path: root/indra
diff options
authorGraham Madarasz (Graham Linden) <>2013-03-13 16:40:06 -0700
committerGraham Madarasz (Graham Linden) <>2013-03-13 16:40:06 -0700
commitebb57d28ef2ce37e0803f346610e5dff4d65eb85 (patch)
tree252e4db422cee850db1dff1e5e5a42bf9c230545 /indra
parent7c703c26cbb37c5d1e69438d2d8d7ec3901f18de (diff)
Resurrect merge victim...restoring ll_memcpy_nonaliased_aligned_16 definition
Diffstat (limited to 'indra')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llmemory.h b/indra/llcommon/llmemory.h
index 528af83b8f..61e30f11cc 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llmemory.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llmemory.h
@@ -182,6 +182,78 @@ inline void ll_aligned_free_32(void *p)
+// Copy words 16-byte blocks from src to dst. Source and destination MUST NOT OVERLAP.
+// Source and dest must be 16-byte aligned and size must be multiple of 16.
+inline void ll_memcpy_nonaliased_aligned_16(char* __restrict dst, const char* __restrict src, size_t bytes)
+ assert(src != NULL);
+ assert(dst != NULL);
+ assert(bytes > 0);
+ assert((bytes % sizeof(F32))== 0);
+ ll_assert_aligned(src,16);
+ ll_assert_aligned(dst,16);
+ assert((src < dst) ? ((src + bytes) < dst) : ((dst + bytes) < src));
+ assert(bytes%16==0);
+ char* end = dst + bytes;
+ if (bytes > 64)
+ {
+ // Find start of 64b aligned area within block
+ //
+ void* begin_64 = LL_NEXT_ALIGNED_ADDRESS_64(dst);
+ //at least 64 bytes before the end of the destination, switch to 16 byte copies
+ void* end_64 = end-64;
+ // Prefetch the head of the 64b area now
+ //
+ _mm_prefetch((char*)begin_64, _MM_HINT_NTA);
+ _mm_prefetch((char*)begin_64 + 64, _MM_HINT_NTA);
+ _mm_prefetch((char*)begin_64 + 128, _MM_HINT_NTA);
+ _mm_prefetch((char*)begin_64 + 192, _MM_HINT_NTA);
+ // Copy 16b chunks until we're 64b aligned
+ //
+ while (dst < begin_64)
+ {
+ _mm_store_ps((F32*)dst, _mm_load_ps((F32*)src));
+ dst += 16;
+ src += 16;
+ }
+ // Copy 64b chunks up to your tail
+ //
+ // might be good to shmoo the 512b prefetch offset
+ // (characterize performance for various values)
+ //
+ while (dst < end_64)
+ {
+ _mm_prefetch((char*)src + 512, _MM_HINT_NTA);
+ _mm_prefetch((char*)dst + 512, _MM_HINT_NTA);
+ _mm_store_ps((F32*)dst, _mm_load_ps((F32*)src));
+ _mm_store_ps((F32*)(dst + 16), _mm_load_ps((F32*)(src + 16)));
+ _mm_store_ps((F32*)(dst + 32), _mm_load_ps((F32*)(src + 32)));
+ _mm_store_ps((F32*)(dst + 48), _mm_load_ps((F32*)(src + 48)));
+ dst += 64;
+ src += 64;
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy remainder 16b tail chunks (or ALL 16b chunks for sub-64b copies)
+ //
+ while (dst < end)
+ {
+ _mm_store_ps((F32*)dst, _mm_load_ps((F32*)src));
+ dst += 16;
+ src += 16;
+ }
#define __DEBUG_PRIVATE_MEM__ 0
@@ -590,13 +662,7 @@ void LLPrivateMemoryPoolTester::operator delete[](void* addr)
// LLSingleton moved to llsingleton.h
-LL_COMMON_API void ll_assert_aligned_func(uintptr_t ptr,U32 alignment);
-#define ll_assert_aligned(ptr,alignment) ll_assert_aligned_func(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr),((U32)alignment))
-#define ll_assert_aligned(ptr,alignment)