path: root/indra/llprimitive
diff options
authorDave Parks <>2010-08-26 14:23:12 -0500
committerDave Parks <>2010-08-26 14:23:12 -0500
commit71de5f622a7917f78823a7e7840194e1b0f8f070 (patch)
tree1bfa580e5262ae6a8271ade6aee08f21a019c688 /indra/llprimitive
parentfc7a3f6daab94331aab52983caee5c68db8cd772 (diff)
Add missing files from viewer-experimental
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llprimitive')
2 files changed, 1874 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llprimitive/llmodel.cpp b/indra/llprimitive/llmodel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82765c740f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llprimitive/llmodel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1695 @@
+ * @file llmodel.cpp
+ * @brief Model handling implementation
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2007, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include "llmodel.h"
+#include "llsdserialize.h"
+#include "llvector4a.h"
+#include "dae.h"
+#include "dae/daeErrorHandler.h"
+#include "dom/domConstants.h"
+#include "dom/domMesh.h"
+#include "zlib/zlib.h"
+std::string model_names[] =
+ "lowest_lod",
+ "low_lod",
+ "medium_lod",
+ "high_lod",
+ "physics_shape"
+const int MODEL_NAMES_LENGTH = sizeof(model_names) / sizeof(std::string);
+LLModel::LLModel(LLVolumeParams& params, F32 detail)
+ : LLVolume(params, detail), mNormalizedScale(1,1,1), mNormalizedTranslation(0,0,0)
+void load_face_from_dom_inputs(LLVolumeFace& face, const domInputLocalOffset_Array& inputs, U32 min_idx, U32 max_idx)
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < inputs.getCount(); ++j)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_VERTEX, inputs[j]->getSemantic()) == 0)
+ { //found vertex array
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = inputs[j]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ domVertices* vertices = (domVertices*) elem.cast();
+ domInputLocal_Array& v_inp = vertices->getInput_array();
+ if (inputs[j]->getOffset() != 0)
+ {
+ llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
+ }
+ for (U32 k = 0; k < v_inp.getCount(); ++k)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_POSITION, v_inp[k]->getSemantic()) == 0)
+ {
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = v_inp[k]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ domSource* src = (domSource*) elem.cast();
+ if (src->getTechnique_common()->getAccessor()->getStride() != 3)
+ {
+ llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
+ }
+ domListOfFloats& v = src->getFloat_array()->getValue();
+ LLVector4a min;
+ min.set(v[min_idx], v[min_idx+1], v[min_idx+2]);
+ LLVector4a max = min;
+ for (U32 j = min_idx; j <= max_idx; ++j)
+ { //copy vertex array
+ face.mPositions[j-min_idx].set(v[j*3+0], v[j*3+1], v[j*3+2]);
+ update_min_max(min, max, face.mPositions[j-min_idx]);
+ }
+ face.mExtents[0] = min;
+ face.mExtents[1] = max;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_NORMAL, inputs[j]->getSemantic()) == 0)
+ {
+ //found normal array for this triangle list
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = inputs[j]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ domSource* src = (domSource*) elem.cast();
+ domListOfFloats& n = src->getFloat_array()->getValue();
+ for (U32 j = min_idx; j <= max_idx; ++j)
+ {
+ LLVector4a* norm = (LLVector4a*) face.mNormals + (j-min_idx);
+ norm->set(n[j*3+0], n[j*3+1], n[j*3+2]);
+ norm->normalize3fast();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_TEXCOORD, inputs[j]->getSemantic()) == 0)
+ { //found texCoords
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = inputs[j]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ domSource* src = (domSource*) elem.cast();
+ domListOfFloats& u = src->getFloat_array()->getValue();
+ for (U32 j = min_idx; j <= max_idx; ++j)
+ {
+ face.mTexCoords[j-min_idx].setVec(u[j*2+0], u[j*2+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void get_dom_sources(const domInputLocalOffset_Array& inputs, S32& pos_offset, S32& tc_offset, S32& norm_offset, S32 &idx_stride,
+ domSource* &pos_source, domSource* &tc_source, domSource* &norm_source)
+ idx_stride = 0;
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < inputs.getCount(); ++j)
+ {
+ idx_stride = llmax((S32) inputs[j]->getOffset(), idx_stride);
+ if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_VERTEX, inputs[j]->getSemantic()) == 0)
+ { //found vertex array
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = inputs[j]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ domVertices* vertices = (domVertices*) elem.cast();
+ domInputLocal_Array& v_inp = vertices->getInput_array();
+ for (U32 k = 0; k < v_inp.getCount(); ++k)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_POSITION, v_inp[k]->getSemantic()) == 0)
+ {
+ pos_offset = inputs[j]->getOffset();
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = v_inp[k]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ pos_source = (domSource*) elem.cast();
+ }
+ if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_NORMAL, v_inp[k]->getSemantic()) == 0)
+ {
+ norm_offset = inputs[j]->getOffset();
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = v_inp[k]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ norm_source = (domSource*) elem.cast();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_NORMAL, inputs[j]->getSemantic()) == 0)
+ {
+ //found normal array for this triangle list
+ norm_offset = inputs[j]->getOffset();
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = inputs[j]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ norm_source = (domSource*) elem.cast();
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_TEXCOORD, inputs[j]->getSemantic()) == 0)
+ { //found texCoords
+ tc_offset = inputs[j]->getOffset();
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = inputs[j]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ tc_source = (domSource*) elem.cast();
+ }
+ }
+ idx_stride += 1;
+void load_face_from_dom_triangles(std::vector<LLVolumeFace>& face_list, std::vector<std::string>& materials, domTrianglesRef& tri)
+ LLVolumeFace face;
+ std::vector<LLVolumeFace::VertexData> verts;
+ std::vector<U16> indices;
+ const domInputLocalOffset_Array& inputs = tri->getInput_array();
+ S32 pos_offset = -1;
+ S32 tc_offset = -1;
+ S32 norm_offset = -1;
+ domSource* pos_source = NULL;
+ domSource* tc_source = NULL;
+ domSource* norm_source = NULL;
+ S32 idx_stride = 0;
+ get_dom_sources(inputs, pos_offset, tc_offset, norm_offset, idx_stride, pos_source, tc_source, norm_source);
+ domPRef p = tri->getP();
+ domListOfUInts& idx = p->getValue();
+ domListOfFloats v;
+ domListOfFloats tc;
+ domListOfFloats n;
+ if (pos_source)
+ {
+ v = pos_source->getFloat_array()->getValue();
+ face.mExtents[0].set(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
+ face.mExtents[1].set(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
+ }
+ if (tc_source)
+ {
+ tc = tc_source->getFloat_array()->getValue();
+ }
+ if (norm_source)
+ {
+ n = norm_source->getFloat_array()->getValue();
+ }
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData::PointMap point_map;
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < idx.getCount(); i += idx_stride)
+ {
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexData cv;
+ if (pos_source)
+ {
+ cv.setPosition(LLVector4a(v[idx[i+pos_offset]*3+0],
+ v[idx[i+pos_offset]*3+1],
+ v[idx[i+pos_offset]*3+2]));
+ }
+ if (tc_source)
+ {
+ cv.mTexCoord.setVec(tc[idx[i+tc_offset]*2+0],
+ tc[idx[i+tc_offset]*2+1]);
+ }
+ if (norm_source)
+ {
+ cv.setNormal(LLVector4a(n[idx[i+norm_offset]*3+0],
+ n[idx[i+norm_offset]*3+1],
+ n[idx[i+norm_offset]*3+2]));
+ }
+ BOOL found = FALSE;
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData::PointMap::iterator point_iter;
+ point_iter = point_map.find(LLVector3(cv.getPosition().getF32ptr()));
+ if (point_iter != point_map.end())
+ {
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < point_iter->second.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ if ((point_iter->second)[j] == cv)
+ {
+ found = TRUE;
+ indices.push_back((point_iter->second)[j].mIndex);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ update_min_max(face.mExtents[0], face.mExtents[1], cv.getPosition());
+ verts.push_back(cv);
+ if (verts.size() >= 65535)
+ {
+ llerrs << "Attempted to write model exceeding 16-bit index buffer limitation." << llendl;
+ }
+ U16 index = (U16) (verts.size()-1);
+ indices.push_back(index);
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData d;
+ d.setPosition(cv.getPosition());
+ d.mTexCoord = cv.mTexCoord;
+ d.setNormal(cv.getNormal());
+ d.mIndex = index;
+ if (point_iter != point_map.end())
+ {
+ point_iter->second.push_back(d);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ point_map[LLVector3(d.getPosition().getF32ptr())].push_back(d);
+ }
+ }
+ if (indices.size()%3 == 0 && verts.size() >= 65532)
+ {
+ face_list.push_back(face);
+ face_list.rbegin()->fillFromLegacyData(verts, indices);
+ face = LLVolumeFace();
+ point_map.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!verts.empty())
+ {
+ std::string material;
+ if (tri->getMaterial())
+ {
+ material = std::string(tri->getMaterial());
+ }
+ materials.push_back(material);
+ face_list.push_back(face);
+ face_list.rbegin()->fillFromLegacyData(verts, indices);
+ }
+void load_face_from_dom_polylist(std::vector<LLVolumeFace>& face_list, std::vector<std::string>& materials, domPolylistRef& poly)
+ domPRef p = poly->getP();
+ domListOfUInts& idx = p->getValue();
+ if (idx.getCount() == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ const domInputLocalOffset_Array& inputs = poly->getInput_array();
+ domListOfUInts& vcount = poly->getVcount()->getValue();
+ S32 pos_offset = -1;
+ S32 tc_offset = -1;
+ S32 norm_offset = -1;
+ domSource* pos_source = NULL;
+ domSource* tc_source = NULL;
+ domSource* norm_source = NULL;
+ S32 idx_stride = 0;
+ get_dom_sources(inputs, pos_offset, tc_offset, norm_offset, idx_stride, pos_source, tc_source, norm_source);
+ LLVolumeFace face;
+ std::vector<U16> indices;
+ std::vector<LLVolumeFace::VertexData> verts;
+ domListOfFloats v;
+ domListOfFloats tc;
+ domListOfFloats n;
+ if (pos_source)
+ {
+ v = pos_source->getFloat_array()->getValue();
+ face.mExtents[0].set(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
+ face.mExtents[1].set(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
+ }
+ if (tc_source)
+ {
+ tc = tc_source->getFloat_array()->getValue();
+ }
+ if (norm_source)
+ {
+ n = norm_source->getFloat_array()->getValue();
+ }
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData::PointMap point_map;
+ U32 cur_idx = 0;
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < vcount.getCount(); ++i)
+ { //for each polygon
+ U32 first_index = 0;
+ U32 last_index = 0;
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < vcount[i]; ++j)
+ { //for each vertex
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexData cv;
+ if (pos_source)
+ {
+ cv.getPosition().set(v[idx[cur_idx+pos_offset]*3+0],
+ v[idx[cur_idx+pos_offset]*3+1],
+ v[idx[cur_idx+pos_offset]*3+2]);
+ }
+ if (tc_source)
+ {
+ cv.mTexCoord.setVec(tc[idx[cur_idx+tc_offset]*2+0],
+ tc[idx[cur_idx+tc_offset]*2+1]);
+ }
+ if (norm_source)
+ {
+ cv.getNormal().set(n[idx[cur_idx+norm_offset]*3+0],
+ n[idx[cur_idx+norm_offset]*3+1],
+ n[idx[cur_idx+norm_offset]*3+2]);
+ }
+ cur_idx += idx_stride;
+ BOOL found = FALSE;
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData::PointMap::iterator point_iter;
+ LLVector3 pos3(cv.getPosition().getF32ptr());
+ point_iter = point_map.find(pos3);
+ if (point_iter != point_map.end())
+ {
+ for (U32 k = 0; k < point_iter->second.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ if ((point_iter->second)[k] == cv)
+ {
+ found = TRUE;
+ U32 index = (point_iter->second)[k].mIndex;
+ if (j == 0)
+ {
+ first_index = index;
+ }
+ else if (j == 1)
+ {
+ last_index = index;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ indices.push_back(first_index);
+ indices.push_back(last_index);
+ indices.push_back(index);
+ last_index = index;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ update_min_max(face.mExtents[0], face.mExtents[1], cv.getPosition());
+ verts.push_back(cv);
+ if (verts.size() >= 65535)
+ {
+ llerrs << "Attempted to write model exceeding 16-bit index buffer limitation." << llendl;
+ }
+ U16 index = (U16) (verts.size()-1);
+ if (j == 0)
+ {
+ first_index = index;
+ }
+ else if (j == 1)
+ {
+ last_index = index;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ indices.push_back(first_index);
+ indices.push_back(last_index);
+ indices.push_back(index);
+ last_index = index;
+ }
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData d;
+ d.setPosition(cv.getPosition());
+ d.mTexCoord = cv.mTexCoord;
+ d.setNormal(cv.getNormal());
+ d.mIndex = index;
+ if (point_iter != point_map.end())
+ {
+ point_iter->second.push_back(d);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ point_map[pos3].push_back(d);
+ }
+ }
+ if (indices.size()%3 == 0 && indices.size() >= 65532)
+ {
+ face_list.push_back(face);
+ face_list.rbegin()->fillFromLegacyData(verts, indices);
+ face = LLVolumeFace();
+ verts.clear();
+ indices.clear();
+ point_map.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!verts.empty())
+ {
+ std::string material;
+ if (poly->getMaterial())
+ {
+ material = std::string(poly->getMaterial());
+ }
+ materials.push_back(material);
+ face_list.push_back(face);
+ face_list.rbegin()->fillFromLegacyData(verts, indices);
+ }
+void load_face_from_dom_polygons(std::vector<LLVolumeFace>& face_list, std::vector<std::string>& materials, domPolygonsRef& poly)
+ LLVolumeFace face;
+ std::vector<U16> indices;
+ std::vector<LLVolumeFace::VertexData> verts;
+ const domInputLocalOffset_Array& inputs = poly->getInput_array();
+ S32 v_offset = -1;
+ S32 n_offset = -1;
+ S32 t_offset = -1;
+ domListOfFloats* v = NULL;
+ domListOfFloats* n = NULL;
+ domListOfFloats* t = NULL;
+ U32 stride = 0;
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < inputs.getCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ stride = llmax((U32) inputs[i]->getOffset()+1, stride);
+ if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_VERTEX, inputs[i]->getSemantic()) == 0)
+ { //found vertex array
+ v_offset = inputs[i]->getOffset();
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = inputs[i]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ domVertices* vertices = (domVertices*) elem.cast();
+ domInputLocal_Array& v_inp = vertices->getInput_array();
+ for (U32 k = 0; k < v_inp.getCount(); ++k)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_POSITION, v_inp[k]->getSemantic()) == 0)
+ {
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = v_inp[k]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ domSource* src = (domSource*) elem.cast();
+ v = &(src->getFloat_array()->getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_NORMAL, inputs[i]->getSemantic()) == 0)
+ {
+ n_offset = inputs[i]->getOffset();
+ //found normal array for this triangle list
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = inputs[i]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ domSource* src = (domSource*) elem.cast();
+ n = &(src->getFloat_array()->getValue());
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(COMMON_PROFILE_INPUT_TEXCOORD, inputs[i]->getSemantic()) == 0 && inputs[i]->getSet() == 0)
+ { //found texCoords
+ t_offset = inputs[i]->getOffset();
+ const domURIFragmentType& uri = inputs[i]->getSource();
+ daeElementRef elem = uri.getElement();
+ domSource* src = (domSource*) elem.cast();
+ t = &(src->getFloat_array()->getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ domP_Array& ps = poly->getP_array();
+ //make a triangle list in <verts>
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < ps.getCount(); ++i)
+ { //for each polygon
+ domListOfUInts& idx = ps[i]->getValue();
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < idx.getCount()/stride; ++j)
+ { //for each vertex
+ if (j > 2)
+ {
+ U32 size = verts.size();
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexData v0 = verts[size-3];
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexData v1 = verts[size-1];
+ verts.push_back(v0);
+ verts.push_back(v1);
+ }
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexData vert;
+ if (v)
+ {
+ U32 v_idx = idx[j*stride+v_offset]*3;
+ vert.getPosition().set(v->get(v_idx),
+ v->get(v_idx+1),
+ v->get(v_idx+2));
+ }
+ if (n)
+ {
+ U32 n_idx = idx[j*stride+n_offset]*3;
+ vert.getNormal().set(n->get(n_idx),
+ n->get(n_idx+1),
+ n->get(n_idx+2));
+ }
+ if (t)
+ {
+ U32 t_idx = idx[j*stride+t_offset]*2;
+ vert.mTexCoord.setVec(t->get(t_idx),
+ t->get(t_idx+1));
+ }
+ verts.push_back(vert);
+ }
+ }
+ if (verts.empty())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ face.mExtents[0] = verts[0].getPosition();
+ face.mExtents[1] = verts[0].getPosition();
+ //create a map of unique vertices to indices
+ std::map<LLVolumeFace::VertexData, U32> vert_idx;
+ U32 cur_idx = 0;
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < verts.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ std::map<LLVolumeFace::VertexData, U32>::iterator iter = vert_idx.find(verts[i]);
+ if (iter == vert_idx.end())
+ {
+ vert_idx[verts[i]] = cur_idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ //build vertex array from map
+ verts.resize(vert_idx.size());
+ for (std::map<LLVolumeFace::VertexData, U32>::iterator iter = vert_idx.begin(); iter != vert_idx.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ verts[iter->second] = iter->first;
+ update_min_max(face.mExtents[0], face.mExtents[1], iter->first.getPosition());
+ }
+ //build index array from map
+ indices.resize(verts.size());
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < verts.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ indices[i] = vert_idx[verts[i]];
+ }
+ if (!verts.empty())
+ {
+ std::string material;
+ if (poly->getMaterial())
+ {
+ material = std::string(poly->getMaterial());
+ }
+ materials.push_back(material);
+ face_list.push_back(face);
+ face_list.rbegin()->fillFromLegacyData(verts, indices);
+ }
+void LLModel::addVolumeFacesFromDomMesh(domMesh* mesh)
+ domTriangles_Array& tris = mesh->getTriangles_array();
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < tris.getCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ domTrianglesRef& tri = tris.get(i);
+ load_face_from_dom_triangles(mVolumeFaces, mMaterialList, tri);
+ }
+ domPolylist_Array& polys = mesh->getPolylist_array();
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < polys.getCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ domPolylistRef& poly = polys.get(i);
+ load_face_from_dom_polylist(mVolumeFaces, mMaterialList, poly);
+ }
+ domPolygons_Array& polygons = mesh->getPolygons_array();
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < polygons.getCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ domPolygonsRef& poly = polygons.get(i);
+ load_face_from_dom_polygons(mVolumeFaces, mMaterialList, poly);
+ }
+BOOL LLModel::createVolumeFacesFromDomMesh(domMesh* mesh)
+ if (mesh)
+ {
+ mVolumeFaces.clear();
+ mMaterialList.clear();
+ addVolumeFacesFromDomMesh(mesh);
+ if (getNumVolumeFaces() > 0)
+ {
+ optimizeVolumeFaces();
+ normalizeVolumeFaces();
+ if (getNumVolumeFaces() > 0)
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "no mesh found" << llendl;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL LLModel::createVolumeFacesFromFile(const std::string& file_name)
+ DAE dae;
+ domCOLLADA* dom =;
+ if (dom)
+ {
+ daeDatabase* db = dae.getDatabase();
+ daeInt count = db->getElementCount(NULL, COLLADA_TYPE_MESH);
+ mVolumeFaces.clear();
+ mMaterialList.clear();
+ for (daeInt idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx)
+ {
+ domMesh* mesh = NULL;
+ db->getElement((daeElement**) &mesh, idx, NULL, COLLADA_TYPE_MESH);
+ if (mesh)
+ {
+ addVolumeFacesFromDomMesh(mesh);
+ }
+ }
+ if (getNumVolumeFaces() > 0)
+ {
+ optimizeVolumeFaces();
+ normalizeVolumeFaces();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void LLModel::optimizeVolumeFaces()
+#if 0 //VECTORIZE ?
+ for (std::vector<LLVolumeFace>::iterator iter = mVolumeFaces.begin(); iter != mVolumeFaces.end(); )
+ {
+ std::vector<LLVolumeFace>::iterator cur_iter = iter++;
+ LLVolumeFace& face = *cur_iter;
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < (S32) face.mNumIndices; i += 3)
+ { //remove zero area triangles
+ U16 i0 = face.mIndices[i+0];
+ U16 i1 = face.mIndices[i+1];
+ U16 i2 = face.mIndices[i+2];
+ if (i0 == i1 ||
+ i1 == i2 ||
+ i0 == i2)
+ { //duplicate index in triangle, remove triangle
+ face.mIndices.erase(face.mIndices.begin()+i, face.mIndices.begin()+i+3);
+ i -= 3;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexData& v0 = face.mVertices[i0];
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexData& v1 = face.mVertices[i1];
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexData& v2 = face.mVertices[i2];
+ if (v0.mPosition == v1.mPosition ||
+ v1.mPosition == v2.mPosition ||
+ v2.mPosition == v0.mPosition)
+ { //zero area triangle, delete
+ face.mIndices.erase(face.mIndices.begin()+i, face.mIndices.begin()+i+3);
+ i-=3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //remove unreference vertices
+ std::vector<bool> ref;
+ ref.resize(face.mNumVertices);
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < ref.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ ref[i] = false;
+ }
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < face.mNumIndices; ++i)
+ {
+ ref[face.mIndices[i]] = true;
+ }
+ U32 unref_count = 0;
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < ref.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!ref[i])
+ {
+ //vertex is unreferenced
+ face.mVertices.erase(face.mVertices.begin()+(i-unref_count));
+ U16 idx = (U16) (i-unref_count);
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumIndices; ++j)
+ { //decrement every index array value greater than idx
+ if (face.mIndices[j] > idx)
+ {
+ --face.mIndices[j];
+ }
+ }
+ ++unref_count;
+ }
+ }
+ if (face.mVertices.empty() || face.mIndices.empty())
+ { //face is empty, remove it
+ iter = mVolumeFaces.erase(cur_iter);
+ }
+ }
+void LLModel::normalizeVolumeFaces()
+ // ensure we don't have too many faces
+ if (mVolumeFaces.size() > LL_SCULPT_MESH_MAX_FACES)
+ mVolumeFaces.resize(LL_SCULPT_MESH_MAX_FACES);
+ if (!mVolumeFaces.empty())
+ {
+ LLVector4a min, max;
+ if (mVolumeFaces[0].mNumVertices <= 0)
+ {
+ llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
+ }
+ min = mVolumeFaces[0].mExtents[0];
+ max = mVolumeFaces[0].mExtents[1];
+ for (U32 i = 1; i < mVolumeFaces.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ LLVolumeFace& face = mVolumeFaces[i];
+ if (face.mNumVertices <= 0)
+ {
+ llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
+ }
+ update_min_max(min, max, face.mExtents[0]);
+ update_min_max(min, max, face.mExtents[1]);
+ }
+ LLVector4a trans;
+ trans.setAdd(min, max);
+ trans.mul(-0.5f);
+ LLVector4a size;
+ size.setSub(max, min);
+ F32 scale = 1.f/llmax(llmax(size[0], size[1]), size[2]);
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < mVolumeFaces.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ LLVolumeFace& face = mVolumeFaces[i];
+ face.mExtents[0].add(trans);
+ face.mExtents[0].mul(scale);
+ face.mExtents[1].add(trans);
+ face.mExtents[1].mul(scale);
+ LLVector4a* pos = (LLVector4a*) face.mPositions;
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumVertices; ++j)
+ {
+ pos[j].add(trans);
+ pos[j].mul(scale);
+ }
+ }
+ mNormalizedScale = LLVector3(1,1,1) / scale;
+ mNormalizedTranslation.set(trans.getF32ptr());
+ mNormalizedTranslation *= -1.f;
+ }
+void LLModel::getNormalizedScaleTranslation(LLVector3& scale_out, LLVector3& translation_out)
+ scale_out = mNormalizedScale;
+ translation_out = mNormalizedTranslation;
+void LLModel::setNumVolumeFaces(S32 count)
+ mVolumeFaces.resize(count);
+void LLModel::setVolumeFaceData(S32 f,
+ LLStrider<LLVector3> pos,
+ LLStrider<LLVector3> norm,
+ LLStrider<LLVector2> tc,
+ LLStrider<U16> ind,
+ U32 num_verts,
+ U32 num_indices)
+ LLVolumeFace& face = mVolumeFaces[f];
+ face.resizeVertices(num_verts);
+ face.resizeIndices(num_indices);
+ LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) face.mPositions, (F32*) pos.get(), num_verts*4*sizeof(F32));
+ LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) face.mNormals, (F32*) norm.get(), num_verts*4*sizeof(F32));
+ LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) face.mTexCoords, (F32*) tc.get(), num_verts*2*sizeof(F32));
+ U32 size = (num_indices*2+0xF)&~0xF;
+ LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) face.mIndices, (F32*) ind.get(), size);
+void LLModel::appendFaces(LLModel *model, LLMatrix4 &transform, LLMatrix4& norm_mat)
+ if (mVolumeFaces.empty())
+ {
+ setNumVolumeFaces(1);
+ }
+ LLVolumeFace& face = mVolumeFaces[mVolumeFaces.size()-1];
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < model->getNumFaces(); ++i)
+ {
+ face.appendFace(model->getVolumeFace(i), transform, norm_mat);
+ }
+void LLModel::appendFace(const LLVolumeFace& src_face, std::string src_material, LLMatrix4& mat, LLMatrix4& norm_mat)
+ S32 rindex = getNumVolumeFaces()-1;
+ if (rindex == -1 ||
+ mVolumeFaces[rindex].mNumVertices + src_face.mNumVertices >= 65536)
+ { //empty or overflow will occur, append new face
+ LLVolumeFace cur_face;
+ cur_face.appendFace(src_face, mat, norm_mat);
+ addFace(cur_face);
+ mMaterialList.push_back(src_material);
+ }
+ else
+ { //append to existing end face
+ mVolumeFaces.rbegin()->appendFace(src_face, mat, norm_mat);
+ }
+void LLModel::addFace(const LLVolumeFace& face)
+ if (face.mNumVertices == 0)
+ {
+ llerrs << "Cannot add empty face." << llendl;
+ }
+ mVolumeFaces.push_back(face);
+ if (mVolumeFaces.size() > MAX_MODEL_FACES)
+ {
+ llerrs << "Model prims cannot have more than " << MAX_MODEL_FACES << " faces!" << llendl;
+ }
+void LLModel::smoothNormals(F32 angle_cutoff)
+ //smooth normals for all faces by:
+ // 1 - Create faceted copy of face with no texture coordinates
+ // 2 - Weld vertices in faceted copy that are shared between triangles with less than "angle_cutoff" difference between normals
+ // 3 - Generate smoothed set of normals based on welding results
+ // 4 - Create faceted copy of face with texture coordinates
+ // 5 - Copy smoothed normals to faceted copy, using closest normal to triangle normal where more than one normal exists for a given position
+ // 6 - Remove redundant vertices from new faceted (now smooth) copy
+ angle_cutoff = cosf(angle_cutoff);
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < mVolumeFaces.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ LLVolumeFace& vol_face = mVolumeFaces[j];
+ //create faceted copy of current face with no texture coordinates (step 1)
+ LLVolumeFace faceted;
+ LLVector4a* src_pos = (LLVector4a*) vol_face.mPositions;
+ //LLVector4a* src_norm = (LLVector4a*) vol_face.mNormals;
+ //bake out triangles into temporary face, clearing normals and texture coordinates
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < vol_face.mNumIndices; ++i)
+ {
+ U32 idx = vol_face.mIndices[i];
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexData v;
+ v.setPosition(src_pos[idx]);
+ v.getNormal().clear();
+ v.mTexCoord.clear();
+ faceted.pushVertex(v);
+ faceted.pushIndex(i);
+ }
+ //generate normals for temporary face
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < faceted.mNumIndices; i += 3)
+ { //for each triangle
+ U16 i0 = faceted.mIndices[i+0];
+ U16 i1 = faceted.mIndices[i+1];
+ U16 i2 = faceted.mIndices[i+2];
+ LLVector4a& p0 = faceted.mPositions[i0];
+ LLVector4a& p1 = faceted.mPositions[i1];
+ LLVector4a& p2 = faceted.mPositions[i2];
+ LLVector4a& n0 = faceted.mNormals[i0];
+ LLVector4a& n1 = faceted.mNormals[i1];
+ LLVector4a& n2 = faceted.mNormals[i2];
+ LLVector4a lhs, rhs;
+ lhs.setSub(p1, p0);
+ rhs.setSub(p2, p0);
+ n0.setCross3(lhs, rhs);
+ n0.normalize3fast();
+ n1 = n0;
+ n2 = n0;
+ }
+ //weld vertices in temporary face, respecting angle_cutoff (step 2)
+ faceted.optimize(angle_cutoff);
+ //generate normals for welded face based on new topology (step 3)
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < faceted.mNumVertices; i++)
+ {
+ faceted.mNormals[i].clear();
+ }
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < faceted.mNumIndices; i += 3)
+ { //for each triangle
+ U16 i0 = faceted.mIndices[i+0];
+ U16 i1 = faceted.mIndices[i+1];
+ U16 i2 = faceted.mIndices[i+2];
+ LLVector4a& p0 = faceted.mPositions[i0];
+ LLVector4a& p1 = faceted.mPositions[i1];
+ LLVector4a& p2 = faceted.mPositions[i2];
+ LLVector4a& n0 = faceted.mNormals[i0];
+ LLVector4a& n1 = faceted.mNormals[i1];
+ LLVector4a& n2 = faceted.mNormals[i2];
+ LLVector4a lhs, rhs;
+ lhs.setSub(p1, p0);
+ rhs.setSub(p2, p0);
+ LLVector4a n;
+ n.setCross3(lhs, rhs);
+ n0.add(n);
+ n1.add(n);
+ n2.add(n);
+ }
+ //normalize normals and build point map
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData::PointMap point_map;
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < faceted.mNumVertices; ++i)
+ {
+ faceted.mNormals[i].normalize3fast();
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData v;
+ v.setPosition(faceted.mPositions[i]);
+ v.setNormal(faceted.mNormals[i]);
+ point_map[LLVector3(v.getPosition().getF32ptr())].push_back(v);
+ }
+ //create faceted copy of current face with texture coordinates (step 4)
+ LLVolumeFace new_face;
+ //bake out triangles into new face
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < vol_face.mNumIndices; ++i)
+ {
+ U32 idx = vol_face.mIndices[i];
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexData v;
+ v.setPosition(vol_face.mPositions[idx]);
+ v.setNormal(vol_face.mNormals[idx]);
+ v.mTexCoord = vol_face.mTexCoords[idx];
+ new_face.pushVertex(v);
+ new_face.pushIndex(i);
+ }
+ //generate normals for new face
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < new_face.mNumIndices; i += 3)
+ { //for each triangle
+ U16 i0 = new_face.mIndices[i+0];
+ U16 i1 = new_face.mIndices[i+1];
+ U16 i2 = new_face.mIndices[i+2];
+ LLVector4a& p0 = new_face.mPositions[i0];
+ LLVector4a& p1 = new_face.mPositions[i1];
+ LLVector4a& p2 = new_face.mPositions[i2];
+ LLVector4a& n0 = new_face.mNormals[i0];
+ LLVector4a& n1 = new_face.mNormals[i1];
+ LLVector4a& n2 = new_face.mNormals[i2];
+ LLVector4a lhs, rhs;
+ lhs.setSub(p1, p0);
+ rhs.setSub(p2, p0);
+ n0.setCross3(lhs, rhs);
+ n0.normalize3fast();
+ n1 = n0;
+ n2 = n0;
+ }
+ //swap out normals in new_face with best match from point map (step 5)
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < new_face.mNumVertices; ++i)
+ {
+ //LLVolumeFace::VertexData v = new_face.mVertices[i];
+ LLVector4a ref_norm = new_face.mNormals[i];
+ LLVolumeFace::VertexMapData::PointMap::iterator iter = point_map.find(LLVector3(new_face.mPositions[i].getF32ptr()));
+ if (iter != point_map.end())
+ {
+ F32 best = -2.f;
+ for (U32 k = 0; k < iter->second.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ LLVector4a& n = iter->second[k].getNormal();
+ if (!iter->second[k].getPosition().equals3(new_face.mPositions[i]))
+ {
+ llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
+ }
+ F32 cur = n.dot3(ref_norm).getF32();
+ if (cur > best)
+ {
+ best = cur;
+ new_face.mNormals[i] = n;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //remove redundant vertices from new face (step 6)
+ new_face.optimize();
+ mVolumeFaces[j] = new_face;
+ }
+std::string LLModel::getElementLabel(daeElement *element)
+{ // try to get a decent label for this element
+ // if we have a name attribute, use it
+ std::string name = element->getAttribute("name");
+ if (name.length())
+ {
+ return name;
+ }
+ // if we have an ID attribute, use it
+ if (element->getID())
+ {
+ return std::string(element->getID());
+ }
+ // if we have a parent, use it
+ daeElement* parent = element->getParent();
+ if (parent)
+ {
+ // if parent has a name, use it
+ std::string name = parent->getAttribute("name");
+ if (name.length())
+ {
+ return name;
+ }
+ // if parent has an ID, use it
+ if (parent->getID())
+ {
+ return std::string(parent->getID());
+ }
+ }
+ // try to use our type
+ daeString element_name = element->getElementName();
+ if (element_name)
+ {
+ return std::string(element_name);
+ }
+ // if all else fails, use "object"
+ return std::string("object");
+LLModel* LLModel::loadModelFromDae(std::string filename)
+ LLVolumeParams volume_params;
+ LLModel* ret = new LLModel(volume_params, 0.f);
+ ret->createVolumeFacesFromFile(filename);
+ return ret;
+LLModel* LLModel::loadModelFromDomMesh(domMesh *mesh)
+ LLVolumeParams volume_params;
+ LLModel* ret = new LLModel(volume_params, 0.f);
+ ret->createVolumeFacesFromDomMesh(mesh);
+ ret->mLabel = getElementLabel(mesh);
+ return ret;
+LLSD LLModel::writeModel(std::string filename, LLModel* physics, LLModel* high, LLModel* medium, LLModel* low, LLModel* impostor, LLModel::physics_shape& decomp, BOOL nowrite)
+ std::ofstream os(filename.c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary);
+ LLSD header = writeModel(os, physics, high, medium, low, impostor, decomp, nowrite);
+ os.close();
+ return header;
+LLSD LLModel::writeModel(std::ostream& ostr, LLModel* physics, LLModel* high, LLModel* medium, LLModel* low, LLModel* impostor, LLModel::physics_shape& decomp, BOOL nowrite)
+ LLSD mdl;
+ LLModel* model[] =
+ {
+ impostor,
+ low,
+ medium,
+ high,
+ physics
+ };
+ bool skinning = high && !high->mSkinWeights.empty();
+ if (skinning)
+ { //write skinning block
+ if (high->mJointList.size() != high->mInvBindMatrix.size())
+ {
+ llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
+ }
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < high->mJointList.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ mdl["skin"]["joint_names"][i] = high->mJointList[i];
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ {
+ for (U32 k = 0; k < 4; k++)
+ {
+ mdl["skin"]["inverse_bind_matrix"][i][j*4+k] = high->mInvBindMatrix[i].mMatrix[j][k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ {
+ mdl["skin"]["bind_shape_matrix"][i*4+j] = high->mBindShapeMatrix.mMatrix[i][j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!decomp.empty())
+ {
+ //write decomposition block
+ // ["decomposition"]["HullList"] -- list of 8 bit integers, each entry represents a hull with specified number of points
+ // ["decomposition"]["PositionDomain"]["Min"/"Max"]
+ // ["decomposition"]["Position"] -- list of 16-bit integers to be decoded to given domain, encoded 3D points
+ //get minimum and maximum
+ LLVector3 min = decomp[0][0];
+ LLVector3 max = min;
+ LLSD::Binary hulls(decomp.size());
+ U32 total = 0;
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < decomp.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ U32 size = decomp[i].size();
+ total += size;
+ hulls[i] = (U8) size;
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < decomp[i].size(); ++j)
+ {
+ update_min_max(min, max, decomp[i][j]);
+ }
+ }
+ mdl["decomposition"]["Min"] = min.getValue();
+ mdl["decomposition"]["Max"] = max.getValue();
+ mdl["decomposition"]["HullList"] = hulls;
+ LLSD::Binary p(total*3*2);
+ LLVector3 range = max-min;
+ U32 vert_idx = 0;
+ for (U32 i = 0; i < decomp.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < decomp[i].size(); ++j)
+ {
+ for (U32 k = 0; k < 3; k++)
+ {
+ //convert to 16-bit normalized across domain
+ U16 val = (U16) (((decomp[i][j].mV[k]-min.mV[k])/range.mV[k])*65535);
+ U8* buff = (U8*) &val;
+ //write to binary buffer
+ p[vert_idx++] = buff[0];
+ p[vert_idx++] = buff[1];
+ if (vert_idx > p.size())
+ {
+ llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mdl["decomposition"]["Position"] = p;
+ }
+ for (U32 idx = 0; idx < MODEL_NAMES_LENGTH; ++idx)
+ {
+ if (model[idx] && model[idx]->getNumVolumeFaces() > 0)
+ {
+ LLVector3 min_pos = LLVector3(model[idx]->getVolumeFace(0).mPositions[0].getF32ptr());
+ LLVector3 max_pos = min_pos;
+ //find position domain
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < model[idx]->getNumVolumeFaces(); ++i)
+ { //for each face
+ const LLVolumeFace& face = model[idx]->getVolumeFace(i);
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumVertices; ++j)
+ {
+ update_min_max(min_pos, max_pos, face.mPositions[j].getF32ptr());
+ }
+ }
+ LLVector3 pos_range = max_pos - min_pos;
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < model[idx]->getNumVolumeFaces(); ++i)
+ { //for each face
+ const LLVolumeFace& face = model[idx]->getVolumeFace(i);
+ if (!face.mNumVertices)
+ { //don't export an empty face
+ continue;
+ }
+ LLSD::Binary verts(face.mNumVertices*3*2);
+ LLSD::Binary tc(face.mNumVertices*2*2);
+ LLSD::Binary normals(face.mNumVertices*3*2);
+ LLSD::Binary indices(face.mNumIndices*2);
+ U32 vert_idx = 0;
+ U32 norm_idx = 0;
+ U32 tc_idx = 0;
+ LLVector2* ftc = (LLVector2*) face.mTexCoords;
+ LLVector2 min_tc = ftc[0];
+ LLVector2 max_tc = min_tc;
+ //get texture coordinate domain
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumVertices; ++j)
+ {
+ update_min_max(min_tc, max_tc, ftc[j]);
+ }
+ LLVector2 tc_range = max_tc - min_tc;
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumVertices; ++j)
+ { //for each vert
+ F32* pos = face.mPositions[j].getF32ptr();
+ F32* norm = face.mNormals[j].getF32ptr();
+ //position + normal
+ for (U32 k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
+ { //for each component
+ //convert to 16-bit normalized across domain
+ U16 val = (U16) (((pos[k]-min_pos.mV[k])/pos_range.mV[k])*65535);
+ U8* buff = (U8*) &val;
+ //write to binary buffer
+ verts[vert_idx++] = buff[0];
+ verts[vert_idx++] = buff[1];
+ //convert to 16-bit normalized
+ val = (U16) ((norm[k]+1.f)*0.5f*65535);
+ //write to binary buffer
+ normals[norm_idx++] = buff[0];
+ normals[norm_idx++] = buff[1];
+ }
+ F32* src_tc = (F32*) face.mTexCoords[j].mV;
+ //texcoord
+ for (U32 k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
+ { //for each component
+ //convert to 16-bit normalized
+ U16 val = (U16) ((src_tc[k]-min_tc.mV[k])/tc_range.mV[k]*65535);
+ U8* buff = (U8*) &val;
+ //write to binary buffer
+ tc[tc_idx++] = buff[0];
+ tc[tc_idx++] = buff[1];
+ }
+ }
+ U32 idx_idx = 0;
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumIndices; ++j)
+ {
+ U8* buff = (U8*) &(face.mIndices[j]);
+ indices[idx_idx++] = buff[0];
+ indices[idx_idx++] = buff[1];
+ }
+ //write out face data
+ mdl[model_names[idx]][i]["PositionDomain"]["Min"] = min_pos.getValue();
+ mdl[model_names[idx]][i]["PositionDomain"]["Max"] = max_pos.getValue();
+ mdl[model_names[idx]][i]["TexCoord0Domain"]["Min"] = min_tc.getValue();
+ mdl[model_names[idx]][i]["TexCoord0Domain"]["Max"] = max_tc.getValue();
+ mdl[model_names[idx]][i]["Position"] = verts;
+ mdl[model_names[idx]][i]["Normal"] = normals;
+ mdl[model_names[idx]][i]["TexCoord0"] = tc;
+ mdl[model_names[idx]][i]["TriangleList"] = indices;
+ if (skinning)
+ {
+ //write out skin weights
+ //each influence list entry is up to 4 24-bit values
+ // first 8 bits is bone index
+ // last 16 bits is bone influence weight
+ // a bone index of 0xFF signifies no more influences for this vertex
+ std::stringstream ostr;
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < face.mNumVertices; ++j)
+ {
+ LLVector3 pos(face.mPositions[j].getF32ptr());
+ weight_list& weights = high->getJointInfluences(pos);
+ if (weights.size() > 4)
+ {
+ llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
+ }
+ S32 count = 0;
+ for (weight_list::iterator iter = weights.begin(); iter != weights.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ if (iter->mJointIdx < 255 && iter->mJointIdx >= 0)
+ {
+ U8 idx = (U8) iter->mJointIdx;
+ ostr.write((const char*) &idx, 1);
+ U16 influence = (U16) (iter->mWeight*65535);
+ ostr.write((const char*) &influence, 2);
+ ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ U8 end_list = 0xFF;
+ if (count < 4)
+ {
+ ostr.write((const char*) &end_list, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ //copy ostr to binary buffer
+ std::string data = ostr.str();
+ const U8* buff = (U8*);
+ U32 bytes = data.size();
+ LLSD::Binary w(bytes);
+ for (U32 j = 0; j < bytes; ++j)
+ {
+ w[j] = buff[j];
+ }
+ mdl[model_names[idx]][i]["Weights"] = w;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return writeModelToStream(ostr, mdl, nowrite);
+LLSD LLModel::writeModelToStream(std::ostream& ostr, LLSD& mdl, BOOL nowrite)
+ U32 bytes = 0;
+ std::string::size_type cur_offset = 0;
+ LLSD header;
+ std::string skin;
+ if (mdl.has("skin"))
+ { //write out skin block
+ skin = zip_llsd(mdl["skin"]);
+ U32 size = skin.size();
+ if (size > 0)
+ {
+ header["skin"]["offset"] = (LLSD::Integer) cur_offset;
+ header["skin"]["size"] = (LLSD::Integer) size;
+ cur_offset += size;
+ bytes += size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string decomposition;
+ if (mdl.has("decomposition"))
+ { //write out convex decomposition
+ decomposition = zip_llsd(mdl["decomposition"]);
+ U32 size = decomposition.size();
+ if (size > 0)
+ {
+ header["decomposition"]["offset"] = (LLSD::Integer) cur_offset;
+ header["decomposition"]["size"] = (LLSD::Integer) size;
+ cur_offset += size;
+ bytes += size;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string out[MODEL_NAMES_LENGTH];
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < MODEL_NAMES_LENGTH; i++)
+ {
+ if (mdl.has(model_names[i]))
+ {
+ out[i] = zip_llsd(mdl[model_names[i]]);
+ U32 size = out[i].size();
+ header[model_names[i]]["offset"] = (LLSD::Integer) cur_offset;
+ header[model_names[i]]["size"] = (LLSD::Integer) size;
+ cur_offset += size;
+ bytes += size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ header[model_names[i]]["offset"] = -1;
+ header[model_names[i]]["size"] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!nowrite)
+ {
+ LLSDSerialize::serialize(header, ostr, LLSDSerialize::LLSD_BINARY);
+ if (!skin.empty())
+ { //write skin block
+ ostr.write((const char*), header["skin"]["size"].asInteger());
+ }
+ if (!decomposition.empty())
+ { //write decomposition block
+ ostr.write((const char*), header["decomposition"]["size"].asInteger());
+ }
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < MODEL_NAMES_LENGTH; i++)
+ {
+ if (!out[i].empty())
+ {
+ ostr.write((const char*) out[i].data(), header[model_names[i]]["size"].asInteger());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return header;
+LLModel* LLModel::loadModelFromAsset(std::string filename, S32 lod)
+ return NULL;
+LLModel::weight_list& LLModel::getJointInfluences(const LLVector3& pos)
+ weight_map::iterator iter = mSkinWeights.find(pos);
+ if (iter != mSkinWeights.end())
+ {
+ if ((iter->first - pos).magVec() > 0.1f)
+ {
+ llerrs << "WTF?" << llendl;
+ }
+ return iter->second;
+ }
+ else
+ { //no exact match found, get closest point
+ iter = mSkinWeights.begin();
+ weight_map::iterator best = iter;
+ F32 min_dist = (iter->first - pos).magVecSquared();
+ while (++iter != mSkinWeights.end())
+ {
+ F32 dist = (iter->first - pos).magVecSquared();
+ if (dist < min_dist)
+ {
+ best = iter;
+ min_dist = dist;
+ }
+ }
+ return best->second;
+ }
diff --git a/indra/llprimitive/llmodel.h b/indra/llprimitive/llmodel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a91c80d5b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llprimitive/llmodel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ * @file llmodel.h
+ * @brief Model handling class definitions
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2007, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#ifndef LL_LLMODEL_H
+#define LL_LLMODEL_H
+#include "llvolume.h"
+#include "v4math.h"
+#include "m4math.h"
+class daeElement;
+class domMesh;
+#define MAX_MODEL_FACES 8
+class LLModel : public LLVolume
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ //physics shape is a vector of convex hulls
+ //each convex hull is a set of points
+ typedef std::vector<std::vector<LLVector3> > physics_shape;
+ LLModel(LLVolumeParams& params, F32 detail);
+ static LLSD writeModel(std::string filename, LLModel* physics, LLModel* high, LLModel* medium, LLModel* low, LLModel* imposotr, LLModel::physics_shape& physics_shape, BOOL nowrite = FALSE);
+ static LLSD writeModel(std::ostream& ostr, LLModel* physics, LLModel* high, LLModel* medium, LLModel* low, LLModel* imposotr, LLModel::physics_shape& physics_shape, BOOL nowrite = FALSE);
+ static LLSD writeModelToStream(std::ostream& ostr, LLSD& mdl, BOOL nowrite = FALSE);
+ static LLModel* loadModelFromAsset(std::string filename, S32 lod);
+ static LLModel* loadModelFromDae(std::string filename);
+ static LLModel* loadModelFromDomMesh(domMesh* mesh);
+ static std::string getElementLabel(daeElement* element);
+ void appendFaces(LLModel* model, LLMatrix4& transform, LLMatrix4& normal_transform);
+ void appendFace(const LLVolumeFace& src_face, std::string src_material, LLMatrix4& mat, LLMatrix4& norm_mat);
+ void setNumVolumeFaces(S32 count);
+ void setVolumeFaceData(S32 f,
+ LLStrider<LLVector3> pos,
+ LLStrider<LLVector3> norm,
+ LLStrider<LLVector2> tc,
+ LLStrider<U16> ind,
+ U32 num_verts,
+ U32 num_indices);
+ void smoothNormals(F32 angle_cutoff);
+ void addFace(const LLVolumeFace& face);
+ void normalizeVolumeFaces();
+ void optimizeVolumeFaces();
+ U32 getResourceCost();
+ void getNormalizedScaleTranslation(LLVector3& scale_out, LLVector3& translation_out);
+ std::vector<std::string> mMaterialList;
+ //data used for skin weights
+ class JointWeight
+ {
+ public:
+ S32 mJointIdx;
+ F32 mWeight;
+ JointWeight()
+ {
+ mJointIdx = 0;
+ mWeight = 0.f;
+ }
+ JointWeight(S32 idx, F32 weight)
+ : mJointIdx(idx), mWeight(weight)
+ {
+ }
+ bool operator<(const JointWeight& rhs) const
+ {
+ if (mWeight == rhs.mWeight)
+ {
+ return mJointIdx < rhs.mJointIdx;
+ }
+ return mWeight < rhs.mWeight;
+ }
+ };
+ struct CompareWeightGreater
+ {
+ bool operator()(const JointWeight& lhs, const JointWeight& rhs)
+ {
+ return rhs < lhs; // strongest = first
+ }
+ };
+ //copy of position array for this model -- mPosition[idx].mV[X,Y,Z]
+ std::vector<LLVector3> mPosition;
+ //map of positions to skin weights --- mSkinWeights[pos].mV[0..4] == <joint_index>.<weight>
+ //joint_index corresponds to mJointList
+ typedef std::vector<JointWeight> weight_list;
+ typedef std::map<LLVector3, weight_list > weight_map;
+ weight_map mSkinWeights;
+ //get list of weight influences closest to given position
+ weight_list& getJointInfluences(const LLVector3& pos);
+ //should always be true that mJointList[mJointMap["foo"]] == "foo"
+ //map of joint names to joint index
+ std::map<std::string, U32> mJointMap;
+ //list of joint names
+ std::vector<std::string> mJointList;
+ LLMatrix4 mBindShapeMatrix;
+ std::vector<LLMatrix4> mInvBindMatrix;
+ std::string mLabel;
+ LLVector3 mNormalizedScale;
+ LLVector3 mNormalizedTranslation;
+ //physics shape
+ physics_shape mPhysicsShape;
+ LLVector3 mPhysicsCenter;
+ std::vector<LLVector3> mHullCenter;
+ U32 mPhysicsPoints;
+ void addVolumeFacesFromDomMesh(domMesh* mesh);
+ virtual BOOL createVolumeFacesFromFile(const std::string& file_name);
+ virtual BOOL createVolumeFacesFromDomMesh(domMesh *mesh);
+#endif //LL_LLMODEL_H