path: root/indra
diff options
authorRicky Curtice <>2014-03-02 14:33:57 -0800
committerRicky Curtice <>2014-03-02 14:33:57 -0800
commite0a015920d3c0f793cadb88b7b8c4cedca61d2fb (patch)
treeea3062709f1198243c6508ed169e25ece4d1822d /indra
parenta060dcfff790f16dd4a0097e0eca4ff4b7f3d0de (diff)
STORM-1920: Richard fixed and optimized a ton more math.
From Richard: There are a bunch of things I changed...mainly I eliminated all the grid_offset nonsense and instead simply calculate the tick index for the current drag position and use that to generate a snapped position as needed. I still use approx_equal because I want grid numbers to light up even when they aren't the axis you are currently snapping to.
Diffstat (limited to 'indra')
3 files changed, 209 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llmath/llmath.h b/indra/llmath/llmath.h
index b93f89d674..5abd9a0d06 100755
--- a/indra/llmath/llmath.h
+++ b/indra/llmath/llmath.h
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ const F32 F_E = 2.71828182845904523536f;
const F32 F_SQRT2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097f;
const F32 F_SQRT3 = 1.73205080756888288657986402541f;
const F32 OO_SQRT2 = 0.7071067811865475244008443621049f;
+const F32 OO_SQRT3 = 0.577350269189625764509f;
const F32 DEG_TO_RAD = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886f;
const F32 RAD_TO_DEG = 57.295779513082320876798154814105f;
const F32 F_APPROXIMATELY_ZERO = 0.00001f;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llmanipscale.cpp b/indra/newview/llmanipscale.cpp
index 087f617bbb..e93420ae21 100755
--- a/indra/newview/llmanipscale.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llmanipscale.cpp
@@ -190,9 +190,11 @@ LLManipScale::LLManipScale( LLToolComposite* composite )
+ mTickPixelSpacing1(0.f),
+ mTickPixelSpacing2(0.f),
- mScaleSnapValue(0.f)
+ mScaleSnappedValue(0.f)
mManipulatorScales = new F32[NUM_MANIPULATORS];
for (S32 i = 0; i < NUM_MANIPULATORS; i++)
@@ -556,29 +558,29 @@ void LLManipScale::renderFaces( const LLBBox& bbox )
- // This is a flattened representation of the box as render here
- // .
- // (+++) (++-) /|\t
- // +------------+ | (texture coordinates)
- // | | |
- // | 1 | (*) --->s
- // | +X |
+ // This is a flattened representation of the box as render here
+ // .
+ // (+++) (++-) /|\t
+ // +------------+ | (texture coordinates)
+ // | | |
+ // | 1 | (*) --->s
+ // | +X |
// | |
- // (+++) (+-+)| |(+--) (++-) (+++)
- // +------------+------------+------------+------------+
- // |0 3|3 7|7 4|4 0|
- // | 0 | 4 | 5 | 2 |
- // | +Z | -Y | -Z | +Y |
- // | | | | |
- // |1 2|2 6|6 5|5 1|
- // +------------+------------+------------+------------+
- // (-++) (--+)| |(---) (-+-) (-++)
- // | 3 |
- // | -X |
- // | |
- // | |
- // +------------+
- // (-++) (-+-)
+ // (+++) (+-+)| |(+--) (++-) (+++)
+ // +------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ // |0 3|3 7|7 4|4 0|
+ // | 0 | 4 | 5 | 2 |
+ // | +Z | -Y | -Z | +Y |
+ // | | | | |
+ // |1 2|2 6|6 5|5 1|
+ // +------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ // (-++) (--+)| |(---) (-+-) (-++)
+ // | 3 |
+ // | -X |
+ // | |
+ // | |
+ // +------------+
+ // (-++) (-+-)
LLColor4 highlight_color( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.5f);
LLColor4 normal_color( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.3f);
@@ -757,7 +759,7 @@ void LLManipScale::renderCorners( const LLBBox& bbox )
y_offset = bbox.getMaxLocal().mV[VY];
x_offset = bbox.getMaxLocal().mV[VX];
- }
+ }
@@ -782,7 +784,7 @@ void LLManipScale::renderAxisHandle( const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& en
// Draws a single "jacks" style handle: a long, retangular box from start to end.
LLVector3 offset_start = end - start;
- offset_start.normVec();
+ offset_start.normallize();
offset_start = start + mBoxHandleSize * offset_start;
LLVector3 delta = end - offset_start;
@@ -837,7 +839,7 @@ void LLManipScale::drag( S32 x, S32 y )
- gAgentCamera.clearFocusObject();
+ gAgentCamera.clearFocusObject();
// Scale around the
@@ -888,22 +890,20 @@ void LLManipScale::dragCorner( S32 x, S32 y )
LLVector3 projected_drag_pos1 = inverse_projected_vec(mScaleDir, orthogonal_component(mouse_on_plane1, mSnapGuideDir1));
LLVector3 projected_drag_pos2 = inverse_projected_vec(mScaleDir, orthogonal_component(mouse_on_plane2, mSnapGuideDir2));
- LLVector3 mouse_offset_from_scale_line_1 = orthogonal_component(mouse_on_plane1, mScaleDir);
- LLVector3 mouse_offset_from_scale_line_2 = orthogonal_component(mouse_on_plane2, mScaleDir);
BOOL snap_enabled = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("SnapEnabled");
if (snap_enabled && (mouse_on_plane1 - projected_drag_pos1) * mSnapGuideDir1 > mSnapRegimeOffset)
F32 drag_dist = projected_drag_pos1.length();
- F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(projected_drag_pos1, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit1), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel);
+ F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(mScaleCenter + projected_drag_pos1, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit1, mTickPixelSpacing1), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel);
F32 snap_dist = mScaleSnapUnit1 / (2.f * cur_subdivisions);
F32 relative_snap_dist = fmodf(drag_dist + snap_dist, mScaleSnapUnit1 / cur_subdivisions);
- mScaleSnapValue = llclamp((drag_dist - (relative_snap_dist - snap_dist)), min_scale, max_scale);
+ mScaleSnappedValue = llclamp((drag_dist - (relative_snap_dist - snap_dist)), min_scale, max_scale);
+ scale_factor = mScaleSnappedValue / dist_vec(drag_start_point_agent, drag_start_center_agent);
+ mScaleSnappedValue /= mScaleSnapUnit1 * 2.f;
mInSnapRegime = TRUE;
- scale_factor = mScaleSnapValue / dist_vec(drag_start_point_agent, drag_start_center_agent);
if (!uniform)
scale_factor *= 0.5f;
@@ -913,14 +913,15 @@ void LLManipScale::dragCorner( S32 x, S32 y )
F32 drag_dist = projected_drag_pos2.length();
- F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(projected_drag_pos2, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit2), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel);
+ F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(mScaleCenter + projected_drag_pos2, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit2, mTickPixelSpacing2), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel);
F32 snap_dist = mScaleSnapUnit2 / (2.f * cur_subdivisions);
F32 relative_snap_dist = fmodf(drag_dist + snap_dist, mScaleSnapUnit2 / cur_subdivisions);
- mScaleSnapValue = llclamp((drag_dist - (relative_snap_dist - snap_dist)), min_scale, max_scale);
+ mScaleSnappedValue = llclamp((drag_dist - (relative_snap_dist - snap_dist)), min_scale, max_scale);
+ scale_factor = mScaleSnappedValue / dist_vec(drag_start_point_agent, drag_start_center_agent);
+ mScaleSnappedValue /= mScaleSnapUnit2 * 2.f;
mInSnapRegime = TRUE;
- scale_factor = mScaleSnapValue / dist_vec(drag_start_point_agent, drag_start_center_agent);
if (!uniform)
scale_factor *= 0.5f;
@@ -1038,7 +1039,6 @@ void LLManipScale::dragCorner( S32 x, S32 y )
@@ -1108,16 +1108,16 @@ void LLManipScale::dragFace( S32 x, S32 y )
mInSnapRegime = TRUE;
- if (dist_along_scale_line > max_drag_dist)
+ if (dist_along_scale_line > max_drag_dist)
- mScaleSnapValue = max_drag_dist;
+ mScaleSnappedValue = max_drag_dist;
LLVector3 clamp_point = mScaleCenter + max_drag_dist * mScaleDir;
drag_delta.setVec(clamp_point - drag_start_point_agent);
else if (dist_along_scale_line < min_drag_dist)
- mScaleSnapValue = min_drag_dist;
+ mScaleSnappedValue = min_drag_dist;
LLVector3 clamp_point = mScaleCenter + min_drag_dist * mScaleDir;
drag_delta.setVec(clamp_point - drag_start_point_agent);
@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ void LLManipScale::dragFace( S32 x, S32 y )
F32 drag_dist = scale_center_to_mouse * mScaleDir;
- F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(mScaleCenter + mScaleDir * drag_dist, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit1), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel);
+ F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(mScaleCenter + mScaleDir * drag_dist, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit1, mTickPixelSpacing1), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel);
F32 snap_dist = mScaleSnapUnit1 / (2.f * cur_subdivisions);
F32 relative_snap_dist = fmodf(drag_dist + snap_dist, mScaleSnapUnit1 / cur_subdivisions);
relative_snap_dist -= snap_dist;
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ void LLManipScale::dragFace( S32 x, S32 y )
drag_dist - max_drag_dist,
drag_dist - min_drag_dist);
- mScaleSnapValue = drag_dist - relative_snap_dist;
+ mScaleSnappedValue = drag_dist - relative_snap_dist;
if (llabs(relative_snap_dist) < snap_dist)
@@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@ void LLManipScale::renderGuidelinesPart( const LLBBox& bbox )
guideline_end -= guideline_start;
- guideline_end.normVec();
+ guideline_end.normallize();
guideline_end *= LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionWidthInMeters();
guideline_end += guideline_start;
@@ -1343,19 +1343,20 @@ void LLManipScale::updateSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
LLQuaternion grid_rotation;
LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getGrid(grid_origin, grid_rotation, grid_scale);
+ bool uniform = LLManipScale::getUniform();
LLVector3 box_corner_agent = bbox.localToAgent(unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( partToUnitVector( mManipPart ), bbox ));
- mScaleCenter = getUniform() ? bbox.getCenterAgent() : bbox.localToAgent(unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( -1.f * partToUnitVector( mManipPart ), bbox ));
+ mScaleCenter = uniform ? bbox.getCenterAgent() : bbox.localToAgent(unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( -1.f * partToUnitVector( mManipPart ), bbox ));
mScaleDir = box_corner_agent - mScaleCenter;
- mScaleDir.normVec();
+ mScaleDir.normallize();
if(mObjectSelection->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD)
mSnapRegimeOffset = SNAP_GUIDE_SCREEN_OFFSET / gAgentCamera.mHUDCurZoom;
- F32 object_distance = dist_vec(mScaleCenter, LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getOrigin());
+ F32 object_distance = dist_vec(box_corner_agent, LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getOrigin());
mSnapRegimeOffset = (SNAP_GUIDE_SCREEN_OFFSET * gViewerWindow->getWorldViewWidthRaw() * object_distance) / LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getPixelMeterRatio();
LLVector3 cam_at_axis;
@@ -1375,18 +1376,17 @@ void LLManipScale::updateSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
mSnapGuideLength = snap_guide_length / llmax(0.1f, (llmin(mSnapGuideDir1 * cam_at_axis, mSnapGuideDir2 * cam_at_axis)));
LLVector3 off_axis_dir = mScaleDir % cam_at_axis;
- off_axis_dir.normVec();
+ off_axis_dir.normallize();
if( (LL_FACE_MIN <= (S32)mManipPart) && ((S32)mManipPart <= LL_FACE_MAX) )
- LLVector3 object_scale = bbox.getMaxLocal();
- object_scale.scaleVec(off_axis_dir * ~bbox.getRotation());
- object_scale.abs();
- if (object_scale.mV[VX] > object_scale.mV[VY] && object_scale.mV[VX] > object_scale.mV[VZ])
+ LLVector3 bbox_relative_cam_dir = off_axis_dir * ~bbox.getRotation();
+ bbox_relative_cam_dir.abs();
+ if (bbox_relative_cam_dir.mV[VX] > bbox_relative_cam_dir.mV[VY] && bbox_relative_cam_dir.mV[VX] > bbox_relative_cam_dir.mV[VZ])
mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::x_axis * bbox.getRotation();
- else if (object_scale.mV[VY] > object_scale.mV[VZ])
+ else if (bbox_relative_cam_dir.mV[VY] > bbox_relative_cam_dir.mV[VZ])
mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::y_axis * bbox.getRotation();
@@ -1405,7 +1405,6 @@ void LLManipScale::updateSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
else if( (LL_CORNER_MIN <= (S32)mManipPart) && ((S32)mManipPart <= LL_CORNER_MAX) )
- LLVector3 local_scale_dir = partToUnitVector( mManipPart );
LLVector3 local_camera_dir;
if (mObjectSelection->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD)
@@ -1413,74 +1412,133 @@ void LLManipScale::updateSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
- local_camera_dir = (LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getOrigin() - bbox.getCenterAgent()) * ~bbox.getRotation();
- local_camera_dir.normVec();
- }
- local_scale_dir -= projected_vec(local_scale_dir, local_camera_dir);
- local_scale_dir.normVec();
- LLVector3 x_axis_proj_camera = LLVector3::x_axis - projected_vec(LLVector3::x_axis, local_camera_dir);
- x_axis_proj_camera.normVec();
- LLVector3 y_axis_proj_camera = LLVector3::y_axis - projected_vec(LLVector3::y_axis, local_camera_dir);
- y_axis_proj_camera.normVec();
- LLVector3 z_axis_proj_camera = LLVector3::z_axis - projected_vec(LLVector3::z_axis, local_camera_dir);
- z_axis_proj_camera.normVec();
- F32 x_axis_proj = llabs(local_scale_dir * x_axis_proj_camera);
- F32 y_axis_proj = llabs(local_scale_dir * y_axis_proj_camera);
- F32 z_axis_proj = llabs(local_scale_dir * z_axis_proj_camera);
- if (x_axis_proj > y_axis_proj && x_axis_proj > z_axis_proj)
- {
- mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::y_axis;
- mScaleSnapUnit2 = grid_scale.mV[VY];
- mSnapGuideDir2 = LLVector3::z_axis;
- mScaleSnapUnit1 = grid_scale.mV[VZ];
- }
- else if (y_axis_proj > z_axis_proj)
- {
- mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::x_axis;
- mScaleSnapUnit2 = grid_scale.mV[VX];
- mSnapGuideDir2 = LLVector3::z_axis;
- mScaleSnapUnit1 = grid_scale.mV[VZ];
- }
- else
- {
- mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::x_axis;
- mScaleSnapUnit2 = grid_scale.mV[VX];
- mSnapGuideDir2 = LLVector3::y_axis;
- mScaleSnapUnit1 = grid_scale.mV[VY];
+ local_camera_dir = (LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getOrigin() - box_corner_agent) * ~bbox.getRotation();
+ local_camera_dir.normallize();
- LLVector3 snap_guide_flip(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
+ LLVector3 axis_flip;
switch (mManipPart)
+ axis_flip.setVec(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
- snap_guide_flip.setVec(1.f, 1.f, -1.f);
+ axis_flip.setVec(1.f, 1.f, -1.f);
- snap_guide_flip.setVec(1.f, -1.f, 1.f);
+ axis_flip.setVec(1.f, -1.f, 1.f);
- snap_guide_flip.setVec(1.f, -1.f, -1.f);
+ axis_flip.setVec(1.f, -1.f, -1.f);
- snap_guide_flip.setVec(-1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
+ axis_flip.setVec(-1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
- snap_guide_flip.setVec(-1.f, 1.f, -1.f);
+ axis_flip.setVec(-1.f, 1.f, -1.f);
- snap_guide_flip.setVec(-1.f, -1.f, 1.f);
+ axis_flip.setVec(-1.f, -1.f, 1.f);
- snap_guide_flip.setVec(-1.f, -1.f, -1.f);
+ axis_flip.setVec(-1.f, -1.f, -1.f);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // account for which side of the object the camera is located and negate appropriate axes
+ local_camera_dir.scaleVec(axis_flip);
+ // normalize to object scale
+ LLVector3 bbox_extent = bbox.getExtentLocal();
+ local_camera_dir.scaleVec(LLVector3(1.f / bbox_extent.mV[VX], 1.f / bbox_extent.mV[VY], 1.f / bbox_extent.mV[VZ]));
+ S32 scale_face = -1;
+ if ((local_camera_dir.mV[VX] > 0.f) == (local_camera_dir.mV[VY] > 0.f))
+ {
+ if ((local_camera_dir.mV[VZ] > 0.f) == (local_camera_dir.mV[VY] > 0.f))
+ {
+ LLVector3 local_camera_dir_abs = local_camera_dir;
+ local_camera_dir_abs.abs();
+ // all neighboring faces of bbox are pointing towards camera or away from camera
+ // use largest magnitude face for snap guides
+ if (local_camera_dir_abs.mV[VX] > local_camera_dir_abs.mV[VY])
+ {
+ if (local_camera_dir_abs.mV[VX] > local_camera_dir_abs.mV[VZ])
+ {
+ scale_face = VX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ scale_face = VZ;
+ }
+ }
+ else // y > x
+ {
+ if (local_camera_dir_abs.mV[VY] > local_camera_dir_abs.mV[VZ])
+ {
+ scale_face = VY;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ scale_face = VZ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // z axis facing opposite direction from x and y relative to camera, use x and y for snap guides
+ scale_face = VZ;
+ }
+ }
+ else // x and y axes are facing in opposite directions relative to camera
+ {
+ if ((local_camera_dir.mV[VZ] > 0.f) == (local_camera_dir.mV[VY] > 0.f))
+ {
+ // x axis facing opposite direction from y and z relative to camera, use y and z for snap guides
+ scale_face = VX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // y axis facing opposite direction from x and z relative to camera, use x and z for snap guides
+ scale_face = VY;
+ }
+ }
+ switch(scale_face)
+ {
+ case VX:
+ // x axis face being scaled, use y and z for snap guides
+ mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::y_axis.scaledVec(axis_flip);
+ mScaleSnapUnit1 = grid_scale.mV[VZ];
+ mSnapGuideDir2 = LLVector3::z_axis.scaledVec(axis_flip);
+ mScaleSnapUnit2 = grid_scale.mV[VY];
+ break;
+ case VY:
+ // y axis facing being scaled, use x and z for snap guides
+ mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::x_axis.scaledVec(axis_flip);
+ mScaleSnapUnit1 = grid_scale.mV[VZ];
+ mSnapGuideDir2 = LLVector3::z_axis.scaledVec(axis_flip);
+ mScaleSnapUnit2 = grid_scale.mV[VX];
+ break;
+ case VZ:
+ // z axis facing being scaled, use x and y for snap guides
+ mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::x_axis.scaledVec(axis_flip);
+ mScaleSnapUnit1 = grid_scale.mV[VY];
+ mSnapGuideDir2 = LLVector3::y_axis.scaledVec(axis_flip);
+ mScaleSnapUnit2 = grid_scale.mV[VX];
+ mSnapGuideDir1.zeroVec();
+ mScaleSnapUnit1 = 0.f;
+ mSnapGuideDir2.zeroVec();
+ mScaleSnapUnit2 = 0.f;
- mSnapGuideDir1.scaleVec(snap_guide_flip);
- mSnapGuideDir2.scaleVec(snap_guide_flip);
mSnapDir1 = -1.f * mSnapGuideDir2;
@@ -1488,13 +1546,22 @@ void LLManipScale::updateSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
mScalePlaneNormal1 = mSnapGuideDir1 % mScaleDir;
- mScalePlaneNormal1.normVec();
+ mScalePlaneNormal1.normallize();
mScalePlaneNormal2 = mSnapGuideDir2 % mScaleDir;
- mScalePlaneNormal2.normVec();
+ mScalePlaneNormal2.normallize();
mScaleSnapUnit1 = mScaleSnapUnit1 / (mSnapDir1 * mScaleDir);
mScaleSnapUnit2 = mScaleSnapUnit2 / (mSnapDir2 * mScaleDir);
+ mTickPixelSpacing1 = llround((F32)MIN_DIVISION_PIXEL_WIDTH / (mScaleDir % mSnapGuideDir1).length());
+ mTickPixelSpacing2 = llround((F32)MIN_DIVISION_PIXEL_WIDTH / (mScaleDir % mSnapGuideDir2).length());
+ if (uniform)
+ {
+ mScaleSnapUnit1 *= 0.5f;
+ mScaleSnapUnit2 *= 0.5f;
+ }
void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
@@ -1518,9 +1585,9 @@ void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
LLColor4 tick_color = setupSnapGuideRenderPass(pass);
- LLVector3 line_mid = mScaleCenter + (mScaleSnapValue * mScaleDir) + (mSnapGuideDir1 * mSnapRegimeOffset);
- LLVector3 line_start = line_mid - (mScaleDir * (llmin(mScaleSnapValue, mSnapGuideLength * 0.5f)));
- LLVector3 line_end = line_mid + (mScaleDir * llmin(max_point_on_scale_line - mScaleSnapValue, mSnapGuideLength * 0.5f));
+ LLVector3 line_mid = mScaleCenter + (mScaleSnappedValue * mScaleDir) + (mSnapGuideDir1 * mSnapRegimeOffset);
+ LLVector3 line_start = line_mid - (mScaleDir * (llmin(mScaleSnappedValue, mSnapGuideLength * 0.5f)));
+ LLVector3 line_end = line_mid + (mScaleDir * llmin(max_point_on_scale_line - mScaleSnappedValue, mSnapGuideLength * 0.5f));
gGL.color4f(tick_color.mV[VRED], tick_color.mV[VGREEN], tick_color.mV[VBLUE], tick_color.mV[VALPHA] * 0.1f);
@@ -1530,9 +1597,9 @@ void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
gGL.color4f(tick_color.mV[VRED], tick_color.mV[VGREEN], tick_color.mV[VBLUE], tick_color.mV[VALPHA] * 0.1f);
- line_mid = mScaleCenter + (mScaleSnapValue * mScaleDir) + (mSnapGuideDir2 * mSnapRegimeOffset);
- line_start = line_mid - (mScaleDir * (llmin(mScaleSnapValue, mSnapGuideLength * 0.5f)));
- line_end = line_mid + (mScaleDir * llmin(max_point_on_scale_line - mScaleSnapValue, mSnapGuideLength * 0.5f));
+ line_mid = mScaleCenter + (mScaleSnappedValue * mScaleDir) + (mSnapGuideDir2 * mSnapRegimeOffset);
+ line_start = line_mid - (mScaleDir * (llmin(mScaleSnappedValue, mSnapGuideLength * 0.5f)));
+ line_end = line_mid + (mScaleDir * llmin(max_point_on_scale_line - mScaleSnappedValue, mSnapGuideLength * 0.5f));
@@ -1547,6 +1614,8 @@ void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
F32 dist_grid_axis = (drag_point - mScaleCenter) * mScaleDir;
// find distance to nearest smallest grid unit
+ F32 grid_multiple1 = llfloor(llmax(0.f, dist_grid_axis) / (mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions));
+ F32 grid_multiple2 = llfloor(llmax(0.f, dist_grid_axis) / (mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions));
F32 grid_offset1 = fmodf(dist_grid_axis, mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions);
F32 grid_offset2 = fmodf(dist_grid_axis, mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions);
@@ -1569,7 +1638,7 @@ void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
// draw snap guide line
- LLVector3 snap_line_center = mScaleCenter + (mScaleSnapValue * mScaleDir);
+ LLVector3 snap_line_center = bbox.localToAgent(unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( partToUnitVector( mManipPart ), bbox ));
LLVector3 snap_line_start = snap_line_center + (mSnapGuideDir1 * mSnapRegimeOffset);
LLVector3 snap_line_end = snap_line_center + (mSnapGuideDir2 * mSnapRegimeOffset);
@@ -1591,13 +1660,13 @@ void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
LLVector3 arrow_span = mScaleDir;
arrow_dir = snap_line_start - snap_line_center;
- arrow_dir.normVec();
+ arrow_dir.normallize();
gGL.vertex3fv((snap_line_start + arrow_dir * mBoxHandleSize).mV);
gGL.vertex3fv((snap_line_start + arrow_span * mBoxHandleSize).mV);
gGL.vertex3fv((snap_line_start - arrow_span * mBoxHandleSize).mV);
arrow_dir = snap_line_end - snap_line_center;
- arrow_dir.normVec();
+ arrow_dir.normallize();
gGL.vertex3fv((snap_line_end + arrow_dir * mBoxHandleSize).mV);
gGL.vertex3fv((snap_line_end + arrow_span * mBoxHandleSize).mV);
gGL.vertex3fv((snap_line_end - arrow_span * mBoxHandleSize).mV);
@@ -1606,7 +1675,7 @@ void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
LLVector2 screen_translate_axis(llabs(mScaleDir * LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getLeftAxis()), llabs(mScaleDir * LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getUpAxis()));
- screen_translate_axis.normVec();
+ screen_translate_axis.normallize();
S32 tick_label_spacing = llround(screen_translate_axis * sTickLabelSpacing);
@@ -1622,9 +1691,9 @@ void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
for (S32 i = start_tick; i <= stop_tick; i++)
F32 alpha = (1.f - (1.f * ((F32)llabs(i) / (F32)num_ticks_per_side1)));
- LLVector3 tick_pos = drag_point + (mScaleDir * (mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions * (F32)i - grid_offset1));
+ LLVector3 tick_pos = mScaleCenter + (mScaleDir * (grid_multiple1 + i) * (mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions));
- F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(tick_pos, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit1), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel);
+ F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(tick_pos, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit1, mTickPixelSpacing1), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel);
if (fmodf((F32)(i + sub_div_offset_1), (max_subdivisions / cur_subdivisions)) != 0.f)
@@ -1655,9 +1724,9 @@ void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
for (S32 i = start_tick; i <= stop_tick; i++)
F32 alpha = (1.f - (1.f * ((F32)llabs(i) / (F32)num_ticks_per_side2)));
- LLVector3 tick_pos = drag_point + (mScaleDir * (mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions * (F32)i - grid_offset2));
+ LLVector3 tick_pos = mScaleCenter + (mScaleDir * (grid_multiple2 + i) * (mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions));
- F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(tick_pos, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit2), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel);
+ F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(tick_pos, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit2, mTickPixelSpacing2), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel);
if (fmodf((F32)(i + sub_div_offset_2), (max_subdivisions / cur_subdivisions)) != 0.f)
@@ -1695,7 +1764,7 @@ void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
F32 tick_scale = 1.f;
F32 alpha = grid_alpha * (1.f - (0.5f * ((F32)llabs(i) / (F32)num_ticks_per_side1)));
- LLVector3 tick_pos = drag_point + (mScaleDir * (mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions * (F32)i - grid_offset1));
+ LLVector3 tick_pos = mScaleCenter + (mScaleDir * (grid_multiple1 + i) * (mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions));
for (F32 division_level = max_subdivisions; division_level >= sGridMinSubdivisionLevel; division_level /= 2.f)
@@ -1712,29 +1781,24 @@ void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
(mSnapGuideDir1 * mSnapRegimeOffset * (1.f + tick_scale));
EGridMode grid_mode = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getGridMode();
- F32 tick_val;
+ F32 tick_value;
if (grid_mode == GRID_MODE_WORLD)
- tick_val = (tick_pos - mScaleCenter) * mScaleDir / (mScaleSnapUnit1 / grid_resolution);
+ tick_value = (grid_multiple1 + i) / (max_subdivisions / grid_resolution);
- tick_val = (tick_pos - mScaleCenter) * mScaleDir / (mScaleSnapUnit1 * 2.f);
- }
- if (getUniform())
- {
- tick_val *= 2.f;
+ tick_value = (grid_multiple1 + i) / (2.f * max_subdivisions);
F32 text_highlight = 0.8f;
- if (is_approx_equal(tick_val, mScaleSnapValue) && mInSnapRegime)
+ if (is_approx_equal(tick_value, mScaleSnappedValue) && mInSnapRegime)
text_highlight = 1.f;
- renderTickValue(text_origin, tick_val, grid_mode == GRID_MODE_WORLD ? std::string("m") : std::string("x"), LLColor4(text_highlight, text_highlight, text_highlight, alpha));
+ renderTickValue(text_origin, tick_value, grid_mode == GRID_MODE_WORLD ? std::string("m") : std::string("x"), LLColor4(text_highlight, text_highlight, text_highlight, alpha));
@@ -1747,7 +1811,7 @@ void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
F32 tick_scale = 1.f;
F32 alpha = grid_alpha * (1.f - (0.5f * ((F32)llabs(i) / (F32)num_ticks_per_side2)));
- LLVector3 tick_pos = drag_point + (mScaleDir * (mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions * (F32)i - grid_offset2));
+ LLVector3 tick_pos = mScaleCenter + (mScaleDir * (grid_multiple2 + i) * (mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions));
for (F32 division_level = max_subdivisions; division_level >= sGridMinSubdivisionLevel; division_level /= 2.f)
@@ -1764,29 +1828,24 @@ void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox)
(mSnapGuideDir2 * mSnapRegimeOffset * (1.f + tick_scale));
EGridMode grid_mode = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getGridMode();
- F32 tick_val;
+ F32 tick_value;
if (grid_mode == GRID_MODE_WORLD)
- tick_val = (tick_pos - mScaleCenter) * mScaleDir / (mScaleSnapUnit2 / grid_resolution);
+ tick_value = (grid_multiple2 + i) / (max_subdivisions / grid_resolution);
- tick_val = (tick_pos - mScaleCenter) * mScaleDir / (mScaleSnapUnit2 * 2.f);
- }
- if (getUniform())
- {
- tick_val *= 2.f;
+ tick_value = (grid_multiple2 + i) / (2.f * max_subdivisions);
F32 text_highlight = 0.8f;
- if (is_approx_equal(tick_val, mScaleSnapValue) && mInSnapRegime)
+ if (is_approx_equal(tick_value, mScaleSnappedValue) && mInSnapRegime)
text_highlight = 1.f;
- renderTickValue(text_origin, tick_val, grid_mode == GRID_MODE_WORLD ? std::string("m") : std::string("x"), LLColor4(text_highlight, text_highlight, text_highlight, alpha));
+ renderTickValue(text_origin, tick_value, grid_mode == GRID_MODE_WORLD ? std::string("m") : std::string("x"), LLColor4(text_highlight, text_highlight, text_highlight, alpha));
@@ -1881,28 +1940,28 @@ LLVector3 LLManipScale::cornerToUnitVector( S32 part ) const
- vec.setVec(-F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3);
+ vec.setVec(-OO_SQRT3, -OO_SQRT3, -OO_SQRT3);
- vec.setVec(-F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3);
+ vec.setVec(-OO_SQRT3, -OO_SQRT3, OO_SQRT3);
- vec.setVec(-F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3);
+ vec.setVec(-OO_SQRT3, OO_SQRT3, -OO_SQRT3);
- vec.setVec(-F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3);
+ vec.setVec(-OO_SQRT3, OO_SQRT3, OO_SQRT3);
- vec.setVec(F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3);
+ vec.setVec(OO_SQRT3, -OO_SQRT3, -OO_SQRT3);
- vec.setVec(F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3);
+ vec.setVec(OO_SQRT3, -OO_SQRT3, OO_SQRT3);
- vec.setVec(F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3);
+ vec.setVec(OO_SQRT3, OO_SQRT3, -OO_SQRT3);
- vec.setVec(F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3);
+ vec.setVec(OO_SQRT3, OO_SQRT3, OO_SQRT3);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llmanipscale.h b/indra/newview/llmanipscale.h
index 5cb8898fd0..13b510c9ff 100755
--- a/indra/newview/llmanipscale.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llmanipscale.h
@@ -157,10 +157,12 @@ private:
LLVector3 mSnapDir1;
LLVector3 mSnapDir2;
F32 mSnapRegimeOffset;
+ F32 mTickPixelSpacing1;
+ F32 mTickPixelSpacing2;
F32 mSnapGuideLength;
LLVector3 mScaleCenter;
LLVector3 mScaleDir;
- F32 mScaleSnapValue;
+ F32 mScaleSnappedValue;
BOOL mInSnapRegime;
F32* mManipulatorScales;