path: root/indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/UI.lua
diff options
authorKitty Barnett <>2024-09-30 15:54:20 +0200
committerKitty Barnett <>2024-09-30 15:54:20 +0200
commited2d4f02d93459bf114ebeab8727d507b7bfc0ef (patch)
treea216907e2c01db7932c83e212319cb7a8c790013 /indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/UI.lua
parenta8d8314cb9af193ea7ce95456fb308217ba28e3c (diff)
parenta409503653bebacbc498409806f9e1a4b97ed6ac (diff)
Merge branch 'develop' into rlva/base
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/UI.lua')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/UI.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/UI.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf2695917e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/UI.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+-- Engage the viewer's UI
+local leap = require 'leap'
+local mapargs = require 'mapargs'
+local result_view = require 'result_view'
+local Timer = (require 'timers').Timer
+local util = require 'util'
+-- Allow lazily accessing UI submodules on demand, e.g. a reference to
+-- UI.Floater lazily loads the UI/Floater module.
+local UI = util.submoduledir({}, 'UI')
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- registered menu actions
+-- ***************************************************************************
+function, parameter)
+ -- 'call' is fire-and-forget
+ leap.request('UI', {op='call', ['function']=func, parameter=parameter})
+function UI.callables()
+ return leap.request('UI', {op='callables'}).callables
+function UI.getValue(path)
+ return leap.request('UI', {op='getValue', path=path})['value']
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- UI views
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- Either:
+-- wreq{op='Something', a=1, b=2, ...}
+-- or:
+-- (args should be local, as this wreq() call modifies it)
+-- local args = {a=1, b=2, ...}
+-- wreq('Something', args)
+local function wreq(op_or_data, data_if_op)
+ if data_if_op ~= nil then
+ -- this is the wreq(op, data) form
+ data_if_op.op = op_or_data
+ op_or_data = data_if_op
+ end
+ return leap.request('LLWindow', op_or_data)
+-- omit 'parent' to list all view paths
+function UI.listviews(parent)
+ return wreq{op='getPaths', under=parent}
+function UI.viewinfo(path)
+ return wreq{op='getInfo', path=path}
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- mouse actions
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- pass a table:
+-- [, button='LEFT' | 'CENTER' | 'RIGHT']
+-- [, x=x, y=y]
+-- [, hold=duration]}
+ local args = mapargs('path,button,x,y,hold', ...)
+ args.button = args.button or 'LEFT'
+ local hold = args.hold or 1.0
+ wreq('mouseMove', args)
+ wreq('mouseDown', args)
+ Timer(hold, 'wait')
+ wreq('mouseUp', args)
+-- pass a table as for
+function UI.doubleclick(...)
+ local args = mapargs('path,button,x,y', ...)
+ args.button = args.button or 'LEFT'
+ wreq('mouseDown', args)
+ wreq('mouseUp', args)
+ wreq('mouseDown', args)
+ wreq('mouseUp', args)
+-- UI.drag{path=, xoff=, yoff=}
+function UI.drag(...)
+ local args = mapargs('path,xoff,yoff', ...)
+ -- query the specified path
+ local rect = UI.viewinfo(args.path).rect
+ local centerx = math.floor(rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left)/2)
+ local centery = math.floor(rect.bottom + ( - rect.bottom)/2)
+ wreq{op='mouseMove', path=args.path, x=centerx, y=centery}
+ wreq{op='mouseDown', path=args.path, button='LEFT'}
+ wreq{op='mouseMove', path=args.path, x=centerx + args.xoff, y=centery + args.yoff}
+ wreq{op='mouseUp', path=args.path, button='LEFT'}
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- keyboard actions
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- pass a table:
+-- UI.keypress{
+-- [path=path] -- if omitted, default input field
+-- [, char='x'] -- requires one of char, keycode, keysym
+-- [, keycode=120]
+-- keysym per
+-- [, keysym='Enter']
+-- [, mask={'SHIFT', 'CTL', 'ALT', 'MAC_CONTROL'}] -- some subset of these
+-- }
+function UI.keypress(...)
+ local args = mapargs('path,char,keycode,keysym,mask', ...)
+ if args.char == '\n' then
+ args.char = nil
+ args.keysym = 'Enter'
+ end
+ return wreq('keyDown', args)
+-- UI.type{text=, path=}
+function UI.type(...)
+ local args = mapargs('text,path', ...)
+ if #args.text > 0 then
+ -- The caller's path may be specified in a way that requires recursively
+ -- searching parts of the LLView tree. No point in doing that more than
+ -- once. Capture the actual path found by that first call and use that for
+ -- subsequent calls.
+ local path = UI.keypress{path=args.path, char=string.sub(args.text, 1, 1)}.path
+ for i = 2, #args.text do
+ UI.keypress{path=path, char=string.sub(args.text, i, i)}
+ end
+ end
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- Snapshot
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- UI.snapshot{filename=filename -- extension may be specified: bmp, jpeg, png
+-- [, type='COLOR' | 'DEPTH']
+-- [, width=width][, height=height] -- uses current window size if not specified
+-- [, showui=true][, showhud=true]
+-- [, rebuild=false]}
+function UI.snapshot(...)
+ local args = mapargs('filename,width,height,showui,showhud,rebuild,type', ...)
+ args.op = 'saveSnapshot'
+ return leap.request('LLViewerWindow', args).result
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- Top menu
+-- ***************************************************************************
+function UI.getTopMenus()
+ return leap.request('UI', {op='getTopMenus'}).menus
+function UI.addMenu(...)
+ local args = mapargs('name,label', ...)
+ args.op = 'addMenu'
+ return leap.request('UI', args)
+function UI.setMenuVisible(name, visible)
+ return leap.request('UI', {op='setMenuVisible', name=name, visible=visible})
+function UI.addMenuBranch(...)
+ local args = mapargs('name,label,parent_menu', ...)
+ args.op = 'addMenuBranch'
+ return leap.request('UI', args)
+-- see UI.callables() for valid values of 'func'
+function UI.addMenuItem(...)
+ local args = mapargs('name,label,parent_menu,func,param,pos', ...)
+ args.op = 'addMenuItem'
+ return leap.request('UI', args)
+function UI.addMenuSeparator(...)
+ local args = mapargs('parent_menu,pos', ...)
+ args.op = 'addMenuSeparator'
+ return leap.request('UI', args)
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- Toolbar buttons
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- Clears all buttons off the toolbars
+function UI.clearAllToolbars()
+ leap.send('UI', {op='clearAllToolbars'})
+function UI.defaultToolbars()
+ leap.send('UI', {op='defaultToolbars'})
+-- UI.addToolbarBtn{btn_name=btn_name
+-- [, toolbar= bottom] -- left, right, bottom -- default is bottom
+-- [, rank=1]} -- position on the toolbar, starts at 0 (0 - first position, 1 - second position etc.)
+function UI.addToolbarBtn(...)
+ local args = mapargs('btn_name,toolbar,rank', ...)
+ args.op = 'addToolbarBtn'
+ return leap.request('UI', args)
+-- Returns the rank(position) of the command in the original list
+function UI.removeToolbarBtn(btn_name)
+ return leap.request('UI', {op = 'removeToolbarBtn', btn_name=btn_name}).rank
+function UI.getToolbarBtnNames()
+ return leap.request('UI', {op = 'getToolbarBtnNames'}).cmd_names
+-- ***************************************************************************
+-- Floaters
+-- ***************************************************************************
+function UI.showFloater(floater_name)
+ leap.send("LLFloaterReg", {op = "showInstance", name = floater_name})
+function UI.hideFloater(floater_name)
+ leap.send("LLFloaterReg", {op = "hideInstance", name = floater_name})
+function UI.toggleFloater(floater_name)
+ leap.send("LLFloaterReg", {op = "toggleInstance", name = floater_name})
+function UI.isFloaterVisible(floater_name)
+ return leap.request("LLFloaterReg", {op = "instanceVisible", name = floater_name}).visible
+function UI.closeAllFloaters()
+ return leap.send("UI", {op = "closeAllFloaters"})
+function UI.getFloaterNames()
+ local key_length = leap.request("LLFloaterReg", {op = "getFloaterNames"}).floaters
+ local view = result_view(key_length)
+ return LL.setdtor('registered floater names', view, view.close)
+return UI