path: root/indra/newview
diff options
authorPtolemy <>2022-07-01 16:07:52 -0700
committerPtolemy <>2022-07-01 16:07:52 -0700
commit56a0a30e03787d3e0545bce0d76772e7fbf70ad2 (patch)
treed60b4191d06bc9faced217572e2c765b459f83ce /indra/newview
parentc7f5cb7c631c5b6a06fa0da88318608b9c09fc87 (diff)
SL-17682: PBR: Group IBL Spec and Diffuse debug flags
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/softenLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/softenLightF.glsl
index 89c4eb1b11..a7d2ea0b9b 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/softenLightF.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/softenLightF.glsl
@@ -40,18 +40,25 @@
#define DEBUG_PBR_ROUGH_PERCEPTUAL 0 // Output: grayscale Perceptual Roughness map
#define DEBUG_PBR_ROUGH_ALPHA 0 // Output: grayscale Alpha Roughness
-#define DEBUG_PBR_DIFFUSE 0 // Output: Radiance Lambertian
-#define DEBUG_PBR_NORMAL 0 // Output: passed in normal. To see raw normal map: set DEBUG_PBR_DIFFUSE_MAP 1, and in pbropaqueF set DEBUG_NORMAL_RAW
#define DEBUG_PBR_TANGENT 0 // Output: Tangent
#define DEBUG_PBR_BITANGENT 0 // Output: Bitangent
#define DEBUG_PBR_DOT_BV 0 // Output: graysacle dot(Bitangent,Vertex2Camera)
-#define DEBUG_PBR_DOT_NV 0 // Output: grayscale dot(Normal ,Vertex2Camera)
#define DEBUG_PBR_DOT_TV 0 // Output: grayscale dot(Tangent ,Vertex2Camera)
-#define DEBUG_PBR_BRDF_SCALE_BIAS 0 // Output: red green BRDF Scale Bias (GGX output)
+// IBL Spec
+#define DEBUG_PBR_NORMAL 0 // Output: passed in normal. To see raw normal map: set DEBUG_PBR_DIFFUSE_MAP 1, and in pbropaqueF set DEBUG_NORMAL_RAW
+#define DEBUG_PBR_V2C_RAW 0 // Output: vertex2camera
+#define DEBUG_PBR_DOT_NV 0 // Output: grayscale dot(Normal ,Vertex2Camera)
#define DEBUG_PBR_BRDF_UV 0 // Output: red green BRDF UV (GGX input)
+#define DEBUG_PBR_BRDF_SCALE_BIAS 0 // Output: red green BRDF Scale Bias (GGX output)
+#define DEBUG_PBR_FRESNEL 0 // Output: roughness dependent fresnel
+#define DEBUG_PBR_KSPEC 0 // Output: K spec
+#define DEBUG_PBR_REFLECTION_DIR 0 // Output: reflection dir
+#define DEBUG_PBR_SPEC_REFLECTION 0 // Output: environment reflection
+#define DEBUG_PBR_FSS_ESS_GGX 0 // Output: FssEssGGX
+#define DEBUG_PBR_SPEC 0 // Output: Final spec
-// Diffuse
+// IBL Diffuse
#define DEBUG_PBR_DIFFUSE_C 0 // Output: diffuse non metal mix
#define DEBUG_PBR_IRRADIANCE 0 // Output: Diffuse Irradiance
#define DEBUG_PBR_FSS_ESS_LAMBERT 0 // Output: FssEssLambert
@@ -60,19 +67,13 @@
#define DEBUG_PBR_FMS_EMS 0 // Output: FmsEms
#define DEBUG_PBR_DIFFUSE_K 0 // Output: diffuse FssEssLambert + FmsEms
#define DEBUG_PBR_DIFFUSE_PRE_AO 0 // Output: diffuse pre AO
+#define DEBUG_PBR_DIFFUSE 0 // Output: diffuse post AO
-#define DEBUG_PBR_FE_GGX 0 // Output: FssEssGGX
-#define DEBUG_PBR_FRESNEL 0 // Output: roughness dependent fresnel
#define DEBUG_PBR_IOR 0 // Output: grayscale IOR
-#define DEBUG_PBR_KSPEC 0 // Output: K spec
#define DEBUG_PBR_REFLECT0_BASE 0 // Output: black reflect0 default from ior
#define DEBUG_PBR_REFLECT0_MIX 0 // Output: diffuse reflect0 calculated from ior
#define DEBUG_PBR_REFLECTANCE 0 // Output: diffuse reflectance -- NOT USED
-#define DEBUG_PBR_REFLECTION 0 // Output: reflection dir
-#define DEBUG_PBR_SPEC 0 // Output: Final spec
-#define DEBUG_PBR_SPEC_REFLECTION 0 // Output: environment reflection
#define DEBUG_PBR_SPEC_WEIGHT 0 // Output: specWeight
-#define DEBUG_PBR_V2C_RAW 0 // Output: vertex2camera
#define DEBUG_PBR_V2C_REMAP 0 // Output: vertex2camera (remap [-1,1] -> [0,1])
#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable
@@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ void main()
color.rgb = FmsEms;
color.rgb = FssEssGGX; // spec
@@ -410,7 +411,7 @@ void main()
color.rgb = vec3(reflectance);
color.rgb = reflect(-v, n); // NOTE: equivalent to normalize(reflect(,;