diff options
8 files changed, 270 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcharacter/lljoint.cpp b/indra/llcharacter/lljoint.cpp
index 36ecf8cb4b..a685df5925 100644
--- a/indra/llcharacter/lljoint.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcharacter/lljoint.cpp
@@ -303,16 +303,17 @@ void LLJoint::removeChild(LLJoint* joint)
void LLJoint::removeAllChildren()
- for (joints_t::iterator iter = mChildren.begin();
- iter != mChildren.end();)
+ for (LLJoint* joint : mChildren)
- joints_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
- LLJoint* joint = *curiter;
- mChildren.erase(curiter);
- joint->mXform.setParent(NULL);
- joint->mParent = NULL;
- joint->touch();
+ if (joint)
+ {
+ joint->mXform.setParent(NULL);
+ joint->mParent = NULL;
+ joint->touch();
+ //delete joint;
+ }
+ mChildren.clear();
diff --git a/indra/llmath/llvolume.cpp b/indra/llmath/llvolume.cpp
index 9d0cf1e119..df867b332d 100644
--- a/indra/llmath/llvolume.cpp
+++ b/indra/llmath/llvolume.cpp
@@ -2526,7 +2526,6 @@ bool LLVolume::unpackVolumeFaces(std::istream& is, S32 size)
if (mdl[i].has("Weights"))
- face.allocateJointIndices(num_verts);
LLSD::Binary weights = mdl[i]["Weights"];
@@ -2567,13 +2566,6 @@ bool LLVolume::unpackVolumeFaces(std::istream& is, S32 size)
wght = LLVector4(0.999f,0.f,0.f,0.f);
- if (face.mJointIndices)
- {
- for (U32 k=0; k<4; k++)
- {
- face.mJointIndices[cur_vertex * 4 + k] = llclamp((U8)joints[k], (U8)0, (U8)110);
- }
- }
for (U32 k=0; k<4; k++)
F32 f_combined = (F32) joints[k] + wght[k];
@@ -4664,7 +4656,10 @@ LLVolumeFace::LLVolumeFace() :
+ mJustWeights(NULL),
@@ -4691,7 +4686,10 @@ LLVolumeFace::LLVolumeFace(const LLVolumeFace& src)
+ mJustWeights(NULL),
@@ -4768,19 +4766,22 @@ LLVolumeFace& LLVolumeFace::operator=(const LLVolumeFace& src)
mWeightsScrubbed = FALSE;
if (src.mJointIndices)
llassert(!mJointIndices); // don't orphan an old alloc here accidentally
LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) mJointIndices, (F32*) src.mJointIndices, src.mNumVertices * sizeof(U8) * 4);
- else
+ else*/
mJointIndices = NULL;
- }
+ #endif
+ }
if (mNumIndices)
S32 idx_size = (mNumIndices*sizeof(U16)+0xF) & ~0xF;
@@ -4823,8 +4824,13 @@ void LLVolumeFace::freeData()
mTangents = NULL;
mWeights = NULL;
mJointIndices = NULL;
+ ll_aligned_free_16(mJustWeights);
+ mJustWeights = NULL;
delete mOctree;
mOctree = NULL;
@@ -5479,13 +5485,17 @@ bool LLVolumeFace::cacheOptimize()
// DO NOT free mNormals and mTexCoords as they are part of mPositions buffer
+ ll_aligned_free_16(mJustWeights);
+ mJustWeights = NULL;
+ mJointIndices = NULL; // filled in later as necessary by skinning code for acceleration
mPositions = pos;
mNormals = norm;
mTexCoords = tc;
- mWeights = wght;
- mJointIndices = NULL; // filled in later as necessary by skinning code for acceleration
+ mWeights = wght;
mTangents = binorm;
//std::string result = llformat("ACMR pre/post: %.3f/%.3f -- %d triangles %d breaks", pre_acmr, post_acmr, mNumIndices/3, breaks);
@@ -6401,8 +6411,13 @@ void LLVolumeFace::allocateWeights(S32 num_verts)
void LLVolumeFace::allocateJointIndices(S32 num_verts)
+ ll_aligned_free_16(mJustWeights);
mJointIndices = (U8*)ll_aligned_malloc_16(sizeof(U8) * 4 * num_verts);
+ mJustWeights = (LLVector4a*)ll_aligned_malloc_16(sizeof(LLVector4a) * num_verts);
void LLVolumeFace::resizeIndices(S32 num_indices)
diff --git a/indra/llmath/llvolume.h b/indra/llmath/llvolume.h
index ed2cd9cde0..a77e8c08c6 100644
--- a/indra/llmath/llvolume.h
+++ b/indra/llmath/llvolume.h
@@ -956,7 +956,11 @@ public:
// format is mWeights[vertex_index].mV[influence] = <joint_index>.<weight>
// mWeights.size() should be empty or match mVertices.size()
LLVector4a* mWeights;
+ LLVector4a* mJustWeights;
U8* mJointIndices;
mutable BOOL mWeightsScrubbed;
diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.cpp b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.cpp
index 15a0595179..789a254389 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "lldrawable.h"
#include "lldrawpoolbump.h"
#include "llface.h"
+#include "llvolume.h"
#include "llmeshrepository.h"
#include "llsky.h"
#include "llviewercamera.h"
@@ -1833,15 +1834,13 @@ void LLDrawPoolAvatar::updateRiggedFaceVertexBuffer(
LLFace* face,
const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin,
LLVolume* volume,
- const LLVolumeFace& vol_face)
+ LLVolumeFace& vol_face)
LLVector4a* weights = vol_face.mWeights;
if (!weights)
- // FIXME ugly const cast
- LLSkinningUtil::scrubInvalidJoints(avatar, const_cast<LLMeshSkinInfo*>(skin));
LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer> buffer = face->getVertexBuffer();
LLDrawable* drawable = face->getDrawable();
@@ -1851,6 +1850,48 @@ void LLDrawPoolAvatar::updateRiggedFaceVertexBuffer(
+ const U32 max_joints = LLSkinningUtil::getMaxJointCount();
+ #define CONDITION_WEIGHT(f) ((U8)llclamp((S32)f, (S32)0, (S32)max_joints-1))
+ LLVector4a* just_weights = vol_face.mJustWeights;
+ // we need to calculate the separated indices and store just the matrix weights for this vol...
+ if (!vol_face.mJointIndices)
+ {
+ // not very consty after all...
+ vol_face.allocateJointIndices(vol_face.mNumVertices);
+ just_weights = vol_face.mJustWeights;
+ U8* joint_indices_cursor = vol_face.mJointIndices;
+ for (int i = 0; i < vol_face.mNumVertices; i++)
+ {
+ F32* w = weights[i].getF32ptr();
+ F32* w_ = just_weights[i].getF32ptr();
+ F32 w0 = floorf(w[0]);
+ F32 w1 = floorf(w[1]);
+ F32 w2 = floorf(w[2]);
+ F32 w3 = floorf(w[3]);
+ joint_indices_cursor[0] = CONDITION_WEIGHT(w0);
+ joint_indices_cursor[1] = CONDITION_WEIGHT(w1);
+ joint_indices_cursor[2] = CONDITION_WEIGHT(w2);
+ joint_indices_cursor[3] = CONDITION_WEIGHT(w3);
+ // remove joint portion of combined weight
+ w_[0] = w[0] - w0;
+ w_[1] = w[1] - w1;
+ w_[2] = w[2] - w2;
+ w_[3] = w[3] - w3;
+ joint_indices_cursor += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME ugly const cast
+ LLSkinningUtil::scrubInvalidJoints(avatar, const_cast<LLMeshSkinInfo*>(skin));
U32 data_mask = face->getRiggedVertexBufferDataMask();
if (!vol_face.mWeightsScrubbed)
@@ -1927,29 +1968,67 @@ void LLDrawPoolAvatar::updateRiggedFaceVertexBuffer(
LLMatrix4a bind_shape_matrix;
- const U32 max_joints = LLSkinningUtil::getMaxJointCount();
- for (U32 j = 0; j < buffer->getNumVerts(); ++j)
- {
- LLMatrix4a final_mat;
- LLSkinningUtil::getPerVertexSkinMatrix(weights[j].getF32ptr(), mat, false, final_mat, max_joints);
- LLVector4a& v = vol_face.mPositions[j];
- LLVector4a t;
- LLVector4a dst;
- bind_shape_matrix.affineTransform(v, t);
- final_mat.affineTransform(t, dst);
- pos[j] = dst;
- if (norm)
- {
- LLVector4a& n = vol_face.mNormals[j];
- bind_shape_matrix.rotate(n, t);
- final_mat.rotate(t, dst);
- dst.normalize3fast();
- norm[j] = dst;
- }
- }
+ U8* joint_indices_cursor = vol_face.mJointIndices;
+ // fast path with joint indices separate from weights
+ if (joint_indices_cursor)
+ {
+ LLMatrix4a src[4];
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < buffer->getNumVerts(); ++j)
+ {
+ LLMatrix4a final_mat;
+ //LLMatrix4a final_mat_correct;
+ F32* jw = just_weights[j].getF32ptr();
+ LLSkinningUtil::getPerVertexSkinMatrixWithIndices(jw, joint_indices_cursor, mat, final_mat, src);
+ joint_indices_cursor += 4;
+ LLVector4a& v = vol_face.mPositions[j];
+ LLVector4a t;
+ LLVector4a dst;
+ bind_shape_matrix.affineTransform(v, t);
+ final_mat.affineTransform(t, dst);
+ pos[j] = dst;
+ if (norm)
+ {
+ LLVector4a& n = vol_face.mNormals[j];
+ bind_shape_matrix.rotate(n, t);
+ final_mat.rotate(t, dst);
+ dst.normalize3fast();
+ norm[j] = dst;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // slow path with joint indices calculated from weights
+ else
+ {
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < buffer->getNumVerts(); ++j)
+ {
+ LLMatrix4a final_mat;
+ LLSkinningUtil::getPerVertexSkinMatrix(weights[j].getF32ptr(), mat, false, final_mat, max_joints);
+ LLVector4a& v = vol_face.mPositions[j];
+ LLVector4a t;
+ LLVector4a dst;
+ bind_shape_matrix.affineTransform(v, t);
+ final_mat.affineTransform(t, dst);
+ pos[j] = dst;
+ if (norm)
+ {
+ LLVector4a& n = vol_face.mNormals[j];
+ bind_shape_matrix.rotate(n, t);
+ final_mat.rotate(t, dst);
+ //dst.normalize3fast();
+ norm[j] = dst;
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -2301,7 +2380,7 @@ void LLDrawPoolAvatar::updateRiggedVertexBuffers(LLVOAvatar* avatar)
- const LLVolumeFace& vol_face = volume->getVolumeFace(te);
+ LLVolumeFace& vol_face = volume->getVolumeFace(te);
updateRiggedFaceVertexBuffer(avatar, face, skin, volume, vol_face);
diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.h b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.h
index e8add0e1d8..cb09eb18e2 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.h
+++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.h
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ typedef enum
LLFace* facep,
const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin,
LLVolume* volume,
- const LLVolumeFace& vol_face);
+ LLVolumeFace& vol_face);
void updateRiggedVertexBuffers(LLVOAvatar* avatar);
void renderRigged(LLVOAvatar* avatar, U32 type, bool glow = false);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llskinningutil.cpp b/indra/newview/llskinningutil.cpp
index 0fa4c2b114..83b9c8971a 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llskinningutil.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llskinningutil.cpp
@@ -34,8 +34,12 @@
#include "llvolume.h"
#include "llrigginginfo.h"
+#define MAT_USE_SSE 1
void dump_avatar_and_skin_state(const std::string& reason, LLVOAvatar *avatar, const LLMeshSkinInfo *skin)
static S32 dump_count = 0;
const S32 max_dump = 10;
@@ -81,16 +85,16 @@ void dump_avatar_and_skin_state(const std::string& reason, LLVOAvatar *avatar, c
void LLSkinningUtil::initClass()
-U32 LLSkinningUtil::getMaxJointCount()
+S32 LLSkinningUtil::getMaxJointCount()
- return result;
U32 LLSkinningUtil::getMeshJointCount(const LLMeshSkinInfo *skin)
@@ -120,6 +124,8 @@ void LLSkinningUtil::scrubInvalidJoints(LLVOAvatar *avatar, LLMeshSkinInfo* skin
skin->mInvalidJointsScrubbed = true;
+#define MAT_USE_SSE 1
void LLSkinningUtil::initSkinningMatrixPalette(
LLMatrix4* mat,
S32 count,
@@ -130,9 +136,9 @@ void LLSkinningUtil::initSkinningMatrixPalette(
for (U32 j = 0; j < count; ++j)
LLJoint *joint = avatar->getJoint(skin->mJointNums[j]);
+ llassert(joint);
if (joint)
-#define MAT_USE_SSE
#ifdef MAT_USE_SSE
LLMatrix4a bind, world, res;
@@ -147,6 +153,7 @@ void LLSkinningUtil::initSkinningMatrixPalette(
mat[j] = skin->mInvBindMatrix[j];
// This shouldn't happen - in mesh upload, skinned
// rendering should be disabled unless all joints are
// valid. In other cases of skinned rendering, invalid
@@ -157,16 +164,15 @@ void LLSkinningUtil::initSkinningMatrixPalette(
LL_WARNS_ONCE("Avatar") << avatar->getFullname()
<< " avatar build state: isBuilt() " << avatar->isBuilt()
<< " mInitFlags " << avatar->mInitFlags << LL_ENDL;
-#if 0
- dump_avatar_and_skin_state("initSkinningMatrixPalette joint not found", avatar, skin);
+ dump_avatar_and_skin_state("initSkinningMatrixPalette joint not found", avatar, skin);
void LLSkinningUtil::checkSkinWeights(LLVector4a* weights, U32 num_vertices, const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin)
-#ifdef SHOW_ASSERT // same condition that controls llassert()
const S32 max_joints = skin->mJointNames.size();
for (U32 j=0; j<num_vertices; j++)
@@ -265,6 +271,7 @@ void LLSkinningUtil::initJointNums(LLMeshSkinInfo* skin, LLVOAvatar *avatar)
for (U32 j = 0; j < skin->mJointNames.size(); ++j)
LLJoint *joint = NULL;
if (skin->mJointNums[j] == -1)
@@ -282,11 +289,16 @@ void LLSkinningUtil::initJointNums(LLMeshSkinInfo* skin, LLVOAvatar *avatar)
LL_WARNS_ONCE("Avatar") << avatar->getFullname() << " unable to find joint " << skin->mJointNames[j] << LL_ENDL;
LL_WARNS_ONCE("Avatar") << avatar->getFullname() << " avatar build state: isBuilt() " << avatar->isBuilt() << " mInitFlags " << avatar->mInitFlags << LL_ENDL;
-#if 0
dump_avatar_and_skin_state("initJointNums joint not found", avatar, skin);
+ skin->mJointNums[j] = 0;
+ #else
+ LLJoint *joint = (skin->mJointNums[j] == -1) ? avatar->getJoint(skin->mJointNames[j]) : avatar->getJoint(skin->mJointNums[j]);
+ skin->mJointNums[j] = joint ? joint->getJointNum() : 0;
+ #endif
+ // insure we have *a* valid joint to reference
+ llassert(skin->mJointNums[j] >= 0);
skin->mJointNumsInitialized = true;
@@ -344,14 +356,17 @@ void LLSkinningUtil::updateRiggingInfo(const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin, LLVOAvatar *a
// FIXME could precompute these matMuls.
LLMatrix4a bind_shape;
- bind_shape.loadu(skin->mBindShapeMatrix);
LLMatrix4a inv_bind;
- inv_bind.loadu(skin->mInvBindMatrix[joint_index]);
LLMatrix4a mat;
- matMul(bind_shape, inv_bind, mat);
LLVector4a pos_joint_space;
+ bind_shape.loadu(skin->mBindShapeMatrix);
+ inv_bind.loadu(skin->mInvBindMatrix[joint_index]);
+ matMul(bind_shape, inv_bind, mat);
mat.affineTransform(pos, pos_joint_space);
LLVector4a *extents = rig_info_tab[joint_num].getRiggedExtents();
update_min_max(extents[0], extents[1], pos_joint_space);
@@ -366,6 +381,8 @@ void LLSkinningUtil::updateRiggingInfo(const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin, LLVOAvatar *a
if (vol_face.mJointRiggingInfoTab.size()!=0)
LL_DEBUGS("RigSpammish") << "we have rigging info for vf " << &vol_face
@@ -376,10 +393,40 @@ void LLSkinningUtil::updateRiggingInfo(const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin, LLVOAvatar *a
LL_DEBUGS("RigSpammish") << "no rigging info for vf " << &vol_face
<< " num_verts " << vol_face.mNumVertices << LL_ENDL;
+void LLSkinningUtil::updateRiggingInfo_(LLMeshSkinInfo* skin, LLVOAvatar *avatar, S32 num_verts, LLVector4a* weights, LLVector4a* positions, U8* joint_indices, LLJointRiggingInfoTab &rig_info_tab)
+ for (S32 i=0; i < num_verts; i++)
+ {
+ LLVector4a& pos = positions[i];
+ LLVector4a& wght = weights[i];
+ for (U32 k=0; k<4; ++k)
+ {
+ S32 joint_num = skin->mJointNums[joint_indices[k]];
+ llassert(joint_num >= 0 && joint_num < LL_CHARACTER_MAX_ANIMATED_JOINTS);
+ {
+ rig_info_tab[joint_num].setIsRiggedTo(true);
+ LLMatrix4a bind_shape;
+ bind_shape.loadu(skin->mBindShapeMatrix);
+ LLMatrix4a inv_bind;
+ inv_bind.loadu(skin->mInvBindMatrix[joint_indices[k]]);
+ LLMatrix4a mat;
+ matMul(bind_shape, inv_bind, mat);
+ LLVector4a pos_joint_space;
+ mat.affineTransform(pos, pos_joint_space);
+ pos_joint_space.mul(wght[k]);
+ LLVector4a *extents = rig_info_tab[joint_num].getRiggedExtents();
+ update_min_max(extents[0], extents[1], pos_joint_space);
+ }
+ }
+ }
// This is used for extracting rotation from a bind shape matrix that
// already has scales baked in
LLQuaternion LLSkinningUtil::getUnscaledQuaternion(const LLMatrix4& mat4)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llskinningutil.h b/indra/newview/llskinningutil.h
index ccc501adc0..d39356451d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llskinningutil.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llskinningutil.h
@@ -27,23 +27,48 @@
+#include "v2math.h"
+#include "v4math.h"
+#include "llvector4a.h"
+#include "llmatrix4a.h"
class LLVOAvatar;
class LLMeshSkinInfo;
-class LLMatrix4a;
class LLVolumeFace;
+class LLJointRiggingInfoTab;
namespace LLSkinningUtil
void initClass();
- U32 getMaxJointCount();
+ S32 getMaxJointCount();
U32 getMeshJointCount(const LLMeshSkinInfo *skin);
void scrubInvalidJoints(LLVOAvatar *avatar, LLMeshSkinInfo* skin);
void initSkinningMatrixPalette(LLMatrix4* mat, S32 count, const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin, LLVOAvatar *avatar);
void checkSkinWeights(LLVector4a* weights, U32 num_vertices, const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin);
void scrubSkinWeights(LLVector4a* weights, U32 num_vertices, const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin);
void getPerVertexSkinMatrix(F32* weights, LLMatrix4a* mat, bool handle_bad_scale, LLMatrix4a& final_mat, U32 max_joints);
+ LL_FORCE_INLINE void getPerVertexSkinMatrixWithIndices(
+ F32* weights,
+ U8* idx,
+ LLMatrix4a* mat,
+ LLMatrix4a& final_mat,
+ LLMatrix4a* src)
+ {
+ final_mat.clear();
+ src[0].setMul(mat[idx[0]], weights[0]);
+ src[1].setMul(mat[idx[1]], weights[1]);
+ final_mat.add(src[0]);
+ final_mat.add(src[1]);
+ src[2].setMul(mat[idx[2]], weights[2]);
+ src[3].setMul(mat[idx[3]], weights[3]);
+ final_mat.add(src[2]);
+ final_mat.add(src[3]);
+ }
void initJointNums(LLMeshSkinInfo* skin, LLVOAvatar *avatar);
void updateRiggingInfo(const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin, LLVOAvatar *avatar, LLVolumeFace& vol_face);
+ void updateRiggingInfo_(LLMeshSkinInfo* skin, LLVOAvatar *avatar, S32 num_verts, LLVector4a* weights, LLVector4a* positions, U8* joint_indices, LLJointRiggingInfoTab &rig_info_tab);
LLQuaternion getUnscaledQuaternion(const LLMatrix4& mat4);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llvovolume.cpp b/indra/newview/llvovolume.cpp
index 02ef7612a7..706e2c6895 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llvovolume.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llvovolume.cpp
@@ -4787,18 +4787,44 @@ void LLRiggedVolume::update(const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin, LLVOAvatar* avatar, cons
U32 max_joints = LLSkinningUtil::getMaxJointCount();
rigged_vert_count += dst_face.mNumVertices;
- for (U32 j = 0; j < dst_face.mNumVertices; ++j)
- {
- LLMatrix4a final_mat;
- LLSkinningUtil::getPerVertexSkinMatrix(weight[j].getF32ptr(), mat, false, final_mat, max_joints);
+ if (vol_face.mJointIndices) // fast path with preconditioned joint indices
+ {
+ LLMatrix4a src[4];
+ U8* joint_indices_cursor = vol_face.mJointIndices;
+ LLVector4a* just_weights = vol_face.mJustWeights;
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < dst_face.mNumVertices; ++j)
+ {
+ LLMatrix4a final_mat;
+ F32* w = just_weights[j].getF32ptr();
+ LLSkinningUtil::getPerVertexSkinMatrixWithIndices(w, joint_indices_cursor, mat, final_mat, src);
+ joint_indices_cursor += 4;
+ LLVector4a& v = vol_face.mPositions[j];
+ LLVector4a t;
+ LLVector4a dst;
+ bind_shape_matrix.affineTransform(v, t);
+ final_mat.affineTransform(t, dst);
+ pos[j] = dst;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ #endif
+ {
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < dst_face.mNumVertices; ++j)
+ {
+ LLMatrix4a final_mat;
+ LLSkinningUtil::getPerVertexSkinMatrix(weight[j].getF32ptr(), mat, false, final_mat, max_joints);
- LLVector4a& v = vol_face.mPositions[j];
- LLVector4a t;
- LLVector4a dst;
- bind_shape_matrix.affineTransform(v, t);
- final_mat.affineTransform(t, dst);
- pos[j] = dst;
- }
+ LLVector4a& v = vol_face.mPositions[j];
+ LLVector4a t;
+ LLVector4a dst;
+ bind_shape_matrix.affineTransform(v, t);
+ final_mat.affineTransform(t, dst);
+ pos[j] = dst;
+ }
+ }
//update bounding box
// VFExtents change