diff options
4 files changed, 194 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llavatarlist.cpp b/indra/newview/llavatarlist.cpp
index 5df73a994e..13daa79528 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llavatarlist.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llavatarlist.cpp
@@ -323,14 +323,12 @@ boost::signals2::connection LLAvatarList::setRefreshCompleteCallback(const commi
void LLAvatarList::addNewItem(const LLUUID& id, const std::string& name, BOOL is_online, EAddPosition pos)
LLAvatarListItem* item = new LLAvatarListItem();
- item->showInfoBtn(true);
item->setAvatarId(id, mIgnoreOnlineStatus);
item->setOnline(mIgnoreOnlineStatus ? true : is_online);
- item->childSetVisible("info_btn", false);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.cpp b/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.cpp
index 6945ac6932..aa5a575464 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ S32 LLAvatarListItem::sIconWidth = 0;
S32 LLAvatarListItem::sInfoBtnWidth = 0;
S32 LLAvatarListItem::sProfileBtnWidth = 0;
S32 LLAvatarListItem::sSpeakingIndicatorWidth = 0;
+S32 LLAvatarListItem::sLeftPadding = 0;
+S32 LLAvatarListItem::sRightNamePadding = 0;
+S32 LLAvatarListItem::sChildrenWidths[LLAvatarListItem::ALIC_COUNT];
LLAvatarListItem::LLAvatarListItem(bool not_from_ui_factory/* = true*/)
: LLPanel(),
@@ -95,10 +99,7 @@ BOOL LLAvatarListItem::postBuild()
// so that we can hide and show the icon again later.
if (!sStaticInitialized)
- sIconWidth = mAvatarName->getRect().mLeft - mAvatarIcon->getRect().mLeft;
- sInfoBtnWidth = mInfoBtn->getRect().mRight - mSpeakingIndicator->getRect().mRight;
- sProfileBtnWidth = mProfileBtn->getRect().mRight - mInfoBtn->getRect().mRight;
- sSpeakingIndicatorWidth = mSpeakingIndicator->getRect().mRight - mAvatarName->getRect().mRight;
+ initChildrenWidths(this);
sStaticInitialized = true;
@@ -137,6 +138,8 @@ void LLAvatarListItem::onMouseEnter(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
LLPanel::onMouseEnter(x, y, mask);
+ updateChildren();
void LLAvatarListItem::onMouseLeave(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
@@ -146,6 +149,8 @@ void LLAvatarListItem::onMouseLeave(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
LLPanel::onMouseLeave(x, y, mask);
+ updateChildren();
// virtual, called by LLAvatarTracker
@@ -215,12 +220,8 @@ void LLAvatarListItem::showLastInteractionTime(bool show)
if (show)
- LLRect name_rect = mAvatarName->getRect();
- LLRect time_rect = mLastInteractionTime->getRect();
- name_rect.mRight += (time_rect.mRight - name_rect.mRight);
- mAvatarName->setRect(name_rect);
+ updateChildren();
void LLAvatarListItem::setLastInteractionTime(U32 secs_since)
@@ -234,12 +235,6 @@ void LLAvatarListItem::setShowInfoBtn(bool show)
if(mShowInfoBtn == show)
mShowInfoBtn = show;
- S32 width_delta = show ? - sInfoBtnWidth : sInfoBtnWidth;
- //Translating speaking indicator
- mSpeakingIndicator->translate(width_delta, 0);
- //Reshaping avatar name
- mAvatarName->reshape(mAvatarName->getRect().getWidth() + width_delta, mAvatarName->getRect().getHeight());
void LLAvatarListItem::setShowProfileBtn(bool show)
@@ -248,12 +243,6 @@ void LLAvatarListItem::setShowProfileBtn(bool show)
if(mShowProfileBtn == show)
mShowProfileBtn = show;
- S32 width_delta = show ? - sProfileBtnWidth : sProfileBtnWidth;
- //Translating speaking indicator
- mSpeakingIndicator->translate(width_delta, 0);
- //Reshaping avatar name
- mAvatarName->reshape(mAvatarName->getRect().getWidth() + width_delta, mAvatarName->getRect().getHeight());
void LLAvatarListItem::setSpeakingIndicatorVisible(bool visible)
@@ -262,10 +251,7 @@ void LLAvatarListItem::setSpeakingIndicatorVisible(bool visible)
if (mSpeakingIndicator->getVisible() == (BOOL)visible)
- S32 width_delta = visible ? - sSpeakingIndicatorWidth : sSpeakingIndicatorWidth;
- //Reshaping avatar name
- mAvatarName->reshape(mAvatarName->getRect().getWidth() + width_delta, mAvatarName->getRect().getHeight());
+ updateChildren();
void LLAvatarListItem::setAvatarIconVisible(bool visible)
@@ -276,11 +262,7 @@ void LLAvatarListItem::setAvatarIconVisible(bool visible)
// Show/hide avatar icon.
- // Move the avatar name horizontally by icon size + its distance from the avatar name.
- LLRect name_rect = mAvatarName->getRect();
- name_rect.mLeft += visible ? sIconWidth : -sIconWidth;
- mAvatarName->setRect(name_rect);
+ updateChildren();
void LLAvatarListItem::onInfoBtnClick()
@@ -346,6 +328,7 @@ void LLAvatarListItem::onNameCache(const std::string& first_name, const std::str
void LLAvatarListItem::reshapeAvatarName()
S32 width_delta = 0;
width_delta += mShowProfileBtn ? sProfileBtnWidth : 0;
width_delta += mSpeakingIndicator->getVisible() ? sSpeakingIndicatorWidth : 0;
@@ -357,6 +340,7 @@ void LLAvatarListItem::reshapeAvatarName()
S32 width = getRect().getWidth() - width_delta;
mAvatarName->reshape(width, height);
// Convert given number of seconds to a string like "23 minutes", "15 hours" or "3 years",
@@ -492,4 +476,133 @@ LLAvatarListItem::icon_color_map_t& LLAvatarListItem::getItemIconColorMap()
return item_icon_color_map;
+// static
+void LLAvatarListItem::initChildrenWidths(LLAvatarListItem* avatar_item)
+ //profile btn width + padding
+ S32 profile_btn_width = avatar_item->getRect().getWidth() - avatar_item->mProfileBtn->getRect().mLeft;
+ //info btn width + padding
+ S32 info_btn_width = avatar_item->mProfileBtn->getRect().mLeft - avatar_item->mInfoBtn->getRect().mLeft;
+ //speaking indicator width + padding
+ S32 speaking_indicator_width = avatar_item->mInfoBtn->getRect().mLeft - avatar_item->mSpeakingIndicator->getRect().mLeft;
+ // last interaction time textbox width + padding
+ S32 last_interaction_time_width = avatar_item->mSpeakingIndicator->getRect().mLeft - avatar_item->mLastInteractionTime->getRect().mLeft;
+ // icon width + padding
+ S32 icon_width = avatar_item->mAvatarName->getRect().mLeft - avatar_item->mAvatarIcon->getRect().mLeft;
+ sLeftPadding = avatar_item->mAvatarIcon->getRect().mLeft;
+ sRightNamePadding = avatar_item->mLastInteractionTime->getRect().mLeft - avatar_item->mAvatarName->getRect().mRight;
+ S32 index = ALIC_COUNT;
+ sChildrenWidths[--index] = icon_width;
+ sChildrenWidths[--index] = 0; // for avatar name we don't need its width, it will be calculated as "left available space"
+ sChildrenWidths[--index] = last_interaction_time_width;
+ sChildrenWidths[--index] = speaking_indicator_width;
+ sChildrenWidths[--index] = info_btn_width;
+ sChildrenWidths[--index] = profile_btn_width;
+void LLAvatarListItem::updateChildren()
+ LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "Updating for: " << getAvatarName() << LL_ENDL;
+ S32 name_new_width = getRect().getWidth();
+ S32 ctrl_new_left = name_new_width;
+ S32 name_new_left = sLeftPadding;
+ // iterate through all children and set them into correct position depend on each child visibility
+ // assume that child indexes are in back order: the first in Enum is the last (right) in the item
+ // iterate & set child views starting from right to left
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < ALIC_COUNT; ++i)
+ {
+ // skip "name" textbox, it will be processed out of loop later
+ if (ALIC_NAME == i) continue;
+ LLView* control = getItemChildView((EAvatarListItemChildIndex)i);
+ LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "Processing control: " << control->getName() << LL_ENDL;
+ // skip invisible views
+ if (!control->getVisible()) continue;
+ S32 ctrl_width = sChildrenWidths[i]; // including space between current & left controls
+ // decrease available for
+ name_new_width -= ctrl_width;
+ LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "width: " << ctrl_width << ", name_new_width: " << name_new_width << LL_ENDL;
+ LLRect control_rect = control->getRect();
+ LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "rect before: " << control_rect << LL_ENDL;
+ if (ALIC_ICON == i)
+ {
+ // assume that this is the last iteration,
+ // so it is not necessary to save "ctrl_new_left" value calculated on previous iterations
+ ctrl_new_left = sLeftPadding;//control_rect.mLeft;
+ name_new_left = ctrl_new_left + ctrl_width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ctrl_new_left -= ctrl_width;
+ }
+ LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "ctrl_new_left: " << ctrl_new_left << LL_ENDL;
+ control_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(
+ ctrl_new_left,
+ control_rect.mTop,
+ control_rect.getWidth(),
+ control_rect.getHeight());
+ LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "rect after: " << control_rect << LL_ENDL;
+ control->setShape(control_rect);
+ }
+ // set size and position of the "name" child
+ LLView* name_view = getItemChildView(ALIC_NAME);
+ LLRect name_view_rect = name_view->getRect();
+ LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "name rect before: " << name_view_rect << LL_ENDL;
+ // apply paddings
+ name_new_width -= sLeftPadding;
+ name_new_width -= sRightNamePadding;
+ name_view_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(
+ name_new_left,
+ name_view_rect.mTop,
+ name_new_width,
+ name_view_rect.getHeight());
+ name_view->setShape(name_view_rect);
+ LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "name rect after: " << name_view_rect << LL_ENDL;
+LLView* LLAvatarListItem::getItemChildView(EAvatarListItemChildIndex child_view_index)
+ LLView* child_view = mAvatarName;
+ if (child_view_index < 0 || ALIC_COUNT <= child_view_index)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("AvatarItemReshape") << "Child view index is out of range: " << child_view_index << LL_ENDL;
+ return child_view;
+ }
+ switch (child_view_index)
+ {
+ case ALIC_ICON: child_view = mAvatarIcon; break;
+ case ALIC_NAME: child_view = mAvatarName; break;
+ case ALIC_INTERACTION_TIME: child_view = mLastInteractionTime; break;
+ case ALIC_SPEAKER_INDICATOR: child_view = mSpeakingIndicator; break;
+ case ALIC_INFO_BUTTON: child_view = mInfoBtn; break;
+ case ALIC_PROFILE_BUTTON: child_view = mProfileBtn; break;
+ default:
+ LL_WARNS("AvatarItemReshape") << "Unexpected child view index is passed: " << child_view_index << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ return child_view;
// EOF
diff --git a/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.h b/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.h
index 96097bc9b5..688197810e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.h
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ public:
void onProfileBtnClick();
void showSpeakingIndicator(bool show) { mSpeakingIndicator->setVisible(show); }
- void showInfoBtn(bool show_info_btn) {mInfoBtn->setVisible(show_info_btn); }
void showLastInteractionTime(bool show);
@@ -124,6 +123,23 @@ private:
} EOnlineStatus;
+ /**
+ * Enumeration of item elements in order from right to left.
+ *
+ * updateChildren() assumes that indexes are in the such order to process avatar icon easier.
+ *
+ * @see updateChildren()
+ */
+ typedef enum e_avatar_item_child {
+ } EAvatarListItemChildIndex;
void setNameInternal(const std::string& name, const std::string& highlight);
void onNameCache(const std::string& first_name, const std::string& last_name);
@@ -135,6 +151,26 @@ private:
typedef std::map<EItemState, LLColor4> icon_color_map_t;
static icon_color_map_t& getItemIconColorMap();
+ /**
+ * Initializes widths of all children to use them while changing visibility of any of them.
+ *
+ * @see updateChildren()
+ */
+ static void initChildrenWidths(LLAvatarListItem* self);
+ /**
+ * Updates position and rectangle of visible children to fit all available item's width.
+ */
+ void updateChildren();
+ /**
+ * Gets child view specified by index.
+ *
+ * This method implemented via switch by all EAvatarListItemChildIndex values.
+ * It is used to not store children in array or vector to avoid of increasing memory usage.
+ */
+ LLView* getItemChildView(EAvatarListItemChildIndex child_index);
LLTextBox* mAvatarName;
LLTextBox* mLastInteractionTime;
LLStyle::Params mAvatarNameStyle;
@@ -155,6 +191,17 @@ private:
static S32 sInfoBtnWidth; //info btn width + padding
static S32 sProfileBtnWidth; //profile btn width + padding
static S32 sSpeakingIndicatorWidth; //speaking indicator width + padding
+ static S32 sLeftPadding; // padding to first left visible child (icon or name)
+ static S32 sRightNamePadding; // right padding from name to next visible child
+ /**
+ * Contains widths of each child specified by EAvatarListItemChildIndex
+ * including padding to the next right one.
+ *
+ * @see initChildrenWidths()
+ */
+ static S32 sChildrenWidths[ALIC_COUNT];
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_avatar_list_item.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_avatar_list_item.xml
index 4342318c22..615ade99a2 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_avatar_list_item.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_avatar_list_item.xml
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@
- width="182" />
+ width="180" />
- left_pad="8"
+ left_pad="5"
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
- left_pad="0"
+ left_pad="5"