diff options
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 831 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 97b0364832..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<floater name="TexFetchDebugger" title="Debugger für Texturabruffehler">
- <text name="total_num_fetched_label">
- 1, Gesamtzahl abgerufener Texturen: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_fetching_requests_label">
- 2, Gesamtzahl von Abrufanforderungen: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_cache_hits_label">
- 3, Gesamtzahl von Cachetreffern: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_label">
- 4, Gesamtzahl sichtbarer Texturen: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_fetch_req_label">
- 5, Gesamtzahl von Abrufanforderungen für sichtbare Texturen: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_data_label">
- 6, Gesamtmenge abgerufener Daten: [SIZE1] KB, decodierte Daten: [SIZE2] KB, [PIXEL] MPixel
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_vis_data_label">
- 7, Gesamtmenge sichtbarer Daten: [SIZE1] KB, decodierte Daten: [SIZE2] KB
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_rendered_data_label">
- 8, Gesamtmenge dargestellter Daten: [SIZE1] KB, decodierte Daten: [SIZE2] KB, [PIXEL] MPixel
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_read_label">
- 9, Gesamtzeit Cache-Lesezugriffe: [TIME] s
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_write_label">
- 10, Gesamtzeit Cache-Schreibzugriffe: [TIME] s
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_decode_label">
- 11, Gesamtzeit Decodierung: [TIME] s
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_gl_label">
- 12, Gesamtzeit GL-Texturerstellung: [TIME] s
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_http_label">
- 13, Gesamtzeit HTTP-Abrufe: [TIME] s
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_fetch_label">
- 14, Gesamtzeit für alle Abrufe: [TIME] s
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_cache_label">
- 15, Neuabruf sichtbarer Texturen aus Cache, Zeit: [TIME] s, Abrufmenge: [SIZE2] KB, [PIXEL] MPixel
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_cache_label">
- 16, Neuabruf aller Texturen aus Cache, Zeit: [TIME] s, Abrufmenge: [SIZE2] KB, [PIXEL] MPixel
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_http_label">
- 17, Neuabruf sichtbarer Texturen von HTTP, Zeit: [TIME] s, Abrufmenge: [SIZE2] KB, [PIXEL] MPixel
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_http_label">
- 18, Neuabruf aller Texturen von HTTP, Zeit: [TIME] s, Abrufmenge: [SIZE2] KB, [PIXEL] MPixel
- </text>
- <spinner label="19, Verhältnis Texel/Pixel:" name="texel_pixel_ratio"/>
- <text name="texture_source_label">
- 20, Texturquelle:
- </text>
- <radio_group name="texture_source">
- <radio_item label="Cache + HTTP" name="0"/>
- <radio_item label="Nur HTTP" name="1"/>
- </radio_group>
- <button label="Starten" name="start_btn"/>
- <button label="Zurücksetzen" name="clear_btn"/>
- <button label="Schließen" name="close_btn"/>
- <button label="Cache-Lesezugriff" name="cacheread_btn"/>
- <button label="Cache-Schreibzugriff" name="cachewrite_btn"/>
- <button label="HTTP" name="http_btn"/>
- <button label="Decodieren" name="decode_btn"/>
- <button label="GL-Textur" name="gl_btn"/>
- <button label="Neuabruf sichtbarer Texturen (Cache)" name="refetchviscache_btn"/>
- <button label="Neuabruf des gesamten Cache" name="refetchallcache_btn"/>
- <button label="Neuabruf sichtbarer Texturen (HTTP)" name="refetchvishttp_btn"/>
- <button label="Neuabruf des gesamten HTTP" name="refetchallhttp_btn"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 59aaf7f74a..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<floater name="TexFetchDebugger" title="Depurador de obtención de texturas">
- <text name="total_num_fetched_label">
- 1, Número total de texturas obtenidas: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_fetching_requests_label">
- 2, Número total de solicitudes de obtención: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_cache_hits_label">
- 3, Número total de aciertos de caché: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_label">
- 4, Número total de texturas visibles: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_fetch_req_label">
- 5, Número total de solicitudes de obtención de texturas visibles: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_data_label">
- 6, Número total de datos obtenidos: [SIZE1] KB, Datos descodificados: [SIZE2] KB, [PIXEL] MPíxeles
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_vis_data_label">
- 7, Número total de datos visibles: [SIZE1] KB, Datos descodificados: [SIZE2] KB
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_rendered_data_label">
- 8, Número total de datos representados: [SIZE1] KB, Datos descodificados: [SIZE2] KB, [PIXEL] MPíxeles
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_read_label">
- 9, Tiempo total en lecturas de caché: [TIME] segundos
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_write_label">
- 10, Tiempo total en escrituras de caché: [TIME] segundos
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_decode_label">
- 11, Tiempo total en descodificaciones: [TIME] segundos
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_gl_label">
- 12, Tiempo total en la creación de texturas gl: [TIME] segundos
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_http_label">
- 13, Tiempo total en obtención de HTTP: [TIME] segundos
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_fetch_label">
- 14, Tiempo total en obtención completa: [TIME] segundos
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_cache_label">
- 15, Volviendo a obtener visibles de la caché, Tiempo: [TIME] segundos, Obtenidos: [SIZE] KB, [PIXEL] MPíxeles
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_cache_label">
- 16, Volviendo a obtener todas las texturas de caché, Tiempo: [TIME] segundos, Obtenidos: [SIZE] KB, [PIXEL] MPíxeles
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_http_label">
- 17, Volviendo a obtener visibles de HTTP, Tiempo: [TIME] segundos, Obtenidos: [SIZE] KB, [PIXEL] MPíxeles
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_http_label">
- 18, Volviendo a obtener todas las texturas de HTTP, Tiempo: [TIME] segundos, Obtenidos: [SIZE] KB, [PIXEL] MPíxeles
- </text>
- <spinner label="19, Proporción de texeles/píxeles:" name="texel_pixel_ratio"/>
- <text name="texture_source_label">
- 20, Fuente de texturas:
- </text>
- <radio_group name="texture_source">
- <radio_item label="Caché + HTTP" name="0"/>
- <radio_item label="Solo HTTP" name="1"/>
- </radio_group>
- <button label="Iniciar" name="start_btn"/>
- <button label="Restablecer" name="clear_btn"/>
- <button label="Cerrar" name="close_btn"/>
- <button label="Lectura de caché" name="cacheread_btn"/>
- <button label="Escritura de caché" name="cachewrite_btn"/>
- <button label="HTTP" name="http_btn"/>
- <button label="Descodificar" name="decode_btn"/>
- <button label="Textura GL" name="gl_btn"/>
- <button label="Volver a obtener caché de vis." name="refetchviscache_btn"/>
- <button label="Volver a obtener toda la caché" name="refetchallcache_btn"/>
- <button label="Volver a obtener HTTP de vis." name="refetchvishttp_btn"/>
- <button label="Volver a obtener todo el HTTP" name="refetchallhttp_btn"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index caae15ea17..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<floater name="TexFetchDebugger" title="Outil de débogage de la récupération des textures">
- <text name="total_num_fetched_label">
- 1, nombre total de textures récupérées : [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_fetching_requests_label">
- 2, nombre total de demandes de récupération : [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_cache_hits_label">
- 3, nombre total de présences dans le cache : [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_label">
- 4, nombre total de textures visibles : [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_fetch_req_label">
- 5, nombre total de demandes de récupération de textures visibles : [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_data_label">
- 6, nombre total de données récupérées : [SIZE1] Ko, données décodées : [SIZE2] Ko, [PIXEL] Mpixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_vis_data_label">
- 7, nombre total de données visibles : [SIZE1] Ko, données décodées : [SIZE2] Ko
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_rendered_data_label">
- 8, nombre total de données rendues : [SIZE1] Ko, données décodées : [SIZE2] Ko, [PIXEL] Mpixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_read_label">
- 9, durée totale des lectures du cache : [TIME] secondes
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_write_label">
- 10, durée totale des écritures du cache : [TIME] secondes
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_decode_label">
- 11, durée totale des décodages : [TIME] secondes
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_gl_label">
- 12, durée totale de la création de textures GL : [TIME] secondes
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_http_label">
- 13, durée totale de la récupération HTTP : [TIME] secondes
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_fetch_label">
- 14, durée totale de la récupération intégrale : [TIME] secondes
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_cache_label">
- 15, nouvelle récupération des données visibles du cache, Durée : [TIME] secondes, Récupéré : [SIZE] Ko, [PIXEL] Mpixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_cache_label">
- 16, nouvelle récupération de toutes les textures du cache, Durée : [TIME] secondes, Récupéré : [SIZE] Ko, [PIXEL] Mpixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_http_label">
- 17, nouvelle récupération des données visibles de la requête HTTP, Durée : [TIME] secondes, Récupéré : [SIZE] Ko, [PIXEL] Mpixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_http_label">
- 18, nouvelle récupération de toutes les textures de la requête HTTP, Durée : [TIME] secondes, Récupéré : [SIZE] Ko, [PIXEL] Mpixels
- </text>
- <spinner label="19, taux de texels/pixels :" name="texel_pixel_ratio"/>
- <text name="texture_source_label">
- 20, source des textures :
- </text>
- <radio_group name="texture_source">
- <radio_item label="Cache + HTTP" name="0"/>
- <radio_item label="HTTP uniquement" name="1"/>
- </radio_group>
- <button label="Démarrer" name="start_btn"/>
- <button label="Réinitialiser" name="clear_btn"/>
- <button label="Fermer" name="close_btn"/>
- <button label="Lecture du cache" name="cacheread_btn"/>
- <button label="Écriture du cache" name="cachewrite_btn"/>
- <button label="HTTP" name="http_btn"/>
- <button label="Décoder" name="decode_btn"/>
- <button label="Texture GL" name="gl_btn"/>
- <button label="Récupérer à nouveau les données visibles du cache" name="refetchviscache_btn"/>
- <button label="Récupérer cache" name="refetchallcache_btn"/>
- <button label="Récupérer à nouveau les données visibles de la requête HTTP" name="refetchvishttp_btn"/>
- <button label="Récupérer HTTP" name="refetchallhttp_btn"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 49b6453319..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<floater name="TexFetchDebugger" title="Debugger recupero texture">
- <text name="total_num_fetched_label">
- 1, Numero totale di texture recuperate: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_fetching_requests_label">
- 2, Numero totale di richieste di recupero: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_cache_hits_label">
- 3, Numero totale di recuperi dalla cache: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_label">
- 4, Numero totale di texture visibili: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_fetch_req_label">
- 5, Numero totale di richieste di fetching texture visibili: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_data_label">
- 6, Numero totale di fetching dati: [SIZE1] KB, Dati decodificati: [SIZE2] KB, [PIXEL] MPixel
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_vis_data_label">
- 7, Numero totale di dati visibili: [SIZE1] KB, Dati decodificati: [SIZE2] KB
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_rendered_data_label">
- 8, Numero totale di rendering dei dati: [SIZE1] KB, Dati decodificati: [SIZE2] KB, [PIXEL] MPixel
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_read_label">
- 9, Tempo totale letture cache: [TIME] secondi
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_write_label">
- 10, Tempo totale scrittura cache: [TIME] secondi
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_decode_label">
- 11, Tempo totale decodifica: [TIME] secondi
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_gl_label">
- 12, Tempo totale creazione texture gl: [TIME] secondi
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_http_label">
- 13, Tempo totale fetching HTTP: [TIME] secondi
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_fetch_label">
- 14, Tempo totale complessivo fetching: [TIME] secondi
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_cache_label">
- 15, Nuovo fetching elementi visibili dalla cache, Tempo: [TIME] secondi, fetching: [SIZE] KB, [PIXEL] MPixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_cache_label">
- 16, Nuovo fetching di tutte le texture dalla cache, Tempo: [TIME] secondi, fetching: [SIZE] KB, [PIXEL] MPixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_http_label">
- 17, Nuovo fetching elementi visibili da HTTP, Tempo: [TIME] secondi, fetching: [SIZE] KB, [PIXEL] MPixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_http_label">
- 18, Nuovo fetching di tutte le texture da HTTP, Tempo: [TIME] secondi, fetching: [SIZE] KB, [PIXEL] MPixels
- </text>
- <spinner label="19, Rapporto Texel/Pixel:" name="texel_pixel_ratio"/>
- <text name="texture_source_label">
- 20, Fonte texture:
- </text>
- <radio_group name="texture_source">
- <radio_item label="Cache + HTTP" name="0"/>
- <radio_item label="Solo HTTP" name="1"/>
- </radio_group>
- <button label="Attiva" name="start_btn"/>
- <button label="Reimposta" name="clear_btn"/>
- <button label="Chiudi" name="close_btn"/>
- <button label="Lettura cache" name="cacheread_btn"/>
- <button label="Scrittura cache" name="cachewrite_btn"/>
- <button label="HTTP" name="http_btn"/>
- <button label="Decodifica" name="decode_btn"/>
- <button label="Texture GL" name="gl_btn"/>
- <button label="Nuovo fetch visibili cache" name="refetchviscache_btn"/>
- <button label="Nuovo fetching di tutta la cache" name="refetchallcache_btn"/>
- <button label="Nuovo fetch visibili HTTP" name="refetchvishttp_btn"/>
- <button label="Nuovo fetching di tutto il contenuto HTTP" name="refetchallhttp_btn"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_outfit_photo_preview.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_outfit_photo_preview.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 96809924c1..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_outfit_photo_preview.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<floater name="outfit_photo_preview">
- <floater.string name="Title">
- テスクチャ:[NAME]
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string name="exceed_limits">
- アウトフィット画像の最大サイズは[MAX_WIDTH]✕[MAX_HEIGHT]です。他のテスクチャを選択してください。
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string name="photo_confirmation">
- この画像を[OUTFIT]のアウトフィット画像にしますか?
- </floater.string>
- <text name="dimensions">
- [WIDTH]px✕[HEIGHT]px
- </text>
- <text name="notification"/>
- <button label="OK" name="ok_btn"/>
- <button label="キャンセル" name="cancel_btn"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_simple_outfit_snapshot.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_simple_outfit_snapshot.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b8030048d..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_simple_outfit_snapshot.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<floater name="simple_outfit_snapshot" title="アウトフィットのスナップショット">
- <ui_ctrl name="thumbnail_placeholder"/>
- <button label="画像を撮影" name="new_snapshot_btn"/>
- <button label="保存(L$ [UPLOAD_COST])" name="save_btn"/>
- <button label="キャンセル" name="cancel_btn"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c22cbba0d5..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<floater name="TexFetchDebugger" title="テクスチャ取得デバッガ">
- <text name="total_num_fetched_label">
- 1,取得したテクスチャの合計数:[NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_fetching_requests_label">
- 2,取得リクエストの合計数:[NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_cache_hits_label">
- 3,キャッシュヒットの合計数:[NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_label">
- 4,表示テクスチャの合計数:[NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_fetch_req_label">
- 5,表示テクスチャ取得リクエストの合計数:[NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_data_label">
- 6,取得したデータの合計数:[SIZE1]㎅、デコードされたデータ:[SIZE2]㎅、[PIXEL]メガピクセル
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_vis_data_label">
- 7,表示データの合計数:[SIZE1]㎅、デコードされたデータ:[SIZE2]㎅
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_rendered_data_label">
- 8,レンダリングされたデータの合計数:[SIZE1]㎅、デコードされたデータ:[SIZE2]㎅、[PIXEL]メガピクセル
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_read_label">
- 9,キャッシュ読み取りの合計時間:[TIME]秒
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_write_label">
- 10,キャッシュ書き込みの合計時間:[TIME]秒
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_decode_label">
- 11,デコードの合計時間:[TIME]秒
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_gl_label">
- 12,glテクスチャ作成の合計時間:[TIME]秒
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_http_label">
- 13,HTTP取得の合計時間:[TIME]秒
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_fetch_label">
- 14,取得全体の合計時間:[TIME]秒
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_cache_label">
- 15,キャッシュから表示テクスチャを再取得、時間:[TIME]秒、取得:[SIZE]㎅、[PIXEL]メガピクセル
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_cache_label">
- 16,キャッシュからすべてのテクスチャを再フェッチ中、時間:[TIME]秒、フェッチ済み:[SIZE]㎅、[PIXEL]メガピクセル
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_http_label">
- 17,HTTPから可視ファイルを再フェッチ中、時間:[TIME]秒、フェッチ済み:[SIZE]㎅、[PIXEL]メガピクセル
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_http_label">
- 18,HTTPからすべてのテクスチャを再フェッチ中、時間:[TIME]秒、フェッチ済み:[SIZE]㎅、[PIXEL]メガピクセル
- </text>
- <spinner label="19、テセル/ピクセル比:" name="texel_pixel_ratio"/>
- <text name="texture_source_label">
- 20、テクスチャ ソース:
- </text>
- <radio_group name="texture_source">
- <radio_item label="キャッシュ + HTTP" name="0"/>
- <radio_item label="HTTP のみ" name="1"/>
- </radio_group>
- <button label="開始" name="start_btn"/>
- <button label="リセット" name="clear_btn"/>
- <button label="閉じる" name="close_btn"/>
- <button label="キャッシュ読み取り" name="cacheread_btn"/>
- <button label="キャッシュ書き込み" name="cachewrite_btn"/>
- <button label="HTTP" name="http_btn"/>
- <button label="デコード" name="decode_btn"/>
- <button label="GLテクスチャ" name="gl_btn"/>
- <button label="キャッシュ表示テクスチャ再取得" name="refetchviscache_btn"/>
- <button label="すべてのキャッシュを再フェッチ" name="refetchallcache_btn"/>
- <button label="HTTP表示テクスチャ再取得" name="refetchvishttp_btn"/>
- <button label="すべての HTTP を再フェッチ" name="refetchallhttp_btn"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_preferences_grids.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_preferences_grids.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 18aca0dafc..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_preferences_grids.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<panel label="グリッド" name="grids">
- <text name="add_grid_text">
- 新しいグリッドを追加:
- </text>
- <line_editor name="add_grid" label="ログインURIを入力"/>
- <button label="追加" name="add_grid_commit"/>
- <text name="manage_grid_text">
- グリッド管理:
- </text>
- <scroll_list name="grid_list">
- <scroll_list.columns label="グリッド名" name="grid_label"/>
- <scroll_list.columns label="ログインURI" name="login_uri"/>
- <scroll_list.commit_callback function="Pref.SelectGrid"/>
- </scroll_list>
- <button label="有効化" name="activate_grid"/>
- <button label="リフレッシュ" name="refresh_grid"/>
- <button label="削除" name="remove_grid"/>
- <button label="デバッグ" name="debug_grid"/>
- <check_box label="ログイン時にグリッド選択を表示" name="show_grid_selection_check" tool_tip="ログイン画面にグリッド選択を表示して、他のワールドにログインします。"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_outfit_photo_preview.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_outfit_photo_preview.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c7de8e34e..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_outfit_photo_preview.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
-<floater name="outfit_photo_preview">
- <floater.string name="Title">
- Tekstura: [NAME]
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string name="exceed_limits">
- Maks. rozmiar zdjęcia stroju to [MAX_WIDTH]*[MAX_HEIGHT]. Wybierz inną teksturę.
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string name="photo_confirmation">
- Ustawić to zdjęcie dla stroju [OUTFIT]?
- </floater.string>
- <button label="Anuluj" name="cancel_btn" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_simple_outfit_snapshot.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_simple_outfit_snapshot.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a60b557b2..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_simple_outfit_snapshot.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
-<floater name="simple_outfit_snapshot" title="ZDJĘCIE STROJU">
- <button label="Zrób zdjęcie" name="new_snapshot_btn" />
- <button label="Zapisz ([UPLOAD_COST]L$)" name="save_btn" />
- <button label="Anuluj" name="cancel_btn" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fc0687f333..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
-<floater name="TexFetchDebugger" title="Debuger ładowania tekstur">
- <text name="total_num_fetched_label">
- 1, Pobranych tekstur: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_fetching_requests_label">
- 2, Próśb o pobranie: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_cache_hits_label">
- 3, Trafień w cache: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_label">
- 4, Widocznych tekstur: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_fetch_req_label">
- 5, Próśb o pobranie widocznych tekstur: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_data_label">
- 6, Pobrane: [SIZE1]KB, zdekodowane: [SIZE2]KB, [PIXEL]MPikseli
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_vis_data_label">
- 7, Widoczne: [SIZE1]KB, zdekodowane: [SIZE2]KB
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_rendered_data_label">
- 8, Zrenderowane: [SIZE1]KB, zdekodowane: [SIZE2]KB, [PIXEL]MPikseli
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_read_label">
- 9, Odczyty cache: [TIME] sekund
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_write_label">
- 10, Zapisy cache: [TIME] sekund
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_decode_label">
- 11, Zdekodowania: [TIME] sekund
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_gl_label">
- 12, Tworzenie tekstur GL: [TIME] sekund
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_http_label">
- 13, Pobieranie przez HTTP: [TIME] sekund
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_fetch_label">
- 14, Pobieranie w sumie: [TIME] sekund
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_cache_label">
- 15, Ponowne pobier. widocznych z cache, czas: [TIME] sekund, pobrano: [SIZE]KB, [PIXEL]MPikseli
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_cache_label">
- 16, Ponowne pobier. wszystkich z cache, czas: [TIME] sekund, pobrano: [SIZE]KB, [PIXEL]MPikseli
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_http_label">
- 17, Ponowne pobier. widocznych z HTTP, czas: [TIME] sekund, pobrano: [SIZE]KB, [PIXEL]MPikseli
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_http_label">
- 18, Ponowne pobier. wszystkich z HTTP, czas: [TIME] sekund, pobrano: [SIZE]KB, [PIXEL]MPikseli
- </text>
- <spinner label="19, Wspł. Teksel/Piksel:" name="texel_pixel_ratio" />
- <text name="texture_source_label">
- 20, Źródło tekstur:
- </text>
- <radio_group name="texture_source">
- <radio_item label="Tylko HTTP" name="1" />
- </radio_group>
- <button label="Zamknij" name="close_btn" />
- <button label="Odcz. cache" name="cacheread_btn" />
- <button label="Zapis cache" name="cachewrite_btn" />
- <button label="Dekoduj" name="decode_btn" />
- <button label="Tekstura GL" name="gl_btn" />
- <button label="Odśw. przez cache" name="refetchviscache_btn" />
- <button label="Odśw. całe cache" name="refetchallcache_btn" />
- <button label="Odśw. przez HTTP" name="refetchvishttp_btn" />
- <button label="Odśw. całe HTTP" name="refetchallhttp_btn" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e897aea09..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<floater name="TexFetchDebugger" title="Depurador de obtenção de textura">
- <text name="total_num_fetched_label">
- 1, Número total de texturas obtidas: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_fetching_requests_label">
- 2, Número total de solicitações de obtenção: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_cache_hits_label">
- 3, Número total de acertos de cache: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_label">
- 4, Número total de texturas visíveis: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_fetch_req_label">
- 5, Número total de solicitações de obtenção de texturas visíveis: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_data_label">
- 6, Número total de dados obtidos: [SIZE1]KB, Dados decodificados: [SIZE2]KB, [PIXEL]MPixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_vis_data_label">
- 7, Número total de dados visíveis: [SIZE1]KB, Dados decodificados: [SIZE2]KB
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_rendered_data_label">
- 8, Número total de dados renderizados: [SIZE1]KB, Dados decodificados: [SIZE2]KB, [PIXEL]MPixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_read_label">
- 9, Tempo total de leituras de cache: [TIME] segundos
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_write_label">
- 10, Tempo total de gravações em cache: [TIME] segundos
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_decode_label">
- 11, Tempo total das decodificações: [TIME] segundos
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_gl_label">
- 12, Tempo total de criação de texturas gl: [TIME] segundos
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_http_label">
- 13, Tempo total de obtenção de HTTP: [TIME] segundos
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_fetch_label">
- 14, Tempo total de obtenção completa: [TIME] segundos
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_cache_label">
- 15, Obtendo novamente visíveis do cache, Tempo: [TIME] segundos, Obtidos: [SIZE]KB, [PIXEL]MPixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_cache_label">
- 16, Obtendo novamente todas as texturas do cache, Tempo: [TIME] segundos, Obtidos: [SIZE]KB, [PIXEL]MPixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_http_label">
- 17, Obtendo novamente visíveis do HTTP, Tempo: [TIME] segundos, Obtidos: [SIZE]KB, [PIXEL]MPixels
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_http_label">
- 18, Obtendo novamente todas as texturas do HTTP, Tempo: [TIME] segundos, Obtidos: [SIZE]KB, [PIXEL]MPixels
- </text>
- <spinner label="19, Proporção de texel/pixel:" name="texel_pixel_ratio"/>
- <text name="texture_source_label">
- 20, Origem da textura:
- </text>
- <radio_group name="texture_source">
- <radio_item label="Cache + HTTP" name="0"/>
- <radio_item label="Apenas HTTP" name="1"/>
- </radio_group>
- <button label="Iniciar" name="start_btn"/>
- <button label="Redefinir" name="clear_btn"/>
- <button label="Fechar" name="close_btn"/>
- <button label="Leitura do cache" name="cacheread_btn"/>
- <button label="Gravação em cache" name="cachewrite_btn"/>
- <button label="HTTP" name="http_btn"/>
- <button label="Decodificar" name="decode_btn"/>
- <button label="Textura GL" name="gl_btn"/>
- <button label="Obter novamente cache visível" name="refetchviscache_btn"/>
- <button label="Obter todo o cache novamente" name="refetchallcache_btn"/>
- <button label="Obter novamente HTTP visível" name="refetchvishttp_btn"/>
- <button label="Obter todo o HTTP novamente" name="refetchallhttp_btn"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 628e6c5c87..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<floater name="TexFetchDebugger" title="Отладчик извлечения текстур">
- <text name="total_num_fetched_label">
- 1, Общее количество извлеченных текстур: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_fetching_requests_label">
- 2, Общее количество запросов на извлечение: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_cache_hits_label">
- 3, Общее количество попаданий в кэш: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_label">
- 4, Общее количество видимых текстур: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_fetch_req_label">
- 5, Общее количество запросов на извлечение видимых текстур: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_data_label">
- 6, Общий объем извлеченных данных: [SIZE1] КБ, декодированные данные: [SIZE2] КБ, [PIXEL] Мпикселов
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_vis_data_label">
- 7, Общий объем видимых данных: [SIZE1] КБ, декодированные данные: [SIZE2] КБ
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_rendered_data_label">
- 8, Общий объем визуализированных данных: [SIZE1] КБ, декодированные данные: [SIZE2] КБ, [PIXEL] Мпикселов
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_read_label">
- 9, Общее время чтения из кэша: [TIME] с
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_write_label">
- 10, Общее время записи в кэш: [TIME] с
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_decode_label">
- 11, Общее время декодирования: [TIME] с
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_gl_label">
- 12, Общее время создания текстур: [TIME] с
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_http_label">
- 13, Общее время HTTP-извлечения: [TIME] с
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_fetch_label">
- 14, Общее время полного извлечения: [TIME] с
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_cache_label">
- 15, Повторное извлечение из кэша, время: [TIME] с, извлечено: [SIZE] КБ, [PIXEL] Мпикселов
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_cache_label">
- 16, Повторное извлечение всех текстур из кэша, время: [TIME] с, извлечено: [SIZE] КБ, [PIXEL] Мпикселов
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_http_label">
- 17, Повторное извлечение из HTTP, время: [TIME] с, извлечено: [SIZE] КБ, [PIXEL] Мпикселов
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_http_label">
- 18, Повторное извлечение всех текстур из HTTP, время: [TIME] с, извлечено: [SIZE] КБ, [PIXEL] Мпикселов
- </text>
- <spinner label="19, Отношение текселы/пикселы:" name="texel_pixel_ratio"/>
- <text name="texture_source_label">
- 20, Истояник текстур:
- </text>
- <radio_group name="texture_source">
- <radio_item label="Кэш + HTTP" name="0"/>
- <radio_item label="Только HTTP" name="1"/>
- </radio_group>
- <button label="Пуск" name="start_btn"/>
- <button label="Сброс" name="clear_btn"/>
- <button label="Закрыть" name="close_btn"/>
- <button label="Чтение кэша" name="cacheread_btn"/>
- <button label="Запись в кэш" name="cachewrite_btn"/>
- <button label="HTTP" name="http_btn"/>
- <button label="Декодировать" name="decode_btn"/>
- <button label="Текстура GL" name="gl_btn"/>
- <button label="Повторно извлечь из кэша" name="refetchviscache_btn"/>
- <button label="Повторно извлечь все из кэша" name="refetchallcache_btn"/>
- <button label="Повторно извлечь из HTTP" name="refetchvishttp_btn"/>
- <button label="Повторно извлечь все из HTTP" name="refetchallhttp_btn"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 42426225c7..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<floater name="TexFetchDebugger" title="Doku Alımı Hata Ayıklayıcı">
- <text name="total_num_fetched_label">
- 1, Alınan dokuların toplam sayısı: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_fetching_requests_label">
- 2, Toplam alım talebi sayısı: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_cache_hits_label">
- 3, Toplam önbellek isabet sayısı: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_label">
- 4, Görünür dokuların toplam sayısı: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_fetch_req_label">
- 5, Görünür dokuların alınması için toplam talep sayısı: [NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_data_label">
- 6, Alınan verilerin toplam sayısı: [SIZE1]KB, Şifresi Çözülen Veri: [SIZE2]KB, [PIXEL]MPiksel
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_vis_data_label">
- 7, Görünür verilerin toplam sayısı: [SIZE1]KB, Şifresi Çözülen Veri: [SIZE2]KB
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_rendered_data_label">
- 8, İşlenen verilerin toplam sayısı: [SIZE1]KB, Şifresi Çözülen Veri: [SIZE2]KB, [PIXEL]MPiksel
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_read_label">
- 9, Önbellek okunması için toplam süre: [TIME] saniye
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_write_label">
- 10, Önbellek yazılması için toplam süre: [TIME] saniye
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_decode_label">
- 11, Şifre çözülmesi için toplam süre: [TIME] saniye
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_gl_label">
- 12, GL doku oluşturma için toplam süre: [TIME] saniye
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_http_label">
- 13, HTTP alımı için toplam süre: [TIME] saniye
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_fetch_label">
- 14, Tüm alımlar için toplam süre: [TIME] saniye
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_cache_label">
- 15, Görünür dokuların önbellekten tekrar alınması, Süre: [TIME] saniye, Alınan: [SIZE]KB, [PIXEL]MPiksel
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_cache_label">
- 16, Tüm dokuların önbellekten tekrar alınması, Süre: [TIME] saniye, Alınan: [SIZE]KB, [PIXEL]MPiksel
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_http_label">
- 17, Görünür dokuların HTTP&apos;den tekrar alınması, Süre: [TIME] saniye, Alınan: [SIZE]KB, [PIXEL]MPiksel
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_http_label">
- 18, Tüm dokuların HTTP&apos;den tekrar alınması, Süre: [TIME] saniye, Alınan: [SIZE]KB, [PIXEL]MPiksel
- </text>
- <spinner label="19, Teksel/Piksel Oranı:" name="texel_pixel_ratio"/>
- <text name="texture_source_label">
- 20, Doku Kaynağı:
- </text>
- <radio_group name="texture_source">
- <radio_item label="Önbellek + HTTP" name="0"/>
- <radio_item label="Sadece HTTP" name="1"/>
- </radio_group>
- <button label="Başla" name="start_btn"/>
- <button label="Sıfırla" name="clear_btn"/>
- <button label="Kapat" name="close_btn"/>
- <button label="Önbellek Okunması" name="cacheread_btn"/>
- <button label="Önbellek Yazılması" name="cachewrite_btn"/>
- <button label="HTTP" name="http_btn"/>
- <button label="Şifre Çöz" name="decode_btn"/>
- <button label="GL Dokusu" name="gl_btn"/>
- <button label="Görünür Dokuları Önbellekten Tekrar Al" name="refetchviscache_btn"/>
- <button label="Tüm Önbelleği Tekrar Al" name="refetchallcache_btn"/>
- <button label="Görünür Dokuları HTTP&apos;den Tekrar Al" name="refetchvishttp_btn"/>
- <button label="Tüm HTTP&apos;yi Tekrar Al" name="refetchallhttp_btn"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dcac17a75..0000000000
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_texture_fetch_debugger.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<floater name="TexFetchDebugger" title="材質擷取除錯器">
- <text name="total_num_fetched_label">
- 1. 已擷取材質總數:[NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_fetching_requests_label">
- 2. 總擷取請求數:[NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_cache_hits_label">
- 3. 快取總讀取數:[NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_label">
- 4. 可見材質總數:[NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_num_visible_tex_fetch_req_label">
- 5. 可見材質擷取總請求數:[NUM]
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_data_label">
- 6. 總擷取資料量:[SIZE1] KB,解碼資料量:[SIZE2] KB,[PIXEL] 百萬像素
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_vis_data_label">
- 7. 可見資料總量:[SIZE1] KB,解碼資料量:[SIZE2] KB
- </text>
- <text name="total_fetched_rendered_data_label">
- 8. 總呈像資料量:[SIZE1] KB,解碼資料量:[SIZE2] KB,[PIXEL] 百萬像素
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_read_label">
- 9. 快取讀取總時間:[TIME] 秒
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_cache_write_label">
- 10. 快取寫入總時間:[TIME] 秒
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_decode_label">
- 11. 解碼總時間:[TIME] 秒
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_gl_label">
- 12. 建立 gl 材質總時間:[TIME] 秒
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_http_label">
- 13. HTTP 擷取總時間:[TIME] 秒
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_fetch_label">
- 14. 所有擷取動作總時間:[TIME] 秒
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_cache_label">
- 15. 自快取重新擷取可見材質,時間:[TIME] 秒,擷取量:[SIZE] KB,[PIXEL] 百萬像素
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_cache_label">
- 16. 從快取重新擷取所有材質,時間:[TIME] 秒,擷取量:[SIZE] KB,[PIXEL] 百萬像素
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_vis_http_label">
- 17. 自 HTTP 重新擷取可見材質,時間:[TIME] 秒,擷取量:[SIZE] KB,[PIXEL] 百萬像素
- </text>
- <text name="total_time_refetch_all_http_label">
- 18. 自 HTTP 重新擷取所有材質,時間:[TIME] 秒,擷取量:[SIZE] KB,[PIXEL] 百萬像素
- </text>
- <spinner label="19. 材質/像素比率:" name="texel_pixel_ratio"/>
- <text name="texture_source_label">
- 20. 材質來源:
- </text>
- <radio_group name="texture_source">
- <radio_item label="快取 + HTTP" name="0"/>
- <radio_item label="僅限 HTTP" name="1"/>
- </radio_group>
- <button label="開始" name="start_btn"/>
- <button label="重設" name="clear_btn"/>
- <button label="關閉" name="close_btn"/>
- <button label="快取讀取" name="cacheread_btn"/>
- <button label="快取寫入" name="cachewrite_btn"/>
- <button label="HTTP" name="http_btn"/>
- <button label="解碼" name="decode_btn"/>
- <button label="GL 材質" name="gl_btn"/>
- <button label="快取重取可見材質" name="refetchviscache_btn"/>
- <button label="重新擷取所有快取" name="refetchallcache_btn"/>
- <button label="HTTP 重取可見材質" name="refetchvishttp_btn"/>
- <button label="重新擷取所有 HTTP" name="refetchallhttp_btn"/>