path: root/indra/llui
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llui')
21 files changed, 660 insertions, 383 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llui/llaccordionctrltab.cpp b/indra/llui/llaccordionctrltab.cpp
index 7a5f9f9fd6..c025cd7939 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llaccordionctrltab.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llaccordionctrltab.cpp
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ void LLAccordionCtrlTab::drawChild(const LLRect& root_rect,LLView* child)
- LLUI::translate((F32)child->getRect().mLeft, (F32)child->getRect().mBottom, 0.f);
+ LLUI::translate((F32)child->getRect().mLeft, (F32)child->getRect().mBottom);
diff --git a/indra/llui/llcombobox.cpp b/indra/llui/llcombobox.cpp
index 89d8842393..806d2ef3f6 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llcombobox.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llcombobox.cpp
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ void LLComboBox::showList()
mList->setOrigin(rect.mLeft, rect.mBottom);
mList->reshape(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
- mList->translateIntoRect(root_view_local, FALSE);
+ mList->translateIntoRect(root_view_local);
// Make sure we didn't go off bottom of screen
S32 x, y;
diff --git a/indra/llui/lldraghandle.cpp b/indra/llui/lldraghandle.cpp
index 42e6c3c786..5f69c6af31 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lldraghandle.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lldraghandle.cpp
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ void LLDragHandleTop::reshapeTitleBox()
const LLFontGL* font = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif();
S32 title_width = getRect().getWidth();
title_width -= LEFT_PAD + 2 * BORDER_PAD + getButtonsRect().getWidth();
- S32 title_height = llround(font->getLineHeight());
+ S32 title_height = font->getLineHeight();
LLRect title_rect;
diff --git a/indra/llui/llfloater.cpp b/indra/llui/llfloater.cpp
index cedc4c0aee..f49b4edb98 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llfloater.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llfloater.cpp
@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ namespace LLInitParam
void TypeValues<LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning>::declareValues()
- declare("none", LLFloaterEnums::OPEN_POSITIONING_NONE);
- declare("cascading", LLFloaterEnums::OPEN_POSITIONING_CASCADING);
- declare("centered", LLFloaterEnums::OPEN_POSITIONING_CENTERED);
- declare("specified", LLFloaterEnums::OPEN_POSITIONING_SPECIFIED);
+ declare("relative", LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_RELATIVE);
+ declare("cascading", LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_CASCADING);
+ declare("centered", LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_CENTERED);
+ declare("specified", LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_SPECIFIED);
@@ -177,9 +177,7 @@ LLFloater::Params::Params()
save_visibility("save_visibility", false),
can_dock("can_dock", false),
show_title("show_title", true),
- open_positioning("open_positioning", LLFloaterEnums::OPEN_POSITIONING_NONE),
- specified_left("specified_left"),
- specified_bottom("specified_bottom"),
+ positioning("positioning", LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_RELATIVE),
header_height("header_height", 0),
legacy_header_height("legacy_header_height", 0),
@@ -249,9 +247,7 @@ LLFloater::LLFloater(const LLSD& key, const LLFloater::Params& p)
- mOpenPositioning(p.open_positioning),
- mSpecifiedLeft(p.specified_left),
- mSpecifiedBottom(p.specified_bottom),
+ mPositioning(p.positioning),
@@ -270,6 +266,7 @@ LLFloater::LLFloater(const LLSD& key, const LLFloater::Params& p)
// mNotificationContext(NULL)
+ mPosition.setFloater(*this);
// mNotificationContext = new LLFloaterNotificationContext(getHandle());
// Clicks stop here.
@@ -546,10 +543,18 @@ LLFloater::~LLFloater()
void LLFloater::storeRectControl()
- if( mRectControl.size() > 1 )
+ if (!mRectControl.empty())
getControlGroup()->setRect( mRectControl, getRect() );
+ if (!mPosXControl.empty() && mPositioning == LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_RELATIVE)
+ {
+ getControlGroup()->setF32( mPosXControl, mPosition.mX );
+ }
+ if (!mPosYControl.empty() && mPositioning == LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_RELATIVE)
+ {
+ getControlGroup()->setF32( mPosYControl, mPosition.mY );
+ }
void LLFloater::storeVisibilityControl()
@@ -568,23 +573,6 @@ void LLFloater::storeDockStateControl()
-LLRect LLFloater::getSavedRect() const
- LLRect rect;
- if (mRectControl.size() > 1)
- {
- rect = getControlGroup()->getRect(mRectControl);
- }
- return rect;
-bool LLFloater::hasSavedRect() const
- return !getSavedRect().isEmpty();
// static
std::string LLFloater::getControlName(const std::string& name, const LLSD& key)
@@ -862,7 +850,7 @@ void LLFloater::applyControlsAndPosition(LLFloater* other)
if (!applyRectControl())
- applyPositioning(other);
+ applyPositioning(other, true);
@@ -876,20 +864,41 @@ bool LLFloater::applyRectControl()
// other floaters in our group, position ourselves relative to them and don't save the rect
- mOpenPositioning = LLFloaterEnums::OPEN_POSITIONING_CASCADE_GROUP;
+ mPositioning = LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_CASCADE_GROUP;
- else if (mRectControl.size() > 1)
+ else
- // If we have a saved rect, use it
- const LLRect& rect = getControlGroup()->getRect(mRectControl);
- saved_rect = rect.notEmpty();
- if (saved_rect)
+ if (!mRectControl.empty())
- setOrigin(rect.mLeft, rect.mBottom);
+ // If we have a saved rect, use it
+ const LLRect& rect = getControlGroup()->getRect(mRectControl);
+ if (rect.notEmpty()) saved_rect = true;
+ if (saved_rect)
+ {
+ setOrigin(rect.mLeft, rect.mBottom);
+ if (mResizable)
+ {
+ reshape(llmax(mMinWidth, rect.getWidth()), llmax(mMinHeight, rect.getHeight()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (mResizable)
+ if (!mPosXControl.empty() && !mPosYControl.empty())
+ {
+ LLControlVariablePtr x_control = getControlGroup()->getControl(mPosXControl);
+ LLControlVariablePtr y_control = getControlGroup()->getControl(mPosYControl);
+ if (x_control.notNull()
+ && y_control.notNull()
+ && !x_control->isDefault()
+ && !y_control->isDefault())
- reshape(llmax(mMinWidth, rect.getWidth()), llmax(mMinHeight, rect.getHeight()));
+ mPosition.mX = x_control->getValue().asReal();
+ mPosition.mY = y_control->getValue().asReal();
+ mPositioning = LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_RELATIVE;
+ applyRelativePosition();
+ saved_rect = true;
@@ -910,50 +919,53 @@ bool LLFloater::applyDockState()
return docked;
-void LLFloater::applyPositioning(LLFloater* other)
+void LLFloater::applyPositioning(LLFloater* other, bool on_open)
// Otherwise position according to the positioning code
- switch (mOpenPositioning)
+ switch (mPositioning)
- {
- // Translate relative to snap rect
- setOrigin(mSpecifiedLeft, mSpecifiedBottom);
- const LLRect& snap_rect = gFloaterView->getSnapRect();
- translate(snap_rect.mLeft, snap_rect.mBottom);
- translateIntoRect(snap_rect, FALSE);
- }
+ //translateIntoRect(gFloaterView->getSnapRect());
- if (other != NULL && other != this)
- {
- stackWith(*other);
- }
- else
+ if (on_open)
- static const U32 CASCADING_FLOATER_HOFFSET = 0;
- static const U32 CASCADING_FLOATER_VOFFSET = 0;
+ if (other != NULL && other != this)
+ {
+ stackWith(*other);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ static const U32 CASCADING_FLOATER_HOFFSET = 0;
+ static const U32 CASCADING_FLOATER_VOFFSET = 0;
- const LLRect& snap_rect = gFloaterView->getSnapRect();
+ const LLRect& snap_rect = gFloaterView->getSnapRect();
- const S32 horizontal_offset = CASCADING_FLOATER_HOFFSET;
- const S32 vertical_offset = snap_rect.getHeight() - CASCADING_FLOATER_VOFFSET;
+ const S32 horizontal_offset = CASCADING_FLOATER_HOFFSET;
+ const S32 vertical_offset = snap_rect.getHeight() - CASCADING_FLOATER_VOFFSET;
- S32 rect_height = getRect().getHeight();
- setOrigin(horizontal_offset, vertical_offset - rect_height);
+ S32 rect_height = getRect().getHeight();
+ setOrigin(horizontal_offset, vertical_offset - rect_height);
- translate(snap_rect.mLeft, snap_rect.mBottom);
- translateIntoRect(snap_rect, FALSE);
+ translate(snap_rect.mLeft, snap_rect.mBottom);
+ }
+ //mPositioning = LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_SPECIFIED;
+ {
+ applyRelativePosition();
+ break;
+ }
// Do nothing
@@ -1071,7 +1083,9 @@ void LLFloater::handleReshape(const LLRect& new_rect, bool by_user)
if (by_user && !isMinimized())
- mOpenPositioning = LLFloaterEnums::OPEN_POSITIONING_NONE;
+ mPositioning = LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_RELATIVE;
+ LLRect screen_rect = calcScreenRect();
+ mPosition = LLCoordGL(screen_rect.getCenterX(), screen_rect.getCenterY()).convert();
// if not minimized, adjust all snapped dependents to new shape
@@ -1249,6 +1263,7 @@ void LLFloater::setMinimized(BOOL minimize)
// Reshape *after* setting mMinimized
reshape( mExpandedRect.getWidth(), mExpandedRect.getHeight(), TRUE );
+ applyPositioning(NULL, false);
@@ -1589,7 +1604,7 @@ void LLFloater::setDocked(bool docked, bool pop_on_undock)
if (mDocked)
- mOpenPositioning = LLFloaterEnums::OPEN_POSITIONING_NONE;
+ mPositioning = LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_RELATIVE;
@@ -1623,7 +1638,7 @@ void LLFloater::onClickTearOff(LLFloater* self)
// only force position for floaters that don't have that data saved
- if (self->mRectControl.size() <= 1)
+ if (self->mRectControl.empty())
new_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(host_floater->getRect().mLeft + 5, host_floater->getRect().mTop - floater_header_size - 5, self->getRect().getWidth(), self->getRect().getHeight());
@@ -1802,7 +1817,7 @@ void LLFloater::draw()
const LLFontGL* font = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif();
LLRect r = getRect();
- gl_rect_2d_offset_local(0, r.getHeight(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight() - (S32)font->getLineHeight() - 1,
+ gl_rect_2d_offset_local(0, r.getHeight(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight() - font->getLineHeight() - 1,
titlebar_focus_color % alpha, 0, TRUE);
@@ -2163,19 +2178,14 @@ LLFloaterView::LLFloaterView (const Params& p)
+ mSnapView = getHandle();
// By default, adjust vertical.
void LLFloaterView::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent)
- S32 old_right = mLastSnapRect.mRight;
- S32 old_top = mLastSnapRect.mTop;
LLView::reshape(width, height, called_from_parent);
- S32 new_right = getSnapRect().mRight;
- S32 new_top = getSnapRect().mTop;
mLastSnapRect = getSnapRect();
for ( child_list_const_iter_t child_it = getChildList()->begin(); child_it != getChildList()->end(); ++child_it)
@@ -2188,35 +2198,39 @@ void LLFloaterView::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent)
- if (!floaterp->isMinimized())
+ if (!floaterp->isMinimized() && floaterp->getCanDrag())
- LLRect r = floaterp->getRect();
+ LLRect old_rect = floaterp->getRect();
+ floaterp->applyPositioning(NULL, false);
+ LLRect new_rect = floaterp->getRect();
- // Compute absolute distance from each edge of screen
- S32 left_offset = llabs(r.mLeft - 0);
- S32 right_offset = llabs(old_right - r.mRight);
+ //LLRect r = floaterp->getRect();
- S32 top_offset = llabs(old_top - r.mTop);
- S32 bottom_offset = llabs(r.mBottom - 0);
+ //// Compute absolute distance from each edge of screen
+ //S32 left_offset = llabs(r.mLeft - 0);
+ //S32 right_offset = llabs(old_right - r.mRight);
- S32 translate_x = 0;
- S32 translate_y = 0;
+ //S32 top_offset = llabs(old_top - r.mTop);
+ //S32 bottom_offset = llabs(r.mBottom - 0);
- if (left_offset > right_offset)
- {
- translate_x = new_right - old_right;
- }
+ S32 translate_x = new_rect.mLeft - old_rect.mLeft;
+ S32 translate_y = new_rect.mBottom - old_rect.mBottom;
- if (top_offset < bottom_offset)
- {
- translate_y = new_top - old_top;
- }
+ //if (left_offset > right_offset)
+ //{
+ // translate_x = new_right - old_right;
+ //}
+ //if (top_offset < bottom_offset)
+ //{
+ // translate_y = new_top - old_top;
+ //}
// don't reposition immovable floaters
- if (floaterp->getCanDrag())
- {
- floaterp->translate(translate_x, translate_y);
- }
+ //if (floaterp->getCanDrag())
+ //{
+ // floaterp->translate(translate_x, translate_y);
+ //}
BOOST_FOREACH(LLHandle<LLFloater> dependent_floater, floaterp->mDependents)
if (dependent_floater.get())
@@ -2643,6 +2657,8 @@ void LLFloaterView::refresh()
void LLFloaterView::adjustToFitScreen(LLFloater* floater, BOOL allow_partial_outside)
if (floater->getParent() != this)
@@ -2696,7 +2712,7 @@ void LLFloaterView::adjustToFitScreen(LLFloater* floater, BOOL allow_partial_out
// move window fully onscreen
- if (floater->translateIntoRect( getSnapRect(), allow_partial_outside ))
+ if (floater->translateIntoRect( getSnapRect(), allow_partial_outside ? FLOATER_MIN_VISIBLE_PIXELS : S32_MAX ))
@@ -2910,9 +2926,11 @@ void LLFloater::setInstanceName(const std::string& name)
std::string ctrl_name = getControlName(mInstanceName, mKey);
// save_rect and save_visibility only apply to registered floaters
- if (!mRectControl.empty())
+ if (mSaveRect)
mRectControl = LLFloaterReg::declareRectControl(ctrl_name);
+ mPosXControl = LLFloaterReg::declarePosXControl(ctrl_name);
+ mPosYControl = LLFloaterReg::declarePosYControl(ctrl_name);
if (!mVisibilityControl.empty())
@@ -2969,7 +2987,10 @@ void LLFloater::initFromParams(const LLFloater::Params& p)
// override any follows flags
- setFollows(FOLLOWS_NONE);
+ if (mPositioning != LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_SPECIFIED)
+ {
+ setFollows(FOLLOWS_NONE);
+ }
mTitle = p.title;
mShortTitle = p.short_title;
@@ -2988,14 +3009,9 @@ void LLFloater::initFromParams(const LLFloater::Params& p)
mSingleInstance = p.single_instance;
mReuseInstance = p.reuse_instance.isProvided() ? p.reuse_instance : p.single_instance;
- mOpenPositioning = p.open_positioning;
- mSpecifiedLeft = p.specified_left;
- mSpecifiedBottom = p.specified_bottom;
+ mPositioning = p.positioning;
- if (p.save_rect && mRectControl.empty())
- {
- mRectControl = "t"; // flag to build mRectControl name once mInstanceName is set
- }
+ mSaveRect = p.save_rect;
if (p.save_visibility)
mVisibilityControl = "t"; // flag to build mVisibilityControl name once mInstanceName is set
@@ -3110,7 +3126,7 @@ bool LLFloater::initFloaterXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, const std::str
params.from_xui = true;
- applyXUILayout(params, parent);
+ applyXUILayout(params, parent, parent == gFloaterView ? gFloaterView->getSnapRect() : parent->getLocalRect());
@@ -3269,5 +3285,137 @@ void LLFloater::stackWith(LLFloater& other)
next_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(next_rect.mLeft, next_rect.mTop, getRect().getWidth(), getRect().getHeight());
+ //other.mPositioning = LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_SPECIFIED;
+ other.setFollows(FOLLOWS_LEFT | FOLLOWS_TOP);
+void LLFloater::applyRelativePosition()
+ LLRect snap_rect = gFloaterView->getSnapRect();
+ LLRect floater_view_screen_rect = gFloaterView->calcScreenRect();
+ snap_rect.translate(floater_view_screen_rect.mLeft, floater_view_screen_rect.mBottom);
+ LLRect floater_screen_rect = calcScreenRect();
+ LLCoordGL new_center = mPosition.convert();
+ LLCoordGL cur_center(floater_screen_rect.getCenterX(), floater_screen_rect.getCenterY());
+ translate(new_center.mX - cur_center.mX, new_center.mY - cur_center.mY);
+LLCoordFloater::LLCoordFloater(F32 x, F32 y, LLFloater& floater)
+: coord_t(x, y)
+ mFloater = floater.getHandle();
+LLCoordFloater::LLCoordFloater(const LLCoordCommon& other, LLFloater& floater)
+ mFloater = floater.getHandle();
+ convertFromCommon(other);
+LLCoordFloater& LLCoordFloater::operator=(const LLCoordFloater& other)
+ mFloater = other.mFloater;
+ coord_t::operator =(other);
+ return *this;
+void LLCoordFloater::setFloater(LLFloater& floater)
+ mFloater = floater.getHandle();
+bool LLCoordFloater::operator==(const LLCoordFloater& other) const
+ return mX == other.mX && mY == other.mY && mFloater == other.mFloater;
+LLCoordCommon LL_COORD_FLOATER::convertToCommon() const
+ const LLCoordFloater& self = static_cast<const LLCoordFloater&>(LLCoordFloater::getTypedCoords(*this));
+ LLRect snap_rect = gFloaterView->getSnapRect();
+ LLRect floater_view_screen_rect = gFloaterView->calcScreenRect();
+ snap_rect.translate(floater_view_screen_rect.mLeft, floater_view_screen_rect.mBottom);
+ LLFloater* floaterp = mFloater.get();
+ S32 floater_width = floaterp ? floaterp->getRect().getWidth() : 0;
+ S32 floater_height = floaterp ? floaterp->getRect().getHeight() : 0;
+ LLCoordCommon out;
+ if (self.mX < -0.5f)
+ {
+ out.mX = llround(rescale(self.mX, -1.f, -0.5f, snap_rect.mLeft - (floater_width - FLOATER_MIN_VISIBLE_PIXELS), snap_rect.mLeft));
+ }
+ else if (self.mX > 0.5f)
+ {
+ out.mX = llround(rescale(self.mX, 0.5f, 1.f, snap_rect.mRight - floater_width, snap_rect.mRight - FLOATER_MIN_VISIBLE_PIXELS));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out.mX = llround(rescale(self.mX, -0.5f, 0.5f, snap_rect.mLeft, snap_rect.mRight - floater_width));
+ }
+ if (self.mY < -0.5f)
+ {
+ out.mY = llround(rescale(self.mY, -1.f, -0.5f, snap_rect.mBottom - (floater_height - FLOATER_MIN_VISIBLE_PIXELS), snap_rect.mBottom));
+ }
+ else if (self.mY > 0.5f)
+ {
+ out.mY = llround(rescale(self.mY, 0.5f, 1.f, snap_rect.mTop - floater_height, snap_rect.mTop - FLOATER_MIN_VISIBLE_PIXELS));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out.mY = llround(rescale(self.mY, -0.5f, 0.5f, snap_rect.mBottom, snap_rect.mTop - floater_height));
+ }
+ // return center point instead of lower left
+ out.mX += floater_width / 2;
+ out.mY += floater_height / 2;
+ return out;
+void LL_COORD_FLOATER::convertFromCommon(const LLCoordCommon& from)
+ LLCoordFloater& self = static_cast<LLCoordFloater&>(LLCoordFloater::getTypedCoords(*this));
+ LLRect snap_rect = gFloaterView->getSnapRect();
+ LLRect floater_view_screen_rect = gFloaterView->calcScreenRect();
+ snap_rect.translate(floater_view_screen_rect.mLeft, floater_view_screen_rect.mBottom);
+ LLFloater* floaterp = mFloater.get();
+ S32 floater_width = floaterp ? floaterp->getRect().getWidth() : 0;
+ S32 floater_height = floaterp ? floaterp->getRect().getHeight() : 0;
+ S32 from_x = from.mX - floater_width / 2;
+ S32 from_y = from.mY - floater_height / 2;
+ if (from_x < snap_rect.mLeft)
+ {
+ self.mX = rescale(from_x, snap_rect.mLeft - (floater_width - FLOATER_MIN_VISIBLE_PIXELS), snap_rect.mLeft, -1.f, -0.5f);
+ }
+ else if (from_x + floater_width > snap_rect.mRight)
+ {
+ self.mX = rescale(from_x, snap_rect.mRight - floater_width, snap_rect.mRight - FLOATER_MIN_VISIBLE_PIXELS, 0.5f, 1.f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self.mX = rescale(from_x, snap_rect.mLeft, snap_rect.mRight - floater_width, -0.5f, 0.5f);
+ }
+ if (from_y < snap_rect.mBottom)
+ {
+ self.mY = rescale(from_y, snap_rect.mBottom - (floater_height - FLOATER_MIN_VISIBLE_PIXELS), snap_rect.mBottom, -1.f, -0.5f);
+ }
+ else if (from_y + floater_height > snap_rect.mTop)
+ {
+ self.mY = rescale(from_y, snap_rect.mTop - floater_height, snap_rect.mTop - FLOATER_MIN_VISIBLE_PIXELS, 0.5f, 1.f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self.mY = rescale(from_y, snap_rect.mBottom, snap_rect.mTop - floater_height, -0.5f, 0.5f);
+ }
diff --git a/indra/llui/llfloater.h b/indra/llui/llfloater.h
index 59b35d206f..64d6dcea04 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llfloater.h
+++ b/indra/llui/llfloater.h
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ namespace LLFloaterEnums
enum EOpenPositioning
@@ -82,6 +82,37 @@ namespace LLInitParam
+ typedef F32 value_t;
+ LLCoordCommon convertToCommon() const;
+ void convertFromCommon(const LLCoordCommon& from);
+ LLHandle<LLFloater> mFloater;
+struct LLCoordFloater : LLCoord<LL_COORD_FLOATER>
+ typedef LLCoord<LL_COORD_FLOATER> coord_t;
+ LLCoordFloater() {}
+ LLCoordFloater(F32 x, F32 y, LLFloater& floater);
+ LLCoordFloater(const LLCoordCommon& other, LLFloater& floater);
+ LLCoordFloater& operator=(const LLCoordCommon& other)
+ {
+ convertFromCommon(other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ LLCoordFloater& operator=(const LLCoordFloater& other);
+ bool operator==(const LLCoordFloater& other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const LLCoordFloater& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
+ void setFloater(LLFloater& floater);
class LLFloater : public LLPanel, public LLInstanceTracker<LLFloater>
@@ -132,10 +163,7 @@ public:
- Optional<LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning> open_positioning;
- Optional<S32> specified_left;
- Optional<S32> specified_bottom;
+ Optional<LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning> positioning;
Optional<S32> header_height,
legacy_header_height; // HACK see initFromXML()
@@ -184,7 +212,7 @@ public:
bool initFloaterXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, const std::string& filename, LLXMLNodePtr output_node = NULL);
/*virtual*/ void handleReshape(const LLRect& new_rect, bool by_user = false);
- /*virtual*/ BOOL canSnapTo(const LLView* other_view);
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL canSnapTo(const LLView* other_view);
/*virtual*/ void setSnappedTo(const LLView* snap_view);
/*virtual*/ void setFocus( BOOL b );
/*virtual*/ void setIsChrome(BOOL is_chrome);
@@ -241,8 +269,6 @@ public:
BOOL isResizable() const { return mResizable; }
void setResizeLimits( S32 min_width, S32 min_height );
void getResizeLimits( S32* min_width, S32* min_height ) { *min_width = mMinWidth; *min_height = mMinHeight; }
- LLRect getSavedRect() const;
- bool hasSavedRect() const;
static std::string getControlName(const std::string& name, const LLSD& key);
static LLControlGroup* getControlGroup();
@@ -324,7 +350,7 @@ public:
void enableResizeCtrls(bool enable, bool width = true, bool height = true);
- bool isPositioning(LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning p) const { return (p == mOpenPositioning); }
+ bool isPositioning(LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning p) const { return (p == mPositioning); }
void applyControlsAndPosition(LLFloater* other);
@@ -332,7 +358,9 @@ protected:
virtual bool applyRectControl();
bool applyDockState();
- void applyPositioning(LLFloater* other);
+ void applyPositioning(LLFloater* other, bool on_open);
+ void applyRelativePosition();
void storeRectControl();
void storeVisibilityControl();
void storeDockStateControl();
@@ -396,7 +424,10 @@ public:
commit_signal_t* mMinimizeSignal;
+ bool mSaveRect;
std::string mRectControl;
+ std::string mPosXControl;
+ std::string mPosYControl;
std::string mVisibilityControl;
std::string mDocStateControl;
LLSD mKey; // Key used for retrieving instances; set (for now) by LLFLoaterReg
@@ -422,9 +453,8 @@ private:
BOOL mDragOnLeft;
BOOL mResizable;
- LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning mOpenPositioning;
- S32 mSpecifiedLeft;
- S32 mSpecifiedBottom;
+ LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning mPositioning;
+ LLCoordFloater mPosition;
S32 mMinWidth;
S32 mMinHeight;
diff --git a/indra/llui/llfloaterreg.cpp b/indra/llui/llfloaterreg.cpp
index e144b68f5e..ef55e74166 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llfloaterreg.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llfloaterreg.cpp
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ LLFloater* LLFloaterReg::getLastFloaterCascading()
LLFloater* inst = *iter;
- if (inst->getVisible() && inst->isPositioning(LLFloaterEnums::OPEN_POSITIONING_CASCADING))
+ if (inst->getVisible() && inst->isPositioning(LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_CASCADING))
if (candidate_rect.mTop > inst->getRect().mTop)
@@ -358,9 +358,7 @@ void LLFloaterReg::restoreVisibleInstances()
std::string LLFloaterReg::getRectControlName(const std::string& name)
- std::string res = std::string("floater_rect_") + name;
- LLStringUtil::replaceChar( res, ' ', '_' );
- return res;
+ return std::string("floater_rect_") + getBaseControlName(name);
@@ -368,19 +366,48 @@ std::string LLFloaterReg::declareRectControl(const std::string& name)
std::string controlname = getRectControlName(name);
LLFloater::getControlGroup()->declareRect(controlname, LLRect(),
- llformat("Window Position and Size for %s", name.c_str()),
+ llformat("Window Size for %s", name.c_str()),
return controlname;
+std::string LLFloaterReg::declarePosXControl(const std::string& name)
+ std::string controlname = std::string("floater_pos_x_") + getBaseControlName(name);
+ LLFloater::getControlGroup()->declareF32(controlname,
+ 10.f,
+ llformat("Window X Position for %s", name.c_str()),
+ TRUE);
+ return controlname;
+std::string LLFloaterReg::declarePosYControl(const std::string& name)
+ std::string controlname = std::string("floater_pos_y_") + getBaseControlName(name);
+ LLFloater::getControlGroup()->declareF32(controlname,
+ 10.f,
+ llformat("Window Y Position for %s", name.c_str()),
+ TRUE);
+ return controlname;
std::string LLFloaterReg::getVisibilityControlName(const std::string& name)
- std::string res = std::string("floater_vis_") + name;
+ return std::string("floater_vis_") + getBaseControlName(name);
+std::string LLFloaterReg::getBaseControlName(const std::string& name)
+ std::string res(name);
LLStringUtil::replaceChar( res, ' ', '_' );
return res;
std::string LLFloaterReg::declareVisibilityControl(const std::string& name)
diff --git a/indra/llui/llfloaterreg.h b/indra/llui/llfloaterreg.h
index 534cf8b40a..a1e1f8a988 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llfloaterreg.h
+++ b/indra/llui/llfloaterreg.h
@@ -115,9 +115,11 @@ public:
// Control Variables
static std::string getRectControlName(const std::string& name);
static std::string declareRectControl(const std::string& name);
+ static std::string declarePosXControl(const std::string& name);
+ static std::string declarePosYControl(const std::string& name);
static std::string getVisibilityControlName(const std::string& name);
static std::string declareVisibilityControl(const std::string& name);
+ static std::string getBaseControlName(const std::string& name);
static std::string declareDockStateControl(const std::string& name);
static std::string getDockStateControlName(const std::string& name);
diff --git a/indra/llui/lllayoutstack.cpp b/indra/llui/lllayoutstack.cpp
index 2f1c2a47c9..ae262f794e 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lllayoutstack.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lllayoutstack.cpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
#include "llcriticaldamp.h"
#include "boost/foreach.hpp"
-static const F32 MIN_FRACTIONAL_SIZE = 0.0001f;
+static const F32 MIN_FRACTIONAL_SIZE = 0.0f;
static const F32 MAX_FRACTIONAL_SIZE = 1.f;
static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLLayoutStack> register_layout_stack("layout_stack");
@@ -129,6 +129,12 @@ void LLLayoutPanel::setOrientation( LLLayoutStack::ELayoutOrientation orientatio
? getRect().getWidth()
: getRect().getHeight()));
+ if (mAutoResize == FALSE
+ && mUserResize == TRUE
+ && mMinDim == -1 )
+ {
+ setMinDim(layout_dim);
+ }
mTargetDim = llmax(layout_dim, getMinDim());
@@ -306,7 +312,6 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updateLayout()
bool animation_in_progress = animatePanels();
F32 total_visible_fraction = 0.f;
- F32 total_open_fraction = 0.f;
S32 space_to_distribute = (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL)
? getRect().getWidth()
: getRect().getHeight();
@@ -318,20 +323,17 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updateLayout()
if (panelp->mAutoResize)
panelp->mTargetDim = panelp->getRelevantMinDim();
- if (!panelp->mCollapsed && panelp->getVisible())
- {
- total_open_fraction += panelp->mFractionalSize;
- }
space_to_distribute -= panelp->getVisibleDim() + llround((F32)mPanelSpacing * panelp->getVisibleAmount());
- total_visible_fraction += panelp->mFractionalSize;
+ total_visible_fraction += panelp->mFractionalSize * panelp->getAutoResizeFactor();
- llassert(total_visible_fraction < 1.01f);
+ llassert(total_visible_fraction < 1.05f);
// don't need spacing after last panel
space_to_distribute += panelp ? llround((F32)mPanelSpacing * panelp->getVisibleAmount()) : 0;
+ S32 remaining_space = space_to_distribute;
F32 fraction_distributed = 0.f;
if (space_to_distribute > 0 && total_visible_fraction > 0.f)
{ // give space proportionally to visible auto resize panels
@@ -343,26 +345,23 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updateLayout()
S32 delta = llround((F32)space_to_distribute * fraction_to_distribute);
fraction_distributed += fraction_to_distribute;
panelp->mTargetDim += delta;
+ remaining_space -= delta;
- if (fraction_distributed < total_visible_fraction)
- { // distribute any left over pixels to non-collapsed, visible panels
- F32 fraction_left = total_visible_fraction - fraction_distributed;
- S32 space_left = llround((F32)space_to_distribute * (fraction_left / total_visible_fraction));
+ // distribute any left over pixels to non-collapsed, visible panels
+ BOOST_FOREACH(LLLayoutPanel* panelp, mPanels)
+ {
+ if (remaining_space == 0) break;
- BOOST_FOREACH(LLLayoutPanel* panelp, mPanels)
+ if (panelp->mAutoResize
+ && !panelp->mCollapsed
+ && panelp->getVisible())
- if (panelp->mAutoResize
- && !panelp->mCollapsed
- && panelp->getVisible())
- {
- S32 space_for_panel = llmax(0, llround((F32)space_left * (panelp->mFractionalSize / total_open_fraction)));
- panelp->mTargetDim += space_for_panel;
- space_left -= space_for_panel;
- total_open_fraction -= panelp->mFractionalSize;
- }
+ S32 space_for_panel = remaining_space > 0 ? 1 : -1;
+ panelp->mTargetDim += space_for_panel;
+ remaining_space -= space_for_panel;
@@ -494,33 +493,46 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updateClass()
void LLLayoutStack::updateFractionalSizes()
- F32 total_resizable_dim = 0;
- S32 num_auto_resize_panels = 0;
+ F32 total_resizable_dim = 0.f;
BOOST_FOREACH(LLLayoutPanel* panelp, mPanels)
if (panelp->mAutoResize)
total_resizable_dim += llmax(0, panelp->getLayoutDim() - panelp->getRelevantMinDim());
- num_auto_resize_panels++;
- F32 total_fractional_size = 0.f;
BOOST_FOREACH(LLLayoutPanel* panelp, mPanels)
if (panelp->mAutoResize)
F32 panel_resizable_dim = llmax(MIN_FRACTIONAL_SIZE, (F32)(panelp->getLayoutDim() - panelp->getRelevantMinDim()));
panelp->mFractionalSize = panel_resizable_dim > 0.f
- ? llclamp(panel_resizable_dim / total_resizable_dim, MIN_FRACTIONAL_SIZE, MAX_FRACTIONAL_SIZE)
- total_fractional_size += panelp->mFractionalSize;
+ ? llclamp(panel_resizable_dim / total_resizable_dim, MIN_FRACTIONAL_SIZE, MAX_FRACTIONAL_SIZE)
+ normalizeFractionalSizes();
+void LLLayoutStack::normalizeFractionalSizes()
+ S32 num_auto_resize_panels = 0;
+ F32 total_fractional_size = 0.f;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(LLLayoutPanel* panelp, mPanels)
+ {
+ if (panelp->mAutoResize)
+ {
+ total_fractional_size += panelp->mFractionalSize;
+ num_auto_resize_panels++;
+ }
+ }
if (total_fractional_size == 0.f)
{ // equal distribution
BOOST_FOREACH(LLLayoutPanel* panelp, mPanels)
@@ -632,7 +644,7 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updatePanelRect( LLLayoutPanel* resized_panel, const LLRect&
F32 total_visible_fraction = 0.f;
F32 delta_auto_resize_headroom = 0.f;
- F32 total_auto_resize_headroom = 0.f;
+ F32 original_auto_resize_headroom = 0.f;
LLLayoutPanel* other_resize_panel = NULL;
LLLayoutPanel* following_panel = NULL;
@@ -641,8 +653,11 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updatePanelRect( LLLayoutPanel* resized_panel, const LLRect&
if (panelp->mAutoResize)
- total_auto_resize_headroom += (F32)(panelp->mTargetDim - panelp->getRelevantMinDim());
- total_visible_fraction += panelp->mFractionalSize * panelp->getAutoResizeFactor();
+ original_auto_resize_headroom += (F32)(panelp->mTargetDim - panelp->getRelevantMinDim());
+ if (panelp->getVisible() && !panelp->mCollapsed)
+ {
+ total_visible_fraction += panelp->mFractionalSize;
+ }
if (panelp == resized_panel)
@@ -656,18 +671,25 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updatePanelRect( LLLayoutPanel* resized_panel, const LLRect&
- if (resized_panel->mAutoResize == FALSE)
+ if (resized_panel->mAutoResize)
- delta_auto_resize_headroom += -delta_dim;
+ if (!other_resize_panel || !other_resize_panel->mAutoResize)
+ {
+ delta_auto_resize_headroom += delta_dim;
+ }
- if (other_resize_panel && other_resize_panel->mAutoResize == FALSE)
+ else
- delta_auto_resize_headroom += delta_dim;
+ if (!other_resize_panel || other_resize_panel->mAutoResize)
+ {
+ delta_auto_resize_headroom -= delta_dim;
+ }
F32 fraction_given_up = 0.f;
F32 fraction_remaining = 1.f;
- F32 updated_auto_resize_headroom = total_auto_resize_headroom + delta_auto_resize_headroom;
+ F32 updated_auto_resize_headroom = original_auto_resize_headroom + delta_auto_resize_headroom;
@@ -691,14 +713,15 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updatePanelRect( LLLayoutPanel* resized_panel, const LLRect&
if (panelp->mAutoResize)
{ // freeze current size as fraction of overall auto_resize space
- F32 fractional_adjustment_factor = total_auto_resize_headroom / updated_auto_resize_headroom;
+ F32 fractional_adjustment_factor = updated_auto_resize_headroom == 0.f
+ ? 1.f
+ : original_auto_resize_headroom / updated_auto_resize_headroom;
F32 new_fractional_size = llclamp(panelp->mFractionalSize * fractional_adjustment_factor,
- F32 fraction_delta = (new_fractional_size - panelp->mFractionalSize);
- fraction_given_up -= fraction_delta;
+ fraction_given_up -= new_fractional_size - panelp->mFractionalSize;
fraction_remaining -= panelp->mFractionalSize;
- panelp->mFractionalSize += fraction_delta;
+ panelp->mFractionalSize = new_fractional_size;
@@ -711,7 +734,7 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updatePanelRect( LLLayoutPanel* resized_panel, const LLRect&
{ // freeze new size as fraction
F32 new_fractional_size = (updated_auto_resize_headroom == 0.f)
- : llclamp((F32)(new_dim - panelp->getRelevantMinDim()) / updated_auto_resize_headroom, MIN_FRACTIONAL_SIZE, MAX_FRACTIONAL_SIZE);
+ : llclamp(total_visible_fraction * (F32)(new_dim - panelp->getRelevantMinDim()) / updated_auto_resize_headroom, MIN_FRACTIONAL_SIZE, MAX_FRACTIONAL_SIZE);
fraction_given_up -= new_fractional_size - panelp->mFractionalSize;
fraction_remaining -= panelp->mFractionalSize;
panelp->mFractionalSize = new_fractional_size;
@@ -720,7 +743,6 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updatePanelRect( LLLayoutPanel* resized_panel, const LLRect&
{ // freeze new size as original size
panelp->mTargetDim = new_dim;
- fraction_remaining -= fraction_given_up;
which_panel = NEXT_PANEL;
@@ -728,14 +750,14 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updatePanelRect( LLLayoutPanel* resized_panel, const LLRect&
if (panelp->mAutoResize)
fraction_remaining -= panelp->mFractionalSize;
- if (fraction_given_up != 0.f)
+ if (resized_panel->mAutoResize)
panelp->mFractionalSize = llclamp(panelp->mFractionalSize + fraction_given_up, MIN_FRACTIONAL_SIZE, MAX_FRACTIONAL_SIZE);
fraction_given_up = 0.f;
- F32 new_fractional_size = llclamp((F32)(panelp->mTargetDim - panelp->getRelevantMinDim() + delta_auto_resize_headroom)
+ F32 new_fractional_size = llclamp(total_visible_fraction * (F32)(panelp->mTargetDim - panelp->getRelevantMinDim() + delta_auto_resize_headroom)
/ updated_auto_resize_headroom,
@@ -750,7 +772,7 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updatePanelRect( LLLayoutPanel* resized_panel, const LLRect&
which_panel = AFTER_RESIZED_PANEL;
- if (panelp->mAutoResize)
+ if (panelp->mAutoResize && fraction_given_up != 0.f)
panelp->mFractionalSize = llclamp(panelp->mFractionalSize + (panelp->mFractionalSize / fraction_remaining) * fraction_given_up,
@@ -760,6 +782,8 @@ void LLLayoutStack::updatePanelRect( LLLayoutPanel* resized_panel, const LLRect&
+ updateLayout();
+ normalizeFractionalSizes();
void LLLayoutStack::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent)
diff --git a/indra/llui/lllayoutstack.h b/indra/llui/lllayoutstack.h
index efe93f6def..d32caec5f9 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lllayoutstack.h
+++ b/indra/llui/lllayoutstack.h
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public:
/*virtual*/ void draw();
/*virtual*/ void removeChild(LLView*);
/*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
- /*virtual*/ bool addChild(LLView* child, S32 tab_group = 0);
+ /*virtual*/ bool addChild(LLView* child, S32 tab_groupdatefractuiona = 0);
/*virtual*/ void reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent = TRUE);
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ private:
LLLayoutPanel* findEmbeddedPanel(LLPanel* panelp) const;
LLLayoutPanel* findEmbeddedPanelByName(const std::string& name) const;
void updateFractionalSizes();
+ void normalizeFractionalSizes();
void updatePanelRect( LLLayoutPanel* param1, const LLRect& new_rect );
S32 mPanelSpacing;
@@ -154,10 +155,10 @@ public:
void setVisible(BOOL visible);
S32 getLayoutDim() const;
- S32 getMinDim() const { return (mMinDim >= 0 || mAutoResize) ? llmax(0, mMinDim) : getLayoutDim(); }
+ S32 getMinDim() const { return llmax(0, mMinDim); }
void setMinDim(S32 value) { mMinDim = value; }
- S32 getExpandedMinDim() const { return mExpandedMinDim >= 0 ? mExpandedMinDim : mMinDim; }
+ S32 getExpandedMinDim() const { return mExpandedMinDim >= 0 ? mExpandedMinDim : getMinDim(); }
void setExpandedMinDim(S32 value) { mExpandedMinDim = value; }
S32 getRelevantMinDim() const
diff --git a/indra/llui/lllineeditor.cpp b/indra/llui/lllineeditor.cpp
index e961cfb14f..ff85afdf25 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lllineeditor.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lllineeditor.cpp
@@ -1623,7 +1623,7 @@ void LLLineEditor::draw()
LLRect background( 0, getRect().getHeight(), getRect().getWidth(), 0 );
background.stretch( -mBorderThickness );
- S32 lineeditor_v_pad = llround((background.getHeight() - mGLFont->getLineHeight())/2);
+ S32 lineeditor_v_pad = (background.getHeight() - mGLFont->getLineHeight()) / 2;
diff --git a/indra/llui/llmenugl.cpp b/indra/llui/llmenugl.cpp
index c624ae2e92..ff6928ffda 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llmenugl.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llmenugl.cpp
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ void LLMenuItemGL::setJumpKey(KEY key)
// virtual
U32 LLMenuItemGL::getNominalHeight( void ) const
- return llround(mFont->getLineHeight()) + MENU_ITEM_PADDING;
+ return mFont->getLineHeight() + MENU_ITEM_PADDING;
@@ -1966,7 +1966,7 @@ void LLMenuGL::arrange( void )
// *FIX: create the item first and then ask for its dimensions?
S32 spillover_item_width = PLAIN_PAD_PIXELS + LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif()->getWidth( std::string("More") ); // *TODO: Translate
- S32 spillover_item_height = llround(LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif()->getLineHeight()) + MENU_ITEM_PADDING;
+ S32 spillover_item_height = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif()->getLineHeight() + MENU_ITEM_PADDING;
// Scrolling support
item_list_t::iterator first_visible_item_iter;
@@ -3082,7 +3082,7 @@ void LLMenuGL::showPopup(LLView* spawning_view, LLMenuGL* menu, S32 x, S32 y)
- menu->translateIntoRectWithExclusion( menu_region_rect, mouse_rect, FALSE );
+ menu->translateIntoRectWithExclusion( menu_region_rect, mouse_rect );
@@ -3425,7 +3425,7 @@ void LLMenuHolderGL::draw()
- LLUI::translate((F32)item_rect.mLeft, (F32)item_rect.mBottom, 0.f);
+ LLUI::translate((F32)item_rect.mLeft, (F32)item_rect.mBottom);
selecteditem->getMenu()->drawBackground(selecteditem, interpolant);
diff --git a/indra/llui/llscrolllistcell.cpp b/indra/llui/llscrolllistcell.cpp
index b087602a56..8000efad0e 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llscrolllistcell.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llscrolllistcell.cpp
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ BOOL LLScrollListText::getVisible() const
S32 LLScrollListText::getHeight() const
- return llround(mFont->getLineHeight());
+ return mFont->getLineHeight();
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ void LLScrollListText::draw(const LLColor4& color, const LLColor4& highlight_col
LLRect highlight_rect(left - 2,
- llround(mFont->getLineHeight()) + 1,
+ mFont->getLineHeight() + 1,
left + mFont->getWidth(mText.getString(), mHighlightOffset, mHighlightCount) + 1,
mRoundedRectImage->draw(highlight_rect, highlight_color);
diff --git a/indra/llui/llscrolllistitem.cpp b/indra/llui/llscrolllistitem.cpp
index d95752e31c..5a1e96ab03 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llscrolllistitem.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llscrolllistitem.cpp
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ void LLScrollListItem::draw(const LLRect& rect, const LLColor4& fg_color, const
- LLUI::translate((F32) cur_x, (F32) rect.mBottom, 0.0f);
+ LLUI::translate((F32) cur_x, (F32) rect.mBottom);
cell->draw( fg_color, highlight_color );
diff --git a/indra/llui/llscrolllistitem.h b/indra/llui/llscrolllistitem.h
index 611df729b4..13655b5873 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llscrolllistitem.h
+++ b/indra/llui/llscrolllistitem.h
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@
#include "v4color.h"
#include "llinitparam.h"
#include "llscrolllistcell.h"
+#include "llcoord.h"
#include <vector>
-class LLCoordGL;
class LLCheckBoxCtrl;
class LLResizeBar;
class LLScrollListCtrl;
diff --git a/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp b/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
index e3c9c3c561..7aeeae298f 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
@@ -1192,7 +1192,10 @@ void LLTextBase::reflow()
// shrink document to minimum size (visible portion of text widget)
// to force inlined widgets with follows set to shrink
- mDocumentView->reshape(mVisibleTextRect.getWidth(), mDocumentView->getRect().getHeight());
+ if (mWordWrap)
+ {
+ mDocumentView->reshape(mVisibleTextRect.getWidth(), mDocumentView->getRect().getHeight());
+ }
S32 cur_top = 0;
@@ -2157,7 +2160,7 @@ LLRect LLTextBase::getLocalRectFromDocIndex(S32 pos) const
// return default height rect in upper left
local_rect = content_window_rect;
- local_rect.mBottom = local_rect.mTop - (S32)(mDefaultFont->getLineHeight());
+ local_rect.mBottom = local_rect.mTop - mDefaultFont->getLineHeight();
return local_rect;
@@ -2380,6 +2383,9 @@ S32 LLTextBase::getEditableIndex(S32 index, bool increasing_direction)
void LLTextBase::updateRects()
+ LLRect old_text_rect = mVisibleTextRect;
+ mVisibleTextRect = mScroller ? mScroller->getContentWindowRect() : getLocalRect();
if (mLineInfoList.empty())
mTextBoundingRect = LLRect(0, mVPad, mHPad, 0);
@@ -2395,10 +2401,24 @@ void LLTextBase::updateRects()
mTextBoundingRect.mTop += mVPad;
- //// subtract a pixel off the bottom to deal with rounding errors in measuring font height
- //mTextBoundingRect.mBottom -= 1;
- S32 delta_pos = -mTextBoundingRect.mBottom;
+ S32 delta_pos = 0;
+ switch(mVAlign)
+ {
+ case LLFontGL::TOP:
+ delta_pos = llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - mTextBoundingRect.mTop, -mTextBoundingRect.mBottom);
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
+ delta_pos = (llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - mTextBoundingRect.mTop, -mTextBoundingRect.mBottom) + (mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - mTextBoundingRect.mBottom)) / 2;
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
+ delta_pos = mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - mTextBoundingRect.mBottom;
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::BASELINE:
+ // do nothing
+ break;
+ }
// move line segments to fit new document rect
for (line_list_t::iterator it = mLineInfoList.begin(); it != mLineInfoList.end(); ++it)
@@ -2408,8 +2428,9 @@ void LLTextBase::updateRects()
// update document container dimensions according to text contents
- LLRect doc_rect = mTextBoundingRect;
+ LLRect doc_rect;
// use old mVisibleTextRect constraint document to width of viewable region
+ doc_rect.mBottom = llmin(mVisibleTextRect.mBottom, mTextBoundingRect.mBottom);
doc_rect.mLeft = 0;
// allow horizontal scrolling?
@@ -2419,11 +2440,22 @@ void LLTextBase::updateRects()
doc_rect.mRight = mScroller
? llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getWidth(), mTextBoundingRect.mRight)
: mVisibleTextRect.getWidth();
+ doc_rect.mTop = llmax(mVisibleTextRect.mTop, mTextBoundingRect.mTop);
if (!mScroller)
// push doc rect to top of text widget
- doc_rect.translate(0, mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop);
+ switch(mVAlign)
+ {
+ case LLFontGL::TOP:
+ doc_rect.translate(0, mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop);
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
+ doc_rect.translate(0, (mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop) / 2);
+ case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
@@ -2431,7 +2463,6 @@ void LLTextBase::updateRects()
//update mVisibleTextRect *after* mDocumentView has been resized
// so that scrollbars are added if document needs to scroll
// since mVisibleTextRect does not include scrollbars
- LLRect old_text_rect = mVisibleTextRect;
mVisibleTextRect = mScroller ? mScroller->getContentWindowRect() : getLocalRect();
//FIXME: replace border with image?
if (mBorderVisible)
@@ -2444,9 +2475,27 @@ void LLTextBase::updateRects()
// update document container again, using new mVisibleTextRect (that has scrollbars enabled as needed)
+ doc_rect.mBottom = llmin(mVisibleTextRect.mBottom, mTextBoundingRect.mBottom);
+ doc_rect.mLeft = 0;
doc_rect.mRight = mScroller
? llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getWidth(), mTextBoundingRect.mRight)
: mVisibleTextRect.getWidth();
+ doc_rect.mTop = llmax(mVisibleTextRect.mTop, mTextBoundingRect.mTop);
+ if (!mScroller)
+ {
+ // push doc rect to top of text widget
+ switch(mVAlign)
+ {
+ case LLFontGL::TOP:
+ doc_rect.translate(0, mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop);
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
+ doc_rect.translate(0, (mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop) / 2);
+ case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
@@ -2560,8 +2609,7 @@ BOOL LLTextSegment::handleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks) { return FALSE;
BOOL LLTextSegment::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return FALSE; }
const std::string& LLTextSegment::getName() const
- static std::string empty_string("");
- return empty_string;
+ return LLStringUtil::null;
void LLTextSegment::onMouseCaptureLost() {}
void LLTextSegment::screenPointToLocal(S32 screen_x, S32 screen_y, S32* local_x, S32* local_y) const {}
@@ -2578,7 +2626,7 @@ LLNormalTextSegment::LLNormalTextSegment( LLStyleConstSP style, S32 start, S32 e
- mFontHeight = llceil(mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight());
+ mFontHeight = mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight();
LLUIImagePtr image = mStyle->getImage();
if (image.notNull())
@@ -2594,7 +2642,7 @@ LLNormalTextSegment::LLNormalTextSegment( const LLColor4& color, S32 start, S32
mStyle = new LLStyle(LLStyle::Params().visible(is_visible).color(color));
- mFontHeight = llceil(mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight());
+ mFontHeight = mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight();
@@ -2962,11 +3010,11 @@ LLLineBreakTextSegment::LLLineBreakTextSegment(S32 pos):LLTextSegment(pos,pos+1)
LLStyleSP s( new LLStyle(LLStyle::Params().visible(true)));
- mFontHeight = llceil(s->getFont()->getLineHeight());
+ mFontHeight = s->getFont()->getLineHeight();
LLLineBreakTextSegment::LLLineBreakTextSegment(LLStyleConstSP style,S32 pos):LLTextSegment(pos,pos+1)
- mFontHeight = llceil(style->getFont()->getLineHeight());
+ mFontHeight = style->getFont()->getLineHeight();
@@ -3003,7 +3051,7 @@ static const S32 IMAGE_HPAD = 3;
bool LLImageTextSegment::getDimensions(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, S32& width, S32& height) const
width = 0;
- height = llceil(mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight());;
+ height = mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight();
LLUIImagePtr image = mStyle->getImage();
if( num_chars>0 && image.notNull())
diff --git a/indra/llui/lltexteditor.cpp b/indra/llui/lltexteditor.cpp
index ffe012c110..141602ad2e 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lltexteditor.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lltexteditor.cpp
@@ -1984,7 +1984,7 @@ void LLTextEditor::drawPreeditMarker()
- const S32 line_height = llround( mDefaultFont->getLineHeight() );
+ const S32 line_height = mDefaultFont->getLineHeight();
S32 line_start = getLineStart(cur_line);
S32 line_y = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - line_height;
@@ -2707,7 +2707,7 @@ BOOL LLTextEditor::getPreeditLocation(S32 query_offset, LLCoordGL *coord, LLRect
const LLWString textString(getWText());
const llwchar * const text = textString.c_str();
- const S32 line_height = llround(mDefaultFont->getLineHeight());
+ const S32 line_height = mDefaultFont->getLineHeight();
if (coord)
@@ -2810,7 +2810,7 @@ void LLTextEditor::markAsPreedit(S32 position, S32 length)
S32 LLTextEditor::getPreeditFontSize() const
- return llround(mDefaultFont->getLineHeight() * LLUI::sGLScaleFactor.mV[VY]);
+ return llround((F32)mDefaultFont->getLineHeight() * LLUI::sGLScaleFactor.mV[VY]);
BOOL LLTextEditor::isDirty() const
diff --git a/indra/llui/lltoolbar.cpp b/indra/llui/lltoolbar.cpp
index 9b31a6449d..81ea0ebf0c 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lltoolbar.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lltoolbar.cpp
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ void LLToolBar::draw()
// rect may have shifted during layout
- LLUI::translate((F32)getRect().mLeft, (F32)getRect().mBottom, 0.f);
+ LLUI::translate((F32)getRect().mLeft, (F32)getRect().mBottom);
// Position the caret
LLIconCtrl* caret = getChild<LLIconCtrl>("caret");
diff --git a/indra/llui/lltooltip.cpp b/indra/llui/lltooltip.cpp
index 23cdd9ad9a..f737d48abf 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lltooltip.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lltooltip.cpp
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ LLToolTip::LLToolTip(const LLToolTip::Params& p)
params.font = p.font;
params.use_ellipses = true;
params.wrap = p.wrap;
+ params.font_valign = LLFontGL::VCENTER;
params.parse_urls = false; // disallow hyperlinks in tooltips, as they want to spawn their own explanatory tooltips
mTextBox = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLTextBox> (params);
@@ -190,7 +191,6 @@ LLToolTip::LLToolTip(const LLToolTip::Params& p)
LLButton::Params icon_params; = "tooltip_info";
- icon_params.label(""); // provid label but set to empty so name does not overwrite it -angela
LLRect icon_rect;
LLUIImage* imagep = p.image;
TOOLTIP_ICON_SIZE = (imagep ? imagep->getWidth() : 16);
@@ -291,6 +291,12 @@ void LLToolTip::initFromParams(const LLToolTip::Params& p)
S32 text_width = llmin(p.max_width(), mTextBox->getTextPixelWidth());
S32 text_height = mTextBox->getTextPixelHeight();
mTextBox->reshape(text_width, text_height);
+ if (mInfoButton)
+ {
+ LLRect text_rect = mTextBox->getRect();
+ LLRect icon_rect = mInfoButton->getRect();
+ mTextBox->translate(0, icon_rect.getCenterY() - text_rect.getCenterY());
+ }
// reshape tooltip panel to fit text box
LLRect tooltip_rect = calcBoundingRect();
@@ -299,6 +305,8 @@ void LLToolTip::initFromParams(const LLToolTip::Params& p)
tooltip_rect.mBottom = 0;
tooltip_rect.mLeft = 0;
+ mTextBox->reshape(mTextBox->getRect().getWidth(), llmax(mTextBox->getRect().getHeight(), tooltip_rect.getHeight() - 2 * mPadding));
diff --git a/indra/llui/llui.cpp b/indra/llui/llui.cpp
index 6b74c5a6be..31ccec0d2a 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llui.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llui.cpp
@@ -1688,21 +1688,22 @@ void LLUI::translate(F32 x, F32 y, F32 z)
LLFontGL::sCurOrigin.mX += (S32) x;
LLFontGL::sCurOrigin.mY += (S32) y;
- LLFontGL::sCurOrigin.mZ += z;
+ LLFontGL::sCurDepth += z;
void LLUI::pushMatrix()
- LLFontGL::sOriginStack.push_back(LLFontGL::sCurOrigin);
+ LLFontGL::sOriginStack.push_back(std::make_pair(LLFontGL::sCurOrigin, LLFontGL::sCurDepth));
void LLUI::popMatrix()
- LLFontGL::sCurOrigin = *LLFontGL::sOriginStack.rbegin();
+ LLFontGL::sCurOrigin = LLFontGL::sOriginStack.back().first;
+ LLFontGL::sCurDepth = LLFontGL::sOriginStack.back().second;
@@ -1712,7 +1713,7 @@ void LLUI::loadIdentity()
LLFontGL::sCurOrigin.mX = 0;
LLFontGL::sCurOrigin.mY = 0;
- LLFontGL::sCurOrigin.mZ = 0;
+ LLFontGL::sCurDepth = 0.f;
@@ -1735,10 +1736,7 @@ void LLUI::setMousePositionScreen(S32 x, S32 y)
screen_x = llround((F32)x * sGLScaleFactor.mV[VX]);
screen_y = llround((F32)y * sGLScaleFactor.mV[VY]);
- LLCoordWindow window_point;
- LLView::getWindow()->convertCoords(LLCoordGL(screen_x, screen_y), &window_point);
- LLView::getWindow()->setCursorPosition(window_point);
+ LLView::getWindow()->setCursorPosition(LLCoordGL(screen_x, screen_y).convert());
@@ -1746,8 +1744,7 @@ void LLUI::getMousePositionScreen(S32 *x, S32 *y)
LLCoordWindow cursor_pos_window;
- LLCoordGL cursor_pos_gl;
- getWindow()->convertCoords(cursor_pos_window, &cursor_pos_gl);
+ LLCoordGL cursor_pos_gl(cursor_pos_window.convert());
*x = llround((F32)cursor_pos_gl.mX / sGLScaleFactor.mV[VX]);
*y = llround((F32)cursor_pos_gl.mY / sGLScaleFactor.mV[VX]);
@@ -2052,7 +2049,7 @@ void LLUI::positionViewNearMouse(LLView* view, S32 spawn_x, S32 spawn_y)
// Start at spawn position (using left/top)
view->setOrigin( local_x, local_y - view->getRect().getHeight());
// Make sure we're on-screen and not overlapping the mouse
- view->translateIntoRectWithExclusion( virtual_window_rect, mouse_rect, FALSE );
+ view->translateIntoRectWithExclusion( virtual_window_rect, mouse_rect );
LLView* LLUI::resolvePath(LLView* context, const std::string& path)
diff --git a/indra/llui/llview.cpp b/indra/llui/llview.cpp
index e1ee0a5b14..356d5c31d1 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llview.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llview.cpp
@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ void LLView::drawChildren()
- LLUI::translate((F32)viewp->getRect().mLeft, (F32)viewp->getRect().mBottom, 0.f);
+ LLUI::translate((F32)viewp->getRect().mLeft, (F32)viewp->getRect().mBottom);
// flag the fact we are in draw here, in case overridden draw() method attempts to remove this widget
viewp->mInDraw = true;
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ void LLView::drawDebugRect()
if (getUseBoundingRect())
- LLUI::translate((F32)mBoundingRect.mLeft - (F32)mRect.mLeft, (F32)mBoundingRect.mBottom - (F32)mRect.mBottom, 0.f);
+ LLUI::translate((F32)mBoundingRect.mLeft - (F32)mRect.mLeft, (F32)mBoundingRect.mBottom - (F32)mRect.mBottom);
LLRect debug_rect = getUseBoundingRect() ? mBoundingRect : mRect;
@@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ void LLView::drawChild(LLView* childp, S32 x_offset, S32 y_offset, BOOL force_dr
- LLUI::translate((F32)childp->getRect().mLeft + x_offset, (F32)childp->getRect().mBottom + y_offset, 0.f);
+ LLUI::translate((F32)childp->getRect().mLeft + x_offset, (F32)childp->getRect().mBottom + y_offset);
@@ -1300,7 +1300,10 @@ void LLView::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent)
S32 delta_x = child_rect.mLeft - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
S32 delta_y = child_rect.mBottom - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
viewp->translate( delta_x, delta_y );
- viewp->reshape(child_rect.getWidth(), child_rect.getHeight());
+ if (child_rect.getWidth() != viewp->getRect().getWidth() || child_rect.getHeight() != viewp->getRect().getHeight())
+ {
+ viewp->reshape(child_rect.getWidth(), child_rect.getHeight());
+ }
@@ -1616,59 +1619,30 @@ LLView* LLView::findNextSibling(LLView* child)
-LLCoordGL getNeededTranslation(const LLRect& input, const LLRect& constraint, BOOL allow_partial_outside)
+LLCoordGL getNeededTranslation(const LLRect& input, const LLRect& constraint, S32 min_overlap_pixels)
LLCoordGL delta;
- if (allow_partial_outside)
- {
- const S32 KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS = 16;
+ const S32 KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_WIDTH = llmin(min_overlap_pixels, input.getWidth());
+ const S32 KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_HEIGHT = llmin(min_overlap_pixels, input.getHeight());
- if( input.mRight - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS < constraint.mLeft )
- {
- delta.mX = constraint.mLeft - (input.mRight - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS);
- }
- else
- if( input.mLeft + KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS > constraint.mRight )
- {
- delta.mX = constraint.mRight - (input.mLeft + KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS);
- }
+ if( input.mRight - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_WIDTH < constraint.mLeft )
+ {
+ delta.mX = constraint.mLeft - (input.mRight - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_WIDTH);
+ }
+ else if( input.mLeft + KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_WIDTH > constraint.mRight )
+ {
+ delta.mX = constraint.mRight - (input.mLeft + KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_WIDTH);
+ }
- if( input.mTop > constraint.mTop )
- {
- delta.mY = constraint.mTop - input.mTop;
- }
- else
- if( input.mTop - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS < constraint.mBottom )
- {
- delta.mY = constraint.mBottom - (input.mTop - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS);
- }
+ if( input.mTop > constraint.mTop )
+ {
+ delta.mY = constraint.mTop - input.mTop;
+ if( input.mTop - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_HEIGHT < constraint.mBottom )
- if( input.mLeft < constraint.mLeft )
- {
- delta.mX = constraint.mLeft - input.mLeft;
- }
- else
- if( input.mRight > constraint.mRight )
- {
- delta.mX = constraint.mRight - input.mRight;
- // compensate for left edge possible going off screen
- delta.mX += llmax( 0, input.getWidth() - constraint.getWidth() );
- }
- if( input.mTop > constraint.mTop )
- {
- delta.mY = constraint.mTop - input.mTop;
- }
- else
- if( input.mBottom < constraint.mBottom )
- {
- delta.mY = constraint.mBottom - input.mBottom;
- // compensate for top edge possible going off screen
- delta.mY -= llmax( 0, input.getHeight() - constraint.getHeight() );
- }
+ delta.mY = constraint.mBottom - (input.mTop - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_HEIGHT);
return delta;
@@ -1677,9 +1651,9 @@ LLCoordGL getNeededTranslation(const LLRect& input, const LLRect& constraint, BO
// Moves the view so that it is entirely inside of constraint.
// If the view will not fit because it's too big, aligns with the top and left.
// (Why top and left? That's where the drag bars are for floaters.)
-BOOL LLView::translateIntoRect(const LLRect& constraint, BOOL allow_partial_outside )
+BOOL LLView::translateIntoRect(const LLRect& constraint, S32 min_overlap_pixels)
- LLCoordGL translation = getNeededTranslation(getRect(), constraint, allow_partial_outside);
+ LLCoordGL translation = getNeededTranslation(getRect(), constraint, min_overlap_pixels);
if (translation.mX != 0 || translation.mY != 0)
@@ -1691,9 +1665,9 @@ BOOL LLView::translateIntoRect(const LLRect& constraint, BOOL allow_partial_outs
// move this view into "inside" but not onto "exclude"
// NOTE: if this view is already contained in "inside", we ignore the "exclude" rect
-BOOL LLView::translateIntoRectWithExclusion( const LLRect& inside, const LLRect& exclude, BOOL allow_partial_outside )
+BOOL LLView::translateIntoRectWithExclusion( const LLRect& inside, const LLRect& exclude, S32 min_overlap_pixels)
- LLCoordGL translation = getNeededTranslation(getRect(), inside, allow_partial_outside);
+ LLCoordGL translation = getNeededTranslation(getRect(), inside, min_overlap_pixels);
if (translation.mX != 0 || translation.mY != 0)
@@ -2251,145 +2225,163 @@ static bool get_last_child_rect(LLView* parent, LLRect *rect)
-void LLView::applyXUILayout(LLView::Params& p, LLView* parent)
+void LLView::applyXUILayout(LLView::Params& p, LLView* parent, LLRect layout_rect)
+ if (!parent) return;
const S32 VPAD = 4;
const S32 MIN_WIDGET_HEIGHT = 10;
// *NOTE: This will confuse export of floater/panel coordinates unless
// the default is also "topleft". JC
- if (p.layout().empty() && parent)
+ if (p.layout().empty())
p.layout = parent->getLayout();
- if (parent)
+ if (layout_rect.isEmpty())
- LLRect parent_rect = parent->getLocalRect();
- // overwrite uninitialized rect params, using context
- LLRect default_rect = parent->getLocalRect();
+ layout_rect = parent->getLocalRect();
+ }
- bool layout_topleft = (p.layout() == "topleft");
+ // overwrite uninitialized rect params, using context
+ LLRect default_rect = parent->getLocalRect();
- // convert negative or centered coordinates to parent relative values
- // Note: some of this logic matches the logic in TypedParam<LLRect>::setValueFromBlock()
- if (p.rect.left.isProvided() && p.rect.left < 0) p.rect.left = p.rect.left + parent_rect.getWidth();
- if (p.rect.right.isProvided() && p.rect.right < 0) p.rect.right = p.rect.right + parent_rect.getWidth();
- if (p.rect.bottom.isProvided() && p.rect.bottom < 0) p.rect.bottom = p.rect.bottom + parent_rect.getHeight();
- if ( && < 0) = + parent_rect.getHeight();
+ bool layout_topleft = (p.layout() == "topleft");
+ // convert negative or centered coordinates to parent relative values
+ // Note: some of this logic matches the logic in TypedParam<LLRect>::setValueFromBlock()
+ if (p.rect.left.isProvided())
+ {
+ p.rect.left = p.rect.left + ((p.rect.left >= 0) ? layout_rect.mLeft : layout_rect.mRight);
+ }
+ if (p.rect.right.isProvided())
+ {
+ p.rect.right = p.rect.right + ((p.rect.right >= 0) ? layout_rect.mLeft : layout_rect.mRight);
+ }
+ if (p.rect.bottom.isProvided())
+ {
+ p.rect.bottom = p.rect.bottom + ((p.rect.bottom >= 0) ? layout_rect.mBottom : layout_rect.mTop);
if (layout_topleft)
//invert top to bottom
- if ( = parent_rect.getHeight() -;
- if (p.rect.bottom.isProvided()) p.rect.bottom = parent_rect.getHeight() - p.rect.bottom;
+ p.rect.bottom = layout_rect.mBottom + layout_rect.mTop - p.rect.bottom;
- // DEPRECATE: automatically fall back to height of MIN_WIDGET_HEIGHT pixels
- if (!p.rect.height.isProvided() && ! && p.rect.height == 0)
+ }
+ if (
+ {
+ = + (( >= 0) ? layout_rect.mBottom : layout_rect.mTop);
+ if (layout_topleft)
- p.rect.height = MIN_WIDGET_HEIGHT;
+ //invert top to bottom
+ = layout_rect.mBottom + layout_rect.mTop -;
+ }
- default_rect.translate(0, default_rect.getHeight());
+ // DEPRECATE: automatically fall back to height of MIN_WIDGET_HEIGHT pixels
+ if (!p.rect.height.isProvided() && ! && p.rect.height == 0)
+ {
+ p.rect.height = MIN_WIDGET_HEIGHT;
+ }
- // If there was a recently constructed child, use its rectangle
- get_last_child_rect(parent, &default_rect);
+ default_rect.translate(0, default_rect.getHeight());
- if (layout_topleft)
+ // If there was a recently constructed child, use its rectangle
+ get_last_child_rect(parent, &default_rect);
+ if (layout_topleft)
+ {
+ // Invert the sense of bottom_delta for topleft layout
+ if (p.bottom_delta.isProvided())
- // Invert the sense of bottom_delta for topleft layout
- if (p.bottom_delta.isProvided())
- {
- p.bottom_delta = -p.bottom_delta;
- }
- else if (p.top_pad.isProvided())
- {
- p.bottom_delta = -(p.rect.height + p.top_pad);
- }
- else if (p.top_delta.isProvided())
- {
- p.bottom_delta =
- -(p.top_delta + p.rect.height - default_rect.getHeight());
- }
- else if (!p.left_delta.isProvided()
- && !p.left_pad.isProvided())
- {
- // set default position is just below last rect
- p.bottom_delta.set(-(p.rect.height + VPAD), false);
- }
- else
- {
- p.bottom_delta.set(0, false);
- }
- // default to same left edge
- if (!p.left_delta.isProvided())
- {
- p.left_delta.set(0, false);
- }
- if (p.left_pad.isProvided())
- {
- // left_pad is based on prior widget's right edge
- p.left_delta.set(p.left_pad + default_rect.getWidth(), false);
- }
- default_rect.translate(p.left_delta, p.bottom_delta);
+ p.bottom_delta = -p.bottom_delta;
- else
- {
- // set default position is just below last rect
- if (!p.bottom_delta.isProvided())
- {
- p.bottom_delta.set(-(p.rect.height + VPAD), false);
- }
- if (!p.left_delta.isProvided())
- {
- p.left_delta.set(0, false);
- }
- default_rect.translate(p.left_delta, p.bottom_delta);
+ else if (p.top_pad.isProvided())
+ {
+ p.bottom_delta = -(p.rect.height + p.top_pad);
- // this handles case where *both* x and x_delta are provided
- // ignore x in favor of default x + x_delta
- if (p.bottom_delta.isProvided()) p.rect.bottom.set(0, false);
- if (p.left_delta.isProvided()) p.rect.left.set(0, false);
- // selectively apply rectangle defaults, making sure that
- // params are not flagged as having been "provided"
- // as rect params are overconstrained and rely on provided flags
- if (!p.rect.left.isProvided())
+ else if (p.top_delta.isProvided())
- p.rect.left.set(default_rect.mLeft, false);
- //HACK: get around the fact that setting a rect param component value won't invalidate the existing rect object value
- p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.left, true);
+ p.bottom_delta =
+ -(p.top_delta + p.rect.height - default_rect.getHeight());
- if (!p.rect.bottom.isProvided())
+ else if (!p.left_delta.isProvided()
+ && !p.left_pad.isProvided())
- p.rect.bottom.set(default_rect.mBottom, false);
- p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.bottom, true);
+ // set default position is just below last rect
+ p.bottom_delta.set(-(p.rect.height + VPAD), false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p.bottom_delta.set(0, false);
- if (!
+ // default to same left edge
+ if (!p.left_delta.isProvided())
-, false);
- p.rect.paramChanged(, true);
+ p.left_delta.set(0, false);
- if (!p.rect.right.isProvided())
+ if (p.left_pad.isProvided())
- p.rect.right.set(default_rect.mRight, false);
- p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.right, true);
+ // left_pad is based on prior widget's right edge
+ p.left_delta.set(p.left_pad + default_rect.getWidth(), false);
- if (!p.rect.width.isProvided())
+ default_rect.translate(p.left_delta, p.bottom_delta);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // set default position is just below last rect
+ if (!p.bottom_delta.isProvided())
- p.rect.width.set(default_rect.getWidth(), false);
- p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.width, true);
+ p.bottom_delta.set(-(p.rect.height + VPAD), false);
- if (!p.rect.height.isProvided())
+ if (!p.left_delta.isProvided())
- p.rect.height.set(default_rect.getHeight(), false);
- p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.height, true);
+ p.left_delta.set(0, false);
+ default_rect.translate(p.left_delta, p.bottom_delta);
+ }
+ // this handles case where *both* x and x_delta are provided
+ // ignore x in favor of default x + x_delta
+ if (p.bottom_delta.isProvided()) p.rect.bottom.set(0, false);
+ if (p.left_delta.isProvided()) p.rect.left.set(0, false);
+ // selectively apply rectangle defaults, making sure that
+ // params are not flagged as having been "provided"
+ // as rect params are overconstrained and rely on provided flags
+ if (!p.rect.left.isProvided())
+ {
+ p.rect.left.set(default_rect.mLeft, false);
+ //HACK: get around the fact that setting a rect param component value won't invalidate the existing rect object value
+ p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.left, true);
+ }
+ if (!p.rect.bottom.isProvided())
+ {
+ p.rect.bottom.set(default_rect.mBottom, false);
+ p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.bottom, true);
+ }
+ if (!
+ {
+, false);
+ p.rect.paramChanged(, true);
+ }
+ if (!p.rect.right.isProvided())
+ {
+ p.rect.right.set(default_rect.mRight, false);
+ p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.right, true);
+ }
+ if (!p.rect.width.isProvided())
+ {
+ p.rect.width.set(default_rect.getWidth(), false);
+ p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.width, true);
+ }
+ if (!p.rect.height.isProvided())
+ {
+ p.rect.height.set(default_rect.getHeight(), false);
+ p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.height, true);
diff --git a/indra/llui/llview.h b/indra/llui/llview.h
index f1fac5f69c..1c35349510 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llview.h
+++ b/indra/llui/llview.h
@@ -370,8 +370,8 @@ public:
virtual void reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent = TRUE);
virtual void translate( S32 x, S32 y );
void setOrigin( S32 x, S32 y ) { mRect.translate( x - mRect.mLeft, y - mRect.mBottom ); }
- BOOL translateIntoRect( const LLRect& constraint, BOOL allow_partial_outside );
- BOOL translateIntoRectWithExclusion( const LLRect& inside, const LLRect& exclude, BOOL allow_partial_outside );
+ BOOL translateIntoRect( const LLRect& constraint, S32 min_overlap_pixels = S32_MAX);
+ BOOL translateIntoRectWithExclusion( const LLRect& inside, const LLRect& exclude, S32 min_overlap_pixels = S32_MAX);
void centerWithin(const LLRect& bounds);
void setShape(const LLRect& new_rect, bool by_user = false);
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ public:
// Set up params after XML load before calling new(),
// usually to adjust layout.
- static void applyXUILayout(Params& p, LLView* parent);
+ static void applyXUILayout(Params& p, LLView* parent, LLRect layout_rect = LLRect());
// For re-export of floaters and panels, convert the coordinate system
// to be top-left based.