path: root/indra
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authorRye Cogtail <>2024-09-28 23:38:11 -0400
committerRye Cogtail <>2024-09-28 23:38:11 -0400
commit975288b90d0d51a04b5c75b0fb2c0a454b1d02d3 (patch)
tree22c80d7188e8ed1b3e64ef7b26c30dc3cfb2d025 /indra
parent59dfa1fdb92df79aced08429d275f707b6325df6 (diff)
Update SDL clipboard, icon flash, and url opening handlers to use native SDL functions
Diffstat (limited to 'indra')
2 files changed, 43 insertions, 419 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llwindow/llwindowsdl.cpp b/indra/llwindow/llwindowsdl.cpp
index 89f0d152c6..804fe3a9a6 100644
--- a/indra/llwindow/llwindowsdl.cpp
+++ b/indra/llwindow/llwindowsdl.cpp
@@ -113,248 +113,6 @@ Display* LLWindowSDL::get_SDL_Display(void)
#endif // LL_X11
-#if LL_X11
-// Clipboard handing via native X11, base on the implementation in Cool VL by Henri Beauchamp
- std::array<Atom, 3> gSupportedAtoms;
- long const MAX_PASTE_BUFFER_SIZE = 16383;
- void filterSelectionRequest( XEvent aEvent )
- {
- auto *display = LLWindowSDL::getSDLDisplay();
- auto &request = aEvent.xselectionrequest;
- XSelectionEvent reply { SelectionNotify, aEvent.xany.serial, aEvent.xany.send_event, display,
- request.requestor, request.selection,,
-,request.time };
- if ( == XA_TARGETS)
- {
- XChangeProperty(display, request.requestor,,
- XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
- (unsigned char *) &gSupportedAtoms.front(), gSupportedAtoms.size());
- }
- else if (std::find(gSupportedAtoms.begin(), gSupportedAtoms.end(), !=
- gSupportedAtoms.end())
- {
- std::string utf8;
- if (request.selection == XA_PRIMARY)
- utf8 = wstring_to_utf8str(gWindowImplementation->getPrimaryText());
- else
- utf8 = wstring_to_utf8str(gWindowImplementation->getSecondaryText());
- XChangeProperty(display, request.requestor,,
-, 8, PropModeReplace,
- (unsigned char *) utf8.c_str(), utf8.length());
- }
- else if (request.selection == XA_CLIPBOARD)
- {
- // Did not have what they wanted, so no property set
- = None;
- }
- else
- return;
- XSendEvent(request.display, request.requestor, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent *) &reply);
- XSync(display, False);
- }
- void filterSelectionClearRequest( XEvent aEvent )
- {
- auto &request = aEvent.xselectionrequest;
- if (request.selection == XA_PRIMARY)
- gWindowImplementation->clearPrimaryText();
- else if (request.selection == XA_CLIPBOARD)
- gWindowImplementation->clearSecondaryText();
- }
- int x11_clipboard_filter(void*, SDL_Event *evt)
- {
- Display *display = LLWindowSDL::getSDLDisplay();
- if (!display)
- return 1;
- if (evt->type != SDL_SYSWMEVENT)
- return 1;
- auto xevent = evt->syswm.msg->msg.x11.event;
- if (xevent.type == SelectionRequest)
- filterSelectionRequest( xevent );
- else if (xevent.type == SelectionClear)
- filterSelectionClearRequest( xevent );
- return 1;
- }
- bool grab_property(Display* display, Window window, Atom selection, Atom target)
- {
- if( !display )
- return false;
- maybe_lock_display();
- XDeleteProperty(display, window, PVT_PASTE_BUFFER);
- XFlush(display);
- XConvertSelection(display, selection, target, PVT_PASTE_BUFFER, window, CurrentTime);
- // Unlock the connection so that the SDL event loop may function
- maybe_unlock_display();
- const auto start{ SDL_GetTicks() };
- const auto end{ start + 1000 };
- XEvent xevent {};
- bool response = false;
- do
- {
- SDL_Event event {};
- // Wait for an event
- SDL_WaitEvent(&event);
- // If the event is a window manager event
- if (event.type == SDL_SYSWMEVENT)
- {
- xevent = event.syswm.msg->msg.x11.event;
- if (xevent.type == SelectionNotify && xevent.xselection.requestor == window)
- response = true;
- }
- } while (!response && SDL_GetTicks() < end );
- return response && != None;
- }
-void LLWindowSDL::initialiseX11Clipboard()
- if (!mSDL_Display)
- return;
- SDL_SetEventFilter(x11_clipboard_filter, nullptr);
- maybe_lock_display();
- XA_CLIPBOARD = XInternAtom(mSDL_Display, "CLIPBOARD", False);
- gSupportedAtoms[0] = XInternAtom(mSDL_Display, "UTF8_STRING", False);
- gSupportedAtoms[1] = XInternAtom(mSDL_Display, "COMPOUND_TEXT", False);
- gSupportedAtoms[2] = XA_STRING;
- // TARGETS atom
- XA_TARGETS = XInternAtom(mSDL_Display, "TARGETS", False);
- PVT_PASTE_BUFFER = XInternAtom(mSDL_Display, "FS_PASTE_BUFFER", False);
- maybe_unlock_display();
-bool LLWindowSDL::getSelectionText( Atom aSelection, Atom aType, LLWString &text )
- if( !mSDL_Display )
- return false;
- if( !grab_property(mSDL_Display, mSDL_XWindowID, aSelection,aType ) )
- return false;
- maybe_lock_display();
- Atom type;
- int format{};
- unsigned long len{},remaining {};
- unsigned char* data = nullptr;
- int res = XGetWindowProperty(mSDL_Display, mSDL_XWindowID,
- AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &len,
- &remaining, &data);
- if (data && len)
- {
- text = LLWString(
- utf8str_to_wstring(reinterpret_cast< char const *>( data ) )
- );
- XFree(data);
- }
- maybe_unlock_display();
- return res == Success;
-bool LLWindowSDL::getSelectionText(Atom selection, LLWString& text)
- if (!mSDL_Display)
- return false;
- maybe_lock_display();
- Window owner = XGetSelectionOwner(mSDL_Display, selection);
- if (owner == None)
- {
- if (selection == XA_PRIMARY)
- {
- owner = DefaultRootWindow(mSDL_Display);
- selection = XA_CUT_BUFFER0;
- }
- else
- {
- maybe_unlock_display();
- return false;
- }
- }
- maybe_unlock_display();
- for( Atom atom : gSupportedAtoms )
- {
- if(getSelectionText(selection, atom, text ) )
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool LLWindowSDL::setSelectionText(Atom selection, const LLWString& text)
- maybe_lock_display();
- if (selection == XA_PRIMARY)
- {
- std::string utf8 = wstring_to_utf8str(text);
- XStoreBytes(mSDL_Display, utf8.c_str(), utf8.length() + 1);
- mPrimaryClipboard = text;
- }
- else
- mSecondaryClipboard = text;
- XSetSelectionOwner(mSDL_Display, selection, mSDL_XWindowID, CurrentTime);
- auto owner = XGetSelectionOwner(mSDL_Display, selection);
- maybe_unlock_display();
- return owner == mSDL_XWindowID;
-Display* LLWindowSDL::getSDLDisplay()
- if (gWindowImplementation)
- return gWindowImplementation->mSDL_Display;
- return nullptr;
LLWindowSDL::LLWindowSDL(LLWindowCallbacks* callbacks,
const std::string& title, S32 x, S32 y, S32 width,
S32 height, U32 flags,
@@ -409,10 +167,7 @@ LLWindowSDL::LLWindowSDL(LLWindowCallbacks* callbacks,
// Stash an object pointer for OSMessageBox()
gWindowImplementation = this;
-#if LL_X11
mFlashing = false;
- initialiseX11Clipboard();
-#endif // LL_X11
mKeyVirtualKey = 0;
mKeyModifiers = KMOD_NONE;
@@ -1333,85 +1088,70 @@ void LLWindowSDL::afterDialog()
-#if LL_X11
-// set/reset the XWMHints flag for 'urgency' that usually makes the icon flash
-void LLWindowSDL::x11_set_urgent(bool urgent)
- if (mSDL_Display && !mFullscreen)
- {
- XWMHints *wm_hints;
- LL_INFOS() << "X11 hint for urgency, " << urgent << LL_ENDL;
- maybe_lock_display();
- wm_hints = XGetWMHints(mSDL_Display, mSDL_XWindowID);
- if (!wm_hints)
- wm_hints = XAllocWMHints();
- if (urgent)
- wm_hints->flags |= XUrgencyHint;
- else
- wm_hints->flags &= ~XUrgencyHint;
- XSetWMHints(mSDL_Display, mSDL_XWindowID, wm_hints);
- XFree(wm_hints);
- XSync(mSDL_Display, False);
- maybe_unlock_display();
- }
-#endif // LL_X11
void LLWindowSDL::flashIcon(F32 seconds)
- if (getMinimized())
- {
-#if !LL_X11
- LL_INFOS() << "Stub LLWindowSDL::flashIcon(" << seconds << ")" << LL_ENDL;
- LL_INFOS() << "X11 LLWindowSDL::flashIcon(" << seconds << ")" << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_INFOS() << "LLWindowSDL::flashIcon(" << seconds << ")" << LL_ENDL;
- F32 remaining_time = mFlashTimer.getRemainingTimeF32();
- if (remaining_time < seconds)
- remaining_time = seconds;
- mFlashTimer.reset();
- mFlashTimer.setTimerExpirySec(remaining_time);
+ F32 remaining_time = mFlashTimer.getRemainingTimeF32();
+ if (remaining_time < seconds)
+ remaining_time = seconds;
+ mFlashTimer.reset();
+ mFlashTimer.setTimerExpirySec(remaining_time);
- x11_set_urgent(true);
- mFlashing = true;
-#endif // LL_X11
- }
+ SDL_FlashWindow(mWindow, SDL_FLASH_UNTIL_FOCUSED);
+ mFlashing = true;
bool LLWindowSDL::isClipboardTextAvailable()
- return mSDL_Display && XGetSelectionOwner(mSDL_Display, XA_CLIPBOARD) != None;
+ return SDL_HasClipboardText() == SDL_TRUE;
bool LLWindowSDL::pasteTextFromClipboard(LLWString &dst)
- return getSelectionText(XA_CLIPBOARD, dst);
+ if (isClipboardTextAvailable())
+ {
+ char* data = SDL_GetClipboardText();
+ if (data)
+ {
+ dst = LLWString(utf8str_to_wstring(data));
+ SDL_free(data);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
-bool LLWindowSDL::copyTextToClipboard(const LLWString &s)
+bool LLWindowSDL::copyTextToClipboard(const LLWString& text)
- return setSelectionText(XA_CLIPBOARD, s);
+ const std::string utf8 = wstring_to_utf8str(text);
+ return SDL_SetClipboardText(utf8.c_str()) == 0; // success == 0
bool LLWindowSDL::isPrimaryTextAvailable()
- LLWString text;
- return getSelectionText(XA_PRIMARY, text) && !text.empty();
+ return SDL_HasPrimarySelectionText() == SDL_TRUE;
bool LLWindowSDL::pasteTextFromPrimary(LLWString &dst)
- return getSelectionText(XA_PRIMARY, dst);
+ if (isPrimaryTextAvailable())
+ {
+ char* data = SDL_GetPrimarySelectionText();
+ if (data)
+ {
+ dst = LLWString(utf8str_to_wstring(data));
+ SDL_free(data);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
-bool LLWindowSDL::copyTextToPrimary(const LLWString &s)
+bool LLWindowSDL::copyTextToPrimary(const LLWString& text)
- return setSelectionText(XA_PRIMARY, s);
+ const std::string utf8 = wstring_to_utf8str(text);
+ return SDL_SetPrimarySelectionText(utf8.c_str()) == 0; // success == 0
LLWindow::LLWindowResolution* LLWindowSDL::getSupportedResolutions(S32 &num_resolutions)
@@ -1512,9 +1252,6 @@ bool LLWindowSDL::convertCoords(LLCoordGL from, LLCoordScreen *to)
return(convertCoords(from, &window_coord) && convertCoords(window_coord, to));
void LLWindowSDL::setupFailure(const std::string& text, const std::string& caption, U32 type)
@@ -1719,7 +1456,7 @@ void check_vm_bloat()
last_rss_size = this_rss_size;
last_vm_size = this_vm_size;
- finally:
if (NULL != ptr)
@@ -1993,20 +1730,18 @@ void LLWindowSDL::gatherInput()
-#if LL_X11
// This is a good time to stop flashing the icon if our mFlashTimer has
// expired.
if (mFlashing && mFlashTimer.hasExpired())
- x11_set_urgent(false);
+ SDL_FlashWindow(mWindow, SDL_FLASH_CANCEL);
mFlashing = false;
-#endif // LL_X11
static SDL_Cursor *makeSDLCursorFromBMP(const char *filename, int hotx, int hoty)
- SDL_Cursor *sdlcursor = NULL;
+ SDL_Cursor *sdlcursor = nullptr;
SDL_Surface *bmpsurface;
// Load cursor pixel data from BMP file
@@ -2347,62 +2082,6 @@ LLSD LLWindowSDL::getNativeKeyData()
return result;
-// extracted from spawnWebBrowser for clarity and to eliminate
-// compiler confusion regarding close(int fd) vs. LLWindow::close()
-void exec_cmd(const std::string& cmd, const std::string& arg)
- char* const argv[] = {(char*)cmd.c_str(), (char*)arg.c_str(), NULL};
- fflush(NULL);
- pid_t pid = fork();
- if (pid == 0)
- { // child
- // disconnect from stdin/stdout/stderr, or child will
- // keep our output pipe undesirably alive if it outlives us.
- // close(0);
- // close(1);
- // close(2);
- // <FS:TS> Reopen stdin, stdout, and stderr to /dev/null.
- // It's good practice to always have those file
- // descriptors open to something, lest the exec'd
- // program actually try to use them.
- FILE *result;
- result = freopen("/dev/null","r",stdin);
- if (result == NULL)
- {
- LL_WARNS() << "Error reopening stdin for web browser: "
- << strerror(errno) << LL_ENDL;
- }
- result = freopen("/dev/null","w",stdout);
- if (result == NULL)
- {
- LL_WARNS() << "Error reopening stdout for web browser: "
- << strerror(errno) << LL_ENDL;
- }
- result = freopen("/dev/null","w",stderr);
- if (result == NULL)
- {
- LL_WARNS() << "Error reopening stderr for web browser: "
- << strerror(errno) << LL_ENDL;
- }
- // end ourself by running the command
- execv(cmd.c_str(), argv); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
- // if execv returns at all, there was a problem.
- LL_WARNS() << "execv failure when trying to start " << cmd << LL_ENDL;
- _exit(1); // _exit because we don't want atexit() clean-up!
- } else {
- if (pid > 0)
- {
- // parent - wait for child to die
- int childExitStatus;
- waitpid(pid, &childExitStatus, 0);
- } else {
- LL_WARNS() << "fork failure." << LL_ENDL;
- }
- }
// Open a URL with the user's default web browser.
// Must begin with protocol identifier.
void LLWindowSDL::spawnWebBrowser(const std::string& escaped_url, bool async)
@@ -2426,35 +2105,14 @@ void LLWindowSDL::spawnWebBrowser(const std::string& escaped_url, bool async)
LL_INFOS() << "spawn_web_browser: " << escaped_url << LL_ENDL;
-# if LL_X11
- if (mSDL_Display)
+ if (SDL_OpenURL(escaped_url.c_str()) != 0)
- maybe_lock_display();
- // Just in case - before forking.
- XSync(mSDL_Display, False);
- maybe_unlock_display();
+ LL_WARNS() << "spawn_web_browser failed with error: " << SDL_GetError() << LL_ENDL;
-# endif // LL_X11
- std::string cmd, arg;
- cmd = gDirUtilp->getAppRODataDir();
- cmd += gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter();
- cmd += "etc";
- cmd += gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter();
- cmd += "";
- arg = escaped_url;
- exec_cmd(cmd, arg);
-#endif // LL_LINUX
LL_INFOS() << "spawn_web_browser returning." << LL_ENDL;
-void LLWindowSDL::openFile(const std::string& file_name)
- spawnWebBrowser("file://"+file_name,true);
void *LLWindowSDL::getPlatformWindow()
return NULL;
diff --git a/indra/llwindow/llwindowsdl.h b/indra/llwindow/llwindowsdl.h
index 10769bb3ba..966c397945 100644
--- a/indra/llwindow/llwindowsdl.h
+++ b/indra/llwindow/llwindowsdl.h
@@ -176,8 +176,6 @@ public:
void spawnWebBrowser(const std::string &escaped_url, bool async) override;
- void openFile(const std::string &file_name);
void setTitle(const std::string title) override;
static std::vector<std::string> getDynamicFallbackFontList();
@@ -247,8 +245,6 @@ protected:
void setupFailure(const std::string &text, const std::string &caption, U32 type);
- void fixWindowSize(void);
U32 SDLCheckGrabbyKeys(U32 keysym, bool gain);
bool SDLReallyCaptureInput(bool capture);
@@ -280,45 +276,15 @@ protected:
friend class LLWindowManager;
-#if LL_X11
- void x11_set_urgent(bool urgent);
bool mFlashing;
LLTimer mFlashTimer;
-#endif //LL_X11
U32 mKeyVirtualKey;
U32 mKeyModifiers;
std::string mInputType;
-#if LL_X11
- static Display *getSDLDisplay();
- LLWString const &getPrimaryText() const { return mPrimaryClipboard; }
- LLWString const &getSecondaryText() const { return mSecondaryClipboard; }
- void clearPrimaryText() { mPrimaryClipboard.clear(); }
- void clearSecondaryText() { mSecondaryClipboard.clear(); }
void tryFindFullscreenSize(int &aWidth, int &aHeight);
- void initialiseX11Clipboard();
- bool getSelectionText(Atom selection, LLWString &text);
- bool getSelectionText(Atom selection, Atom type, LLWString &text);
- bool setSelectionText(Atom selection, const LLWString &text);
- LLWString mPrimaryClipboard;
- LLWString mSecondaryClipboard;
class LLSplashScreenSDL : public LLSplashScreen