path: root/indra
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authorNat Goodspeed <>2011-08-29 15:57:32 -0400
committerNat Goodspeed <>2011-08-29 15:57:32 -0400
commitf08d7fba9f2134a687169d8da478a44bdbe16955 (patch)
treedf01a83be95f9b6ebaa14565eb463b6c38acf29f /indra
parent34a620523a7f4511c8f008f2e9a9428f41281480 (diff)
CHOP-763: Implement widget-pathname-based routing for mouse events.
Send mouseDown(), mouseUp(), mouseMove() through static mouseEvent() helper function. Process new optional ["path"] param, validating corresponding LLView and capturing certain information about it for caller. Synthesize (x, y) pos if need be. Use LLView::TemporaryDrilldownFunc and llview::TargetEvent to temporarily hijack normal LLView mouse-event propagation. Define Response helper class to capture LLSD blob about the current request and ensure it gets sent on return.
Diffstat (limited to 'indra')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llwindowlistener.cpp b/indra/newview/llwindowlistener.cpp
index 4cadc8773d..84126b7738 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llwindowlistener.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llwindowlistener.cpp
@@ -34,10 +34,19 @@
#include "llwindowcallbacks.h"
#include "llui.h"
#include "llview.h"
+#include "llviewinject.h"
#include "llviewerwindow.h"
#include "llviewerkeyboard.h"
#include "llrootview.h"
+#include "llsdutil.h"
+#include "stringize.h"
+#include <typeinfo>
#include <map>
+#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/lambda/core.hpp>
+#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
+namespace bll = boost::lambda;
LLWindowListener::LLWindowListener(LLViewerWindow *window, const KeyboardGetter& kbgetter)
: LLEventAPI("LLWindow", "Inject input events into the LLWindow instance"),
@@ -233,12 +242,12 @@ void LLWindowListener::keyUp(LLSD const & evt)
// for WhichButton
-typedef BOOL (LLWindowCallbacks::*MouseFunc)(LLWindow *, LLCoordGL, MASK);
+typedef BOOL (LLWindowCallbacks::*MouseMethod)(LLWindow *, LLCoordGL, MASK);
struct Actions
- Actions(const MouseFunc& d, const MouseFunc& u): down(d), up(u), valid(true) {}
+ Actions(const MouseMethod& d, const MouseMethod& u): down(d), up(u), valid(true) {}
Actions(): valid(false) {}
- MouseFunc down, up;
+ MouseMethod down, up;
bool valid;
@@ -256,38 +265,196 @@ struct WhichButton: public StringLookup<Actions>
static WhichButton buttons;
-static LLCoordGL getPos(const LLSD& event)
+struct Response
+ Response(const LLSD& seed, const LLSD& request, const LLSD::String& replyKey="reply"):
+ mResp(seed),
+ mReq(request),
+ mKey(replyKey)
+ {}
+ ~Response()
+ {
+ // When you instantiate a stack Response object, if the original
+ // request requested a reply, send it when we leave this block, no
+ // matter how.
+ sendReply(mResp, mReq, mKey);
+ }
+ void warn(const std::string& warning)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("LLWindowListener") << warning << LL_ENDL;
+ mResp["warnings"].append(warning);
+ }
+ void error(const std::string& error)
+ {
+ // Use LL_WARNS rather than LL_ERROR: we don't want the viewer to shut
+ // down altogether.
+ LL_WARNS("LLWindowListener") << error << LL_ENDL;
+ mResp["error"] = error;
+ }
+ // set other keys...
+ LLSD& operator[](const LLSD::String& key) { return mResp[key]; }
+ LLSD mResp, mReq;
+ LLSD::String mKey;
+typedef boost::function<bool(LLCoordGL, MASK)> MouseFunc;
+static void mouseEvent(const MouseFunc& func, const LLSD& request)
- return LLCoordGL(event["x"].asInteger(), event["y"].asInteger());
+ // Ensure we send response
+ Response response(LLSD(), request);
+ // We haven't yet established whether the incoming request has "x" and "y",
+ // but capture this anyway, with 0 for omitted values.
+ LLCoordGL pos(request["x"].asInteger(), request["y"].asInteger());
+ bool has_pos(request.has("x") && request.has("y"));
+ boost::scoped_ptr<LLView::TemporaryDrilldownFunc> tempfunc;
+ // Documentation for mouseDown(), mouseUp() and mouseMove() claims you
+ // must either specify ["path"], or both of ["x"] and ["y"]. You MAY
+ // specify all. Let's say that passing "path" as an empty string is
+ // equivalent to not passing it at all.
+ std::string path(request["path"]);
+ if (path.empty())
+ {
+ // Without "path", you must specify both "x" and "y".
+ if (! has_pos)
+ {
+ return response.error(STRINGIZE(request["op"].asString() << " request "
+ "without \"path\" must specify both \"x\" and \"y\": "
+ << request));
+ }
+ }
+ else // ! path.empty()
+ {
+ LLView* root = LLUI::getRootView();
+ LLView* target = LLUI::resolvePath(root, path);
+ if (! target)
+ {
+ return response.error(STRINGIZE(request["op"].asString() << " request "
+ "specified invalid \"path\": '" << path << "'"));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get info about this LLView* for when we send response.
+ response["path"] = target->getPathname();
+ response["class"] = typeid(*target).name();
+ bool visible_chain(target->isInVisibleChain());
+ bool enabled_chain(target->isInEnabledChain());
+ response["visible"] = target->getVisible();
+ response["visible_chain"] = visible_chain;
+ response["enabled"] = target->getEnabled();
+ response["enabled_chain"] = enabled_chain;
+ response["available"] = target->isAvailable();
+ // Don't show caller the LLView's own relative rectangle; that only
+ // tells its dimensions. Provide actual location on screen.
+ LLRect rect(target->calcScreenRect());
+ response["rect"] = LLSDMap("left", rect.mLeft)("top", rect.mTop)("right", rect.mRight)("bottom", rect.mBottom);
+ // The intent of this test is to prevent trying to drill down to a
+ // widget in a hidden floater, or on a tab that's not current, etc.
+ if (! visible_chain)
+ {
+ return response.error(STRINGIZE(request["op"].asString() << " request "
+ "specified \"path\" not currently visible: '"
+ << path << "'"));
+ }
+ // This test isn't folded in with the above error case since you can
+ // (e.g.) pop up a tooltip even for a disabled widget.
+ if (! enabled_chain)
+ {
+ response.warn(STRINGIZE(request["op"].asString() << " request "
+ "specified \"path\" not currently enabled: '"
+ << path << "'"));
+ }
+ if (! has_pos)
+ {
+ pos.set(rect.getCenterX(), rect.getCenterY());
+ // nonstandard warning tactic: probably usual case; we want event
+ // sender to know synthesized (x, y), but maybe don't need to log?
+ response["warnings"].append(STRINGIZE("using center point ("
+ << pos.mX << ", " << pos.mY << ")"));
+ }
+ // recursive childFromPoint() should give us the frontmost, leafmost
+ // widget at the specified (x, y).
+ LLView* frontmost = root->childFromPoint(pos.mX, pos.mY, true);
+ if (frontmost != target)
+ {
+ response.warn(STRINGIZE(request["op"].asString() << " request "
+ "specified \"path\" = '" << path
+ << "', but frontmost LLView at (" << pos.mX << ", " << pos.mY
+ << ") is '" << frontmost->getPathname() << "'"));
+ }
+ // Instantiate a TemporaryDrilldownFunc to route incoming mouse events
+ // to the target LLView*. But put it on the heap since "path" is
+ // optional. Nonetheless, manage it with a boost::scoped_ptr so it
+ // will be destroyed when we leave.
+ tempfunc.reset(new LLView::TemporaryDrilldownFunc(llview::TargetEvent(target)));
+ }
+ // The question of whether the requested LLView actually handled the
+ // specified event is important enough, and its handling unclear enough,
+ // to warrant a separate response attribute. Instead of deciding here to
+ // make it a warning, or an error, let caller decide.
+ response["handled"] = func(pos, getMask(request));
+ // On exiting this scope, response will send, tempfunc will restore the
+ // normal pointInView(x, y) containment logic, etc.
-void LLWindowListener::mouseDown(LLSD const & evt)
+void LLWindowListener::mouseDown(LLSD const & request)
- Actions actions(buttons.lookup(evt["button"]));
+ Actions actions(buttons.lookup(request["button"]));
if (actions.valid)
- (mWindow->*(actions.down))(NULL, getPos(evt), getMask(evt));
+ // Normally you can pass NULL to an LLWindow* without compiler
+ // complaint, but going through boost::lambda::bind() evidently
+ // bypasses that special case: it only knows you're trying to pass an
+ // int to a pointer. Explicitly cast NULL to the desired pointer type.
+ mouseEvent(bll::bind(actions.down, mWindow,
+ static_cast<LLWindow*>(NULL), bll::_1, bll::_2),
+ request);
-void LLWindowListener::mouseUp(LLSD const & evt)
+void LLWindowListener::mouseUp(LLSD const & request)
- Actions actions(buttons.lookup(evt["button"]));
+ Actions actions(buttons.lookup(request["button"]));
if (actions.valid)
- (mWindow->*(actions.up))(NULL, getPos(evt), getMask(evt));
+ mouseEvent(bll::bind(actions.up, mWindow,
+ static_cast<LLWindow*>(NULL), bll::_1, bll::_2),
+ request);
-void LLWindowListener::mouseMove(LLSD const & evt)
+void LLWindowListener::mouseMove(LLSD const & request)
- mWindow->handleMouseMove(NULL, getPos(evt), getMask(evt));
+ // We want to call the same central mouseEvent() routine for
+ // handleMouseMove() as for button clicks. But handleMouseMove() returns
+ // void, whereas mouseEvent() accepts a function returning bool -- and
+ // uses that bool return. Use (void-lambda-expression, true) to construct
+ // a callable that returns bool anyway. Pass 'true' because we expect that
+ // our caller will usually treat 'false' as a problem.
+ mouseEvent((bll::bind(&LLWindowCallbacks::handleMouseMove, mWindow,
+ static_cast<LLWindow*>(NULL), bll::_1, bll::_2),
+ true),
+ request);
-void LLWindowListener::mouseScroll(LLSD const & evt)
+void LLWindowListener::mouseScroll(LLSD const & request)
- S32 clicks = evt["clicks"].asInteger();
+ S32 clicks = request["clicks"].asInteger();
mWindow->handleScrollWheel(NULL, clicks);