path: root/indra/newview/llfloateruipreview.cpp
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authorXiaohong Bao <>2011-02-23 11:10:13 -0700
committerXiaohong Bao <>2011-02-23 11:10:13 -0700
commitbfa25219b899636db74bedc258bc763caf91ddf0 (patch)
treed9d82b63d9d5d3d784b4bee852f9caed2c897a71 /indra/newview/llfloateruipreview.cpp
parentbcb5b209d1813681202524362dd186c8b0982357 (diff)
parent01cdeb0cdd8c48b76a229d42ced4e5563cd18c5c (diff)
Automated merge with ssh://
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llfloateruipreview.cpp')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloateruipreview.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloateruipreview.cpp
index 5dc8067648..11b3379814 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloateruipreview.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloateruipreview.cpp
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
// Internal utility
#include "lleventtimer.h"
+#include "llexternaleditor.h"
#include "llrender.h"
#include "llsdutil.h"
#include "llxmltree.h"
@@ -160,6 +161,8 @@ public:
DiffMap mDiffsMap; // map, of filename to pair of list of changed element paths and list of errors
+ LLExternalEditor mExternalEditor;
// XUI elements for this floater
LLScrollListCtrl* mFileList; // scroll list control for file list
LLLineEditor* mEditorPathTextBox; // text field for path to editor executable
@@ -185,7 +188,7 @@ private:
std::string mSavedDiffPath; // stored diff file path so closing this floater doesn't reset it
// Internal functionality
- static void popupAndPrintWarning(std::string& warning); // pop up a warning
+ static void popupAndPrintWarning(const std::string& warning); // pop up a warning
std::string getLocalizedDirectory(); // build and return the path to the XUI directory for the currently-selected localization
void scanDiffFile(LLXmlTreeNode* file_node); // scan a given XML node for diff entries and highlight them in its associated file
void highlightChangedElements(); // look up the list of elements to highlight and highlight them in the current floater
@@ -480,7 +483,7 @@ BOOL LLFloaterUIPreview::postBuild()
mLanguageSelection->removeall(); // clear out anything temporarily in list from XML
while(found) // for every directory
- if((found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(xui_dir, "*", language_directory, FALSE))) // get next directory
+ if((found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(xui_dir, "*", language_directory))) // get next directory
std::string full_path = xui_dir + language_directory;
if(LLFile::isfile(full_path.c_str())) // if it's not a directory, skip it
@@ -597,7 +600,7 @@ void LLFloaterUIPreview::onClose(bool app_quitting)
// Error handling (to avoid code repetition)
// *TODO: this is currently unlocalized. Add to alerts/notifications.xml, someday, maybe.
-void LLFloaterUIPreview::popupAndPrintWarning(std::string& warning)
+void LLFloaterUIPreview::popupAndPrintWarning(const std::string& warning)
llwarns << warning << llendl;
LLSD args;
@@ -634,7 +637,7 @@ void LLFloaterUIPreview::refreshList()
BOOL found = TRUE;
while(found) // for every floater file that matches the pattern
- if((found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(getLocalizedDirectory(), "floater_*.xml", name, FALSE))) // get next file matching pattern
+ if((found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(getLocalizedDirectory(), "floater_*.xml", name))) // get next file matching pattern
addFloaterEntry(name.c_str()); // and add it to the list (file name only; localization code takes care of rest of path)
@@ -642,7 +645,7 @@ void LLFloaterUIPreview::refreshList()
found = TRUE;
while(found) // for every inspector file that matches the pattern
- if((found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(getLocalizedDirectory(), "inspect_*.xml", name, FALSE))) // get next file matching pattern
+ if((found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(getLocalizedDirectory(), "inspect_*.xml", name))) // get next file matching pattern
addFloaterEntry(name.c_str()); // and add it to the list (file name only; localization code takes care of rest of path)
@@ -650,7 +653,7 @@ void LLFloaterUIPreview::refreshList()
found = TRUE;
while(found) // for every menu file that matches the pattern
- if((found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(getLocalizedDirectory(), "menu_*.xml", name, FALSE))) // get next file matching pattern
+ if((found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(getLocalizedDirectory(), "menu_*.xml", name))) // get next file matching pattern
addFloaterEntry(name.c_str()); // and add it to the list (file name only; localization code takes care of rest of path)
@@ -658,7 +661,7 @@ void LLFloaterUIPreview::refreshList()
found = TRUE;
while(found) // for every panel file that matches the pattern
- if((found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(getLocalizedDirectory(), "panel_*.xml", name, FALSE))) // get next file matching pattern
+ if((found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(getLocalizedDirectory(), "panel_*.xml", name))) // get next file matching pattern
addFloaterEntry(name.c_str()); // and add it to the list (file name only; localization code takes care of rest of path)
@@ -667,7 +670,7 @@ void LLFloaterUIPreview::refreshList()
found = TRUE;
while(found) // for every sidepanel file that matches the pattern
- if((found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(getLocalizedDirectory(), "sidepanel_*.xml", name, FALSE))) // get next file matching pattern
+ if((found = gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(getLocalizedDirectory(), "sidepanel_*.xml", name))) // get next file matching pattern
addFloaterEntry(name.c_str()); // and add it to the list (file name only; localization code takes care of rest of path)
@@ -998,190 +1001,55 @@ void LLFloaterUIPreview::displayFloater(BOOL click, S32 ID, bool save)
// Respond to button click to edit currently-selected floater
void LLFloaterUIPreview::onClickEditFloater()
- std::string file_name = mFileList->getSelectedItemLabel(1); // get the file name of the currently-selected floater
- if(std::string("") == file_name) // if no item is selected
- {
- return; // ignore click
- }
- std::string path = getLocalizedDirectory() + file_name;
- // stat file to see if it exists (some localized versions may not have it there are no diffs, and then we try to open an nonexistent file)
- llstat dummy;
- if(LLFile::stat(path.c_str(), &dummy)) // if the file does not exist
- {
- std::string warning = "No file for this floater exists in the selected localization. Opening the EN version instead.";
- popupAndPrintWarning(warning);
- path = get_xui_dir() + mDelim + "en" + mDelim + file_name; // open the en version instead, by default
- }
- // get executable path
- const char* exe_path_char;
- std::string path_in_textfield = mEditorPathTextBox->getText();
- if(std::string("") != path_in_textfield) // if the text field is not emtpy, use its path
- {
- exe_path_char = path_in_textfield.c_str();
- }
- else if (!LLUI::sSettingGroups["config"]->getString("XUIEditor").empty())
- {
- exe_path_char = LLUI::sSettingGroups["config"]->getString("XUIEditor").c_str();
- }
- else // otherwise use the path specified by the environment variable
+ // Determine file to edit.
+ std::string file_path;
- exe_path_char = getenv("LL_XUI_EDITOR");
- }
- // error check executable path
- if(NULL == exe_path_char)
- {
- std::string warning = "Select an editor by setting the environment variable LL_XUI_EDITOR or specifying its path in the \"Editor Path\" field.";
- popupAndPrintWarning(warning);
- return;
- }
- std::string exe_path = exe_path_char; // do this after error check, otherwise internal strlen call fails on bad char*
- // remove any quotes; they're added back in later where necessary
- int found_at;
- while((found_at = exe_path.find("\"")) != -1 || (found_at = exe_path.find("'")) != -1)
- {
- exe_path.erase(found_at,1);
- }
- llstat s;
- if(!LLFile::stat(exe_path.c_str(), &s)) // If the executable exists
- {
- // build paths and arguments
- std::string quote = std::string("\"");
- std::string args;
- std::string custom_args = mEditorArgsTextBox->getText();
- int position_of_file = custom_args.find(std::string("%FILE%"), 0); // prepare to replace %FILE% with actual file path
- std::string first_part_of_args = "";
- std::string second_part_of_args = "";
- if(-1 == position_of_file) // default: Executable.exe File.xml
- {
- args = quote + path + quote; // execute the command Program.exe "File.xml"
- }
- else // use advanced command-line arguments, e.g. "Program.exe -safe File.xml" -windowed for "-safe %FILE% -windowed"
+ std::string file_name = mFileList->getSelectedItemLabel(1); // get the file name of the currently-selected floater
+ if (file_name.empty()) // if no item is selected
- first_part_of_args = custom_args.substr(0,position_of_file); // get part of args before file name
- second_part_of_args = custom_args.substr(position_of_file+6,custom_args.length()); // get part of args after file name
- custom_args = first_part_of_args + std::string("\"") + path + std::string("\"") + second_part_of_args; // replace %FILE% with "<file path>" and put back together
- args = custom_args; // and save in the variable that is actually used
+ llwarns << "No file selected" << llendl;
+ return; // ignore click
+ file_path = getLocalizedDirectory() + file_name;
- // find directory in which executable resides by taking everything after last slash
- int last_slash_position = exe_path.find_last_of(mDelim);
- if(-1 == last_slash_position)
- {
- std::string warning = std::string("Unable to find a valid path to the specified executable for XUI XML editing: ") + exe_path;
- popupAndPrintWarning(warning);
- return;
- }
- std::string exe_dir = exe_path.substr(0,last_slash_position); // strip executable off, e.g. get "C:\Program Files\TextPad 5" (with or without trailing slash)
- memset(&sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo));
- memset(&pinfo, 0, sizeof(pinfo));
- std::string exe_name = exe_path.substr(last_slash_position+1);
- args = quote + exe_name + quote + std::string(" ") + args; // and prepend the executable name, so we get 'Program.exe "Arg1"'
- char *args2 = new char[args.size() + 1]; // Windows requires that the second parameter to CreateProcessA be a writable (non-const) string...
- strcpy(args2, args.c_str());
- // we don't want the current directory to be the executable directory, since the file path is now relative. By using
- // NULL for the current directory instead of exe_dir.c_str(), the path to the target file will work.
- if(!CreateProcessA(exe_path.c_str(), args2, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &sinfo, &pinfo))
- {
- // DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
- std::string warning = "Creating editor process failed!";
- popupAndPrintWarning(warning);
- }
- else
+ // stat file to see if it exists (some localized versions may not have it there are no diffs, and then we try to open an nonexistent file)
+ llstat dummy;
+ if(LLFile::stat(file_path.c_str(), &dummy)) // if the file does not exist
- // foo = pinfo.dwProcessId; // get your pid here if you want to use it later on
- // sGatewayHandle = pinfo.hProcess;
- CloseHandle(pinfo.hThread); // stops leaks - nothing else
+ popupAndPrintWarning("No file for this floater exists in the selected localization. Opening the EN version instead.");
+ file_path = get_xui_dir() + mDelim + "en" + mDelim + file_name; // open the en version instead, by default
+ }
- delete[] args2;
-#else // if !LL_WINDOWS
- // This code was copied from the code to run SLVoice, with some modification; should work in UNIX (Mac/Darwin or Linux)
+ // Set the editor command.
+ std::string cmd_override;
+ {
+ std::string bin = mEditorPathTextBox->getText();
+ if (!bin.empty())
- std::vector<std::string> arglist;
- arglist.push_back(exe_path.c_str());
- // Split the argument string into separate strings for each argument
- typedef boost::tokenizer< boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer;
- boost::char_separator<char> sep("","\" ", boost::drop_empty_tokens);
- tokenizer tokens(args, sep);
- tokenizer::iterator token_iter;
- BOOL inside_quotes = FALSE;
- BOOL last_was_space = FALSE;
- for(token_iter = tokens.begin(); token_iter != tokens.end(); ++token_iter)
- {
- if(!strncmp("\"",(*token_iter).c_str(),2))
- {
- inside_quotes = !inside_quotes;
- }
- else if(!strncmp(" ",(*token_iter).c_str(),2))
- {
- if(inside_quotes)
- {
- arglist.back().append(std::string(" "));
- last_was_space = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- std::string to_push = *token_iter;
- if(last_was_space)
- {
- arglist.back().append(to_push);
- last_was_space = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- arglist.push_back(to_push);
- }
- }
- }
- // create an argv vector for the child process
- char **fakeargv = new char*[arglist.size() + 1];
- int i;
- for(i=0; i < arglist.size(); i++)
- fakeargv[i] = const_cast<char*>(arglist[i].c_str());
- fakeargv[i] = NULL;
- fflush(NULL); // flush all buffers before the child inherits them
- pid_t id = vfork();
- if(id == 0)
+ // surround command with double quotes for the case if the path contains spaces
+ if (bin.find("\"") == std::string::npos)
- // child
- execv(exe_path.c_str(), fakeargv);
- // If we reach this point, the exec failed.
- // Use _exit() instead of exit() per the vfork man page.
- std::string warning = "Creating editor process failed (vfork/execv)!";
- popupAndPrintWarning(warning);
- _exit(0);
+ bin = "\"" + bin + "\"";
- // parent
- delete[] fakeargv;
- // sGatewayPID = id;
+ std::string args = mEditorArgsTextBox->getText();
+ cmd_override = bin + " " + args;
-#endif // LL_WINDOWS
- else
+ if (!mExternalEditor.setCommand("LL_XUI_EDITOR", cmd_override))
- std::string warning = "Unable to find path to external XML editor for XUI preview tool";
+ std::string warning = "Select an editor by setting the environment variable LL_XUI_EDITOR "
+ "or the ExternalEditor setting or specifying its path in the \"Editor Path\" field.";
+ return;
+ }
+ // Run the editor.
+ if (!
+ {
+ popupAndPrintWarning("Failed to run editor");
+ return;