path: root/indra/newview/llnavigationbar.cpp
diff options
authorNat Goodspeed <>2009-08-14 14:44:36 -0400
committerNat Goodspeed <>2009-08-14 14:44:36 -0400
commit21bfcbde7ec6e6b3e8a92237b7c33879216c4e82 (patch)
tree5346bb05d7f74d2f2021883ff0ee4f32bbb56f4a /indra/newview/llnavigationbar.cpp
parent2da8eb43d57ae6876f9955386f604f2c56849211 (diff)
parentaff85ed92c5aad3a9445cf4ec5447cc56c44dfc0 (diff)
Merge changes
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llnavigationbar.cpp')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llnavigationbar.cpp b/indra/newview/llnavigationbar.cpp
index 06cab9afb0..0f719f29e9 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llnavigationbar.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llnavigationbar.cpp
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#include "llworldmap.h"
#include "llappviewer.h"
#include "llviewercontrol.h"
+#include "llfavoritesbar.h"
//-- LLTeleportHistoryMenuItem -----------------------------------------------
@@ -181,10 +182,14 @@ LLNavigationBar::LLNavigationBar()
- mPurgeTPHistoryItems(false)
+ mPurgeTPHistoryItems(false),
+ mUpdateTypedLocationHistory(false)
+ mParcelMgrConnection = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->setAgentParcelChangedCallback(
+ boost::bind(&LLNavigationBar::onTeleportFinished, this));
// Register callbacks and load the location field context menu (NB: the order matters).
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Navbar.Action", boost::bind(&LLNavigationBar::onLocationContextMenuItemClicked, this, _2));
mEnableCallbackRegistrar.add("Navbar.EnableMenuItem", boost::bind(&LLNavigationBar::onLocationContextMenuItemEnabled, this, _2));
@@ -196,10 +201,14 @@ LLNavigationBar::LLNavigationBar()
// set a listener function for LoginComplete event
LLAppViewer::instance()->setOnLoginCompletedCallback(boost::bind(&LLNavigationBar::handleLoginComplete, this));
+ // Necessary for focus movement among child controls
+ setFocusRoot(TRUE);
+ mParcelMgrConnection.disconnect();
sInstance = 0;
@@ -241,6 +250,9 @@ BOOL LLNavigationBar::postBuild()
return FALSE;
+ mDefaultNbRect = getRect();
+ mDefaultFpRect = getChild<LLFavoritesBarCtrl>("favorite")->getRect();
// we'll be notified on teleport history changes
boost::bind(&LLNavigationBar::onTeleportHistoryChanged, this));
@@ -273,6 +285,11 @@ BOOL LLNavigationBar::handleRightMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ LLLineEditor* textEntry =mCmbLocation->getTextEntry();
+ if(textEntry && !textEntry->hasSelection() ){
+ textEntry->setText(gAgent.getUnescapedSLURL());
+ textEntry->selectAll();
+ }
LLMenuGL::showPopup(this, mLocationContextMenu, x, y);
return TRUE;
@@ -324,12 +341,12 @@ void LLNavigationBar::onLocationSelection()
std::string region_name;
LLVector3 local_coords(128, 128, 0);
+ S32 x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
// Is the typed location a SLURL?
if (LLSLURL::isSLURL(typed_location))
// Yes. Extract region name and local coordinates from it.
- S32 x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
if (LLURLSimString::parse(LLSLURL::stripProtocol(typed_location), &region_name, &x, &y, &z))
local_coords.set(x, y, z);
@@ -337,8 +354,13 @@ void LLNavigationBar::onLocationSelection()
+ region_name = extractLocalCoordsFromRegName(typed_location, &x, &y, &z);
+ if (region_name != typed_location) {
+ local_coords.set(x, y, z);
+ }
// Treat it as region name.
- region_name = typed_location;
+ // region_name = typed_location;
// Resolve the region name to its global coordinates.
@@ -349,6 +371,32 @@ void LLNavigationBar::onLocationSelection()
LLWorldMap::getInstance()->sendNamedRegionRequest(region_name, cb, std::string("unused"), false);
+void LLNavigationBar::onTeleportFinished() {
+ if (mUpdateTypedLocationHistory) {
+ LLLocationHistory* lh = LLLocationHistory::getInstance();
+ // Location is valid. Add it to the typed locations history.
+ // If user has typed text this variable will contain -1.
+ if (mCmbLocation->getCurrentIndex() != -1) {
+ lh->touchItem(mCmbLocation->getSelectedItemLabel());
+ } else {
+ std::string region_name;
+ std::string url = gAgent.getSLURL();
+ S32 x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
+ if (LLSLURL::isSLURL(url)) {
+ LLURLSimString::parse(LLSLURL::stripProtocol(url), &region_name, &x, &y, &z);
+ appendLocalCoordsToRegName(&region_name, x, y, z);
+ lh->addItem(region_name, url);
+ }
+ }
+ lh->save();
+ mUpdateTypedLocationHistory = false;
+ }
void LLNavigationBar::onTeleportHistoryChanged()
// Update navigation controls.
@@ -415,27 +463,13 @@ void LLNavigationBar::onRegionNameResponse(
- // Location is valid. Add it to the typed locations history.
- // If user has typed text this variable will contain -1.
- S32 selected_item = mCmbLocation->getCurrentIndex();
- /*
- LLLocationHistory* lh = LLLocationHistory::getInstance();
- lh->addItem(selected_item == -1 ? typed_location : mCmbLocation->getSelectedItemLabel());
- lh->save();
- */
// Teleport to the location.
LLVector3d region_pos = from_region_handle(region_handle);
LLVector3d global_pos = region_pos + (LLVector3d) local_coords;
+ mUpdateTypedLocationHistory = true;
llinfos << "Teleporting to: " << global_pos << llendl;
- LLLocationHistory* lh = LLLocationHistory::getInstance();
- lh->addItem(selected_item == -1 ? typed_location : mCmbLocation->getSelectedItemLabel());
- lh->save();
void LLNavigationBar::showTeleportHistoryMenu()
@@ -474,9 +508,6 @@ void LLNavigationBar::onLocationContextMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata)
else if (item == std::string("landmark"))
LLSideTray::getInstance()->showPanel("panel_places", LLSD().insert("type", "create_landmark"));
- // Floater "Add Landmark" functionality moved to Side Tray
- //LLFloaterReg::showInstance("add_landmark");
else if (item == std::string("cut"))
@@ -546,6 +577,38 @@ void LLNavigationBar::invokeSearch(std::string search_text)
LLFloaterReg::showInstance("search", LLSD().insert("panel", "all").insert("id", LLSD(search_text)));
+void LLNavigationBar::appendLocalCoordsToRegName(std::string* reg_name, S32 x, S32 y, S32 z) {
+ std::string fmt = *reg_name + " (%d, %d, %d)";
+ *reg_name = llformat(fmt.c_str(), x, y, z);
+std::string LLNavigationBar::extractLocalCoordsFromRegName(const std::string & reg_name, S32* x, S32* y, S32* z) {
+ /*
+ * This regular expression extracts numbers from the following string
+ * construct: "(num1, num2, num3)", where num1, num2 and num3 are decimal
+ * numbers. Leading and trailing spaces are also caught by the expression.
+ */
+ const boost::regex re("\\s*\\((\\d+),\\s*(\\d+),\\s*(\\d+)\\)\\s*");
+ boost::smatch m;
+ if (boost::regex_search(reg_name, m, re)) {
+ // string representations of parsed by regex++ numbers
+ std::string xstr(m[1].first, m[1].second);
+ std::string ystr(m[2].first, m[2].second);
+ std::string zstr(m[3].first, m[3].second);
+ *x = atoi(xstr.c_str());
+ *y = atoi(ystr.c_str());
+ *z = atoi(zstr.c_str());
+ return boost::regex_replace(reg_name, re, "");
+ }
+ *x = *y = *z = 0;
+ return reg_name;
void LLNavigationBar::clearHistoryCache()
@@ -554,3 +617,131 @@ void LLNavigationBar::clearHistoryCache()
mPurgeTPHistoryItems= true;
+void LLNavigationBar::showNavigationPanel(BOOL visible)
+ bool fpVisible = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowNavbarFavoritesPanel");
+ LLFavoritesBarCtrl* fb = getChild<LLFavoritesBarCtrl>("favorite");
+ LLPanel* navPanel = getChild<LLPanel>("navigation_panel");
+ LLRect nbRect(getRect());
+ LLRect fbRect(fb->getRect());
+ navPanel->setVisible(visible);
+ if (visible)
+ {
+ if (fpVisible)
+ {
+ // Navigation Panel must be shown. Favorites Panel is visible.
+ nbRect.setLeftTopAndSize(nbRect.mLeft, nbRect.mTop, nbRect.getWidth(), mDefaultNbRect.getHeight());
+ fbRect.setLeftTopAndSize(fbRect.mLeft, mDefaultFpRect.mTop, fbRect.getWidth(), fbRect.getHeight());
+ // this is duplicated in 'else' section because it should be called BEFORE fb->reshape
+ reshape(nbRect.getWidth(), nbRect.getHeight());
+ setRect(nbRect);
+ fb->reshape(fbRect.getWidth(), fbRect.getHeight());
+ fb->setRect(fbRect);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Navigation Panel must be shown. Favorites Panel is hidden.
+ S32 height = mDefaultNbRect.getHeight() - mDefaultFpRect.getHeight();
+ nbRect.setLeftTopAndSize(nbRect.mLeft, nbRect.mTop, nbRect.getWidth(), height);
+ reshape(nbRect.getWidth(), nbRect.getHeight());
+ setRect(nbRect);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (fpVisible)
+ {
+ // Navigation Panel must be hidden. Favorites Panel is visible.
+ nbRect.setLeftTopAndSize(nbRect.mLeft, nbRect.mTop, nbRect.getWidth(), fbRect.getHeight());
+ fbRect.setLeftTopAndSize(fbRect.mLeft, fbRect.getHeight(), fbRect.getWidth(), fbRect.getHeight());
+ // this is duplicated in 'else' section because it should be called BEFORE fb->reshape
+ reshape(nbRect.getWidth(), nbRect.getHeight());
+ setRect(nbRect);
+ fb->reshape(fbRect.getWidth(), fbRect.getHeight());
+ fb->setRect(fbRect);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Navigation Panel must be hidden. Favorites Panel is hidden.
+ nbRect.setLeftTopAndSize(nbRect.mLeft, nbRect.mTop, nbRect.getWidth(), 0);
+ reshape(nbRect.getWidth(), nbRect.getHeight());
+ setRect(nbRect);
+ }
+ }
+void LLNavigationBar::showFavoritesPanel(BOOL visible)
+ bool npVisible = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowNavbarNavigationPanel");
+ LLFavoritesBarCtrl* fb = getChild<LLFavoritesBarCtrl>("favorite");
+ LLRect nbRect(getRect());
+ LLRect fbRect(fb->getRect());
+ if (visible)
+ {
+ if (npVisible)
+ {
+ // Favorites Panel must be shown. Navigation Panel is visible.
+ S32 fbHeight = fbRect.getHeight();
+ S32 newHeight = nbRect.getHeight() + fbHeight;
+ nbRect.setLeftTopAndSize(nbRect.mLeft, nbRect.mTop, nbRect.getWidth(), newHeight);
+ fbRect.setLeftTopAndSize(mDefaultFpRect.mLeft, mDefaultFpRect.mTop, fbRect.getWidth(), fbRect.getHeight());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Favorites Panel must be shown. Navigation Panel is hidden.
+ S32 fpHeight = mDefaultFpRect.getHeight();
+ nbRect.setLeftTopAndSize(nbRect.mLeft, nbRect.mTop, nbRect.getWidth(), fpHeight);
+ fbRect.setLeftTopAndSize(fbRect.mLeft, fpHeight, fbRect.getWidth(), fpHeight);
+ }
+ reshape(nbRect.getWidth(), nbRect.getHeight());
+ setRect(nbRect);
+ fb->reshape(fbRect.getWidth(), fbRect.getHeight());
+ fb->setRect(fbRect);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (npVisible)
+ {
+ // Favorites Panel must be hidden. Navigation Panel is visible.
+ S32 fbHeight = fbRect.getHeight();
+ S32 newHeight = nbRect.getHeight() - fbHeight;
+ nbRect.setLeftTopAndSize(nbRect.mLeft, nbRect.mTop, nbRect.getWidth(), newHeight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Favorites Panel must be hidden. Navigation Panel is hidden.
+ nbRect.setLeftTopAndSize(nbRect.mLeft, nbRect.mTop, nbRect.getWidth(), 0);
+ }
+ reshape(nbRect.getWidth(), nbRect.getHeight());
+ setRect(nbRect);
+ }
+ fb->setVisible(visible);