path: root/indra/newview
diff options
authorMerov Linden <>2014-05-06 21:24:06 -0700
committerMerov Linden <>2014-05-06 21:24:06 -0700
commite916b47f12ba0e84ee6b1faed687b920e49633f8 (patch)
tree93ff68492910edf072d20c430987a7ef5a020fdd /indra/newview
parentd24ff0bf0adeae1ce000551e3b9bdac528f5c162 (diff)
DD-22 : WIP : Implement the modify listing route. Made the code more readable and cleared old debug code
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview')
3 files changed, 162 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.cpp b/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.cpp
index e9abe6a466..f68d69b1c3 100755
--- a/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.cpp
@@ -3178,7 +3178,7 @@ void LLFolderBridge::performAction(LLInventoryModel* model, std::string action)
if (depth_nesting_in_marketplace(mUUID) == 1)
- LLMarketplaceData::instance().setActivation(mUUID,true);
+ LLMarketplaceData::instance().activateListing(mUUID,true);
@@ -3187,7 +3187,7 @@ void LLFolderBridge::performAction(LLInventoryModel* model, std::string action)
if (depth_nesting_in_marketplace(mUUID) == 2)
LLInventoryCategory* category = gInventory.getCategory(mUUID);
- LLMarketplaceData::instance().setVersionFolderID(category->getParentUUID(), mUUID);
+ LLMarketplaceData::instance().setVersionFolder(category->getParentUUID(), mUUID);
@@ -3195,7 +3195,7 @@ void LLFolderBridge::performAction(LLInventoryModel* model, std::string action)
if (depth_nesting_in_marketplace(mUUID) == 1)
- LLMarketplaceData::instance().setActivation(mUUID,false);
+ LLMarketplaceData::instance().activateListing(mUUID,false);
@@ -3204,7 +3204,7 @@ void LLFolderBridge::performAction(LLInventoryModel* model, std::string action)
if (depth_nesting_in_marketplace(mUUID) == 2)
LLInventoryCategory* category = gInventory.getCategory(mUUID);
- LLMarketplaceData::instance().setVersionFolderID(category->getParentUUID(), LLUUID::null);
+ LLMarketplaceData::instance().setVersionFolder(category->getParentUUID(), LLUUID::null);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llmarketplacefunctions.cpp b/indra/newview/llmarketplacefunctions.cpp
index 2178ecaaa2..15c1630a2a 100755
--- a/indra/newview/llmarketplacefunctions.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llmarketplacefunctions.cpp
@@ -104,19 +104,19 @@ LLSD getMarketplaceStringSubstitutions()
// SLM Responders
void log_SLM_error(const std::string& request, U32 status, const std::string& reason, const std::string& code, const std::string& description)
- LL_WARNS("SLM") << request << " request failed. status : " << status << ". reason : " << reason << ". code : " << code << ". description : " << description << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_WARNS("SLM") << "Merov : " << request << " request failed. status : " << status << ", reason : " << reason << ", code : " << code << ", description : " << description << LL_ENDL;
// Merov: This is a temporary hack used by dev while secondlife-staging is down...
// *TODO : Suppress that before shipping!
-static bool sBypassMerchant = false;
+static bool sBypassMerchant = true;
-class LLSLMMerchantResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder
+class LLSLMGetMerchantResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder
- LOG_CLASS(LLSLMMerchantResponder);
+ LOG_CLASS(LLSLMGetMerchantResponder);
- LLSLMMerchantResponder() {}
+ LLSLMGetMerchantResponder() {}
virtual void completed(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLSD& content) { }
@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ public:
-class LLSLMListingsResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder
+class LLSLMGetListingsResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder
- LOG_CLASS(LLSLMListingsResponder);
+ LOG_CLASS(LLSLMGetListingsResponder);
- LLSLMListingsResponder() {}
+ LLSLMGetListingsResponder() {}
virtual void completedRaw(U32 status,
const std::string& reason,
@@ -152,8 +152,7 @@ public:
if (!isGoodStatus(status))
- std::string error_code = llformat("%d",status);
- log_SLM_error("Get listings", status, reason, error_code, "");
+ log_SLM_error("Get listings", status, reason, "", "");
@@ -169,7 +168,9 @@ public:
log_SLM_error("Get listings", status, "Json parsing failed", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages(), body);
+ llinfos << "Merov : Get listings completedRaw : data = " << body << llendl;
// Extract the info from the Json string
Json::ValueIterator it = root["listings"].begin();
@@ -204,8 +205,7 @@ public:
if (!isGoodStatus(status))
- std::string error_code = llformat("%d",status);
- log_SLM_error("Post listings", status, reason, error_code, "");
+ log_SLM_error("Post listings", status, reason, "", "");
@@ -221,7 +221,9 @@ public:
log_SLM_error("Post listings", status, "Json parsing failed", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages(), body);
+ llinfos << "Merov : Create listing completedRaw : data = " << body << llendl;
// Extract the info from the Json string
Json::ValueIterator it = root["listings"].begin();
@@ -241,6 +243,64 @@ public:
+class LLSLMUpdateListingsResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder
+ LOG_CLASS(LLSLMUpdateListingsResponder);
+ LLSLMUpdateListingsResponder() {}
+ virtual void completedRaw(U32 status,
+ const std::string& reason,
+ const LLChannelDescriptors& channels,
+ const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer)
+ {
+ if (!isGoodStatus(status))
+ {
+ log_SLM_error("Put listings", status, reason, "", "");
+ return;
+ }
+ LLBufferStream istr(channels, buffer.get());
+ std::stringstream strstrm;
+ strstrm << istr.rdbuf();
+ const std::string body = strstrm.str();
+ Json::Value root;
+ Json::Reader reader;
+ if (!reader.parse(body,root))
+ {
+ log_SLM_error("Put listings", status, "Json parsing failed", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages(), body);
+ return;
+ }
+ llinfos << "Merov : Update listing completedRaw : data = " << body << llendl;
+ // Extract the info from the Json string
+ Json::ValueIterator it = root["listings"].begin();
+ while (it != root["listings"].end())
+ {
+ Json::Value listing = *it;
+ int listing_id = listing["id"].asInt();
+ bool is_listed = listing["is_listed"].asBool();
+ std::string folder_uuid_string = listing["inventory_info"]["listing_folder_id"].asString();
+ std::string version_uuid_string = listing["inventory_info"]["version_folder_id"].asString();
+ LLUUID folder_id(folder_uuid_string);
+ LLUUID version_id(version_uuid_string);
+ // Update that listing
+ LLMarketplaceData::instance().setListingID(folder_id, listing_id);
+ LLMarketplaceData::instance().setVersionFolderID(folder_id, version_id);
+ LLMarketplaceData::instance().setActivation(folder_id, is_listed);
+ it++;
+ }
+ }
// SLM Responders End
@@ -763,7 +823,6 @@ LLMarketplaceData::LLMarketplaceData() :
- mTestCurrentMarketplaceID = 1234567;
mInventoryObserver = new LLMarketplaceInventoryObserver;
@@ -773,11 +832,6 @@ LLMarketplaceData::~LLMarketplaceData()
-S32 LLMarketplaceData::getTestMarketplaceID()
- return mTestCurrentMarketplaceID++;
void LLMarketplaceData::initializeSLM(const status_updated_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
mMarketPlaceStatus = MarketplaceStatusCodes::MARKET_PLACE_INITIALIZING;
@@ -786,12 +840,12 @@ void LLMarketplaceData::initializeSLM(const status_updated_signal_t::slot_type&
mStatusUpdatedSignal = new status_updated_signal_t();
- LLHTTPClient::get(getSLMConnectURL("/merchant"), new LLSLMMerchantResponder(), LLSD());
+ LLHTTPClient::get(getSLMConnectURL("/merchant"), new LLSLMGetMerchantResponder(), LLSD());
void LLMarketplaceData::getSLMListings()
- LLHTTPClient::get(getSLMConnectURL("/listings"), new LLSLMListingsResponder(), LLSD());
+ LLHTTPClient::get(getSLMConnectURL("/listings"), new LLSLMGetListingsResponder(), LLSD());
void LLMarketplaceData::createSLMListing(const LLUUID& folder_id)
@@ -819,6 +873,36 @@ void LLMarketplaceData::createSLMListing(const LLUUID& folder_id)
LLHTTPClient::postRaw(getSLMConnectURL("/listings"), data, size, new LLSLMCreateListingsResponder(), headers);
+void LLMarketplaceData::updateSLMListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, S32 listing_id, const LLUUID& version_id, bool is_listed)
+ LLSD headers = LLSD::emptyMap();
+ headers["Accept"] = "application/json";
+ headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
+ Json::Value root;
+ Json::FastWriter writer;
+ // Note : we're assuming that sending unchanged info won't break anything server side...
+ root["listing"]["id"] = listing_id;
+ root["listing"]["is_listed"] = is_listed;
+ root["listing"]["inventory_info"]["listing_folder_id"] = folder_id.asString();
+ root["listing"]["inventory_info"]["version_folder_id"] = version_id.asString();
+ std::string json_str = writer.write(root);
+ // postRaw() takes ownership of the buffer and releases it later.
+ size_t size = json_str.size();
+ U8 *data = new U8[size];
+ memcpy(data, (U8*)(json_str.c_str()), size);
+ // Send request
+ std::string url = getSLMConnectURL("/listing/") + llformat("%d",listing_id);
+ llinfos << "Merov : updating listing : " << url << ", data = " << json_str << llendl;
+ LLHTTPClient::putRaw(url, data, size, new LLSLMUpdateListingsResponder(), headers);
+// PUT /associate_inventory/:listing_folder_id/:version_folder_id/:listing_id
std::string LLMarketplaceData::getSLMConnectURL(const std::string& route)
std::string url("");
@@ -847,7 +931,8 @@ void LLMarketplaceData::setSLMStatus(U32 status)
-// Creation / Deletion
+// Creation / Deletion / Update
+// Methods publicly called
bool LLMarketplaceData::createListing(const LLUUID& folder_id)
if (isListed(folder_id))
@@ -862,6 +947,47 @@ bool LLMarketplaceData::createListing(const LLUUID& folder_id)
return true;
+bool LLMarketplaceData::activateListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, bool activate)
+ // Folder id can be the root of the listing or not so we need to retrieve the root first
+ S32 depth = depth_nesting_in_marketplace(folder_id);
+ LLUUID listing_uuid = nested_parent_id(folder_id, depth);
+ S32 listing_id = getListingID(listing_uuid);
+ if (listing_id == 0)
+ {
+ // Listing doesn't exists -> exit with error
+ return false;
+ }
+ LLUUID version_uuid = getVersionFolderID(listing_uuid);
+ // Post the listing update request to SLM
+ updateSLMListing(listing_uuid, listing_id, version_uuid, activate);
+ return true;
+bool LLMarketplaceData::setVersionFolder(const LLUUID& folder_id, const LLUUID& version_id)
+ // Folder id can be the root of the listing or not so we need to retrieve the root first
+ S32 depth = depth_nesting_in_marketplace(folder_id);
+ LLUUID listing_uuid = nested_parent_id(folder_id, depth);
+ S32 listing_id = getListingID(listing_uuid);
+ if (listing_id == 0)
+ {
+ // Listing doesn't exists -> exit with error
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool is_listed = getActivationState(listing_uuid);
+ // Post the listing update request to SLM
+ updateSLMListing(listing_uuid, listing_id, version_id, is_listed);
+ return true;
+// Methods privately called or called by SLM responders to perform changes
bool LLMarketplaceData::addListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, S32 listing_id, const LLUUID& version_id, bool is_listed)
if (isListed(folder_id))
diff --git a/indra/newview/llmarketplacefunctions.h b/indra/newview/llmarketplacefunctions.h
index aa286adcc8..f0a1f2f4b8 100755
--- a/indra/newview/llmarketplacefunctions.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llmarketplacefunctions.h
@@ -164,8 +164,7 @@ public:
void getSLMListings();
//void getSLMListing();
void createSLMListing(const LLUUID& folder_id);
- //void modifySLMListing();
- //void associateSLMListing();
+ void updateSLMListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, S32 listing_id, const LLUUID& version_id, bool is_listed);
bool isEmpty() { return (mMarketplaceItems.size() == 0); }
@@ -175,6 +174,9 @@ public:
// Create/Delete Marketplace data set : each method returns true if the function succeeds, false if error
bool createListing(const LLUUID& folder_id);
+ bool activateListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, bool activate);
+ bool setVersionFolder(const LLUUID& folder_id, const LLUUID& version_id);
bool addListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, S32 listing_id, const LLUUID& version_id, bool is_listed);
bool associateListing(const LLUUID& folder_id, S32 listing_id);
bool deleteListing(const LLUUID& folder_id);
@@ -191,25 +193,22 @@ public:
bool setVersionFolderID(const LLUUID& folder_id, const LLUUID& version_id);
bool setActivation(const LLUUID& folder_id, bool activate);
+ // Used to flag if count values for Marketplace are likely to have to be updated
bool checkDirtyCount() { if (mDirtyCount) { mDirtyCount = false; return true; } else { return false; } }
void setDirtyCount() { mDirtyCount = true; }
- // Merov : Test method while waiting for SLM API
- S32 getTestMarketplaceID();
// SLM Private
std::string getSLMConnectURL(const std::string& route);
- marketplace_items_list_t mMarketplaceItems;
+ // Handling Marketplace connection and inventory connection
U32 mMarketPlaceStatus;
status_updated_signal_t * mStatusUpdatedSignal;
LLInventoryObserver* mInventoryObserver;
- bool mDirtyCount;
+ bool mDirtyCount; // If true, stock count value will be updating at the next check
- // Merov : This is for test only, waiting for SLM API
- S32 mTestCurrentMarketplaceID;
+ // The cache of SLM data (at last...)
+ marketplace_items_list_t mMarketplaceItems;