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4 files changed, 167 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llinventory/llsettingssky.h b/indra/llinventory/llsettingssky.h
index a09dcd2008..e82ab8db0c 100644
--- a/indra/llinventory/llsettingssky.h
+++ b/indra/llinventory/llsettingssky.h
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public:
// Settings status
virtual void blend(const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &end, F64 blendf) SETTINGS_OVERRIDE;
virtual void replaceSettings(LLSD settings) SETTINGS_OVERRIDE;
void replaceWithSky(LLSettingsSky::ptr_t pother);
@@ -322,6 +322,13 @@ protected:
virtual stringset_t getSlerpKeys() const SETTINGS_OVERRIDE;
virtual stringset_t getSkipInterpolateKeys() const SETTINGS_OVERRIDE;
+ LLUUID mNextSunTextureId;
+ LLUUID mNextMoonTextureId;
+ LLUUID mNextCloudTextureId;
+ LLUUID mNextBloomTextureId;
+ LLUUID mNextRainbowTextureId;
+ LLUUID mNextHaloTextureId;
static LLSD rayleighConfigDefault();
static LLSD absorptionConfigDefault();
@@ -344,13 +351,6 @@ private:
mutable LLColor3 mSunDiffuse;
mutable LLColor4 mTotalAmbient;
- LLUUID mNextSunTextureId;
- LLUUID mNextMoonTextureId;
- LLUUID mNextCloudTextureId;
- LLUUID mNextBloomTextureId;
- LLUUID mNextRainbowTextureId;
- LLUUID mNextHaloTextureId;
typedef std::map<std::string, S32> mapNameToUniformId_t;
static mapNameToUniformId_t sNameToUniformMapping;
diff --git a/indra/llinventory/llsettingswater.h b/indra/llinventory/llsettingswater.h
index 118c515743..9998f64fd6 100644
--- a/indra/llinventory/llsettingswater.h
+++ b/indra/llinventory/llsettingswater.h
@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ protected:
LLUUID mNextTransparentTextureID;
LLUUID mNextNormalMapID;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llenvironment.cpp b/indra/newview/llenvironment.cpp
index 415cdfac6a..a9251629d4 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llenvironment.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llenvironment.cpp
@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ namespace
class LLTrackBlenderLoopingTime : public LLSettingsBlenderTimeDelta
- LLTrackBlenderLoopingTime(const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &target, const LLSettingsDay::ptr_t &day, S32 trackno,
- LLSettingsBase::Seconds cyclelength, LLSettingsBase::Seconds cycleoffset, LLSettingsBase::Seconds updateThreshold) :
+ LLTrackBlenderLoopingTime(const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &target, const LLSettingsDay::ptr_t &day, S32 trackno,
+ LLSettingsBase::Seconds cyclelength, LLSettingsBase::Seconds cycleoffset, LLSettingsBase::Seconds updateThreshold) :
LLSettingsBlenderTimeDelta(target, LLSettingsBase::ptr_t(), LLSettingsBase::ptr_t(), LLSettingsBase::Seconds(1.0)),
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ namespace
LLSettingsBase::Seconds now = getAdjustedNow() + LLEnvironment::TRANSITION_ALTITUDE;
LLSettingsDay::TrackBound_t bounds = getBoundingEntries(now);
- LLSettingsBase::ptr_t pendsetting = (*bounds.first).second->buildDerivedClone();
- LLSettingsBase::TrackPosition targetpos = convert_time_to_position(now, mCycleLength) - (*bounds.first).first;
+ LLSettingsBase::ptr_t pendsetting = (*bounds.first).second->buildDerivedClone();
+ LLSettingsBase::TrackPosition targetpos = convert_time_to_position(now, mCycleLength) - (*bounds.first).first;
LLSettingsBase::TrackPosition targetspan = get_wrapping_distance((*bounds.first).first, (*bounds.second).first);
LLSettingsBase::BlendFactor blendf = calculateBlend(targetpos, targetspan);
@@ -329,17 +329,26 @@ namespace
virtual ~LLSettingsInjected() {};
- typename SETTINGT::ptr_t buildClone() const override;
+// typename SETTINGT::ptr_t buildClone() const override;
- typename SETTINGT::ptr_t getSource() const { return mSource; }
+ typename SETTINGT::ptr_t getSource() const { return mSource; }
void setSource(const typename SETTINGT::ptr_t &source) { mSource = source; setDirtyFlag(true); }
void injectSetting(const std::string keyname, LLSD value, LLUUID experience_id, F32Seconds transition)
- Injection::ptr_t injection = std::make_shared<Injection>(transition, keyname, value, true, experience_id);
+ if (transition > 0.1)
+ {
+ Injection::ptr_t injection = std::make_shared<Injection>(transition, keyname, value, true, experience_id);
- mInjections.push_back(injection);
- std::stable_sort(mInjections.begin(), mInjections.end(), [](const Injection::ptr_t &a, const Injection::ptr_t &b) { return a->mTimeRemaining < b->mTimeRemaining; });
+ mInjections.push_back(injection);
+ std::stable_sort(mInjections.begin(), mInjections.end(), [](const Injection::ptr_t &a, const Injection::ptr_t &b) { return a->mTimeRemaining < b->mTimeRemaining; });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mOverrideValues[keyname] = value;
+ mOverrideExps[keyname] = experience_id;
+ setDirtyFlag(true);
+ }
void removeInjection(const std::string keyname, LLUUID experience)
@@ -389,7 +398,8 @@ namespace
- mBlendIn(blendin)
+ mBlendIn(blendin),
+ mFirstTime(true)
F32Seconds mTransition;
@@ -399,20 +409,20 @@ namespace
LLUUID mExperience;
S32 mIndex;
bool mBlendIn;
+ bool mFirstTime;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Injection> ptr_t;
- virtual void updateSettings() override
+ virtual void updateSettings() override
static LLFrameTimer timer;
- /**TODO: Add texture code
- */
F32Seconds delta(timer.getElapsedTimeAndResetF32());
+ resetSpecial();
if (mSource && mSource->isDirty())
@@ -422,37 +432,50 @@ namespace
for (auto ito = mOverrideValues.beginMap(); ito != mOverrideValues.endMap(); ++ito)
- mSettings[(*ito).first] = mOverrideValues[(*ito).first];
+ mSettings[(*ito).first] = (*ito).second;
const stringset_t &slerps = getSlerpKeys();
const stringset_t &skips = getSkipInterpolateKeys();
+ const stringset_t &specials = getSpecialKeys();
injections_t::iterator it;
for (it = mInjections.begin(); it != mInjections.end(); ++it)
std::string key_name = (*it)->mKeyName;
- if (skips.find(key_name) != skips.end())
- continue;
LLSD value = mSettings[key_name];
LLSD target = (*it)->mValue;
- (*it)->mTimeRemaining -= delta;
+ if ((*it)->mFirstTime)
+ (*it)->mFirstTime = false;
+ else
+ (*it)->mTimeRemaining -= delta;
- BlendFactor mix = 1.0f - (((*it)->mTransition.value() - (*it)->mTimeRemaining.value()) / (*it)->mTransition.value());
+ BlendFactor mix = 1.0f - ((*it)->mTimeRemaining.value() / (*it)->mTransition.value());
if (mix >= 1.0)
if ((*it)->mBlendIn)
+ LL_WARNS("LAPRAS") << "Done blending '" << key_name << "' after " << (*it)->mTransition.value() - (*it)->mTimeRemaining.value() << " value now=" << target << LL_ENDL;
mOverrideValues[key_name] = target;
mOverrideExps[key_name] = (*it)->mExperience;
+ mSettings[key_name] = target;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mSettings.erase(key_name);
- mSettings[key_name] = target;
- else
+ else if (specials.find(key_name) != specials.end())
+ {
+ updateSpecial(*it, mix);
+ }
+ else if (skips.find(key_name) == skips.end())
mSettings[key_name] = interpolateSDValue(key_name, value, target, getParameterMap(), mix, slerps);
+// LL_WARNS("LAPRAS") << "...blending '" << key_name << "' by " << mix << "% now=" << mSettings[key_name] << LL_ENDL;
@@ -471,6 +494,9 @@ namespace
+ LLSettingsBase::stringset_t getSpecialKeys() const;
+ void resetSpecial();
+ void updateSpecial(typename const Injection::ptr_t &injection, LLSettingsBase::BlendFactor mix);
typedef std::map<std::string, LLUUID> key_to_expid_t;
@@ -482,21 +508,125 @@ namespace
key_to_expid_t mOverrideExps;
+// template<>
+// LLSettingsSky::ptr_t LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsSky>::buildClone() const
+// {
+// return LLSettingsVOSky::buildSky(getSettings());
+// }
+// template<>
+// LLSettingsWater::ptr_t LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsWater>::buildClone() const
+// {
+// return LLSettingsVOWater::buildWater(getSettings());
+// }
+ template<>
+ LLSettingsBase::stringset_t LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsVOSky>::getSpecialKeys() const
+ {
+ static stringset_t specialSet;
+ if (specialSet.empty())
+ {
+ specialSet.insert(SETTING_BLOOM_TEXTUREID);
+ specialSet.insert(SETTING_HALO_TEXTUREID);
+ specialSet.insert(SETTING_CLOUD_TEXTUREID);
+ specialSet.insert(SETTING_MOON_TEXTUREID);
+ specialSet.insert(SETTING_SUN_TEXTUREID);
+ }
+ return specialSet;
+ }
- LLSettingsSky::ptr_t LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsSky>::buildClone() const
+ LLSettingsBase::stringset_t LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsVOWater>::getSpecialKeys() const
- return LLSettingsVOSky::buildSky(getSettings());
+ static stringset_t specialSet;
+ if (specialSet.empty())
+ {
+ specialSet.insert(SETTING_NORMAL_MAP);
+ }
+ return specialSet;
- LLSettingsWater::ptr_t LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsWater>::buildClone() const
+ void LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsVOSky>::resetSpecial()
- return LLSettingsVOWater::buildWater(getSettings());
+ mNextSunTextureId.setNull();
+ mNextMoonTextureId.setNull();
+ mNextCloudTextureId.setNull();
+ mNextBloomTextureId.setNull();
+ mNextRainbowTextureId.setNull();
+ mNextHaloTextureId.setNull();
+ setBlendFactor(0.0f);
+ template<>
+ void LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsVOWater>::resetSpecial()
+ {
+ mNextNormalMapID.setNull();
+ mNextTransparentTextureID.setNull();
+ setBlendFactor(0.0f);
+ }
+ template<>
+ void LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsVOSky>::updateSpecial(const LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsVOSky>::Injection::ptr_t &injection, LLSettingsBase::BlendFactor mix)
+ {
+ if (injection->mKeyName == SETTING_SUN_TEXTUREID)
+ {
+ mNextSunTextureId = injection->mValue.asUUID();
+ }
+ else if (injection->mKeyName == SETTING_MOON_TEXTUREID)
+ {
+ mNextMoonTextureId = injection->mValue.asUUID();
+ }
+ else if (injection->mKeyName == SETTING_CLOUD_TEXTUREID)
+ {
+ mNextCloudTextureId = injection->mValue.asUUID();
+ }
+ else if (injection->mKeyName == SETTING_BLOOM_TEXTUREID)
+ {
+ mNextBloomTextureId = injection->mValue.asUUID();
+ }
+ else if (injection->mKeyName == SETTING_RAINBOW_TEXTUREID)
+ {
+ mNextRainbowTextureId = injection->mValue.asUUID();
+ }
+ else if (injection->mKeyName == SETTING_HALO_TEXTUREID)
+ {
+ mNextHaloTextureId = injection->mValue.asUUID();
+ }
+ // Unfortunately I don't have a per texture blend factor. We'll just pick the one that is furthest along.
+ if (getBlendFactor() < mix)
+ {
+ setBlendFactor(mix);
+ }
+ }
+ template<>
+ void LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsVOWater>::updateSpecial(const LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsVOWater>::Injection::ptr_t &injection, LLSettingsBase::BlendFactor mix)
+ {
+ if (injection->mKeyName == SETTING_NORMAL_MAP)
+ {
+ mNextNormalMapID = injection->mValue.asUUID();
+ }
+ else if (injection->mKeyName == SETTING_TRANSPARENT_TEXTURE)
+ {
+ mNextTransparentTextureID = injection->mValue.asUUID();
+ }
+ // Unfortunately I don't have a per texture blend factor. We'll just pick the one that is furthest along.
+ if (getBlendFactor() < mix)
+ {
+ setBlendFactor(mix);
+ }
+ }
- typedef LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsSky> LLSettingsInjectedSky;
- typedef LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsWater> LLSettingsInjectedWater;
+ typedef LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsVOSky> LLSettingsInjectedSky;
+ typedef LLSettingsInjected<LLSettingsVOWater> LLSettingsInjectedWater;
@@ -777,8 +907,6 @@ LLEnvironment::DayInstance::ptr_t LLEnvironment::getEnvironmentInstance(LLEnviro
environment = std::make_shared<DayInstance>(env);
- if (mMakeBackups && env > ENV_PUSH)
- environment->setBackup(true);
mEnvironments[env] = environment;
@@ -1188,11 +1316,6 @@ void LLEnvironment::update(const LLViewerCamera * cam)
- if (mCurrentEnvironment->getEnvironmentSelection() != ENV_LOCAL)
- {
- applyInjectedSettings(mCurrentEnvironment, delta);
- }
// update clouds, sun, and general
@@ -2013,27 +2136,12 @@ void LLEnvironment::handleEnvironmentPushPartial(LLUUID experience_id, LLSD &mes
void LLEnvironment::clearExperienceEnvironment(LLUUID experience_id, F32 transition_time)
- bool update_env(false);
if (hasEnvironment(ENV_PUSH))
- update_env |= true;
- setInstanceBackup(false);
- /*TODO blend these back out*/
-// mSkyExperienceBlends.clear();
-// mWaterExperienceBlends.clear();
-// mCurrentEnvironment->getSky();
-// injectSettings(experience_id, mSkyExperienceBlends, mSkyOverrides, LLSettingsBase::Seconds(transition_time), false);
-// injectSettings(experience_id, mWaterExperienceBlends, mWaterOverrides, LLSettingsBase::Seconds(transition_time), false);
-// mSkyOverrides = LLSD::emptyMap();
-// mWaterOverrides = LLSD::emptyMap();
void LLEnvironment::setSharedEnvironment()
@@ -2048,8 +2156,6 @@ void LLEnvironment::setExperienceEnvironment(LLUUID experience_id, LLUUID asset_
[this, experience_id, transition_time](LLUUID asset_id, LLSettingsBase::ptr_t settings, S32 status, LLExtStat)
-// mPushEnvironmentExpId = experience_id;
-// removeExperinceInjections(experience_id);
// individual settings will be overridden by the settings. No need to keep injections.
onSetEnvAssetLoaded(ENV_PUSH, asset_id, settings,
@@ -2118,129 +2224,6 @@ void LLEnvironment::setExperienceEnvironment(LLUUID experience_id, LLSD data, F3
-// setInstanceBackup(true);
-// if (!sky.isUndefined())
-// injectSettings(experience_id, mSkyExperienceBlends, sky, LLSettingsBase::Seconds(transition_time), true);
-// if (!water.isUndefined())
-// injectSettings(experience_id, mWaterExperienceBlends, water, LLSettingsBase::Seconds(transition_time), true);
-void LLEnvironment::setInstanceBackup(bool dobackup)
- mMakeBackups = dobackup;
- for (S32 idx = ENV_PARCEL; idx < ENV_DEFAULT; ++idx)
- {
- if (mEnvironments[idx])
- mEnvironments[idx]->setBackup(dobackup);
- }
-void LLEnvironment::injectSettings(LLUUID experience_id, exerienceBlendValues_t &blends, LLSD injections, LLSettingsBase::Seconds transition, bool blendin)
- for (LLSD::map_iterator it = injections.beginMap(); it != injections.endMap(); ++it)
- {
- blends.push_back(ExpBlendValue(transition, (*it).first, (*it).second, blendin, -1));
- if (blendin)
- mExperienceOverrides[(*it).first] = experience_id;
- }
- std::stable_sort(blends.begin(), blends.end(), [](const ExpBlendValue &a, const ExpBlendValue &b) { return a.mTimeRemaining < b.mTimeRemaining; });
-void LLEnvironment::applyInjectedSettings(DayInstance::ptr_t environment, F32Seconds delta)
- if ((mSkyOverrides.size() > 0) || (mSkyExperienceBlends.size() > 0))
- {
- LLSettingsSky::ptr_t psky = environment->getSky();
- applyInjectedValues(psky, mSkyOverrides);
- blendInjectedValues(psky, mSkyExperienceBlends, mSkyOverrides, delta);
- }
- if ((mWaterOverrides.size() > 0) || (mWaterExperienceBlends.size() > 0))
- {
- LLSettingsWater::ptr_t pwater = environment->getWater();
- applyInjectedValues(pwater, mWaterOverrides);
- blendInjectedValues(pwater, mWaterExperienceBlends, mWaterOverrides, delta);
- }
-void LLEnvironment::applyInjectedValues(LLSettingsBase::ptr_t psetting, LLSD injection)
- for (LLSD::map_iterator it = injection.beginMap(); it != injection.endMap(); ++it)
- {
- psetting->setValue((*it).first, (*it).second);
- }
-void LLEnvironment::blendInjectedValues(LLSettingsBase::ptr_t psetting, exerienceBlendValues_t &blends, LLSD &overrides, F32Seconds delta)
- LLSD settings = psetting->getSettings();
- LLSettingsBase::parammapping_t mappings = psetting->getParameterMap();
- LLSettingsBase::stringset_t slerps = psetting->getSlerpKeys();
- if (blends.empty())
- return;
- for (auto &blend : blends)
- {
- blend.mTimeRemaining -= delta;
- LLSettingsBase::BlendFactor mix = std::max(blend.mTimeRemaining / blend.mTransition, 0.0f);
- if (blend.mBlendIn)
- mix = 1.0 - mix;
- mix = std::max(0.0, std::min(mix, 1.0));
- if (blend.mValueInitial.isUndefined())
- blend.mValueInitial = psetting->getValue(blend.mKeyName);
- LLSD newvalue = psetting->interpolateSDValue(blend.mKeyName, blend.mValueInitial, blend.mValue, mappings, mix, slerps);
- psetting->setValue(blend.mKeyName, newvalue);
- }
- auto it = blends.begin();
- for (; it != blends.end(); ++it)
- {
- if ((*it).mTimeRemaining > F32Seconds(0.0f))
- break;
- if ((*it).mBlendIn)
- overrides[(*it).mKeyName] = (*it).mValue;
- }
- if (it != blends.begin())
- {
- blends.erase(blends.begin(), it);
- }
-void LLEnvironment::removeExperinceInjections(const LLUUID &experience_id)
- auto it = mExperienceOverrides.begin();
- while (it != mExperienceOverrides.end())
- {
- if ((*it).second == experience_id)
- {
- std::string override_key((*it).first);
- mExperienceOverrides.erase(it++);
- if (mSkyOverrides.has(override_key))
- mSkyOverrides.erase(override_key);
- if (mWaterOverrides.has(override_key))
- mWaterOverrides.erase(override_key);
- auto itBlend = std::find_if(mSkyExperienceBlends.begin(), mSkyExperienceBlends.end(), [override_key](const ExpBlendValue &a) { return a.mKeyName == override_key; });
- if (itBlend != mSkyExperienceBlends.end())
- mSkyExperienceBlends.erase(itBlend);
- itBlend = std::find_if(mWaterExperienceBlends.begin(), mWaterExperienceBlends.end(), [override_key](const ExpBlendValue &a) { return a.mKeyName == override_key; });
- if (itBlend != mWaterExperienceBlends.end())
- mWaterExperienceBlends.erase(itBlend);
- }
- else
- ++it;
- }
-void LLEnvironment::removeExperinceSetting(const LLUUID &experience_id)
- clearExperienceEnvironment(experience_id, TRANSITION_INSTANT);
void LLEnvironment::listenExperiencePump(const LLSD &message)
@@ -2253,10 +2236,8 @@ void LLEnvironment::listenExperiencePump(const LLSD &message)
if ((permission == "Forget") || (permission == "Block"))
- removeExperinceSetting(experience_id);
+ clearExperienceEnvironment(experience_id, (permission == "Block") ? TRANSITION_INSTANT : TRANSITION_FAST);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llenvironment.h b/indra/newview/llenvironment.h
index 9d951202a9..415e9de6a4 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llenvironment.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llenvironment.h
@@ -405,31 +405,6 @@ private:
std::string mDayName;
- struct ExpBlendValue
- {
- ExpBlendValue(F32Seconds transition, const std::string &keyname, LLSD value, bool blendin, S32 index = -1) :
- mTransition(transition),
- mTimeRemaining(transition),
- mKeyName(keyname),
- mValue(value),
- mValueInitial(),
- mIndex(index),
- mBlendIn(blendin)
- {}
- F32Seconds mTransition;
- F32Seconds mTimeRemaining;
- std::string mKeyName;
- LLSD mValue;
- LLSD mValueInitial;
- S32 mIndex;
- bool mBlendIn;
- typedef std::shared_ptr<ExpBlendValue> ptr_t;
- };
- typedef std::deque<ExpBlendValue> exerienceBlendValues_t;
void coroRequestEnvironment(S32 parcel_id, environment_apply_fn apply);
void coroUpdateEnvironment(S32 parcel_id, S32 track_no, UpdateInfo::ptr_t updates, environment_apply_fn apply);
void coroResetEnvironment(S32 parcel_id, S32 track_no, environment_apply_fn apply);
@@ -448,20 +423,9 @@ private:
void clearExperienceEnvironment(LLUUID experience_id, F32 transition_time);
void setExperienceEnvironment(LLUUID experience_id, LLUUID asset_id, F32 transition_time);
void setExperienceEnvironment(LLUUID experience_id, LLSD environment, F32 transition_time);
- void setInstanceBackup(bool dobackup);
- void injectSettings(LLUUID experience_id, exerienceBlendValues_t &blends, LLSD injections, LLSettingsBase::Seconds transition, bool blendin);
- void applyInjectedSettings(DayInstance::ptr_t environment, F32Seconds delta);
- void applyInjectedValues(LLSettingsBase::ptr_t psetting, LLSD injection);
- void blendInjectedValues(LLSettingsBase::ptr_t psetting, exerienceBlendValues_t &blends, LLSD &overrides, F32Seconds delta);
- void removeExperinceInjections(const LLUUID &experience_id);
- void removeExperinceSetting(const LLUUID &experience_id);
void listenExperiencePump(const LLSD &message);
- exerienceBlendValues_t mSkyExperienceBlends;
- exerienceBlendValues_t mWaterExperienceBlends;
- bool mMakeBackups;
class LLTrackBlenderLoopingManual : public LLSettingsBlender