path: root/indra/lscript/lscript_library
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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/indra/lscript/lscript_library/lscript_library.cpp b/indra/lscript/lscript_library/lscript_library.cpp
index b99bd64f2a..54d0154798 100644
--- a/indra/lscript/lscript_library/lscript_library.cpp
+++ b/indra/lscript/lscript_library/lscript_library.cpp
@@ -398,9 +398,8 @@ void LLScriptLibrary::init()
addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llGetCameraPos", "v", "", "vector llGetCameraPos()\nGets current camera position for agent task has permissions for."));
addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llGetCameraRot", "q", "", "rotation llGetCameraRot()\nGets current camera orientation for agent task has permissions for."));
- addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 2.f, dummy_func, "llSetPrimURL", NULL, "s", "llSetPrimURL(string url)\nUpdates the URL for the web page shown on the sides of the object."));
+ addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 20.f, dummy_func, "llSetPrimURL", NULL, "s", "llSetPrimURL(string url)\nUpdates the URL for the web page shown on the sides of the object."));
addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 20.f, dummy_func, "llRefreshPrimURL", NULL, "", "llRefreshPrimURL()\nReloads the web page shown on the sides of the object."));
addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llEscapeURL", "s", "s", "string llEscapeURL(string url)\nReturns and escaped/encoded version of url, replacing spaces with %20 etc."));
addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llUnescapeURL", "s", "s", "string llUnescapeURL(string url)\nReturns and unescaped/unencoded version of url, replacing %20 with spaces etc."));
@@ -458,24 +457,6 @@ void LLScriptLibrary::init()
// existing scripts will crash.
- //Ventrella Follow Cam Script Stuff
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamPitch", NULL, "f", "llSetCamPitch(-45 to 80)\n(Adjusts the angular amount that the camera aims straight ahead vs. straight down, maintaining the same distance. Analogous to 'incidence'."));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamVerticalOffset", NULL, "f", "llSetCamVerticalOffset(-2 to 2)\nAdjusts the vertical position of the camera focus position relative to the subject"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamPositionLag", NULL, "f", "llSetCamPositionLag(0 to 3) \nHow much the camera lags as it tries to move towards its 'ideal' position"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamFocusLag", NULL, "f", "llSetCamFocusLag(0 to 3)\nHow much the camera lags as it tries to aim towards the subject"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamDistance", NULL, "f", "llSetCamDistance(0.5 to 10)\nSets how far away the camera wants to be from its subject"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamBehindnessAngle", NULL, "f", "llSetCamBehindnessAngle(0 to 180)\nSets the angle in degrees within which the camera is not constrained by changes in subject rotation"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamBehindnessLag", NULL, "f", "llSetCamBehindnessLag(0 to 3)\nSets how strongly the camera is forced to stay behind the target if outside of behindness angle"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamPositionThreshold", NULL, "f", "llSetCamPositionThreshold(0 to 4)\nSets the radius of a sphere around the camera's ideal position within which it is not affected by subject motion"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamFocusThreshold", NULL, "f", "llSetCamFocusThreshold(0 to 4)\nSets the radius of a sphere around the camera's subject position within which its focus is not affected by subject motion"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamScriptControl", NULL, "i", "llSetCamScriptControl(TRUE or FALSE)\nTurns on or off scripted control of the camera"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamPosition", NULL, "v", "llSetCamPosition(vector)\nSets the position of the camera"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamFocus", NULL, "v", "llSetCamFocus(vector focus)\nSets the focus (target position) of the camera"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamPositionLocked", NULL, "i", "llSetCamPositionLocked(TRUE or FALSE)\nLocks the camera position so it will not move"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetCamFocusLocked", NULL, "i", "llSetCamFocusLocked(TRUE or FALSE)\nLocks the camera focus so it will not move"));
- //addFunction(new LLScriptLibraryFunction(10.f, 0.f, dummy_func, "llSetForSale", "i", "ii", "integer llSetForSale(integer selltype, integer price)\nSets this object for sale in mode selltype for price. Returns TRUE if successfully set for sale."));
LLScriptLibraryFunction::LLScriptLibraryFunction(F32 eu, F32 st, void (*exec_func)(LLScriptLibData *, LLScriptLibData *, const LLUUID &), const char *name, const char *ret_type, const char *args, const char *desc, BOOL god_only)
: mEnergyUse(eu), mSleepTime(st), mExecFunc(exec_func), mName(name), mReturnType(ret_type), mArgs(args), mGodOnly(god_only)