path: root/indra
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authorNat Goodspeed <>2024-03-23 17:43:07 +0900
committerNat Goodspeed <>2024-03-23 17:43:07 +0900
commit2dc003779443db99f46b3db6d17a1954f7b141dd (patch)
treeeb2db6ec9b5cbea3a157033dcd11d23aba2c5911 /indra
parentde1fc577666686fb0c3f8b38d8c6c90eb6dff414 (diff)
Make leap.request() work even from Lua's main thread.
Recast fiber.yield() as internal function scheduler(). Move after it so it can call scheduler() as a local function. Add new fiber.yield() that also calls scheduler(); the added value of this new fiber.yield() over plain scheduler() is that if scheduler() returns before the caller is ready (because the configured set_idle() function returned non-nil), it produces an explicit error rather than returning to its caller. So the caller can assume that when fiber.yield() returns normally, the calling fiber is ready. This allows any fiber, including the main thread, to call fiber.yield() or fiber.wait(). This supports using leap.request(), which posts a request and then waits on a WaitForReqid, which calls ErrorQueue:Dequeue(), which calls fiber.wait(). WaitQueue:_wake_waiters() must call fiber.status() instead of coroutine.status() so it understands the special token 'main'. Add a new llluamanager_test.cpp test to exercise calling leap.request() from Lua's main thread.
Diffstat (limited to 'indra')
3 files changed, 108 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/WaitQueue.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/WaitQueue.lua
index f69baff09b..a34dbef4d7 100644
--- a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/WaitQueue.lua
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/WaitQueue.lua
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ function WaitQueue:_wake_waiters()
-- more-or-less round robin fairness. But skip any coroutines that
-- have gone dead in the meantime.
local waiter = table.remove(self._waiters, 1)
- while waiter and coroutine.status(waiter) ~= "suspended" do
+ while waiter and fiber.status(waiter) == "dead" do
waiter = table.remove(self._waiters, 1)
-- do we still have at least one waiting coroutine?
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/fiber.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/fiber.lua
index 8ed99f12b7..7dc67f510c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/fiber.lua
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/fiber.lua
@@ -178,36 +178,6 @@ function fiber.wake(co)
-- but don't yet resume it: that happens next time we reach yield()
--- Run fibers until all but main have terminated: return nil.
--- Or until configured idle() callback returns x ~= nil: return x.
- -- A fiber calling run() is not also doing other useful work. Remove the
- -- calling fiber from the ready list. Otherwise yield() would keep seeing
- -- that our caller is ready and return to us, instead of realizing that
- -- all coroutines are waiting and call idle(). But don't say we're
- -- waiting, either, because then when all other fibers have terminated
- -- we'd call idle() forever waiting for something to make us ready again.
- local i = table.find(ready, fiber.running())
- if i then
- table.remove(ready, i)
- end
- local others, idle_done
- repeat
- debug('%s calling calling yield()', fiber.get_name())
- others, idle_done = fiber.yield()
- debug("%s's yield() returned %s, %s", fiber.get_name(),
- tostring(others), tostring(idle_done))
- until (not others)
- debug('%s done', fiber.get_name())
- -- For whatever it's worth, put our own fiber back in the ready list.
- table.insert(ready, fiber.running())
- -- Once there are no more waiting fibers, and the only ready fiber is
- -- us, return to caller. All previously-launched fibers are done. Possibly
- -- the chunk is done, or the chunk may decide to launch a new batch of
- -- fibers.
- return idle_done
-- pop and return the next not-dead fiber in the ready list, or nil if none remain
local function live_ready_iter()
-- don't write
@@ -237,16 +207,24 @@ local function prune_waiting()
--- Give other ready fibers a chance to run, leaving this one ready, returning
--- after a cycle. Returns:
--- * true, nil if there remain other live fibers, whether ready or waiting
+-- Run other ready fibers, leaving this one ready, returning after a cycle.
+-- Returns:
+-- * true, nil if there remain other live fibers, whether ready or waiting,
+-- but it's our turn to run
-- * false, nil if this is the only remaining fiber
--- * nil, x if configured idle() callback returned non-nil x
-function fiber.yield()
+-- * nil, x if configured idle() callback returns non-nil x
+local function scheduler()
+ -- scheduler() is asymmetric because Lua distinguishes the main thread
+ -- from other coroutines. The main thread can't yield; it can only resume
+ -- other coroutines. So although an arbitrary coroutine could resume still
+ -- other arbitrary coroutines, it could NOT resume the main thread because
+ -- the main thread can't yield. Therefore, scheduler() delegates its real
+ -- processing to the main thread. If called from a coroutine, pass control
+ -- back to the main thread.
if coroutine.running() then
-- seize the opportunity to make sure the viewer isn't shutting down
-- check_stop()
- -- this is a real coroutine, yield normally to main or whoever
+ -- this is a real coroutine, yield normally to main thread
-- main certainly still exists
return true
@@ -294,4 +272,60 @@ function fiber.yield()
until false
+-- Let other fibers run. This is useful in either of two cases:
+-- * fiber.wait() calls this to run other fibers while this one is waiting.
+-- fiber.yield() (and therefore fiber.wait()) works from the main thread as
+-- well as from explicitly-launched fibers, without the caller having to
+-- care.
+-- * A long-running fiber that doesn't often call fiber.wait() should sprinkle
+-- in fiber.yield() calls to interleave processing on other fibers.
+function fiber.yield()
+ -- The difference between this and is that fiber.yield()
+ -- assumes its caller has work to do. yield() returns to its caller as
+ -- soon as scheduler() pops this fiber from the ready list.
+ -- continues looping until all other fibers have terminated, or the
+ -- set_idle() callback tells it to stop.
+ local others, idle_done = scheduler()
+ -- scheduler() returns either if we're ready, or if idle_done ~= nil.
+ if idle_done ~= nil then
+ -- Returning normally from yield() means the caller can carry on with
+ -- its pending work. But in this case scheduler() returned because the
+ -- configured set_idle() function interrupted it -- not because we're
+ -- actually ready. Don't return normally.
+ error('fiber.set_idle() interrupted yield() with: ' .. tostring(idle_done))
+ end
+ -- We're ready! Just return to caller. In this situation we don't care
+ -- whether there are other ready fibers.
+-- Run fibers until all but main have terminated: return nil.
+-- Or until configured idle() callback returns x ~= nil: return x.
+ -- A fiber calling run() is not also doing other useful work. Remove the
+ -- calling fiber from the ready list. Otherwise yield() would keep seeing
+ -- that our caller is ready and return to us, instead of realizing that
+ -- all coroutines are waiting and call idle(). But don't say we're
+ -- waiting, either, because then when all other fibers have terminated
+ -- we'd call idle() forever waiting for something to make us ready again.
+ local i = table.find(ready, fiber.running())
+ if i then
+ table.remove(ready, i)
+ end
+ local others, idle_done
+ repeat
+ debug('%s calling calling scheduler()', fiber.get_name())
+ others, idle_done = scheduler()
+ debug("%s's scheduler() returned %s, %s", fiber.get_name(),
+ tostring(others), tostring(idle_done))
+ until (not others)
+ debug('%s done', fiber.get_name())
+ -- For whatever it's worth, put our own fiber back in the ready list.
+ table.insert(ready, fiber.running())
+ -- Once there are no more waiting fibers, and the only ready fiber is
+ -- us, return to caller. All previously-launched fibers are done. Possibly
+ -- the chunk is done, or the chunk may decide to launch a new batch of
+ -- fibers.
+ return idle_done
return fiber
diff --git a/indra/newview/tests/llluamanager_test.cpp b/indra/newview/tests/llluamanager_test.cpp
index d1beed84ef..0fd91c1354 100644
--- a/indra/newview/tests/llluamanager_test.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/tests/llluamanager_test.cpp
@@ -307,9 +307,43 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void object::test<5>()
- set_test_name("test leap.lua");
+ set_test_name("leap.request() from main thread");
const std::string lua(
- "-- test leap.lua\n"
+ "-- leap.request() from main thread\n"
+ "\n"
+ "leap = require 'leap'\n"
+ "\n"
+ "return {\n"
+ " a=leap.request('echo', {data='a'}).data,\n"
+ " b=leap.request('echo', {data='b'}).data\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ LLEventStream pump("echo", false);
+ LLTempBoundListener conn{
+ pump.listen(
+ "test<5>()",
+ listener([](const LLSD& data)
+ {
+ LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << "echo pump got: " << data << LL_ENDL;
+ LLEventPumps::instance().post(
+ data["reply"],
+ llsd::map("reqid", data["reqid"], "data", data["data"]));
+ }))
+ };
+ LuaState L;
+ auto [count, result] = LLLUAmanager::waitScriptLine(L, lua);
+ ensure_equals("Lua script didn't return item", count, 1);
+ ensure_equals("echo failed", result, llsd::map("a", "a", "b", "b"));
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<6>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("interleave leap.request() responses");
+ const std::string lua(
+ "-- interleave leap.request() responses\n"
"fiber = require('fiber')\n"
"leap = require('leap')\n"
@@ -359,16 +393,13 @@ namespace tut
"fiber.launch('catchall', drain, catchall)\n"
"fiber.launch('catch_special', drain, catch_special)\n"
"fiber.launch('requester(a)', requester, 'a')\n"
- "-- requester(a)\n"
"fiber.launch('requester(b)', requester, 'b')\n"
- "\n"
- "-- fiber.print_all()\n"
LLSD requests;
LLEventStream pump("testpump", false);
LLTempBoundListener conn{
- pump.listen("test<5>()",
+ pump.listen("test<6>()",
listener([&requests](const LLSD& data)
LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << "testpump got: " << data << LL_ENDL;