path: root/indra/llui/llpanel.h
diff options
authorSteven Bennetts <>2009-05-08 07:43:08 +0000
committerSteven Bennetts <>2009-05-08 07:43:08 +0000
commita4000c3744e42fcbb638e742f3b63fa31a0dee15 (patch)
tree7f472c30e65bbfa04ee9bc06631a1af305cc31fb /indra/llui/llpanel.h
parent6c4cadbb04d633ad7b762058bdeba6e1f650dafd (diff)
merge trunk@116587 skinning-7@119389 -> viewer-2.0.0-skinning-7
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llui/llpanel.h')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llui/llpanel.h b/indra/llui/llpanel.h
index 756d02ef7d..5f4f8d16e7 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llpanel.h
+++ b/indra/llui/llpanel.h
@@ -56,42 +56,70 @@ const BOOL BORDER_NO = FALSE;
* With or without border,
* Can contain LLUICtrls.
-class LLPanel : public LLUICtrl, public boost::signals::trackable
+class LLPanel : public LLUICtrl
+ struct LocalizedString : public LLInitParam::Block<LocalizedString>
+ {
+ Mandatory<std::string> name;
+ Mandatory<std::string> text;
+ LocalizedString()
+ : name("name"),
+ text("value")
+ {}
+ };
+ struct Params
+ : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLUICtrl::Params>
+ {
+ Optional<bool> has_border;
+ Optional<LLViewBorder::Params> border;
+ Optional<LLUIColor> bg_opaque_color,
+ bg_alpha_color;
+ Optional<bool> background_visible,
+ background_opaque;
+ Optional<S32> min_width,
+ min_height;
+ Optional<std::string> filename;
- // minimal constructor for data-driven initialization
- LLPanel();
- LLPanel(const std::string& name);
+ Multiple<LocalizedString> strings;
- // Position and size not saved
- LLPanel(const std::string& name, const LLRect& rect, BOOL bordered = TRUE);
+ Params();
+ };
- // Position and size are saved to rect_control
- LLPanel(const std::string& name, const std::string& rect_control, BOOL bordered = TRUE);
+ // RN: for some reason you can't just use LLUICtrlFactory::getDefaultParams as a default argument in VC8
+ static const Params& defaultParams() { return LLUICtrlFactory::getDefaultParams<LLPanel::Params>(); }
+ // Panels can get constructed directly
+ LLPanel(const Params& params = defaultParams());
- /*virtual*/ ~LLPanel();
+// LLPanel(const std::string& name, const LLRect& rect = LLRect(), BOOL bordered = TRUE);
+ /*virtual*/ ~LLPanel() {}
// LLView interface
/*virtual*/ BOOL isPanel() const;
/*virtual*/ void draw();
/*virtual*/ BOOL handleKeyHere( KEY key, MASK mask );
- /*virtual*/ LLXMLNodePtr getXML(bool save_children = true) const;
// Override to set not found list:
- virtual LLView* getChildView(const std::string& name, BOOL recurse = TRUE, BOOL create_if_missing = TRUE) const;
+ /*virtual*/ LLView* getChildView(const std::string& name, BOOL recurse = TRUE, BOOL create_if_missing = TRUE) const;
// From LLFocusableElement
/*virtual*/ void setFocus( BOOL b );
// New virtuals
virtual void refresh(); // called in setFocus()
- virtual BOOL postBuild();
virtual void clearCtrls(); // overridden in LLPanelObject and LLPanelVolume
// Border controls
- void addBorder( LLViewBorder::EBevel border_bevel = LLViewBorder::BEVEL_OUT,
- LLViewBorder::EStyle border_style = LLViewBorder::STYLE_LINE,
- S32 border_thickness = LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH );
+ void addBorder( LLViewBorder::Params p);
+ void addBorder() { LLViewBorder::Params p; p.border_thickness(LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH); addBorder(p); }
void removeBorder();
BOOL hasBorder() const { return mBorder != NULL; }
void setBorderVisible( BOOL b );
@@ -106,10 +134,7 @@ public:
// requires LLView by default
- void requires(const std::string& name)
- {
- requires<LLView>(name);
- }
+ void requires(const std::string& name);
BOOL checkRequirements();
void setBackgroundColor( const LLColor4& color ) { mBgColorOpaque = color; }
@@ -126,22 +151,18 @@ public:
void setLabel(const LLStringExplicit& label) { mLabel = label; }
std::string getLabel() const { return mLabel; }
- void setRectControl(const std::string& rect_control) { mRectControl.assign(rect_control); }
- const std::string& getRectControl() const { return mRectControl; }
- void storeRectControl();
void setCtrlsEnabled(BOOL b);
LLHandle<LLPanel> getHandle() const { return mPanelHandle; }
- S32 getLastTabGroup() const { return mLastTabGroup; }
const LLCallbackMap::map_t& getFactoryMap() const { return mFactoryMap; }
- BOOL initPanelXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLUICtrlFactory *factory);
- void initChildrenXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLUICtrlFactory* factory);
- void setPanelParameters(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parentp);
+ CommitCallbackRegistry::ScopedRegistrar& getCommitCallbackRegistrar() { return mCommitCallbackRegistrar; }
+ void initFromParams(const Params& p);
+ BOOL initPanelXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLXMLNodePtr output_node = NULL);
+ bool hasString(const std::string& name);
std::string getString(const std::string& name, const LLStringUtil::format_map_t& args) const;
std::string getString(const std::string& name) const;
@@ -166,12 +187,10 @@ public:
// LLUICtrl
void childSetFocus(const std::string& id, BOOL focus = TRUE);
BOOL childHasFocus(const std::string& id);
- void childSetFocusChangedCallback(const std::string& id, void (*cb)(LLFocusableElement*, void*), void* user_data = NULL);
- void childSetCommitCallback(const std::string& id, void (*cb)(LLUICtrl*, void*), void* userdata = NULL );
- void childSetDoubleClickCallback(const std::string& id, void (*cb)(void*), void* userdata = NULL );
- void childSetValidate(const std::string& id, BOOL (*cb)(LLUICtrl*, void*) );
- void childSetUserData(const std::string& id, void* userdata);
+ // *TODO: Deprecate; for backwards compatability only:
+ void childSetCommitCallback(const std::string& id, boost::function<void (LLUICtrl*,void*)> cb, void* data);
+ void childSetValidate(const std::string& id, boost::function<bool (const LLSD& data)> cb );
void childSetColor(const std::string& id, const LLColor4& color);
@@ -196,21 +215,21 @@ public:
// LLTabContainer
void childShowTab(const std::string& id, const std::string& tabname, bool visible = true);
LLPanel *childGetVisibleTab(const std::string& id) const;
- void childSetTabChangeCallback(const std::string& id, const std::string& tabname, void (*on_tab_clicked)(void*, bool), void *userdata, void (*on_precommit)(void*,bool) = NULL);
// LLTextBox
void childSetWrappedText(const std::string& id, const std::string& text, bool visible = true);
// LLTextBox/LLTextEditor/LLLineEditor
void childSetText(const std::string& id, const LLStringExplicit& text) { childSetValue(id, LLSD(text)); }
+ // *NOTE: Does not return text from <string> tags, use getString()
std::string childGetText(const std::string& id) const { return childGetValue(id).asString(); }
// LLLineEditor
- void childSetKeystrokeCallback(const std::string& id, void (*keystroke_callback)(LLLineEditor* caller, void* user_data), void *user_data);
void childSetPrevalidate(const std::string& id, BOOL (*func)(const LLWString &) );
// LLButton
- void childSetAction(const std::string& id, void(*function)(void*), void* value);
+ void childSetAction(const std::string& id, boost::function<void(void*)> function, void* value = NULL);
void childSetActionTextbox(const std::string& id, void(*function)(void*), void* value = NULL);
void childSetControlName(const std::string& id, const std::string& control_name);
@@ -218,36 +237,27 @@ public:
void childNotFound(const std::string& id) const;
void childDisplayNotFound();
- static LLView* fromXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLUICtrlFactory *factory);
+ static LLView* fromXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLXMLNodePtr output_node = NULL);
// Override to set not found list
LLButton* getDefaultButton() { return mDefaultBtn; }
LLCallbackMap::map_t mFactoryMap;
+ CommitCallbackRegistry::ScopedRegistrar mCommitCallbackRegistrar;
- // common construction logic
- void init();
- // From LLView
- virtual void addCtrl( LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 tab_group );
- virtual void addCtrlAtEnd( LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 tab_group);
// Unified error reporting for the child* functions
typedef std::set<std::string> expected_members_list_t;
mutable expected_members_list_t mExpectedMembers;
mutable expected_members_list_t mNewExpectedMembers;
- std::string mRectControl;
LLColor4 mBgColorAlpha;
LLColor4 mBgColorOpaque;
- LLColor4 mDefaultBtnHighlight;
BOOL mBgVisible;
BOOL mBgOpaque;
LLViewBorder* mBorder;
LLButton* mDefaultBtn;
- std::string mLabel;
- S32 mLastTabGroup;
+ LLUIString mLabel;
LLRootHandle<LLPanel> mPanelHandle;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> ui_string_map_t;
@@ -257,56 +267,4 @@ private:
}; // end class LLPanel
-class LLLayoutStack : public LLView
- typedef enum e_layout_orientation
- {
- } eLayoutOrientation;
- LLLayoutStack(eLayoutOrientation orientation);
- virtual ~LLLayoutStack();
- /*virtual*/ void draw();
- /*virtual*/ LLXMLNodePtr getXML(bool save_children = true) const;
- /*virtual*/ void removeCtrl(LLUICtrl* ctrl);
- static LLView* fromXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLUICtrlFactory *factory);
- S32 getMinWidth() const { return mMinWidth; }
- S32 getMinHeight() const { return mMinHeight; }
- typedef enum e_animate
- {
- } EAnimate;
- void addPanel(LLPanel* panel, S32 min_width, S32 min_height, BOOL auto_resize, BOOL user_resize, EAnimate animate = NO_ANIMATE, S32 index = S32_MAX);
- void removePanel(LLPanel* panel);
- void collapsePanel(LLPanel* panel, BOOL collapsed = TRUE);
- S32 getNumPanels() { return mPanels.size(); }
- struct LLEmbeddedPanel;
- void updateLayout(BOOL force_resize = FALSE);
- void calcMinExtents();
- S32 getDefaultHeight(S32 cur_height);
- S32 getDefaultWidth(S32 cur_width);
- const eLayoutOrientation mOrientation;
- typedef std::vector<LLEmbeddedPanel*> e_panel_list_t;
- e_panel_list_t mPanels;
- LLEmbeddedPanel* findEmbeddedPanel(LLPanel* panelp) const;
- S32 mMinWidth;
- S32 mMinHeight;
- S32 mPanelSpacing;
-}; // end class LLLayoutStack