path: root/indra/llappearance
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llappearance')
13 files changed, 5256 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/llappearance/CMakeLists.txt
index 717efb2f8b..adce620372 100644
--- a/indra/llappearance/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/llappearance/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -42,8 +42,13 @@ include_directories(
+ llavatarjoint.cpp
+ llavatarjointmesh.cpp
+ llpolyskeletaldistortion.cpp
+ llpolymesh.cpp
+ llpolymorph.cpp
@@ -59,9 +64,14 @@ set(llappearance_HEADER_FILES
+ llavatarjoint.h
+ llavatarjointmesh.h
+ llpolyskeletaldistortion.h
+ llpolymesh.h
+ llpolymorph.h
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/llavatarappearance.cpp b/indra/llappearance/llavatarappearance.cpp
index 2c03f8ba02..406e6153e0 100644
--- a/indra/llappearance/llavatarappearance.cpp
+++ b/indra/llappearance/llavatarappearance.cpp
@@ -29,19 +29,128 @@
#include "llavatarappearance.h"
#include "llavatarappearancedefines.h"
+#include "llavatarjointmesh.h"
#include "imageids.h"
+#include "lldir.h"
#include "lldeleteutils.h"
+#include "llpolymorph.h"
+#include "llpolymesh.h"
+#include "llpolyskeletaldistortion.h"
#include "lltexglobalcolor.h"
#include "llwearabledata.h"
+// Constants
+const std::string AVATAR_DEFAULT_CHAR = "avatar";
const LLColor4 DUMMY_COLOR = LLColor4(0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0);
+ ** **
+ ** Begin private LLAvatarAppearance Support classes
+ **
+ **/
+// LLAvatarBoneInfo
+// Trans/Scale/Rot etc. info about each avatar bone. Used by LLVOAvatarSkeleton.
+class LLAvatarBoneInfo
+ friend class LLAvatarAppearance;
+ friend class LLAvatarSkeletonInfo;
+ LLAvatarBoneInfo() : mIsJoint(FALSE) {}
+ ~LLAvatarBoneInfo()
+ {
+ std::for_each(mChildList.begin(), mChildList.end(), DeletePointer());
+ }
+ BOOL parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node);
+ std::string mName;
+ BOOL mIsJoint;
+ LLVector3 mPos;
+ LLVector3 mRot;
+ LLVector3 mScale;
+ LLVector3 mPivot;
+ typedef std::vector<LLAvatarBoneInfo*> child_list_t;
+ child_list_t mChildList;
+// LLAvatarSkeletonInfo
+// Overall avatar skeleton
+class LLAvatarSkeletonInfo
+ friend class LLAvatarAppearance;
+ LLAvatarSkeletonInfo() :
+ mNumBones(0), mNumCollisionVolumes(0) {}
+ ~LLAvatarSkeletonInfo()
+ {
+ std::for_each(mBoneInfoList.begin(), mBoneInfoList.end(), DeletePointer());
+ }
+ BOOL parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node);
+ S32 getNumBones() const { return mNumBones; }
+ S32 getNumCollisionVolumes() const { return mNumCollisionVolumes; }
+ S32 mNumBones;
+ S32 mNumCollisionVolumes;
+ typedef std::vector<LLAvatarBoneInfo*> bone_info_list_t;
+ bone_info_list_t mBoneInfoList;
+// LLAvatarXmlInfo
+ : mTexSkinColorInfo(0), mTexHairColorInfo(0), mTexEyeColorInfo(0)
+ std::for_each(mMeshInfoList.begin(), mMeshInfoList.end(), DeletePointer());
+ std::for_each(mSkeletalDistortionInfoList.begin(), mSkeletalDistortionInfoList.end(), DeletePointer());
+ std::for_each(mAttachmentInfoList.begin(), mAttachmentInfoList.end(), DeletePointer());
+ deleteAndClear(mTexSkinColorInfo);
+ deleteAndClear(mTexHairColorInfo);
+ deleteAndClear(mTexEyeColorInfo);
+ std::for_each(mLayerInfoList.begin(), mLayerInfoList.end(), DeletePointer());
+ std::for_each(mDriverInfoList.begin(), mDriverInfoList.end(), DeletePointer());
+ std::for_each(mMorphMaskInfoList.begin(), mMorphMaskInfoList.end(), DeletePointer());
+ **
+ ** End LLAvatarAppearance Support classes
+ ** **
+ *********************************************************************************/
+// Static Data
+LLXmlTree LLAvatarAppearance::sXMLTree;
+LLXmlTree LLAvatarAppearance::sSkeletonXMLTree;
+LLAvatarSkeletonInfo* LLAvatarAppearance::sAvatarSkeletonInfo = NULL;
+LLAvatarAppearance::LLAvatarXmlInfo* LLAvatarAppearance::sAvatarXmlInfo = NULL;
LLAvatarAppearance::LLAvatarAppearance(LLWearableData* wearable_data) :
mTexSkinColor( NULL ),
mTexHairColor( NULL ),
mTexEyeColor( NULL ),
+ mPelvisToFoot(0.f),
+ mHeadOffset(),
@@ -55,6 +164,17 @@ LLAvatarAppearance::LLAvatarAppearance(LLWearableData* wearable_data) :
mBakedTextureDatas[i].mMaskTexName = 0;
mBakedTextureDatas[i].mTextureIndex = LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::LLAvatarAppearanceDictionary::bakedToLocalTextureIndex((LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::EBakedTextureIndex)i);
+ mIsBuilt = FALSE;
+ mNumJoints = 0;
+ mSkeleton = NULL;
+ mNumCollisionVolumes = 0;
+ mCollisionVolumes = NULL;
+ mRoot = new LLAvatarJoint();
// virtual
@@ -76,10 +196,793 @@ LLAvatarAppearance::~LLAvatarAppearance()
delete masked_morph;
+ mRoot->removeAllChildren();
+ mJointMap.clear();
+ deleteAndClearArray(mSkeleton);
+ deleteAndClearArray(mCollisionVolumes);
+ mNumJoints = 0;
+ deleteAndClear(mTexSkinColor);
+ deleteAndClear(mTexHairColor);
+ deleteAndClear(mTexEyeColor);
+ std::for_each(mMeshes.begin(), mMeshes.end(), DeletePairedPointer());
+ mMeshes.clear();
+ for (std::vector<LLAvatarJoint*>::iterator jointIter = mMeshLOD.begin();
+ jointIter != mMeshLOD.end();
+ ++jointIter)
+ {
+ LLAvatarJoint* joint = (LLAvatarJoint *) *jointIter;
+ std::for_each(joint->mMeshParts.begin(), joint->mMeshParts.end(), DeletePointer());
+ joint->mMeshParts.clear();
+ }
+ std::for_each(mMeshLOD.begin(), mMeshLOD.end(), DeletePointer());
+ mMeshLOD.clear();
+void LLAvatarAppearance::initClass()
+ std::string xmlFile;
+ xmlFile = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CHARACTER,AVATAR_DEFAULT_CHAR) + "_lad.xml";
+ BOOL success = sXMLTree.parseFile( xmlFile, FALSE );
+ if (!success)
+ {
+ llerrs << "Problem reading avatar configuration file:" << xmlFile << llendl;
+ }
+ // now sanity check xml file
+ LLXmlTreeNode* root = sXMLTree.getRoot();
+ if (!root)
+ {
+ llerrs << "No root node found in avatar configuration file: " << xmlFile << llendl;
+ return;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // <linden_avatar version="1.0"> (root)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if( !root->hasName( "linden_avatar" ) )
+ {
+ llerrs << "Invalid avatar file header: " << xmlFile << llendl;
+ }
+ std::string version;
+ static LLStdStringHandle version_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("version");
+ if( !root->getFastAttributeString( version_string, version ) || (version != "1.0") )
+ {
+ llerrs << "Invalid avatar file version: " << version << " in file: " << xmlFile << llendl;
+ }
+ S32 wearable_def_version = 1;
+ static LLStdStringHandle wearable_definition_version_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("wearable_definition_version");
+ root->getFastAttributeS32( wearable_definition_version_string, wearable_def_version );
+ LLWearable::setCurrentDefinitionVersion( wearable_def_version );
+ std::string mesh_file_name;
+ LLXmlTreeNode* skeleton_node = root->getChildByName( "skeleton" );
+ if (!skeleton_node)
+ {
+ llerrs << "No skeleton in avatar configuration file: " << xmlFile << llendl;
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string skeleton_file_name;
+ static LLStdStringHandle file_name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("file_name");
+ if (!skeleton_node->getFastAttributeString(file_name_string, skeleton_file_name))
+ {
+ llerrs << "No file name in skeleton node in avatar config file: " << xmlFile << llendl;
+ }
+ std::string skeleton_path;
+ skeleton_path = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CHARACTER,skeleton_file_name);
+ if (!parseSkeletonFile(skeleton_path))
+ {
+ llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton file: " << skeleton_path << llendl;
+ }
+ // Process XML data
+ // avatar_skeleton.xml
+ if (sAvatarSkeletonInfo)
+ { //this can happen if a login attempt failed
+ delete sAvatarSkeletonInfo;
+ }
+ sAvatarSkeletonInfo = new LLAvatarSkeletonInfo;
+ if (!sAvatarSkeletonInfo->parseXml(sSkeletonXMLTree.getRoot()))
+ {
+ llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl;
+ }
+ // parse avatar_lad.xml
+ if (sAvatarXmlInfo)
+ { //this can happen if a login attempt failed
+ deleteAndClear(sAvatarXmlInfo);
+ }
+ sAvatarXmlInfo = new LLAvatarXmlInfo;
+ if (!sAvatarXmlInfo->parseXmlSkeletonNode(root))
+ {
+ llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton node in avatar XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl;
+ }
+ if (!sAvatarXmlInfo->parseXmlMeshNodes(root))
+ {
+ llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton node in avatar XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl;
+ }
+ if (!sAvatarXmlInfo->parseXmlColorNodes(root))
+ {
+ llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton node in avatar XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl;
+ }
+ if (!sAvatarXmlInfo->parseXmlLayerNodes(root))
+ {
+ llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton node in avatar XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl;
+ }
+ if (!sAvatarXmlInfo->parseXmlDriverNodes(root))
+ {
+ llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton node in avatar XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl;
+ }
+ if (!sAvatarXmlInfo->parseXmlMorphNodes(root))
+ {
+ llerrs << "Error parsing skeleton node in avatar XML file: " << skeleton_path << llendl;
+ }
using namespace LLAvatarAppearanceDefines;
+// The viewer can only suggest a good size for the agent,
+// the simulator will keep it inside a reasonable range.
+void LLAvatarAppearance::computeBodySize()
+ LLVector3 pelvis_scale = mPelvisp->getScale();
+ // some of the joints have not been cached
+ LLVector3 skull = mSkullp->getPosition();
+ LLVector3 skull_scale = mSkullp->getScale();
+ LLVector3 neck = mNeckp->getPosition();
+ LLVector3 neck_scale = mNeckp->getScale();
+ LLVector3 chest = mChestp->getPosition();
+ LLVector3 chest_scale = mChestp->getScale();
+ // the rest of the joints have been cached
+ LLVector3 head = mHeadp->getPosition();
+ LLVector3 head_scale = mHeadp->getScale();
+ LLVector3 torso = mTorsop->getPosition();
+ LLVector3 torso_scale = mTorsop->getScale();
+ LLVector3 hip = mHipLeftp->getPosition();
+ LLVector3 hip_scale = mHipLeftp->getScale();
+ LLVector3 knee = mKneeLeftp->getPosition();
+ LLVector3 knee_scale = mKneeLeftp->getScale();
+ LLVector3 ankle = mAnkleLeftp->getPosition();
+ LLVector3 ankle_scale = mAnkleLeftp->getScale();
+ LLVector3 foot = mFootLeftp->getPosition();
+ mPelvisToFoot = hip.mV[VZ] * pelvis_scale.mV[VZ] -
+ knee.mV[VZ] * hip_scale.mV[VZ] -
+ ankle.mV[VZ] * knee_scale.mV[VZ] -
+ foot.mV[VZ] * ankle_scale.mV[VZ];
+ LLVector3 new_body_size;
+ new_body_size.mV[VZ] = mPelvisToFoot +
+ // the sqrt(2) correction below is an approximate
+ // correction to get to the top of the head
+ F_SQRT2 * (skull.mV[VZ] * head_scale.mV[VZ]) +
+ head.mV[VZ] * neck_scale.mV[VZ] +
+ neck.mV[VZ] * chest_scale.mV[VZ] +
+ chest.mV[VZ] * torso_scale.mV[VZ] +
+ torso.mV[VZ] * pelvis_scale.mV[VZ];
+ // TODO -- measure the real depth and width
+ new_body_size.mV[VX] = DEFAULT_AGENT_DEPTH;
+ new_body_size.mV[VY] = DEFAULT_AGENT_WIDTH;
+ if (new_body_size != mBodySize)
+ {
+ mBodySize = new_body_size;
+ bodySizeChanged();
+ }
+// parseSkeletonFile()
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::parseSkeletonFile(const std::string& filename)
+ LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // parse the file
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOOL parsesuccess = sSkeletonXMLTree.parseFile( filename, FALSE );
+ if (!parsesuccess)
+ {
+ llerrs << "Can't parse skeleton file: " << filename << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // now sanity check xml file
+ LLXmlTreeNode* root = sSkeletonXMLTree.getRoot();
+ if (!root)
+ {
+ llerrs << "No root node found in avatar skeleton file: " << filename << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if( !root->hasName( "linden_skeleton" ) )
+ {
+ llerrs << "Invalid avatar skeleton file header: " << filename << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ std::string version;
+ static LLStdStringHandle version_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("version");
+ if( !root->getFastAttributeString( version_string, version ) || (version != "1.0") )
+ {
+ llerrs << "Invalid avatar skeleton file version: " << version << " in file: " << filename << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// setupBone()
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::setupBone(const LLAvatarBoneInfo* info, LLJoint* parent, S32 &volume_num, S32 &joint_num)
+ LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR);
+ LLJoint* joint = NULL;
+ if (info->mIsJoint)
+ {
+ joint = getCharacterJoint(joint_num);
+ if (!joint)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Too many bones" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ joint->setName( info->mName );
+ }
+ else // collision volume
+ {
+ if (volume_num >= (S32)mNumCollisionVolumes)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Too many bones" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ joint = (&mCollisionVolumes[volume_num]);
+ joint->setName( info->mName );
+ }
+ // add to parent
+ if (parent)
+ {
+ parent->addChild( joint );
+ }
+ joint->setPosition(info->mPos);
+ joint->setRotation(mayaQ(info->mRot.mV[VX], info->mRot.mV[VY],
+ info->mRot.mV[VZ], LLQuaternion::XYZ));
+ joint->setScale(info->mScale);
+ joint->setDefaultFromCurrentXform();
+ if (info->mIsJoint)
+ {
+ joint->setSkinOffset( info->mPivot );
+ joint_num++;
+ }
+ else // collision volume
+ {
+ volume_num++;
+ }
+ // setup children
+ LLAvatarBoneInfo::child_list_t::const_iterator iter;
+ for (iter = info->mChildList.begin(); iter != info->mChildList.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ LLAvatarBoneInfo *child_info = *iter;
+ if (!setupBone(child_info, joint, volume_num, joint_num))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// buildSkeleton()
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::buildSkeleton(const LLAvatarSkeletonInfo *info)
+ LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // allocate joints
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (!allocateCharacterJoints(info->mNumBones))
+ {
+ llerrs << "Can't allocate " << info->mNumBones << " joints" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // allocate volumes
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (info->mNumCollisionVolumes)
+ {
+ if (!allocateCollisionVolumes(info->mNumCollisionVolumes))
+ {
+ llerrs << "Can't allocate " << info->mNumCollisionVolumes << " collision volumes" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ S32 current_joint_num = 0;
+ S32 current_volume_num = 0;
+ LLAvatarSkeletonInfo::bone_info_list_t::const_iterator iter;
+ for (iter = info->mBoneInfoList.begin(); iter != info->mBoneInfoList.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ LLAvatarBoneInfo *info = *iter;
+ if (!setupBone(info, NULL, current_volume_num, current_joint_num))
+ {
+ llerrs << "Error parsing bone in skeleton file" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// LLAvatarAppearance::buildCharacter()
+// Deferred initialization and rebuild of the avatar.
+void LLAvatarAppearance::buildCharacter()
+ LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // remove all references to our existing skeleton
+ // so we can rebuild it
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ flushAllMotions();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // remove all of mRoot's children
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ mRoot->removeAllChildren();
+ mJointMap.clear();
+ mIsBuilt = FALSE;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // (re)load our skeleton and meshes
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLTimer timer;
+ BOOL status = loadAvatar();
+ stop_glerror();
+// gPrintMessagesThisFrame = TRUE;
+ lldebugs << "Avatar load took " << timer.getElapsedTimeF32() << " seconds." << llendl;
+ if (!status)
+ {
+ if (isSelf())
+ {
+ llerrs << "Unable to load user's avatar" << llendl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "Unable to load other's avatar" << llendl;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // initialize "well known" joint pointers
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ mPelvisp = mRoot->findJoint("mPelvis");
+ mTorsop = mRoot->findJoint("mTorso");
+ mChestp = mRoot->findJoint("mChest");
+ mNeckp = mRoot->findJoint("mNeck");
+ mHeadp = mRoot->findJoint("mHead");
+ mSkullp = mRoot->findJoint("mSkull");
+ mHipLeftp = mRoot->findJoint("mHipLeft");
+ mHipRightp = mRoot->findJoint("mHipRight");
+ mKneeLeftp = mRoot->findJoint("mKneeLeft");
+ mKneeRightp = mRoot->findJoint("mKneeRight");
+ mAnkleLeftp = mRoot->findJoint("mAnkleLeft");
+ mAnkleRightp = mRoot->findJoint("mAnkleRight");
+ mFootLeftp = mRoot->findJoint("mFootLeft");
+ mFootRightp = mRoot->findJoint("mFootRight");
+ mWristLeftp = mRoot->findJoint("mWristLeft");
+ mWristRightp = mRoot->findJoint("mWristRight");
+ mEyeLeftp = mRoot->findJoint("mEyeLeft");
+ mEyeRightp = mRoot->findJoint("mEyeRight");
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Make sure "well known" pointers exist
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (!(mPelvisp &&
+ mTorsop &&
+ mChestp &&
+ mNeckp &&
+ mHeadp &&
+ mSkullp &&
+ mHipLeftp &&
+ mHipRightp &&
+ mKneeLeftp &&
+ mKneeRightp &&
+ mAnkleLeftp &&
+ mAnkleRightp &&
+ mFootLeftp &&
+ mFootRightp &&
+ mWristLeftp &&
+ mWristRightp &&
+ mEyeLeftp &&
+ mEyeRightp))
+ {
+ llerrs << "Failed to create avatar." << llendl;
+ return;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // initialize the pelvis
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ mPelvisp->setPosition( LLVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) );
+ mIsBuilt = TRUE;
+ stop_glerror();
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::loadAvatar()
+// LLFastTimer t(FTM_LOAD_AVATAR);
+ // avatar_skeleton.xml
+ if( !buildSkeleton(sAvatarSkeletonInfo) )
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: buildSkeleton() failed" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // avatar_lad.xml : <skeleton>
+ if( !loadSkeletonNode() )
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: loadNodeSkeleton() failed" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // avatar_lad.xml : <mesh>
+ if( !loadMeshNodes() )
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: loadNodeMesh() failed" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // avatar_lad.xml : <global_color>
+ if( sAvatarXmlInfo->mTexSkinColorInfo )
+ {
+ mTexSkinColor = new LLTexGlobalColor( this );
+ if( !mTexSkinColor->setInfo( sAvatarXmlInfo->mTexSkinColorInfo ) )
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: mTexSkinColor->setInfo() failed" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "<global_color> name=\"skin_color\" not found" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if( sAvatarXmlInfo->mTexHairColorInfo )
+ {
+ mTexHairColor = new LLTexGlobalColor( this );
+ if( !mTexHairColor->setInfo( sAvatarXmlInfo->mTexHairColorInfo ) )
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: mTexHairColor->setInfo() failed" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "<global_color> name=\"hair_color\" not found" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if( sAvatarXmlInfo->mTexEyeColorInfo )
+ {
+ mTexEyeColor = new LLTexGlobalColor( this );
+ if( !mTexEyeColor->setInfo( sAvatarXmlInfo->mTexEyeColorInfo ) )
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: mTexEyeColor->setInfo() failed" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "<global_color> name=\"eye_color\" not found" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // avatar_lad.xml : <layer_set>
+ if (sAvatarXmlInfo->mLayerInfoList.empty())
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: missing <layer_set> node" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (sAvatarXmlInfo->mMorphMaskInfoList.empty())
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: missing <morph_masks> node" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // avatar_lad.xml : <morph_masks>
+ for (LLAvatarXmlInfo::morph_info_list_t::iterator iter = sAvatarXmlInfo->mMorphMaskInfoList.begin();
+ iter != sAvatarXmlInfo->mMorphMaskInfoList.end();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ LLAvatarXmlInfo::LLAvatarMorphInfo *info = *iter;
+ EBakedTextureIndex baked = LLAvatarAppearanceDictionary::findBakedByRegionName(info->mRegion);
+ if (baked != BAKED_NUM_INDICES)
+ {
+ LLVisualParam* morph_param;
+ const std::string *name = &info->mName;
+ morph_param = getVisualParam(name->c_str());
+ if (morph_param)
+ {
+ BOOL invert = info->mInvert;
+ addMaskedMorph(baked, morph_param, invert, info->mLayer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ loadLayersets();
+ // avatar_lad.xml : <driver_parameters>
+ for (LLAvatarXmlInfo::driver_info_list_t::iterator iter = sAvatarXmlInfo->mDriverInfoList.begin();
+ iter != sAvatarXmlInfo->mDriverInfoList.end();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ LLDriverParamInfo *info = *iter;
+ LLDriverParam* driver_param = new LLDriverParam( this );
+ if (driver_param->setInfo(info))
+ {
+ addVisualParam( driver_param );
+ LLVisualParam*(LLAvatarAppearance::*avatar_function)(S32)const = &LLAvatarAppearance::getVisualParam;
+ if( !driver_param->linkDrivenParams(boost::bind(avatar_function,(LLAvatarAppearance*)this,_1 ), false))
+ {
+ llwarns << "could not link driven params for avatar " << getID().asString() << " param id: " << driver_param->getID() << llendl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete driver_param;
+ llwarns << "avatar file: driver_param->parseData() failed" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// loadSkeletonNode(): loads <skeleton> node from XML tree
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::loadSkeletonNode ()
+ mRoot->addChild( &mSkeleton[0] );
+ mRoot->addChild(mMeshLOD[MESH_ID_HEAD]);
+ mRoot->addChild(mMeshLOD[MESH_ID_EYELASH]);
+ mRoot->addChild(mMeshLOD[MESH_ID_UPPER_BODY]);
+ mRoot->addChild(mMeshLOD[MESH_ID_LOWER_BODY]);
+ mRoot->addChild(mMeshLOD[MESH_ID_SKIRT]);
+ mRoot->addChild(mMeshLOD[MESH_ID_HEAD]);
+ LLAvatarJoint *skull = (LLAvatarJoint*)mRoot->findJoint("mSkull");
+ if (skull)
+ {
+ skull->addChild(mMeshLOD[MESH_ID_HAIR] );
+ }
+ LLAvatarJoint *eyeL = (LLAvatarJoint*)mRoot->findJoint("mEyeLeft");
+ if (eyeL)
+ {
+ eyeL->addChild( mMeshLOD[MESH_ID_EYEBALL_LEFT] );
+ }
+ LLAvatarJoint *eyeR = (LLAvatarJoint*)mRoot->findJoint("mEyeRight");
+ if (eyeR)
+ {
+ eyeR->addChild( mMeshLOD[MESH_ID_EYEBALL_RIGHT] );
+ }
+ {
+ LLAvatarXmlInfo::skeletal_distortion_info_list_t::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = sAvatarXmlInfo->mSkeletalDistortionInfoList.begin();
+ iter != sAvatarXmlInfo->mSkeletalDistortionInfoList.end();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo *info = (LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo*)*iter;
+ LLPolySkeletalDistortion *param = new LLPolySkeletalDistortion(this);
+ if (!param->setInfo(info))
+ {
+ delete param;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addVisualParam(param);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// loadMeshNodes(): loads <mesh> nodes from XML tree
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::loadMeshNodes()
+ for (LLAvatarXmlInfo::mesh_info_list_t::const_iterator meshinfo_iter = sAvatarXmlInfo->mMeshInfoList.begin();
+ meshinfo_iter != sAvatarXmlInfo->mMeshInfoList.end();
+ ++meshinfo_iter)
+ {
+ const LLAvatarXmlInfo::LLAvatarMeshInfo *info = *meshinfo_iter;
+ const std::string &type = info->mType;
+ S32 lod = info->mLOD;
+ LLAvatarJointMesh* mesh = NULL;
+ U8 mesh_id = 0;
+ BOOL found_mesh_id = FALSE;
+ /* if (type == "hairMesh")
+ switch(lod)
+ case 0:
+ mesh = &mHairMesh0; */
+ for (LLAvatarAppearanceDictionary::Meshes::const_iterator mesh_iter = LLAvatarAppearanceDictionary::getInstance()->getMeshes().begin();
+ mesh_iter != LLAvatarAppearanceDictionary::getInstance()->getMeshes().end();
+ ++mesh_iter)
+ {
+ const EMeshIndex mesh_index = mesh_iter->first;
+ const LLAvatarAppearanceDictionary::MeshEntry *mesh_dict = mesh_iter->second;
+ if (>mName) == 0)
+ {
+ mesh_id = mesh_index;
+ found_mesh_id = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_mesh_id)
+ {
+ if (lod < (S32)mMeshLOD[mesh_id]->mMeshParts.size())
+ {
+ mesh = mMeshLOD[mesh_id]->mMeshParts[lod];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "Avatar file: <mesh> has invalid lod setting " << lod << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "Ignoring unrecognized mesh type: " << type << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // llinfos << "Parsing mesh data for " << type << "..." << llendl;
+ // If this isn't set to white (1.0), avatars will *ALWAYS* be darker than their surroundings.
+ // Do not touch!!!
+ mesh->setColor( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
+ LLPolyMesh *poly_mesh = NULL;
+ if (!info->mReferenceMeshName.empty())
+ {
+ polymesh_map_t::const_iterator polymesh_iter = mMeshes.find(info->mReferenceMeshName);
+ if (polymesh_iter != mMeshes.end())
+ {
+ poly_mesh = LLPolyMesh::getMesh(info->mMeshFileName, polymesh_iter->second);
+ poly_mesh->setAvatar(this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This should never happen
+ LL_WARNS("Avatar") << "Could not find avatar mesh: " << info->mReferenceMeshName << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ poly_mesh = LLPolyMesh::getMesh(info->mMeshFileName);
+ poly_mesh->setAvatar(this);
+ }
+ if( !poly_mesh )
+ {
+ llwarns << "Failed to load mesh of type " << type << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Multimap insert
+ mMeshes.insert(std::make_pair(info->mMeshFileName, poly_mesh));
+ mesh->setMesh( poly_mesh );
+ mesh->setLOD( info->mMinPixelArea );
+ for (LLAvatarXmlInfo::LLAvatarMeshInfo::morph_info_list_t::const_iterator xmlinfo_iter = info->mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.begin();
+ xmlinfo_iter != info->mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.end();
+ ++xmlinfo_iter)
+ {
+ const LLAvatarXmlInfo::LLAvatarMeshInfo::morph_info_pair_t *info_pair = &(*xmlinfo_iter);
+ LLPolyMorphTarget *param = new LLPolyMorphTarget(mesh->getMesh());
+ if (!param->setInfo((LLPolyMorphTargetInfo*)info_pair->first))
+ {
+ delete param;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (info_pair->second)
+ {
+ addSharedVisualParam(param);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addVisualParam(param);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// loadLayerSets()
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::loadLayersets()
+ BOOL success = TRUE;
+ for (LLAvatarXmlInfo::layer_info_list_t::const_iterator layerset_iter = sAvatarXmlInfo->mLayerInfoList.begin();
+ layerset_iter != sAvatarXmlInfo->mLayerInfoList.end();
+ ++layerset_iter)
+ {
+ // Construct a layerset for each one specified in avatar_lad.xml and initialize it as such.
+ LLTexLayerSetInfo *layerset_info = *layerset_iter;
+ layerset_info->createVisualParams(this);
+ }
+ return success;
// virtual
BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::isValid() const
@@ -273,4 +1176,494 @@ BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::isWearingWearableType(LLWearableType::EType type) const
return FALSE;
+// allocateCollisionVolumes()
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::allocateCollisionVolumes( U32 num )
+ deleteAndClearArray(mCollisionVolumes);
+ mNumCollisionVolumes = 0;
+ mCollisionVolumes = new LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume[num];
+ if (!mCollisionVolumes)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ mNumCollisionVolumes = num;
+ return TRUE;
+// LLAvatarBoneInfo::parseXml()
+BOOL LLAvatarBoneInfo::parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node)
+ if (node->hasName("bone"))
+ {
+ mIsJoint = TRUE;
+ static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("name");
+ if (!node->getFastAttributeString(name_string, mName))
+ {
+ llwarns << "Bone without name" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (node->hasName("collision_volume"))
+ {
+ mIsJoint = FALSE;
+ static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("name");
+ if (!node->getFastAttributeString(name_string, mName))
+ {
+ mName = "Collision Volume";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "Invalid node " << node->getName() << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle pos_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("pos");
+ if (!node->getFastAttributeVector3(pos_string, mPos))
+ {
+ llwarns << "Bone without position" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle rot_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("rot");
+ if (!node->getFastAttributeVector3(rot_string, mRot))
+ {
+ llwarns << "Bone without rotation" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle scale_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("scale");
+ if (!node->getFastAttributeVector3(scale_string, mScale))
+ {
+ llwarns << "Bone without scale" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (mIsJoint)
+ {
+ static LLStdStringHandle pivot_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("pivot");
+ if (!node->getFastAttributeVector3(pivot_string, mPivot))
+ {
+ llwarns << "Bone without pivot" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // parse children
+ LLXmlTreeNode* child;
+ for( child = node->getFirstChild(); child; child = node->getNextChild() )
+ {
+ LLAvatarBoneInfo *child_info = new LLAvatarBoneInfo;
+ if (!child_info->parseXml(child))
+ {
+ delete child_info;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ mChildList.push_back(child_info);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// LLAvatarSkeletonInfo::parseXml()
+BOOL LLAvatarSkeletonInfo::parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node)
+ static LLStdStringHandle num_bones_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("num_bones");
+ if (!node->getFastAttributeS32(num_bones_string, mNumBones))
+ {
+ llwarns << "Couldn't find number of bones." << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle num_collision_volumes_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("num_collision_volumes");
+ node->getFastAttributeS32(num_collision_volumes_string, mNumCollisionVolumes);
+ LLXmlTreeNode* child;
+ for( child = node->getFirstChild(); child; child = node->getNextChild() )
+ {
+ LLAvatarBoneInfo *info = new LLAvatarBoneInfo;
+ if (!info->parseXml(child))
+ {
+ delete info;
+ llwarns << "Error parsing bone in skeleton file" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ mBoneInfoList.push_back(info);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// parseXmlSkeletonNode(): parses <skeleton> nodes from XML tree
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::LLAvatarXmlInfo::parseXmlSkeletonNode(LLXmlTreeNode* root)
+ LLXmlTreeNode* node = root->getChildByName( "skeleton" );
+ if( !node )
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: missing <skeleton>" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ LLXmlTreeNode* child;
+ for (child = node->getChildByName( "param" );
+ child;
+ child = node->getNextNamedChild())
+ {
+ if (!child->getChildByName("param_skeleton"))
+ {
+ if (child->getChildByName("param_morph"))
+ {
+ llwarns << "Can't specify morph param in skeleton definition." << llendl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "Unknown param type." << llendl;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo *info = new LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo;
+ if (!info->parseXml(child))
+ {
+ delete info;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ mSkeletalDistortionInfoList.push_back(info);
+ }
+ for (child = node->getChildByName( "attachment_point" );
+ child;
+ child = node->getNextNamedChild())
+ {
+ LLAvatarAttachmentInfo* info = new LLAvatarAttachmentInfo();
+ static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("name");
+ if (!child->getFastAttributeString(name_string, info->mName))
+ {
+ llwarns << "No name supplied for attachment point." << llendl;
+ delete info;
+ continue;
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle joint_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("joint");
+ if (!child->getFastAttributeString(joint_string, info->mJointName))
+ {
+ llwarns << "No bone declared in attachment point " << info->mName << llendl;
+ delete info;
+ continue;
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle position_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("position");
+ if (child->getFastAttributeVector3(position_string, info->mPosition))
+ {
+ info->mHasPosition = TRUE;
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle rotation_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("rotation");
+ if (child->getFastAttributeVector3(rotation_string, info->mRotationEuler))
+ {
+ info->mHasRotation = TRUE;
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle group_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("group");
+ if (child->getFastAttributeS32(group_string, info->mGroup))
+ {
+ if (info->mGroup == -1)
+ info->mGroup = -1111; // -1 = none parsed, < -1 = bad value
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle id_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("id");
+ if (!child->getFastAttributeS32(id_string, info->mAttachmentID))
+ {
+ llwarns << "No id supplied for attachment point " << info->mName << llendl;
+ delete info;
+ continue;
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle slot_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("pie_slice");
+ child->getFastAttributeS32(slot_string, info->mPieMenuSlice);
+ static LLStdStringHandle visible_in_first_person_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("visible_in_first_person");
+ child->getFastAttributeBOOL(visible_in_first_person_string, info->mVisibleFirstPerson);
+ static LLStdStringHandle hud_attachment_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("hud");
+ child->getFastAttributeBOOL(hud_attachment_string, info->mIsHUDAttachment);
+ mAttachmentInfoList.push_back(info);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// parseXmlMeshNodes(): parses <mesh> nodes from XML tree
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::LLAvatarXmlInfo::parseXmlMeshNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root)
+ for (LLXmlTreeNode* node = root->getChildByName( "mesh" );
+ node;
+ node = root->getNextNamedChild())
+ {
+ LLAvatarMeshInfo *info = new LLAvatarMeshInfo;
+ // attribute: type
+ static LLStdStringHandle type_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("type");
+ if( !node->getFastAttributeString( type_string, info->mType ) )
+ {
+ llwarns << "Avatar file: <mesh> is missing type attribute. Ignoring element. " << llendl;
+ delete info;
+ return FALSE; // Ignore this element
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle lod_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("lod");
+ if (!node->getFastAttributeS32( lod_string, info->mLOD ))
+ {
+ llwarns << "Avatar file: <mesh> is missing lod attribute. Ignoring element. " << llendl;
+ delete info;
+ return FALSE; // Ignore this element
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle file_name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("file_name");
+ if( !node->getFastAttributeString( file_name_string, info->mMeshFileName ) )
+ {
+ llwarns << "Avatar file: <mesh> is missing file_name attribute. Ignoring: " << info->mType << llendl;
+ delete info;
+ return FALSE; // Ignore this element
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle reference_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("reference");
+ node->getFastAttributeString( reference_string, info->mReferenceMeshName );
+ // attribute: min_pixel_area
+ static LLStdStringHandle min_pixel_area_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("min_pixel_area");
+ static LLStdStringHandle min_pixel_width_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("min_pixel_width");
+ if (!node->getFastAttributeF32( min_pixel_area_string, info->mMinPixelArea ))
+ {
+ F32 min_pixel_area = 0.1f;
+ if (node->getFastAttributeF32( min_pixel_width_string, min_pixel_area ))
+ {
+ // this is square root of pixel area (sensible to use linear space in defining lods)
+ min_pixel_area = min_pixel_area * min_pixel_area;
+ }
+ info->mMinPixelArea = min_pixel_area;
+ }
+ // Parse visual params for this node only if we haven't already
+ for (LLXmlTreeNode* child = node->getChildByName( "param" );
+ child;
+ child = node->getNextNamedChild())
+ {
+ if (!child->getChildByName("param_morph"))
+ {
+ if (child->getChildByName("param_skeleton"))
+ {
+ llwarns << "Can't specify skeleton param in a mesh definition." << llendl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "Unknown param type." << llendl;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ LLPolyMorphTargetInfo *morphinfo = new LLPolyMorphTargetInfo();
+ if (!morphinfo->parseXml(child))
+ {
+ delete morphinfo;
+ delete info;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ BOOL shared = FALSE;
+ static LLStdStringHandle shared_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("shared");
+ child->getFastAttributeBOOL(shared_string, shared);
+ info->mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.push_back(LLAvatarMeshInfo::morph_info_pair_t(morphinfo, shared));
+ }
+ mMeshInfoList.push_back(info);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// parseXmlColorNodes(): parses <global_color> nodes from XML tree
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::LLAvatarXmlInfo::parseXmlColorNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root)
+ for (LLXmlTreeNode* color_node = root->getChildByName( "global_color" );
+ color_node;
+ color_node = root->getNextNamedChild())
+ {
+ std::string global_color_name;
+ static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("name");
+ if (color_node->getFastAttributeString( name_string, global_color_name ) )
+ {
+ if( global_color_name == "skin_color" )
+ {
+ if (mTexSkinColorInfo)
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: multiple instances of skin_color" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ mTexSkinColorInfo = new LLTexGlobalColorInfo;
+ if( !mTexSkinColorInfo->parseXml( color_node ) )
+ {
+ deleteAndClear(mTexSkinColorInfo);
+ llwarns << "avatar file: mTexSkinColor->parseXml() failed" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( global_color_name == "hair_color" )
+ {
+ if (mTexHairColorInfo)
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: multiple instances of hair_color" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ mTexHairColorInfo = new LLTexGlobalColorInfo;
+ if( !mTexHairColorInfo->parseXml( color_node ) )
+ {
+ deleteAndClear(mTexHairColorInfo);
+ llwarns << "avatar file: mTexHairColor->parseXml() failed" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( global_color_name == "eye_color" )
+ {
+ if (mTexEyeColorInfo)
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: multiple instances of eye_color" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ mTexEyeColorInfo = new LLTexGlobalColorInfo;
+ if( !mTexEyeColorInfo->parseXml( color_node ) )
+ {
+ llwarns << "avatar file: mTexEyeColor->parseXml() failed" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// parseXmlLayerNodes(): parses <layer_set> nodes from XML tree
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::LLAvatarXmlInfo::parseXmlLayerNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root)
+ for (LLXmlTreeNode* layer_node = root->getChildByName( "layer_set" );
+ layer_node;
+ layer_node = root->getNextNamedChild())
+ {
+ LLTexLayerSetInfo* layer_info = new LLTexLayerSetInfo();
+ if( layer_info->parseXml( layer_node ) )
+ {
+ mLayerInfoList.push_back(layer_info);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete layer_info;
+ llwarns << "avatar file: layer_set->parseXml() failed" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// parseXmlDriverNodes(): parses <driver_parameters> nodes from XML tree
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::LLAvatarXmlInfo::parseXmlDriverNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root)
+ LLXmlTreeNode* driver = root->getChildByName( "driver_parameters" );
+ if( driver )
+ {
+ for (LLXmlTreeNode* grand_child = driver->getChildByName( "param" );
+ grand_child;
+ grand_child = driver->getNextNamedChild())
+ {
+ if( grand_child->getChildByName( "param_driver" ) )
+ {
+ LLDriverParamInfo* driver_info = new LLDriverParamInfo();
+ if( driver_info->parseXml( grand_child ) )
+ {
+ mDriverInfoList.push_back(driver_info);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete driver_info;
+ llwarns << "avatar file: driver_param->parseXml() failed" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// parseXmlDriverNodes(): parses <driver_parameters> nodes from XML tree
+BOOL LLAvatarAppearance::LLAvatarXmlInfo::parseXmlMorphNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root)
+ LLXmlTreeNode* masks = root->getChildByName( "morph_masks" );
+ if( !masks )
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ for (LLXmlTreeNode* grand_child = masks->getChildByName( "mask" );
+ grand_child;
+ grand_child = masks->getNextNamedChild())
+ {
+ LLAvatarMorphInfo* info = new LLAvatarMorphInfo();
+ static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("morph_name");
+ if (!grand_child->getFastAttributeString(name_string, info->mName))
+ {
+ llwarns << "No name supplied for morph mask." << llendl;
+ delete info;
+ continue;
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle region_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("body_region");
+ if (!grand_child->getFastAttributeString(region_string, info->mRegion))
+ {
+ llwarns << "No region supplied for morph mask." << llendl;
+ delete info;
+ continue;
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle layer_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("layer");
+ if (!grand_child->getFastAttributeString(layer_string, info->mLayer))
+ {
+ llwarns << "No layer supplied for morph mask." << llendl;
+ delete info;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // optional parameter. don't throw a warning if not present.
+ static LLStdStringHandle invert_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("invert");
+ grand_child->getFastAttributeBOOL(invert_string, info->mInvert);
+ mMorphMaskInfoList.push_back(info);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/llavatarappearance.h b/indra/llappearance/llavatarappearance.h
index b2ab6b069f..38a54d904d 100644
--- a/indra/llappearance/llavatarappearance.h
+++ b/indra/llappearance/llavatarappearance.h
@@ -30,11 +30,17 @@
#include "llcharacter.h"
//#include "llframetimer.h"
#include "llavatarappearancedefines.h"
-#include "lljoint.h"
+#include "llavatarjoint.h"
+#include "lldriverparam.h"
+#include "lltexlayer.h"
+#include "llviewervisualparam.h"
+#include "llxmltree.h"
class LLTexLayerSet;
class LLTexGlobalColor;
class LLWearableData;
+class LLAvatarBoneInfo;
+class LLAvatarSkeletonInfo;
// LLAvatarAppearance
@@ -45,6 +51,9 @@ class LLAvatarAppearance : public LLCharacter
+ struct LLAvatarXmlInfo;
** **
@@ -57,6 +66,12 @@ public:
LLAvatarAppearance(LLWearableData* wearable_data);
virtual ~LLAvatarAppearance();
+ static void initClass(); // initializes static members
+ virtual BOOL loadSkeletonNode();
+ virtual BOOL loadMeshNodes();
+ virtual BOOL loadLayersets();
/** Initialization
** **
@@ -69,16 +84,94 @@ public:
virtual bool isSelf() const { return false; } // True if this avatar is for this viewer's agent
virtual BOOL isValid() const;
virtual BOOL isUsingBakedTextures() const = 0;
+ bool isBuilt() const { return mIsBuilt; }
/** State
** **
+ ** **
+ **/
+ F32 getPelvisToFoot() const { return mPelvisToFoot; }
+ LLVector3 mHeadOffset; // current head position
+ LLAvatarJoint *mRoot;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, LLJoint*> joint_map_t;
+ joint_map_t mJointMap;
+ static BOOL parseSkeletonFile(const std::string& filename);
+ virtual void buildCharacter();
+ virtual BOOL loadAvatar();
+ virtual void bodySizeChanged() = 0;
+ void computeBodySize();
+ BOOL setupBone(const LLAvatarBoneInfo* info, LLJoint* parent, S32 &current_volume_num, S32 &current_joint_num);
+ BOOL buildSkeleton(const LLAvatarSkeletonInfo *info);
+ BOOL mIsBuilt; // state of deferred character building
+ S32 mNumJoints;
+ LLJoint* mSkeleton;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Pelvis height adjustment members.
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLVector3 mBodySize;
+ F32 mPelvisToFoot;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Cached pointers to well known joints
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLJoint* mPelvisp;
+ LLJoint* mTorsop;
+ LLJoint* mChestp;
+ LLJoint* mNeckp;
+ LLJoint* mHeadp;
+ LLJoint* mSkullp;
+ LLJoint* mEyeLeftp;
+ LLJoint* mEyeRightp;
+ LLJoint* mHipLeftp;
+ LLJoint* mHipRightp;
+ LLJoint* mKneeLeftp;
+ LLJoint* mKneeRightp;
+ LLJoint* mAnkleLeftp;
+ LLJoint* mAnkleRightp;
+ LLJoint* mFootLeftp;
+ LLJoint* mFootRightp;
+ LLJoint* mWristLeftp;
+ LLJoint* mWristRightp;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // XML parse tree
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static LLXmlTree sXMLTree; // avatar config file
+ static LLXmlTree sSkeletonXMLTree; // avatar skeleton file
+ static LLAvatarSkeletonInfo* sAvatarSkeletonInfo;
+ static LLAvatarXmlInfo* sAvatarXmlInfo;
+/** Skeleton
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
** **
BOOL mIsDummy; // for special views
@@ -109,6 +202,11 @@ public:
virtual void dirtyMesh(S32 priority) = 0; // Dirty the avatar mesh, with priority
+ typedef std::multimap<std::string, LLPolyMesh*> polymesh_map_t;
+ polymesh_map_t mMeshes;
+ std::vector<LLAvatarJoint *> mMeshLOD;
/** Meshes
** **
@@ -182,12 +280,115 @@ protected:
typedef std::vector<BakedTextureData> bakedtexturedata_vec_t;
bakedtexturedata_vec_t mBakedTextureDatas;
+ ** **
+ **/
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Collision volumes
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ S32 mNumCollisionVolumes;
+ LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume* mCollisionVolumes;
+ BOOL allocateCollisionVolumes(U32 num);
+/** Physics
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
** **
+ struct LLAvatarXmlInfo
+ {
+ LLAvatarXmlInfo();
+ ~LLAvatarXmlInfo();
+ BOOL parseXmlSkeletonNode(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+ BOOL parseXmlMeshNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+ BOOL parseXmlColorNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+ BOOL parseXmlLayerNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+ BOOL parseXmlDriverNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+ BOOL parseXmlMorphNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+ struct LLAvatarMeshInfo
+ {
+ typedef std::pair<LLViewerVisualParamInfo*,BOOL> morph_info_pair_t; // LLPolyMorphTargetInfo stored here
+ typedef std::vector<morph_info_pair_t> morph_info_list_t;
+ LLAvatarMeshInfo() : mLOD(0), mMinPixelArea(.1f) {}
+ ~LLAvatarMeshInfo()
+ {
+ morph_info_list_t::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.begin(); iter != mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ delete iter->first;
+ }
+ mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.clear();
+ }
+ std::string mType;
+ S32 mLOD;
+ std::string mMeshFileName;
+ std::string mReferenceMeshName;
+ F32 mMinPixelArea;
+ morph_info_list_t mPolyMorphTargetInfoList;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<LLAvatarMeshInfo*> mesh_info_list_t;
+ mesh_info_list_t mMeshInfoList;
+ typedef std::vector<LLViewerVisualParamInfo*> skeletal_distortion_info_list_t; // LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo stored here
+ skeletal_distortion_info_list_t mSkeletalDistortionInfoList;
+ struct LLAvatarAttachmentInfo
+ {
+ LLAvatarAttachmentInfo()
+ : mGroup(-1), mAttachmentID(-1), mPieMenuSlice(-1), mVisibleFirstPerson(FALSE),
+ mIsHUDAttachment(FALSE), mHasPosition(FALSE), mHasRotation(FALSE) {}
+ std::string mName;
+ std::string mJointName;
+ LLVector3 mPosition;
+ LLVector3 mRotationEuler;
+ S32 mGroup;
+ S32 mAttachmentID;
+ S32 mPieMenuSlice;
+ BOOL mVisibleFirstPerson;
+ BOOL mIsHUDAttachment;
+ BOOL mHasPosition;
+ BOOL mHasRotation;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<LLAvatarAttachmentInfo*> attachment_info_list_t;
+ attachment_info_list_t mAttachmentInfoList;
+ LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexSkinColorInfo;
+ LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexHairColorInfo;
+ LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexEyeColorInfo;
+ typedef std::vector<LLTexLayerSetInfo*> layer_info_list_t;
+ layer_info_list_t mLayerInfoList;
+ typedef std::vector<LLDriverParamInfo*> driver_info_list_t;
+ driver_info_list_t mDriverInfoList;
+ struct LLAvatarMorphInfo
+ {
+ LLAvatarMorphInfo()
+ : mInvert(FALSE) {}
+ std::string mName;
+ std::string mRegion;
+ std::string mLayer;
+ BOOL mInvert;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<LLAvatarMorphInfo*> morph_info_list_t;
+ morph_info_list_t mMorphMaskInfoList;
+ };
class LLMaskedMorph
@@ -197,7 +398,9 @@ protected:
BOOL mInvert;
std::string mLayer;
+/** Support Classes
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/llavatarjoint.cpp b/indra/llappearance/llavatarjoint.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..809a261633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llappearance/llavatarjoint.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ * @file llavatarjoint.cpp
+ * @brief Implementation of LLAvatarJoint class
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Header Files
+#include "llavatarjoint.h"
+#include "llgl.h"
+#include "llrender.h"
+#include "llmath.h"
+#include "llglheaders.h"
+#include "llrendersphere.h"
+#include "llavatarappearance.h"
+//#include "pipeline.h"
+#define DEFAULT_LOD 0.0f
+const S32 MIN_PIXEL_AREA_3PASS_HAIR = 64*64;
+// Static Data
+BOOL LLAvatarJoint::sDisableLOD = FALSE;
+// LLAvatarJoint()
+// Class Constructor
+ : LLJoint()
+ init();
+// LLAvatarJoint()
+// Class Constructor
+LLAvatarJoint::LLAvatarJoint(const std::string &name, LLJoint *parent)
+ : LLJoint(name, parent)
+ init();
+void LLAvatarJoint::init()
+ mValid = FALSE;
+ mComponents = SC_JOINT | SC_BONE | SC_AXES;
+ mMinPixelArea = DEFAULT_LOD;
+ mPickName = PN_DEFAULT;
+ mVisible = TRUE;
+ mMeshID = 0;
+// ~LLAvatarJoint()
+// Class Destructor
+// setValid()
+void LLAvatarJoint::setValid( BOOL valid, BOOL recursive )
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // set visibility for this joint
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ mValid = valid;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // set visibility for children
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (recursive)
+ {
+ for (child_list_t::iterator iter = mChildren.begin();
+ iter != mChildren.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ LLAvatarJoint* joint = (LLAvatarJoint*)(*iter);
+ joint->setValid(valid, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+// isTransparent()
+BOOL LLAvatarJoint::isTransparent()
+ return FALSE;
+// setSkeletonComponents()
+void LLAvatarJoint::setSkeletonComponents( U32 comp, BOOL recursive )
+ mComponents = comp;
+ if (recursive)
+ {
+ for (child_list_t::iterator iter = mChildren.begin();
+ iter != mChildren.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ LLAvatarJoint* joint = (LLAvatarJoint*)(*iter);
+ joint->setSkeletonComponents(comp, recursive);
+ }
+ }
+void LLAvatarJoint::setVisible(BOOL visible, BOOL recursive)
+ mVisible = visible;
+ if (recursive)
+ {
+ for (child_list_t::iterator iter = mChildren.begin();
+ iter != mChildren.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ LLAvatarJoint* joint = (LLAvatarJoint*)(*iter);
+ joint->setVisible(visible, recursive);
+ }
+ }
+void LLAvatarJoint::setMeshesToChildren()
+ removeAllChildren();
+ for (std::vector<LLAvatarJointMesh*>::iterator iter = mMeshParts.begin();
+ iter != mMeshParts.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ addChild((LLAvatarJoint*) *iter);
+ }
+// LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume()
+ mUpdateXform = FALSE;
+LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume::LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume(const std::string &name, LLJoint *parent) : LLAvatarJoint(name, parent)
+LLVector3 LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume::getVolumePos(LLVector3 &offset)
+ mUpdateXform = TRUE;
+ LLVector3 result = offset;
+ result.scaleVec(getScale());
+ result.rotVec(getWorldRotation());
+ result += getWorldPosition();
+ return result;
+void LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume::renderCollision()
+ updateWorldMatrix();
+ gGL.pushMatrix();
+ gGL.multMatrix( &mXform.getWorldMatrix().mMatrix[0][0] );
+ gGL.diffuseColor3f( 0.f, 0.f, 1.f );
+ gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES);
+ LLVector3 v[] =
+ {
+ LLVector3(1,0,0),
+ LLVector3(-1,0,0),
+ LLVector3(0,1,0),
+ LLVector3(0,-1,0),
+ LLVector3(0,0,-1),
+ LLVector3(0,0,1),
+ };
+ //sides
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[0].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[2].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[0].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[3].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[1].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[2].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[1].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[3].mV);
+ //top
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[0].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[4].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[1].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[4].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[2].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[4].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[3].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[4].mV);
+ //bottom
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[0].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[5].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[1].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[5].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[2].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[5].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[3].mV);
+ gGL.vertex3fv(v[5].mV);
+ gGL.end();
+ gGL.popMatrix();
+// End
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/llavatarjoint.h b/indra/llappearance/llavatarjoint.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbfc1b73ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llappearance/llavatarjoint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ * @file llavatarjoint.h
+ * @brief Implementation of LLAvatarJoint class
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Header Files
+#include "lljoint.h"
+#include "lljointpickname.h"
+class LLFace;
+class LLAvatarJointMesh;
+// class LLViewerJoint
+class LLAvatarJoint :
+ public LLJoint
+ LLAvatarJoint();
+ LLAvatarJoint(const std::string &name, LLJoint *parent = NULL);
+ virtual ~LLAvatarJoint();
+ // Gets the validity of this joint
+ BOOL getValid() { return mValid; }
+ // Sets the validity of this joint
+ virtual void setValid( BOOL valid, BOOL recursive=FALSE );
+ // Returns true if this object is transparent.
+ // This is used to determine in which order to draw objects.
+ virtual BOOL isTransparent();
+ // Returns true if this object should inherit scale modifiers from its immediate parent
+ virtual BOOL inheritScale() { return FALSE; }
+ enum Components
+ {
+ SC_BONE = 1,
+ SC_JOINT = 2,
+ SC_AXES = 4
+ };
+ // Selects which skeleton components to draw
+ void setSkeletonComponents( U32 comp, BOOL recursive = TRUE );
+ // Returns which skeleton components are enables for drawing
+ U32 getSkeletonComponents() { return mComponents; }
+ // Sets the level of detail for this node as a minimum
+ // pixel area threshold. If the current pixel area for this
+ // object is less than the specified threshold, the node is
+ // not traversed. In addition, if a value is specified (not
+ // default of 0.0), and the pixel area is larger than the
+ // specified minimum, the node is rendered, but no other siblings
+ // of this node under the same parent will be.
+ F32 getLOD() { return mMinPixelArea; }
+ void setLOD( F32 pixelArea ) { mMinPixelArea = pixelArea; }
+ void setPickName(LLJointPickName name) { mPickName = name; }
+ LLJointPickName getPickName() { return mPickName; }
+ void setVisible( BOOL visible, BOOL recursive );
+ // Takes meshes in mMeshParts and sets each one as a child joint
+ void setMeshesToChildren();
+ static BOOL sDisableLOD;
+ std::vector<LLAvatarJointMesh*> mMeshParts; //LLViewerJointMesh*
+ void setMeshID( S32 id ) {mMeshID = id;}
+ void init();
+ BOOL mValid;
+ U32 mComponents;
+ F32 mMinPixelArea;
+ LLJointPickName mPickName;
+ BOOL mVisible;
+ S32 mMeshID;
+class LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume : public LLAvatarJoint
+ LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume();
+ LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume(const std::string &name, LLJoint *parent = NULL);
+ virtual ~LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume() {};
+ virtual BOOL inheritScale() { return TRUE; }
+ void renderCollision();
+ LLVector3 getVolumePos(LLVector3 &offset);
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/llavatarjointmesh.cpp b/indra/llappearance/llavatarjointmesh.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..92c213126a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llappearance/llavatarjointmesh.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+ * @file LLAvatarJointMesh.cpp
+ * @brief Implementation of LLAvatarJointMesh class
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Header Files
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include "imageids.h"
+#include "llfasttimer.h"
+#include "llrender.h"
+#include "llavatarjointmesh.h"
+#include "llavatarappearance.h"
+//#include "llapr.h"
+//#include "llbox.h"
+//#include "lldrawable.h"
+//#include "lldrawpoolavatar.h"
+//#include "lldrawpoolbump.h"
+//#include "lldynamictexture.h"
+//#include "llface.h"
+//#include "llgldbg.h"
+//#include "llglheaders.h"
+#include "lltexlayer.h"
+//#include "llviewercamera.h"
+//#include "llviewercontrol.h"
+//#include "llviewertexturelist.h"
+//#include "llsky.h"
+//#include "pipeline.h"
+//#include "llviewershadermgr.h"
+#include "llmath.h"
+#include "v4math.h"
+#include "m3math.h"
+#include "m4math.h"
+#include "llmatrix4a.h"
+// LLAvatarJointMesh::LLSkinJoint
+// LLSkinJoint
+ mJoint = NULL;
+// ~LLSkinJoint
+ mJoint = NULL;
+// LLSkinJoint::setupSkinJoint()
+BOOL LLSkinJoint::setupSkinJoint( LLAvatarJoint *joint)
+ // find the named joint
+ mJoint = joint;
+ if ( !mJoint )
+ {
+ llinfos << "Can't find joint" << llendl;
+ }
+ // compute the inverse root skin matrix
+ mRootToJointSkinOffset.clearVec();
+ LLVector3 rootSkinOffset;
+ while (joint)
+ {
+ rootSkinOffset += joint->getSkinOffset();
+ joint = (LLAvatarJoint*)joint->getParent();
+ }
+ mRootToJointSkinOffset = -rootSkinOffset;
+ mRootToParentJointSkinOffset = mRootToJointSkinOffset;
+ mRootToParentJointSkinOffset += mJoint->getSkinOffset();
+ return TRUE;
+// LLAvatarJointMesh
+BOOL LLAvatarJointMesh::sPipelineRender = FALSE;
+EAvatarRenderPass LLAvatarJointMesh::sRenderPass = AVATAR_RENDER_PASS_SINGLE;
+U32 LLAvatarJointMesh::sClothingMaskImageName = 0;
+LLColor4 LLAvatarJointMesh::sClothingInnerColor;
+// LLAvatarJointMesh()
+ :
+ mTexture( NULL ),
+ mLayerSet( NULL ),
+ mTestImageName( 0 ),
+ mFaceIndexCount(0),
+ mIsTransparent(FALSE)
+ mColor[0] = 1.0f;
+ mColor[1] = 1.0f;
+ mColor[2] = 1.0f;
+ mColor[3] = 1.0f;
+ mShiny = 0.0f;
+ mCullBackFaces = TRUE;
+ mMesh = NULL;
+ mNumSkinJoints = 0;
+ mSkinJoints = NULL;
+ mFace = NULL;
+ mMeshID = 0;
+ mUpdateXform = FALSE;
+ mValid = FALSE;
+// ~LLAvatarJointMesh()
+// Class Destructor
+ mMesh = NULL;
+ mTexture = NULL;
+ freeSkinData();
+// LLAvatarJointMesh::allocateSkinData()
+BOOL LLAvatarJointMesh::allocateSkinData( U32 numSkinJoints )
+ mSkinJoints = new LLSkinJoint[ numSkinJoints ];
+ mNumSkinJoints = numSkinJoints;
+ return TRUE;
+// LLAvatarJointMesh::freeSkinData()
+void LLAvatarJointMesh::freeSkinData()
+ mNumSkinJoints = 0;
+ delete [] mSkinJoints;
+ mSkinJoints = NULL;
+// LLAvatarJointMesh::getColor()
+void LLAvatarJointMesh::getColor( F32 *red, F32 *green, F32 *blue, F32 *alpha )
+ *red = mColor[0];
+ *green = mColor[1];
+ *blue = mColor[2];
+ *alpha = mColor[3];
+// LLAvatarJointMesh::setColor()
+void LLAvatarJointMesh::setColor( F32 red, F32 green, F32 blue, F32 alpha )
+ mColor[0] = red;
+ mColor[1] = green;
+ mColor[2] = blue;
+ mColor[3] = alpha;
+// LLAvatarJointMesh::getTexture()
+//LLViewerTexture *LLAvatarJointMesh::getTexture()
+// return mTexture;
+// LLAvatarJointMesh::setTexture()
+void LLAvatarJointMesh::setTexture( LLGLTexture *texture )
+ mTexture = texture;
+ // texture and dynamic_texture are mutually exclusive
+ if( texture )
+ {
+ mLayerSet = NULL;
+ //texture->bindTexture(0);
+ //texture->setClamp(TRUE, TRUE);
+ }
+// LLAvatarJointMesh::setLayerSet()
+// Sets the shape texture (takes precedence over normal texture)
+void LLAvatarJointMesh::setLayerSet( LLTexLayerSet* layer_set )
+ mLayerSet = layer_set;
+ // texture and dynamic_texture are mutually exclusive
+ if( layer_set )
+ {
+ mTexture = NULL;
+ }
+// LLAvatarJointMesh::getMesh()
+LLPolyMesh *LLAvatarJointMesh::getMesh()
+ return mMesh;
+// LLAvatarJointMesh::setMesh()
+void LLAvatarJointMesh::setMesh( LLPolyMesh *mesh )
+ // set the mesh pointer
+ mMesh = mesh;
+ // release any existing skin joints
+ freeSkinData();
+ if ( mMesh == NULL )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // acquire the transform from the mesh object
+ setPosition( mMesh->getPosition() );
+ setRotation( mMesh->getRotation() );
+ setScale( mMesh->getScale() );
+ // create skin joints if necessary
+ if ( mMesh->hasWeights() && !mMesh->isLOD())
+ {
+ U32 numJointNames = mMesh->getNumJointNames();
+ allocateSkinData( numJointNames );
+ std::string *jointNames = mMesh->getJointNames();
+ U32 jn;
+ for (jn = 0; jn < numJointNames; jn++)
+ {
+ //llinfos << "Setting up joint " << jointNames[jn] << llendl;
+ LLAvatarJoint* joint = (LLAvatarJoint*)(getRoot()->findJoint(jointNames[jn]) );
+ mSkinJoints[jn].setupSkinJoint( joint );
+ }
+ }
+ // setup joint array
+ if (!mMesh->isLOD())
+ {
+ setupJoint((LLAvatarJoint*)getRoot());
+ }
+// llinfos << "joint render entries: " << mMesh->mJointRenderData.count() << llendl;
+// setupJoint()
+void LLAvatarJointMesh::setupJoint(LLAvatarJoint* current_joint)
+// llinfos << "Mesh: " << getName() << llendl;
+// S32 joint_count = 0;
+ U32 sj;
+ for (sj=0; sj<mNumSkinJoints; sj++)
+ {
+ LLSkinJoint &js = mSkinJoints[sj];
+ if (js.mJoint != current_joint)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // we've found a skinjoint for this joint..
+ // is the last joint in the array our parent?
+ if(mMesh->mJointRenderData.count() && mMesh->mJointRenderData[mMesh->mJointRenderData.count() - 1]->mWorldMatrix == &current_joint->getParent()->getWorldMatrix())
+ {
+ // ...then just add ourselves
+ LLAvatarJoint* jointp = js.mJoint;
+ mMesh->mJointRenderData.put(new LLJointRenderData(&jointp->getWorldMatrix(), &js));
+// llinfos << "joint " << joint_count << js.mJoint->getName() << llendl;
+// joint_count++;
+ }
+ // otherwise add our parent and ourselves
+ else
+ {
+ mMesh->mJointRenderData.put(new LLJointRenderData(&current_joint->getParent()->getWorldMatrix(), NULL));
+// llinfos << "joint " << joint_count << current_joint->getParent()->getName() << llendl;
+// joint_count++;
+ mMesh->mJointRenderData.put(new LLJointRenderData(&current_joint->getWorldMatrix(), &js));
+// llinfos << "joint " << joint_count << current_joint->getName() << llendl;
+// joint_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ // depth-first traversal
+ for (LLJoint::child_list_t::iterator iter = current_joint->mChildren.begin();
+ iter != current_joint->mChildren.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ LLAvatarJoint* child_joint = (LLAvatarJoint*)(*iter);
+ setupJoint(child_joint);
+ }
+// End
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/llavatarjointmesh.h b/indra/llappearance/llavatarjointmesh.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..dcd202bdaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llappearance/llavatarjointmesh.h
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ * @file llavatarjointmesh.h
+ * @brief Implementation of LLAvatarJointMesh class
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llavatarjoint.h"
+#include "llgltexture.h"
+#include "llpolymesh.h"
+#include "v4color.h"
+class LLDrawable;
+class LLFace;
+class LLCharacter;
+class LLTexLayerSet;
+typedef enum e_avatar_render_pass
+} EAvatarRenderPass;
+class LLSkinJoint
+ LLSkinJoint();
+ ~LLSkinJoint();
+ BOOL setupSkinJoint( LLAvatarJoint *joint);
+ LLAvatarJoint *mJoint;
+ LLVector3 mRootToJointSkinOffset;
+ LLVector3 mRootToParentJointSkinOffset;
+// class LLViewerJointMesh
+class LLAvatarJointMesh : public LLAvatarJoint
+ friend class LLAvatarAppearance;
+ LLColor4 mColor; // color value
+// LLColor4 mSpecular; // specular color (always white for now)
+ F32 mShiny; // shiny value
+ LLPointer<LLGLTexture> mTexture; // ptr to a global texture
+ LLTexLayerSet* mLayerSet; // ptr to a layer set owned by the avatar
+ U32 mTestImageName; // handle to a temporary texture for previewing uploads
+ LLPolyMesh* mMesh; // ptr to a global polymesh
+ BOOL mCullBackFaces; // true by default
+ LLFace* mFace; // ptr to a face w/ AGP copy of mesh
+ U32 mFaceIndexCount;
+ BOOL mIsTransparent;
+ U32 mNumSkinJoints;
+ LLSkinJoint* mSkinJoints;
+ S32 mMeshID;
+ static BOOL sPipelineRender;
+ //RN: this is here for testing purposes
+ static U32 sClothingMaskImageName;
+ static EAvatarRenderPass sRenderPass;
+ static LLColor4 sClothingInnerColor;
+ // Constructor
+ LLAvatarJointMesh();
+ // Destructor
+ virtual ~LLAvatarJointMesh();
+ // Gets the shape color
+ void getColor( F32 *red, F32 *green, F32 *blue, F32 *alpha );
+ // Sets the shape color
+ void setColor( F32 red, F32 green, F32 blue, F32 alpha );
+ // Sets the shininess
+ void setSpecular( const LLColor4& color, F32 shiny ) { /*mSpecular = color;*/ mShiny = shiny; };
+ // Sets the shape texture
+ void setTexture( LLGLTexture *texture );
+ void setTestTexture( U32 name ) { mTestImageName = name; }
+ // Sets layer set responsible for a dynamic shape texture (takes precedence over normal texture)
+ void setLayerSet( LLTexLayerSet* layer_set );
+ // Gets the poly mesh
+ LLPolyMesh *getMesh();
+ // Sets the poly mesh
+ void setMesh( LLPolyMesh *mesh );
+ // Sets up joint matrix data for rendering
+ void setupJoint(LLAvatarJoint* current_joint);
+ // Render time method to upload batches of joint matrices
+ void uploadJointMatrices();
+ // Sets ID for picking
+ void setMeshID( S32 id ) {mMeshID = id;}
+ // Gets ID for picking
+ S32 getMeshID() { return mMeshID; }
+ // Allocate skin data
+ BOOL allocateSkinData( U32 numSkinJoints );
+ // Free skin data
+ void freeSkinData();
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/llpolymesh.cpp b/indra/llappearance/llpolymesh.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1370ab1e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llappearance/llpolymesh.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1050 @@
+ * @file llpolymesh.cpp
+ * @brief Implementation of LLPolyMesh class
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Header Files
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include "llpolymesh.h"
+#include "llfasttimer.h"
+#include "llmemory.h"
+//#include "llviewercontrol.h"
+#include "llxmltree.h"
+#include "llavatarappearance.h"
+#include "llwearable.h"
+#include "lldir.h"
+#include "llvolume.h"
+#include "llendianswizzle.h"
+#define HEADER_ASCII "Linden Mesh 1.0"
+#define HEADER_BINARY "Linden Binary Mesh 1.0"
+//extern LLControlGroup gSavedSettings; // read only
+LLPolyMorphData *clone_morph_param_duplicate(const LLPolyMorphData *src_data,
+ const std::string &name);
+LLPolyMorphData *clone_morph_param_direction(const LLPolyMorphData *src_data,
+ const LLVector3 &direction,
+ const std::string &name);
+LLPolyMorphData *clone_morph_param_cleavage(const LLPolyMorphData *src_data,
+ F32 scale,
+ const std::string &name);
+// Global table of loaded LLPolyMeshes
+LLPolyMesh::LLPolyMeshSharedDataTable LLPolyMesh::sGlobalSharedMeshList;
+// LLPolyMeshSharedData()
+ mNumVertices = 0;
+ mBaseCoords = NULL;
+ mBaseNormals = NULL;
+ mBaseBinormals = NULL;
+ mTexCoords = NULL;
+ mDetailTexCoords = NULL;
+ mWeights = NULL;
+ mHasWeights = FALSE;
+ mHasDetailTexCoords = FALSE;
+ mNumFaces = 0;
+ mFaces = NULL;
+ mNumJointNames = 0;
+ mJointNames = NULL;
+ mTriangleIndices = NULL;
+ mNumTriangleIndices = 0;
+ mReferenceData = NULL;
+ mLastIndexOffset = -1;
+// ~LLPolyMeshSharedData()
+ freeMeshData();
+ for_each(mMorphData.begin(), mMorphData.end(), DeletePointer());
+ mMorphData.clear();
+// setupLOD()
+void LLPolyMeshSharedData::setupLOD(LLPolyMeshSharedData* reference_data)
+ mReferenceData = reference_data;
+ if (reference_data)
+ {
+ mBaseCoords = reference_data->mBaseCoords;
+ mBaseNormals = reference_data->mBaseNormals;
+ mBaseBinormals = reference_data->mBaseBinormals;
+ mTexCoords = reference_data->mTexCoords;
+ mDetailTexCoords = reference_data->mDetailTexCoords;
+ mWeights = reference_data->mWeights;
+ mHasWeights = reference_data->mHasWeights;
+ mHasDetailTexCoords = reference_data->mHasDetailTexCoords;
+ }
+// LLPolyMeshSharedData::freeMeshData()
+void LLPolyMeshSharedData::freeMeshData()
+ if (!mReferenceData)
+ {
+ mNumVertices = 0;
+ ll_aligned_free_16(mBaseCoords);
+ mBaseCoords = NULL;
+ ll_aligned_free_16(mBaseNormals);
+ mBaseNormals = NULL;
+ ll_aligned_free_16(mBaseBinormals);
+ mBaseBinormals = NULL;
+ ll_aligned_free_16(mTexCoords);
+ mTexCoords = NULL;
+ ll_aligned_free_16(mDetailTexCoords);
+ mDetailTexCoords = NULL;
+ ll_aligned_free_16(mWeights);
+ mWeights = NULL;
+ }
+ mNumFaces = 0;
+ delete [] mFaces;
+ mFaces = NULL;
+ mNumJointNames = 0;
+ delete [] mJointNames;
+ mJointNames = NULL;
+ delete [] mTriangleIndices;
+ mTriangleIndices = NULL;
+// mVertFaceMap.deleteAllData();
+// compate_int is used by the qsort function to sort the index array
+int compare_int(const void *a, const void *b);
+// genIndices()
+void LLPolyMeshSharedData::genIndices(S32 index_offset)
+ if (index_offset == mLastIndexOffset)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ delete []mTriangleIndices;
+ mTriangleIndices = new U32[mNumTriangleIndices];
+ S32 cur_index = 0;
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumFaces; i++)
+ {
+ mTriangleIndices[cur_index] = mFaces[i][0] + index_offset;
+ cur_index++;
+ mTriangleIndices[cur_index] = mFaces[i][1] + index_offset;
+ cur_index++;
+ mTriangleIndices[cur_index] = mFaces[i][2] + index_offset;
+ cur_index++;
+ }
+ mLastIndexOffset = index_offset;
+// LLPolyMeshSharedData::getNumKB()
+U32 LLPolyMeshSharedData::getNumKB()
+ U32 num_kb = sizeof(LLPolyMesh);
+ if (!isLOD())
+ {
+ num_kb += mNumVertices *
+ ( sizeof(LLVector3) + // coords
+ sizeof(LLVector3) + // normals
+ sizeof(LLVector2) ); // texCoords
+ }
+ if (mHasDetailTexCoords && !isLOD())
+ {
+ num_kb += mNumVertices * sizeof(LLVector2); // detailTexCoords
+ }
+ if (mHasWeights && !isLOD())
+ {
+ num_kb += mNumVertices * sizeof(float); // weights
+ }
+ num_kb += mNumFaces * sizeof(LLPolyFace); // faces
+ num_kb /= 1024;
+ return num_kb;
+// LLPolyMeshSharedData::allocateVertexData()
+BOOL LLPolyMeshSharedData::allocateVertexData( U32 numVertices )
+ U32 i;
+ mBaseCoords = (LLVector4a*) ll_aligned_malloc_16(numVertices*sizeof(LLVector4a));
+ mBaseNormals = (LLVector4a*) ll_aligned_malloc_16(numVertices*sizeof(LLVector4a));
+ mBaseBinormals = (LLVector4a*) ll_aligned_malloc_16(numVertices*sizeof(LLVector4a));
+ mTexCoords = (LLVector2*) ll_aligned_malloc_16(numVertices*sizeof(LLVector2));
+ mDetailTexCoords = (LLVector2*) ll_aligned_malloc_16(numVertices*sizeof(LLVector2));
+ mWeights = (F32*) ll_aligned_malloc_16(numVertices*sizeof(F32));
+ for (i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
+ {
+ mBaseCoords[i].clear();
+ mBaseNormals[i].clear();
+ mBaseBinormals[i].clear();
+ mTexCoords[i].clear();
+ mWeights[i] = 0.f;
+ }
+ mNumVertices = numVertices;
+ return TRUE;
+// LLPolyMeshSharedData::allocateFaceData()
+BOOL LLPolyMeshSharedData::allocateFaceData( U32 numFaces )
+ mFaces = new LLPolyFace[ numFaces ];
+ mNumFaces = numFaces;
+ mNumTriangleIndices = mNumFaces * 3;
+ return TRUE;
+// LLPolyMeshSharedData::allocateJointNames()
+BOOL LLPolyMeshSharedData::allocateJointNames( U32 numJointNames )
+ mJointNames = new std::string[ numJointNames ];
+ mNumJointNames = numJointNames;
+ return TRUE;
+// LLPolyMeshSharedData::loadMesh()
+BOOL LLPolyMeshSharedData::loadMesh( const std::string& fileName )
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Open the file
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(fileName.empty())
+ {
+ llerrs << "Filename is Empty!" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ LLFILE* fp = LLFile::fopen(fileName, "rb"); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/
+ if (!fp)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't open: " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Read a chunk
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ char header[128]; /*Flawfinder: ignore*/
+ if (fread(header, sizeof(char), 128, fp) != 128)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Short read" << llendl;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Check for proper binary header
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOOL status = FALSE;
+ if ( strncmp(header, HEADER_BINARY, strlen(HEADER_BINARY)) == 0 ) /*Flawfinder: ignore*/
+ {
+ lldebugs << "Loading " << fileName << llendl;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // File Header (seek past it)
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ fseek(fp, 24, SEEK_SET);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // HasWeights
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ U8 hasWeights;
+ size_t numRead = fread(&hasWeights, sizeof(U8), 1, fp);
+ if (numRead != 1)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read HasWeights flag from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!isLOD())
+ {
+ mHasWeights = (hasWeights==0) ? FALSE : TRUE;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // HasDetailTexCoords
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ U8 hasDetailTexCoords;
+ numRead = fread(&hasDetailTexCoords, sizeof(U8), 1, fp);
+ if (numRead != 1)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read HasDetailTexCoords flag from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Position
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLVector3 position;
+ numRead = fread(position.mV, sizeof(float), 3, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(position.mV, sizeof(float), 3);
+ if (numRead != 3)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read Position from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ setPosition( position );
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Rotation
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLVector3 rotationAngles;
+ numRead = fread(rotationAngles.mV, sizeof(float), 3, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(rotationAngles.mV, sizeof(float), 3);
+ if (numRead != 3)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read RotationAngles from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ U8 rotationOrder;
+ numRead = fread(&rotationOrder, sizeof(U8), 1, fp);
+ if (numRead != 1)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read RotationOrder from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ rotationOrder = 0;
+ setRotation( mayaQ( rotationAngles.mV[0],
+ rotationAngles.mV[1],
+ rotationAngles.mV[2],
+ (LLQuaternion::Order)rotationOrder ) );
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Scale
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLVector3 scale;
+ numRead = fread(scale.mV, sizeof(float), 3, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(scale.mV, sizeof(float), 3);
+ if (numRead != 3)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read Scale from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ setScale( scale );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Release any existing mesh geometry
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ freeMeshData();
+ U16 numVertices = 0;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // NumVertices
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (!isLOD())
+ {
+ numRead = fread(&numVertices, sizeof(U16), 1, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(&numVertices, sizeof(U16), 1);
+ if (numRead != 1)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read NumVertices from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ allocateVertexData( numVertices );
+ for (U16 i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
+ {
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Coords
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ numRead = fread(&mBaseCoords[i], sizeof(float), 3, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(&mBaseCoords[i], sizeof(float), 3);
+ if (numRead != 3)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read Coordinates from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ for (U16 i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
+ {
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Normals
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ numRead = fread(&mBaseNormals[i], sizeof(float), 3, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(&mBaseNormals[i], sizeof(float), 3);
+ if (numRead != 3)
+ {
+ llerrs << " can't read Normals from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ for (U16 i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
+ {
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Binormals
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ numRead = fread(&mBaseBinormals[i], sizeof(float), 3, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(&mBaseBinormals[i], sizeof(float), 3);
+ if (numRead != 3)
+ {
+ llerrs << " can't read Binormals from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TexCoords
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ numRead = fread(mTexCoords, 2*sizeof(float), numVertices, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(mTexCoords, sizeof(float), 2*numVertices);
+ if (numRead != numVertices)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read TexCoords from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DetailTexCoords
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (mHasDetailTexCoords)
+ {
+ numRead = fread(mDetailTexCoords, 2*sizeof(float), numVertices, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(mDetailTexCoords, sizeof(float), 2*numVertices);
+ if (numRead != numVertices)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read DetailTexCoords from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Weights
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (mHasWeights)
+ {
+ numRead = fread(mWeights, sizeof(float), numVertices, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(mWeights, sizeof(float), numVertices);
+ if (numRead != numVertices)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read Weights from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // NumFaces
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ U16 numFaces;
+ numRead = fread(&numFaces, sizeof(U16), 1, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(&numFaces, sizeof(U16), 1);
+ if (numRead != 1)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read NumFaces from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ allocateFaceData( numFaces );
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Faces
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ U32 i;
+ U32 numTris = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
+ {
+ S16 face[3];
+ numRead = fread(face, sizeof(U16), 3, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(face, sizeof(U16), 3);
+ if (numRead != 3)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read Face[" << i << "] from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (mReferenceData)
+ {
+ llassert(face[0] < mReferenceData->mNumVertices);
+ llassert(face[1] < mReferenceData->mNumVertices);
+ llassert(face[2] < mReferenceData->mNumVertices);
+ }
+ if (isLOD())
+ {
+ // store largest index in case of LODs
+ for (S32 j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ {
+ if (face[j] > mNumVertices - 1)
+ {
+ mNumVertices = face[j] + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mFaces[i][0] = face[0];
+ mFaces[i][1] = face[1];
+ mFaces[i][2] = face[2];
+// S32 j;
+// for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+// {
+// LLDynamicArray<S32> *face_list = mVertFaceMap.getIfThere(face[j]);
+// if (!face_list)
+// {
+// face_list = new LLDynamicArray<S32>;
+// mVertFaceMap.addData(face[j], face_list);
+// }
+// face_list->put(i);
+// }
+ numTris++;
+ }
+ lldebugs << "verts: " << numVertices
+ << ", faces: " << numFaces
+ << ", tris: " << numTris
+ << llendl;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // NumSkinJoints
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (!isLOD())
+ {
+ U16 numSkinJoints = 0;
+ if ( mHasWeights )
+ {
+ numRead = fread(&numSkinJoints, sizeof(U16), 1, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(&numSkinJoints, sizeof(U16), 1);
+ if (numRead != 1)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read NumSkinJoints from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ allocateJointNames( numSkinJoints );
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // SkinJoints
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ for (i=0; i < numSkinJoints; i++)
+ {
+ char jointName[64+1];
+ numRead = fread(jointName, sizeof(jointName)-1, 1, fp);
+ jointName[sizeof(jointName)-1] = '\0'; // ensure nul-termination
+ if (numRead != 1)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read Skin[" << i << "].Name from " << fileName << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ std::string *jn = &mJointNames[i];
+ *jn = jointName;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // look for morph section
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ char morphName[64+1];
+ morphName[sizeof(morphName)-1] = '\0'; // ensure nul-termination
+ while(fread(&morphName, sizeof(char), 64, fp) == 64)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(morphName, "End Morphs"))
+ {
+ // we reached the end of the morphs
+ break;
+ }
+ LLPolyMorphData* morph_data = new LLPolyMorphData(std::string(morphName));
+ BOOL result = morph_data->loadBinary(fp, this);
+ if (!result)
+ {
+ delete morph_data;
+ continue;
+ }
+ mMorphData.insert(morph_data);
+ if (!strcmp(morphName, "Breast_Female_Cleavage"))
+ {
+ mMorphData.insert(clone_morph_param_cleavage(morph_data,
+ .75f,
+ "Breast_Physics_LeftRight_Driven"));
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(morphName, "Breast_Female_Cleavage"))
+ {
+ mMorphData.insert(clone_morph_param_duplicate(morph_data,
+ "Breast_Physics_InOut_Driven"));
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(morphName, "Breast_Gravity"))
+ {
+ mMorphData.insert(clone_morph_param_duplicate(morph_data,
+ "Breast_Physics_UpDown_Driven"));
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(morphName, "Big_Belly_Torso"))
+ {
+ mMorphData.insert(clone_morph_param_direction(morph_data,
+ LLVector3(0,0,0.05f),
+ "Belly_Physics_Torso_UpDown_Driven"));
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(morphName, "Big_Belly_Legs"))
+ {
+ mMorphData.insert(clone_morph_param_direction(morph_data,
+ LLVector3(0,0,0.05f),
+ "Belly_Physics_Legs_UpDown_Driven"));
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(morphName, "skirt_belly"))
+ {
+ mMorphData.insert(clone_morph_param_direction(morph_data,
+ LLVector3(0,0,0.05f),
+ "Belly_Physics_Skirt_UpDown_Driven"));
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(morphName, "Small_Butt"))
+ {
+ mMorphData.insert(clone_morph_param_direction(morph_data,
+ LLVector3(0,0,0.05f),
+ "Butt_Physics_UpDown_Driven"));
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(morphName, "Small_Butt"))
+ {
+ mMorphData.insert(clone_morph_param_direction(morph_data,
+ LLVector3(0,0.03f,0),
+ "Butt_Physics_LeftRight_Driven"));
+ }
+ }
+ S32 numRemaps;
+ if (fread(&numRemaps, sizeof(S32), 1, fp) == 1)
+ {
+ llendianswizzle(&numRemaps, sizeof(S32), 1);
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < numRemaps; i++)
+ {
+ S32 remapSrc;
+ S32 remapDst;
+ if (fread(&remapSrc, sizeof(S32), 1, fp) != 1)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read source vertex in vertex remap data" << llendl;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fread(&remapDst, sizeof(S32), 1, fp) != 1)
+ {
+ llerrs << "can't read destination vertex in vertex remap data" << llendl;
+ break;
+ }
+ llendianswizzle(&remapSrc, sizeof(S32), 1);
+ llendianswizzle(&remapDst, sizeof(S32), 1);
+ mSharedVerts[remapSrc] = remapDst;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ status = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llerrs << "invalid mesh file header: " << fileName << llendl;
+ status = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (0 == mNumJointNames)
+ {
+ allocateJointNames(1);
+ }
+ fclose( fp );
+ return status;
+// getSharedVert()
+const S32 *LLPolyMeshSharedData::getSharedVert(S32 vert)
+ if (mSharedVerts.count(vert) > 0)
+ {
+ return &mSharedVerts[vert];
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// getUV()
+const LLVector2 &LLPolyMeshSharedData::getUVs(U32 index)
+ // TODO: convert all index variables to S32
+ llassert((S32)index < mNumVertices);
+ return mTexCoords[index];
+// LLPolyMesh()
+LLPolyMesh::LLPolyMesh(LLPolyMeshSharedData *shared_data, LLPolyMesh *reference_mesh)
+ llassert(shared_data);
+ mSharedData = shared_data;
+ mReferenceMesh = reference_mesh;
+ mAvatarp = NULL;
+ mVertexData = NULL;
+ mCurVertexCount = 0;
+ mFaceIndexCount = 0;
+ mFaceIndexOffset = 0;
+ mFaceVertexCount = 0;
+ mFaceVertexOffset = 0;
+ if (shared_data->isLOD() && reference_mesh)
+ {
+ mCoords = reference_mesh->mCoords;
+ mNormals = reference_mesh->mNormals;
+ mScaledNormals = reference_mesh->mScaledNormals;
+ mBinormals = reference_mesh->mBinormals;
+ mScaledBinormals = reference_mesh->mScaledBinormals;
+ mTexCoords = reference_mesh->mTexCoords;
+ mClothingWeights = reference_mesh->mClothingWeights;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Allocate memory without initializing every vector
+ // NOTE: This makes asusmptions about the size of LLVector[234]
+ S32 nverts = mSharedData->mNumVertices;
+ //make sure it's an even number of verts for alignment
+ nverts += nverts%2;
+ S32 nfloats = nverts * (
+ 4 + //coords
+ 4 + //normals
+ 4 + //weights
+ 2 + //coords
+ 4 + //scaled normals
+ 4 + //binormals
+ 4); //scaled binormals
+ //use 16 byte aligned vertex data to make LLPolyMesh SSE friendly
+ mVertexData = (F32*) ll_aligned_malloc_16(nfloats*4);
+ S32 offset = 0;
+ mCoords = (LLVector4a*)(mVertexData + offset); offset += 4*nverts;
+ mNormals = (LLVector4a*)(mVertexData + offset); offset += 4*nverts;
+ mClothingWeights = (LLVector4a*)(mVertexData + offset); offset += 4*nverts;
+ mTexCoords = (LLVector2*)(mVertexData + offset); offset += 2*nverts;
+ mScaledNormals = (LLVector4a*)(mVertexData + offset); offset += 4*nverts;
+ mBinormals = (LLVector4a*)(mVertexData + offset); offset += 4*nverts;
+ mScaledBinormals = (LLVector4a*)(mVertexData + offset); offset += 4*nverts;
+ initializeForMorph();
+ }
+// ~LLPolyMesh()
+ S32 i;
+ for (i = 0; i < mJointRenderData.count(); i++)
+ {
+ delete mJointRenderData[i];
+ mJointRenderData[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ ll_aligned_free_16(mVertexData);
+// LLPolyMesh::getMesh()
+LLPolyMesh *LLPolyMesh::getMesh(const std::string &name, LLPolyMesh* reference_mesh)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // search for an existing mesh by this name
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLPolyMeshSharedData* meshSharedData = get_if_there(sGlobalSharedMeshList, name, (LLPolyMeshSharedData*)NULL);
+ if (meshSharedData)
+ {
+// llinfos << "Polymesh " << name << " found in global mesh table." << llendl;
+ LLPolyMesh *poly_mesh = new LLPolyMesh(meshSharedData, reference_mesh);
+ return poly_mesh;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // if not found, create a new one, add it to the list
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::string full_path;
+ full_path = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CHARACTER,name);
+ LLPolyMeshSharedData *mesh_data = new LLPolyMeshSharedData();
+ if (reference_mesh)
+ {
+ mesh_data->setupLOD(reference_mesh->getSharedData());
+ }
+ if ( ! mesh_data->loadMesh( full_path ) )
+ {
+ delete mesh_data;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ LLPolyMesh *poly_mesh = new LLPolyMesh(mesh_data, reference_mesh);
+// llinfos << "Polymesh " << name << " added to global mesh table." << llendl;
+ sGlobalSharedMeshList[name] = poly_mesh->mSharedData;
+ return poly_mesh;
+// LLPolyMesh::freeAllMeshes()
+void LLPolyMesh::freeAllMeshes()
+ // delete each item in the global lists
+ for_each(sGlobalSharedMeshList.begin(), sGlobalSharedMeshList.end(), DeletePairedPointer());
+ sGlobalSharedMeshList.clear();
+LLPolyMeshSharedData *LLPolyMesh::getSharedData() const
+ return mSharedData;
+// LLPolyMesh::dumpDiagInfo()
+void LLPolyMesh::dumpDiagInfo()
+ // keep track of totals
+ U32 total_verts = 0;
+ U32 total_faces = 0;
+ U32 total_kb = 0;
+ std::string buf;
+ llinfos << "-----------------------------------------------------" << llendl;
+ llinfos << " Global PolyMesh Table (DEBUG only)" << llendl;
+ llinfos << " Verts Faces Mem(KB) Name" << llendl;
+ llinfos << "-----------------------------------------------------" << llendl;
+ // print each loaded mesh, and it's memory usage
+ for(LLPolyMeshSharedDataTable::iterator iter = sGlobalSharedMeshList.begin();
+ iter != sGlobalSharedMeshList.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ const std::string& mesh_name = iter->first;
+ LLPolyMeshSharedData* mesh = iter->second;
+ S32 num_verts = mesh->mNumVertices;
+ S32 num_faces = mesh->mNumFaces;
+ U32 num_kb = mesh->getNumKB();
+ buf = llformat("%8d %8d %8d %s", num_verts, num_faces, num_kb, mesh_name.c_str());
+ llinfos << buf << llendl;
+ total_verts += num_verts;
+ total_faces += num_faces;
+ total_kb += num_kb;
+ }
+ llinfos << "-----------------------------------------------------" << llendl;
+ buf = llformat("%8d %8d %8d TOTAL", total_verts, total_faces, total_kb );
+ llinfos << buf << llendl;
+ llinfos << "-----------------------------------------------------" << llendl;
+// getWritableCoords()
+LLVector4a *LLPolyMesh::getWritableCoords()
+ return mCoords;
+// getWritableNormals()
+LLVector4a *LLPolyMesh::getWritableNormals()
+ return mNormals;
+// getWritableBinormals()
+LLVector4a *LLPolyMesh::getWritableBinormals()
+ return mBinormals;
+// getWritableClothingWeights()
+LLVector4a *LLPolyMesh::getWritableClothingWeights()
+ return mClothingWeights;
+// getWritableTexCoords()
+LLVector2 *LLPolyMesh::getWritableTexCoords()
+ return mTexCoords;
+// getScaledNormals()
+LLVector4a *LLPolyMesh::getScaledNormals()
+ return mScaledNormals;
+// getScaledBinormals()
+LLVector4a *LLPolyMesh::getScaledBinormals()
+ return mScaledBinormals;
+// initializeForMorph()
+void LLPolyMesh::initializeForMorph()
+ LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mCoords, (F32*) mSharedData->mBaseCoords, sizeof(LLVector4a) * mSharedData->mNumVertices);
+ LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mNormals, (F32*) mSharedData->mBaseNormals, sizeof(LLVector4a) * mSharedData->mNumVertices);
+ LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mScaledNormals, (F32*) mSharedData->mBaseNormals, sizeof(LLVector4a) * mSharedData->mNumVertices);
+ LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mBinormals, (F32*) mSharedData->mBaseNormals, sizeof(LLVector4a) * mSharedData->mNumVertices);
+ LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mScaledBinormals, (F32*) mSharedData->mBaseNormals, sizeof(LLVector4a) * mSharedData->mNumVertices);
+ LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mTexCoords, (F32*) mSharedData->mTexCoords, sizeof(LLVector2) * (mSharedData->mNumVertices + mSharedData->mNumVertices%2));
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < mSharedData->mNumVertices; ++i)
+ {
+ mClothingWeights[i].clear();
+ }
+// getMorphData()
+LLPolyMorphData* LLPolyMesh::getMorphData(const std::string& morph_name)
+ if (!mSharedData)
+ return NULL;
+ for (LLPolyMeshSharedData::morphdata_list_t::iterator iter = mSharedData->mMorphData.begin();
+ iter != mSharedData->mMorphData.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ LLPolyMorphData *morph_data = *iter;
+ if (morph_data->getName() == morph_name)
+ {
+ return morph_data;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// removeMorphData()
+// // erasing but not deleting seems bad, but fortunately we don't actually use this...
+// void LLPolyMesh::removeMorphData(LLPolyMorphData *morph_target)
+// {
+// if (!mSharedData)
+// return;
+// mSharedData->mMorphData.erase(morph_target);
+// }
+// deleteAllMorphData()
+// void LLPolyMesh::deleteAllMorphData()
+// {
+// if (!mSharedData)
+// return;
+// for_each(mSharedData->mMorphData.begin(), mSharedData->mMorphData.end(), DeletePointer());
+// mSharedData->mMorphData.clear();
+// }
+// getWritableWeights()
+F32* LLPolyMesh::getWritableWeights() const
+ return mSharedData->mWeights;
+// End
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/llpolymesh.h b/indra/llappearance/llpolymesh.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef1dfb1adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llappearance/llpolymesh.h
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+ * @file llpolymesh.h
+ * @brief Implementation of LLPolyMesh class
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include "llstl.h"
+#include "v3math.h"
+#include "v2math.h"
+#include "llquaternion.h"
+#include "llpolymorph.h"
+#include "lljoint.h"
+//#include "lldarray.h"
+class LLSkinJoint;
+class LLAvatarAppearance;
+class LLWearable;
+//#define USE_STRIPS // Use tri-strips for rendering.
+// LLPolyFace
+// A set of 4 vertex indices.
+// An LLPolyFace can represent either a triangle or quad.
+// If the last index is -1, it's a triangle.
+typedef S32 LLPolyFace[3];
+//struct PrimitiveGroup;
+// LLPolyMesh
+// A polyhedra consisting of any number of triangles and quads.
+// All instances contain a set of faces, and optionally may include
+// faces grouped into named face sets.
+class LLPolyMorphTarget;
+class LLPolyMeshSharedData
+ friend class LLPolyMesh;
+ // transform data
+ LLVector3 mPosition;
+ LLQuaternion mRotation;
+ LLVector3 mScale;
+ // vertex data
+ S32 mNumVertices;
+ LLVector4a *mBaseCoords;
+ LLVector4a *mBaseNormals;
+ LLVector4a *mBaseBinormals;
+ LLVector2 *mTexCoords;
+ LLVector2 *mDetailTexCoords;
+ F32 *mWeights;
+ BOOL mHasWeights;
+ BOOL mHasDetailTexCoords;
+ // face data
+ S32 mNumFaces;
+ LLPolyFace *mFaces;
+ // face set data
+ U32 mNumJointNames;
+ std::string* mJointNames;
+ // morph targets
+ typedef std::set<LLPolyMorphData*> morphdata_list_t;
+ morphdata_list_t mMorphData;
+ std::map<S32, S32> mSharedVerts;
+ LLPolyMeshSharedData* mReferenceData;
+ S32 mLastIndexOffset;
+ // Temporarily...
+ // Triangle indices
+ U32 mNumTriangleIndices;
+ U32 *mTriangleIndices;
+ LLPolyMeshSharedData();
+ ~LLPolyMeshSharedData();
+ void setupLOD(LLPolyMeshSharedData* reference_data);
+ // Frees all mesh memory resources
+ void freeMeshData();
+ void setPosition( const LLVector3 &pos ) { mPosition = pos; }
+ void setRotation( const LLQuaternion &rot ) { mRotation = rot; }
+ void setScale( const LLVector3 &scale ) { mScale = scale; }
+ BOOL allocateVertexData( U32 numVertices );
+ BOOL allocateFaceData( U32 numFaces );
+ BOOL allocateJointNames( U32 numJointNames );
+ // Retrieve the number of KB of memory used by this instance
+ U32 getNumKB();
+ // Load mesh data from file
+ BOOL loadMesh( const std::string& fileName );
+ void genIndices(S32 offset);
+ const LLVector2 &getUVs(U32 index);
+ const S32 *getSharedVert(S32 vert);
+ BOOL isLOD() { return (mReferenceData != NULL); }
+class LLJointRenderData
+ LLJointRenderData(const LLMatrix4* world_matrix, LLSkinJoint* skin_joint) : mWorldMatrix(world_matrix), mSkinJoint(skin_joint) {}
+ ~LLJointRenderData(){}
+ const LLMatrix4* mWorldMatrix;
+ LLSkinJoint* mSkinJoint;
+class LLPolyMesh
+ // Constructor
+ LLPolyMesh(LLPolyMeshSharedData *shared_data, LLPolyMesh *reference_mesh);
+ // Destructor
+ ~LLPolyMesh();
+ // Requests a mesh by name.
+ // If the mesh already exists in the global mesh table, it is returned,
+ // otherwise it is loaded from file, added to the table, and returned.
+ static LLPolyMesh *getMesh( const std::string &name, LLPolyMesh* reference_mesh = NULL);
+ // Frees all loaded meshes.
+ // This should only be called once you know there are no outstanding
+ // references to these objects. Generally, upon exit of the application.
+ static void freeAllMeshes();
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Transform Data Access
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Get position
+ const LLVector3 &getPosition() {
+ llassert (mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mPosition;
+ }
+ // Get rotation
+ const LLQuaternion &getRotation() {
+ llassert (mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mRotation;
+ }
+ // Get scale
+ const LLVector3 &getScale() {
+ llassert (mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mScale;
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Vertex Data Access
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Get number of vertices
+ U32 getNumVertices() {
+ llassert (mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mNumVertices;
+ }
+ // Returns whether or not the mesh has detail texture coords
+ BOOL hasDetailTexCoords() {
+ llassert (mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mHasDetailTexCoords;
+ }
+ // Returns whether or not the mesh has vertex weights
+ BOOL hasWeights() const{
+ llassert (mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mHasWeights;
+ }
+ // Get coords
+ const LLVector4a *getCoords() const{
+ return mCoords;
+ }
+ // non const version
+ LLVector4a *getWritableCoords();
+ // Get normals
+ const LLVector4a *getNormals() const{
+ return mNormals;
+ }
+ // Get normals
+ const LLVector4a *getBinormals() const{
+ return mBinormals;
+ }
+ // Get base mesh normals
+ const LLVector4a *getBaseNormals() const{
+ llassert(mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mBaseNormals;
+ }
+ // Get base mesh normals
+ const LLVector4a *getBaseBinormals() const{
+ llassert(mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mBaseBinormals;
+ }
+ // intermediate morphed normals and output normals
+ LLVector4a *getWritableNormals();
+ LLVector4a *getScaledNormals();
+ LLVector4a *getWritableBinormals();
+ LLVector4a *getScaledBinormals();
+ // Get texCoords
+ const LLVector2 *getTexCoords() const {
+ return mTexCoords;
+ }
+ // non const version
+ LLVector2 *getWritableTexCoords();
+ // Get detailTexCoords
+ const LLVector2 *getDetailTexCoords() const {
+ llassert (mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mDetailTexCoords;
+ }
+ // Get weights
+ const F32 *getWeights() const {
+ llassert (mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mWeights;
+ }
+ F32 *getWritableWeights() const;
+ LLVector4a *getWritableClothingWeights();
+ const LLVector4a *getClothingWeights()
+ {
+ return mClothingWeights;
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Face Data Access
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Get number of faces
+ S32 getNumFaces() {
+ llassert (mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mNumFaces;
+ }
+ // Get faces
+ LLPolyFace *getFaces() {
+ llassert (mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mFaces;
+ }
+ U32 getNumJointNames() {
+ llassert (mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mNumJointNames;
+ }
+ std::string *getJointNames() {
+ llassert (mSharedData);
+ return mSharedData->mJointNames;
+ }
+ LLPolyMorphData* getMorphData(const std::string& morph_name);
+// void removeMorphData(LLPolyMorphData *morph_target);
+// void deleteAllMorphData();
+ LLPolyMeshSharedData *getSharedData() const;
+ LLPolyMesh *getReferenceMesh() { return mReferenceMesh ? mReferenceMesh : this; }
+ // Get indices
+ U32* getIndices() { return mSharedData ? mSharedData->mTriangleIndices : NULL; }
+ BOOL isLOD() { return mSharedData && mSharedData->isLOD(); }
+ void setAvatar(LLAvatarAppearance* avatarp) { mAvatarp = avatarp; }
+ LLAvatarAppearance* getAvatar() { return mAvatarp; }
+ LLDynamicArray<LLJointRenderData*> mJointRenderData;
+ U32 mFaceVertexOffset;
+ U32 mFaceVertexCount;
+ U32 mFaceIndexOffset;
+ U32 mFaceIndexCount;
+ U32 mCurVertexCount;
+ void initializeForMorph();
+ // Dumps diagnostic information about the global mesh table
+ static void dumpDiagInfo();
+ // mesh data shared across all instances of a given mesh
+ LLPolyMeshSharedData *mSharedData;
+ // Single array of floats for allocation / deletion
+ F32 *mVertexData;
+ // deformed vertices (resulting from application of morph targets)
+ LLVector4a *mCoords;
+ // deformed normals (resulting from application of morph targets)
+ LLVector4a *mScaledNormals;
+ // output normals (after normalization)
+ LLVector4a *mNormals;
+ // deformed binormals (resulting from application of morph targets)
+ LLVector4a *mScaledBinormals;
+ // output binormals (after normalization)
+ LLVector4a *mBinormals;
+ // weight values that mark verts as clothing/skin
+ LLVector4a *mClothingWeights;
+ // output texture coordinates
+ LLVector2 *mTexCoords;
+ LLPolyMesh *mReferenceMesh;
+ // global mesh list
+ typedef std::map<std::string, LLPolyMeshSharedData*> LLPolyMeshSharedDataTable;
+ static LLPolyMeshSharedDataTable sGlobalSharedMeshList;
+ // Backlink only; don't make this an LLPointer.
+ LLAvatarAppearance* mAvatarp;
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/llpolymorph.cpp b/indra/llappearance/llpolymorph.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa680894ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llappearance/llpolymorph.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+ * @file llpolymorph.cpp
+ * @brief Implementation of LLPolyMesh class
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Header Files
+#include "llpolymorph.h"
+#include "llavatarappearance.h"
+#include "llavatarjoint.h"
+#include "llwearable.h"
+#include "llxmltree.h"
+#include "llendianswizzle.h"
+#include "llpolymesh.h"
+//#include "../tools/imdebug/imdebug.h"
+const F32 NORMAL_SOFTEN_FACTOR = 0.65f;
+// LLPolyMorphData()
+LLPolyMorphData::LLPolyMorphData(const std::string& morph_name)
+ : mName(morph_name)
+ mNumIndices = 0;
+ mCurrentIndex = 0;
+ mTotalDistortion = 0.f;
+ mAvgDistortion.clear();
+ mMaxDistortion = 0.f;
+ mVertexIndices = NULL;
+ mCoords = NULL;
+ mNormals = NULL;
+ mBinormals = NULL;
+ mTexCoords = NULL;
+ mMesh = NULL;
+LLPolyMorphData::LLPolyMorphData(const LLPolyMorphData &rhs) :
+ mName(rhs.mName),
+ mNumIndices(rhs.mNumIndices),
+ mTotalDistortion(rhs.mTotalDistortion),
+ mAvgDistortion(rhs.mAvgDistortion),
+ mMaxDistortion(rhs.mMaxDistortion),
+ mVertexIndices(NULL),
+ mCoords(NULL),
+ mNormals(NULL),
+ mBinormals(NULL),
+ mTexCoords(NULL)
+ const S32 numVertices = mNumIndices;
+ mCoords = new LLVector4a[numVertices];
+ mNormals = new LLVector4a[numVertices];
+ mBinormals = new LLVector4a[numVertices];
+ mTexCoords = new LLVector2[numVertices];
+ mVertexIndices = new U32[numVertices];
+ for (S32 v=0; v < numVertices; v++)
+ {
+ mCoords[v] = rhs.mCoords[v];
+ mNormals[v] = rhs.mNormals[v];
+ mBinormals[v] = rhs.mBinormals[v];
+ mTexCoords[v] = rhs.mTexCoords[v];
+ mVertexIndices[v] = rhs.mVertexIndices[v];
+ }
+// ~LLPolyMorphData()
+ delete [] mVertexIndices;
+ delete [] mCoords;
+ delete [] mNormals;
+ delete [] mBinormals;
+ delete [] mTexCoords;
+// loadBinary()
+BOOL LLPolyMorphData::loadBinary(LLFILE *fp, LLPolyMeshSharedData *mesh)
+ S32 numVertices;
+ S32 numRead;
+ numRead = fread(&numVertices, sizeof(S32), 1, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(&numVertices, sizeof(S32), 1);
+ if (numRead != 1)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Can't read number of morph target vertices" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // allocate vertices
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ mCoords = new LLVector4a[numVertices];
+ mNormals = new LLVector4a[numVertices];
+ mBinormals = new LLVector4a[numVertices];
+ mTexCoords = new LLVector2[numVertices];
+ // Actually, we are allocating more space than we need for the skiplist
+ mVertexIndices = new U32[numVertices];
+ mNumIndices = 0;
+ mTotalDistortion = 0.f;
+ mMaxDistortion = 0.f;
+ mAvgDistortion.clear();
+ mMesh = mesh;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // read vertices
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for(S32 v = 0; v < numVertices; v++)
+ {
+ numRead = fread(&mVertexIndices[v], sizeof(U32), 1, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(&mVertexIndices[v], sizeof(U32), 1);
+ if (numRead != 1)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Can't read morph target vertex number" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (mVertexIndices[v] > 10000)
+ {
+ llerrs << "Bad morph index: " << mVertexIndices[v] << llendl;
+ }
+ numRead = fread(&mCoords[v], sizeof(F32), 3, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(&mCoords[v], sizeof(F32), 3);
+ if (numRead != 3)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Can't read morph target vertex coordinates" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ F32 magnitude = mCoords[v].getLength3().getF32();
+ mTotalDistortion += magnitude;
+ LLVector4a t;
+ t.setAbs(mCoords[v]);
+ mAvgDistortion.add(t);
+ if (magnitude > mMaxDistortion)
+ {
+ mMaxDistortion = magnitude;
+ }
+ numRead = fread(&mNormals[v], sizeof(F32), 3, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(&mNormals[v], sizeof(F32), 3);
+ if (numRead != 3)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Can't read morph target normal" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ numRead = fread(&mBinormals[v], sizeof(F32), 3, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(&mBinormals[v], sizeof(F32), 3);
+ if (numRead != 3)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Can't read morph target binormal" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ numRead = fread(&mTexCoords[v].mV, sizeof(F32), 2, fp);
+ llendianswizzle(&mTexCoords[v].mV, sizeof(F32), 2);
+ if (numRead != 2)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Can't read morph target uv" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ mNumIndices++;
+ }
+ mAvgDistortion.mul(1.f/(F32)mNumIndices);
+ mAvgDistortion.normalize3fast();
+ return TRUE;
+// LLPolyMorphTargetInfo()
+ : mIsClothingMorph(FALSE)
+BOOL LLPolyMorphTargetInfo::parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node)
+ llassert( node->hasName( "param" ) && node->getChildByName( "param_morph" ) );
+ if (!LLViewerVisualParamInfo::parseXml(node))
+ return FALSE;
+ // Get mixed-case name
+ static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("name");
+ if( !node->getFastAttributeString( name_string, mMorphName ) )
+ {
+ llwarns << "Avatar file: <param> is missing name attribute" << llendl;
+ return FALSE; // Continue, ignoring this tag
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle clothing_morph_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("clothing_morph");
+ node->getFastAttributeBOOL(clothing_morph_string, mIsClothingMorph);
+ LLXmlTreeNode *paramNode = node->getChildByName("param_morph");
+ if (NULL == paramNode)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Failed to getChildByName(\"param_morph\")"
+ << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ for (LLXmlTreeNode* child_node = paramNode->getFirstChild();
+ child_node;
+ child_node = paramNode->getNextChild())
+ {
+ static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("name");
+ if (child_node->hasName("volume_morph"))
+ {
+ std::string volume_name;
+ if (child_node->getFastAttributeString(name_string, volume_name))
+ {
+ LLVector3 scale;
+ static LLStdStringHandle scale_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("scale");
+ child_node->getFastAttributeVector3(scale_string, scale);
+ LLVector3 pos;
+ static LLStdStringHandle pos_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("pos");
+ child_node->getFastAttributeVector3(pos_string, pos);
+ mVolumeInfoList.push_back(LLPolyVolumeMorphInfo(volume_name,scale,pos));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// LLPolyMorphTarget()
+LLPolyMorphTarget::LLPolyMorphTarget(LLPolyMesh *poly_mesh)
+ : mMorphData(NULL), mMesh(poly_mesh),
+ mVertMask(NULL),
+ mLastSex(SEX_FEMALE),
+ mNumMorphMasksPending(0)
+// ~LLPolyMorphTarget()
+ if (mVertMask)
+ {
+ delete mVertMask;
+ }
+// setInfo()
+BOOL LLPolyMorphTarget::setInfo(LLPolyMorphTargetInfo* info)
+ llassert(mInfo == NULL);
+ if (info->mID < 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ mInfo = info;
+ mID = info->mID;
+ setWeight(getDefaultWeight(), FALSE );
+ LLAvatarAppearance* avatarp = mMesh->getAvatar();
+ LLPolyMorphTargetInfo::volume_info_list_t::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = getInfo()->mVolumeInfoList.begin(); iter != getInfo()->mVolumeInfoList.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ LLPolyVolumeMorphInfo *volume_info = &(*iter);
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < avatarp->mNumCollisionVolumes; i++)
+ {
+ if (avatarp->mCollisionVolumes[i].getName() == volume_info->mName)
+ {
+ mVolumeMorphs.push_back(LLPolyVolumeMorph(&avatarp->mCollisionVolumes[i],
+ volume_info->mScale,
+ volume_info->mPos));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::string morph_param_name = getInfo()->mMorphName;
+ mMorphData = mMesh->getMorphData(morph_param_name);
+ if (!mMorphData)
+ {
+ const std::string driven_tag = "_Driven";
+ U32 pos = morph_param_name.find(driven_tag);
+ if (pos > 0)
+ {
+ morph_param_name = morph_param_name.substr(0,pos);
+ mMorphData = mMesh->getMorphData(morph_param_name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!mMorphData)
+ {
+ llwarns << "No morph target named " << morph_param_name << " found in mesh." << llendl;
+ return FALSE; // Continue, ignoring this tag
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/*virtual*/ LLViewerVisualParam* LLPolyMorphTarget::cloneParam(LLWearable* wearable) const
+ LLPolyMorphTarget *new_param = new LLPolyMorphTarget(mMesh);
+ *new_param = *this;
+ return new_param;
+#if 0 // obsolete
+// parseData()
+BOOL LLPolyMorphTarget::parseData(LLXmlTreeNode* node)
+ LLPolyMorphTargetInfo* info = new LLPolyMorphTargetInfo;
+ info->parseXml(node);
+ if (!setInfo(info))
+ {
+ delete info;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// getVertexDistortion()
+LLVector4a LLPolyMorphTarget::getVertexDistortion(S32 requested_index, LLPolyMesh *mesh)
+ if (!mMorphData || mMesh != mesh) return LLVector4a::getZero();
+ for(U32 index = 0; index < mMorphData->mNumIndices; index++)
+ {
+ if (mMorphData->mVertexIndices[index] == (U32)requested_index)
+ {
+ return mMorphData->mCoords[index];
+ }
+ }
+ return LLVector4a::getZero();
+// getFirstDistortion()
+const LLVector4a *LLPolyMorphTarget::getFirstDistortion(U32 *index, LLPolyMesh **poly_mesh)
+ if (!mMorphData) return &LLVector4a::getZero();
+ LLVector4a* resultVec;
+ mMorphData->mCurrentIndex = 0;
+ if (mMorphData->mNumIndices)
+ {
+ resultVec = &mMorphData->mCoords[mMorphData->mCurrentIndex];
+ if (index != NULL)
+ {
+ *index = mMorphData->mVertexIndices[mMorphData->mCurrentIndex];
+ }
+ if (poly_mesh != NULL)
+ {
+ *poly_mesh = mMesh;
+ }
+ return resultVec;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// getNextDistortion()
+const LLVector4a *LLPolyMorphTarget::getNextDistortion(U32 *index, LLPolyMesh **poly_mesh)
+ if (!mMorphData) return &LLVector4a::getZero();
+ LLVector4a* resultVec;
+ mMorphData->mCurrentIndex++;
+ if (mMorphData->mCurrentIndex < mMorphData->mNumIndices)
+ {
+ resultVec = &mMorphData->mCoords[mMorphData->mCurrentIndex];
+ if (index != NULL)
+ {
+ *index = mMorphData->mVertexIndices[mMorphData->mCurrentIndex];
+ }
+ if (poly_mesh != NULL)
+ {
+ *poly_mesh = mMesh;
+ }
+ return resultVec;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// getTotalDistortion()
+F32 LLPolyMorphTarget::getTotalDistortion()
+ if (mMorphData)
+ {
+ return mMorphData->mTotalDistortion;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0.f;
+ }
+// getAvgDistortion()
+const LLVector4a& LLPolyMorphTarget::getAvgDistortion()
+ if (mMorphData)
+ {
+ return mMorphData->mAvgDistortion;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return LLVector4a::getZero();
+ }
+// getMaxDistortion()
+F32 LLPolyMorphTarget::getMaxDistortion()
+ if (mMorphData)
+ {
+ return mMorphData->mMaxDistortion;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0.f;
+ }
+// apply()
+static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_APPLY_MORPH_TARGET("Apply Morph");
+void LLPolyMorphTarget::apply( ESex avatar_sex )
+ if (!mMorphData || mNumMorphMasksPending > 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ mLastSex = avatar_sex;
+ // Check for NaN condition (NaN is detected if a variable doesn't equal itself.
+ if (mCurWeight != mCurWeight)
+ {
+ mCurWeight = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (mLastWeight != mLastWeight)
+ {
+ mLastWeight = mCurWeight+.001;
+ }
+ // perform differential update of morph
+ F32 delta_weight = ( getSex() & avatar_sex ) ? (mCurWeight - mLastWeight) : (getDefaultWeight() - mLastWeight);
+ // store last weight
+ mLastWeight += delta_weight;
+ if (delta_weight != 0.f)
+ {
+ llassert(!mMesh->isLOD());
+ LLVector4a *coords = mMesh->getWritableCoords();
+ LLVector4a *scaled_normals = mMesh->getScaledNormals();
+ LLVector4a *normals = mMesh->getWritableNormals();
+ LLVector4a *scaled_binormals = mMesh->getScaledBinormals();
+ LLVector4a *binormals = mMesh->getWritableBinormals();
+ LLVector4a *clothing_weights = mMesh->getWritableClothingWeights();
+ LLVector2 *tex_coords = mMesh->getWritableTexCoords();
+ F32 *maskWeightArray = (mVertMask) ? mVertMask->getMorphMaskWeights() : NULL;
+ for(U32 vert_index_morph = 0; vert_index_morph < mMorphData->mNumIndices; vert_index_morph++)
+ {
+ S32 vert_index_mesh = mMorphData->mVertexIndices[vert_index_morph];
+ F32 maskWeight = 1.f;
+ if (maskWeightArray)
+ {
+ maskWeight = maskWeightArray[vert_index_morph];
+ }
+ LLVector4a pos = mMorphData->mCoords[vert_index_morph];
+ pos.mul(delta_weight*maskWeight);
+ coords[vert_index_mesh].add(pos);
+ if (getInfo()->mIsClothingMorph && clothing_weights)
+ {
+ LLVector4a clothing_offset = mMorphData->mCoords[vert_index_morph];
+ clothing_offset.mul(delta_weight * maskWeight);
+ LLVector4a* clothing_weight = &clothing_weights[vert_index_mesh];
+ clothing_weight->add(clothing_offset);
+ clothing_weight->getF32ptr()[VW] = maskWeight;
+ }
+ // calculate new normals based on half angles
+ LLVector4a norm = mMorphData->mNormals[vert_index_morph];
+ norm.mul(delta_weight*maskWeight*NORMAL_SOFTEN_FACTOR);
+ scaled_normals[vert_index_mesh].add(norm);
+ norm = scaled_normals[vert_index_mesh];
+ norm.normalize3fast();
+ normals[vert_index_mesh] = norm;
+ // calculate new binormals
+ LLVector4a binorm = mMorphData->mBinormals[vert_index_morph];
+ binorm.mul(delta_weight*maskWeight*NORMAL_SOFTEN_FACTOR);
+ scaled_binormals[vert_index_mesh].add(binorm);
+ LLVector4a tangent;
+ tangent.setCross3(scaled_binormals[vert_index_mesh], norm);
+ LLVector4a& normalized_binormal = binormals[vert_index_mesh];
+ normalized_binormal.setCross3(norm, tangent);
+ normalized_binormal.normalize3fast();
+ tex_coords[vert_index_mesh] += mMorphData->mTexCoords[vert_index_morph] * delta_weight * maskWeight;
+ }
+ // now apply volume changes
+ for( volume_list_t::iterator iter = mVolumeMorphs.begin(); iter != mVolumeMorphs.end(); iter++ )
+ {
+ LLPolyVolumeMorph* volume_morph = &(*iter);
+ LLVector3 scale_delta = volume_morph->mScale * delta_weight;
+ LLVector3 pos_delta = volume_morph->mPos * delta_weight;
+ volume_morph->mVolume->setScale(volume_morph->mVolume->getScale() + scale_delta);
+ volume_morph->mVolume->setPosition(volume_morph->mVolume->getPosition() + pos_delta);
+ }
+ }
+ if (mNext)
+ {
+ mNext->apply(avatar_sex);
+ }
+// applyMask()
+void LLPolyMorphTarget::applyMask(U8 *maskTextureData, S32 width, S32 height, S32 num_components, BOOL invert)
+ LLVector4a *clothing_weights = getInfo()->mIsClothingMorph ? mMesh->getWritableClothingWeights() : NULL;
+ if (!mVertMask)
+ {
+ mVertMask = new LLPolyVertexMask(mMorphData);
+ mNumMorphMasksPending--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // remove effect of previous mask
+ F32 *maskWeights = (mVertMask) ? mVertMask->getMorphMaskWeights() : NULL;
+ if (maskWeights)
+ {
+ LLVector4a *coords = mMesh->getWritableCoords();
+ LLVector4a *scaled_normals = mMesh->getScaledNormals();
+ LLVector4a *scaled_binormals = mMesh->getScaledBinormals();
+ LLVector2 *tex_coords = mMesh->getWritableTexCoords();
+ LLVector4Logical clothing_mask;
+ clothing_mask.clear();
+ clothing_mask.setElement<0>();
+ clothing_mask.setElement<1>();
+ clothing_mask.setElement<2>();
+ for(U32 vert = 0; vert < mMorphData->mNumIndices; vert++)
+ {
+ F32 lastMaskWeight = mLastWeight * maskWeights[vert];
+ S32 out_vert = mMorphData->mVertexIndices[vert];
+ // remove effect of existing masked morph
+ LLVector4a t;
+ t = mMorphData->mCoords[vert];
+ t.mul(lastMaskWeight);
+ coords[out_vert].sub(t);
+ t = mMorphData->mNormals[vert];
+ t.mul(lastMaskWeight*NORMAL_SOFTEN_FACTOR);
+ scaled_normals[out_vert].sub(t);
+ t = mMorphData->mBinormals[vert];
+ t.mul(lastMaskWeight*NORMAL_SOFTEN_FACTOR);
+ scaled_binormals[out_vert].sub(t);
+ tex_coords[out_vert] -= mMorphData->mTexCoords[vert] * lastMaskWeight;
+ if (clothing_weights)
+ {
+ LLVector4a clothing_offset = mMorphData->mCoords[vert];
+ clothing_offset.mul(lastMaskWeight);
+ LLVector4a* clothing_weight = &clothing_weights[out_vert];
+ LLVector4a t;
+ t.setSub(*clothing_weight, clothing_offset);
+ clothing_weight->setSelectWithMask(clothing_mask, t, *clothing_weight);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // set last weight to 0, since we've removed the effect of this morph
+ mLastWeight = 0.f;
+ mVertMask->generateMask(maskTextureData, width, height, num_components, invert, clothing_weights);
+ apply(mLastSex);
+// LLPolyVertexMask()
+LLPolyVertexMask::LLPolyVertexMask(LLPolyMorphData* morph_data)
+ mWeights = new F32[morph_data->mNumIndices];
+ mMorphData = morph_data;
+ mWeightsGenerated = FALSE;
+// ~LLPolyVertexMask()
+ delete[] mWeights;
+// generateMask()
+void LLPolyVertexMask::generateMask(U8 *maskTextureData, S32 width, S32 height, S32 num_components, BOOL invert, LLVector4a *clothing_weights)
+// RN debug output that uses Image Debugger (
+// BOOL debugImg = FALSE;
+// if (debugImg)
+// {
+// if (invert)
+// {
+// imdebug("lum rbga=rgba b=8 w=%d h=%d *-1 %p", width, height, maskTextureData);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// imdebug("lum rbga=rgba b=8 w=%d h=%d %p", width, height, maskTextureData);
+// }
+// }
+ for (U32 index = 0; index < mMorphData->mNumIndices; index++)
+ {
+ S32 vertIndex = mMorphData->mVertexIndices[index];
+ const S32 *sharedVertIndex = mMorphData->mMesh->getSharedVert(vertIndex);
+ LLVector2 uvCoords;
+ if (sharedVertIndex)
+ {
+ uvCoords = mMorphData->mMesh->getUVs(*sharedVertIndex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uvCoords = mMorphData->mMesh->getUVs(vertIndex);
+ }
+ U32 s = llclamp((U32)(uvCoords.mV[VX] * (F32)(width - 1)), (U32)0, (U32)width - 1);
+ U32 t = llclamp((U32)(uvCoords.mV[VY] * (F32)(height - 1)), (U32)0, (U32)height - 1);
+ mWeights[index] = ((F32) maskTextureData[((t * width + s) * num_components) + (num_components - 1)]) / 255.f;
+ if (invert)
+ {
+ mWeights[index] = 1.f - mWeights[index];
+ }
+ // now apply step function
+ // mWeights[index] = mWeights[index] > 0.95f ? 1.f : 0.f;
+ if (clothing_weights)
+ {
+ clothing_weights[vertIndex].getF32ptr()[VW] = mWeights[index];
+ }
+ }
+ mWeightsGenerated = TRUE;
+// getMaskForMorphIndex()
+F32* LLPolyVertexMask::getMorphMaskWeights()
+ if (!mWeightsGenerated)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return mWeights;
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/llpolymorph.h b/indra/llappearance/llpolymorph.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6cf9e52ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llappearance/llpolymorph.h
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ * @file llpolymorph.h
+ * @brief Implementation of LLPolyMesh class
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "llviewervisualparam.h"
+class LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume;
+class LLPolyMeshSharedData;
+class LLVector2;
+class LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume;
+class LLWearable;
+// LLPolyMorphData()
+class LLPolyMorphData
+ LLPolyMorphData(const std::string& morph_name);
+ ~LLPolyMorphData();
+ LLPolyMorphData(const LLPolyMorphData &rhs);
+ BOOL loadBinary(LLFILE* fp, LLPolyMeshSharedData *mesh);
+ const std::string& getName() { return mName; }
+ std::string mName;
+ // morphology
+ U32 mNumIndices;
+ U32* mVertexIndices;
+ U32 mCurrentIndex;
+ LLVector4a* mCoords;
+ LLVector4a* mNormals;
+ LLVector4a* mBinormals;
+ LLVector2* mTexCoords;
+ F32 mTotalDistortion; // vertex distortion summed over entire morph
+ F32 mMaxDistortion; // maximum single vertex distortion in a given morph
+ LLVector4a mAvgDistortion; // average vertex distortion, to infer directionality of the morph
+ LLPolyMeshSharedData* mMesh;
+// LLPolyVertexMask()
+class LLPolyVertexMask
+ LLPolyVertexMask(LLPolyMorphData* morph_data);
+ ~LLPolyVertexMask();
+ void generateMask(U8 *maskData, S32 width, S32 height, S32 num_components, BOOL invert, LLVector4a *clothing_weights);
+ F32* getMorphMaskWeights();
+ F32* mWeights;
+ LLPolyMorphData *mMorphData;
+ BOOL mWeightsGenerated;
+// LLPolyMorphTarget Data structs
+struct LLPolyVolumeMorphInfo
+ LLPolyVolumeMorphInfo(std::string &name, LLVector3 &scale, LLVector3 &pos)
+ : mName(name), mScale(scale), mPos(pos) {};
+ std::string mName;
+ LLVector3 mScale;
+ LLVector3 mPos;
+struct LLPolyVolumeMorph
+ LLPolyVolumeMorph(LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume* volume, LLVector3 scale, LLVector3 pos)
+ : mVolume(volume), mScale(scale), mPos(pos) {};
+ LLAvatarJointCollisionVolume* mVolume;
+ LLVector3 mScale;
+ LLVector3 mPos;
+// LLPolyMorphTargetInfo
+// Shared information for LLPolyMorphTargets
+class LLPolyMorphTargetInfo : public LLViewerVisualParamInfo
+ friend class LLPolyMorphTarget;
+ LLPolyMorphTargetInfo();
+ /*virtual*/ ~LLPolyMorphTargetInfo() {};
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node);
+ std::string mMorphName;
+ BOOL mIsClothingMorph;
+ typedef std::vector<LLPolyVolumeMorphInfo> volume_info_list_t;
+ volume_info_list_t mVolumeInfoList;
+// LLPolyMorphTarget
+// A set of vertex data associated with morph target.
+// These morph targets must be topologically consistent with a given Polymesh
+// (share face sets)
+class LLPolyMorphTarget : public LLViewerVisualParam
+ LLPolyMorphTarget(LLPolyMesh *poly_mesh);
+ ~LLPolyMorphTarget();
+ // Special: These functions are overridden by child classes
+ LLPolyMorphTargetInfo* getInfo() const { return (LLPolyMorphTargetInfo*)mInfo; }
+ // This sets mInfo and calls initialization functions
+ BOOL setInfo(LLPolyMorphTargetInfo *info);
+ /*virtual*/ LLViewerVisualParam* cloneParam(LLWearable* wearable) const;
+ // LLVisualParam Virtual functions
+ ///*virtual*/ BOOL parseData(LLXmlTreeNode* node);
+ /*virtual*/ void apply( ESex sex );
+ // LLViewerVisualParam Virtual functions
+ /*virtual*/ F32 getTotalDistortion();
+ /*virtual*/ const LLVector4a& getAvgDistortion();
+ /*virtual*/ F32 getMaxDistortion();
+ /*virtual*/ LLVector4a getVertexDistortion(S32 index, LLPolyMesh *poly_mesh);
+ /*virtual*/ const LLVector4a* getFirstDistortion(U32 *index, LLPolyMesh **poly_mesh);
+ /*virtual*/ const LLVector4a* getNextDistortion(U32 *index, LLPolyMesh **poly_mesh);
+ void applyMask(U8 *maskData, S32 width, S32 height, S32 num_components, BOOL invert);
+ void addPendingMorphMask() { mNumMorphMasksPending++; }
+ LLPolyMorphData* mMorphData;
+ LLPolyMesh* mMesh;
+ LLPolyVertexMask * mVertMask;
+ ESex mLastSex;
+ // number of morph masks that haven't been generated, must be 0 before this morph is applied
+ BOOL mNumMorphMasksPending;
+ typedef std::vector<LLPolyVolumeMorph> volume_list_t;
+ volume_list_t mVolumeMorphs;
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/llpolyskeletaldistortion.cpp b/indra/llappearance/llpolyskeletaldistortion.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ba16691c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llappearance/llpolyskeletaldistortion.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ * @file llpolyskeletaldistortion.cpp
+ * @brief Implementation of LLPolySkeletalDistortion classes
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Header Files
+#include "llpreprocessor.h"
+#include "llerrorlegacy.h"
+//#include "llcommon.h"
+//#include "llmemory.h"
+#include "llavatarappearance.h"
+#include "llavatarjoint.h"
+#include "llpolymorph.h"
+//#include "llviewercontrol.h"
+//#include "llxmltree.h"
+//#include "llvoavatar.h"
+#include "llwearable.h"
+//#include "lldir.h"
+//#include "llvolume.h"
+//#include "llendianswizzle.h"
+#include "llpolyskeletaldistortion.h"
+// LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo()
+BOOL LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo::parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node)
+ llassert( node->hasName( "param" ) && node->getChildByName( "param_skeleton" ) );
+ if (!LLViewerVisualParamInfo::parseXml(node))
+ return FALSE;
+ LLXmlTreeNode* skeletalParam = node->getChildByName("param_skeleton");
+ if (NULL == skeletalParam)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Failed to getChildByName(\"param_skeleton\")"
+ << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ for( LLXmlTreeNode* bone = skeletalParam->getFirstChild(); bone; bone = skeletalParam->getNextChild() )
+ {
+ if (bone->hasName("bone"))
+ {
+ std::string name;
+ LLVector3 scale;
+ LLVector3 pos;
+ BOOL haspos = FALSE;
+ static LLStdStringHandle name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("name");
+ if (!bone->getFastAttributeString(name_string, name))
+ {
+ llwarns << "No bone name specified for skeletal param." << llendl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ static LLStdStringHandle scale_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("scale");
+ if (!bone->getFastAttributeVector3(scale_string, scale))
+ {
+ llwarns << "No scale specified for bone " << name << "." << llendl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // optional offset deformation (translation)
+ static LLStdStringHandle offset_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("offset");
+ if (bone->getFastAttributeVector3(offset_string, pos))
+ {
+ haspos = TRUE;
+ }
+ mBoneInfoList.push_back(LLPolySkeletalBoneInfo(name, scale, pos, haspos));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "Unrecognized element " << bone->getName() << " in skeletal distortion" << llendl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// LLPolySkeletalDistortion()
+LLPolySkeletalDistortion::LLPolySkeletalDistortion(LLAvatarAppearance *avatarp)
+ mAvatar = avatarp;
+ mDefaultVec.splat(0.001f);
+// ~LLPolySkeletalDistortion()
+BOOL LLPolySkeletalDistortion::setInfo(LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo *info)
+ llassert(mInfo == NULL);
+ if (info->mID < 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ mInfo = info;
+ mID = info->mID;
+ setWeight(getDefaultWeight(), FALSE );
+ LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo::bone_info_list_t::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = getInfo()->mBoneInfoList.begin(); iter != getInfo()->mBoneInfoList.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ LLPolySkeletalBoneInfo *bone_info = &(*iter);
+ LLJoint* joint = mAvatar->getJoint(bone_info->mBoneName);
+ if (!joint)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Joint " << bone_info->mBoneName << " not found." << llendl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (mJointScales.find(joint) != mJointScales.end())
+ {
+ llwarns << "Scale deformation already supplied for joint " << joint->getName() << "." << llendl;
+ }
+ // store it
+ mJointScales[joint] = bone_info->mScaleDeformation;
+ // apply to children that need to inherit it
+ for (LLJoint::child_list_t::iterator iter = joint->mChildren.begin();
+ iter != joint->mChildren.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ LLAvatarJoint* child_joint = (LLAvatarJoint*)(*iter);
+ if (child_joint->inheritScale())
+ {
+ LLVector3 childDeformation = LLVector3(child_joint->getScale());
+ childDeformation.scaleVec(bone_info->mScaleDeformation);
+ mJointScales[child_joint] = childDeformation;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bone_info->mHasPositionDeformation)
+ {
+ if (mJointOffsets.find(joint) != mJointOffsets.end())
+ {
+ llwarns << "Offset deformation already supplied for joint " << joint->getName() << "." << llendl;
+ }
+ mJointOffsets[joint] = bone_info->mPositionDeformation;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/*virtual*/ LLViewerVisualParam* LLPolySkeletalDistortion::cloneParam(LLWearable* wearable) const
+ LLPolySkeletalDistortion *new_param = new LLPolySkeletalDistortion(mAvatar);
+ *new_param = *this;
+ return new_param;
+// apply()
+static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_POLYSKELETAL_DISTORTION_APPLY("Skeletal Distortion");
+void LLPolySkeletalDistortion::apply( ESex avatar_sex )
+ F32 effective_weight = ( getSex() & avatar_sex ) ? mCurWeight : getDefaultWeight();
+ LLJoint* joint;
+ joint_vec_map_t::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = mJointScales.begin();
+ iter != mJointScales.end();
+ iter++)
+ {
+ joint = iter->first;
+ LLVector3 newScale = joint->getScale();
+ LLVector3 scaleDelta = iter->second;
+ newScale = newScale + (effective_weight * scaleDelta) - (mLastWeight * scaleDelta);
+ joint->setScale(newScale);
+ }
+ for (iter = mJointOffsets.begin();
+ iter != mJointOffsets.end();
+ iter++)
+ {
+ joint = iter->first;
+ LLVector3 newPosition = joint->getPosition();
+ LLVector3 positionDelta = iter->second;
+ newPosition = newPosition + (effective_weight * positionDelta) - (mLastWeight * positionDelta);
+ joint->setPosition(newPosition);
+ }
+ if (mLastWeight != mCurWeight && !mIsAnimating)
+ {
+ mAvatar->setSkeletonSerialNum(mAvatar->getSkeletonSerialNum() + 1);
+ }
+ mLastWeight = mCurWeight;
+LLPolyMorphData *clone_morph_param_duplicate(const LLPolyMorphData *src_data,
+ const std::string &name)
+ LLPolyMorphData* cloned_morph_data = new LLPolyMorphData(*src_data);
+ cloned_morph_data->mName = name;
+ for (U32 v=0; v < cloned_morph_data->mNumIndices; v++)
+ {
+ cloned_morph_data->mCoords[v] = src_data->mCoords[v];
+ cloned_morph_data->mNormals[v] = src_data->mNormals[v];
+ cloned_morph_data->mBinormals[v] = src_data->mBinormals[v];
+ }
+ return cloned_morph_data;
+LLPolyMorphData *clone_morph_param_direction(const LLPolyMorphData *src_data,
+ const LLVector3 &direction,
+ const std::string &name)
+ LLPolyMorphData* cloned_morph_data = new LLPolyMorphData(*src_data);
+ cloned_morph_data->mName = name;
+ LLVector4a dir;
+ dir.load3(direction.mV);
+ for (U32 v=0; v < cloned_morph_data->mNumIndices; v++)
+ {
+ cloned_morph_data->mCoords[v] = dir;
+ cloned_morph_data->mNormals[v].clear();
+ cloned_morph_data->mBinormals[v].clear();
+ }
+ return cloned_morph_data;
+LLPolyMorphData *clone_morph_param_cleavage(const LLPolyMorphData *src_data,
+ F32 scale,
+ const std::string &name)
+ LLPolyMorphData* cloned_morph_data = new LLPolyMorphData(*src_data);
+ cloned_morph_data->mName = name;
+ LLVector4a sc;
+ sc.splat(scale);
+ LLVector4a nsc;
+ nsc.set(scale, -scale, scale, scale);
+ for (U32 v=0; v < cloned_morph_data->mNumIndices; v++)
+ {
+ if (cloned_morph_data->mCoords[v][1] < 0)
+ {
+ cloned_morph_data->mCoords[v].setMul(src_data->mCoords[v],nsc);
+ cloned_morph_data->mNormals[v].setMul(src_data->mNormals[v],nsc);
+ cloned_morph_data->mBinormals[v].setMul(src_data->mBinormals[v],nsc);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cloned_morph_data->mCoords[v].setMul(src_data->mCoords[v],sc);
+ cloned_morph_data->mNormals[v].setMul(src_data->mNormals[v], sc);
+ cloned_morph_data->mBinormals[v].setMul(src_data->mBinormals[v],sc);
+ }
+ }
+ return cloned_morph_data;
+// End
diff --git a/indra/llappearance/llpolyskeletaldistortion.h b/indra/llappearance/llpolyskeletaldistortion.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..040cf841ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llappearance/llpolyskeletaldistortion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * @file llpolyskeletaldistortion.h
+ * @brief Implementation of LLPolyMesh class
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llcommon.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include "llstl.h"
+#include "v3math.h"
+#include "v2math.h"
+#include "llquaternion.h"
+//#include "llpolymorph.h"
+#include "lljoint.h"
+#include "llviewervisualparam.h"
+//#include "lldarray.h"
+//class LLSkinJoint;
+class LLAvatarAppearance;
+//#define USE_STRIPS // Use tri-strips for rendering.
+// LLPolySkeletalDeformationInfo
+// Shared information for LLPolySkeletalDeformations
+struct LLPolySkeletalBoneInfo
+ LLPolySkeletalBoneInfo(std::string &name, LLVector3 &scale, LLVector3 &pos, BOOL haspos)
+ : mBoneName(name),
+ mScaleDeformation(scale),
+ mPositionDeformation(pos),
+ mHasPositionDeformation(haspos) {}
+ std::string mBoneName;
+ LLVector3 mScaleDeformation;
+ LLVector3 mPositionDeformation;
+ BOOL mHasPositionDeformation;
+class LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo : public LLViewerVisualParamInfo
+ friend class LLPolySkeletalDistortion;
+ LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo();
+ /*virtual*/ ~LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo() {};
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node);
+ typedef std::vector<LLPolySkeletalBoneInfo> bone_info_list_t;
+ bone_info_list_t mBoneInfoList;
+// LLPolySkeletalDeformation
+// A set of joint scale data for deforming the avatar mesh
+class LLPolySkeletalDistortion : public LLViewerVisualParam
+ LLPolySkeletalDistortion(LLAvatarAppearance *avatarp);
+ ~LLPolySkeletalDistortion();
+ // Special: These functions are overridden by child classes
+ LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo* getInfo() const { return (LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo*)mInfo; }
+ // This sets mInfo and calls initialization functions
+ BOOL setInfo(LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo *info);
+ /*virtual*/ LLViewerVisualParam* cloneParam(LLWearable* wearable) const;
+ // LLVisualParam Virtual functions
+ ///*virtual*/ BOOL parseData(LLXmlTreeNode* node);
+ /*virtual*/ void apply( ESex sex );
+ // LLViewerVisualParam Virtual functions
+ /*virtual*/ F32 getTotalDistortion() { return 0.1f; }
+ /*virtual*/ const LLVector4a& getAvgDistortion() { return mDefaultVec; }
+ /*virtual*/ F32 getMaxDistortion() { return 0.1f; }
+ /*virtual*/ LLVector4a getVertexDistortion(S32 index, LLPolyMesh *poly_mesh){return LLVector4a(0.001f, 0.001f, 0.001f);}
+ /*virtual*/ const LLVector4a* getFirstDistortion(U32 *index, LLPolyMesh **poly_mesh){index = 0; poly_mesh = NULL; return &mDefaultVec;};
+ /*virtual*/ const LLVector4a* getNextDistortion(U32 *index, LLPolyMesh **poly_mesh){index = 0; poly_mesh = NULL; return NULL;};
+ typedef std::map<LLJoint*, LLVector3> joint_vec_map_t;
+ joint_vec_map_t mJointScales;
+ joint_vec_map_t mJointOffsets;
+ LLVector4a mDefaultVec;
+ // Backlink only; don't make this an LLPointer.
+ LLAvatarAppearance *mAvatar;