path: root/indra/llcommon
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1 files changed, 12 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/lua_function.cpp b/indra/llcommon/lua_function.cpp
index 441e17dafd..962e9ee2fa 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/lua_function.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/lua_function.cpp
@@ -439,6 +439,8 @@ void LuaState::initLuaState()
// Try to make print() write to our log.
lua_register(mState, "print", LuaFunction::get("print_info"));
+ // We don't want to have to prefix require().
+ lua_register(mState, "require", LuaFunction::get("require"));
@@ -646,11 +648,20 @@ LuaFunction::LuaFunction(const std::string_view& name, lua_CFunction function,
void LuaFunction::init(lua_State* L)
const auto& [registry, lookup] = getRState();
+ luaL_checkstack(L, 2, nullptr);
+ // create LL table --
+ // it happens that we know exactly how many non-array members we want
+ lua_createtable(L, 0, int(narrow(lookup.size())));
+ int idx = lua_gettop(L);
for (const auto& [name, pair]: registry)
const auto& [funcptr, helptext] = pair;
- lua_register(L, name.c_str(), funcptr);
+ // store funcptr in LL table with saved name
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, funcptr, name.c_str());
+ lua_setfield(L, idx, name.c_str());
+ // store LL in new lua_State's globals
+ lua_setglobal(L, "LL");
lua_CFunction LuaFunction::get(const std::string& key)