path: root/indra/newview/skins
diff options
authorGeenz <>2013-02-06 14:53:04 -0500
committerGeenz <>2013-02-06 14:53:04 -0500
commit5a6c0198d97d91c511b2a024db94ef27d4d67eb0 (patch)
tree533c5018cbc62d05ef4cbb79baac505ab89f570e /indra/newview/skins
parentf3ef69ec19c3fb54d53aba1aa2ac49bc8140b591 (diff)
parente7c0f69c8e0509d822c6f7410bc0d5bb10fde522 (diff)
Merged with latest viewer-dev.
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/skins')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 1751 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
index 44c18c2cce..c8f5cbb2b0 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
@@ -8874,14 +8874,6 @@ Cannot save to object contents: This would modify the attachment permissions.
- name="NoPermToEdit"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Not permitted to edit this!
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
@@ -8922,47 +8914,6 @@ You cannot modify the navmesh across region boundaries.
- name="NoPermModifyObject"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You don't have permission to modify that object.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantEnablePhysObjContributesToNav"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't enable physics for an object that contributes to the navmesh.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantEnablePhysKeyframedObj"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't enable physics for keyframed objects.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantEnablePhysNotEnoughLandResources"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't enable physics for object -- insufficient land resources.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantEnablePhysCostTooGreat"
- persist="true"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't enable physics for object with physics resource cost greater than [MAX_OBJECTS]
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
@@ -9987,1693 +9938,4 @@ An internal error prevented us from properly updating your viewer. The L$ balan
Cannot create large prims that intersect other players. Please re-try when other players have moved.
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AvatarFrozen"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-[AV_FREEZER] has frozen you. You cannot move or interact with the world.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AvatarFrozenDuration"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-[AV_FREEZER] has frozen you for [AV_FREEZE_TIME] seconds. You cannot move or interact with the world.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="YouFrozeAvatar"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Avatar frozen.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AvatarHasUnFrozenYou"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-[AV_FREEZER] has unfrozen you.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AvatarUnFrozen"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Avatar unfrozen.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AvatarFreezeFailure"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Freeze failed because you don't have admin permission for that parcel.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AvatarFreezeThaw"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Your freeze expired, go about your business.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AvatarCantFreeze"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Sorry, can't freeze that user.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NowOwnObject"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You are now the owner of object [OBJECT_NAME]
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantRezOnLand"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't rez object at [OBJECT_POS] because the owner of this land does not allow it. Use the land tool to see land ownership.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="RezFailTooManyRequests"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Object can not be rezzed because there are too many requests.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="SitFailCantMove"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You cannot sit because you cannot move at this time.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="SitFailNotAllowedOnLand"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You cannot sit because you are not allowed on that land.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="SitFailNotSameRegion"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Try moving closer. Can't sit on object because
-it is not in the same region as you.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoNewObjectRegionFull"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to create new object. The region is full.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="FailedToPlaceObject"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Failed to place object at specified location. Please try again.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoOwnNoGardening"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You Can't create trees and grass on land you don't own.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoCopyPermsNoObject"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Copy failed because you lack permission to copy the object '[OBJ_NAME]'.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoTransPermsNoObject"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Copy failed because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' cannot be transferred to you.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AddToNavMeshNoCopy"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Copy failed because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' contributes to navmesh.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="DupeWithNoRootsSelected"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Duplicate with no root objects selected.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDupeCuzRegionIsFull"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't duplicate objects because the region is full.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDupeCuzParcelNotFound"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't duplicate objects - Can't find the parcel they are on.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreateCuzParcelFull"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't create object because
-the parcel is full.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="RezAttemptFailed"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Attempt to rez an object failed.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ToxicInvRezAttemptFailed"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to create item that has caused problems on this region.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="InvItemIsBlacklisted"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-That inventory item has been blacklisted.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoCanRezObjects"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You are not currently allowed to create objects.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LandSearchBlocked"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Land Search Blocked.
-You have performed too many land searches too quickly.
-Please try again in a minute.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NotEnoughResourcesToAttach"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Not enough script resources available to attach object!
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="YouDiedAndGotTPHome"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You died and have been teleported to your home location
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="EjectComingSoon"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You are no longer allowed here and have [EJECT_TIME] seconds to leave.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoEnterServerFull"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You can't enter this region because
-the server is full.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="SaveBackToInvDisabled"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Save Back To Inventory has been disabled.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoExistNoSaveToContents"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot save '[OBJ_NAME]' to object contents because the object it was rezzed from no longer exists.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoModNoSaveToContents"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot save '[OBJ_NAME]' to object contents because you do not have permission to modify the object '[DEST_NAME]'.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoSaveBackToInvDisabled"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot save '[OBJ_NAME]' back to inventory -- this operation has been disabled.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoCopyNoSelCopy"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You cannot copy your selection because you do not have permission to copy the object '[OBJ_NAME]'.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoTransNoSelCopy"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You cannot copy your selection because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' is not transferrable.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoTransNoCopy"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You cannot copy your selection because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' is not transferrable.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoPermsNoRemoval"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Removal of the object '[OBJ_NAME]' from the simulator is disallowed by the permissions system.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoModNoSaveSelection"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot save your selection because you do not have permission to modify the object '[OBJ_NAME]'.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoCopyNoSaveSelection"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot save your selection because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' is not copyable.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoModNoTaking"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You cannot take your selection because you do not have permission to modify the object '[OBJ_NAME]'.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="RezDestInternalError"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Internal Error: Unknown destination type.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="DeleteFailObjNotFound"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Delete failed because object not found
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="SorryCantEjectUser"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Sorry, can't eject that user.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="RegionSezNotAHome"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-This region does not allow you to set your home location here.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HomeLocationLimits"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You can only set your 'Home Location' on your land or at a mainland Infohub.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HomePositionSet"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Home position set.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AvatarEjected"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Avatar ejected.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AvatarEjectFailed"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Eject failed because you don't have admin permission for that parcel.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantMoveObjectParcelFull"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't move object '[OBJECT_NAME]' to
-[OBJ_POSITION] in region [REGION_NAME] because the parcel is full.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantMoveObjectParcelPerms"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't move object '[OBJECT_NAME]' to
-[OBJ_POSITION] in region [REGION_NAME] because your objects are not allowed on this parcel.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantMoveObjectParcelResources"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't move object '[OBJECT_NAME]' to
-[OBJ_POSITION] in region [REGION_NAME] because there are not enough resources for this object on this parcel.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantMoveObjectRegionVersion"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't move object '[OBJECT_NAME]' to
-[OBJ_POSITION] in region [REGION_NAME] because the other region is running an older version which does not support receiving this object via region crossing.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantMoveObjectNavMesh"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't move object '[OBJECT_NAME]' to
-[OBJ_POSITION] in region [REGION_NAME] because you cannot modify the navmesh across region boundaries.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantMoveObjectWTF"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't move object '[OBJECT_NAME]' to
-[OBJ_POSITION] in region [REGION_NAME] because of an unknown reason. ([FAILURE_TYPE])
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoPermModifyObject"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You don't have permission to modify that object
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantEnablePhysObjContributesToNav"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't enable physics for an object that contributes to the navmesh.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantEnablePhysKeyframedObj"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't enable physics for keyframed objects.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantEnablePhysNotEnoughLandResources"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't enable physics for object -- insufficient land resources.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantEnablePhysCostTooGreat"
- persist="true"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't enable physics for object with physics resource cost greater than [MAX_OBJECTS]
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="PhantomWithConcavePiece"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-This object cannot have a concave piece because it is phantom and contributes to the navmesh.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="UnableAddItem"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to add item!
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="UnableEditItem"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to edit this!
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoPermToEdit"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Not permitted to edit this.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoPermToCopyInventory"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Not permitted to copy that inventory.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantSaveItemDoesntExist"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot save to object contents: Item no longer exists.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantSaveItemAlreadyExists"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot save to object contents: Item with that name already exists in inventory
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantSaveModifyAttachment"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot save to object contents: This would modify the attachment permissions.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoPermToEdit"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Not permitted to edit this!
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="TooManyScripts"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Too many scripts.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="UnableAddScript"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to add script!
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AssetServerTimeoutObjReturn"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Asset server didn't respond in a timely fashion. Object returned to sim.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="RegionDisablePhysicsShapes"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-This region does not have physics shapes enabled.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoModNavmeshAcrossRegions"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You cannot modify the navmesh across region boundaries.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoPermModifyObject"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You don't have permission to modify that object.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantEnablePhysObjContributesToNav"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't enable physics for an object that contributes to the navmesh.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantEnablePhysKeyframedObj"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't enable physics for keyframed objects.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantEnablePhysNotEnoughLandResources"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't enable physics for object -- insufficient land resources.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantEnablePhysCostTooGreat"
- persist="true"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't enable physics for object with physics resource cost greater than [MAX_OBJECTS]
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoSetPhysicsPropertiesOnObjectType"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot set physics properties on that object type.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoSetRootPrimWithNoShape"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot set root prim to have no shape.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoRegionSupportPhysMats"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-This region does not have physics materials enabled.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="OnlyRootPrimPhysMats"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Only root prims may have their physics materials adjusted.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoSupportCharacterPhysMats"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Setting physics materials on characters is not yet supported.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="InvalidPhysMatProperty"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-One or more of the specified physics material properties was invalid.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoPermsAlterStitchingMeshObj"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You may not alter the stitching type of a mesh object.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoPermsAlterShapeMeshObj"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You may not alter the shape of a mesh object
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="FullRegionCantEnter"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You can't enter this region because \nthe region is full.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LinkFailedOwnersDiffer"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Link failed -- owners differ
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LinkFailedNoModNavmeshAcrossRegions"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Link failed -- cannot modify the navmesh across region boundaries.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LinkFailedNoPermToEdit"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Link failed because you do not have edit permission.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LinkFailedTooManyPrims"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Link failed -- too many primitives
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LinkFailedCantLinkNoCopyNoTrans"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Link failed -- cannot link no-copy with no-transfer
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LinkFailedNothingLinkable"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Link failed -- nothing linkable.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LinkFailedTooManyPathfindingChars"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Link failed -- too many pathfinding characters
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LinkFailedInsufficientLand"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Link failed -- insufficient land resources
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LinkFailedTooMuchPhysics"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Object uses too many physics resources -- its dynamics have been disabled.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="TeleportedHomeByObjectOnParcel"
- persist="true"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You have been teleported home by the object '[OBJECT_NAME]' on the parcel '[PARCEL_NAME]'
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="TeleportedHomeByObject"
- persist="true"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You have been teleported home by the object '[OBJECT_NAME]'
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="TeleportedByAttachment"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You have been teleported by an attachment on [ITEM_ID]
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="TeleportedByObjectOnParcel"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You have been teleported by the object '[OBJECT_NAME]' on the parcel '[PARCEL_NAME]'
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="TeleportedByObjectOwnedBy"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You have been teleported by the object '[OBJECT_NAME]' owned by [OWNER_ID]
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="TeleportedByObjectUnknownUser"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You have been teleported by the object '[OBJECT_NAME]' owned by an unknown user.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreateObjectRegionFull"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to create requested object. The region is full.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantAttackMultipleObjOneSpot"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You can't attach multiple objects to one spot.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreateMultipleObjAtLoc"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You can't create multiple objects here.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="UnableToCreateObjTimeOut"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to create requested object. Object is missing from database.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="UnableToCreateObjUnknown"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to create requested object. The request timed out. Please try again.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="UnableToCreateObjMissingFromDB"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to create requested object. Please try again.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="RezFailureTookTooLong"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Rez failed, requested object took too long to load.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="FailedToPlaceObjAtLoc"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Failed to place object at specified location. Please try again.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreatePlantsOnLand"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You cannot create plants on this land.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantRestoreObjectNoWorldPos"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot restore object. No world position found.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantRezObjectInvalidMeshData"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to rez object because its mesh data is invalid.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantRezObjectTooManyScripts"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to rez object because there are already too many scripts in this region.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreateObjectNoAccess"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Your access privileges don't allow you to create objects there.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreateObject"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You are not currently allowed to create objects.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="InvalidObjectParams"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Invalid object parameters
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDuplicateObjectNoAcess"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Your access privileges don't allow you to duplicate objects here.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantChangeShape"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You are not allowed to change this shape.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoAccessToClaimObjects"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Your access privileges don't allow you to claim objects here.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="DeedFailedNoPermToDeedForGroup"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Deed failed because you do not have permission to deed objects for your group.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="NoPrivsToBuyObject"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Your access privileges don't allow you to buy objects here.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantAttachObjectAvatarSittingOnIt"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot attach object because an avatar is sitting on it.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="WhyAreYouTryingToWearShrubbery"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Trees and grasses cannot be worn as attachments.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantAttachGroupOwnedObjs"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot attach group-owned objects.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantAttachObjectsNotOwned"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot attach objects that you don't own.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantAttachNavmeshObjects"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot attach objects that contribute to navmesh.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantAttachObjectNoMovePermissions"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot attach object because you do not have permission to move it.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantAttachNotEnoughScriptResources"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Not enough script resources available to attach object!
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDropItemTrialUser"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You can't drop objects here; try the Free Trial area.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDropMeshAttachment"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You can't drop mesh attachments. Detach to inventory and then rez in world.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDropAttachmentNoPermission"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Failed to drop attachment: you don't have permission to drop there.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDropAttachmentInsufficientLandResources"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Failed to drop attachment: insufficient available land resource.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDropAttachmentInsufficientResources"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Failed to drop attachments: insufficient available resources.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDropObjectFullParcel"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot drop object here. Parcel is full.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantTouchObjectBannedFromParcel"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't touch/grab this object because you are banned from the land parcel.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="PlzNarrowDeleteParams"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Please narrow your delete parameters.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="UnableToUploadAsset"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to upload asset.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantTeleportCouldNotFindUser"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Could not find user to teleport home
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="GodlikeRequestFailed"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-godlike request failed
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="GenericRequestFailed"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-generic request failed
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantUploadPostcard"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to upload postcard. Try again later.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantFetchInventoryForGroupNotice"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to fetch inventory details for the group notice.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantSendGroupNoticeNotPermitted"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to send group notice -- not permitted.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantSendGroupNoticeCantConstructInventory"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to send group notice -- could not construct inventory.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantParceInventoryInNotice"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to parse inventory in notice.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="TerrainUploadFailed"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Terrain upload failed.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="TerrainFileWritten"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Terrain file written.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="TerrainFileWrittenStartingDownload"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Terrain file written, starting download...
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="TerrainBaked"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Terrain baked.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="TenObjectsDisabledPlzRefresh"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Only the first 10 selected objects have been disabled. Refresh and make additional selections if required.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="UpdateViewerBuyParcel"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You need to update your viewer to buy this parcel.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LandBuyAccessBlocked"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You can't buy this land due to your maturity Rating. You may need to validate your age and/or install the latest Viewer. Please go to the Knowledge Base for details on accessing areas with this maturity Rating.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantBuyParcelNotForSale"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to buy, this parcel is not for sale.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantBuySalePriceOrLandAreaChanged"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to buy, the sale price or land area has changed.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantBuyParcelNotAuthorized"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You are not the authorized buyer for this parcel.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantBuyParcelAwaitingPurchaseAuth"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You cannot purchase this parcel because it is already awaiting purchase aut
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantBuildOverflowParcel"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You cannot build objects here because doing so would overflow the parcel.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="SelectedMultipleOwnedLand"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You selected land with different owners. Please select a smaller area and try again.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantJoinTooFewLeasedParcels"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Not enough leased parcels in selection to join.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDivideLandMultipleParcelsSelected"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't divide land.\nThere is more than one parcel selected.\nTry selecting a smaller piece of land.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDivideLandCantFindParcel"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't divide land.\nCan't find the parcel.\nPlease report with Help -> Reprt Bug...
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDivideLandWholeParcelSelected"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't divide land. Whole parcel is selected.\nTry selecting a smaller piece of land.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LandHasBeenDivided"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Land has been divided.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="PassPurchased"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You purchased a pass.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="RegionDisallowsClassifieds"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Region does not allow classified advertisements.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="LandPassExpireSoon"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Your pass to this land is about to expire.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantSitNoSuitableSurface"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-There is no suitable surface to sit on, try another spot.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantSitNoRoom"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-No room to sit here, try another spot.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AutopilotCanceled"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Autopilot canceled
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ClaimObjectFailedNoPermission"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Claim object failed because you don't have permission
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ClaimObjectFailedNoMoney"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Claim object failed because you don't have enough L$.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDeedGroupLand"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot deed group-owned land.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="BuyObjectFailedNoMoney"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Buy object failed because you don't have enough L$.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="BuyInventoryFailedNoMoney"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Buy inventory failed because you do not have enough L$
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="BuyPassFailedNoMoney"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You don't have enough L$ to buy a pass to this land.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantBuyPassTryAgain"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to buy pass right now. Try again later.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreateObjectParcelFull"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Can't create object because \nthe parcel is full.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="FailedPlacingObject"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Failed to place object at specified location. Please try again.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreateLandmarkForEvent"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to create landmark for event.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="GodBeatsFreeze"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Your godlike powers break the freeze!
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="SpecialPowersRequestFailedLogged"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Request for special powers failed. This request has been logged.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ExpireExplanation"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-The system is currently unable to process your request. The request timed out.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="DieExplanation"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-The system is unable to process your request.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="AddPrimitiveFailure"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Insufficient funds to create primitve.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="RezObjectFailure"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Insufficient funds to create object.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ResetHomePositionNotLegal"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Reset Home position since Home wasn't legal.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantInviteRegionFull"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You cannot currently invite anyone to your location because the region is full. Try again later.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantSetHomeAtRegion"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-This region does not allow you to set your home location here.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ListValidHomeLocations"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You can only set your 'Home Location' on your land or at a mainland Infohub.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="SetHomePosition"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Home position set.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDerezInventoryError"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot derez object due to inventory fault.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreateRequestedInv"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot create requested inventory.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreateRequestedInvFolder"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot create requested inventory folder.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreateInventory"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot create that inventory.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreateLandmark"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot create landmark.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantCreateOutfit"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Cannot create outfit right now. Try again in a minute.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="InventoryNotForSale"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Inventory is not for sale.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantFindInvItem"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to find inventory item.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantFindObject"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Unable to find object.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantTransfterMoneyRegionDisabled"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Money transfers to objects are currently disabled in this region.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantPayNoAgent"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Could not figure out who to pay.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="CantDonateToPublicObjects"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-You cannot give L$ to public objects.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="InventoryCreationInWorldObjectFailed"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-Inventory creation on in-world object failed.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="UserBalanceOrLandUsageError"
- type="notify">
- <tag>fail</tag>
-An internal error prevented us from properly updating your viewer. The L$ balance or parcel holdings displayed in your viewer may not reflect your actual balance on the servers.
- </notification>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml
index 849f3ef73d..7eb0fac2be 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml
@@ -152,19 +152,6 @@
- <text
- type="string"
- length="1"
- follows="left|top"
- halign="center"
- height="12"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="87"
- name="ShadersPrefText3"
- top_delta="0"
- width="80">
- High
- </text>