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diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp
index 8ce15c7dfc..a6404058b0 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp
@@ -3967,7 +3967,9 @@ BOOL LLViewerWindow::thumbnailSnapshot(LLImageRaw *raw, S32 preview_width, S32 p
return rawSnapshot(raw, preview_width, preview_height, FALSE, FALSE, show_ui, do_rebuild, type);
-// Saves the image from the screen to the specified filename and path.
+// Saves the image from the screen to a raw image
+// Since the required size might be bigger than the available screen, this method rerenders the scene in parts (called subimages) and copy
+// the results over to the final raw image.
BOOL LLViewerWindow::rawSnapshot(LLImageRaw *raw, S32 image_width, S32 image_height,
BOOL keep_window_aspect, BOOL is_texture, BOOL show_ui, BOOL do_rebuild, ESnapshotType type, S32 max_size)
@@ -3985,8 +3987,6 @@ BOOL LLViewerWindow::rawSnapshot(LLImageRaw *raw, S32 image_width, S32 image_hei
// Hide all the UI widgets first and draw a frame
BOOL prev_draw_ui = gPipeline.hasRenderDebugFeatureMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_UI) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- show_ui = show_ui ? TRUE : FALSE;
if ( prev_draw_ui != show_ui)
@@ -4006,55 +4006,49 @@ BOOL LLViewerWindow::rawSnapshot(LLImageRaw *raw, S32 image_width, S32 image_hei
// from window
LLRect window_rect = show_ui ? getWindowRectRaw() : getWorldViewRectRaw();
- S32 snapshot_width = window_rect.getWidth();
+ S32 snapshot_width = window_rect.getWidth();
S32 snapshot_height = window_rect.getHeight();
- S32 window_width = snapshot_width;
+ S32 window_width = snapshot_width;
S32 window_height = snapshot_height;
+ // Note: Scaling of the UI is currently *not* supported so we limit the output size if UI is requested
if (show_ui)
- image_width = llmin(image_width, window_width);
+ // If the user wants the UI, limit the output size to the available screen size
+ image_width = llmin(image_width, window_width);
image_height = llmin(image_height, window_height);
F32 scale_factor = 1.0f ;
- if(!keep_window_aspect) //image cropping
- {
+ if (!keep_window_aspect || (image_width > window_width) || (image_height > window_height))
+ {
+ // if image cropping or need to enlarge the scene, compute a scale_factor
F32 ratio = llmin( (F32)window_width / image_width , (F32)window_height / image_height) ;
- snapshot_width = (S32)(ratio * image_width) ;
+ snapshot_width = (S32)(ratio * image_width) ;
snapshot_height = (S32)(ratio * image_height) ;
scale_factor = llmax(1.0f, 1.0f / ratio) ;
- else //the scene(window) proportion needs to be maintained.
- {
- if(image_width > window_width || image_height > window_height) //need to enlarge the scene
- {
- F32 ratio = llmin( (F32)window_width / image_width , (F32)window_height / image_height) ;
- snapshot_width = (S32)(ratio * image_width) ;
- snapshot_height = (S32)(ratio * image_height) ;
- scale_factor = llmax(1.0f, 1.0f / ratio) ;
- }
- }
if (show_ui && scale_factor > 1.f)
+ // Note: we should never get there...
llwarns << "over scaling UI not supported." << llendl;
- S32 buffer_x_offset = llfloor(((window_width - snapshot_width) * scale_factor) / 2.f);
+ S32 buffer_x_offset = llfloor(((window_width - snapshot_width) * scale_factor) / 2.f);
S32 buffer_y_offset = llfloor(((window_height - snapshot_height) * scale_factor) / 2.f);
- S32 image_buffer_x = llfloor(snapshot_width*scale_factor) ;
- S32 image_buffer_y = llfloor(snapshot_height *scale_factor) ;
+ S32 image_buffer_x = llfloor(snapshot_width * scale_factor) ;
+ S32 image_buffer_y = llfloor(snapshot_height * scale_factor) ;
- if(image_buffer_x > max_size || image_buffer_y > max_size) //boundary check to avoid memory overflow
+ if ((image_buffer_x > max_size) || (image_buffer_y > max_size)) // boundary check to avoid memory overflow
scale_factor *= llmin((F32)max_size / image_buffer_x, (F32)max_size / image_buffer_y) ;
- image_buffer_x = llfloor(snapshot_width*scale_factor) ;
- image_buffer_y = llfloor(snapshot_height *scale_factor) ;
+ image_buffer_x = llfloor(snapshot_width * scale_factor) ;
+ image_buffer_y = llfloor(snapshot_height * scale_factor) ;
- if(image_buffer_x > 0 && image_buffer_y > 0)
+ if ((image_buffer_x > 0) && (image_buffer_y > 0))
raw->resize(image_buffer_x, image_buffer_y, 3);
@@ -4062,7 +4056,7 @@ BOOL LLViewerWindow::rawSnapshot(LLImageRaw *raw, S32 image_width, S32 image_hei
return FALSE ;
- if(raw->isBufferInvalid())
+ if (raw->isBufferInvalid())
return FALSE ;
@@ -4070,6 +4064,7 @@ BOOL LLViewerWindow::rawSnapshot(LLImageRaw *raw, S32 image_width, S32 image_hei
BOOL high_res = scale_factor >= 2.f; // Font scaling is slow, only do so if rez is much higher
if (high_res && show_ui)
+ // Note: we should never get there...
llwarns << "High res UI snapshot not supported. " << llendl;
//rescale fonts
@@ -4084,6 +4079,8 @@ BOOL LLViewerWindow::rawSnapshot(LLImageRaw *raw, S32 image_width, S32 image_hei
+ // Subimages are in fact partial rendering of the final view. This happens when the final view is bigger than the screen.
+ // In most common cases, scale_factor is 1 and there's no more than 1 iteration on x and y
for (int subimage_y = 0; subimage_y < scale_factor; ++subimage_y)
S32 subimage_y_offset = llclamp(buffer_y_offset - (subimage_y * window_height), 0, window_height);;
@@ -4097,69 +4094,70 @@ BOOL LLViewerWindow::rawSnapshot(LLImageRaw *raw, S32 image_width, S32 image_hei
gDisplaySwapBuffers = FALSE;
gDepthDirty = TRUE;
- const U32 subfield = subimage_x+(subimage_y*llceil(scale_factor));
- if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred)
- {
- display(do_rebuild, scale_factor, subfield, TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- display(do_rebuild, scale_factor, subfield, TRUE);
- // Required for showing the GUI in snapshots and performing bloom composite overlay
- // Call even if show_ui is FALSE
- render_ui(scale_factor, subfield);
- }
S32 subimage_x_offset = llclamp(buffer_x_offset - (subimage_x * window_width), 0, window_width);
// handle fractional rows
U32 read_width = llmax(0, (window_width - subimage_x_offset) -
llmax(0, (window_width * (subimage_x + 1)) - (buffer_x_offset + raw->getWidth())));
- for(U32 out_y = 0; out_y < read_height ; out_y++)
+ // Skip rendering and sampling altogether if either width or height is degenerated to 0 (common in cropping cases)
+ if (read_width && read_height)
- S32 output_buffer_offset = (
- (out_y * (raw->getWidth())) // iterated y...
- + (window_width * subimage_x) // subimage start in x...
- + (raw->getWidth() * window_height * subimage_y) // subimage start in y...
- - output_buffer_offset_x // ...minus buffer padding x...
- - (output_buffer_offset_y * (raw->getWidth())) // ...minus buffer padding y...
- ) * raw->getComponents();
+ const U32 subfield = subimage_x+(subimage_y*llceil(scale_factor));
+ display(do_rebuild, scale_factor, subfield, TRUE);
- // Ping the wathdog thread every 100 lines to keep us alive (arbitrary number, feel free to change)
- if (out_y % 100 == 0)
+ if (!LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred)
- LLAppViewer::instance()->pingMainloopTimeout("LLViewerWindow::rawSnapshot");
+ // Required for showing the GUI in snapshots and performing bloom composite overlay
+ // Call even if show_ui is FALSE
+ render_ui(scale_factor, subfield);
- if (type == SNAPSHOT_TYPE_COLOR)
+ for (U32 out_y = 0; out_y < read_height ; out_y++)
- glReadPixels(
- subimage_x_offset, out_y + subimage_y_offset,
- read_width, 1,
- raw->getData() + output_buffer_offset
- );
- }
- {
- LLPointer<LLImageRaw> depth_line_buffer = new LLImageRaw(read_width, 1, sizeof(GL_FLOAT)); // need to store floating point values
- glReadPixels(
- subimage_x_offset, out_y + subimage_y_offset,
- read_width, 1,
- depth_line_buffer->getData()// current output pixel is beginning of buffer...
- );
- for (S32 i = 0; i < (S32)read_width; i++)
+ S32 output_buffer_offset = (
+ (out_y * (raw->getWidth())) // iterated y...
+ + (window_width * subimage_x) // subimage start in x...
+ + (raw->getWidth() * window_height * subimage_y) // subimage start in y...
+ - output_buffer_offset_x // ...minus buffer padding x...
+ - (output_buffer_offset_y * (raw->getWidth())) // ...minus buffer padding y...
+ ) * raw->getComponents();
+ // Ping the watchdog thread every 100 lines to keep us alive (arbitrary number, feel free to change)
+ if (out_y % 100 == 0)
- F32 depth_float = *(F32*)(depth_line_buffer->getData() + (i * sizeof(F32)));
- F32 linear_depth_float = 1.f / (depth_conversion_factor_1 - (depth_float * depth_conversion_factor_2));
- U8 depth_byte = F32_to_U8(linear_depth_float, LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getNear(), LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getFar());
- //write converted scanline out to result image
- for(S32 j = 0; j < raw->getComponents(); j++)
+ LLAppViewer::instance()->pingMainloopTimeout("LLViewerWindow::rawSnapshot");
+ }
+ if (type == SNAPSHOT_TYPE_COLOR)
+ {
+ glReadPixels(
+ subimage_x_offset, out_y + subimage_y_offset,
+ read_width, 1,
+ raw->getData() + output_buffer_offset
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ LLPointer<LLImageRaw> depth_line_buffer = new LLImageRaw(read_width, 1, sizeof(GL_FLOAT)); // need to store floating point values
+ glReadPixels(
+ subimage_x_offset, out_y + subimage_y_offset,
+ read_width, 1,
+ depth_line_buffer->getData()// current output pixel is beginning of buffer...
+ );
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < (S32)read_width; i++)
- *(raw->getData() + output_buffer_offset + (i * raw->getComponents()) + j) = depth_byte;
+ F32 depth_float = *(F32*)(depth_line_buffer->getData() + (i * sizeof(F32)));
+ F32 linear_depth_float = 1.f / (depth_conversion_factor_1 - (depth_float * depth_conversion_factor_2));
+ U8 depth_byte = F32_to_U8(linear_depth_float, LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getNear(), LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getFar());
+ // write converted scanline out to result image
+ for (S32 j = 0; j < raw->getComponents(); j++)
+ {
+ *(raw->getData() + output_buffer_offset + (i * raw->getComponents()) + j) = depth_byte;
+ }