diff options
14 files changed, 891 insertions, 658 deletions
diff --git a/doc/contributions.txt b/doc/contributions.txt
index e20b7b83c5..cf9cc032ae 100644
--- a/doc/contributions.txt
+++ b/doc/contributions.txt
@@ -890,6 +890,8 @@ Nicholaz Beresford
Nick Rhodes
+Nicky Dasmijn
+ VWR-29228
Nicky Perian
@@ -1122,6 +1124,7 @@ TankMaster Finesmith
+ VWR-29224
Tali Rosca
Tayra Dagostino
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/lluri.cpp b/indra/llcommon/lluri.cpp
index b39ea0c6f2..21456a599b 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/lluri.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/lluri.cpp
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
// system includes
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/find_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp>
void encode_character(std::ostream& ostr, std::string::value_type val)
@@ -317,7 +319,7 @@ LLURI LLURI::buildHTTP(const std::string& prefix,
const LLSD& path)
LLURI result;
// TODO: deal with '/' '?' '#' in host_port
if (prefix.find("://") != prefix.npos)
@@ -342,15 +344,41 @@ LLURI LLURI::buildHTTP(const std::string& prefix,
result.mEscapedPath += "/" + escapePathComponent(it->asString());
- else if(path.isString())
+ else if (path.isString())
- result.mEscapedPath += "/" + escapePathComponent(path.asString());
+ std::string pathstr(path);
+ // Trailing slash is significant in HTTP land. If caller specified,
+ // make a point of preserving.
+ std::string last_slash;
+ std::string::size_type len(pathstr.length());
+ if (len && pathstr[len-1] == '/')
+ {
+ last_slash = "/";
+ }
+ // Escape every individual path component, recombining with slashes.
+ for (boost::split_iterator<std::string::const_iterator>
+ ti(pathstr, boost::first_finder("/")), tend;
+ ti != tend; ++ti)
+ {
+ // Eliminate a leading slash or duplicate slashes anywhere. (Extra
+ // slashes show up here as empty components.) This test also
+ // eliminates a trailing slash, hence last_slash above.
+ if (! ti->empty())
+ {
+ result.mEscapedPath
+ += "/" + escapePathComponent(std::string(ti->begin(), ti->end()));
+ }
+ }
+ // Reinstate trailing slash, if any.
+ result.mEscapedPath += last_slash;
else if(path.isUndefined())
// do nothing
- else
+ else
llwarns << "Valid path arguments to buildHTTP are array, string, or undef, you passed type"
<< path.type() << llendl;
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/lluri_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/lluri_test.cpp
index f6d4221256..4c64f15ca7 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/tests/lluri_test.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/lluri_test.cpp
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ namespace tut
ensure_equals("escape/unescape escaped", uri_esc_2, uri_esc_1);
typedef test_group<URITestData> URITestGroup;
typedef URITestGroup::object URITestObject;
URITestGroup uriTestGroup("LLURI");
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<1>()
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<2>()
- // empty string
+ set_test_name("empty string");
checkParts(LLURI(""), "", "", "", "");
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<3>()
- // no scheme
+ set_test_name("no scheme");
checkParts(LLURI("foo"), "", "foo", "", "");
checkParts(LLURI("foo%3A"), "", "foo:", "", "");
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<4>()
- // scheme w/o paths
+ set_test_name("scheme w/o paths");
"mailto", "", "", "");
@@ -114,16 +114,16 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<5>()
- // authority section
+ set_test_name("authority section");
"http", "///", "", "/");
"http", "//abc", "abc", "");
"http", "//a/b/cd", "a/b", "/cd");
"http", "//host?", "host", "");
@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<6>()
- // path section
+ set_test_name("path section");
"http", "//host/a/b/", "host", "/a/b/");
"http", "//host/a?b/", "host", "/a?b/");
"http", "//host/a:b/", "host", "/a:b/");
@@ -145,16 +145,16 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<7>()
- // query string
+ set_test_name("query string");
"http", "//host/?", "host", "/", "");
"http", "//host/?x", "host", "/", "x");
"http", "//host/??", "host", "/", "?");
"http", "//host/??", "host", "/", "?");
@@ -167,19 +167,44 @@ namespace tut
checkParts(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", path),
"http", "//host/x/123", "host", "/x/123");
LLSD query;
query["123"] = "12";
query["abcd"] = "abc";
checkParts(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", path, query),
"http", "//host/x/123?123=12&abcd=abc",
"host", "/x/123", "123=12&abcd=abc");
+ ensure_equals(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", "").asString(),
+ "http://host");
+ ensure_equals(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", "/").asString(),
+ "http://host/");
+ ensure_equals(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", "//").asString(),
+ "http://host/");
+ ensure_equals(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", "dir name").asString(),
+ "http://host/dir%20name");
+ ensure_equals(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", "dir name/").asString(),
+ "http://host/dir%20name/");
+ ensure_equals(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", "/dir name").asString(),
+ "http://host/dir%20name");
+ ensure_equals(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", "/dir name/").asString(),
+ "http://host/dir%20name/");
+ ensure_equals(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", "dir name/subdir name").asString(),
+ "http://host/dir%20name/subdir%20name");
+ ensure_equals(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", "dir name/subdir name/").asString(),
+ "http://host/dir%20name/subdir%20name/");
+ ensure_equals(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", "/dir name/subdir name").asString(),
+ "http://host/dir%20name/subdir%20name");
+ ensure_equals(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", "/dir name/subdir name/").asString(),
+ "http://host/dir%20name/subdir%20name/");
+ ensure_equals(LLURI::buildHTTP("host", "//dir name//subdir name//").asString(),
+ "http://host/dir%20name/subdir%20name/");
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<9>()
- // test unescaped path components
+ set_test_name("test unescaped path components");
LLSD path;
@@ -190,7 +215,7 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<10>()
- // test unescaped query components
+ set_test_name("test unescaped query components");
LLSD path;
@@ -205,7 +230,7 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<11>()
- // test unescaped host components
+ set_test_name("test unescaped host components");
LLSD path;
@@ -216,16 +241,16 @@ namespace tut
"http", "//hi123*33--}{:portstuffs/x/123?123=12&abcd=abc",
"hi123*33--}{:portstuffs", "/x/123", "123=12&abcd=abc");
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<12>()
- // test funky host_port values that are actually prefixes
+ set_test_name("test funky host_port values that are actually prefixes");
checkParts(LLURI::buildHTTP("", LLSD()),
"http", "//",
"", "");
checkParts(LLURI::buildHTTP("", LLSD()),
"http", "//",
"", "/");
@@ -242,7 +267,7 @@ namespace tut
- // test escape
+ set_test_name("test escape");
ensure_equals("escaping", LLURI::escape("abcdefg", "abcdef"), "abcdef%67");
ensure_equals("escaping", LLURI::escape("|/&\\+-_!@", ""), "%7C%2F%26%5C%2B%2D%5F%21%40");
ensure_equals("escaping as query variable",
@@ -259,13 +284,12 @@ namespace tut
cedilla.push_back( (char)0xA7 );
ensure_equals("escape UTF8", LLURI::escape( cedilla, unreserved), "%C3%A7");
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<14>()
- // make sure escape and unescape of empty strings return empty
- // strings.
+ set_test_name("make sure escape and unescape of empty strings return empty strings.");
std::string uri_esc(LLURI::escape(""));
ensure("escape string empty", uri_esc.empty());
std::string uri_raw(LLURI::unescape(""));
@@ -275,7 +299,7 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<15>()
- // do some round-trip tests
+ set_test_name("do some round-trip tests");
escapeRoundTrip(" with spaces");
@@ -286,7 +310,7 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<16>()
- // Test the default escaping
+ set_test_name("Test the default escaping");
// yes -- this mangles the url. This is expected behavior
std::string simple("");
@@ -302,7 +326,7 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<17>()
- // do some round-trip tests with very long strings.
+ set_test_name("do some round-trip tests with very long strings.");
escapeRoundTrip("Welcome to Second Life.We hope you'll have a richly rewarding experience, filled with creativity, self expression and fun.The goals of the Community Standards are simple: treat each other with respect and without harassment, adhere to local standards as indicated by simulator ratings, and refrain from any hate activity which slurs a real-world individual or real-world community. Behavioral Guidelines - The Big Six");
"'asset_data':b(12100){'task_id':ucc706f2d-0b68-68f8-11a4-f1043ff35ca0}\n{\n\tname\tObject|\n\tpermissions 0\n\t{\n\t\tbase_mask\t7fffffff\n\t\towner_mask\t7fffffff\n\t\tgroup_mask\t00000000\n\t\teveryone_mask\t00000000\n\t\tnext_owner_mask\t7fffffff\n\t\tcreator_id\t13fd9595-a47b-4d64-a5fb-6da645f038e0\n\t\towner_id\t3c115e51-04f4-523c-9fa6-98aff1034730\n\t\tlast_owner_id\t3c115e51-04f4-523c-9fa6-98aff1034730\n\t\tgroup_id\t00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\n\t}\n\tlocal_id\t217444921\n\ttotal_crc\t323\n\ttype\t2\n\ttask_valid\t2\n\ttravel_access\t13\n\tdisplayopts\t2\n\tdisplaytype\tv\n\tpos\t-0.368634403\t0.00781063363\t-0.569040775\n\toldpos\t150.117996\t25.8658009\t8.19664001\n\trotation\t-0.06293071806430816650390625\t-0.6995697021484375\t-0.7002241611480712890625\t0.1277817934751510620117188\n\tchildpos\t-0.00499999989\t-0.0359999985\t0.307999998\n\tchildrot\t-0.515492737293243408203125\t-0.46601200103759765625\t0.529055416584014892578125\t0.4870323240756988525390625\n\tscale"
@@ -322,7 +346,7 @@ namespace tut
"D STRING RW SV 20f36c3a-b44b-9bc7-87f3-018bfdfc8cda\n\tscratchpad\t0\n\t{\n\t\n\t}\n\tsale_info\t0\n\t{\n\t\tsale_type\tnot\n\t\tsale_price\t10\n\t}\n\torig_asset_id\t8747acbc-d391-1e59-69f1-41d06830e6c0\n\torig_item_id\t20f36c3a-b44b-9bc7-87f3-018bfdfc8cda\n\tfrom_task_id\t3c115e51-04f4-523c-9fa6-98aff1034730\n\tcorrect_family_id\t00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\n\thas_rezzed\t0\n\tpre_link_base_mask\t7fffffff\n\tlinked \tlinked\n\tdefault_pay_price\t-2\t1\t5\t10\t20\n}\n");
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<18>()
@@ -335,7 +359,7 @@ namespace tut
ensure_equals("pathmap", u.pathArray()[1].asString(), "login");
ensure_equals("query", u.query(), "first_name=Testert4&last_name=Tester&web_login_key=test");
ensure_equals("query map element", u.queryMap()["last_name"].asString(), "Tester");
u = LLURI("secondlife://Da Boom/128/128/128");
// if secondlife is the scheme, LLURI should parse /128/128/128 as path, with Da Boom as authority
ensure_equals("scheme", u.scheme(), "secondlife");
@@ -350,7 +374,7 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void URITestObject::test<19>()
- // Parse about: schemes
+ set_test_name("Parse about: schemes");
LLURI u("about:blank?redirect-http-hack=secondlife%3A%2F%2F%2Fapp%2Flogin%3Ffirst_name%3DCallum%26last_name%3DLinden%26location%3Dspecify%26grid%3Dvaak%26region%3D%2FMorris%2F128%2F128%26web_login_key%3Defaa4795-c2aa-4c58-8966-763c27931e78");
ensure_equals("scheme", u.scheme(), "about");
ensure_equals("authority", u.authority(), "");
diff --git a/indra/newview/featuretable.txt b/indra/newview/featuretable.txt
index eeb632acaf..e877e15053 100644
--- a/indra/newview/featuretable.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/featuretable.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-version 32
+version 33
// The version number above should be implemented IF AND ONLY IF some
// change has been made that is sufficiently important to justify
// resetting the graphics preferences of all users to the recommended
@@ -98,9 +98,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 1.125
VertexShaderEnable 1 0
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 0
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 0
@@ -130,9 +127,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 1.125
VertexShaderEnable 1 1
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 0
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 0
@@ -160,9 +154,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 1.125
VertexShaderEnable 1 1
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 0
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 0
@@ -190,9 +181,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 1.125
VertexShaderEnable 1 1
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 1
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 2
@@ -230,30 +218,66 @@ RenderFSAASamples 1 2
list Unknown
RenderVBOEnable 1 0
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
// Class 0 Hardware (just old)
list Class0
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
// Class 1 Hardware
list Class1
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-// Class 2 Hardware (make it purty)
+// Class 2 Hardware
list Class2
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-// Class 3 Hardware (make it purty)
+// Class 3 Hardware (deferred enabled)
list Class3
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
+// Class 4 Hardware (deferred + SSAO)
+list Class4
+RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 1
+// Class 5 Hardware (deferred + SSAO + shadows)
+list Class5
+RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 2
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 1
// VRAM > 512MB
diff --git a/indra/newview/featuretable_linux.txt b/indra/newview/featuretable_linux.txt
index 3a0e7e3697..5699bd9c8a 100644
--- a/indra/newview/featuretable_linux.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/featuretable_linux.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-version 27
+version 28
// The version number above should be implemented IF AND ONLY IF some
// change has been made that is sufficiently important to justify
// resetting the graphics preferences of all users to the recommended
@@ -95,9 +95,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 0.5
VertexShaderEnable 1 1
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 0
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 0
@@ -126,9 +123,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 0.5
VertexShaderEnable 1 0
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 0
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 0
@@ -156,9 +150,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 1.125
VertexShaderEnable 1 1
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 0
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 0
@@ -186,9 +177,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 1.125
VertexShaderEnable 1 1
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 1
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 2
@@ -226,32 +214,66 @@ RenderFSAASamples 1 2
list Unknown
RenderVBOEnable 1 0
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
// Class 0 Hardware (just old)
list Class0
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
// Class 1 Hardware
list Class1
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-// Class 2 Hardware (make it purty)
+// Class 2 Hardware
list Class2
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-// Class 3 Hardware (make it purty)
+// Class 3 Hardware (deferred enabled)
list Class3
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
+// Class 4 Hardware (deferred + SSAO)
+list Class4
+RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 1
+// Class 5 Hardware (deferred + SSAO + shadows)
+list Class5
+RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 2
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 1
// VRAM > 512MB
list VRAMGT512
diff --git a/indra/newview/featuretable_mac.txt b/indra/newview/featuretable_mac.txt
index 96362ff4bb..3a91f19c58 100644
--- a/indra/newview/featuretable_mac.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/featuretable_mac.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-version 32
+version 34
// The version number above should be implemented IF AND ONLY IF some
// change has been made that is sufficiently important to justify
// resetting the graphics preferences of all users to the recommended
@@ -97,9 +97,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 0.5
VertexShaderEnable 1 0
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 0
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 0
@@ -128,9 +125,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 0.5
VertexShaderEnable 1 1
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 0
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 0
@@ -158,9 +152,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 1.125
VertexShaderEnable 1 1
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 0
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 0
@@ -188,9 +179,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 1.125
VertexShaderEnable 1 1
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 1
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 2
RenderFSAASamples 1 2
@@ -228,30 +216,65 @@ RenderFSAASamples 1 2
list Unknown
RenderVBOEnable 1 0
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
// Class 0 Hardware (just old)
list Class0
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
// Class 1 Hardware
list Class1
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-// Class 2 Hardware (make it purty)
+// Class 2 Hardware
list Class2
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-// Class 3 Hardware (make it purty)
+// Class 3 Hardware (deferred enabled)
list Class3
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
+// Class 4 Hardware (deferred + SSAO)
+list Class4
+RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 1
+// Class 5 Hardware (deferred + SSAO + shadows)
+list Class5
+RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 2
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 1
// No Pixel Shaders available
diff --git a/indra/newview/featuretable_xp.txt b/indra/newview/featuretable_xp.txt
index a945f7a693..ad16e2533b 100644
--- a/indra/newview/featuretable_xp.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/featuretable_xp.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-version 31
+version 32
// The version number above should be implemented IF AND ONLY IF some
// change has been made that is sufficiently important to justify
// resetting the graphics preferences of all users to the recommended
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ Disregard96DefaultDrawDistance 1 1
RenderTextureMemoryMultiple 1 1.0
RenderCompressTextures 1 1
RenderShaderLightingMaxLevel 1 3
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 2
WatchdogDisabled 1 1
RenderUseStreamVBO 1 1
RenderFSAASamples 1 16
@@ -97,9 +97,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 0.5
VertexShaderEnable 1 0
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 0
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 0
@@ -128,9 +125,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 0.5
VertexShaderEnable 1 1
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 0
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 0
@@ -158,9 +152,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 1.125
VertexShaderEnable 1 1
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 0
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 0
RenderFSAASamples 1 0
@@ -188,9 +179,6 @@ RenderVolumeLODFactor 1 1.125
VertexShaderEnable 1 1
WindLightUseAtmosShaders 1 1
WLSkyDetail 1 48
-RenderDeferred 1 0
-RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-RenderShadowDetail 1 2
RenderFSAASamples 1 2
@@ -228,30 +216,65 @@ RenderFSAASamples 1 2
list Unknown
RenderVBOEnable 1 0
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
// Class 0 Hardware (just old)
list Class0
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
// Class 1 Hardware
list Class1
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-// Class 2 Hardware (make it purty)
+// Class 2 Hardware
list Class2
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 0
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
-// Class 3 Hardware (make it purty)
+// Class 3 Hardware (deferred enabled)
list Class3
RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 0
+// Class 4 Hardware (deferred + SSAO)
+list Class4
+RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 0
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 1
+// Class 5 Hardware (deferred + SSAO + shadows)
+list Class5
+RenderVBOEnable 1 1
+RenderShadowDetail 1 2
+RenderDeferred 1 1
+RenderDeferredSSAO 1 1
// VRAM > 512MB
diff --git a/indra/newview/gpu_table.txt b/indra/newview/gpu_table.txt
index 777d54a5c3..5e8189caa5 100644
--- a/indra/newview/gpu_table.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/gpu_table.txt
@@ -17,520 +17,567 @@
// Format:
// Fields are separated by one or more tab (not space) characters
-// <recognizer name> <regular expression> <class> <supported>
+// <recognizer name> <regular expression> <class> <supported> <stats based> <expected OpenGL version>
// Class Numbers:
// 0 - Defaults to low graphics settings. No shaders on by default
// 1 - Defaults to mid graphics settings. Basic shaders on by default
// 2 - Defaults to high graphics settings. Atmospherics on by default.
-// 3 - Same as class 2 for now.
+// 3 - Same as 2, but with lighting and shadows enabled.
+// 4 - Same as 3, but with ambient occlusion enabled.
+// 5 - Same as 4, but with shadows set to "Sun/Moon+Projectors."
// Supported Number:
// 0 - We claim to not support this card.
// 1 - We claim to support this card.
-3Dfx .*3Dfx.* 0 0
-3Dlabs .*3Dlabs.* 0 0
-ATI 3D-Analyze .*ATI.*3D-Analyze.* 0 0
-ATI All-in-Wonder 7500 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder 75.* 0 1
-ATI All-in-Wonder 8500 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder 85.* 0 1
-ATI All-in-Wonder 9200 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder 92.* 0 1
-ATI All-in-Wonder 9xxx .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder 9.* 1 1
-ATI All-in-Wonder HD .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder HD.* 1 1
-ATI All-in-Wonder X600 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder X6.* 1 1
-ATI All-in-Wonder X800 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder X8.* 2 1
-ATI All-in-Wonder X1800 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder X18.* 3 1
-ATI All-in-Wonder X1900 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder X19.* 3 1
-ATI All-in-Wonder PCI-E .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder.*PCI-E.* 1 1
-ATI All-in-Wonder Radeon .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder Radeon.* 0 1
-ATI ASUS A9xxx .*ATI.*ASUS.*A9.* 1 1
-ATI ASUS AH24xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AH24.* 1 1
-ATI ASUS AH26xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AH26.* 3 1
-ATI ASUS AH34xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AH34.* 1 1
-ATI ASUS AH36xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AH36.* 3 1
-ATI ASUS AH46xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AH46.* 3 1
-ATI ASUS AX3xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AX3.* 1 1
-ATI ASUS AX5xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AX5.* 1 1
-ATI ASUS AX8xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AX8.* 2 1
-ATI ASUS EAH24xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH24.* 2 1
-ATI ASUS EAH26xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH26.* 3 1
-ATI ASUS EAH29xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH29.* 3 1
-ATI ASUS EAH34xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH34.* 1 1
-ATI ASUS EAH36xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH36.* 3 1
-ATI ASUS EAH38xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH38.* 3 1
-ATI ASUS EAH43xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH43.* 1 1
-ATI ASUS EAH45xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH45.* 1 1
-ATI ASUS EAH48xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH48.* 3 1
-ATI ASUS EAH57xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH57.* 3 1
-ATI ASUS EAH58xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH58.* 3 1
-ATI ASUS EAH6xxx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH6.* 3 1
-ATI ASUS Radeon X1xxx .*ATI.*ASUS.*X1.* 3 1
-ATI Radeon X7xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*X7.* 1 1
-ATI Radeon X19xx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X19.* ?.* 3 1
-ATI Radeon X18xx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X18.* ?.* 3 1
-ATI Radeon X17xx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X17.* ?.* 2 1
-ATI Radeon X16xx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X16.* ?.* 2 1
-ATI Radeon X15xx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X15.* ?.* 2 1
-ATI Radeon X13xx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X13.* ?.* 1 1
-ATI Radeon X1xxx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X1.. ?.* 1 1
-ATI Radeon X2xxx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X2.. ?.* 1 1
-ATI Display Adapter .*ATI.*display adapter.* 0 1
-ATI FireGL 5200 .*ATI.*FireGL V52.* 0 1
-ATI FireGL 5xxx .*ATI.*FireGL V5.* 1 1
-ATI FireGL .*ATI.*Fire.*GL.* 0 1
-ATI FirePro M3900 .*ATI.*FirePro.*M39.* 2 1
-ATI FirePro M5800 .*ATI.*FirePro.*M58.* 3 1
-ATI FirePro M7740 .*ATI.*FirePro.*M77.* 3 1
-ATI FirePro M7820 .*ATI.*FirePro.*M78.* 3 1
-ATI FireMV .*ATI.*FireMV.* 0 1
-ATI Geforce 9500 GT .*ATI.*Geforce 9500 *GT.* 2 1
-ATI Geforce 9600 GT .*ATI.*Geforce 9600 *GT.* 2 1
-ATI Geforce 9800 GT .*ATI.*Geforce 9800 *GT.* 2 1
-ATI Generic .*ATI.*Generic.* 0 0
-ATI Hercules 9800 .*ATI.*Hercules.*9800.* 1 1
-ATI IGP 340M .*ATI.*IGP.*340M.* 0 0
-ATI M52 .*ATI.*M52.* 1 1
-ATI M54 .*ATI.*M54.* 1 1
-ATI M56 .*ATI.*M56.* 1 1
-ATI M71 .*ATI.*M71.* 1 1
-ATI M72 .*ATI.*M72.* 1 1
-ATI M76 .*ATI.*M76.* 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 64xx .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD [67]4..[MG] 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 65xx .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD [67]5..[MG] 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 66xx .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD [67]6..[MG] 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon 4100 .*ATI.*Mobility.*41.. 1 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon 7xxx .*ATI.*Mobility.*Radeon 7.* 0 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon 8xxx .*ATI.*Mobility.*Radeon 8.* 0 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon 9800 .*ATI.*Mobility.*98.* 1 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 .*ATI.*Mobility.*97.* 1 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 .*ATI.*Mobility.*96.* 0 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 530v .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *530v.* 1 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 540v .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *540v.* 2 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 545v .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *545v.* 2 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 550v .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *550v.* 2 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 560v .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *560v.* 2 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 565v .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *565v.* 2 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2300 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *23.* 2 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2400 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *24.* 2 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2600 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *26.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2700 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *27.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3100 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *31.* 0 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3200 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *32.* 0 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *34.* 2 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3600 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *36.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3800 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *38.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *42.* 2 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4300 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *43.* 2 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *45.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4600 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *46.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4800 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *48.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5100 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *51.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5300 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *53.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5400 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *54.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5500 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *55.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5600 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *56.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5700 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *57.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6200 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *62.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6300 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *63.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6400M .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *64.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6500M .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *65.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6600M .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *66.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6700M .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *67.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6800M .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *68.* 3 1
-ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6900M .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *69.* 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 2300 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *23.. 2 1
-ATI Radeon HD 2400 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *24.. 2 1
-ATI Radeon HD 2600 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *26.. 2 1
-ATI Radeon HD 2900 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *29.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 3000 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *30.. 0 1
-ATI Radeon HD 3100 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *31.. 1 1
-ATI Radeon HD 3200 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *32.. 1 1
-ATI Radeon HD 3300 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *33.. 2 1
-ATI Radeon HD 3400 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *34.. 2 1
-ATI Radeon HD 3500 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *35.. 2 1
-ATI Radeon HD 3600 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *36.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 3700 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *37.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 3800 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *38.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 4100 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *41.. 1 1
-ATI Radeon HD 4200 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *42.. 1 1
-ATI Radeon HD 4300 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *43.. 2 1
-ATI Radeon HD 4400 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *44.. 2 1
-ATI Radeon HD 4500 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *45.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 4600 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *46.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 4700 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *47.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 4800 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *48.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 5400 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *54.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 5500 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *55.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 5600 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *56.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 5700 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *57.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 5800 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *58.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 5900 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *59.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 6200 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *62.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 6300 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *63.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 6400 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *64.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 6500 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *65.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 6600 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *66.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 6700 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *67.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 6800 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *68.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon HD 6900 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *69.. 3 1
-ATI Radeon OpenGL .*ATI.*Radeon OpenGL.* 0 0
-ATI Radeon 2100 .*ATI.*Radeon 21.. 0 1
-ATI Radeon 3000 .*ATI.*Radeon 30.. 0 1
-ATI Radeon 3100 .*ATI.*Radeon 31.. 1 1
-ATI Radeon 5xxx .*ATI.*Radeon 5... 3 1
-ATI Radeon 7xxx .*ATI.*Radeon 7... 0 1
-ATI Radeon 8xxx .*ATI.*Radeon 8... 0 1
-ATI Radeon 9000 .*ATI.*Radeon 90.. 0 1
-ATI Radeon 9100 .*ATI.*Radeon 91.. 0 1
-ATI Radeon 9200 .*ATI.*Radeon 92.. 0 1
-ATI Radeon 9500 .*ATI.*Radeon 95.. 0 1
-ATI Radeon 9600 .*ATI.*Radeon 96.. 0 1
-ATI Radeon 9700 .*ATI.*Radeon 97.. 1 1
-ATI Radeon 9800 .*ATI.*Radeon 98.. 1 1
-ATI Radeon RV250 .*ATI.*RV250.* 0 1
-ATI Radeon RV600 .*ATI.*RV6.* 1 1
-ATI Radeon RX700 .*ATI.*RX70.* 1 1
-ATI Radeon RX800 .*ATI.*Radeon *RX80.* 2 1
-ATI RS880M .*ATI.*RS880M 1 1
-ATI Radeon RX9550 .*ATI.*RX9550.* 1 1
-ATI Radeon VE .*ATI.*Radeon.*VE.* 0 0
-ATI Radeon X300 .*ATI.*Radeon *X3.* 0 1
-ATI Radeon X400 .*ATI.*Radeon ?X4.* 0 1
-ATI Radeon X500 .*ATI.*Radeon ?X5.* 0 1
-ATI Radeon X600 .*ATI.*Radeon ?X6.* 1 1
-ATI Radeon X700 .*ATI.*Radeon ?X7.* 1 1
-ATI Radeon X800 .*ATI.*Radeon ?X8.* 2 1
-ATI Radeon X900 .*ATI.*Radeon ?X9.* 2 1
-ATI Radeon Xpress .*ATI.*Radeon Xpress.* 0 1
-ATI Rage 128 .*ATI.*Rage 128.* 0 1
-ATI R300 (9700) .*R300.* 1 1
-ATI R350 (9800) .*R350.* 1 1
-ATI R580 (X1900) .*R580.* 3 1
-ATI RC410 (Xpress 200) .*RC410.* 0 0
-ATI RS48x (Xpress 200x) .*RS48.* 0 0
-ATI RS600 (Xpress 3200) .*RS600.* 0 0
-ATI RV350 (9600) .*RV350.* 0 1
-ATI RV370 (X300) .*RV370.* 0 1
-ATI RV410 (X700) .*RV410.* 1 1
-ATI RV515 .*RV515.* 1 1
-ATI RV570 (X1900 GT/PRO) .*RV570.* 3 1
-ATI RV380 .*RV380.* 0 1
-ATI RV530 .*RV530.* 1 1
-ATI RX480 (Xpress 200P) .*RX480.* 0 1
-ATI RX700 .*RX700.* 1 1
-AMD ANTILLES (HD 6990) .*(AMD|ATI).*Antilles.* 3 1
-AMD BARTS (HD 6800) .*(AMD|ATI).*Barts.* 3 1
-AMD CAICOS (HD 6400) .*(AMD|ATI).*Caicos.* 3 1
-AMD CAYMAN (HD 6900) .*(AMD|ATI).*(Cayman|CAYMAM).* 3 1
-AMD CEDAR (HD 5450) .*(AMD|ATI).*Cedar.* 2 1
-AMD CYPRESS (HD 5800) .*(AMD|ATI).*Cypress.* 3 1
-AMD HEMLOCK (HD 5970) .*(AMD|ATI).*Hemlock.* 3 1
-AMD JUNIPER (HD 5700) .*(AMD|ATI).*Juniper.* 3 1
-AMD PARK .*(AMD|ATI).*Park.* 3 1
-AMD REDWOOD (HD 5500/5600) .*(AMD|ATI).*Redwood.* 3 1
-AMD TURKS (HD 6500/6600) .*(AMD|ATI).*Turks.* 3 1
-AMD RS780 (HD 3200) .*RS780.* 0 1
-AMD RS880 (HD 4200) .*RS880.* 1 1
-AMD RV610 (HD 2400) .*RV610.* 1 1
-AMD RV620 (HD 3400) .*RV620.* 1 1
-AMD RV630 (HD 2600) .*RV630.* 2 1
-AMD RV635 (HD 3600) .*RV635.* 3 1
-AMD RV670 (HD 3800) .*RV670.* 3 1
-AMD R680 (HD 3870 X2) .*R680.* 3 1
-AMD R700 (HD 4800 X2) .*R700.* 3 1
-AMD RV710 (HD 4300) .*RV710.* 1 1
-AMD RV730 (HD 4600) .*RV730.* 3 1
-AMD RV740 (HD 4700) .*RV740.* 3 1
-AMD RV770 (HD 4800) .*RV770.* 3 1
-AMD RV790 (HD 4800) .*RV790.* 3 1
-ATI 760G/Radeon 3000 .*ATI.*AMD 760G.* 1 1
-ATI 780L/Radeon 3000 .*ATI.*AMD 780L.* 1 1
-ATI Radeon DDR .*ATI.*Radeon ?DDR.* 0 1
-ATI FirePro 2000 .*ATI.*FirePro 2.* 1 1
-ATI FirePro 3000 .*ATI.*FirePro V3.* 1 1
-ATI FirePro 4000 .*ATI.*FirePro V4.* 2 1
-ATI FirePro 5000 .*ATI.*FirePro V5.* 3 1
-ATI FirePro 7000 .*ATI.*FirePro V7.* 3 1
-ATI FirePro M .*ATI.*FirePro M.* 3 1
-ATI Technologies .*ATI *Technologies.* 0 1
-// This entry is last to work around the "R300" driver problem.
-ATI R300 (9700) .*R300.* 1 1
-ATI Radeon .*ATI.*(Diamond|Radeon).* 0 1
-Intel X3100 .*Intel.*X3100.* 0 1
-Intel 830M .*Intel.*830M 0 0
-Intel 845G .*Intel.*845G 0 0
-Intel 855GM .*Intel.*855GM 0 0
-Intel 865G .*Intel.*865G 0 0
-Intel 900 .*Intel.*900.*900 0 0
-Intel 915GM .*Intel.*915GM 0 0
-Intel 915G .*Intel.*915G 0 0
-Intel 945GM .*Intel.*945GM.* 0 1
-Intel 945G .*Intel.*945G.* 0 1
-Intel 950 .*Intel.*950.* 0 1
-Intel 965 .*Intel.*965.* 0 1
-Intel G33 .*Intel.*G33.* 0 0
-Intel G41 .*Intel.*G41.* 0 1
-Intel G45 .*Intel.*G45.* 0 1
-Intel Bear Lake .*Intel.*Bear Lake.* 0 0
-Intel Broadwater .*Intel.*Broadwater.* 0 0
-Intel Brookdale .*Intel.*Brookdale.* 0 0
-Intel Cantiga .*Intel.*Cantiga.* 0 0
-Intel Eaglelake .*Intel.*Eaglelake.* 0 1
-Intel Graphics Media HD .*Intel.*Graphics Media.*HD.* 0 1
-Intel HD Graphics .*Intel.*HD Graphics.* 2 1
-Intel Mobile 4 Series .*Intel.*Mobile.* 4 Series.* 0 1
-Intel Media Graphics HD .*Intel.*Media Graphics HD.* 0 1
-Intel Montara .*Intel.*Montara.* 0 0
-Intel Pineview .*Intel.*Pineview.* 0 1
-Intel Springdale .*Intel.*Springdale.* 0 0
-Intel HD Graphics 2000 .*Intel.*HD2000.* 1 1
-Intel HD Graphics 3000 .*Intel.*HD3000.* 2 1
-Matrox .*Matrox.* 0 0
-Mesa .*Mesa.* 0 0
-NVIDIA 205 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 205.* 2 1
-NVIDIA 210 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 210.* 2 1
-NVIDIA 310M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 310M.* 1 1
-NVIDIA 310 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 310.* 3 1
-NVIDIA 315M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 315M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA 315 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 315.* 3 1
-NVIDIA 320M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 320M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA G100M .*NVIDIA .*100M.* 0 1
-NVIDIA G100 .*NVIDIA .*100.* 0 1
-NVIDIA G102M .*NVIDIA .*102M.* 0 1
-NVIDIA G103M .*NVIDIA .*103M.* 0 1
-NVIDIA G105M .*NVIDIA .*105M.* 0 1
-NVIDIA G 110M .*NVIDIA .*110M.* 0 1
-NVIDIA G 120M .*NVIDIA .*120M.* 1 1
-NVIDIA G 200 .*NVIDIA .*200(M)?.* 0 1
-NVIDIA G 205M .*NVIDIA .*205(M)?.* 0 1
-NVIDIA G 210 .*NVIDIA .*210(M)?.* 1 1
-NVIDIA 305M .*NVIDIA .*305(M)?.* 1 1
-NVIDIA G 310M .*NVIDIA .*310(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA G 315 .*NVIDIA .*315(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA G 320M .*NVIDIA .*320(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA G 405 .*NVIDIA .*405(M)?.* 1 1
-NVIDIA G 410M .*NVIDIA .*410(M)?.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GT 120M .*NVIDIA .*GT *120(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 120 .*NVIDIA .*GT.*120 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 130M .*NVIDIA .*GT *130(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 140M .*NVIDIA .*GT *140(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 150M .*NVIDIA .*GT(S)? *150(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 160M .*NVIDIA .*GT *160(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 220M .*NVIDIA .*GT *220(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 230M .*NVIDIA .*GT *230(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 240M .*NVIDIA .*GT *240(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 250M .*NVIDIA .*GT *250(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 260M .*NVIDIA .*GT *260(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 320M .*NVIDIA .*GT *320(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 325M .*NVIDIA .*GT *325(M)?.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GT 330M .*NVIDIA .*GT *330(M)?.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GT 335M .*NVIDIA .*GT *335(M)?.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GT 340M .*NVIDIA .*GT *340(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 415M .*NVIDIA .*GT *415(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 420M .*NVIDIA .*GT *420(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GT 425M .*NVIDIA .*GT *425(M)?.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GT 430M .*NVIDIA .*GT *430(M)?.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GT 435M .*NVIDIA .*GT *435(M)?.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GT 440M .*NVIDIA .*GT *440(M)?.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GT 445M .*NVIDIA .*GT *445(M)?.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GT 450M .*NVIDIA .*GT *450(M)?.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GT 520M .*NVIDIA .*GT *52.(M)?.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GT 530M .*NVIDIA .*GT *530(M)?.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GT 540M .*NVIDIA .*GT *54.(M)?.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GT 550M .*NVIDIA .*GT *550(M)?.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GT 555M .*NVIDIA .*GT *555(M)?.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTS 160M .*NVIDIA .*GT(S)? *160(M)?.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GTS 240 .*NVIDIA .*GTS *24.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTS 250 .*NVIDIA .*GTS *25.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTS 350M .*NVIDIA .*GTS *350M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTS 360M .*NVIDIA .*GTS *360M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTS 360 .*NVIDIA .*GTS *360.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTS 450 .*NVIDIA .*GTS *45.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 260 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *26.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 275 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *275.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 270 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *27.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 285 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *285.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 280 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *280.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 290 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *290.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 295 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *295.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 460M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *460M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 465 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *465.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 460 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *46.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 470M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *470M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 470 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *47.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 480M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *480M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 485M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *485M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 480 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *48.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 530 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *53.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 550 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *55.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 560 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *56.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 570 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *57.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 580M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *580M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 580 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *58.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GTX 590 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *59.* 3 1
-NVIDIA C51 .*NVIDIA .*C51.* 0 1
-NVIDIA G72 .*NVIDIA .*G72.* 1 1
-NVIDIA G73 .*NVIDIA .*G73.* 1 1
-NVIDIA G84 .*NVIDIA .*G84.* 2 1
-NVIDIA G86 .*NVIDIA .*G86.* 3 1
-NVIDIA G92 .*NVIDIA .*G92.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GeForce .*GeForce 256.* 0 0
-NVIDIA GeForce 2 .*GeForce ?2 ?.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 3 .*GeForce ?3 ?.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 3 Ti .*GeForce ?3 Ti.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 4 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce ?4.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 4 Go .*NVIDIA .*GeForce ?4.*Go.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX .*NVIDIA .*GeForce ?4 MX.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 4 PCX .*NVIDIA .*GeForce ?4 PCX.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti .*NVIDIA .*GeForce ?4 Ti.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 6100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 61.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 6200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 62.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 6500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 65.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 6600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 66.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 6700 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 67.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 6800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 68.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 7000 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 70.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 7100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 71.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 7200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 72.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 7300 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 73.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 7500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 75.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 7600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 76.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 7800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 78.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 7900 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 79.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 81.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8200M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 8200M.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 82.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8300 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 83.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8400M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 8400M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8400 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 84.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 85.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8600M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 8600M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 86.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8700M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 8700M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8700 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 87.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8800M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 8800M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 8800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 88.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9100M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9100M.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 91.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9200M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9200M.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 92.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9300M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9300M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9300 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 93.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9400M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9400M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9400 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 94.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9500M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9500M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 95.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9600M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9600M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 96.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9700M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9700M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9800M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9800M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GeForce 9800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 98.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX 5100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 51.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 52.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX 5300 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 53.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 55.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 56.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 57.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 58.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 59.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go51.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go52.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5300 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go53.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go55.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go56.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5700 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go57.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go58.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5900 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go59.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5xxx .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 6100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 61.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 6200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 62.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 6400 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 64.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 6500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 65.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 6600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 66.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 6700 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 67.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 6800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 68.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 7200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 72.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300 LE .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 73.*LE.* 0 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 73.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 7400 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 74.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 7600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 76.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 7700 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 77.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 7800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 78.* 2 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 7900 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 79.* 2 1
-NVIDIA D9M .*NVIDIA .*D9M.* 1 1
-NVIDIA G94 .*NVIDIA .*G94.* 3 1
-NVIDIA GeForce Go 6 .*GeForce Go 6.* 1 1
-NVIDIA ION 2 .*NVIDIA .*ION 2.* 2 1
-NVIDIA N10 .*NVIDIA .*N10.* 1 1
-NVIDIA GeForce PCX .*GeForce PCX.* 0 1
-NVIDIA Generic .*NVIDIA .*Unknown.* 0 0
-NVIDIA NV17 .*NVIDIA .*NV17.* 0 1
-NVIDIA NV34 .*NVIDIA .*NV34.* 0 1
-NVIDIA NV35 .*NVIDIA .*NV35.* 0 1
-NVIDIA NV36 .*NVIDIA .*NV36.* 1 1
-NVIDIA NV41 .*NVIDIA .*NV41.* 1 1
-NVIDIA NV43 .*NVIDIA .*NV43.* 1 1
-NVIDIA NV44 .*NVIDIA .*NV44.* 1 1
-NVIDIA nForce .*NVIDIA .*nForce.* 0 0
-NVIDIA MCP51 .*NVIDIA .*MCP51.* 1 1
-NVIDIA MCP61 .*NVIDIA .*MCP61.* 1 1
-NVIDIA MCP67 .*NVIDIA .*MCP67.* 1 1
-NVIDIA MCP68 .*NVIDIA .*MCP68.* 1 1
-NVIDIA MCP73 .*NVIDIA .*MCP73.* 1 1
-NVIDIA MCP77 .*NVIDIA .*MCP77.* 1 1
-NVIDIA MCP78 .*NVIDIA .*MCP78.* 1 1
-NVIDIA MCP79 .*NVIDIA .*MCP79.* 1 1
-NVIDIA Quadro2 .*Quadro2.* 0 1
-NVIDIA Quadro 1000M .*Quadro.*1000M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA Quadro 2000 M/D .*Quadro.*2000.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro 3000M .*Quadro.*3000M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro 4000M .*Quadro.*4000M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro 4000 .*Quadro *4000.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro 50x0 M .*Quadro.*50.0.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro 6000 .*Quadro.*6000.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro 400 .*Quadro.*400.* 2 1
-NVIDIA Quadro 600 .*Quadro.*600.* 2 1
-NVIDIA Quadro4 .*Quadro4.* 0 1
-NVIDIA Quadro DCC .*Quadro DCC.* 0 1
-NVIDIA Quadro CX .*Quadro.*CX.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 770M .*Quadro.*FX *770M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 1500M .*Quadro.*FX *1500M.* 1 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 1600M .*Quadro.*FX *1600M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 2500M .*Quadro.*FX *2500M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 2700M .*Quadro.*FX *2700M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M .*Quadro.*FX *2800M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 3500 .*Quadro.*FX *3500.* 2 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 3600 .*Quadro.*FX *3600.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 3700 .*Quadro.*FX *3700.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800 .*Quadro.*FX *3800.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 4500 .*Quadro.*FX *45.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 880M .*Quadro.*FX *880M.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800 .*NVIDIA .*Quadro *FX *4800.* 3 1
-NVIDIA Quadro FX .*Quadro FX.* 1 1
-NVIDIA Quadro NVS 1xxM .*Quadro NVS *1.[05]M.* 0 1
-NVIDIA Quadro NVS 300M .*NVIDIA .*NVS *300M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA Quadro NVS 320M .*NVIDIA .*NVS *320M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA Quadro NVS 2100M .*NVIDIA .*NVS *2100M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA Quadro NVS 3100M .*NVIDIA .*NVS *3100M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA Quadro NVS 4200M .*NVIDIA .*NVS *4200M.* 2 1
-NVIDIA Quadro NVS 5100M .*NVIDIA .*NVS *5100M.* 2 1
-S3 .*S3 Graphics.* 0 0
-SiS SiS.* 0 0
-Trident Trident.* 0 0
-Tungsten Graphics Tungsten.* 0 0
-XGI XGI.* 0 0
-VIA VIA.* 0 0
-Apple Generic Apple.*Generic.* 0 0
-Apple Software Renderer Apple.*Software Renderer.* 0 0
-Humper Humper.* 0 1
+3Dfx .*3Dfx.* 0 0 0 0
+3Dlabs .*3Dlabs.* 0 0 0 0
+ATI 3D-Analyze .*ATI.*3D-Analyze.* 0 0 0 0
+ATI All-in-Wonder 7500 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder 75.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI All-in-Wonder 8500 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder 85.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI All-in-Wonder 9200 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder 92.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI All-in-Wonder 9xxx .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder 9.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI All-in-Wonder HD .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder HD.* 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI All-in-Wonder X600 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder X6.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI All-in-Wonder X800 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder X8.* 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI All-in-Wonder X1800 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder X18.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI All-in-Wonder X1900 .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder X19.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI All-in-Wonder PCI-E .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder.*PCI-E.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI All-in-Wonder Radeon .*ATI.*All-in-Wonder Radeon.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS A9xxx .*ATI.*ASUS.*A9.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS AH24xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AH24.* 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI ASUS AH26xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AH26.* 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI ASUS AH34xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AH34.* 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI ASUS AH36xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AH36.* 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI ASUS AH46xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AH46.* 2 1 1 3.3
+ATI ASUS AX3xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AX3.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS AX5xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AX5.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS AX8xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*AX8.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH24xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH24.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH26xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH26.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH29xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH29.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH34xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH34.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH36xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH36.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH38xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH38.* 2 1 1 3.3
+ATI ASUS EAH43xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH43.* 2 1 1 3.3
+ATI ASUS EAH45xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH45.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH48xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH48.* 3 1 1 3.3
+ATI ASUS EAH57xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH57.* 3 1 1 4.1
+ATI ASUS EAH58xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH58.* 5 1 1 4.1
+ATI ASUS EAH62xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH62.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH63xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH63.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH64xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH64.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH65xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH65.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH66xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH66.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH67xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH67.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH68xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH68.* 5 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS EAH69xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*EAH69.* 5 1 0 0
+ATI ASUS Radeon X1xxx .*ATI.*ASUS.*X1.* 2 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X7xx .*ATI.*ASUS.*X7.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon X19xx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X19.* ?.* 2 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X18xx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X18.* ?.* 3 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X17xx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X17.* ?.* 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X16xx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X16.* ?.* 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X15xx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X15.* ?.* 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X13xx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X13.* ?.* 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X1xxx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X1.. ?.* 0 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X2xxx .*ATI.*(Radeon|Diamond) X2.. ?.* 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI Display Adapter .*ATI.*display adapter.* 1 1 1 4.1
+ATI FireGL 5200 .*ATI.*FireGL V52.* 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI FireGL 5xxx .*ATI.*FireGL V5.* 2 1 1 3.3
+ATI FireGL .*ATI.*Fire.*GL.* 4 1 1 4.2
+ATI FirePro M3900 .*ATI.*FirePro.*M39.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI FirePro M5800 .*ATI.*FirePro.*M58.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI FirePro M7740 .*ATI.*FirePro.*M77.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI FirePro M7820 .*ATI.*FirePro.*M78.* 5 1 1 4.2
+ATI FireMV .*ATI.*FireMV.* 0 1 1 1.3
+ATI Generic .*ATI.*Generic.* 0 0 0 0
+ATI Hercules 9800 .*ATI.*Hercules.*9800.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI IGP 340M .*ATI.*IGP.*340M.* 0 0 0 0
+ATI M52 .*ATI.*M52.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI M54 .*ATI.*M54.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI M56 .*ATI.*M56.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI M71 .*ATI.*M71.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI M72 .*ATI.*M72.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI M76 .*ATI.*M76.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 64xx .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD [67]4..[MG] 2 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 65xx .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD [67]5..[MG] 2 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 66xx .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD [67]6..[MG] 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 7100 .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD 71.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 7200 .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD 72.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 7300 .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD 73.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 7400 .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD 74.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 7500 .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD 75.* 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 7600 .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD 76.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 7700 .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD 77.* 4 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 7800 .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD 78.* 5 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 7900 .*ATI.*AMD Radeon.* HD 79.* 5 1 1 4.2
+ATI Mobility Radeon 4100 .*ATI.*Mobility.*41.. 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI Mobility Radeon 7xxx .*ATI.*Mobility.*Radeon 7.* 0 1 1 1.3
+ATI Mobility Radeon 8xxx .*ATI.*Mobility.*Radeon 8.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI Mobility Radeon 9800 .*ATI.*Mobility.*98.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 .*ATI.*Mobility.*97.* 0 1 1 2.1
+ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 .*ATI.*Mobility.*96.* 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 530v .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *530v.* 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 540v .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *540v.* 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 545v .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *545v.* 2 1 1 4
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 550v .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *550v.* 3 1 1 4
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 560v .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *560v.* 3 1 1 3.2
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 565v .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *565v.* 3 1 1 3.3
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2300 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *23.* 0 1 1 2.1
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2400 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *24.* 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2600 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *26.* 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2700 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *27.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3100 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *31.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3200 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *32.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *34.* 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3600 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *36.* 1 1 1 4
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3800 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *38.* 3 1 1 3.3
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *42.* 1 1 1 4
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4300 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *43.* 1 1 1 4
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *45.* 1 1 1 4
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4600 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *46.* 2 1 1 3.3
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4800 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *48.* 3 1 1 3.3
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5100 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *51.* 3 1 1 3.2
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5300 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *53.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5400 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *54.* 2 1 1 4.2
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5500 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *55.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5600 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *56.* 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5700 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *57.* 3 1 1 4.1
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6200 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *62.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6300 .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *63.* 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6400M .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *64.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6500M .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *65.* 5 1 1 4.2
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6600M .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *66.* 5 1 0 0
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6700M .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *67.* 5 1 0 0
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6800M .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *68.* 5 1 0 0
+ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6900M .*ATI.*Mobility.*HD *69.* 5 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 2300 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *23.. 0 1 1 3.3
+ATI Radeon HD 2400 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *24.. 1 1 1 4
+ATI Radeon HD 2600 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *26.. 2 1 1 3.3
+ATI Radeon HD 2900 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *29.. 3 1 1 3.3
+ATI Radeon HD 3000 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *30.. 0 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 3100 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *31.. 1 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 3200 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *32.. 1 1 1 4
+ATI Radeon HD 3300 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *33.. 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI Radeon HD 3400 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *34.. 1 1 1 4
+ATI Radeon HD 3500 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *35.. 2 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 3600 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *36.. 3 1 1 3.3
+ATI Radeon HD 3700 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *37.. 3 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 3800 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *38.. 3 1 1 4
+ATI Radeon HD 4100 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *41.. 1 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 4200 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *42.. 1 1 1 4
+ATI Radeon HD 4300 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *43.. 2 1 1 4
+ATI Radeon HD 4400 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *44.. 2 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon HD 4500 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *45.. 2 1 1 3.3
+ATI Radeon HD 4600 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *46.. 3 1 1 4
+ATI Radeon HD 4700 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *47.. 3 1 1 3.3
+ATI Radeon HD 4800 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *48.. 3 1 1 4
+ATI Radeon HD 5400 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *54.. 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 5500 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *55.. 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 5600 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *56.. 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 5700 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *57.. 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 5800 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *58.. 4 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 5900 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *59.. 4 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 6200 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *62.. 0 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 6300 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *63.. 1 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 6400 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *64.. 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 6500 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *65.. 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 6600 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *66.. 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 6700 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *67.. 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 6800 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *68.. 4 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon HD 6900 .*ATI.*Radeon HD *69.. 5 1 1 4.2
+ATI Radeon OpenGL .*ATI.*Radeon OpenGL.* 0 0 0 0
+ATI Radeon 2100 .*ATI.*Radeon 21.. 0 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon 3000 .*ATI.*Radeon 30.. 1 1 1 4
+ATI Radeon 3100 .*ATI.*Radeon 31.. 0 1 1 3.3
+ATI Radeon 5xxx .*ATI.*Radeon 5... 3 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon 7xxx .*ATI.*Radeon 7... 0 1 1 2
+ATI Radeon 8xxx .*ATI.*Radeon 8... 0 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon 9000 .*ATI.*Radeon 90.. 0 1 1 1.3
+ATI Radeon 9100 .*ATI.*Radeon 91.. 0 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon 9200 .*ATI.*Radeon 92.. 0 1 1 1.3
+ATI Radeon 9500 .*ATI.*Radeon 95.. 0 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon 9600 .*ATI.*Radeon 96.. 0 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon 9700 .*ATI.*Radeon 97.. 1 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon 9800 .*ATI.*Radeon 98.. 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon RV250 .*ATI.*RV250.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon RV600 .*ATI.*RV6.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon RX700 .*ATI.*RX70.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon RX800 .*ATI.*Radeon *RX80.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI RS880M .*ATI.*RS880M 1 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon RX9550 .*ATI.*RX9550.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon VE .*ATI.*Radeon.*VE.* 0 0 0 0
+ATI Radeon X300 .*ATI.*Radeon *X3.* 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X400 .*ATI.*Radeon ?X4.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon X500 .*ATI.*Radeon ?X5.* 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X600 .*ATI.*Radeon ?X6.* 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X700 .*ATI.*Radeon ?X7.* 2 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X800 .*ATI.*Radeon ?X8.* 1 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon X900 .*ATI.*Radeon ?X9.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon Xpress .*ATI.*Radeon Xpress.* 0 1 1 2.1
+ATI Rage 128 .*ATI.*Rage 128.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI R300 (9700) .*R300.* 0 1 1 2.1
+ATI R350 (9800) .*R350.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI R580 (X1900) .*R580.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI RC410 (Xpress 200) .*RC410.* 0 0 0 0
+ATI RS48x (Xpress 200x) .*RS48.* 0 0 0 0
+ATI RS600 (Xpress 3200) .*RS600.* 0 0 0 0
+ATI RV350 (9600) .*RV350.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI RV370 (X300) .*RV370.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI RV410 (X700) .*RV410.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI RV515 .*RV515.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI RV570 (X1900 GT/PRO) .*RV570.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI RV380 .*RV380.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI RV530 .*RV530.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI RX480 (Xpress 200P) .*RX480.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI RX700 .*RX700.* 1 1 0 0
+AMD ANTILLES (HD 6990) .*(AMD|ATI).*Antilles.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD BARTS (HD 6800) .*(AMD|ATI).*Barts.* 3 1 1 2.1
+AMD CAICOS (HD 6400) .*(AMD|ATI).*Caicos.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD CAYMAN (HD 6900) .*(AMD|ATI).*(Cayman|CAYMAM).* 3 1 0 0
+AMD CEDAR (HD 5450) .*(AMD|ATI).*Cedar.* 2 1 0 0
+AMD CYPRESS (HD 5800) .*(AMD|ATI).*Cypress.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD HEMLOCK (HD 5970) .*(AMD|ATI).*Hemlock.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD JUNIPER (HD 5700) .*(AMD|ATI).*Juniper.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD PARK .*(AMD|ATI).*Park.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD REDWOOD (HD 5500/5600) .*(AMD|ATI).*Redwood.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD TURKS (HD 6500/6600) .*(AMD|ATI).*Turks.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD RS780 (HD 3200) .*RS780.* 0 1 1 2.1
+AMD RS880 (HD 4200) .*RS880.* 0 1 1 3.2
+AMD RV610 (HD 2400) .*RV610.* 1 1 0 0
+AMD RV620 (HD 3400) .*RV620.* 1 1 0 0
+AMD RV630 (HD 2600) .*RV630.* 2 1 0 0
+AMD RV635 (HD 3600) .*RV635.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD RV670 (HD 3800) .*RV670.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD R680 (HD 3870 X2) .*R680.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD R700 (HD 4800 X2) .*R700.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD RV710 (HD 4300) .*RV710.* 0 1 1 1.4
+AMD RV730 (HD 4600) .*RV730.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD RV740 (HD 4700) .*RV740.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD RV770 (HD 4800) .*RV770.* 3 1 0 0
+AMD RV790 (HD 4800) .*RV790.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI 760G/Radeon 3000 .*ATI.*AMD 760G.* 1 1 1 3.3
+ATI 780L/Radeon 3000 .*ATI.*AMD 780L.* 1 1 0 0
+ATI Radeon DDR .*ATI.*Radeon ?DDR.* 0 1 0 0
+ATI FirePro 2000 .*ATI.*FirePro 2.* 2 1 1 4.1
+ATI FirePro 3000 .*ATI.*FirePro V3.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI FirePro 4000 .*ATI.*FirePro V4.* 2 1 0 0
+ATI FirePro 5000 .*ATI.*FirePro V5.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI FirePro 7000 .*ATI.*FirePro V7.* 3 1 0 0
+ATI FirePro M .*ATI.*FirePro M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+ATI R300 (9700) .*R300.* 0 1 1 2.1
+ATI Radeon .*ATI.*(Diamond|Radeon).* 0 1 0 0
+Intel X3100 .*Intel.*X3100.* 1 1 1 2.1
+Intel GMA 3600 .*Intel.* 3600.* 0 1 1 3
+Intel 830M .*Intel.*830M 0 0 0 0
+Intel 845G .*Intel.*845G 0 0 1 1.4
+Intel 855GM .*Intel.*855GM 0 0 1 1.4
+Intel 865G .*Intel.*865G 0 0 1 1.4
+Intel 900 .*Intel.*900.*900 0 0 0 0
+Intel 915GM .*Intel.*915GM 0 0 1 1.4
+Intel 915G .*Intel.*915G 0 0 1 1.4
+Intel 945GM .*Intel.*945GM.* 0 1 1 1.4
+Intel 945G .*Intel.*945G.* 0 1 1 1.4
+Intel 950 .*Intel.*950.* 0 1 1 1.4
+Intel 965 .*Intel.*965.* 0 1 1 2.1
+Intel G33 .*Intel.*G33.* 1 0 1 1.4
+Intel G41 .*Intel.*G41.* 1 1 1 2.1
+Intel G45 .*Intel.*G45.* 1 1 1 2.1
+Intel Bear Lake .*Intel.*Bear Lake.* 1 0 1 1.4
+Intel Broadwater .*Intel.*Broadwater.* 0 0 1 1.4
+Intel Brookdale .*Intel.*Brookdale.* 0 0 1 1.3
+Intel Cantiga .*Intel.*Cantiga.* 0 0 1 2
+Intel Eaglelake .*Intel.*Eaglelake.* 1 1 1 2
+Intel Graphics Media HD .*Intel.*Graphics Media.*HD.* 1 1 1 2.1
+Intel HD Graphics 2000 .*Intel.*HD Graphics 2.* 2 1 0 0
+Intel HD Graphics 3000 .*Intel.*HD Graphics 3.* 3 1 1 3.1
+Intel HD Graphics 4000 .*Intel.*HD Graphics 4.* 3 1 1 3.3
+Intel HD2000 .*Intel.*HD2000.* 2 1 0 0
+Intel HD3000 .*Intel.*HD3000.* 3 1 0 0
+Intel HD Graphics .*Intel.*HD Graphics.* 2 1 1 4
+Intel Mobile 4 Series .*Intel.*Mobile.* 4 Series.* 0 1 1 2.1
+Intel 4 Series Internal .*Intel.* 4 Series Internal.* 1 1 1 2.1
+Intel Media Graphics HD .*Intel.*Media Graphics HD.* 0 1 0 0
+Intel Montara .*Intel.*Montara.* 0 0 1 1.3
+Intel Pineview .*Intel.*Pineview.* 0 1 1 1.4
+Intel Springdale .*Intel.*Springdale.* 0 0 1 1.3
+Intel Grantsdale .*Intel.*Grantsdale.* 1 1 0 0
+Intel Q45/Q43 .*Intel.*Q4.* 1 1 1 2.1
+Intel B45/B43 .*Intel.*B4.* 1 1 1 2.1
+Intel 3D-Analyze .*Intel.*3D-Analyze.* 2 1 0 0
+Matrox .*Matrox.* 0 0 0 0
+Mesa .*Mesa.* 1 0 1 2.1
+Gallium .*Gallium.* 1 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA G100M .*NVIDIA .*100M.* 4 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA G102M .*NVIDIA .*102M.* 1 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA G103M .*NVIDIA .*103M.* 2 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA G105M .*NVIDIA .*105M.* 2 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA G 110M .*NVIDIA .*110M.* 1 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA G 120M .*NVIDIA .*120M.* 1 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA G 205M .*NVIDIA .*205M.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA G 410M .*NVIDIA .*410M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 120M .*NVIDIA .*GT *12*M.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GT 130M .*NVIDIA .*GT *13*M.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GT 140M .*NVIDIA .*GT *14*M.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GT 150M .*NVIDIA .*GTS *15*M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTS 160M .*NVIDIA .*GTS *16*M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA G210M .*NVIDIA .*G21*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 220M .*NVIDIA .*GT *22*M.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GT 230M .*NVIDIA .*GT *23*M.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GT 240M .*NVIDIA .*GT *24*M.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GTS 250M .*NVIDIA .*GTS *25*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTS 260M .*NVIDIA .*GTS *26*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTX 260M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *26*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTX 270M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *27*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTX 280M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *28*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA 300M .*NVIDIA .*30*M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA G 310M .*NVIDIA .*31*M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 320M .*NVIDIA .*GT *32*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 325M .*NVIDIA .*GT *32*M.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GT 330M .*NVIDIA .*GT *33*M.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GT 340M .*NVIDIA .*GT *34*M.* 4 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GTS 350M .*NVIDIA .*GTS *35*M.* 4 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GTS 360M .*NVIDIA .*GTS *36*M.* 5 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA 405M .*NVIDIA .* 40*M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA 410M .*NVIDIA .* 41*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 415M .*NVIDIA .*GT *41*M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 420M .*NVIDIA .*GT *42*M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 430M .*NVIDIA .*GT *43*M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 440M .*NVIDIA .*GT *44*M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 450M .*NVIDIA .*GT *45*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTX 460M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *46*M.* 4 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 470M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *47*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTX 480M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *48*M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 520M .*NVIDIA .*GT *52*M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 530M .*NVIDIA .*GT *53*M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 540M .*NVIDIA .*GT *54*M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 550M .*NVIDIA .*GT *55*M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 560M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *56*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTX 570M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *57*M.* 5 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTX 580M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *58*M.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA 610M .*NVIDIA.* 61*M.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 620M .*NVIDIA .*GT *62*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 630M .*NVIDIA .*GT *63*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 640M .*NVIDIA .*GT *64*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 650M .*NVIDIA .*GT *65*M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTX 660M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *66*M.* 5 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTX 670M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *67*M.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 680M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *68*M.* 5 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTX 690M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *69*M.* 5 1 0 0
+NVIDIA G100 .*NVIDIA .*G10.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 120 .*NVIDIA .*GT *12.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 130 .*NVIDIA .*GT *13.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTS 150 .*NVIDIA .*GTS *15.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA 205 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 205.* 2 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA 210 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 210.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GT 220 .*NVIDIA .*GT *22.* 2 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GTS 240 .*NVIDIA .*GTS *24.* 4 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GTS 250 .*NVIDIA .*GTS *25.* 4 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GTX 260 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *26.* 4 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GTX 270 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *27.* 4 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTX 280 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *28.* 4 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GTX 290 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *29.* 5 1 0 0
+NVIDIA 310 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 310.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA 315 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 315.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GT 320 .*NVIDIA .*GT *32.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 330 .*NVIDIA .*GT *33.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 340 .*NVIDIA .*GT *34.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA 405 .*NVIDIA .* 405.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 420 .*NVIDIA .*GT *42.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 430 .*NVIDIA .*GT *43.* 3 1 1 4.1
+NVIDIA GT 440 .*NVIDIA .*GT *44.* 4 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTS 450 .*NVIDIA .*GTS *45.* 4 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 460 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *46.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 470 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *47.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 480 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *48.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA 510 .*NVIDIA .* 510.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 520 .*NVIDIA .*GT *52.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 530 .*NVIDIA .*GT *53.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 540 .*NVIDIA .*GT *54.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 550 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *55.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 560 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *56.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 570 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *57.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 580 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *58.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 590 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *59.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 610 .*NVIDIA .*GT *61.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GT 620 .*NVIDIA .*GT *62.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 630 .*NVIDIA .*GT *63.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 640 .*NVIDIA .*GT *64.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GT 650 .*NVIDIA .*GT *65.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 660 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *66.* 5 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GTX 670 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *67.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 680 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *68.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GTX 690 .*NVIDIA .*GTX *69.* 5 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA C51 .*NVIDIA .*C51.* 0 1 1 2
+NVIDIA G72 .*NVIDIA .*G72.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA G73 .*NVIDIA .*G73.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA G84 .*NVIDIA .*G84.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA G86 .*NVIDIA .*G86.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA G92 .*NVIDIA .*G92.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce .*GeForce 256.* 0 0 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 2 .*GeForce ?2 ?.* 0 1 1 1.5
+NVIDIA GeForce 3 .*GeForce ?3 ?.* 2 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 3 Ti .*GeForce ?3 Ti.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 4 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce ?4.* 0 1 1 1.5
+NVIDIA GeForce 4 Go .*NVIDIA .*GeForce ?4.*Go.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX .*NVIDIA .*GeForce ?4 MX.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 4 PCX .*NVIDIA .*GeForce ?4 PCX.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti .*NVIDIA .*GeForce ?4 Ti.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 6100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 61.* 3 1 1 4.2
+NVIDIA GeForce 6200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 62.* 0 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 6500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 65.* 1 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 6600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 66.* 2 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 6700 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 67.* 2 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 6800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 68.* 1 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 7000 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 70.* 1 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 7100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 71.* 1 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 7200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 72.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 7300 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 73.* 1 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 7500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 75.* 2 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 7600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 76.* 2 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 7800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 78.* 2 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 7900 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 79.* 3 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce 8100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 81.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 8200M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 8200M.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 8200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 82.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 8300 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 83.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 8400M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 8400M.* 1 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 8400 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 84.* 2 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 8500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 85.* 2 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 8600M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 8600M.* 2 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 8600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 86.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 8700M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 8700M.* 2 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 8700 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 87.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 8800M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 8800M.* 2 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 8800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 88.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 9100M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9100M.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 9100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 91.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 9200M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9200M.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 9200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 92.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce 9300M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9300M.* 1 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 9300 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 93.* 1 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 9400M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9400M.* 2 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 9400 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 94.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 9500M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9500M.* 1 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 9500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 95.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 9600M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9600M.* 2 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 9600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 96.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 9700M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9700M.* 0 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 9800M .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 9800M.* 2 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce 9800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce 98.* 3 1 1 3.3
+NVIDIA GeForce FX 5100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 51.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 52.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce FX 5300 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 53.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 55.* 0 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 56.* 1 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 57.* 0 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 58.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX 59.* 1 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go51.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go52.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5300 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go53.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go55.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go56.* 0 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5700 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go57.* 1 1 1 1.5
+NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go58.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5900 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go59.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5xxx .*NVIDIA .*GeForce FX Go.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 6100 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 61.* 0 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 6200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 62.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 6400 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 64.* 1 1 1 2
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 6500 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 65.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 6600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 66.* 0 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 6700 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 67.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 6800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 68.* 0 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 7200 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 72.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300 LE .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 73.*LE.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 73.* 1 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 7400 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 74.* 1 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 7600 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 76.* 1 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 7700 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 77.* 0 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 7800 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 78.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 7900 .*NVIDIA .*GeForce Go 79.* 1 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA D9M .*NVIDIA .*D9M.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA G94 .*NVIDIA .*G94.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce Go 6 .*GeForce Go 6.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA ION 2 .*NVIDIA .*ION 2.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA ION .*NVIDIA Corporation.*ION.* 2 1 1 0
+NVIDIA NB8M .*NVIDIA .*NB8M.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA NB8P .*NVIDIA .*NB8P.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA NB9E .*NVIDIA .*NB9E.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA NB9M .*NVIDIA .*NB9M.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA NB9P .*NVIDIA .*NB9P.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA N10 .*NVIDIA .*N10.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA GeForce PCX .*GeForce PCX.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Generic .*NVIDIA .*Unknown.* 0 0 0 0
+NVIDIA NV17 .*NVIDIA .*NV17.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA NV34 .*NVIDIA .*NV34.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA NV35 .*NVIDIA .*NV35.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA NV36 .*NVIDIA .*NV36.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA NV41 .*NVIDIA .*NV41.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA NV43 .*NVIDIA .*NV43.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA NV44 .*NVIDIA .*NV44.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA nForce .*NVIDIA .*nForce.* 0 0 0 0
+NVIDIA MCP51 .*NVIDIA .*MCP51.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA MCP61 .*NVIDIA .*MCP61.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA MCP67 .*NVIDIA .*MCP67.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA MCP68 .*NVIDIA .*MCP68.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA MCP73 .*NVIDIA .*MCP73.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA MCP77 .*NVIDIA .*MCP77.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA MCP78 .*NVIDIA .*MCP78.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA MCP79 .*NVIDIA .*MCP79.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA MCP7A .*NVIDIA .*MCP7A.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro2 .*Quadro2.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro 1000M .*Quadro.*1000M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro 2000 M/D .*Quadro.*2000.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro 3000M .*Quadro.*3000M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro 4000M .*Quadro.*4000M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro 4000 .*Quadro *4000.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro 50x0 M .*Quadro.*50.0.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro 6000 .*Quadro.*6000.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro 400 .*Quadro.*400.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro 600 .*Quadro.*600.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro4 .*Quadro4.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro DCC .*Quadro DCC.* 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro CX .*Quadro.*CX.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 770M .*Quadro.*FX *770M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 1500M .*Quadro.*FX *1500M.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 1600M .*Quadro.*FX *1600M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 2500M .*Quadro.*FX *2500M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 2700M .*Quadro.*FX *2700M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M .*Quadro.*FX *2800M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 3500 .*Quadro.*FX *3500.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 3600 .*Quadro.*FX *3600.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 3700 .*Quadro.*FX *3700.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800 .*Quadro.*FX *3800.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 4500 .*Quadro.*FX *45.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 880M .*Quadro.*FX *880M.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800 .*NVIDIA .*Quadro *FX *4800.* 3 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro FX .*Quadro FX.* 1 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro NVS 1xxM .*Quadro NVS *1.[05]M.* 0 1 1 2.1
+NVIDIA Quadro NVS 300M .*NVIDIA .*NVS *300M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro NVS 320M .*NVIDIA .*NVS *320M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro NVS 2100M .*NVIDIA .*NVS *2100M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro NVS 3100M .*NVIDIA .*NVS *3100M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro NVS 4200M .*NVIDIA .*NVS *4200M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro NVS 5100M .*NVIDIA .*NVS *5100M.* 2 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Quadro NVS .*NVIDIA .*NVS 0 1 0 0
+NVIDIA Corporation N12P .*NVIDIA .*N12P.* 1 1 1 4.1
+NVIDIA Corporation N11M .*NVIDIA .*N11M.* 2 1 0 0
+S3 .*S3 Graphics.* 0 0 1 1.4
+SiS SiS.* 0 0 1 1.5
+Trident Trident.* 0 0 0 0
+Tungsten Graphics Tungsten.* 0 0 0 0
+XGI XGI.* 0 0 0 0
+VIA VIA.* 0 0 0 0
+Apple Generic Apple.*Generic.* 0 0 0 0
+Apple Software Renderer Apple.*Software Renderer.* 0 0 0 0
+Humper Humper.* 0 1 1 2.1
+PowerVR SGX545 .*PowerVR SGX.* 1 1 1 3
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfeaturemanager.cpp b/indra/newview/llfeaturemanager.cpp
index 393f8b9d46..6f11d4d4ca 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfeaturemanager.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfeaturemanager.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
#include "lldxhardware.h"
const char FEATURE_TABLE_FILENAME[] = "featuretable_mac.txt";
@@ -386,6 +387,13 @@ void LLFeatureManager::parseGPUTable(std::string filename)
*i = tolower(*i);
+ llofstream json;
+ json << "var gpu_table = [" << std::endl;
bool gpuFound;
U32 lineNumber;
for (gpuFound = false, lineNumber = 0; !gpuFound && !file.eof(); lineNumber++)
@@ -438,7 +446,13 @@ void LLFeatureManager::parseGPUTable(std::string filename)
LL_WARNS("RenderInit") << "invald gpu_table.txt:" << lineNumber << ": '" << buffer << "'" << LL_ENDL;
+ json << "{'label' : '" << label << "',\n" <<
+ "'regexp' : '" << expr << "',\n" <<
+ "'class' : '" << cls << "',\n" <<
+ "'supported' : '" << supported << "'\n},\n";
for (U32 i = 0; i < expr.length(); i++) /*Flawfinder: ignore*/
expr[i] = tolower(expr[i]);
@@ -449,12 +463,18 @@ void LLFeatureManager::parseGPUTable(std::string filename)
if(boost::regex_search(renderer, re))
// if we found it, stop!
gpuFound = true;
mGPUString = label;
mGPUClass = (EGPUClass) strtol(cls.c_str(), NULL, 10);
mGPUSupported = (BOOL) strtol(supported.c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ json << "];\n\n";
+ json.close();
if ( gpuFound )
@@ -585,7 +605,7 @@ void LLFeatureManager::applyRecommendedSettings()
// apply saved settings
// cap the level at 2 (high)
- S32 level = llmax(GPU_CLASS_0, llmin(mGPUClass, GPU_CLASS_2));
+ S32 level = llmax(GPU_CLASS_0, llmin(mGPUClass, GPU_CLASS_5));
llinfos << "Applying Recommended Features" << llendl;
@@ -678,18 +698,32 @@ void LLFeatureManager::setGraphicsLevel(S32 level, bool skipFeatures)
{ //same as low, but with "Basic Shaders" enabled
+ maskFeatures("Class0");
case 1:
+ maskFeatures("Class1");
case 2:
+ maskFeatures("Class2");
case 3:
- maskFeatures("Ultra");
+ maskFeatures("High");
+ maskFeatures("Class3");
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ maskFeatures("High");
+ maskFeatures("Class4");
+ case 5:
+ maskFeatures("High");
+ maskFeatures("Class5");
+ break;
+ maskFeatures("Class0");
@@ -715,14 +749,16 @@ void LLFeatureManager::applyBaseMasks()
mFeatures = maskp->getFeatures();
// mask class
- if (mGPUClass >= 0 && mGPUClass < 4)
+ if (mGPUClass >= 0 && mGPUClass < 6)
const char* class_table[] =
- "Class3"
+ "Class3",
+ "Class4",
+ "Class5",
LL_INFOS("RenderInit") << "Setting GPU Class to " << class_table[mGPUClass] << LL_ENDL;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfeaturemanager.h b/indra/newview/llfeaturemanager.h
index c9cb397fcc..6f9d2e49c6 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfeaturemanager.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfeaturemanager.h
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ typedef enum EGPUClass
GPU_CLASS_0 = 0,
GPU_CLASS_1 = 1,
GPU_CLASS_2 = 2,
- GPU_CLASS_3 = 3
+ GPU_CLASS_3 = 3,
+ GPU_CLASS_4 = 4,
+ GPU_CLASS_5 = 5
} EGPUClass;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp
index 3bb3e5cf47..c6bcaeab07 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp
@@ -744,63 +744,53 @@ void LLPanelLogin::setAlwaysRefresh(bool refresh)
void LLPanelLogin::loadLoginPage()
if (!sInstance) return;
- std::ostringstream oStr;
- std::string login_page = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getLoginPage();
+ LLURI login_page = LLURI(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getLoginPage());
+ LLSD params(login_page.queryMap());
- oStr << login_page;
- // Use the right delimeter depending on how LLURI parses the URL
- LLURI login_page_uri = LLURI(login_page);
- std::string first_query_delimiter = "&";
- if (login_page_uri.queryMap().size() == 0)
- {
- first_query_delimiter = "?";
- }
+ LL_DEBUGS("AppInit") << "login_page: " << login_page << LL_ENDL;
// Language
- std::string language = LLUI::getLanguage();
- oStr << first_query_delimiter<<"lang=" << language;
+ params["lang"] = LLUI::getLanguage();
// First Login?
if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("FirstLoginThisInstall"))
- oStr << "&firstlogin=TRUE";
+ params["firstlogin"] = "TRUE"; // not bool: server expects string TRUE
// Channel and Version
- std::string version = llformat("%s (%d)",
- LLVersionInfo::getShortVersion().c_str(),
- LLVersionInfo::getBuild());
+ params["version"] = llformat("%s (%d)",
+ LLVersionInfo::getShortVersion().c_str(),
+ LLVersionInfo::getBuild());
+ params["channel"] = LLVersionInfo::getChannel();
- char* curl_channel = curl_escape(LLVersionInfo::getChannel().c_str(), 0);
- char* curl_version = curl_escape(version.c_str(), 0);
+ // Grid
+ params["grid"] = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridId();
- oStr << "&channel=" << curl_channel;
- oStr << "&version=" << curl_version;
+ // add OS info
+ params["os"] = LLAppViewer::instance()->getOSInfo().getOSStringSimple();
- curl_free(curl_channel);
- curl_free(curl_version);
+ // sourceid: create_account_url's sourceid= varies by skin
+ LLURI create_account_url(LLTrans::getString("create_account_url"));
+ LLSD create_account_params(create_account_url.queryMap());
+ if (create_account_params.has("sourceid"))
+ {
+ params["sourceid"] = create_account_params["sourceid"];
+ }
+ // Make an LLURI with this augmented info
+ LLURI login_uri(LLURI::buildHTTP(login_page.authority(),
+ login_page.path(),
+ params));
- // Grid
- char* curl_grid = curl_escape(LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridId().c_str(), 0);
- oStr << "&grid=" << curl_grid;
- curl_free(curl_grid);
- // add OS info
- char * os_info = curl_escape(LLAppViewer::instance()->getOSInfo().getOSStringSimple().c_str(), 0);
- oStr << "&os=" << os_info;
- curl_free(os_info);
gViewerWindow->setMenuBackgroundColor(false, !LLGridManager::getInstance()->isInProductionGrid());
LLMediaCtrl* web_browser = sInstance->getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("login_html");
- if (web_browser->getCurrentNavUrl() != oStr.str())
+ if (web_browser->getCurrentNavUrl() != login_uri.asString())
- LL_DEBUGS("AppInit")<<oStr.str()<<LL_ENDL;
- web_browser->navigateTo( oStr.str(), "text/html" );
+ LL_DEBUGS("AppInit") << "loading: " << login_uri << LL_ENDL;
+ web_browser->navigateTo( login_uri.asString(), "text/html" );
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerstats.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerstats.cpp
index d1c6b7ea79..603634e5f3 100755
--- a/indra/newview/llviewerstats.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewerstats.cpp
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ void send_stats()
"%-6s Class %d ",
- + LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->getGPUString();
+ + gGLManager.getRawGLString();
system["gpu"] = gpu_desc;
system["gpu_class"] = (S32)LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->getGPUClass();
@@ -798,7 +798,18 @@ void send_stats()
S32 shader_level = 0;
if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred)
- shader_level = 3;
+ if (LLPipeline::RenderShadowDetail > 0)
+ {
+ shader_level = 5;
+ }
+ else if (LLPipeline::RenderDeferredSSAO)
+ {
+ shader_level = 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shader_level = 3;
+ }
else if (gPipeline.canUseWindLightShadersOnObjects())
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_login.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_login.xml
index 9c96143aa3..6c4cbd4627 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_login.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_login.xml
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ clip="false"
@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@
- min_width="210"
+ min_width="100"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/notifications.xml
index 97a1bd6c84..fe4f84dce7 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/notifications.xml
@@ -1122,7 +1122,6 @@
[APP_NAME] 安裝完成。
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<usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="繼續" yestext="新帳戶..."/>
<notification name="LoginPacketNeverReceived">