path: root/indra/llmessage
diff options
authorRider Linden <>2015-05-11 16:52:02 -0700
committerRider Linden <>2015-05-11 16:52:02 -0700
commit3e004ce66e1fa07421c138a20eb0dba61c5b26b3 (patch)
treedaad89b766f9f3db7c10880df5e841900039c212 /indra/llmessage
parent6cba35d3c0a07843fe1254448fc122ecd3854424 (diff)
Updated feature manager downloader to coroutine.
Added "raw" coroutine handler (returns raw result as LLSD::Binary) and split out the guts of the get, put, etc methods. Moved getStatusFromLLSD from HttpCoroHandler into HttpCorutineAdapter
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llmessage')
2 files changed, 276 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp b/indra/llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp
index 1f9d4d15cd..a79bb62bb8 100644
--- a/indra/llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp
+++ b/indra/llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
#include "linden_common.h"
#include <sstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
#include "llcorehttputil.h"
#include "llhttpconstants.h"
#include "llsdserialize.h"
@@ -38,9 +39,25 @@ using namespace LLCore;
namespace LLCoreHttpUtil
+/// The HttpRequestPumper is a utility class. When constructed it will poll the
+/// supplied HttpRequest once per frame until it is destroyed.
+class HttpRequestPumper
+ HttpRequestPumper(const LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request);
+ ~HttpRequestPumper();
+ bool pollRequest(const LLSD&);
+ LLTempBoundListener mBoundListener;
+ LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t mHttpRequest;
// *TODO: Currently converts only from XML content. A mode
// to convert using fromBinary() might be useful as well. Mesh
// headers could use it.
@@ -91,7 +108,6 @@ HttpHandle requestPostWithLLSD(HttpRequest * request,
HttpHandle requestPutWithLLSD(HttpRequest * request,
HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
HttpRequest::priority_t priority,
@@ -191,6 +207,7 @@ std::string responseToString(LLCore::HttpResponse * response)
HttpCoroHandler::HttpCoroHandler(LLEventStream &reply) :
@@ -221,42 +238,7 @@ void HttpCoroHandler::onCompleted(LLCore::HttpHandle handle, LLCore::HttpRespons
- const bool emit_parse_errors = false;
- bool parsed = !((response->getBodySize() == 0) ||
- !LLCoreHttpUtil::responseToLLSD(response, emit_parse_errors, result));
- if (!parsed)
- {
- // Only emit a warning if we failed to parse when 'content-type' == 'application/llsd+xml'
- LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers(response->getHeaders());
- const std::string *contentType = (headers) ? headers->find(HTTP_IN_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE) : NULL;
- if (contentType && (HTTP_CONTENT_LLSD_XML == *contentType))
- {
- std::string thebody = LLCoreHttpUtil::responseToString(response);
- LL_WARNS() << "Failed to deserialize . " << response->getRequestURL() << " [status:" << response->getStatus().toString() << "] "
- << " body: " << thebody << LL_ENDL;
- // Replace the status with a new one indicating the failure.
- status = LLCore::HttpStatus(499, "Failed to deserialize LLSD.");
- }
- }
- if (result.isUndefined())
- { // If we've gotten to this point and the result LLSD is still undefined
- // either there was an issue deserializing the body or the response was
- // blank. Create an empty map to hold the result either way.
- result = LLSD::emptyMap();
- }
- else if (!result.isMap())
- { // The results are not themselves a map. Move them down so that
- // this method can return a map to the caller.
- // *TODO: Should it always do this?
- LLSD newResult = LLSD::emptyMap();
- newResult[HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_CONTENT] = result;
- result = newResult;
- }
+ result = this->handleSuccess(response, status);
buildStatusEntry(response, status, result);
@@ -301,12 +283,126 @@ void HttpCoroHandler::writeStatusCodes(LLCore::HttpStatus status, const std::str
-LLCore::HttpStatus HttpCoroHandler::getStatusFromLLSD(const LLSD &httpResults)
+/// The HttpCoroLLSDHandler is a specialization of the LLCore::HttpHandler for
+/// interacting with coroutines. When the request is completed the response
+/// will be posted onto the supplied Event Pump.
+/// The LLSD posted back to the coroutine will have the following additions:
+/// llsd["http_result"] -+- ["message"] - An error message returned from the HTTP status
+/// +- ["status"] - The status code associated with the HTTP call
+/// +- ["success"] - Success of failure of the HTTP call and LLSD parsing.
+/// +- ["type"] - The LLCore::HttpStatus type associted with the HTTP call
+/// +- ["url"] - The URL used to make the call.
+/// +- ["headers"] - A map of name name value pairs with the HTTP headers.
+class HttpCoroLLSDHandler : public HttpCoroHandler
- LLCore::HttpStatus::type_enum_t type = static_cast<LLCore::HttpStatus::type_enum_t>(httpResults[HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_TYPE].asInteger());
- short code = static_cast<short>(httpResults[HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_STATUS].asInteger());
+ HttpCoroLLSDHandler(LLEventStream &reply);
- return LLCore::HttpStatus(type, code);
+ virtual LLSD handleSuccess(LLCore::HttpResponse * response, LLCore::HttpStatus &status);
+HttpCoroLLSDHandler::HttpCoroLLSDHandler(LLEventStream &reply):
+ HttpCoroHandler(reply)
+LLSD HttpCoroLLSDHandler::handleSuccess(LLCore::HttpResponse * response, LLCore::HttpStatus &status)
+ LLSD result;
+ const bool emit_parse_errors = false;
+ bool parsed = !((response->getBodySize() == 0) ||
+ !LLCoreHttpUtil::responseToLLSD(response, emit_parse_errors, result));
+ if (!parsed)
+ {
+ // Only emit a warning if we failed to parse when 'content-type' == 'application/llsd+xml'
+ LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers(response->getHeaders());
+ const std::string *contentType = (headers) ? headers->find(HTTP_IN_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE) : NULL;
+ if (contentType && (HTTP_CONTENT_LLSD_XML == *contentType))
+ {
+ std::string thebody = LLCoreHttpUtil::responseToString(response);
+ LL_WARNS() << "Failed to deserialize . " << response->getRequestURL() << " [status:" << response->getStatus().toString() << "] "
+ << " body: " << thebody << LL_ENDL;
+ // Replace the status with a new one indicating the failure.
+ status = LLCore::HttpStatus(499, "Failed to deserialize LLSD.");
+ }
+ }
+ if (result.isUndefined())
+ { // If we've gotten to this point and the result LLSD is still undefined
+ // either there was an issue deserializing the body or the response was
+ // blank. Create an empty map to hold the result either way.
+ result = LLSD::emptyMap();
+ }
+ else if (!result.isMap())
+ { // The results are not themselves a map. Move them down so that
+ // this method can return a map to the caller.
+ // *TODO: Should it always do this?
+ LLSD newResult = LLSD::emptyMap();
+ newResult[HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_CONTENT] = result;
+ result = newResult;
+ }
+ return result;
+/// The HttpCoroRawHandler is a specialization of the LLCore::HttpHandler for
+/// interacting with coroutines.
+/// In addition to the normal "http_results" the returned LLSD will contain
+/// an entry keyed with "raw" containing the unprocessed results of the HTTP
+/// call.
+class HttpCoroRawHandler : public HttpCoroHandler
+ HttpCoroRawHandler(LLEventStream &reply);
+ virtual LLSD handleSuccess(LLCore::HttpResponse * response, LLCore::HttpStatus &status);
+HttpCoroRawHandler::HttpCoroRawHandler(LLEventStream &reply):
+ HttpCoroHandler(reply)
+LLSD HttpCoroRawHandler::handleSuccess(LLCore::HttpResponse * response, LLCore::HttpStatus &status)
+ LLSD result = LLSD::emptyMap();
+ BufferArray * body(response->getBody());
+ if (!body || !body->size())
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ size_t size = body->size();
+ LLCore::BufferArrayStream bas(body);
+ // We create a new LLSD::Binary object and assign it to the result map.
+ // The LLSD has created it's own copy so we retrieve it asBinary and const cast
+ // the reference so that we can modify it.
+ result[HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_RAW] = LLSD::Binary();
+ LLSD::Binary &data = const_cast<LLSD::Binary &>( result[HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_RAW].asBinary() );
+ data.reserve(size);
+ bas >> std::noskipws;
+ data.assign(std::istream_iterator<U8>(bas), std::istream_iterator<U8>());
+ return result;
@@ -343,7 +439,7 @@ const std::string HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_MESSAGE("message");
const std::string HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_URL("url");
const std::string HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_HEADERS("headers");
const std::string HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_CONTENT("content");
+const std::string HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_RAW("raw");
HttpCoroutineAdapter::HttpCoroutineAdapter(const std::string &name,
LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t policyId, LLCore::HttpRequest::priority_t priority) :
@@ -366,27 +462,33 @@ LLSD HttpCoroutineAdapter::postAndYield(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpReques
LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers)
LLEventStream replyPump(mAdapterName, true);
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t httpHandler =
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler(replyPump));
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t httpHandler = HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t(new HttpCoroLLSDHandler(replyPump));
+ return postAndYield_(self, request, url, body, options, headers, httpHandler);
+LLSD HttpCoroutineAdapter::postAndYield_(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request,
+ const std::string & url, const LLSD & body,
+ LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t &options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers,
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t &handler)
//LL_INFOS() << "Requesting transaction " << transactionId << LL_ENDL;
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpRequestPumper pumper(request);
+ HttpRequestPumper pumper(request);
// The HTTPCoroHandler does not self delete, so retrieval of a the contained
// pointer from the smart pointer is safe in this case.
LLCore::HttpHandle hhandle = requestPostWithLLSD(request,
mPolicyId, mPriority, url, body, options, headers,
- httpHandler.get());
+ handler.get());
return HttpCoroutineAdapter::buildImmediateErrorResult(request, url);
- saveState(hhandle, request, httpHandler);
- LLSD results = waitForEventOn(self, replyPump);
+ saveState(hhandle, request, handler);
+ LLSD results = waitForEventOn(self, handler->getReplyPump());
- //LL_INFOS() << "Results for transaction " << transactionId << LL_ENDL;
return results;
@@ -395,23 +497,30 @@ LLSD HttpCoroutineAdapter::postAndYield(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpReques
LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers)
LLEventStream replyPump(mAdapterName, true);
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t httpHandler =
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler(replyPump));
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t httpHandler = HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t(new HttpCoroLLSDHandler(replyPump));
+ return postAndYield_(self, request, url, rawbody, options, headers, httpHandler);
+LLSD HttpCoroutineAdapter::postAndYield_(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request,
+ const std::string & url, LLCore::BufferArray::ptr_t &rawbody,
+ LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t &options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers,
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t &handler)
//LL_INFOS() << "Requesting transaction " << transactionId << LL_ENDL;
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpRequestPumper pumper(request);
+ HttpRequestPumper pumper(request);
// The HTTPCoroHandler does not self delete, so retrieval of a the contained
// pointer from the smart pointer is safe in this case.
- LLCore::HttpHandle hhandle = request->requestPost(mPolicyId, mPriority, url, rawbody.get(),
- options.get(), headers.get(), httpHandler.get());
+ LLCore::HttpHandle hhandle = request->requestPost(mPolicyId, mPriority, url, rawbody.get(),
+ options.get(), headers.get(), handler.get());
return HttpCoroutineAdapter::buildImmediateErrorResult(request, url);
- saveState(hhandle, request, httpHandler);
- LLSD results = waitForEventOn(self, replyPump);
+ saveState(hhandle, request, handler);
+ LLSD results = waitForEventOn(self, handler->getReplyPump());
//LL_INFOS() << "Results for transaction " << transactionId << LL_ENDL;
@@ -422,25 +531,32 @@ LLSD HttpCoroutineAdapter::putAndYield(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest
const std::string & url, const LLSD & body,
LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers)
- LLEventStream replyPump(mAdapterName, true);
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t httpHandler =
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler(replyPump));
+ LLEventStream replyPump(mAdapterName + "Reply", true);
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t httpHandler = HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t(new HttpCoroLLSDHandler(replyPump));
+ return putAndYield_(self, request, url, body, options, headers, httpHandler);
+LLSD HttpCoroutineAdapter::putAndYield_(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request,
+ const std::string & url, const LLSD & body,
+ LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t &options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers,
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t &handler)
//LL_INFOS() << "Requesting transaction " << transactionId << LL_ENDL;
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpRequestPumper pumper(request);
+ HttpRequestPumper pumper(request);
// The HTTPCoroHandler does not self delete, so retrieval of a the contained
// pointer from the smart pointer is safe in this case.
LLCore::HttpHandle hhandle = requestPutWithLLSD(request,
mPolicyId, mPriority, url, body, options, headers,
- httpHandler.get());
+ handler.get());
return HttpCoroutineAdapter::buildImmediateErrorResult(request, url);
- saveState(hhandle, request, httpHandler);
- LLSD results = waitForEventOn(self, replyPump);
+ saveState(hhandle, request, handler);
+ LLSD results = waitForEventOn(self, handler->getReplyPump());
//LL_INFOS() << "Results for transaction " << transactionId << LL_ENDL;
return results;
@@ -451,50 +567,74 @@ LLSD HttpCoroutineAdapter::getAndYield(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest
LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers)
LLEventStream replyPump(mAdapterName + "Reply", true);
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t httpHandler =
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler(replyPump));
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t httpHandler = HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t(new HttpCoroLLSDHandler(replyPump));
+ return getAndYield_(self, request, url, options, headers, httpHandler);
+LLSD HttpCoroutineAdapter::getRawAndYield(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request,
+ const std::string & url,
+ LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers)
+ LLEventStream replyPump(mAdapterName + "Reply", true);
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t httpHandler = HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t(new HttpCoroRawHandler(replyPump));
+ return getAndYield_(self, request, url, options, headers, httpHandler);
+LLSD HttpCoroutineAdapter::getAndYield_(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request,
+ const std::string & url,
+ LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t &options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers,
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t &handler)
//LL_INFOS() << "Requesting transaction " << transactionId << LL_ENDL;
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpRequestPumper pumper(request);
+ HttpRequestPumper pumper(request);
// The HTTPCoroHandler does not self delete, so retrieval of a the contained
// pointer from the smart pointer is safe in this case.
- LLCore::HttpHandle hhandle = request->requestGet(mPolicyId, mPriority,
- url, options.get(), headers.get(), httpHandler.get());
+ LLCore::HttpHandle hhandle = request->requestGet(mPolicyId, mPriority,
+ url, options.get(), headers.get(), handler.get());
return HttpCoroutineAdapter::buildImmediateErrorResult(request, url);
- saveState(hhandle, request, httpHandler);
- LLSD results = waitForEventOn(self, replyPump);
+ saveState(hhandle, request, handler);
+ LLSD results = waitForEventOn(self, handler->getReplyPump());
//LL_INFOS() << "Results for transaction " << transactionId << LL_ENDL;
return results;
LLSD HttpCoroutineAdapter::deleteAndYield(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request,
const std::string & url,
LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers)
LLEventStream replyPump(mAdapterName + "Reply", true);
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t httpHandler =
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler(replyPump));
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t httpHandler = HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t(new HttpCoroLLSDHandler(replyPump));
+ return deleteAndYield_(self, request, url, options, headers, httpHandler);
+LLSD HttpCoroutineAdapter::deleteAndYield_(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request,
+ const std::string & url, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t &options,
+ LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers, HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t &handler)
//LL_INFOS() << "Requesting transaction " << transactionId << LL_ENDL;
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpRequestPumper pumper(request);
+ HttpRequestPumper pumper(request);
// The HTTPCoroHandler does not self delete, so retrieval of a the contained
// pointer from the smart pointer is safe in this case.
LLCore::HttpHandle hhandle = request->requestDelete(mPolicyId, mPriority,
- url, options.get(), headers.get(), httpHandler.get());
+ url, options.get(), headers.get(), handler.get());
return HttpCoroutineAdapter::buildImmediateErrorResult(request, url);
- saveState(hhandle, request, httpHandler);
- LLSD results = waitForEventOn(self, replyPump);
+ saveState(hhandle, request, handler);
+ LLSD results = waitForEventOn(self, handler->getReplyPump());
//LL_INFOS() << "Results for transaction " << transactionId << LL_ENDL;
return results;
@@ -547,5 +687,14 @@ LLSD HttpCoroutineAdapter::buildImmediateErrorResult(const LLCore::HttpRequest::
return errorres;
+LLCore::HttpStatus HttpCoroutineAdapter::getStatusFromLLSD(const LLSD &httpResults)
+ LLCore::HttpStatus::type_enum_t type = static_cast<LLCore::HttpStatus::type_enum_t>(httpResults[HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_TYPE].asInteger());
+ short code = static_cast<short>(httpResults[HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_STATUS].asInteger());
+ return LLCore::HttpStatus(type, code);
} // end namespace LLCoreHttpUtil
diff --git a/indra/llmessage/llcorehttputil.h b/indra/llmessage/llcorehttputil.h
index 77b9163492..e8e5f1b1aa 100644
--- a/indra/llmessage/llcorehttputil.h
+++ b/indra/llmessage/llcorehttputil.h
@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ inline LLCore::HttpHandle requestPatchWithLLSD(LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t & requ
url, body, NULL, NULL, handler);
/// The HttpCoroHandler is a specialization of the LLCore::HttpHandler for
/// interacting with coroutines. When the request is completed the response
/// will be posted onto the supplied Event Pump.
@@ -256,33 +257,26 @@ public:
HttpCoroHandler(LLEventStream &reply);
- virtual void onCompleted(LLCore::HttpHandle handle, LLCore::HttpResponse * response);
static void writeStatusCodes(LLCore::HttpStatus status, const std::string &url, LLSD &result);
- static LLCore::HttpStatus getStatusFromLLSD(const LLSD &httpResults);
- void buildStatusEntry(LLCore::HttpResponse *response, LLCore::HttpStatus status, LLSD &result);
+ virtual void onCompleted(LLCore::HttpHandle handle, LLCore::HttpResponse * response);
- LLEventStream &mReplyPump;
+ inline LLEventStream &getReplyPump()
+ {
+ return mReplyPump;
+ }
-/// The HttpRequestPumper is a utility class. When constructed it will poll the
-/// supplied HttpRequest once per frame until it is destroyed.
-class HttpRequestPumper
- HttpRequestPumper(const LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request);
- ~HttpRequestPumper();
+ /// this method may modify the status value
+ virtual LLSD handleSuccess(LLCore::HttpResponse * response, LLCore::HttpStatus &status) = 0;
- bool pollRequest(const LLSD&);
+ void buildStatusEntry(LLCore::HttpResponse *response, LLCore::HttpStatus status, LLSD &result);
- LLTempBoundListener mBoundListener;
- LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t mHttpRequest;
+ LLEventStream &mReplyPump;
/// An adapter to handle some of the boilerplate code surrounding HTTP and coroutine
/// interaction.
@@ -302,6 +296,7 @@ public:
static const std::string HTTP_RESULTS_URL;
static const std::string HTTP_RESULTS_HEADERS;
static const std::string HTTP_RESULTS_CONTENT;
+ static const std::string HTTP_RESULTS_RAW;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<HttpCoroutineAdapter> ptr_t;
typedef boost::weak_ptr<HttpCoroutineAdapter> wptr_t;
@@ -366,6 +361,19 @@ public:
+ LLSD getRawAndYield(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t request,
+ const std::string & url,
+ LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t options = LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t(new LLCore::HttpOptions(), false),
+ LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers = LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t(new LLCore::HttpHeaders(), false));
+ LLSD getRawAndYield(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request,
+ const std::string & url, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers)
+ {
+ return getRawAndYield(self, request, url,
+ LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t(new LLCore::HttpOptions(), false),
+ headers);
+ }
/// Execute a DELETE transaction on the supplied URL and yield execution of
/// the coroutine until a result is available.
@@ -379,6 +387,8 @@ public:
void cancelYieldingOperation();
+ static LLCore::HttpStatus getStatusFromLLSD(const LLSD &httpResults);
static LLSD buildImmediateErrorResult(const LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request, const std::string &url);
@@ -386,6 +396,28 @@ private:
HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t &handler);
void cleanState();
+ LLSD postAndYield_(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request,
+ const std::string & url, const LLSD & body,
+ LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t &options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers,
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t &handler);
+ LLSD postAndYield_(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request,
+ const std::string & url, LLCore::BufferArray::ptr_t &rawbody,
+ LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t &options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers,
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t &handler);
+ LLSD putAndYield_(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request,
+ const std::string & url, const LLSD & body,
+ LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t &options, LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers,
+ HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t &handler);
+ LLSD getAndYield_(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request,
+ const std::string & url, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t &options,
+ LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers, HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t &handler);
+ LLSD deleteAndYield_(LLCoros::self & self, LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t &request,
+ const std::string & url, LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t &options,
+ LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers, HttpCoroHandler::ptr_t &handler);
std::string mAdapterName;
LLCore::HttpRequest::priority_t mPriority;
@@ -396,8 +428,6 @@ private:
HttpCoroHandler::wptr_t mWeakHandler;
-LLCore::HttpStatus getStatusFromLLSD(const LLSD &httpResults);
} // end namespace LLCoreHttpUtil