max(spos.z-far_split.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap3, lpos, 0.25)*w; - weight += w; - shadow += max((pos.z+shadow_clip.z)/(shadow_clip.z-shadow_clip.w)*2.0-1.0, 0.0); - } - - if (spos.z < near_split.y && spos.z > far_split.z) - { - lpos = shadow_matrix[2]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - - float w = 1.0; - w -= max(spos.z-far_split.y, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; - w -= max(near_split.z-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap2, lpos, 0.75)*w; - weight += w; - } - - if (spos.z < near_split.x && spos.z > far_split.y) - { - lpos = shadow_matrix[1]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - - float w = 1.0; - w -= max(spos.z-far_split.x, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; - w -= max(near_split.y-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap1, lpos, 0.75)*w; - weight += w; - } - - if (spos.z > far_split.x) - { - lpos = shadow_matrix[0]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - - float w = 1.0; - w -= max(near_split.x-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; - - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap0, lpos, 1.0)*w; - weight += w; - } - - - shadow /= weight; - - } - else - { - shadow = 1.0; - } - - vec4 diff = texture2D(diffuseMap,vary_texcoord0.xy); - - vec4 col = vec4(vary_ambient + vary_directional.rgb*shadow, vertex_color.a); - vec4 color = diff * col; - - color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); - - color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - - color.rgb += diff.rgb * vary_pointlight_col.rgb; - - frag_color = color; -} - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaNonIndexedNoColorF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaNonIndexedNoColorF.glsl deleted file mode 100644 index 931577359e..0000000000 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaNonIndexedNoColorF.glsl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file alphaNonIndexedNoColorF.glsl - * - * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ - * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2005, Linden Research, Inc. - * - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; - * version 2.1 of the License only. - * - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * - * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA - * $/LicenseInfo$ - */ - -#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable - -#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR -out vec4 frag_color; -#else -#define frag_color gl_FragColor -#endif - -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap0; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap1; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap2; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap3; -uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; -uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; - -uniform mat4 shadow_matrix[6]; -uniform vec4 shadow_clip; -uniform vec2 screen_res; -uniform vec2 shadow_res; - -vec3 atmosLighting(vec3 light); -vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light); - -VARYING vec3 vary_ambient; -VARYING vec3 vary_directional; -VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; -VARYING vec3 vary_position; -VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; - -uniform float shadow_bias; - -uniform mat4 inv_proj; - -vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) -{ - float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).a; - vec2 sc = pos_screen.xy*2.0; - sc /= screen_res; - sc -= vec2(1.0,1.0); - vec4 ndc = vec4(sc.x, sc.y, 2.0*depth-1.0, 1.0); - vec4 pos = inv_proj * ndc; - pos.xyz /= pos.w; - pos.w = 1.0; - return pos; -} - -float pcfShadow(sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc, float scl) -{ - stc.xyz /= stc.w; - stc.z += shadow_bias; - - float cs = shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz).x; - float shadow = cs; - - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(scl, scl, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(scl, -scl, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-scl, scl, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-scl, -scl, 0.0)).x, cs); - - return shadow/5.0; -} - - -void main() -{ - vec2 frag = vary_fragcoord.xy/vary_fragcoord.z*0.5+0.5; - frag *= screen_res; - - float shadow = 0.0; - vec4 pos = vec4(vary_position, 1.0); - - vec4 spos = pos; - - if (spos.z > -shadow_clip.w) - { - vec4 lpos; - - vec4 near_split = shadow_clip*-0.75; - vec4 far_split = shadow_clip*-1.25; - vec4 transition_domain = near_split-far_split; - float weight = 0.0; - - if (spos.z < near_split.z) - { - lpos = shadow_matrix[3]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - - float w = 1.0; - w -= max(spos.z-far_split.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap3, lpos, 0.25)*w; - weight += w; - shadow += max((pos.z+shadow_clip.z)/(shadow_clip.z-shadow_clip.w)*2.0-1.0, 0.0); - } - - if (spos.z < near_split.y && spos.z > far_split.z) - { - lpos = shadow_matrix[2]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - - float w = 1.0; - w -= max(spos.z-far_split.y, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; - w -= max(near_split.z-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap2, lpos, 0.75)*w; - weight += w; - } - - if (spos.z < near_split.x && spos.z > far_split.y) - { - lpos = shadow_matrix[1]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - - float w = 1.0; - w -= max(spos.z-far_split.x, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; - w -= max(near_split.y-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap1, lpos, 0.75)*w; - weight += w; - } - - if (spos.z > far_split.x) - { - lpos = shadow_matrix[0]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - - float w = 1.0; - w -= max(near_split.x-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; - - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap0, lpos, 1.0)*w; - weight += w; - } - - - shadow /= weight; - } - else - { - shadow = 1.0; - } - - vec4 diff = texture2D(diffuseMap,vary_texcoord0.xy); - - vec4 col = vec4(vary_ambient + vary_directional.rgb*shadow, 1.0); - vec4 color = diff * col; - - color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); - - color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - - color.rgb += diff.rgb * vary_pointlight_col.rgb; - - frag_color = color; -} - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaSkinnedV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaSkinnedV.glsl deleted file mode 100644 index 9629cfe824..0000000000 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaSkinnedV.glsl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,155 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file alphaSkinnedV.glsl - * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ - * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. - * - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; - * version 2.1 of the License only. - * - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * - * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA - * $/LicenseInfo$ - */ - -uniform mat4 projection_matrix; -uniform mat4 texture_matrix0; -uniform mat4 modelview_matrix; -uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; - -ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; -ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; -ATTRIBUTE vec4 diffuse_color; -ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; - -vec4 calcLighting(vec3 pos, vec3 norm, vec4 color, vec4 baseCol); -void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye); - -float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l); -mat4 getObjectSkinnedTransform(); -vec3 atmosAmbient(vec3 light); -vec3 atmosAffectDirectionalLight(float lightIntensity); -vec3 scaleDownLight(vec3 light); -vec3 scaleUpLight(vec3 light); - -VARYING vec3 vary_ambient; -VARYING vec3 vary_directional; -VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; -VARYING vec3 vary_position; -VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; - -VARYING vec4 vertex_color; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; - - -uniform float near_clip; -uniform float shadow_offset; -uniform float shadow_bias; - -uniform vec4 light_position[8]; -uniform vec3 light_direction[8]; -uniform vec3 light_attenuation[8]; -uniform vec3 light_diffuse[8]; - -float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l) -{ - float a = max(dot(n,l),0.0); - return a; -} - -float calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float fa, float is_pointlight) -{ -//get light vector - vec3 lv = lp.xyz-v; - - //get distance - float d = dot(lv,lv); - - float da = 0.0; - - if (d > 0.0 && la > 0.0 && fa > 0.0) - { - //normalize light vector - lv = normalize(lv); - - //distance attenuation - float dist2 = d/la; - da = clamp(1.0-(dist2-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); - - // spotlight coefficient. - float spot = max(dot(-ln, lv), is_pointlight); - da *= spot*spot; // GL_SPOT_EXPONENT=2 - - //angular attenuation - da *= max(dot(n, lv), 0.0); - } - - return da; -} - -void main() -{ - vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord0,0,1)).xy; - - mat4 mat = getObjectSkinnedTransform(); - - mat = modelview_matrix * mat; - - vec3 pos = (mat*vec4(position, 1.0)).xyz; - - gl_Position = projection_matrix * vec4(pos, 1.0); - - vec4 n = vec4(position, 1.0); - n.xyz += normal.xyz; - n.xyz = (mat*n).xyz; - n.xyz = normalize(n.xyz-pos.xyz); - - vec3 norm = n.xyz; - - float dp_directional_light = max(0.0, dot(norm, light_position[0].xyz)); - vary_position = pos.xyz + light_position[0].xyz * (1.0-dp_directional_light)*shadow_offset; - - calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); - - //vec4 color = calcLighting(pos.xyz, norm, diffuse_color, vec4(0.)); - vec4 col = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, diffuse_color.a); - - // Collect normal lights - col.rgb += light_diffuse[2].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[2], light_direction[2], light_attenuation[2].x, light_attenuation[2].y, light_attenuation[2].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[3].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[3], light_direction[3], light_attenuation[3].x, light_attenuation[3].y, light_attenuation[3].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[4].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[4], light_direction[4], light_attenuation[4].x, light_attenuation[4].y, light_attenuation[4].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[5].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[5], light_direction[5], light_attenuation[5].x, light_attenuation[5].y, light_attenuation[5].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[6].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[6], light_direction[6], light_attenuation[6].x, light_attenuation[6].y, light_attenuation[6].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[7].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[7], light_direction[7], light_attenuation[7].x, light_attenuation[7].y, light_attenuation[7].z); - - vary_pointlight_col = col.rgb*diffuse_color.rgb; - - col.rgb = vec3(0,0,0); - - // Add windlight lights - col.rgb = atmosAmbient(vec3(0.)); - - vary_ambient = col.rgb*diffuse_color.rgb; - vary_directional.rgb = diffuse_color.rgb*atmosAffectDirectionalLight(max(calcDirectionalLight(norm, light_position[0].xyz), (1.0-diffuse_color.a)*(1.0-diffuse_color.a))); - - col.rgb = min(col.rgb*diffuse_color.rgb, 1.0); - - vertex_color = col; - - - - pos.xyz = (modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0)).xyz; - vary_fragcoord.xyz = pos.xyz + vec3(0,0,near_clip); - -} - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaV.glsl deleted file mode 100644 index 1586aab0f2..0000000000 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaV.glsl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file alphaV.glsl - * - * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ - * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. - * - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; - * version 2.1 of the License only. - * - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * - * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA - * $/LicenseInfo$ - */ - -uniform mat3 normal_matrix; -uniform mat4 texture_matrix0; -uniform mat4 modelview_matrix; -uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; - -ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; -void passTextureIndex(); -ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; -ATTRIBUTE vec4 diffuse_color; -ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; - -vec4 calcLighting(vec3 pos, vec3 norm, vec4 color, vec4 baseCol); -void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye); - -float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l); - -vec3 atmosAmbient(vec3 light); -vec3 atmosAffectDirectionalLight(float lightIntensity); -vec3 scaleDownLight(vec3 light); -vec3 scaleUpLight(vec3 light); - -VARYING vec3 vary_ambient; -VARYING vec3 vary_directional; -VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; -VARYING vec3 vary_position; -VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; - -VARYING vec4 vertex_color; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; - - -uniform float near_clip; -uniform float shadow_offset; -uniform float shadow_bias; - -uniform vec4 light_position[8]; -uniform vec3 light_direction[8]; -uniform vec3 light_attenuation[8]; -uniform vec3 light_diffuse[8]; - -float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l) -{ - float a = max(dot(n,l),0.0); - return a; -} - -float calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float fa, float is_pointlight) -{ - //get light vector - vec3 lv = lp.xyz-v; - - //get distance - float d = dot(lv,lv); - - float da = 0.0; - - if (d > 0.0 && la > 0.0 && fa > 0.0) - { - //normalize light vector - lv = normalize(lv); - - //distance attenuation - float dist2 = d/la; - da = clamp(1.0-(dist2-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); - - // spotlight coefficient. - float spot = max(dot(-ln, lv), is_pointlight); - da *= spot*spot; // GL_SPOT_EXPONENT=2 - - //angular attenuation - da *= max(dot(n, lv), 0.0); - } - - return da; -} - -void main() -{ - //transform vertex - vec4 vert = vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); - passTextureIndex(); - vec4 pos = (modelview_matrix * vert); - gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix*vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); - - vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord0,0,1)).xy; - - vec3 norm = normalize(normal_matrix * normal); - - float dp_directional_light = max(0.0, dot(norm, light_position[0].xyz)); - vary_position = pos.xyz + light_position[0].xyz * (1.0-dp_directional_light)*shadow_offset; - - calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); - - //vec4 color = calcLighting(pos.xyz, norm, diffuse_color, vec4(0.)); - vec4 col = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, diffuse_color.a); - - - // Collect normal lights - col.rgb += light_diffuse[2].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[2], light_direction[2], light_attenuation[2].x, light_attenuation[2].y, light_attenuation[2].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[3].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[3], light_direction[3], light_attenuation[3].x, light_attenuation[3].y, light_attenuation[3].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[4].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[4], light_direction[4], light_attenuation[4].x, light_attenuation[4].y, light_attenuation[4].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[5].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[5], light_direction[5], light_attenuation[5].x, light_attenuation[5].y, light_attenuation[5].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[6].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[6], light_direction[6], light_attenuation[6].x, light_attenuation[6].y, light_attenuation[6].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[7].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[7], light_direction[7], light_attenuation[7].x, light_attenuation[7].y, light_attenuation[7].z); - - vary_pointlight_col = col.rgb*diffuse_color.rgb; - - col.rgb = vec3(0,0,0); - - // Add windlight lights - col.rgb = atmosAmbient(vec3(0.)); - - vary_ambient = col.rgb*diffuse_color.rgb; - vary_directional.rgb = diffuse_color.rgb*atmosAffectDirectionalLight(max(calcDirectionalLight(norm, light_position[0].xyz), (1.0-diffuse_color.a)*(1.0-diffuse_color.a))); - - col.rgb = col.rgb*diffuse_color.rgb; - - vertex_color = col; - - - - pos = modelview_projection_matrix * vert; - vary_fragcoord.xyz = pos.xyz + vec3(0,0,near_clip); - -} diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/avatarAlphaV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/avatarAlphaV.glsl deleted file mode 100644 index 44aaa98b97..0000000000 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/avatarAlphaV.glsl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file avatarAlphaV.glsl - * - * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ - * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. - * - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; - * version 2.1 of the License only. - * - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * - * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA - * $/LicenseInfo$ - */ - -uniform mat4 projection_matrix; - -ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; -ATTRIBUTE vec3 normal; -ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; - -vec4 calcLighting(vec3 pos, vec3 norm, vec4 color, vec4 baseCol); -mat4 getSkinnedTransform(); -void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye); - -float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l); -float calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float is_pointlight); - -vec3 atmosAmbient(vec3 light); -vec3 atmosAffectDirectionalLight(float lightIntensity); -vec3 scaleDownLight(vec3 light); -vec3 scaleUpLight(vec3 light); - -VARYING vec3 vary_position; -VARYING vec3 vary_ambient; -VARYING vec3 vary_directional; -VARYING vec3 vary_fragcoord; -VARYING vec3 vary_pointlight_col; -VARYING vec4 vertex_color; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; - -uniform vec4 color; - -uniform float near_clip; -uniform float shadow_offset; -uniform float shadow_bias; - -uniform vec4 light_position[8]; -uniform vec3 light_direction[8]; -uniform vec3 light_attenuation[8]; -uniform vec3 light_diffuse[8]; - -float calcDirectionalLight(vec3 n, vec3 l) -{ - float a = max(dot(n,l),0.0); - return a; -} - -float calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float fa, float is_pointlight) -{ - //get light vector - vec3 lv = lp.xyz-v; - - //get distance - float d = dot(lv,lv); - - float da = 0.0; - - if (d > 0.0 && la > 0.0 && fa > 0.0) - { - //normalize light vector - lv = normalize(lv); - - //distance attenuation - float dist2 = d/la; - da = clamp(1.0-(dist2-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); - - // spotlight coefficient. - float spot = max(dot(-ln, lv), is_pointlight); - da *= spot*spot; // GL_SPOT_EXPONENT=2 - - //angular attenuation - da *= max(dot(n, lv), 0.0); - } - - return da; -} - -void main() -{ - vary_texcoord0 = texcoord0; - - vec4 pos; - vec3 norm; - - mat4 trans = getSkinnedTransform(); - vec4 pos_in = vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); - pos.x = dot(trans[0], pos_in); - pos.y = dot(trans[1], pos_in); - pos.z = dot(trans[2], pos_in); - pos.w = 1.0; - - norm.x = dot(trans[0].xyz, normal); - norm.y = dot(trans[1].xyz, normal); - norm.z = dot(trans[2].xyz, normal); - norm = normalize(norm); - - gl_Position = projection_matrix * pos; - - float dp_directional_light = max(0.0, dot(norm, light_position[0].xyz)); - vary_position = pos.xyz + light_position[0].xyz * (1.0-dp_directional_light)*shadow_offset; - - calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); - - vec4 col = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); - - // Collect normal lights - col.rgb += light_diffuse[2].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[2], light_direction[2], light_attenuation[2].x, light_attenuation[2].y, light_attenuation[2].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[3].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[3], light_direction[3], light_attenuation[3].x, light_attenuation[3].y, light_attenuation[3].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[4].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[4], light_direction[4], light_attenuation[4].x, light_attenuation[4].y, light_attenuation[4].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[5].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[5], light_direction[5], light_attenuation[5].x, light_attenuation[5].y, light_attenuation[5].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[6].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[6], light_direction[6], light_attenuation[6].x, light_attenuation[6].y, light_attenuation[6].z); - col.rgb += light_diffuse[7].rgb*calcPointLightOrSpotLight(pos.xyz, norm, light_position[7], light_direction[7], light_attenuation[7].x, light_attenuation[7].y, light_attenuation[7].z); - - vary_pointlight_col = col.rgb*color.rgb; - - col.rgb = vec3(0,0,0); - - // Add windlight lights - col.rgb = atmosAmbient(vec3(0.)); - - vary_ambient = col.rgb*color.rgb; - vary_directional = atmosAffectDirectionalLight(max(calcDirectionalLight(norm, light_position[0].xyz), 0.0)); - - col.rgb = col.rgb*color.rgb; - - vertex_color = col; - - - vary_fragcoord.xyz = pos.xyz + vec3(0,0,near_clip); -} - - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/multiSpotLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/multiSpotLightF.glsl index f7f1f649ce..c20e00163c 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/multiSpotLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/multiSpotLightF.glsl @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ */ #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable +#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable #ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR out vec4 frag_color; @@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ uniform samplerCube environmentMap; uniform sampler2DRect lightMap; uniform sampler2D noiseMap; uniform sampler2D projectionMap; +uniform sampler2D lightFunc; uniform mat4 proj_mat; //screen space to light space uniform float proj_near; //near clip for projection @@ -67,10 +69,70 @@ uniform vec2 screen_res; uniform mat4 inv_proj; +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lte.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lte.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lte.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lte); +#endif + +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + +vec4 correctWithGamma(vec4 col) +{ + return vec4(srgb_to_linear(col.rgb), col.a); +} + vec4 texture2DLodSpecular(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) { vec4 ret = texture2DLod(projectionMap, tc, lod); - + ret = correctWithGamma(ret); + vec2 dist = tc-vec2(0.5); float det = max(1.0-lod/(proj_lod*0.5), 0.0); @@ -85,7 +147,8 @@ vec4 texture2DLodSpecular(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) vec4 texture2DLodDiffuse(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) { vec4 ret = texture2DLod(projectionMap, tc, lod); - + ret = correctWithGamma(ret); + vec2 dist = vec2(0.5) - abs(tc-vec2(0.5)); float det = min(lod/(proj_lod*0.5), 1.0); @@ -102,7 +165,8 @@ vec4 texture2DLodDiffuse(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) vec4 texture2DLodAmbient(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) { vec4 ret = texture2DLod(projectionMap, tc, lod); - + ret = correctWithGamma(ret); + vec2 dist = tc-vec2(0.5); float d = dot(dist,dist); @@ -135,9 +199,9 @@ void main() vec3 pos = getPosition(frag.xy).xyz; vec3 lv = center.xyz-pos.xyz; - float dist2 = dot(lv,lv); - dist2 /= size; - if (dist2 > 1.0) + float dist = length(lv); + dist /= size; + if (dist > 1.0) { discard; } @@ -154,7 +218,10 @@ void main() } vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, frag.xy).xyz; - norm = vec3((norm.xy-0.5)*2.0,norm.z); // unpack norm + + float envIntensity = norm.z; + + norm = decode_normal(norm.xy); norm = normalize(norm); float l_dist = -dot(lv, proj_n); @@ -168,7 +235,9 @@ void main() proj_tc.xyz /= proj_tc.w; float fa = falloff+1.0; - float dist_atten = min(1.0-(dist2-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 1.0); + float dist_atten = min(1.0-(dist-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 1.0); + dist_atten *= dist_atten; + dist_atten *= 2.0; if (dist_atten <= 0.0) { discard; @@ -177,11 +246,15 @@ void main() lv = proj_origin-pos.xyz; lv = normalize(lv); float da = dot(norm, lv); - + vec3 col = vec3(0,0,0); vec3 diff_tex = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, frag.xy).rgb; - + + vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, frag.xy); + + vec3 dlit = vec3(0, 0, 0); + float noise = texture2D(noiseMap, frag.xy/128.0).b; if (proj_tc.z > 0.0 && proj_tc.x < 1.0 && @@ -189,21 +262,21 @@ void main() proj_tc.x > 0.0 && proj_tc.y > 0.0) { - float lit = 0.0; float amb_da = proj_ambiance; - + float lit = 0.0; + if (da > 0.0) { + lit = da * dist_atten * noise; + float diff = clamp((l_dist-proj_focus)/proj_range, 0.0, 1.0); float lod = diff * proj_lod; vec4 plcol = texture2DLodDiffuse(projectionMap, proj_tc.xy, lod); - vec3 lcol = color.rgb * plcol.rgb * plcol.a; + dlit = color.rgb * plcol.rgb * plcol.a; - lit = da * dist_atten * noise; - - col = lcol*lit*diff_tex*shadow; + col = dlit*lit*diff_tex*shadow; amb_da += (da*0.5)*(1.0-shadow)*proj_ambiance; } @@ -219,10 +292,37 @@ void main() col += amb_da*color.rgb*diff_tex.rgb*amb_plcol.rgb*amb_plcol.a; } - - vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, frag.xy); + if (spec.a > 0.0) { + vec3 npos = -normalize(pos); + dlit *= min(da*6.0, 1.0) * dist_atten; + + //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm); + vec3 h = normalize(lv+npos); + float nh = dot(norm, h); + float nv = dot(norm, npos); + float vh = dot(npos, h); + float sa = nh; + float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4+0.5; + + float gtdenom = 2 * nh; + float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh)); + + if (nh > 0.0) + { + float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt/(nh*da); + col += dlit*scol*spec.rgb*shadow; + //col += spec.rgb; + } + } + + + + + + if (envIntensity > 0.0) + { vec3 ref = reflect(normalize(pos), norm); //project from point pos in direction ref to plane proj_p, proj_n @@ -234,13 +334,12 @@ void main() vec3 pfinal = pos + ref * dot(pdelta, proj_n)/ds; vec4 stc = (proj_mat * vec4(pfinal.xyz, 1.0)); + stc /= stc.w; if (stc.z > 0.0) { - stc.xy /= stc.w; + float fatten = clamp(envIntensity*envIntensity+envIntensity*0.25, 0.25, 1.0); - float fatten = clamp(spec.a*spec.a+spec.a*0.5, 0.25, 1.0); - stc.xy = (stc.xy - vec2(0.5)) * fatten + vec2(0.5); if (stc.x < 1.0 && @@ -248,13 +347,16 @@ void main() stc.x > 0.0 && stc.y > 0.0) { - vec4 scol = texture2DLodSpecular(projectionMap, stc.xy, proj_lod-spec.a*proj_lod); - col += dist_atten*scol.rgb*color.rgb*scol.a*spec.rgb*shadow; + col += color.rgb*texture2DLodSpecular(projectionMap, stc.xy, proj_lod).rgb*shadow*spec.rgb; } } } } + + //not sure why, but this line prevents MATBUG-194 + col = max(col, vec3(0.0)); + frag_color.rgb = col; frag_color.a = 0.0; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/softenLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/softenLightF.glsl index a137bea30f..1022c23f7b 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/softenLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/softenLightF.glsl @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ uniform sampler2DRect lightMap; uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; uniform samplerCube environmentMap; uniform sampler2D lightFunc; -uniform vec3 gi_quad; uniform float blur_size; uniform float blur_fidelity; @@ -60,16 +59,13 @@ uniform float density_multiplier; uniform float distance_multiplier; uniform float max_y; uniform vec4 glow; +uniform float global_gamma; uniform float scene_light_strength; uniform mat3 env_mat; uniform vec4 shadow_clip; uniform mat3 ssao_effect_mat; -uniform mat4 inv_proj; -uniform vec2 screen_res; - uniform vec3 sun_dir; - VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord; vec3 vary_PositionEye; @@ -79,6 +75,63 @@ vec3 vary_AmblitColor; vec3 vary_AdditiveColor; vec3 vary_AtmosAttenuation; +uniform mat4 inv_proj; +uniform vec2 screen_res; + +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lte.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lte.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lte.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lte); +#endif + +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + vec4 getPosition_d(vec2 pos_screen, float depth) { vec2 sc = pos_screen.xy*2.0; @@ -118,7 +171,6 @@ vec3 getAtmosAttenuation() return vary_AtmosAttenuation; } - void setPositionEye(vec3 v) { vary_PositionEye = v; @@ -222,11 +274,61 @@ void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye, float ambFactor) { + tmpAmbient))); //brightness of surface both sunlight and ambient + /*setSunlitColor(pow(vec3(sunlight * .5), vec3(global_gamma)) * global_gamma); + setAmblitColor(pow(vec3(tmpAmbient * .25), vec3(global_gamma)) * global_gamma); + setAdditiveColor(pow(getAdditiveColor() * vec3(1.0 - temp1), vec3(global_gamma)) * global_gamma);*/ + setSunlitColor(vec3(sunlight * .5)); setAmblitColor(vec3(tmpAmbient * .25)); setAdditiveColor(getAdditiveColor() * vec3(1.0 - temp1)); } +#ifdef WATER_FOG +uniform vec4 waterPlane; +uniform vec4 waterFogColor; +uniform float waterFogDensity; +uniform float waterFogKS; + +vec4 applyWaterFogDeferred(vec3 pos, vec4 color) +{ + //normalize view vector + vec3 view = normalize(pos); + float es = -(dot(view, waterPlane.xyz)); + + //find intersection point with water plane and eye vector + + //get eye depth + float e0 = max(-waterPlane.w, 0.0); + + vec3 int_v = waterPlane.w > 0.0 ? view * waterPlane.w/es : vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + + //get object depth + float depth = length(pos - int_v); + + //get "thickness" of water + float l = max(depth, 0.1); + + float kd = waterFogDensity; + float ks = waterFogKS; + vec4 kc = waterFogColor; + + float F = 0.98; + + float t1 = -kd * pow(F, ks * e0); + float t2 = kd + ks * es; + float t3 = pow(F, t2*l) - 1.0; + + float L = min(t1/t2*t3, 1.0); + + float D = pow(0.98, l*kd); + + color.rgb = color.rgb * D + kc.rgb * L; + color.a = kc.a + color.a; + + return color; +} +#endif + vec3 atmosLighting(vec3 light) { light *= getAtmosAttenuation().r; @@ -239,6 +341,15 @@ vec3 atmosTransport(vec3 light) { light += getAdditiveColor() * 2.0; return light; } + +vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransport(vec3 light) { + float brightness = dot(light.rgb, vec3(0.33333)); + + return mix(atmosTransport(light.rgb), light.rgb + getAdditiveColor().rgb, brightness * brightness); +} + + + vec3 atmosGetDiffuseSunlightColor() { return getSunlitColor(); @@ -273,65 +384,109 @@ vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light) return light; } + +vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light) +{ + //soft clip effect: + return light; +} + void main() { vec2 tc = vary_fragcoord.xy; float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, tc.xy).r; vec3 pos = getPosition_d(tc, depth).xyz; - vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, tc).xyz; - norm = vec3((norm.xy-0.5)*2.0,norm.z); // unpack norm + vec4 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, tc); + float envIntensity = norm.z; + norm.xyz = decode_normal(norm.xy); // unpack norm float da = max(dot(norm.xyz, sun_dir.xyz), 0.0); - + + float light_gamma = 1.0/1.3; + da = pow(da, light_gamma); + + vec4 diffuse = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, tc); + //convert to gamma space + diffuse.rgb = linear_to_srgb(diffuse.rgb); + vec3 col; float bloom = 0.0; - - if (diffuse.a < 0.9) { vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, vary_fragcoord.xy); vec2 scol_ambocc = texture2DRect(lightMap, vary_fragcoord.xy).rg; + scol_ambocc = pow(scol_ambocc, vec2(light_gamma)); + float scol = max(scol_ambocc.r, diffuse.a); + + + float ambocc = scol_ambocc.g; calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz, ambocc); col = atmosAmbient(vec3(0)); - col += atmosAffectDirectionalLight(max(min(da, scol), diffuse.a)); + float ambient = min(abs(dot(norm.xyz, sun_dir.xyz)), 1.0); + ambient *= 0.5; + ambient *= ambient; + ambient = (1.0-ambient); + + col.rgb *= ambient; + + col += atmosAffectDirectionalLight(max(min(da, scol), 0.0)); col *= diffuse.rgb; + vec3 refnormpersp = normalize(reflect(pos.xyz, norm.xyz)); + if (spec.a > 0.0) // specular reflection { // the old infinite-sky shiny reflection // - vec3 refnormpersp = normalize(reflect(pos.xyz, norm.xyz)); + float sa = dot(refnormpersp, sun_dir.xyz); - vec3 dumbshiny = vary_SunlitColor*scol_ambocc.r*(6 * texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r); - + vec3 dumbshiny = vary_SunlitColor*scol_ambocc.r*(texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r); + // add the two types of shiny together vec3 spec_contrib = dumbshiny * spec.rgb; - bloom = dot(spec_contrib, spec_contrib) / 4; + bloom = dot(spec_contrib, spec_contrib) / 6; col += spec_contrib; + } + + + col = mix(col, diffuse.rgb, diffuse.a); - //add environmentmap + if (envIntensity > 0.0) + { //add environmentmap vec3 env_vec = env_mat * refnormpersp; - col = mix(col.rgb, textureCube(environmentMap, env_vec).rgb, - max(spec.a-diffuse.a*2.0, 0.0)); - } - col = atmosLighting(col); - col = scaleSoftClip(col); + vec3 refcol = textureCube(environmentMap, env_vec).rgb; - col = mix(col, diffuse.rgb, diffuse.a); - } - else - { - col = diffuse.rgb; + col = mix(col.rgb, refcol, + envIntensity); + + } + + if (norm.w < 0.5) + { + col = mix(atmosLighting(col), fullbrightAtmosTransport(col), diffuse.a); + col = mix(scaleSoftClip(col), fullbrightScaleSoftClip(col), diffuse.a); + } + + #ifdef WATER_FOG + vec4 fogged = applyWaterFogDeferred(pos,vec4(col, bloom)); + col = fogged.rgb; + bloom = fogged.a; + #endif + + col = srgb_to_linear(col); + + //col = vec3(1,0,1); + //col.g = envIntensity; } - + frag_color.rgb = col; frag_color.a = bloom; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/softenLightV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/softenLightV.glsl index c840d72784..c840d72784 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/softenLightV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/softenLightV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/spotLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/spotLightF.glsl index 99a277fbfc..7689b72d20 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/spotLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/spotLightF.glsl @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ */ #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable +#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable #ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR out vec4 frag_color; @@ -31,8 +32,6 @@ out vec4 frag_color; #define frag_color gl_FragColor #endif -VARYING vec4 vertex_color; - uniform sampler2DRect diffuseRect; uniform sampler2DRect specularRect; uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; @@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ uniform samplerCube environmentMap; uniform sampler2DRect lightMap; uniform sampler2D noiseMap; uniform sampler2D projectionMap; +uniform sampler2D lightFunc; uniform mat4 proj_mat; //screen space to light space uniform float proj_near; //near clip for projection @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ uniform vec3 proj_n; uniform float proj_focus; //distance from plane to begin blurring uniform float proj_lod; //(number of mips in proj map) uniform float proj_range; //range between near clip and far clip plane of projection +uniform float proj_ambient_lod; uniform float proj_ambiance; uniform float near_clip; uniform float far_clip; @@ -58,16 +59,127 @@ uniform float sun_wash; uniform int proj_shadow_idx; uniform float shadow_fade; -VARYING vec4 vary_light; +uniform float size; +uniform vec3 color; +uniform float falloff; +VARYING vec3 trans_center; VARYING vec4 vary_fragcoord; uniform vec2 screen_res; uniform mat4 inv_proj; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs) +{ + vec3 low_range = cs / vec3(12.92); + vec3 high_range = pow((cs+vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4)); + bvec3 lte = lessThanEqual(cs,vec3(0.04045)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lte.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lte.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lte.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lte); +#endif + +} + +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cl) +{ + cl = clamp(cl, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + vec3 low_range = cl * 12.92; + vec3 high_range = 1.055 * pow(cl, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; + bvec3 lt = lessThan(cl,vec3(0.0031308)); + +#ifdef OLD_SELECT + vec3 result; + result.r = lt.r ? low_range.r : high_range.r; + result.g = lt.g ? low_range.g : high_range.g; + result.b = lt.b ? low_range.b : high_range.b; + return result; +#else + return mix(high_range, low_range, lt); +#endif + +} + +vec4 correctWithGamma(vec4 col) +{ + return vec4(srgb_to_linear(col.rgb), col.a); +} + +vec4 texture2DLodSpecular(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) +{ + vec4 ret = texture2DLod(projectionMap, tc, lod); + ret = correctWithGamma(ret); + + vec2 dist = tc-vec2(0.5); + + float det = max(1.0-lod/(proj_lod*0.5), 0.0); + + float d = dot(dist,dist); + + ret *= min(clamp((0.25-d)/0.25, 0.0, 1.0)+det, 1.0); + + return ret; +} + +vec4 texture2DLodDiffuse(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) +{ + vec4 ret = texture2DLod(projectionMap, tc, lod); + ret = correctWithGamma(ret); + + vec2 dist = vec2(0.5) - abs(tc-vec2(0.5)); + + float det = min(lod/(proj_lod*0.5), 1.0); + + float d = min(dist.x, dist.y); + + float edge = 0.25*det; + + ret *= clamp(d/edge, 0.0, 1.0); + + return ret; +} + +vec4 texture2DLodAmbient(sampler2D projectionMap, vec2 tc, float lod) +{ + vec4 ret = texture2DLod(projectionMap, tc, lod); + ret = correctWithGamma(ret); + + vec2 dist = tc-vec2(0.5); + + float d = dot(dist,dist); + + ret *= min(clamp((0.25-d)/0.25, 0.0, 1.0), 1.0); + + return ret; +} + + vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) { - float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).a; + float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).r; vec2 sc = pos_screen.xy*2.0; sc /= screen_res; sc -= vec2(1.0,1.0); @@ -85,6 +197,15 @@ void main() frag.xyz = frag.xyz*0.5+0.5; frag.xy *= screen_res; + vec3 pos = getPosition(frag.xy).xyz; + vec3 lv = trans_center.xyz-pos.xyz; + float dist = length(lv); + dist /= size; + if (dist > 1.0) + { + discard; + } + float shadow = 1.0; if (proj_shadow_idx >= 0) @@ -96,17 +217,9 @@ void main() shadow = min(sh[proj_shadow_idx]+shadow_fade, 1.0); } - vec3 pos = getPosition(frag.xy).xyz; - vec3 lv = vary_light.xyz-pos.xyz; - float dist2 = dot(lv,lv); - dist2 /= vary_light.w; - if (dist2 > 1.0) - { - discard; - } - vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, frag.xy).xyz; - norm = vec3((norm.xy-0.5)*2.0,norm.z); // unpack norm + float envIntensity = norm.z; + norm = decode_normal(norm.xy); norm = normalize(norm); float l_dist = -dot(lv, proj_n); @@ -119,8 +232,15 @@ void main() proj_tc.xyz /= proj_tc.w; - float fa = vertex_color.a+1.0; - float dist_atten = clamp(1.0-(dist2-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); + float fa = falloff+1.0; + float dist_atten = min(1.0-(dist-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 1.0); + dist_atten *= dist_atten; + dist_atten *= 2.0; + + if (dist_atten <= 0.0) + { + discard; + } lv = proj_origin-pos.xyz; lv = normalize(lv); @@ -130,6 +250,10 @@ void main() vec3 diff_tex = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, frag.xy).rgb; + vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, frag.xy); + + vec3 dlit = vec3(0, 0, 0); + float noise = texture2D(noiseMap, frag.xy/128.0).b; if (proj_tc.z > 0.0 && proj_tc.x < 1.0 && @@ -137,44 +261,67 @@ void main() proj_tc.x > 0.0 && proj_tc.y > 0.0) { + float amb_da = proj_ambiance; float lit = 0.0; + if (da > 0.0) { + lit = da * dist_atten * noise; + float diff = clamp((l_dist-proj_focus)/proj_range, 0.0, 1.0); float lod = diff * proj_lod; - vec4 plcol = texture2DLod(projectionMap, proj_tc.xy, lod); + vec4 plcol = texture2DLodDiffuse(projectionMap, proj_tc.xy, lod); - vec3 lcol = vertex_color.rgb * plcol.rgb * plcol.a; + dlit = color.rgb * plcol.rgb * plcol.a; - lit = da * dist_atten * noise; - - col = lcol*lit*diff_tex*shadow; - } - - float diff = clamp((proj_range-proj_focus)/proj_range, 0.0, 1.0); - float lod = diff * proj_lod; - vec4 amb_plcol = texture2DLod(projectionMap, proj_tc.xy, lod); - //float amb_da = mix(proj_ambiance, proj_ambiance*max(-da, 0.0), max(da, 0.0)); - float amb_da = proj_ambiance; - if (da > 0.0) - { + col = dlit*lit*diff_tex*shadow; amb_da += (da*0.5)*(1.0-shadow)*proj_ambiance; } + //float diff = clamp((proj_range-proj_focus)/proj_range, 0.0, 1.0); + vec4 amb_plcol = texture2DLodAmbient(projectionMap, proj_tc.xy, proj_lod); + amb_da += (da*da*0.5+0.5)*proj_ambiance; - + amb_da *= dist_atten * noise; - + amb_da = min(amb_da, 1.0-lit); - - col += amb_da*vertex_color.rgb*diff_tex.rgb*amb_plcol.rgb*amb_plcol.a; + + col += amb_da*color.rgb*diff_tex.rgb*amb_plcol.rgb*amb_plcol.a; } - - vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, frag.xy); + if (spec.a > 0.0) { + dlit *= min(da*6.0, 1.0) * dist_atten; + vec3 npos = -normalize(pos); + + //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm); + vec3 h = normalize(lv+npos); + float nh = dot(norm, h); + float nv = dot(norm, npos); + float vh = dot(npos, h); + float sa = nh; + float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4+0.5; + + float gtdenom = 2 * nh; + float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh)); + + if (nh > 0.0) + { + float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt/(nh*da); + col += dlit*scol*spec.rgb*shadow; + //col += spec.rgb; + } + } + + + + + + if (envIntensity > 0.0) + { vec3 ref = reflect(normalize(pos), norm); //project from point pos in direction ref to plane proj_p, proj_n @@ -185,24 +332,31 @@ void main() { vec3 pfinal = pos + ref * dot(pdelta, proj_n)/ds; - vec3 stc = (proj_mat * vec4(pfinal.xyz, 1.0)).xyz; + vec4 stc = (proj_mat * vec4(pfinal.xyz, 1.0)); if (stc.z > 0.0) { - stc.xy /= stc.z+proj_near; - + stc.xy /= stc.w; + + float fatten = clamp(envIntensity*envIntensity+envIntensity*0.5, 0.25, 1.0); + + //stc.xy = (stc.xy - vec2(0.5)) * fatten + vec2(0.5); + stc.xy = (stc.xy - vec2(0.5)) * fatten + vec2(0.5); + if (stc.x < 1.0 && stc.y < 1.0 && stc.x > 0.0 && stc.y > 0.0) { - vec4 scol = texture2DLod(projectionMap, stc.xy, proj_lod-spec.a*proj_lod); - col += dist_atten*scol.rgb*vertex_color.rgb*scol.a*spec.rgb*shadow; + col += color.rgb*texture2DLodSpecular(projectionMap, stc.xy, proj_lod-envIntensity*proj_lod).rgb*shadow*spec.rgb; } } } } + //not sure why, but this line prevents MATBUG-194 + col = max(col, vec3(0.0)); + frag_color.rgb = col; frag_color.a = 0.0; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/sunLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/sunLightF.glsl index 8c4ccf9cb3..95c09d3238 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/sunLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/sunLightF.glsl @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ out vec4 frag_color; uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; uniform sampler2DRect normalMap; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap0; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap1; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap2; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap3; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap0; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap1; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap2; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap3; uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap4; uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap5; @@ -55,16 +55,33 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord; uniform mat4 inv_proj; uniform vec2 screen_res; -uniform vec2 shadow_res; uniform vec2 proj_shadow_res; uniform vec3 sun_dir; +uniform vec2 shadow_res; uniform float shadow_bias; uniform float shadow_offset; uniform float spot_shadow_bias; uniform float spot_shadow_offset; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) { float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).r; @@ -78,42 +95,43 @@ vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) return pos; } -float pcfShadow(sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc, float scl) +float pcfShadow(sampler2DShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc, float scl, vec2 pos_screen) { stc.xyz /= stc.w; - stc.z += shadow_bias*scl; - - float cs = shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz).x; + stc.z += shadow_bias; + + stc.x = floor(stc.x*shadow_res.x + fract(pos_screen.y*0.666666666))/shadow_res.x; // add some jitter to X sample pos according to Y to disguise the snapping going on here + float cs = shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz).x; + float shadow = cs; - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(1.5, 1.5, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(1.5, -1.5, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-1.5, 1.5, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-1.5, -1.5, 0.0)).x, cs); + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(2.0/shadow_res.x, 1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(1.0/shadow_res.x, -1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-2.0/shadow_res.x, 1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-1.0/shadow_res.x, -1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + - return shadow/5.0; - - //return shadow; + return shadow*0.2; } -float pcfShadow(sampler2DShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc, float scl) +float pcfSpotShadow(sampler2DShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc, float scl, vec2 pos_screen) { stc.xyz /= stc.w; stc.z += spot_shadow_bias*scl; - + stc.x = floor(proj_shadow_res.x * stc.x + fract(pos_screen.y*0.666666666)) / proj_shadow_res.x; // snap + float cs = shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz).x; float shadow = cs; - vec2 off = 1.5/proj_shadow_res; - - shadow += max(shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(off.x, off.y, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(off.x, -off.y, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-off.x, off.y, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-off.x, -off.y, 0.0)).x, cs); - - return shadow/5.0; + vec2 off = 1.0/proj_shadow_res; + off.y *= 1.5; - //return shadow; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(off.x*2.0, off.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(off.x, -off.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-off.x, off.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-off.x*2.0, -off.y, 0.0)).x; + + return shadow*0.2; } void main() @@ -124,11 +142,9 @@ void main() vec4 pos = getPosition(pos_screen); - vec4 nmap4 = texture2DRect(normalMap, pos_screen); - nmap4 = vec4((nmap4.xy-0.5)*2.0,nmap4.z,nmap4.w); // unpack norm - float displace = nmap4.w; - vec3 norm = nmap4.xyz; - + vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, pos_screen).xyz; + norm = decode_normal(norm.xy); // unpack norm + /*if (pos.z == 0.0) // do nothing for sky *FIX: REMOVE THIS IF/WHEN THE POSITION MAP IS BEING USED AS A STENCIL { frag_color = vec4(0.0); // doesn't matter @@ -137,8 +153,8 @@ void main() float shadow = 0.0; float dp_directional_light = max(0.0, dot(norm, sun_dir.xyz)); - - vec3 shadow_pos = pos.xyz + displace*norm; + + vec3 shadow_pos = pos.xyz; vec3 offset = sun_dir.xyz * (1.0-dp_directional_light); vec4 spos = vec4(shadow_pos+offset*shadow_offset, 1.0); @@ -162,11 +178,10 @@ void main() if (spos.z < near_split.z) { lpos = shadow_matrix[3]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - + float w = 1.0; w -= max(spos.z-far_split.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap3, lpos, 0.25)*w; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap3, lpos, 0.25, pos_screen)*w; weight += w; shadow += max((pos.z+shadow_clip.z)/(shadow_clip.z-shadow_clip.w)*2.0-1.0, 0.0); } @@ -174,36 +189,33 @@ void main() if (spos.z < near_split.y && spos.z > far_split.z) { lpos = shadow_matrix[2]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - + float w = 1.0; w -= max(spos.z-far_split.y, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; w -= max(near_split.z-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap2, lpos, 0.75)*w; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap2, lpos, 0.5, pos_screen)*w; weight += w; } if (spos.z < near_split.x && spos.z > far_split.y) { lpos = shadow_matrix[1]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; float w = 1.0; w -= max(spos.z-far_split.x, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; w -= max(near_split.y-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap1, lpos, 0.75)*w; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap1, lpos, 0.75, pos_screen)*w; weight += w; } if (spos.z > far_split.x) { lpos = shadow_matrix[0]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; float w = 1.0; w -= max(near_split.x-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap0, lpos, 1.0)*w; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap0, lpos, 1.0, pos_screen)*w; weight += w; } @@ -237,11 +249,11 @@ void main() //spotlight shadow 1 vec4 lpos = shadow_matrix[4]*spos; - frag_color[2] = pcfShadow(shadowMap4, lpos, 0.8); + frag_color[2] = pcfSpotShadow(shadowMap4, lpos, 0.8, pos_screen); //spotlight shadow 2 lpos = shadow_matrix[5]*spos; - frag_color[3] = pcfShadow(shadowMap5, lpos, 0.8); + frag_color[3] = pcfSpotShadow(shadowMap5, lpos, 0.8, pos_screen); //frag_color.rgb = pos.xyz; //frag_color.b = shadow; diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/sunLightSSAOF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/sunLightSSAOF.glsl index 02075a7687..b5ff6404ea 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/sunLightSSAOF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/sunLightSSAOF.glsl @@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ out vec4 frag_color; uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; uniform sampler2DRect normalMap; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap0; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap1; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap2; -uniform sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap3; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap0; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap1; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap2; +uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap3; uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap4; uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap5; uniform sampler2D noiseMap; @@ -55,16 +55,34 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord; uniform mat4 inv_proj; uniform vec2 screen_res; -uniform vec2 shadow_res; uniform vec2 proj_shadow_res; uniform vec3 sun_dir; +uniform vec2 shadow_res; + uniform float shadow_bias; uniform float shadow_offset; uniform float spot_shadow_bias; uniform float spot_shadow_offset; +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) +{ + float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); + return n.xy / f + 0.5; +} + +vec3 decode_normal (vec2 enc) +{ + vec2 fenc = enc*4-2; + float f = dot(fenc,fenc); + float g = sqrt(1-f/4); + vec3 n; + n.xy = fenc*g; + n.z = 1-f/2; + return n; +} + vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen) { float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).r; @@ -90,7 +108,7 @@ vec2 getKern(int i) kern[5] = vec2(-0.7071, -0.7071) * 0.750*0.750; kern[6] = vec2(-0.7071, 0.7071) * 0.875*0.875; kern[7] = vec2(0.7071, -0.7071) * 1.000*1.000; - + return kern[i]; } @@ -139,42 +157,42 @@ float calcAmbientOcclusion(vec4 pos, vec3 norm) return min(ret, 1.0); } -float pcfShadow(sampler2DRectShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc, float scl) +float pcfShadow(sampler2DShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc, float scl, vec2 pos_screen) { stc.xyz /= stc.w; - stc.z += shadow_bias*scl; + stc.z += shadow_bias; + + stc.x = floor(stc.x*shadow_res.x + fract(pos_screen.y*0.666666666))/shadow_res.x; + float cs = shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz).x; - float cs = shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz).x; float shadow = cs; - - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(1.5, 1.5, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(1.5, -1.5, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-1.5, 1.5, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2DRect(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-1.5, -1.5, 0.0)).x, cs); - - return shadow/5.0; - //return shadow; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(2.0/shadow_res.x, 1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(1.0/shadow_res.x, -1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-1.0/shadow_res.x, 1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-2.0/shadow_res.x, -1.5/shadow_res.y, 0.0)).x; + + return shadow*0.2; } -float pcfShadow(sampler2DShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc, float scl) +float pcfSpotShadow(sampler2DShadow shadowMap, vec4 stc, float scl, vec2 pos_screen) { stc.xyz /= stc.w; stc.z += spot_shadow_bias*scl; - + stc.x = floor(proj_shadow_res.x * stc.x + fract(pos_screen.y*0.666666666)) / proj_shadow_res.x; // snap + float cs = shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz).x; float shadow = cs; - vec2 off = 1.5/proj_shadow_res; - - shadow += max(shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(off.x, off.y, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(off.x, -off.y, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-off.x, off.y, 0.0)).x, cs); - shadow += max(shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-off.x, -off.y, 0.0)).x, cs); + vec2 off = 1.0/proj_shadow_res; + off.y *= 1.5; - return shadow/5.0; - - //return shadow; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(off.x*2.0, off.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(off.x, -off.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-off.x, off.y, 0.0)).x; + shadow += shadow2D(shadowMap, stc.xyz+vec3(-off.x*2.0, -off.y, 0.0)).x; + + return shadow*0.2; } void main() @@ -185,11 +203,9 @@ void main() vec4 pos = getPosition(pos_screen); - vec4 nmap4 = texture2DRect(normalMap, pos_screen); - nmap4 = vec4((nmap4.xy-0.5)*2.0,nmap4.z,nmap4.w); // unpack norm - float displace = nmap4.w; - vec3 norm = nmap4.xyz; - + vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, pos_screen).xyz; + norm = decode_normal(norm.xy); // unpack norm + /*if (pos.z == 0.0) // do nothing for sky *FIX: REMOVE THIS IF/WHEN THE POSITION MAP IS BEING USED AS A STENCIL { frag_color = vec4(0.0); // doesn't matter @@ -198,8 +214,8 @@ void main() float shadow = 0.0; float dp_directional_light = max(0.0, dot(norm, sun_dir.xyz)); - - vec3 shadow_pos = pos.xyz + displace*norm; + + vec3 shadow_pos = pos.xyz; vec3 offset = sun_dir.xyz * (1.0-dp_directional_light); vec4 spos = vec4(shadow_pos+offset*shadow_offset, 1.0); @@ -223,11 +239,10 @@ void main() if (spos.z < near_split.z) { lpos = shadow_matrix[3]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - + float w = 1.0; w -= max(spos.z-far_split.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap3, lpos, 0.25)*w; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap3, lpos, 0.25, pos_screen)*w; weight += w; shadow += max((pos.z+shadow_clip.z)/(shadow_clip.z-shadow_clip.w)*2.0-1.0, 0.0); } @@ -235,36 +250,33 @@ void main() if (spos.z < near_split.y && spos.z > far_split.z) { lpos = shadow_matrix[2]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - + float w = 1.0; w -= max(spos.z-far_split.y, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; w -= max(near_split.z-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.z; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap2, lpos, 0.75)*w; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap2, lpos, 0.5, pos_screen)*w; weight += w; } if (spos.z < near_split.x && spos.z > far_split.y) { lpos = shadow_matrix[1]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - + float w = 1.0; w -= max(spos.z-far_split.x, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; w -= max(near_split.y-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.y; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap1, lpos, 0.75)*w; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap1, lpos, 0.75, pos_screen)*w; weight += w; } if (spos.z > far_split.x) { lpos = shadow_matrix[0]*spos; - lpos.xy *= shadow_res; - + float w = 1.0; w -= max(near_split.x-spos.z, 0.0)/transition_domain.x; - shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap0, lpos, 1.0)*w; + shadow += pcfShadow(shadowMap0, lpos, 1.0, pos_screen)*w; weight += w; } @@ -298,11 +310,11 @@ void main() //spotlight shadow 1 vec4 lpos = shadow_matrix[4]*spos; - frag_color[2] = pcfShadow(shadowMap4, lpos, 0.8); + frag_color[2] = pcfSpotShadow(shadowMap4, lpos, 0.8, pos_screen); //spotlight shadow 2 lpos = shadow_matrix[5]*spos; - frag_color[3] = pcfShadow(shadowMap5, lpos, 0.8); + frag_color[3] = pcfSpotShadow(shadowMap5, lpos, 0.8, pos_screen); //frag_color.rgb = pos.xyz; //frag_color.b = shadow; diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/sunLightV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/sunLightV.glsl index bc5eb5181d..bc5eb5181d 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/sunLightV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/sunLightV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/lighting/sumLightsSpecularV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/lighting/sumLightsSpecularV.glsl index 3acf9fe883..3acf9fe883 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/lighting/sumLightsSpecularV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/lighting/sumLightsSpecularV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/lighting/sumLightsV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/lighting/sumLightsV.glsl index c9987ef3b9..c9987ef3b9 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/lighting/sumLightsV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/lighting/sumLightsV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsF.glsl index fea3cbf69b..fea3cbf69b 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsHelpersV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsHelpersV.glsl index 62a034ce05..62a034ce05 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsHelpersV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsHelpersV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsV.glsl index da3d922017..d174805cc0 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsV.glsl @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye) { vec3(blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight*(1.-cloud_shadow) + tmpAmbient) + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight*(1.-cloud_shadow) * temp2.x + tmpAmbient))); - + //brightness of surface both sunlight and ambient setSunlitColor(vec3(sunlight * .5)); setAmblitColor(vec3(tmpAmbient * .25)); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsF.glsl index 765b0927c3..765b0927c3 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsV.glsl index 99dbee15ee..99dbee15ee 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterF.glsl index 163ef26444..163ef26444 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterV.glsl index 553f6752e6..553f6752e6 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/cloudsF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/cloudsF.glsl index 96c70651b1..96c70651b1 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/cloudsF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/cloudsF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/cloudsV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/cloudsV.glsl index c1dd45cd67..c1dd45cd67 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/cloudsV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/cloudsV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/gammaF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/gammaF.glsl index 478373d729..478373d729 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/gammaF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/gammaF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/skyF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/skyF.glsl index e2a2367626..e2a2367626 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/skyF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/skyF.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/skyV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/skyV.glsl index 3788ddaf2d..3788ddaf2d 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/skyV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/skyV.glsl diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/transportF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/transportF.glsl index 8a8e4cb0f6..8a8e4cb0f6 100644..100755 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/transportF.glsl +++ 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