path: root/indra/llcommon
diff options
authorLeslie Linden <>2011-09-07 13:58:19 -0700
committerLeslie Linden <>2011-09-07 13:58:19 -0700
commit78821c51a1f7d5fcc6e4a2678bfd3446ccfaee36 (patch)
tree51da53114f257ca57c2aa36da655019b75cf0269 /indra/llcommon
parentc64bd7d5cb28fc221716e866ff9c9a28c22e69ce (diff)
parentfef401a1768bae9bfb23a13549fa3a5005f2c7ae (diff)
Merge from viewer-experience
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llcommon')
6 files changed, 95 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llerror.cpp b/indra/llcommon/llerror.cpp
index bb64152407..c35799bbb9 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llerror.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llerror.cpp
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ namespace
/* This pattern, of returning a reference to a static function
variable, is to ensure that this global is constructed before
- it is used, no matter what the global initializeation sequence
+ it is used, no matter what the global initialization sequence
See C++ FAQ Lite, sections 10.12 through 10.14
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llerror.h b/indra/llcommon/llerror.h
index 4a42241c4f..b3e604f8e8 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llerror.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llerror.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
Information for most users:
- Code can log messages with constuctions like this:
+ Code can log messages with constructions like this:
LL_INFOS("StringTag") << "request to fizzbip agent " << agent_id
<< " denied due to timeout" << LL_ENDL;
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
Messages can be logged to one of four increasing levels of concern,
using one of four "streams":
- LL_DEBUGS("StringTag") - debug messages that are normally supressed
- LL_INFOS("StringTag") - informational messages that are normall shown
- LL_WARNS("StringTag") - warning messages that singal a problem
+ LL_DEBUGS("StringTag") - debug messages that are normally suppressed
+ LL_INFOS("StringTag") - informational messages that are normal shown
+ LL_WARNS("StringTag") - warning messages that signal a problem
LL_ERRS("StringTag") - error messages that are major, unrecoverable failures
The later (LL_ERRS("StringTag")) automatically crashes the process after the message
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
WARN: LLFoo::doSomething: called with a big value for i: 283
- Which messages are logged and which are supressed can be controled at run
+ Which messages are logged and which are suppressed can be controlled at run
time from the live file logcontrol.xml based on function, class and/or
source file. See etc/logcontrol-dev.xml for details.
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ namespace LLError
enum ELevel
- // used to indicate that all messagess should be logged
+ // used to indicate that all messages should be logged
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ namespace LLError
// See top of file for example of how to use this
typedef LLError::NoClassInfo _LL_CLASS_TO_LOG;
- // Outside a class declartion, or in class without LOG_CLASS(), this
+ // Outside a class declaration, or in class without LOG_CLASS(), this
// typedef causes the messages to not be associated with any class.
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llinstancetracker.h b/indra/llcommon/llinstancetracker.h
index b4891eba67..afb714c71c 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llinstancetracker.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llinstancetracker.h
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public:
typedef boost::iterator_facade<key_iter, KEY, boost::forward_traversal_tag> super_t;
- key_iter(typename InstanceMap::iterator& it)
+ key_iter(typename InstanceMap::iterator it)
: mIterator(it)
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llsingleton.h b/indra/llcommon/llsingleton.h
index 7aee1bb85f..00757be277 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llsingleton.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llsingleton.h
@@ -100,12 +100,6 @@ private:
} EInitState;
- static void deleteSingleton()
- {
- delete getData().mSingletonInstance;
- getData().mSingletonInstance = NULL;
- }
// stores pointer to singleton instance
// and tracks initialization state of singleton
struct SingletonInstanceData
@@ -120,7 +114,11 @@ private:
- deleteSingleton();
+ SingletonInstanceData& data = getData();
+ if (data.mInitState != DELETED)
+ {
+ deleteSingleton();
+ }
@@ -132,6 +130,14 @@ public:
data.mInitState = DELETED;
+ // Can be used to control when the singleton is deleted. Not normally needed.
+ static void deleteSingleton()
+ {
+ delete getData().mSingletonInstance;
+ getData().mSingletonInstance = NULL;
+ getData().mInitState = DELETED;
+ }
static SingletonInstanceData& getData()
// this is static to cache the lookup results
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llversionviewer.h b/indra/llcommon/llversionviewer.h
index fa2b3bff36..324507fe7a 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llversionviewer.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llversionviewer.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
const S32 LL_VERSION_MAJOR = 3;
const S32 LL_VERSION_MINOR = 0;
-const S32 LL_VERSION_PATCH = 2;
+const S32 LL_VERSION_PATCH = 4;
const S32 LL_VERSION_BUILD = 0;
const char * const LL_CHANNEL = "Second Life Developer";
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/llinstancetracker_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/llinstancetracker_test.cpp
index 3caf49aa6e..80b35bbdc3 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/tests/llinstancetracker_test.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/llinstancetracker_test.cpp
@@ -90,79 +90,79 @@ namespace tut
ensure_equals(Keyed::instanceCount(), 0);
- // template<> template<>
- // void object::test<2>()
- // {
- // ensure_equals(Unkeyed::instanceCount(), 0);
- // {
- // Unkeyed one;
- // ensure_equals(Unkeyed::instanceCount(), 1);
- // Unkeyed* found = Unkeyed::getInstance(&one);
- // ensure_equals(found, &one);
- // {
- // boost::scoped_ptr<Unkeyed> two(new Unkeyed);
- // ensure_equals(Unkeyed::instanceCount(), 2);
- // Unkeyed* found = Unkeyed::getInstance(two.get());
- // ensure_equals(found, two.get());
- // }
- // ensure_equals(Unkeyed::instanceCount(), 1);
- // }
- // ensure_equals(Unkeyed::instanceCount(), 0);
- // }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<2>()
+ {
+ ensure_equals(Unkeyed::instanceCount(), 0);
+ {
+ Unkeyed one;
+ ensure_equals(Unkeyed::instanceCount(), 1);
+ Unkeyed* found = Unkeyed::getInstance(&one);
+ ensure_equals(found, &one);
+ {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<Unkeyed> two(new Unkeyed);
+ ensure_equals(Unkeyed::instanceCount(), 2);
+ Unkeyed* found = Unkeyed::getInstance(two.get());
+ ensure_equals(found, two.get());
+ }
+ ensure_equals(Unkeyed::instanceCount(), 1);
+ }
+ ensure_equals(Unkeyed::instanceCount(), 0);
+ }
- // template<> template<>
- // void object::test<3>()
- // {
- // Keyed one("one"), two("two"), three("three");
- // // We don't want to rely on the underlying container delivering keys
- // // in any particular order. That allows us the flexibility to
- // // reimplement LLInstanceTracker using, say, a hash map instead of a
- // // std::map. We DO insist that every key appear exactly once.
- // typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
- // StringVector keys(Keyed::beginKeys(), Keyed::endKeys());
- // std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end());
- // StringVector::const_iterator ki(keys.begin());
- // ensure_equals(*ki++, "one");
- // ensure_equals(*ki++, "three");
- // ensure_equals(*ki++, "two");
- // // Use ensure() here because ensure_equals would want to display
- // // mismatched values, and frankly that wouldn't help much.
- // ensure("didn't reach end", ki == keys.end());
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<3>()
+ {
+ Keyed one("one"), two("two"), three("three");
+ // We don't want to rely on the underlying container delivering keys
+ // in any particular order. That allows us the flexibility to
+ // reimplement LLInstanceTracker using, say, a hash map instead of a
+ // std::map. We DO insist that every key appear exactly once.
+ typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
+ StringVector keys(Keyed::beginKeys(), Keyed::endKeys());
+ std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end());
+ StringVector::const_iterator ki(keys.begin());
+ ensure_equals(*ki++, "one");
+ ensure_equals(*ki++, "three");
+ ensure_equals(*ki++, "two");
+ // Use ensure() here because ensure_equals would want to display
+ // mismatched values, and frankly that wouldn't help much.
+ ensure("didn't reach end", ki == keys.end());
- // // Use a somewhat different approach to order independence with
- // // beginInstances(): explicitly capture the instances we know in a
- // // set, and delete them as we iterate through.
- // typedef std::set<Keyed*> InstanceSet;
- // InstanceSet instances;
- // instances.insert(&one);
- // instances.insert(&two);
- // instances.insert(&three);
- // for (Keyed::instance_iter ii(Keyed::beginInstances()), iend(Keyed::endInstances());
- // ii != iend; ++ii)
- // {
- // Keyed& ref = *ii;
- // ensure_equals("spurious instance", instances.erase(&ref), 1);
- // }
- // ensure_equals("unreported instance", instances.size(), 0);
- // }
+ // Use a somewhat different approach to order independence with
+ // beginInstances(): explicitly capture the instances we know in a
+ // set, and delete them as we iterate through.
+ typedef std::set<Keyed*> InstanceSet;
+ InstanceSet instances;
+ instances.insert(&one);
+ instances.insert(&two);
+ instances.insert(&three);
+ for (Keyed::instance_iter ii(Keyed::beginInstances()), iend(Keyed::endInstances());
+ ii != iend; ++ii)
+ {
+ Keyed& ref = *ii;
+ ensure_equals("spurious instance", instances.erase(&ref), 1);
+ }
+ ensure_equals("unreported instance", instances.size(), 0);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<4>()
+ {
+ Unkeyed one, two, three;
+ typedef std::set<Unkeyed*> KeySet;
+ KeySet instances;
+ instances.insert(&one);
+ instances.insert(&two);
+ instances.insert(&three);
- // template<> template<>
- // void object::test<4>()
- // {
- // Unkeyed one, two, three;
- // typedef std::set<Unkeyed*> KeySet;
- //
- // KeySet instances;
- // instances.insert(&one);
- // instances.insert(&two);
- // instances.insert(&three);
- //for (Unkeyed::instance_iter ii(Unkeyed::beginInstances()), iend(Unkeyed::endInstances()); ii != iend; ++ii)
- //{
- // Unkeyed& ref = *ii;
- // ensure_equals("spurious instance", instances.erase(&ref), 1);
- //}
- // ensure_equals("unreported instance", instances.size(), 0);
- // }
+ for (Unkeyed::instance_iter ii(Unkeyed::beginInstances()), iend(Unkeyed::endInstances()); ii != iend; ++ii)
+ {
+ Unkeyed& ref = *ii;
+ ensure_equals("spurious instance", instances.erase(&ref), 1);
+ }
+ ensure_equals("unreported instance", instances.size(), 0);
+ }
} // namespace tut