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1 files changed, 30 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llluamanager.cpp b/indra/newview/llluamanager.cpp
index 7838e57216..d7893ce863 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llluamanager.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llluamanager.cpp
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ private:
return key;
- LLBoundListener connect(LLEventPump& pump, const std::string_view& listener)
+ LLBoundListener connect(LLEventPump& pump, const std::string& listener)
return pump.listen(listener,
std::bind(&LuaListener::call_lua, mState, pump.getName(), _1));
@@ -257,22 +257,25 @@ int name##_::call(lua_State* L)
- LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << luaL_where(L, 1) << ": " << lua_tostring(L, 1) << LL_ENDL;
- lua_pop(L, 1);
+ luaL_where(L, 1);
+ LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << lua_tostring(L, 2) << ": " << lua_tostring(L, 1) << LL_ENDL;
+ lua_pop(L, 2);
return 0;
- LL_INFOS("Lua") << luaL_where(L, 1) << ": " << lua_tostring(L, 1) << LL_ENDL;
- lua_pop(L, 1);
+ luaL_where(L, 1);
+ LL_INFOS("Lua") << lua_tostring(L, 2) << ": " << lua_tostring(L, 1) << LL_ENDL;
+ lua_pop(L, 2);
return 0;
- LL_WARNS("Lua") << luaL_where(L, 1) << ": " << lua_tostring(L, 1) << LL_ENDL;
- lua_pop(L, 1);
+ luaL_where(L, 1);
+ LL_WARNS("Lua") << lua_tostring(L, 2) << ": " << lua_tostring(L, 1) << LL_ENDL;
+ lua_pop(L, 2);
return 0;
@@ -625,15 +628,16 @@ lua_function(listen_events)
// Does the main thread already have a LuaListener stored in the registry?
// That is, has this Lua chunk already called listen_events()?
auto keytype{ lua_getfield(mainthread, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "event.listener") };
- llassert(keytype == LUA_TNIL || keytype == LUA_TINTEGER);
- if (keytype == LUA_TINTEGER)
+ llassert(keytype == LUA_TNIL || keytype == LUA_TNUMBER);
+ if (keytype == LUA_TNUMBER)
// We do already have a LuaListener. Retrieve it.
- listener = LuaListener::getInstance(lua_tointeger(mainthread, -1));
+ int isint;
+ listener = LuaListener::getInstance(lua_tointegerx(mainthread, -1, &isint));
// pop the int "event.listener" key
lua_pop(mainthread, 1);
// Nobody should have destroyed this LuaListener instance!
- llassert(listener);
+ llassert(isint && listener);
@@ -652,13 +656,13 @@ lua_function(listen_events)
if (L != mainthread)
// push 1 value (the Lua function) from L's stack to mainthread's
- lua_xmove(L, mainthread, 1)
+ lua_xmove(L, mainthread, 1);
lua_setfield(mainthread, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "event.function");
// return the reply pump name and the command pump name on caller's lua_State
- lua_pushstdstring(L, listener->getReplyPump());
- lua_pushstdstring(L, listener->getCommandPump());
+ lua_pushstdstring(L, listener->getReplyName());
+ lua_pushstdstring(L, listener->getCommandName());
return 2;
@@ -673,7 +677,7 @@ void initLUA(lua_State *L)
class LuaState
- LuaState(const std::string_view& desc, script_finished_fn cb):
+ LuaState(const std::string_view& desc, LLLUAmanager::script_finished_fn cb):
@@ -690,14 +694,17 @@ public:
// Did somebody call listen_events() on this LuaState?
// That is, is there a LuaListener key in its registry?
auto keytype{ lua_getfield(mState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "event.listener") };
- if (keytype == LUA_TINTEGER)
+ if (keytype == LUA_TNUMBER)
// We do have a LuaListener. Retrieve it.
- auto listener{ LuaListener::getInstance(lua_tointeger(mState, -1)) };
+ int isint;
+ auto listener{ LuaListener::getInstance(lua_tointegerx(mState, -1, &isint)) };
// pop the int "event.listener" key
lua_pop(mState, 1);
- // destroy this LuaListener instance
- if (listener)
+ // if we got a LuaListener instance, destroy it
+ // (if (! isint), lua_tointegerx() returned 0, but key 0 might
+ // validly designate someone ELSE's LuaListener)
+ if (isint && listener)
auto lptr{ listener.get() };
@@ -731,12 +738,12 @@ public:
std::string mDesc;
- script_finished_fn mCallback;
+ LLLUAmanager::script_finished_fn mCallback;
lua_State* mState;
std::string mError;
-void LLLUAmanager::runScriptFile(const std::string_view &filename, script_finished_fn cb)
+void LLLUAmanager::runScriptFile(const std::string& filename, script_finished_fn cb)
LLCoros::instance().launch("LUAScriptFileCoro", [filename, cb]()
@@ -765,7 +772,7 @@ void LLLUAmanager::runScriptFile(const std::string_view &filename, script_finish
-void LLLUAmanager::runScriptLine(const std::string_view &cmd, script_finished_fn cb)
+void LLLUAmanager::runScriptLine(const std::string& cmd, script_finished_fn cb)
LLCoros::instance().launch("LUAScriptFileCoro", [cmd, cb]()
@@ -776,7 +783,7 @@ void LLLUAmanager::runScriptLine(const std::string_view &cmd, script_finished_fn
if (eol != std::string::npos)
shortcmd = shortcmd.substr(0, eol);
if (shortcmd.length() > shortlen)
- shortcmd = shortcmd.substr(0, shortlen) + "...";
+ shortcmd = stringize(shortcmd.substr(0, shortlen), "...");
LuaState L(stringize("runScriptLine('", shortcmd, "')"), cb);
L.checkLua(luaL_dostring(L, cmd.c_str()));