diff options
15 files changed, 208 insertions, 934 deletions
diff --git a/indra/cmake/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
index 100645611e..4a3ebe4835 100644
--- a/indra/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ set(cmake_SOURCE_FILES
## GStreamer010Plugin.cmake
- GetPrerequisites_2_8.cmake
diff --git a/indra/cmake/Copy3rdPartyLibs.cmake b/indra/cmake/Copy3rdPartyLibs.cmake
index 5ccbe7d1d8..bd55fc39c0 100644
--- a/indra/cmake/Copy3rdPartyLibs.cmake
+++ b/indra/cmake/Copy3rdPartyLibs.cmake
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ if(WINDOWS)
+ nghttp2.dll
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@ elseif(DARWIN)
+ libnghttp2.dylib
diff --git a/indra/cmake/DeploySharedLibs.cmake b/indra/cmake/DeploySharedLibs.cmake
index e57fd5eee3..9d6cf0cb35 100644
--- a/indra/cmake/DeploySharedLibs.cmake
+++ b/indra/cmake/DeploySharedLibs.cmake
@@ -7,10 +7,7 @@
# SEARCH_DIRS= The full paths to dirs to search for dependencies.
# DST_PATH= The full path where the dependecies will be copied.
-# *FIX:Mani - I pulled in the CMake 2.8 GetPrerequisites.cmake script here, because it works on windows where 2.6 did not.
-# Once we have officially upgraded to 2.8 we can just use that version of GetPrerequisites.cmake.
-get_filename_component(current_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH)
message(STATUS "Getting recursive dependencies for file: ${BIN_NAME}")
diff --git a/indra/cmake/GetPrerequisites_2_8.cmake b/indra/cmake/GetPrerequisites_2_8.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 05ec1539ba..0000000000
--- a/indra/cmake/GetPrerequisites_2_8.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,786 +0,0 @@
-# GetPrerequisites.cmake
-# This script provides functions to list the .dll, .dylib or .so files that an
-# executable or shared library file depends on. (Its prerequisites.)
-# It uses various tools to obtain the list of required shared library files:
-# dumpbin (Windows)
-# ldd (Linux/Unix)
-# otool (Mac OSX)
-# The following functions are provided by this script:
-# gp_append_unique
-# is_file_executable
-# gp_item_default_embedded_path
-# (projects can override with gp_item_default_embedded_path_override)
-# gp_resolve_item
-# (projects can override with gp_resolve_item_override)
-# gp_resolved_file_type
-# gp_file_type
-# get_prerequisites
-# list_prerequisites
-# list_prerequisites_by_glob
-# Requires CMake 2.6 or greater because it uses function, break, return and
-# Copyright 2008-2009 Kitware, Inc.
-# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
-# see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
-# This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-# See the License for more information.
-# (To distributed this file outside of CMake, substitute the full
-# License text for the above reference.)
-# gp_append_unique list_var value
-# Append value to the list variable ${list_var} only if the value is not
-# already in the list.
-function(gp_append_unique list_var value)
- set(contains 0)
- foreach(item ${${list_var}})
- if("${item}" STREQUAL "${value}")
- set(contains 1)
- break()
- endif("${item}" STREQUAL "${value}")
- endforeach(item)
- if(NOT contains)
- set(${list_var} ${${list_var}} "${value}" PARENT_SCOPE)
- endif(NOT contains)
-# is_file_executable file result_var
-# Return 1 in ${result_var} if ${file} is a binary executable.
-# Return 0 in ${result_var} otherwise.
-function(is_file_executable file result_var)
- #
- # A file is not executable until proven otherwise:
- #
- set(${result_var} 0 PARENT_SCOPE)
- get_filename_component(file_full "${file}" ABSOLUTE)
- string(TOLOWER "${file_full}" file_full_lower)
- # If file name ends in .exe on Windows, *assume* executable:
- #
- if(WIN32)
- if("${file_full_lower}" MATCHES "\\.exe$")
- set(${result_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
- return()
- endif("${file_full_lower}" MATCHES "\\.exe$")
- # A clause could be added here that uses output or return value of dumpbin
- # to determine ${result_var}. In 99%+? practical cases, the exe name
- # match will be sufficient...
- #
- endif(WIN32)
- # Use the information returned from the Unix shell command "file" to
- # determine if ${file_full} should be considered an executable file...
- #
- # If the file command's output contains "executable" and does *not* contain
- # "text" then it is likely an executable suitable for prerequisite analysis
- # via the get_prerequisites macro.
- #
- if(UNIX)
- if(NOT file_cmd)
- find_program(file_cmd "file")
- endif(NOT file_cmd)
- if(file_cmd)
- execute_process(COMMAND "${file_cmd}" "${file_full}"
- )
- # Replace the name of the file in the output with a placeholder token
- # (the string " _file_full_ ") so that just in case the path name of
- # the file contains the word "text" or "executable" we are not fooled
- # into thinking "the wrong thing" because the file name matches the
- # other 'file' command output we are looking for...
- #
- string(REPLACE "${file_full}" " _file_full_ " file_ov "${file_ov}")
- string(TOLOWER "${file_ov}" file_ov)
- #message(STATUS "file_ov='${file_ov}'")
- if("${file_ov}" MATCHES "executable")
- #message(STATUS "executable!")
- if("${file_ov}" MATCHES "text")
- #message(STATUS "but text, so *not* a binary executable!")
- else("${file_ov}" MATCHES "text")
- set(${result_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
- return()
- endif("${file_ov}" MATCHES "text")
- endif("${file_ov}" MATCHES "executable")
- else(file_cmd)
- message(STATUS "warning: No 'file' command, skipping execute_process...")
- endif(file_cmd)
- endif(UNIX)
-# gp_item_default_embedded_path item default_embedded_path_var
-# Return the path that others should refer to the item by when the item
-# is embedded inside a bundle.
-# Override on a per-project basis by providing a project-specific
-# gp_item_default_embedded_path_override function.
-function(gp_item_default_embedded_path item default_embedded_path_var)
- # On Windows and Linux, "embed" prerequisites in the same directory
- # as the executable by default:
- #
- set(path "@executable_path")
- set(overridden 0)
- # On the Mac, relative to the executable depending on the type
- # of the thing we are embedding:
- #
- if(APPLE)
- #
- # The assumption here is that all executables in the bundle will be
- # in same-level-directories inside the bundle. The parent directory
- # of an executable inside the bundle should be MacOS or a sibling of
- # MacOS and all embedded paths returned from here will begin with
- # "@executable_path/../" and will work from all executables in all
- # such same-level-directories inside the bundle.
- #
- # By default, embed things right next to the main bundle executable:
- #
- set(path "@executable_path/../../Contents/MacOS")
- # Embed .dylibs right next to the main bundle executable:
- #
- if(item MATCHES "\\.dylib$")
- set(path "@executable_path/../MacOS")
- set(overridden 1)
- endif(item MATCHES "\\.dylib$")
- # Embed frameworks in the embedded "Frameworks" directory (sibling of MacOS):
- #
- if(NOT overridden)
- if(item MATCHES "[^/]+\\.framework/")
- set(path "@executable_path/../Frameworks")
- set(overridden 1)
- endif(item MATCHES "[^/]+\\.framework/")
- endif(NOT overridden)
- endif()
- # Provide a hook so that projects can override the default embedded location
- # of any given library by whatever logic they choose:
- #
- if(COMMAND gp_item_default_embedded_path_override)
- gp_item_default_embedded_path_override("${item}" path)
- endif(COMMAND gp_item_default_embedded_path_override)
- set(${default_embedded_path_var} "${path}" PARENT_SCOPE)
-# gp_resolve_item context item exepath dirs resolved_item_var
-# Resolve an item into an existing full path file.
-# Override on a per-project basis by providing a project-specific
-# gp_resolve_item_override function.
-function(gp_resolve_item context item exepath dirs resolved_item_var)
- set(resolved 0)
- set(resolved_item "${item}")
- # Is it already resolved?
- #
- if(EXISTS "${resolved_item}")
- set(resolved 1)
- endif(EXISTS "${resolved_item}")
- if(NOT resolved)
- if(item MATCHES "@executable_path")
- #
- # @executable_path references are assumed relative to exepath
- #
- string(REPLACE "@executable_path" "${exepath}" ri "${item}")
- get_filename_component(ri "${ri}" ABSOLUTE)
- if(EXISTS "${ri}")
- #message(STATUS "info: embedded item exists (${ri})")
- set(resolved 1)
- set(resolved_item "${ri}")
- else(EXISTS "${ri}")
- message(STATUS "warning: embedded item does not exist '${ri}'")
- endif(EXISTS "${ri}")
- endif(item MATCHES "@executable_path")
- endif(NOT resolved)
- if(NOT resolved)
- if(item MATCHES "@loader_path")
- #
- # @loader_path references are assumed relative to the
- # PATH of the given "context" (presumably another library)
- #
- get_filename_component(contextpath "${context}" PATH)
- string(REPLACE "@loader_path" "${contextpath}" ri "${item}")
- get_filename_component(ri "${ri}" ABSOLUTE)
- if(EXISTS "${ri}")
- #message(STATUS "info: embedded item exists (${ri})")
- set(resolved 1)
- set(resolved_item "${ri}")
- else(EXISTS "${ri}")
- message(STATUS "warning: embedded item does not exist '${ri}'")
- endif(EXISTS "${ri}")
- endif(item MATCHES "@loader_path")
- endif(NOT resolved)
- if(NOT resolved)
- set(ri "ri-NOTFOUND")
- find_file(ri "${item}" ${exepath} ${dirs} NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
- find_file(ri "${item}" ${exepath} ${dirs} /usr/lib)
- if(ri)
- #message(STATUS "info: 'find_file' in exepath/dirs (${ri})")
- set(resolved 1)
- set(resolved_item "${ri}")
- set(ri "ri-NOTFOUND")
- endif(ri)
- endif(NOT resolved)
- if(NOT resolved)
- if(item MATCHES "[^/]+\\.framework/")
- set(fw "fw-NOTFOUND")
- find_file(fw "${item}"
- "~/Library/Frameworks"
- "/Library/Frameworks"
- "/System/Library/Frameworks"
- )
- if(fw)
- #message(STATUS "info: 'find_file' found framework (${fw})")
- set(resolved 1)
- set(resolved_item "${fw}")
- set(fw "fw-NOTFOUND")
- endif(fw)
- endif(item MATCHES "[^/]+\\.framework/")
- endif(NOT resolved)
- # Using find_program on Windows will find dll files that are in the PATH.
- # (Converting simple file names into full path names if found.)
- #
- if(WIN32)
- if(NOT resolved)
- set(ri "ri-NOTFOUND")
- find_program(ri "${item}" PATHS "${exepath};${dirs}" NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
- find_program(ri "${item}" PATHS "${exepath};${dirs}")
- if(ri)
- #message(STATUS "info: 'find_program' in exepath/dirs (${ri})")
- set(resolved 1)
- set(resolved_item "${ri}")
- set(ri "ri-NOTFOUND")
- endif(ri)
- endif(NOT resolved)
- endif(WIN32)
- # Provide a hook so that projects can override item resolution
- # by whatever logic they choose:
- #
- if(COMMAND gp_resolve_item_override)
- gp_resolve_item_override("${context}" "${item}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}" resolved_item resolved)
- endif(COMMAND gp_resolve_item_override)
- if(NOT resolved)
- message(STATUS "
-warning: cannot resolve item '${item}'
- possible problems:
- need more directories?
- need to use InstallRequiredSystemLibraries?
- run in install tree instead of build tree?
-# message(STATUS "
-#warning: cannot resolve item '${item}'
-# possible problems:
-# need more directories?
-# need to use InstallRequiredSystemLibraries?
-# run in install tree instead of build tree?
-# context='${context}'
-# item='${item}'
-# exepath='${exepath}'
-# dirs='${dirs}'
-# resolved_item_var='${resolved_item_var}'
- endif(NOT resolved)
- set(${resolved_item_var} "${resolved_item}" PARENT_SCOPE)
-# gp_resolved_file_type original_file file exepath dirs type_var
-# Return the type of ${file} with respect to ${original_file}. String
-# describing type of prerequisite is returned in variable named ${type_var}.
-# Use ${exepath} and ${dirs} if necessary to resolve non-absolute ${file}
-# values -- but only for non-embedded items.
-# Possible types are:
-# system
-# local
-# embedded
-# other
-function(gp_resolved_file_type original_file file exepath dirs type_var)
- #message(STATUS "**")
- if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${original_file}")
- message(STATUS "warning: gp_resolved_file_type expects absolute full path for first arg original_file")
- endif()
- set(is_embedded 0)
- set(is_local 0)
- set(is_system 0)
- set(resolved_file "${file}")
- if("${file}" MATCHES "^@(executable|loader)_path")
- set(is_embedded 1)
- endif()
- if(NOT is_embedded)
- if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${file}")
- gp_resolve_item("${original_file}" "${file}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}" resolved_file)
- endif()
- string(TOLOWER "${original_file}" original_lower)
- string(TOLOWER "${resolved_file}" lower)
- if(UNIX)
- if(resolved_file MATCHES "^(/lib/|/lib32/|/lib64/|/usr/lib/|/usr/lib32/|/usr/lib64/|/usr/X11R6/)")
- set(is_system 1)
- endif()
- endif()
- if(APPLE)
- if(resolved_file MATCHES "^(/System/Library/|/usr/lib/)")
- set(is_system 1)
- endif()
- endif()
- if(WIN32)
- string(TOLOWER "$ENV{SystemRoot}" sysroot)
- string(REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "/" sysroot "${sysroot}")
- string(TOLOWER "$ENV{windir}" windir)
- string(REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "/" windir "${windir}")
- if(lower MATCHES "^(${sysroot}/system|${windir}/system|${sysroot}/syswow|${windir}/syswow|(.*/)*msvc[^/]+dll)")
- set(is_system 1)
- endif()
- endif()
- if(NOT is_system)
- get_filename_component(original_path "${original_lower}" PATH)
- get_filename_component(path "${lower}" PATH)
- if("${original_path}" STREQUAL "${path}")
- set(is_local 1)
- endif()
- endif()
- endif()
- # Return type string based on computed booleans:
- #
- set(type "other")
- if(is_system)
- set(type "system")
- elseif(is_embedded)
- set(type "embedded")
- elseif(is_local)
- set(type "local")
- endif()
- #message(STATUS "gp_resolved_file_type: '${file}' '${resolved_file}'")
- #message(STATUS " type: '${type}'")
- if(NOT is_embedded)
- if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${resolved_file}")
- if(lower MATCHES "^msvc[^/]+dll" AND is_system)
- message(STATUS "info: non-absolute msvc file '${file}' returning type '${type}'")
- else()
- message(STATUS "warning: gp_resolved_file_type non-absolute file '${file}' returning type '${type}' -- possibly incorrect")
- endif()
- endif()
- endif()
- set(${type_var} "${type}" PARENT_SCOPE)
- #message(STATUS "**")
-# gp_file_type original_file file type_var
-# Return the type of ${file} with respect to ${original_file}. String
-# describing type of prerequisite is returned in variable named ${type_var}.
-# Possible types are:
-# system
-# local
-# embedded
-# other
-function(gp_file_type original_file file type_var)
- if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${original_file}")
- message(STATUS "warning: gp_file_type expects absolute full path for first arg original_file")
- endif()
- get_filename_component(exepath "${original_file}" PATH)
- set(type "")
- gp_resolved_file_type("${original_file}" "${file}" "${exepath}" "" type)
- set(${type_var} "${type}" PARENT_SCOPE)
-# get_prerequisites target prerequisites_var exclude_system recurse dirs
-# Get the list of shared library files required by ${target}. The list in
-# the variable named ${prerequisites_var} should be empty on first entry to
-# this function. On exit, ${prerequisites_var} will contain the list of
-# required shared library files.
-# target is the full path to an executable file
-# prerequisites_var is the name of a CMake variable to contain the results
-# exclude_system is 0 or 1: 0 to include "system" prerequisites , 1 to
-# exclude them
-# recurse is 0 or 1: 0 for direct prerequisites only, 1 for all prerequisites
-# recursively
-# exepath is the path to the top level executable used for @executable_path
-# replacment on the Mac
-# dirs is a list of paths where libraries might be found: these paths are
-# searched first when a target without any path info is given. Then standard
-# system locations are also searched: PATH, Framework locations, /usr/lib...
-function(get_prerequisites target prerequisites_var exclude_system recurse exepath dirs)
- set(verbose 0)
- set(eol_char "E")
- if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${target}")
- message("warning: target '${target}' is not absolute...")
- endif(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${target}")
- if(NOT EXISTS "${target}")
- message("warning: target '${target}' does not exist...")
- endif(NOT EXISTS "${target}")
- # <setup-gp_tool-vars>
- #
- # Try to choose the right tool by default. Caller can set gp_tool prior to
- # calling this function to force using a different tool.
- #
- if("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "")
- set(gp_tool "ldd")
- if(APPLE)
- set(gp_tool "otool")
- endif(APPLE)
- if(WIN32)
- set(gp_tool "dumpbin")
- endif(WIN32)
- endif("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "")
- set(gp_tool_known 0)
- if("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "ldd")
- set(gp_cmd_args "")
- set(gp_regex "^[\t ]*[^\t ]+ => ([^\t ]+).*${eol_char}$")
- set(gp_regex_cmp_count 1)
- set(gp_tool_known 1)
- endif("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "ldd")
- if("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "otool")
- set(gp_cmd_args "-L")
- set(gp_regex "^\t([^\t]+) \\(compatibility version ([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+), current version ([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)\\)${eol_char}$")
- set(gp_regex_cmp_count 3)
- set(gp_tool_known 1)
- endif("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "otool")
- if("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "dumpbin")
- set(gp_cmd_args "/dependents")
- set(gp_regex "^ ([^ ].*[Dd][Ll][Ll])${eol_char}$")
- set(gp_regex_cmp_count 1)
- set(gp_tool_known 1)
- set(ENV{VS_UNICODE_OUTPUT} "") # Block extra output from inside VS IDE.
- endif("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "dumpbin")
- if(NOT gp_tool_known)
- message(STATUS "warning: gp_tool='${gp_tool}' is an unknown tool...")
- message(STATUS "CMake function get_prerequisites needs more code to handle '${gp_tool}'")
- message(STATUS "Valid gp_tool values are dumpbin, ldd and otool.")
- return()
- endif(NOT gp_tool_known)
- set(gp_cmd_paths ${gp_cmd_paths}
- "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/bin"
- "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/bin"
- "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/BIN"
- "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/BIN"
- "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/VC7/BIN"
- "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/VC7/BIN"
- "/usr/local/bin"
- "/usr/bin"
- )
- find_program(gp_cmd ${gp_tool} PATHS ${gp_cmd_paths})
- if(NOT gp_cmd)
- message(STATUS "warning: could not find '${gp_tool}' - cannot analyze prerequisites...")
- return()
- endif(NOT gp_cmd)
- if("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "dumpbin")
- # When running dumpbin, it also needs the "Common7/IDE" directory in the
- # PATH. It will already be in the PATH if being run from a Visual Studio
- # command prompt. Add it to the PATH here in case we are running from a
- # different command prompt.
- #
- get_filename_component(gp_cmd_dir "${gp_cmd}" PATH)
- get_filename_component(gp_cmd_dlls_dir "${gp_cmd_dir}/../../Common7/IDE" ABSOLUTE)
- if(EXISTS "${gp_cmd_dlls_dir}")
- # only add to the path if it is not already in the path
- if(NOT "$ENV{PATH}" MATCHES "${gp_cmd_dlls_dir}")
- set(ENV{PATH} "$ENV{PATH};${gp_cmd_dlls_dir}")
- endif(NOT "$ENV{PATH}" MATCHES "${gp_cmd_dlls_dir}")
- endif(EXISTS "${gp_cmd_dlls_dir}")
- endif("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "dumpbin")
- #
- # </setup-gp_tool-vars>
- if("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "ldd")
- set(old_ld_env "$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}")
- foreach(dir ${exepath} ${dirs})
- endforeach(dir)
- endif("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "ldd")
- # Track new prerequisites at each new level of recursion. Start with an
- # empty list at each level:
- #
- set(unseen_prereqs)
- # Run gp_cmd on the target:
- #
- execute_process(
- COMMAND ${gp_cmd} ${gp_cmd_args} ${target}
- )
- if("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "ldd")
- set(ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} "${old_ld_env}")
- endif("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "ldd")
- if(verbose)
- message(STATUS "<RawOutput cmd='${gp_cmd} ${gp_cmd_args} ${target}'>")
- message(STATUS "gp_cmd_ov='${gp_cmd_ov}'")
- message(STATUS "</RawOutput>")
- endif(verbose)
- get_filename_component(target_dir "${target}" PATH)
- # Convert to a list of lines:
- #
- string(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" candidates "${gp_cmd_ov}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" "${eol_char};" candidates "${candidates}")
- # Analyze each line for file names that match the regular expression:
- #
- foreach(candidate ${candidates})
- if("${candidate}" MATCHES "${gp_regex}")
- # Extract information from each candidate:
- string(REGEX REPLACE "${gp_regex}" "\\1" raw_item "${candidate}")
- if(gp_regex_cmp_count GREATER 1)
- string(REGEX REPLACE "${gp_regex}" "\\2" raw_compat_version "${candidate}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\1" compat_major_version "${raw_compat_version}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\2" compat_minor_version "${raw_compat_version}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\3" compat_patch_version "${raw_compat_version}")
- endif(gp_regex_cmp_count GREATER 1)
- if(gp_regex_cmp_count GREATER 2)
- string(REGEX REPLACE "${gp_regex}" "\\3" raw_current_version "${candidate}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\1" current_major_version "${raw_current_version}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\2" current_minor_version "${raw_current_version}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\3" current_patch_version "${raw_current_version}")
- endif(gp_regex_cmp_count GREATER 2)
- # Use the raw_item as the list entries returned by this function. Use the
- # gp_resolve_item function to resolve it to an actual full path file if
- # necessary.
- #
- set(item "${raw_item}")
- # Add each item unless it is excluded:
- #
- set(add_item 1)
- if(${exclude_system})
- set(type "")
- gp_resolved_file_type("${target}" "${item}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}" type)
- if("${type}" STREQUAL "system")
- set(add_item 0)
- endif("${type}" STREQUAL "system")
- endif(${exclude_system})
- if(add_item)
- list(LENGTH ${prerequisites_var} list_length_before_append)
- gp_append_unique(${prerequisites_var} "${item}")
- list(LENGTH ${prerequisites_var} list_length_after_append)
- if(${recurse})
- # If item was really added, this is the first time we have seen it.
- # Add it to unseen_prereqs so that we can recursively add *its*
- # prerequisites...
- #
- # But first: resolve its name to an absolute full path name such
- # that the analysis tools can simply accept it as input.
- #
- if(NOT list_length_before_append EQUAL list_length_after_append)
- gp_resolve_item("${target}" "${item}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}" resolved_item)
- set(unseen_prereqs ${unseen_prereqs} "${resolved_item}")
- endif(NOT list_length_before_append EQUAL list_length_after_append)
- endif(${recurse})
- endif(add_item)
- else("${candidate}" MATCHES "${gp_regex}")
- if(verbose)
- message(STATUS "ignoring non-matching line: '${candidate}'")
- endif(verbose)
- endif("${candidate}" MATCHES "${gp_regex}")
- endforeach(candidate)
- list(LENGTH ${prerequisites_var} prerequisites_var_length)
- if(prerequisites_var_length GREATER 0)
- list(SORT ${prerequisites_var})
- endif(prerequisites_var_length GREATER 0)
- if(${recurse})
- set(more_inputs ${unseen_prereqs})
- foreach(input ${more_inputs})
- get_prerequisites("${input}" ${prerequisites_var} ${exclude_system} ${recurse} "${exepath}" "${dirs}")
- endforeach(input)
- endif(${recurse})
- set(${prerequisites_var} ${${prerequisites_var}} PARENT_SCOPE)
-# list_prerequisites target all exclude_system verbose
-# ARGV0 (target) is the full path to an executable file
-# optional ARGV1 (all) is 0 or 1: 0 for direct prerequisites only,
-# 1 for all prerequisites recursively
-# optional ARGV2 (exclude_system) is 0 or 1: 0 to include "system"
-# prerequisites , 1 to exclude them
-# optional ARGV3 (verbose) is 0 or 1: 0 to print only full path
-# names of prerequisites, 1 to print extra information
-function(list_prerequisites target)
- if("${ARGV1}" STREQUAL "")
- set(all 1)
- else("${ARGV1}" STREQUAL "")
- set(all "${ARGV1}")
- endif("${ARGV1}" STREQUAL "")
- if("${ARGV2}" STREQUAL "")
- set(exclude_system 0)
- else("${ARGV2}" STREQUAL "")
- set(exclude_system "${ARGV2}")
- endif("${ARGV2}" STREQUAL "")
- if("${ARGV3}" STREQUAL "")
- set(verbose 0)
- else("${ARGV3}" STREQUAL "")
- set(verbose "${ARGV3}")
- endif("${ARGV3}" STREQUAL "")
- set(count 0)
- set(count_str "")
- set(print_count "${verbose}")
- set(print_prerequisite_type "${verbose}")
- set(print_target "${verbose}")
- set(type_str "")
- get_filename_component(exepath "${target}" PATH)
- set(prereqs "")
- get_prerequisites("${target}" prereqs ${exclude_system} ${all} "${exepath}" "")
- if(print_target)
- message(STATUS "File '${target}' depends on:")
- endif(print_target)
- foreach(d ${prereqs})
- math(EXPR count "${count} + 1")
- if(print_count)
- set(count_str "${count}. ")
- endif(print_count)
- if(print_prerequisite_type)
- gp_file_type("${target}" "${d}" type)
- set(type_str " (${type})")
- endif(print_prerequisite_type)
- message(STATUS "${count_str}${d}${type_str}")
- endforeach(d)
-# list_prerequisites_by_glob glob_arg glob_exp
-# glob_arg is GLOB or GLOB_RECURSE
-# glob_exp is a globbing expression used with "file(GLOB" to retrieve a list
-# of matching files. If a matching file is executable, its prerequisites are
-# listed.
-# Any additional (optional) arguments provided are passed along as the
-# optional arguments to the list_prerequisites calls.
-function(list_prerequisites_by_glob glob_arg glob_exp)
- message(STATUS "=============================================================================")
- message(STATUS "List prerequisites of executables matching ${glob_arg} '${glob_exp}'")
- message(STATUS "")
- file(${glob_arg} file_list ${glob_exp})
- foreach(f ${file_list})
- is_file_executable("${f}" is_f_executable)
- if(is_f_executable)
- message(STATUS "=============================================================================")
- list_prerequisites("${f}" ${ARGN})
- message(STATUS "")
- endif(is_f_executable)
- endforeach(f)
diff --git a/indra/cmake/NGHTTP2.cmake b/indra/cmake/NGHTTP2.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df191ff3c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/cmake/NGHTTP2.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ include(FindNGHTTP2)
+ use_prebuilt_binary(nghttp2)
+ if (WINDOWS)
+ )
+ elseif (DARWIN)
+ set(NGHTTP2_LIBRARIES libnghttp2.dylib)
+ else (WINDOWS)
+ set(NGHTTP2_LIBRARIES libnghttp2.a)
+ endif (WINDOWS)
+ set(NGHTTP2_INCLUDE_DIR ${LIBS_PREBUILT_DIR}/include/nghttp2)
diff --git a/indra/llcorehttp/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/llcorehttp/CMakeLists.txt
index 435fb09aa4..40ec836f12 100644
--- a/indra/llcorehttp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/llcorehttp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ include(00-Common)
@@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ target_link_libraries(
@@ -132,6 +134,7 @@ if (LL_TESTS)
@@ -202,6 +205,7 @@ endif (DARWIN)
diff --git a/indra/llcorehttp/_httplibcurl.cpp b/indra/llcorehttp/_httplibcurl.cpp
index c25e01a318..abd304f6a5 100644
--- a/indra/llcorehttp/_httplibcurl.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcorehttp/_httplibcurl.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,15 @@ namespace
void check_curl_multi_code(CURLMcode code);
void check_curl_multi_code(CURLMcode code, int curl_setopt_option);
+// This is a template because different 'option' values require different
+// types for 'ARG'. Just pass them through unchanged (by value).
+template <typename ARG>
+void check_curl_multi_setopt(CURLM* handle, CURLMoption option, ARG argument)
+ CURLMcode code = curl_multi_setopt(handle, option, argument);
+ check_curl_multi_code(code, option);
static const char * const LOG_CORE("CoreHttp");
} // end anonymous namespace
@@ -461,46 +470,38 @@ void HttpLibcurl::policyUpdated(int policy_class)
HttpPolicyClass & options(policy.getClassOptions(policy_class));
CURLM * multi_handle(mMultiHandles[policy_class]);
- CURLMcode code;
// Enable policy if stalled
policy.stallPolicy(policy_class, false);
mDirtyPolicy[policy_class] = false;
if (options.mPipelining > 1)
// We'll try to do pipelining on this multihandle
- code = curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
+ check_curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
- check_curl_multi_code(code, CURLMOPT_PIPELINING);
- code = curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
+ check_curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
- check_curl_multi_code(code, CURLMOPT_MAX_PIPELINE_LENGTH);
- code = curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
+ check_curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
- check_curl_multi_code(code, CURLMOPT_MAX_HOST_CONNECTIONS);
- code = curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
+ check_curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
- check_curl_multi_code(code, CURLMOPT_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS);
- code = curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
+ check_curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
- check_curl_multi_code(code, CURLMOPT_PIPELINING);
- code = curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
+ check_curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
- check_curl_multi_code(code, CURLMOPT_MAX_HOST_CONNECTIONS);
- code = curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
+ check_curl_multi_setopt(multi_handle,
- check_curl_multi_code(code, CURLMOPT_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS);
else if (! mDirtyPolicy[policy_class])
diff --git a/indra/llcorehttp/_httpoprequest.cpp b/indra/llcorehttp/_httpoprequest.cpp
index 721147ffb0..1ef7730c8e 100644
--- a/indra/llcorehttp/_httpoprequest.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcorehttp/_httpoprequest.cpp
@@ -108,6 +108,15 @@ void os_strlower(char * str);
// Error testing and reporting for libcurl status codes
void check_curl_easy_code(CURLcode code, int curl_setopt_option);
+// This is a template because different 'option' values require different
+// types for 'ARG'. Just pass them through unchanged (by value).
+template <typename ARG>
+void check_curl_easy_setopt(CURL* handle, CURLoption option, ARG argument)
+ CURLcode code = curl_easy_setopt(handle, option, argument);
+ check_curl_easy_code(code, option);
static const char * const LOG_CORE("CoreHttp");
} // end anonymous namespace
@@ -456,8 +465,6 @@ void HttpOpRequest::setupCommon(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
// *TODO: Move this to _httplibcurl where it belongs.
HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::prepareRequest(HttpService * service)
- CURLcode code;
// Scrub transport and result data for retried op case
mCurlActive = false;
mCurlHandle = NULL;
@@ -496,45 +503,28 @@ HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::prepareRequest(HttpService * service)
return HttpStatus(HttpStatus::LLCORE, HE_BAD_ALLOC);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, mReqURL.c_str());
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_URL);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, getHandle());
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_PRIVATE);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_ENCODING);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, HTTP_REDIRECTS_DEFAULT);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writeCallback);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, getHandle());
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, readCallback);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_READDATA, getHandle());
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_READDATA);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTION, seekCallback);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTION);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SEEKDATA, getHandle());
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_SEEKDATA);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "");
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, mReqURL.c_str());
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, getHandle());
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, HTTP_REDIRECTS_DEFAULT);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writeCallback);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, getHandle());
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, readCallback);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_READDATA, getHandle());
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTION, seekCallback);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SEEKDATA, getHandle());
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "");
if (gpolicy.mSslCtxCallback)
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION, curlSslCtxCallback);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_DATA, getHandle());
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_DATA);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION, curlSslCtxCallback);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_DATA, getHandle());
mCallbackSSLVerify = gpolicy.mSslCtxCallback;
@@ -552,16 +542,12 @@ HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::prepareRequest(HttpService * service)
dnsCacheTimeout = mReqOptions->getDNSCacheTimeout();
nobody = mReqOptions->getHeadersOnly() ? 1L : 0L;
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, follow_redirect);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, follow_redirect);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, sslPeerV);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, sslHostV);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, sslPeerV);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, sslHostV);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, nobody);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_NOBODY);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, nobody);
// The Linksys WRT54G V5 router has an issue with frequent
// DNS lookups from LAN machines. If they happen too often,
@@ -569,8 +555,7 @@ HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::prepareRequest(HttpService * service)
// about 700 or so requests and starts issuing TCP RSTs to
// new connections. Reuse the DNS lookups for even a few
// seconds and no RSTs.
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, dnsCacheTimeout);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, dnsCacheTimeout);
if (gpolicy.mUseLLProxy)
@@ -593,81 +578,66 @@ HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::prepareRequest(HttpService * service)
// *TODO: This is fine for now but get fuller socks5/
// authentication thing going later....
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_PROXY, gpolicy.mHttpProxy.c_str());
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_PROXY);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_PROXY, gpolicy.mHttpProxy.c_str());
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP);
if (gpolicy.mCAPath.size())
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CAPATH, gpolicy.mCAPath.c_str());
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_CAPATH);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CAPATH, gpolicy.mCAPath.c_str());
if (gpolicy.mCAFile.size())
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CAINFO, gpolicy.mCAFile.c_str());
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_CAINFO);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CAINFO, gpolicy.mCAFile.c_str());
switch (mReqMethod)
case HOR_GET:
if (nobody == 0)
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_HTTPGET);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1);
case HOR_POST:
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_POST);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_ENCODING);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
long data_size(0);
if (mReqBody)
data_size = mReqBody->size();
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, static_cast<void *>(NULL));
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, data_size);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, static_cast<void *>(NULL));
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, data_size);
mCurlHeaders = curl_slist_append(mCurlHeaders, "Expect:");
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PATCH");
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PATCH");
// fall through. The rest is the same as PUT
case HOR_PUT:
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_UPLOAD);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1);
long data_size(0);
if (mReqBody)
data_size = mReqBody->size();
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, data_size);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, data_size);
mCurlHeaders = curl_slist_append(mCurlHeaders, "Expect:");
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE");
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE");
case HOR_COPY:
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "COPY");
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "COPY");
case HOR_MOVE:
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "MOVE");
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "MOVE");
@@ -685,12 +655,9 @@ HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::prepareRequest(HttpService * service)
// Tracing
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_VERBOSE);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA, this);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION, debugCallback);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA, this);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION, debugCallback);
// There's a CURLOPT for this now...
@@ -767,6 +734,9 @@ HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::prepareRequest(HttpService * service)
// xfer_timeout *= cpolicy.mPipelining;
xfer_timeout *= 2L;
+ // Also try requesting HTTP/2.
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0);
// *DEBUG: Enable following override for timeout handling and "[curl:bugs] #1420" tests
//if (cpolicy.mPipelining)
@@ -774,10 +744,8 @@ HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::prepareRequest(HttpService * service)
// xfer_timeout = 1L;
// timeout = 1L;
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, xfer_timeout);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, timeout);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, xfer_timeout);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, timeout);
// Request headers
if (mReqHeaders)
@@ -785,15 +753,12 @@ HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::prepareRequest(HttpService * service)
// Caller's headers last to override
mCurlHeaders = append_headers_to_slist(mReqHeaders, mCurlHeaders);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, mCurlHeaders);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, mCurlHeaders);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, headerCallback);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION);
- code = curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, this);
- check_curl_easy_code(code, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, headerCallback);
+ check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, this);
if (status)
diff --git a/indra/llmessage/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/llmessage/CMakeLists.txt
index 87bec60d95..e0922c0667 100644
--- a/indra/llmessage/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/llmessage/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ target_link_libraries(
@@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ target_link_libraries(
@@ -257,6 +259,7 @@ if (LINUX)
@@ -272,6 +275,7 @@ else (LINUX)
diff --git a/indra/llplugin/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/llplugin/CMakeLists.txt
index 2cdea67723..129efeb529 100644
--- a/indra/llplugin/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/llplugin/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ if (LL_TESTS)
diff --git a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
index f353109deb..2100c91cfe 100644
--- a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2219,6 +2219,7 @@ if (LL_TESTS)
diff --git a/indra/newview/lltexturefetch.cpp b/indra/newview/lltexturefetch.cpp
index 84a2f1b597..8447cf893e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lltexturefetch.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/lltexturefetch.cpp
@@ -1746,7 +1746,7 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
// In case of a partial response, our offset may
// not be trivially contiguous with the data we have.
// Get back into alignment.
- if (mHttpReplyOffset > cur_size)
+ if ( (mHttpReplyOffset > cur_size) || (cur_size > mHttpReplyOffset + append_size))
LL_WARNS(LOG_TXT) << "Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture "
<< mID << ". Aborting load." << LL_ENDL;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerregion.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerregion.cpp
index 3fd2af87de..06b5c48e6c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewerregion.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewerregion.cpp
@@ -2965,6 +2965,17 @@ void LLViewerRegion::setCapability(const std::string& name, const std::string& u
mImpl->mCapabilities[name] = url;
if(name == "ViewerAsset")
+ /*==============================================================*/
+ // The following inserted lines are a hack for testing MAINT-7081,
+ // which is why the indentation and formatting are left ugly.
+ const char* VIEWERASSET = getenv("VIEWERASSET");
+ {
+ mImpl->mCapabilities[name] = VIEWERASSET;
+ mViewerAssetUrl = VIEWERASSET;
+ }
+ else
+ /*==============================================================*/
mViewerAssetUrl = url;
@@ -2978,6 +2989,17 @@ void LLViewerRegion::setCapabilityDebug(const std::string& name, const std::stri
mImpl->mSecondCapabilitiesTracker[name] = url;
if(name == "ViewerAsset")
+ /*==============================================================*/
+ // The following inserted lines are a hack for testing MAINT-7081,
+ // which is why the indentation and formatting are left ugly.
+ const char* VIEWERASSET = getenv("VIEWERASSET");
+ {
+ mImpl->mSecondCapabilitiesTracker[name] = VIEWERASSET;
+ mViewerAssetUrl = VIEWERASSET;
+ }
+ else
+ /*==============================================================*/
mViewerAssetUrl = url;
diff --git a/indra/newview/ b/indra/newview/
index 71e348db3f..8b304ee0cd 100755
--- a/indra/newview/
+++ b/indra/newview/
@@ -445,6 +445,9 @@ class WindowsManifest(ViewerManifest):
+ # HTTP/2
+ self.path("nghttp2.dll")
# Hunspell
@@ -878,10 +881,19 @@ class DarwinManifest(ViewerManifest):
or a list containing dst (present). Concatenate these
return values to get a list of all libs that are present.
- if self.path(src, dst):
- return [dst]
- print "Skipping %s" % dst
- return []
+ # This was simple before we started needing to pass
+ # wildcards. Fortunately, self.path() ends up appending a
+ # (source, dest) pair to self.file_list for every expanded
+ # file processed. Remember its size before the call.
+ oldlen = len(self.file_list)
+ self.path(src, dst)
+ # The dest appended to self.file_list has been prepended
+ # with self.get_dst_prefix(). Strip it off again.
+ added = [os.path.relpath(d, self.get_dst_prefix())
+ for s, d in self.file_list[oldlen:]]
+ if not added:
+ print "Skipping %s" % dst
+ return added
# dylibs is a list of all the .dylib files we expect to need
# in our bundled sub-apps. For each of these we'll create a
@@ -902,6 +914,10 @@ class DarwinManifest(ViewerManifest):
+ # libnghttp2.dylib is a symlink to
+ # libnghttp2.major.dylib, which is a symlink
+ # to libnghttp2.version.dylib. Get all of them.
+ "libnghttp2.*dylib",
dylibs += path_optional(os.path.join(relpkgdir, libfile), libfile)
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index f91f5819b7..b1eef3c721 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -62,39 +62,68 @@ def autobuild(*args):
# no exceptions yet, let caller read stdout
return child.stdout
-versions=autobuild('install', '--versions')
-for line in versions:
- pkg_info = pkg_line.match(line)
- if pkg_info:
- pkg =
- if pkg not in version:
- version[pkg] =
- else:
- sys.exit("Duplicate version for %s" % pkg)
+info=dict(versions={}, copyrights={})
+dups=dict(versions=set(), copyrights=set())
+def add_info(key, pkg, lines):
+ if pkg not in info[key]:
+ info[key][pkg] = '\n'.join(lines)
- sys.exit("Unrecognized --versions output: %s" % line)
+ dups[key].add(pkg)
+versions=autobuild('install', '--versions')
copyrights=autobuild('install', '--copyrights')
viewer_copyright = copyrights.readline() # first line is the copyright for the viewer itself
-for line in copyrights:
- pkg_info = pkg_line.match(line)
- if pkg_info:
- pkg =
- if pkg not in copyright:
- copyright[pkg] =
- else:
- sys.exit("Duplicate copyright for %s" % pkg)
+# Two different autobuild outputs, but we treat them essentially the same way:
+# populating each into a dict; each a subdict of 'info'.
+for key, rawdata in ("versions", versions), ("copyrights", copyrights):
+ lines = iter(rawdata)
+ try:
+ line = next(lines)
+ except StopIteration:
+ # rawdata is completely empty? okay...
+ pass
- sys.exit("Unrecognized --copyrights output: %s" % line)
+ pkg_info = pkg_line.match(line)
+ # The first line for each package must match pkg_line.
+ if not pkg_info:
+ sys.exit("Unrecognized --%s output: %r" % (key, line))
+ # Only the very first line in rawdata MUST match; for the rest of
+ # rawdata, matching the regexp is how we recognize the start of the
+ # next package.
+ while True: # iterate over packages in rawdata
+ pkg =
+ pkg_lines = []
+ for line in lines:
+ pkg_info = pkg_line.match(line)
+ if pkg_info:
+ # we hit the start of the next package data
+ add_info(key, pkg, pkg_lines)
+ break
+ else:
+ # no package prefix: additional line for same package
+ pkg_lines.append(line.rstrip())
+ else:
+ # last package in the output -- finished 'lines'
+ add_info(key, pkg, pkg_lines)
+ break
+# Now that we've run through all of both outputs -- are there duplicates?
+if any(pkgs for pkgs in dups.values()):
+ for key, pkgs in dups.items():
+ if pkgs:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Duplicate %s for %s" % (key, ", ".join(pkgs))
+ sys.exit(1)
print "%s %s" % (, args.version)
print viewer_copyright
-for pkg in sorted(version):
- print ': '.join([pkg, version[pkg]])
- if pkg in copyright:
- print copyright[pkg]
- else:
+version = list(info['versions'].items())
+for pkg, pkg_version in version:
+ print ': '.join([pkg, pkg_version])
+ try:
+ print info['copyrights'][pkg]
+ except KeyError:
sys.exit("No copyright for %s" % pkg)
- print ''
+ print