path: root/indra/llmessage/llcurl.h
diff options
authorWilliam Todd Stinson <>2012-10-16 12:08:43 -0700
committerWilliam Todd Stinson <>2012-10-16 12:08:43 -0700
commitfd6a82c9c3869c192c67adc5a6ea92361f86b880 (patch)
treeed245df43dbd86382801f7a8472561e45b882f8d /indra/llmessage/llcurl.h
parent229762cd2775781018326d0d163f216972b91df7 (diff)
parente7a5dc7cda09e65f8592793990c494a978a21271 (diff)
Pull and merge from
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llmessage/llcurl.h')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llmessage/llcurl.h b/indra/llmessage/llcurl.h
index 62947bdb9d..7bcf61e233 100644
--- a/indra/llmessage/llcurl.h
+++ b/indra/llmessage/llcurl.h
@@ -407,6 +407,71 @@ private:
BOOL mProcessing;
+//for texture fetch only
+class LLCurlTextureRequest : public LLCurlRequest
+ LLCurlTextureRequest(S32 concurrency);
+ ~LLCurlTextureRequest();
+ U32 getByteRange(const std::string& url, const headers_t& headers, S32 offset, S32 length, U32 pri, LLCurl::ResponderPtr responder, F32 delay_time = -1.f);
+ void nextRequests();
+ void completeRequest(S32 received_bytes);
+ void updatePriority(U32 handle, U32 pri);
+ void removeRequest(U32 handle);
+ U32 getTotalReceivedBits();
+ U32 getTotalIssuedRequests();
+ S32 getNumRequests();
+ bool isWaiting(U32 handle);
+ LLMutex mMutex;
+ S32 mConcurrency;
+ S32 mInQueue; //request currently in queue.
+ U32 mHandleCounter;
+ U32 mTotalIssuedRequests;
+ U32 mTotalReceivedBits;
+ typedef struct _request_t
+ {
+ _request_t(U32 handle, const std::string& url, const headers_t& headers, S32 offset, S32 length, U32 pri, LLCurl::ResponderPtr responder) :
+ mHandle(handle), mUrl(url), mHeaders(headers), mOffset(offset), mLength(length), mPriority(pri), mResponder(responder), mStartTime(0.f)
+ {}
+ U32 mHandle;
+ std::string mUrl;
+ LLCurlRequest::headers_t mHeaders;
+ S32 mOffset;
+ S32 mLength;
+ LLCurl::ResponderPtr mResponder;
+ U32 mPriority;
+ F32 mStartTime; //start time to issue this request
+ } request_t;
+ struct request_compare
+ {
+ bool operator()(const request_t* lhs, const request_t* rhs) const
+ {
+ if(lhs->mPriority != rhs->mPriority)
+ {
+ return lhs->mPriority > rhs->mPriority; // higher priority in front of queue (set)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (U32)lhs < (U32)rhs;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::set<request_t*, request_compare> req_queue_t;
+ req_queue_t mCachedRequests;
+ std::map<S32, request_t*> mRequestMap;
+ LLFrameTimer mGlobalTimer;
class LLCurlEasyRequest