path: root/indra/newview
diff options
authorAnsariel <none@none>2016-04-05 11:25:01 +0200
committerAnsariel <none@none>2016-04-05 11:25:01 +0200
commit298fa0828e0c7e233bf39b4876bdd5c42b7826d6 (patch)
treed32adb7a155cb1ca49eb241a943323ca1ab9fa99 /indra/newview
parent4b5be54063a257ed70909332de0721d954d697e3 (diff)
Remove code duplication caused by merge with 4.0.3
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloatermodelpreview.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloatermodelpreview.cpp
index a6a9838a3c..925b59d29e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloatermodelpreview.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloatermodelpreview.cpp
@@ -3719,10 +3719,6 @@ BOOL LLModelPreview::render()
if (regen)
genBuffers(mPreviewLOD, skin_weight);
- {
- LL_INFOS() << "Vertex Buffer[" << mPreviewLOD << "]" << " is EMPTY!!!" << LL_ENDL;
- regen = TRUE;
- }
if (!skin_weight)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llmeshrepository.cpp b/indra/newview/llmeshrepository.cpp
index 9387bd0adb..0aaed3e286 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llmeshrepository.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llmeshrepository.cpp
@@ -2363,164 +2363,6 @@ void LLMeshUploadThread::wholeModelToLLSD(LLSD& dest, bool include_textures)
- for (instance_map::iterator iter = mInstance.begin(); iter != mInstance.end(); ++iter)
- {
- LLMeshUploadData data;
- data.mBaseModel = iter->first;
- if (!data.mBaseModel->mSubmodelID)
- {
- // These were handled above already...
- //
- continue;
- }
- LLModelInstance& first_instance = *(iter->second.begin());
- for (S32 i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- data.mModel[i] = first_instance.mLOD[i];
- }
- if (mesh_index.find(data.mBaseModel) == mesh_index.end())
- {
- // Have not seen this model before - create a new mesh_list entry for it.
- if (model_name.empty())
- {
- model_name = data.mBaseModel->getName();
- }
- if (model_metric.empty())
- {
- model_metric = data.mBaseModel->getMetric();
- }
- std::stringstream ostr;
- LLModel::Decomposition& decomp =
- data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].notNull() ?
- data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS]->mPhysics :
- data.mBaseModel->mPhysics;
- decomp.mBaseHull = mHullMap[data.mBaseModel];
- LLSD mesh_header = LLModel::writeModel(
- ostr,
- data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS],
- data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_HIGH],
- data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_MEDIUM],
- data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_LOW],
- data.mModel[LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR],
- decomp,
- mUploadSkin,
- mUploadJoints,
- data.mBaseModel->mSubmodelID);
- data.mAssetData = ostr.str();
- std::string str = ostr.str();
- res["mesh_list"][mesh_num] = LLSD::Binary(str.begin(),str.end());
- mesh_index[data.mBaseModel] = mesh_num;
- mesh_num++;
- }
- // For all instances that use this model
- for (instance_list::iterator instance_iter = iter->second.begin();
- instance_iter != iter->second.end();
- ++instance_iter)
- {
- LLModelInstance& instance = *instance_iter;
- LLSD instance_entry;
- for (S32 i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- data.mModel[i] = instance.mLOD[i];
- }
- LLVector3 pos, scale;
- LLQuaternion rot;
- LLMatrix4 transformation = instance.mTransform;
- decomposeMeshMatrix(transformation,pos,rot,scale);
- instance_entry["position"] = ll_sd_from_vector3(pos);
- instance_entry["rotation"] = ll_sd_from_quaternion(rot);
- instance_entry["scale"] = ll_sd_from_vector3(scale);
- instance_entry["material"] = LL_MCODE_WOOD;
- instance_entry["physics_shape_type"] = (U8)(LLViewerObject::PHYSICS_SHAPE_NONE);
- instance_entry["mesh"] = mesh_index[data.mBaseModel];
- instance_entry["face_list"] = LLSD::emptyArray();
- // We want to be able to allow more than 8 materials...
- //
- S32 end = llmin((S32)instance.mMaterial.size(), instance.mModel->getNumVolumeFaces()) ;
- for (S32 face_num = 0; face_num < end; face_num++)
- {
- LLImportMaterial& material = instance.mMaterial[data.mBaseModel->mMaterialList[face_num]];
- LLSD face_entry = LLSD::emptyMap();
- LLViewerFetchedTexture *texture = NULL;
- if (material.mDiffuseMapFilename.size())
- {
- texture = FindViewerTexture(material);
- }
- if ((texture != NULL) &&
- (textures.find(texture) == textures.end()))
- {
- textures.insert(texture);
- }
- std::stringstream texture_str;
- if (texture != NULL && include_textures && mUploadTextures)
- {
- if(texture->hasSavedRawImage())
- {
- LLPointer<LLImageJ2C> upload_file =
- LLViewerTextureList::convertToUploadFile(texture->getSavedRawImage());
- if (!upload_file.isNull() && upload_file->getDataSize())
- {
- texture_str.write((const char*) upload_file->getData(), upload_file->getDataSize());
- }
- }
- }
- if (texture != NULL &&
- mUploadTextures &&
- texture_index.find(texture) == texture_index.end())
- {
- texture_index[texture] = texture_num;
- std::string str = texture_str.str();
- res["texture_list"][texture_num] = LLSD::Binary(str.begin(),str.end());
- texture_num++;
- }
- // Subset of TextureEntry fields.
- if (texture != NULL && mUploadTextures)
- {
- face_entry["image"] = texture_index[texture];
- face_entry["scales"] = 1.0;
- face_entry["scalet"] = 1.0;
- face_entry["offsets"] = 0.0;
- face_entry["offsett"] = 0.0;
- face_entry["imagerot"] = 0.0;
- }
- face_entry["diffuse_color"] = ll_sd_from_color4(material.mDiffuseColor);
- face_entry["fullbright"] = material.mFullbright;
- instance_entry["face_list"][face_num] = face_entry;
- }
- res["instance_list"][instance_num] = instance_entry;
- instance_num++;
- }
- }
if (model_name.empty()) model_name = "mesh model";
result["name"] = model_name;
if (model_metric.empty()) model_metric = "MUT_Unspecified";