path: root/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_model_preview.xml
diff options
authorWilliam Todd Stinson <>2012-11-09 16:44:49 -0800
committerWilliam Todd Stinson <>2012-11-09 16:44:49 -0800
commitef26660c3087d848899023e8986db2aec752cf3f (patch)
treeba4e6d0d926636d7c070cd1405cb7e98d0d4e541 /indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_model_preview.xml
parent1cf636f7e712fb5ea1c71130ab1c7427eb9cad7a (diff)
parent42c957e9d823ee5124fa1ac992fc0e803a3b0d9a (diff)
Pull and merge from
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_model_preview.xml')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_model_preview.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_model_preview.xml
index 970e9e6f4f..22b3d3b065 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_model_preview.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_model_preview.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<floater name="Model Preview" title="上傳模型">
- <string name="status_idle">
- 閒置中
+ <string name="status_idle"/>
+ <string name="status_parse_error">
+ 錯誤:剖析 dae 時出錯,詳見記錄檔。
+ </string>
+ <string name="status_material_mismatch">
+ 錯誤:模型材料並非參考模型的子集合。
<string name="status_reading_file">
@@ -12,6 +16,9 @@
<string name="status_vertex_number_overflow">
錯誤:頂點數目超過 65534,程序已中止!
+ <string name="bad_element">
+ 錯誤:無效的元件
+ </string>
<string name="high">
@@ -45,6 +52,9 @@
<string name="mesh_status_missing_lod">
+ <string name="mesh_status_invalid_material_list">
+ 細節層次材料並非參考模型的子集合。
+ </string>
<string name="layer_all">
@@ -54,178 +64,249 @@
<string name="simplifying">
- <text name="name_label">
- 名稱:
- </text>
- <text name="lod_label">
- 預覽:
- </text>
- <combo_box name="preview_lod_combo" tool_tip="要在呈像預覽中察看的細節層次">
- <combo_item name="high">
- 細節層次:高度
- </combo_item>
- <combo_item name="medium">
- 細節層次:中度
- </combo_item>
- <combo_item name="low">
- 細節層次:低度
- </combo_item>
- <combo_item name="lowest">
- 細節層次:最低
- </combo_item>
- </combo_box>
- <panel>
- <text name="streaming cost">
- 資源花費:[COST]
- </text>
- <text name="physics cost">
- 物理花費:[COST]
- </text>
- <text name="upload fee">
- 上傳費:無
- </text>
- </panel>
- <text name="status">
- </text>
- <button label="預設值" name="reset_btn" tool_tip="重設為預設值"/>
- <button label="上傳" name="ok_btn" tool_tip="上傳至模擬器"/>
- <button label="取消" name="cancel_btn"/>
- <tab_container name="import_tab">
- <panel label="細節層次" name="lod_panel">
- <text name="lod_table_header">
- 選擇細節層次:
- </text>
- <text name="high_label" value="高"/>
- <text name="high_triangles" value="0"/>
- <text name="high_vertices" value="0"/>
- <text name="medium_label" value="中"/>
- <text name="medium_triangles" value="0"/>
- <text name="medium_vertices" value="0"/>
- <text name="low_label" value="低"/>
- <text name="low_triangles" value="0"/>
- <text name="low_vertices" value="0"/>
- <text name="lowest_label" value="最低"/>
- <text name="lowest_triangles" value="0"/>
- <text name="lowest_vertices" value="0"/>
- <text name="lod_table_footer">
- 細節層次:[DETAIL]
- </text>
- <radio_group name="lod_file_or_limit" value="lod_from_file">
- <radio_item label="從檔案載入" name="lod_from_file"/>
- <radio_item label="自動生成" name="lod_auto_generate"/>
- <radio_item label="無" name="lod_none"/>
- </radio_group>
- <button label="瀏覽…" name="lod_browse"/>
- <combo_box name="lod_mode">
- <combo_item name="triangle_limit">
- 三角形上限
- </combo_item>
- <combo_item name="error_threshold">
- 錯誤門檻
- </combo_item>
- </combo_box>
- <text name="build_operator_text">
- 建製操作元:
- </text>
- <text name="queue_mode_text">
- 佇列模式:
- </text>
- <combo_box name="build_operator">
- <combo_item name="edge_collapse">
- 側邊摺疊
- </combo_item>
- <combo_item name="half_edge_collapse">
- 半側邊摺疊
- </combo_item>
- </combo_box>
- <combo_box name="queue_mode">
- <combo_item name="greedy">
- 儘量最大
- </combo_item>
- <combo_item name="lazy">
- 儘量最小
- </combo_item>
- <combo_item name="independent">
- 獨立
- </combo_item>
- </combo_box>
- <text name="border_mode_text">
- 邊界模式:
+ <string name="tbd">
+ (未定)
+ </string>
+ <panel name="left_panel">
+ <panel name="model_name_representation_panel">
+ <text name="name_label">
+ 模型名稱:
- <text name="share_tolderance_text">
- 分享容忍:
+ <text name="model_category_label">
+ 這模型代表…
- <combo_box name="border_mode">
- <combo_item name="border_unlock">
- 解鎖
- </combo_item>
- <combo_item name="border_lock">
- 鎖定
- </combo_item>
+ <combo_box name="model_category_combo">
+ <combo_item label="選擇一項…" name="Choose one"/>
+ <combo_item label="化身形狀" name="Avatar shape"/>
+ <combo_item label="化身附件" name="Avatar attachment"/>
+ <combo_item label="會移動的物件(車輛、動物)" name="Moving object (vehicle, animal)"/>
+ <combo_item label="建製元件" name="Building Component"/>
+ <combo_item label="大型、不會移動等類型" name="Large, non moving etc"/>
+ <combo_item label="較小型、不會移動等類型" name="Smaller, non-moving etc"/>
+ <combo_item label="並非其中任何一個" name="Not really any of these"/>
- <text name="crease_label">
- 皺褶角度:
- </text>
- <spinner name="crease_angle" value="75"/>
- <panel label="物理" name="physics_panel">
- <panel name="physics geometry">
- <radio_group name="physics_load_radio" value="physics_load_from_file">
- <radio_item label="檔案:" name="physics_load_from_file"/>
- <radio_item label="使用細節層次:" name="physics_use_lod"/>
- </radio_group>
- <combo_box name="physics_lod_combo" tool_tip="物理形狀所採用的細節層次">
- <combo_item name="physics_lowest">
- 最低
- </combo_item>
- <combo_item name="physics_low">
- 低
- </combo_item>
- <combo_item name="physics_medium">
- 中
- </combo_item>
- <combo_item name="physics_high">
- 高
- </combo_item>
+ <tab_container name="import_tab">
+ <panel label="細節層次" name="lod_panel" title="細節層次">
+ <text initial_value="來源" name="source" value="來源"/>
+ <text initial_value="三角形" name="triangles" value="三角形"/>
+ <text initial_value="頂點" name="vertices" value="頂點"/>
+ <text initial_value="高" name="high_label" value="高"/>
+ <combo_box name="lod_source_high">
+ <item name="Load from file" value="從檔案載入"/>
+ <item name="Generate" value="產生"/>
- <button label="瀏覽…" name="physics_browse"/>
- </panel>
- <panel name="physics analysis">
- <slider label="平滑:" name="Smooth"/>
- <check_box label="關閉洞口(慢)" name="Close Holes (Slow)"/>
- <button label="分析" name="Decompose"/>
- <button label="取消" name="decompose_cancel"/>
+ <button label="瀏覽…" name="lod_browse_high"/>
+ <combo_box name="lod_mode_high">
+ <item name="Triangle Limit" value="三角形上限"/>
+ <item name="Error Threshold" value="錯誤門檻"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <text initial_value="0" name="high_triangles" value="0"/>
+ <text initial_value="0" name="high_vertices" value="0"/>
+ <text initial_value="中" name="medium_label" value="中"/>
+ <combo_box name="lod_source_medium">
+ <item name="Load from file" value="從檔案載入"/>
+ <item name="Generate" value="產生"/>
+ <item name="Use LoD above" value="以上使用低階細節"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <button label="瀏覽…" name="lod_browse_medium"/>
+ <combo_box name="lod_mode_medium">
+ <item name="Triangle Limit" value="三角形上限"/>
+ <item name="Error Threshold" value="錯誤門檻"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <text initial_value="0" name="medium_triangles" value="0"/>
+ <text initial_value="0" name="medium_vertices" value="0"/>
+ <text initial_value="低" name="low_label" value="低"/>
+ <combo_box name="lod_source_low">
+ <item name="Load from file" value="從檔案載入"/>
+ <item name="Generate" value="產生"/>
+ <item name="Use LoD above" value="以上使用低階細節"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <button label="瀏覽…" name="lod_browse_low"/>
+ <combo_box name="lod_mode_low">
+ <item name="Triangle Limit" value="三角形上限"/>
+ <item name="Error Threshold" value="錯誤門檻"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <text initial_value="0" name="low_triangles" value="0"/>
+ <text initial_value="0" name="low_vertices" value="0"/>
+ <text initial_value="最低" name="lowest_label" value="最低"/>
+ <combo_box name="lod_source_lowest">
+ <item name="Load from file" value="從檔案載入"/>
+ <item name="Generate" value="產生"/>
+ <item name="Use LoD above" value="以上使用低階細節"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <button label="瀏覽…" name="lod_browse_lowest"/>
+ <combo_box name="lod_mode_lowest">
+ <item name="Triangle Limit" value="三角形上限"/>
+ <item name="Error Threshold" value="錯誤門檻"/>
+ </combo_box>
+ <text initial_value="0" name="lowest_triangles" value="0"/>
+ <text initial_value="0" name="lowest_vertices" value="0"/>
+ <check_box label="產生法線" name="gen_normals"/>
+ <text initial_value="皺褶角度:" name="crease_label" value="皺褶角度:"/>
+ <spinner name="crease_angle" value="75"/>
- <panel name="physics simplification">
- <slider label="階段數:" name="Combine Quality"/>
- <slider label="細節比例:" name="Detail Scale"/>
- <slider label="保留:" name="Retain%"/>
- <button label="簡化" name="Simplify"/>
- <button label="取消" name="simplify_cancel"/>
+ <panel label="物理" name="physics_panel">
+ <panel name="physics geometry">
+ <text name="first_step_name">
+ 步驟 1:細節層次
+ </text>
+ <combo_box name="physics_lod_combo" tool_tip="物理形狀所採用的細節層次">
+ <combo_item name="choose_one">
+ 選擇一項…
+ </combo_item>
+ <combo_item name="physics_high">
+ 高
+ </combo_item>
+ <combo_item name="physics_medium">
+ 中
+ </combo_item>
+ <combo_item name="physics_low">
+ 低
+ </combo_item>
+ <combo_item name="physics_lowest">
+ 最低
+ </combo_item>
+ <combo_item name="load_from_file">
+ 來自檔案
+ </combo_item>
+ </combo_box>
+ <button label="瀏覽…" name="physics_browse"/>
+ </panel>
+ <panel name="physics analysis">
+ <text name="method_label">
+ 步驟 2:分析
+ </text>
+ <text name="analysis_method_label">
+ 方法:
+ </text>
+ <text name="quality_label">
+ 品質:
+ </text>
+ <text name="smooth_method_label">
+ 平滑:
+ </text>
+ <check_box label="關閉洞口" name="Close Holes (Slow)"/>
+ <button label="分析" name="Decompose"/>
+ <button label="取消" name="decompose_cancel"/>
+ </panel>
+ <panel name="physics simplification">
+ <text name="second_step_label">
+ 步驟 3:簡化
+ </text>
+ <text name="simp_method_header">
+ 方法:
+ </text>
+ <text name="pass_method_header">
+ 階段數:
+ </text>
+ <text name="Detail Scale label">
+ 細節比例:
+ </text>
+ <text name="Retain%_label">
+ 保留:
+ </text>
+ <combo_box name="Combine Quality" value="1"/>
+ <button label="簡化" name="Simplify"/>
+ <button label="取消" name="simplify_cancel"/>
+ </panel>
+ <panel name="physics info">
+ <text name="results_text">
+ 結果:
+ </text>
+ <text name="physics_triangles">
+ 三角形:[TRIANGLES],
+ </text>
+ <text name="physics_points">
+ 頂點:[POINTS],
+ </text>
+ <text name="physics_hulls">
+ 殼面:[HULLS]
+ </text>
+ </panel>
- <panel name="physics info">
- <slider label="預覽伸展:" name="physics_explode"/>
- <text name="physics_triangles">
+ <panel label="上傳選項" name="modifiers_panel">
+ <text name="scale_label">
+ 比例(1 = 原比例):
- <text name="physics_points">
- 頂點:[POINTS]
+ <spinner name="import_scale" value="1.0"/>
+ <text name="dimensions_label">
+ 規格:
- <text name="physics_hulls">
- 殼面:[HULLS]
+ <text name="import_dimensions">
+ [X] X [Y] X [Z]
+ <check_box label="包含材質" name="upload_textures"/>
+ <text name="include_label">
+ 僅限化身模型:
+ </text>
+ <check_box label="包含表皮重量" name="upload_skin"/>
+ <check_box label="包含接點位置" name="upload_joints"/>
+ <text name="pelvis_offset_label">
+ Z 偏距(升高或降低化身):
+ </text>
+ <spinner name="pelvis_offset" value="0.0"/>
- </panel>
- <panel label="修飾器" name="modifiers_panel">
- <spinner name="import_scale" value="1.0"/>
- <text name="import_dimensions">
- [X] x [Y] x [Z] 公尺
+ </tab_container>
+ <panel name="weights_and_warning_panel">
+ <button label="計算重量和費用" name="calculate_btn" tool_tip="計算重量和費用"/>
+ <button label="取消" name="cancel_btn"/>
+ <button label="上傳" name="ok_btn" tool_tip="上傳至模擬器"/>
+ <button label="清除設定並重設形式" name="reset_btn"/>
+ <text name="upload_fee">
+ 上傳費用:L$ [FEE]
+ </text>
+ <text name="prim_weight">
+ 土地衝擊量:[EQ]
+ </text>
+ <text name="download_weight">
+ 下載:[ST]
+ </text>
+ <text name="physics_weight">
+ 物理:[PH]
+ </text>
+ <text name="server_weight">
+ 伺服器:[SIM]
+ </text>
+ <text name="warning_title">
+ 附註:
+ </text>
+ <text name="warning_message">
+ 你無權上傳網面模型。 [[VURL] 瞭解如何]通過認證。
+ </text>
+ <text name="status">
- <check_box label="材質" name="upload_textures"/>
- <check_box label="表皮重量" name="upload_skin"/>
- <check_box label="接點位置" name="upload_joints"/>
- <spinner name="pelvis_offset" value="0.0"/>
- </tab_container>
+ </panel>
+ <text name="lod_label">
+ 預覽:
+ </text>
+ <panel name="right_panel">
+ <combo_box name="preview_lod_combo" tool_tip="要在呈像預覽中察看的細節層次">
+ <combo_item name="high">
+ 高
+ </combo_item>
+ <combo_item name="medium">
+ 中
+ </combo_item>
+ <combo_item name="low">
+ 低
+ </combo_item>
+ <combo_item name="lowest">
+ 最低
+ </combo_item>
+ </combo_box>
+ <text name="label_display">
+ 顯示…
+ </text>
+ <check_box label="邊" name="show_edges"/>
+ <check_box label="物理" name="show_physics"/>
+ <check_box label="材質" name="show_textures"/>
+ <check_box label="表皮重量" name="show_skin_weight"/>
+ <check_box label="接點" name="show_joint_positions"/>
+ <text name="physics_explode_label">
+ 預覽伸展:
+ </text>
+ </panel>