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8 files changed, 147 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llevents.cpp b/indra/llcommon/llevents.cpp
index 7e3c6964dc..c2fa79a524 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llevents.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llevents.cpp
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
// other Linden headers
#include "stringize.h"
+#include "llerror.h"
+#include "llsdutil.h"
* queue_names: specify LLEventPump names that should be instantiated as
@@ -506,3 +508,26 @@ bool LLListenerOrPumpName::operator()(const LLSD& event) const
return (*mListener)(event);
+void LLReqID::stamp(LLSD& response) const
+ if (! (response.isUndefined() || response.isMap()))
+ {
+ // If 'response' was previously completely empty, it's okay to
+ // turn it into a map. If it was already a map, then it should be
+ // okay to add a key. But if it was anything else (e.g. a scalar),
+ // assigning a ["reqid"] key will DISCARD the previous value,
+ // replacing it with a map. That would be Bad.
+ LL_INFOS("LLReqID") << "stamp(" << mReqid << ") leaving non-map response unmodified: "
+ << response << LL_ENDL;
+ return;
+ }
+ LLSD oldReqid(response["reqid"]);
+ if (! (oldReqid.isUndefined() || llsd_equals(oldReqid, mReqid)))
+ {
+ LL_INFOS("LLReqID") << "stamp(" << mReqid << ") preserving existing [\"reqid\"] value "
+ << oldReqid << " in response: " << response << LL_ENDL;
+ return;
+ }
+ response["reqid"] = mReqid;
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llevents.h b/indra/llcommon/llevents.h
index e84d9a50ee..73a35af035 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llevents.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llevents.h
@@ -564,6 +564,87 @@ private:
+* LLReqID
+ * This class helps the implementer of a given event API to honor the
+ * ["reqid"] convention. By this convention, each event API stamps into its
+ * response LLSD a ["reqid"] key whose value echoes the ["reqid"] value, if
+ * any, from the corresponding request.
+ *
+ * This supports an (atypical, but occasionally necessary) use case in which
+ * two or more asynchronous requests are multiplexed onto the same ["reply"]
+ * LLEventPump. Since the response events could arrive in arbitrary order, the
+ * caller must be able to demux them. It does so by matching the ["reqid"]
+ * value in each response with the ["reqid"] value in the corresponding
+ * request.
+ *
+ * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure distinct ["reqid"] values for
+ * that case. Though LLSD::UUID is guaranteed to work, it might be overkill:
+ * the "namespace" of unique ["reqid"] values is simply the set of requests
+ * specifying the same ["reply"] LLEventPump name.
+ *
+ * Making a given event API echo the request's ["reqid"] into the response is
+ * nearly trivial. This helper is mostly for mnemonic purposes, to serve as a
+ * place to put these comments. We hope that each time a coder implements a
+ * new event API based on some existing one, s/he will say, "Huh, what's an
+ * LLReqID?" and look up this material.
+ *
+ * The hardest part about the convention is deciding where to store the
+ * ["reqid"] value. Ironically, LLReqID can't help with that: you must store
+ * an LLReqID instance in whatever storage will persist until the reply is
+ * sent. For example, if the request ultimately ends up using a Responder
+ * subclass, storing an LLReqID instance in the Responder works.
+ *
+ * @note
+ * The @em implementer of an event API must honor the ["reqid"] convention.
+ * However, the @em caller of an event API need only use it if s/he is sharing
+ * the same ["reply"] LLEventPump for two or more asynchronous event API
+ * requests.
+ *
+ * In most cases, it's far easier for the caller to instantiate a local
+ * LLEventStream and pass its name to the event API in question. Then it's
+ * perfectly reasonable not to set a ["reqid"] key in the request, ignoring
+ * the @c isUndefined() ["reqid"] value in the response.
+ */
+class LLReqID
+ /**
+ * If you have the request in hand at the time you instantiate the
+ * LLReqID, pass that request to extract its ["reqid"].
+ */
+ LLReqID(const LLSD& request):
+ mReqid(request["reqid"])
+ {}
+ /// If you don't yet have the request, use setFrom() later.
+ LLReqID() {}
+ /// Extract and store the ["reqid"] value from an incoming request.
+ void setFrom(const LLSD& request)
+ {
+ mReqid = request["reqid"];
+ }
+ /// Set ["reqid"] key into a pending response LLSD object.
+ void stamp(LLSD& response) const;
+ /// Make a whole new response LLSD object with our ["reqid"].
+ LLSD makeResponse() const
+ {
+ LLSD response;
+ stamp(response);
+ return response;
+ }
+ /// Not really sure of a use case for this accessor...
+ LLSD getReqID() const { return mReqid; }
+ LLSD mReqid;
* Underpinnings
diff --git a/indra/llmessage/llareslistener.cpp b/indra/llmessage/llareslistener.cpp
index 8e1176cdd9..4bf375069d 100644
--- a/indra/llmessage/llareslistener.cpp
+++ b/indra/llmessage/llareslistener.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "llares.h"
#include "llerror.h"
#include "llevents.h"
+#include "llsdutil.h"
LLAresListener::LLAresListener(const std::string& pumpname, LLAres* llares):
@@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ LLAresListener::LLAresListener(const std::string& pumpname, LLAres* llares):
listen("LLAresListener", boost::bind(&LLAresListener::process, this, _1)))
+ // Insert an entry into our mDispatch map for every method we want to be
+ // able to invoke via this event API.
mDispatch["rewriteURI"] = boost::bind(&LLAresListener::rewriteURI, this, _1);
@@ -60,9 +63,13 @@ bool LLAresListener::process(const LLSD& command)
class UriRewriteResponder: public LLAres::UriRewriteResponder
- /// Specify the event pump name on which to send the reply
- UriRewriteResponder(const std::string& pumpname):
- mPumpName(pumpname)
+ /**
+ * Specify the request, containing the event pump name on which to send
+ * the reply.
+ */
+ UriRewriteResponder(const LLSD& request):
+ mReqID(request),
+ mPumpName(request["reply"])
/// Called by base class with results. This is called in both the
@@ -76,33 +83,27 @@ public:
+ // This call knows enough to avoid trying to insert a map key into an
+ // LLSD array. It's there so that if, for any reason, we ever decide
+ // to change the response from array to map, it will Just Start Working.
+ mReqID.stamp(result);
+ LLReqID mReqID;
const std::string mPumpName;
void LLAresListener::rewriteURI(const LLSD& data)
- const std::string uri(data["uri"]);
- const std::string reply(data["reply"]);
+ static LLSD required(LLSD().insert("uri", LLSD()).insert("reply", LLSD()));
// Validate that the request is well-formed
- if (uri.empty() || reply.empty())
+ std::string mismatch(llsd_matches(required, data));
+ if (! mismatch.empty())
- LL_ERRS("LLAresListener") << "rewriteURI request missing";
- std::string separator;
- if (uri.empty())
- {
- LL_CONT << " 'uri'";
- separator = " and";
- }
- if (reply.empty())
- {
- LL_CONT << separator << " 'reply'";
- }
+ LL_ERRS("LLAresListener") << "bad rewriteURI request: " << mismatch << LL_ENDL;
// Looks as though we have what we need; issue the request
- mAres->rewriteURI(uri, new UriRewriteResponder(reply));
+ mAres->rewriteURI(data["uri"], new UriRewriteResponder(data));
diff --git a/indra/llmessage/llsdmessage.cpp b/indra/llmessage/llsdmessage.cpp
index f663268466..ad6b8284aa 100644
--- a/indra/llmessage/llsdmessage.cpp
+++ b/indra/llmessage/llsdmessage.cpp
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ bool LLSDMessage::httpListener(const LLSD& request)
LLHTTPClient::post(url, payload,
new LLSDMessage::EventResponder(LLEventPumps::instance(),
+ request,
url, "POST", reply, error),
LLSD(), // headers
@@ -81,7 +82,9 @@ void LLSDMessage::EventResponder::result(const LLSD& data)
// to the pump whose name is "".
if (! mReplyPump.empty())
- mPumps.obtain(mReplyPump).post(data);
+ LLSD response(data);
+ mReqID.stamp(response);
+ mPumps.obtain(mReplyPump).post(response);
else // default success handling
@@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ void LLSDMessage::EventResponder::error(U32 status, const std::string& reason, c
// explicit pump name.
if (! mErrorPump.empty())
- LLSD info;
+ LLSD info(mReqID.makeResponse());
info["target"] = mTarget;
info["message"] = mMessage;
info["status"] = LLSD::Integer(status);
diff --git a/indra/llmessage/llsdmessage.h b/indra/llmessage/llsdmessage.h
index 8ae9451243..672da6d3a6 100644
--- a/indra/llmessage/llsdmessage.h
+++ b/indra/llmessage/llsdmessage.h
@@ -121,9 +121,11 @@ private:
* (e.g. "POST") as @a message.
EventResponder(LLEventPumps& pumps,
+ const LLSD& request,
const std::string& target, const std::string& message,
const std::string& replyPump, const std::string& errorPump):
+ mReqID(request),
@@ -135,6 +137,7 @@ private:
LLEventPumps& mPumps;
+ LLReqID mReqID;
const std::string mTarget, mMessage, mReplyPump, mErrorPump;
diff --git a/indra/llmessage/tests/llareslistener_test.cpp b/indra/llmessage/tests/llareslistener_test.cpp
index b8306d0fd9..215a3806f8 100644
--- a/indra/llmessage/tests/llareslistener_test.cpp
+++ b/indra/llmessage/tests/llareslistener_test.cpp
@@ -149,7 +149,9 @@ namespace tut
threw = e.what();
- ensure_contains("LLAresListener bad op", threw, "missing 'uri' and 'reply'");
+ ensure_contains("LLAresListener bad req", threw, "missing");
+ ensure_contains("LLAresListener bad req", threw, "reply");
+ ensure_contains("LLAresListener bad req", threw, "uri");
template<> template<>
@@ -169,7 +171,9 @@ namespace tut
threw = e.what();
- ensure_contains("LLAresListener bad op", threw, "missing 'uri'");
+ ensure_contains("LLAresListener bad req", threw, "missing");
+ ensure_contains("LLAresListener bad req", threw, "uri");
+ ensure_does_not_contain("LLAresListener bad req", threw, "reply");
template<> template<>
@@ -189,6 +193,8 @@ namespace tut
threw = e.what();
- ensure_contains("LLAresListener bad op", threw, "missing 'reply'");
+ ensure_contains("LLAresListener bad req", threw, "missing");
+ ensure_contains("LLAresListener bad req", threw, "reply");
+ ensure_does_not_contain("LLAresListener bad req", threw, "uri");
diff --git a/indra/newview/llcapabilitylistener.cpp b/indra/newview/llcapabilitylistener.cpp
index 3277da8930..0a41ad614e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llcapabilitylistener.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llcapabilitylistener.cpp
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ bool LLCapabilityListener::capListener(const LLSD& request)
// This capability is supported by the region to which we're talking.
LLHTTPClient::post(url, payload,
new LLSDMessage::EventResponder(LLEventPumps::instance(),
+ request,
cap, reply, error),
LLSD(), // headers
diff --git a/indra/newview/llxmlrpclistener.cpp b/indra/newview/llxmlrpclistener.cpp
index 2821e6c59f..71e2427c99 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llxmlrpclistener.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llxmlrpclistener.cpp
@@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ public:
/// populate an XMLRPC_REQUEST and an associated LLXMLRPCTransaction. Send
/// the request.
Poller(const LLSD& command):
+ mReqID(command),
@@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ public:
curlcode = CURLcode(curlint);
- LLSD data;
+ LLSD data(mReqID.makeResponse());
data["status"] = sStatusMapper.lookup(status);
data["errorcode"] = sCURLcodeMapper.lookup(curlcode);
data["error"] = "";
@@ -476,6 +477,7 @@ private:
return responses;
+ const LLReqID mReqID;
const std::string mUri;
const std::string mMethod;
const std::string mReplyPump;