path: root/indra/llcommon/tests
diff options
authorcoyot@coyot-sager-PC <coyot@coyot-sager-PC>2017-02-28 22:56:30 +0000
committercoyot@coyot-sager-PC <coyot@coyot-sager-PC>2017-02-28 22:56:30 +0000
commit3a3da6e4a76859f32dc36491fde2992e92ae57b5 (patch)
treef61a7417ad6ffcb8488c910cfa64f14afe979071 /indra/llcommon/tests
parent069c938eb6ebfd77f6a415207331c66f72270e5f (diff)
parentf0b256b1cb6c96aed81ee456e505247fd2169c5f (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llcommon/tests')
8 files changed, 890 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/llerror_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/llerror_test.cpp
index f51279e817..20de205454 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/tests/llerror_test.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/llerror_test.cpp
@@ -237,8 +237,21 @@ namespace tut
void ErrorTestObject::test<4>()
// file abbreviation
- std::string thisFile = __FILE__;
- std::string abbreviateFile = LLError::abbreviateFile(thisFile);
+ std::string prev, abbreviateFile = __FILE__;
+ do
+ {
+ prev = abbreviateFile;
+ abbreviateFile = LLError::abbreviateFile(abbreviateFile);
+ // __FILE__ is assumed to end with
+ // indra/llcommon/tests/llerror_test.cpp. This test used to call
+ // abbreviateFile() exactly once, then check below whether it
+ // still contained the string 'indra'. That fails if the FIRST
+ // part of the pathname also contains indra! Certain developer
+ // machine images put local directory trees under
+ // /ngi-persist/indra, which is where we observe the problem. So
+ // now, keep calling abbreviateFile() until it returns its
+ // argument unchanged, THEN check.
+ } while (abbreviateFile != prev);
ensure_ends_with("file name abbreviation",
@@ -551,9 +564,9 @@ namespace tut
writeReturningLocationAndFunction(location, function);
- ensure_equals("order is location time type function message",
+ ensure_equals("order is time location type function message",
- location + roswell() + " INFO: " + function + ": apple");
+ roswell() + " INFO: " + location + function + ": apple");
template<> template<>
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/llexception_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/llexception_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6bee1943c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/llexception_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+ * @file llexception_test.cpp
+ * @author Nat Goodspeed
+ * @date 2016-08-12
+ * @brief Tests for throwing exceptions.
+ *
+ * This isn't a regression test: it doesn't need to be run every build, which
+ * is why the corresponding line in llcommon/CMakeLists.txt is commented out.
+ * Rather it's a head-to-head test of what kind of exception information we
+ * can collect from various combinations of exception base classes, type of
+ * throw verb and sequences of catch clauses.
+ *
+ * This "test" makes no ensure() calls: its output goes to stdout for human
+ * examination.
+ *
+ * As of 2016-08-12 with Boost 1.57, we come to the following conclusions.
+ * These should probably be re-examined from time to time as we update Boost.
+ *
+ * - It is indisputably beneficial to use BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION() rather than
+ * plain throw. The macro annotates the exception object with the filename,
+ * line number and function name from which the exception was thrown.
+ *
+ * - That being the case, deriving only from boost::exception isn't an option.
+ * Every exception object passed to BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION() must be derived
+ * directly or indirectly from std::exception. The only question is whether
+ * to also derive from boost::exception. We decided to derive LLException
+ * from both, as it makes message output slightly cleaner, but this is a
+ * trivial reason: if a strong reason emerges to prefer single inheritance,
+ * dropping the boost::exception base class shouldn't be a problem.
+ *
+ * - (As you will have guessed, ridiculous things like a char* or int or a
+ * class derived from neither boost::exception nor std::exception can only
+ * be caught by that specific type or (...), and
+ * boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() simply throws up its
+ * hands and confesses utter ignorance. Stay away from such nonsense.)
+ *
+ * - But if you derive from std::exception, to nat's surprise,
+ * boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() gives as much
+ * information about exceptions in a catch (...) clause as you can get from
+ * a specific catch (const std::exception&) clause, notably the concrete
+ * exception class and the what() string. So instead of a sequence like
+ *
+ * try { ... }
+ * catch (const boost::exception& e) { ... boost-flavored logging ... }
+ * catch (const std::exception& e) { ... std::exception logging ... }
+ * catch (...) { ... generic logging ... }
+ *
+ * we should be able to get away with only a catch (...) clause that logs
+ * boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information().
+ *
+ * - Going further: boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() provides
+ * just as much information even within a std::set_terminate() handler. So
+ * it might not even be strictly necessary to include a catch (...) clause
+ * since the viewer does use std::set_terminate().
+ *
+ * - (We might consider adding a catch (int) clause because Kakadu internally
+ * throws ints, and who knows if one of those might leak out. If it does,
+ * boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() can do nothing with it.
+ * A catch (int) clause could at least log the value and rethrow.)
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2016&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Precompiled header
+#include "linden_common.h"
+// associated header
+#include "llexception.h"
+// STL headers
+// std headers
+#include <typeinfo>
+// external library headers
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+// other Linden headers
+#include "../test/lltut.h"
+// helper for display output
+// usage: std::cout << center(some string value, fill char, width) << std::endl;
+// (assumes it's the only thing on that particular line)
+struct center
+ center(const std::string& label, char fill, std::size_t width):
+ mLabel(label),
+ mFill(fill),
+ mWidth(width)
+ {}
+ // Use friend declaration not because we need to grant access, but because
+ // it lets us declare a free operator like a member function.
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const center& ctr)
+ {
+ std::size_t padded = ctr.mLabel.length() + 2;
+ std::size_t left = (ctr.mWidth - padded) / 2;
+ std::size_t right = ctr.mWidth - left - padded;
+ return out << std::string(left, ctr.mFill) << ' ' << ctr.mLabel << ' '
+ << std::string(right, ctr.mFill);
+ }
+ std::string mLabel;
+ char mFill;
+ std::size_t mWidth;
+* Four kinds of exceptions: derived from boost::exception, from
+* std::exception, from both, from neither
+// Interestingly, we can't use this variant with BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION()
+// (which we want) -- we reach a failure topped by this comment:
+// //All boost exceptions are required to derive from std::exception,
+// //to ensure compatibility with BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS.
+struct FromBoost: public boost::exception
+ FromBoost(const std::string& what): mWhat(what) {}
+ ~FromBoost() throw() {}
+ std::string what() const { return mWhat; }
+ std::string mWhat;
+struct FromStd: public std::runtime_error
+ FromStd(const std::string& what): std::runtime_error(what) {}
+struct FromBoth: public boost::exception, public std::runtime_error
+ FromBoth(const std::string& what): std::runtime_error(what) {}
+// Same deal with FromNeither: can't use with BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION().
+struct FromNeither
+ FromNeither(const std::string& what): mWhat(what) {}
+ std::string what() const { return mWhat; }
+ std::string mWhat;
+* Two kinds of throws: plain throw and BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION()
+template <typename EXC>
+void plain_throw(const std::string& what)
+ throw EXC(what);
+template <typename EXC>
+void boost_throw(const std::string& what)
+// Okay, for completeness, functions that throw non-class values. We wouldn't
+// even deign to consider these if we hadn't found examples in our own source
+// code! (Note that Kakadu's internal exception support is still based on
+// throwing ints.)
+void throw_char_ptr(const std::string& what)
+ throw what.c_str(); // umm...
+void throw_int(const std::string& what)
+ throw int(what.length());
+* Three sequences of catch clauses:
+* boost::exception then ...,
+* std::exception then ...,
+* or just ...
+void catch_boost_dotdotdot(void (*thrower)(const std::string&), const std::string& what)
+ try
+ {
+ thrower(what);
+ }
+ catch (const boost::exception& e)
+ {
+ std::cout << "catch (const boost::exception& e)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "e is " << typeid(e).name() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "boost::diagnostic_information(e):\n'"
+ << boost::diagnostic_information(e) << "'" << std::endl;
+ // no way to report e.what()
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ std::cout << "catch (...)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information():\n'"
+ << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() << "'"
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+void catch_std_dotdotdot(void (*thrower)(const std::string&), const std::string& what)
+ try
+ {
+ thrower(what);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e)
+ {
+ std::cout << "catch (const std::exception& e)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "e is " << typeid(e).name() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "boost::diagnostic_information(e):\n'"
+ << boost::diagnostic_information(e) << "'" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "e.what: '"
+ << e.what() << "'" << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ std::cout << "catch (...)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information():\n'"
+ << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() << "'"
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+void catch_dotdotdot(void (*thrower)(const std::string&), const std::string& what)
+ try
+ {
+ thrower(what);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ std::cout << "catch (...)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information():\n'"
+ << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() << "'"
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+* Try a particular kind of throw against each of three catch sequences
+void catch_several(void (*thrower)(const std::string&), const std::string& what)
+ std::cout << std::string(20, '-') << "catch_boost_dotdotdot(" << what << ")" << std::endl;
+ catch_boost_dotdotdot(thrower, "catch_boost_dotdotdot(" + what + ")");
+ std::cout << std::string(20, '-') << "catch_std_dotdotdot(" << what << ")" << std::endl;
+ catch_std_dotdotdot(thrower, "catch_std_dotdotdot(" + what + ")");
+ std::cout << std::string(20, '-') << "catch_dotdotdot(" << what << ")" << std::endl;
+ catch_dotdotdot(thrower, "catch_dotdotdot(" + what + ")");
+* For a particular kind of exception, try both kinds of throw against all
+* three catch sequences
+template <typename EXC>
+void catch_both_several(const std::string& what)
+ std::cout << std::string(20, '*') << "plain_throw<" << what << ">" << std::endl;
+ catch_several(plain_throw<EXC>, "plain_throw<" + what + ">");
+ std::cout << std::string(20, '*') << "boost_throw<" << what << ">" << std::endl;
+ catch_several(boost_throw<EXC>, "boost_throw<" + what + ">");
+* TUT
+namespace tut
+ struct llexception_data
+ {
+ };
+ typedef test_group<llexception_data> llexception_group;
+ typedef llexception_group::object object;
+ llexception_group llexceptiongrp("llexception");
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<1>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("throwing exceptions");
+ // For each kind of exception, try both kinds of throw against all
+ // three catch sequences
+ std::size_t margin = 72;
+ std::cout << center("FromStd", '=', margin) << std::endl;
+ catch_both_several<FromStd>("FromStd");
+ std::cout << center("FromBoth", '=', margin) << std::endl;
+ catch_both_several<FromBoth>("FromBoth");
+ std::cout << center("FromBoost", '=', margin) << std::endl;
+ // can't throw with BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(), just use catch_several()
+ catch_several(plain_throw<FromBoost>, "plain_throw<FromBoost>");
+ std::cout << center("FromNeither", '=', margin) << std::endl;
+ // can't throw this with BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION() either
+ catch_several(plain_throw<FromNeither>, "plain_throw<FromNeither>");
+ std::cout << center("const char*", '=', margin) << std::endl;
+ // We don't expect BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION() to throw anything so daft
+ // as a const char* or an int, so don't bother with
+ // catch_both_several() -- just catch_several().
+ catch_several(throw_char_ptr, "throw_char_ptr");
+ std::cout << center("int", '=', margin) << std::endl;
+ catch_several(throw_int, "throw_int");
+ }
+} // namespace tut
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/llheteromap_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/llheteromap_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..686bffb878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/llheteromap_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ * @file llheteromap_test.cpp
+ * @author Nat Goodspeed
+ * @date 2016-10-12
+ * @brief Test for llheteromap.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2016&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Precompiled header
+#include "linden_common.h"
+// associated header
+#include "llheteromap.h"
+// STL headers
+#include <set>
+// std headers
+// external library headers
+// (pacify clang)
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::set<std::string>& strset);
+// other Linden headers
+#include "../test/lltut.h"
+static std::string clog;
+static std::set<std::string> dlog;
+// want to be able to use ensure_equals() on a set<string>
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::set<std::string>& strset)
+ out << '{';
+ const char* delim = "";
+ for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator si(strset.begin()), se(strset.end());
+ si != se; ++si)
+ {
+ out << delim << '"' << *si << '"';
+ delim = ", ";
+ }
+ out << '}';
+ return out;
+// unrelated test classes
+struct Chalk
+ int dummy;
+ std::string name;
+ Chalk():
+ dummy(0)
+ {
+ clog.append("a");
+ }
+ ~Chalk()
+ {
+ dlog.insert("a");
+ }
+ Chalk(const Chalk&); // no implementation
+struct Cheese
+ std::string name;
+ Cheese()
+ {
+ clog.append("e");
+ }
+ ~Cheese()
+ {
+ dlog.insert("e");
+ }
+ Cheese(const Cheese&); // no implementation
+struct Chowdah
+ char displace[17];
+ std::string name;
+ Chowdah()
+ {
+ displace[0] = '\0';
+ clog.append("o");
+ }
+ ~Chowdah()
+ {
+ dlog.insert("o");
+ }
+ Chowdah(const Chowdah&); // no implementation
+* TUT
+namespace tut
+ struct llheteromap_data
+ {
+ llheteromap_data()
+ {
+ clog.erase();
+ dlog.clear();
+ }
+ };
+ typedef test_group<llheteromap_data> llheteromap_group;
+ typedef llheteromap_group::object object;
+ llheteromap_group llheteromapgrp("llheteromap");
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<1>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("create, get, delete");
+ {
+ LLHeteroMap map;
+ {
+ // create each instance
+ Chalk& chalk = map.obtain<Chalk>();
+ = "Chalk";
+ Cheese& cheese = map.obtain<Cheese>();
+ = "Cheese";
+ Chowdah& chowdah = map.obtain<Chowdah>();
+ = "Chowdah";
+ } // refs go out of scope
+ {
+ // verify each instance
+ Chalk& chalk = map.obtain<Chalk>();
+ ensure_equals(, "Chalk");
+ Cheese& cheese = map.obtain<Cheese>();
+ ensure_equals(, "Cheese");
+ Chowdah& chowdah = map.obtain<Chowdah>();
+ ensure_equals(, "Chowdah");
+ }
+ } // destroy map
+ // Chalk, Cheese and Chowdah should have been created in specific order
+ ensure_equals(clog, "aeo");
+ // We don't care what order they're destroyed in, as long as each is
+ // appropriately destroyed.
+ std::set<std::string> dtorset;
+ for (const char* cp = "aeo"; *cp; ++cp)
+ dtorset.insert(std::string(1, *cp));
+ ensure_equals(dlog, dtorset);
+ }
+} // namespace tut
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/llleap_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/llleap_test.cpp
index d342dece84..c387da6c48 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/tests/llleap_test.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/llleap_test.cpp
@@ -110,10 +110,7 @@ namespace tut
// finding indra/lib/python. Use our __FILE__, with
// raw-string syntax to deal with Windows pathnames.
"mydir = os.path.dirname(r'" << __FILE__ << "')\n"
- // We expect mydir to be .../indra/llcommon/tests.
- "sys.path.insert(0,\n"
- " os.path.join(mydir, os.pardir, os.pardir, 'lib', 'python'))\n"
- "from indra.base import llsd\n"
+ "from llbase import llsd\n"
"class ProtocolError(Exception):\n"
" def __init__(self, msg, data):\n"
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/llpounceable_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/llpounceable_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f4915ce11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/llpounceable_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ * @file llpounceable_test.cpp
+ * @author Nat Goodspeed
+ * @date 2015-05-22
+ * @brief Test for llpounceable.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2015&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Precompiled header
+#include "linden_common.h"
+// associated header
+#include "llpounceable.h"
+// STL headers
+// std headers
+// external library headers
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+// other Linden headers
+#include "../test/lltut.h"
+/*----------------------------- string testing -----------------------------*/
+void append(std::string* dest, const std::string& src)
+ dest->append(src);
+/*-------------------------- Data-struct testing ---------------------------*/
+struct Data
+ Data(const std::string& data):
+ mData(data)
+ {}
+ const std::string mData;
+void setter(Data** dest, Data* ptr)
+ *dest = ptr;
+static Data* static_check = 0;
+// Set up an extern pointer to an LLPounceableStatic so the linker will fill
+// in the forward reference from below, before runtime.
+extern LLPounceable<Data*, LLPounceableStatic> gForward;
+struct EnqueueCall
+ EnqueueCall()
+ {
+ // Intentionally use a forward reference to an LLPounceableStatic that
+ // we believe is NOT YET CONSTRUCTED. This models the scenario in
+ // which a constructor in another translation unit runs before
+ // constructors in this one. We very specifically want callWhenReady()
+ // to work even in that case: we need the LLPounceableQueueImpl to be
+ // initialized even if the LLPounceable itself is not.
+ gForward.callWhenReady(boost::bind(setter, &static_check, _1));
+ }
+} nqcall;
+// When this declaration is processed, we should enqueue the
+// setter(&static_check, _1) call for when gForward is set non-NULL. Needless
+// to remark, we want this call not to crash.
+// Now declare gForward. Its constructor should not run until after nqcall's.
+LLPounceable<Data*, LLPounceableStatic> gForward;
+* TUT
+namespace tut
+ struct llpounceable_data
+ {
+ };
+ typedef test_group<llpounceable_data> llpounceable_group;
+ typedef llpounceable_group::object object;
+ llpounceable_group llpounceablegrp("llpounceable");
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<1>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("LLPounceableStatic out-of-order test");
+ // LLPounceable<T, LLPounceableStatic>::callWhenReady() must work even
+ // before LLPounceable's constructor runs. That's the whole point of
+ // implementing it with an LLSingleton queue. This models (say)
+ // LLPounceableStatic<LLMessageSystem*, LLPounceableStatic>.
+ ensure("static_check should still be null", ! static_check);
+ Data myData("test<1>");
+ gForward = &myData; // should run setter
+ ensure_equals("static_check should be &myData", static_check, &myData);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<2>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("LLPounceableQueue different queues");
+ // We expect that LLPounceable<T, LLPounceableQueue> should have
+ // different queues because that specialization stores the queue
+ // directly in the LLPounceable instance.
+ Data *aptr = 0, *bptr = 0;
+ LLPounceable<Data*> a, b;
+ a.callWhenReady(boost::bind(setter, &aptr, _1));
+ b.callWhenReady(boost::bind(setter, &bptr, _1));
+ ensure("aptr should be null", ! aptr);
+ ensure("bptr should be null", ! bptr);
+ Data adata("a"), bdata("b");
+ a = &adata;
+ ensure_equals("aptr should be &adata", aptr, &adata);
+ // but we haven't yet set b
+ ensure("bptr should still be null", !bptr);
+ b = &bdata;
+ ensure_equals("bptr should be &bdata", bptr, &bdata);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<3>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("LLPounceableStatic different queues");
+ // LLPounceable<T, LLPounceableStatic> should also have a distinct
+ // queue for each instance, but that engages an additional map lookup
+ // because there's only one LLSingleton for each T.
+ Data *aptr = 0, *bptr = 0;
+ LLPounceable<Data*, LLPounceableStatic> a, b;
+ a.callWhenReady(boost::bind(setter, &aptr, _1));
+ b.callWhenReady(boost::bind(setter, &bptr, _1));
+ ensure("aptr should be null", ! aptr);
+ ensure("bptr should be null", ! bptr);
+ Data adata("a"), bdata("b");
+ a = &adata;
+ ensure_equals("aptr should be &adata", aptr, &adata);
+ // but we haven't yet set b
+ ensure("bptr should still be null", !bptr);
+ b = &bdata;
+ ensure_equals("bptr should be &bdata", bptr, &bdata);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<4>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("LLPounceable<T> looks like T");
+ // We want LLPounceable<T, TAG> to be drop-in replaceable for a plain
+ // T for read constructs. In particular, it should behave like a dumb
+ // pointer -- and with zero abstraction cost for such usage.
+ Data* aptr = 0;
+ Data a("a");
+ // should be able to initialize a pounceable (when its constructor
+ // runs)
+ LLPounceable<Data*> pounceable(&a);
+ // should be able to pass LLPounceable<T> to function accepting T
+ setter(&aptr, pounceable);
+ ensure_equals("aptr should be &a", aptr, &a);
+ // should be able to dereference with *
+ ensure_equals("deref with *", (*pounceable).mData, "a");
+ // should be able to dereference with ->
+ ensure_equals("deref with ->", pounceable->mData, "a");
+ // bool operations
+ ensure("test with operator bool()", pounceable);
+ ensure("test with operator !()", ! (! pounceable));
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<5>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("Multiple callWhenReady() queue items");
+ Data *p1 = 0, *p2 = 0, *p3 = 0;
+ Data a("a");
+ LLPounceable<Data*> pounceable;
+ // queue up a couple setter() calls for later
+ pounceable.callWhenReady(boost::bind(setter, &p1, _1));
+ pounceable.callWhenReady(boost::bind(setter, &p2, _1));
+ // should still be pending
+ ensure("p1 should be null", !p1);
+ ensure("p2 should be null", !p2);
+ ensure("p3 should be null", !p3);
+ pounceable = 0;
+ // assigning a new empty value shouldn't flush the queue
+ ensure("p1 should still be null", !p1);
+ ensure("p2 should still be null", !p2);
+ ensure("p3 should still be null", !p3);
+ // using whichever syntax
+ pounceable.reset(0);
+ // try to make ensure messages distinct... tough to pin down which
+ // ensure() failed if multiple ensure() calls in the same test<n> have
+ // the same message!
+ ensure("p1 should again be null", !p1);
+ ensure("p2 should again be null", !p2);
+ ensure("p3 should again be null", !p3);
+ pounceable.reset(&a); // should flush queue
+ ensure_equals("p1 should be &a", p1, &a);
+ ensure_equals("p2 should be &a", p2, &a);
+ ensure("p3 still not set", !p3);
+ // immediate call
+ pounceable.callWhenReady(boost::bind(setter, &p3, _1));
+ ensure_equals("p3 should be &a", p3, &a);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<6>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("queue order");
+ std::string data;
+ LLPounceable<std::string*> pounceable;
+ pounceable.callWhenReady(boost::bind(append, _1, "a"));
+ pounceable.callWhenReady(boost::bind(append, _1, "b"));
+ pounceable.callWhenReady(boost::bind(append, _1, "c"));
+ pounceable = &data;
+ ensure_equals("callWhenReady() must preserve chronological order",
+ data, "abc");
+ std::string data2;
+ pounceable = NULL;
+ pounceable.callWhenReady(boost::bind(append, _1, "d"));
+ pounceable.callWhenReady(boost::bind(append, _1, "e"));
+ pounceable.callWhenReady(boost::bind(append, _1, "f"));
+ pounceable = &data2;
+ ensure_equals("LLPounceable must reset queue when fired",
+ data2, "def");
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<7>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("compile-fail test, uncomment to check");
+ // The following declaration should fail: only LLPounceableQueue and
+ // LLPounceableStatic should work as tags.
+// LLPounceable<Data*, int> pounceable;
+ }
+} // namespace tut
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp
index 6fbb9abfc0..81b930e1e2 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp
@@ -1518,10 +1518,7 @@ namespace tut
// scanner.
import_llsd("import os.path\n"
"import sys\n"
- "sys.path.insert(0,\n"
- " os.path.join(os.path.dirname(r'" __FILE__ "'),\n"
- " os.pardir, os.pardir, 'lib', 'python'))\n"
- "from indra.base import llsd\n")
+ "from llbase import llsd\n")
~TestPythonCompatible() {}
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/llsingleton_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/llsingleton_test.cpp
index 385289aefe..56886bc73f 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/tests/llsingleton_test.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/llsingleton_test.cpp
@@ -30,47 +30,172 @@
#include "llsingleton.h"
#include "../test/lltut.h"
+// Capture execution sequence by appending to log string.
+std::string sLog;
+struct CLS: public LLSingleton<CLS> \
+{ \
+ ~CLS(); \
+public: \
+ static enum dep_flag { \
+ DEP_NONE, /* no dependency */ \
+ DEP_CTOR, /* dependency in ctor */ \
+ DEP_INIT /* dependency in initSingleton */ \
+ } sDepFlag; \
+ \
+ void initSingleton(); \
+ void cleanupSingleton(); \
+}; \
+ \
+CLS::dep_flag CLS::sDepFlag = DEP_NONE
+CLS::CLS() \
+{ \
+ sLog.append(#CLS); \
+ if (sDepFlag == DEP_CTOR) \
+ { \
+ (void)OTHER::instance(); \
+ } \
+} \
+ \
+void CLS::initSingleton() \
+{ \
+ sLog.append("i" #CLS); \
+ if (sDepFlag == DEP_INIT) \
+ { \
+ (void)OTHER::instance(); \
+ } \
+} \
+ \
+void CLS::cleanupSingleton() \
+{ \
+ sLog.append("x" #CLS); \
+} \
+ \
+CLS::~CLS() \
+{ \
+ sLog.append("~" #CLS); \
namespace tut
- struct singleton
- {
- // We need a class created with the LLSingleton template to test with.
- class LLSingletonTest: public LLSingleton<LLSingletonTest>
- {
- };
- };
- typedef test_group<singleton> singleton_t;
- typedef singleton_t::object singleton_object_t;
- tut::singleton_t tut_singleton("LLSingleton");
- template<> template<>
- void singleton_object_t::test<1>()
- {
- }
- template<> template<>
- void singleton_object_t::test<2>()
- {
- LLSingletonTest* singleton_test = LLSingletonTest::getInstance();
- ensure(singleton_test);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void singleton_object_t::test<3>()
- {
- //Construct the instance
- LLSingletonTest::getInstance();
- ensure(LLSingletonTest::instanceExists());
- //Delete the instance
- LLSingletonTest::deleteSingleton();
- ensure(LLSingletonTest::destroyed());
- ensure(!LLSingletonTest::instanceExists());
- //Construct it again.
- LLSingletonTest* singleton_test = LLSingletonTest::getInstance();
- ensure(singleton_test);
- ensure(LLSingletonTest::instanceExists());
- }
+ struct singleton
+ {
+ // We need a class created with the LLSingleton template to test with.
+ class LLSingletonTest: public LLSingleton<LLSingletonTest>
+ {
+ };
+ };
+ typedef test_group<singleton> singleton_t;
+ typedef singleton_t::object singleton_object_t;
+ tut::singleton_t tut_singleton("LLSingleton");
+ template<> template<>
+ void singleton_object_t::test<1>()
+ {
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void singleton_object_t::test<2>()
+ {
+ LLSingletonTest* singleton_test = LLSingletonTest::getInstance();
+ ensure(singleton_test);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void singleton_object_t::test<3>()
+ {
+ //Construct the instance
+ LLSingletonTest::getInstance();
+ ensure(LLSingletonTest::instanceExists());
+ //Delete the instance
+ LLSingletonTest::deleteSingleton();
+ ensure(!LLSingletonTest::instanceExists());
+ //Construct it again.
+ LLSingletonTest* singleton_test = LLSingletonTest::getInstance();
+ ensure(singleton_test);
+ ensure(LLSingletonTest::instanceExists());
+ }
+#define TESTS(CLS, OTHER, N0, N1, N2, N3) \
+ template<> template<> \
+ void singleton_object_t::test<N0>() \
+ { \
+ set_test_name("just " #CLS); \
+ CLS::sDepFlag = CLS::DEP_NONE; \
+ OTHER::sDepFlag = OTHER::DEP_NONE; \
+ sLog.clear(); \
+ \
+ (void)CLS::instance(); \
+ ensure_equals(sLog, #CLS "i" #CLS); \
+ LLSingletonBase::cleanupAll(); \
+ ensure_equals(sLog, #CLS "i" #CLS "x" #CLS); \
+ LLSingletonBase::deleteAll(); \
+ ensure_equals(sLog, #CLS "i" #CLS "x" #CLS "~" #CLS); \
+ } \
+ \
+ template<> template<> \
+ void singleton_object_t::test<N1>() \
+ { \
+ set_test_name(#CLS " ctor depends " #OTHER); \
+ CLS::sDepFlag = CLS::DEP_CTOR; \
+ OTHER::sDepFlag = OTHER::DEP_NONE; \
+ sLog.clear(); \
+ \
+ (void)CLS::instance(); \
+ ensure_equals(sLog, #CLS #OTHER "i" #OTHER "i" #CLS); \
+ LLSingletonBase::cleanupAll(); \
+ ensure_equals(sLog, #CLS #OTHER "i" #OTHER "i" #CLS "x" #CLS "x" #OTHER); \
+ LLSingletonBase::deleteAll(); \
+ ensure_equals(sLog, #CLS #OTHER "i" #OTHER "i" #CLS "x" #CLS "x" #OTHER "~" #CLS "~" #OTHER); \
+ } \
+ \
+ template<> template<> \
+ void singleton_object_t::test<N2>() \
+ { \
+ set_test_name(#CLS " init depends " #OTHER); \
+ CLS::sDepFlag = CLS::DEP_INIT; \
+ OTHER::sDepFlag = OTHER::DEP_NONE; \
+ sLog.clear(); \
+ \
+ (void)CLS::instance(); \
+ ensure_equals(sLog, #CLS "i" #CLS #OTHER "i" #OTHER); \
+ LLSingletonBase::cleanupAll(); \
+ ensure_equals(sLog, #CLS "i" #CLS #OTHER "i" #OTHER "x" #CLS "x" #OTHER); \
+ LLSingletonBase::deleteAll(); \
+ ensure_equals(sLog, #CLS "i" #CLS #OTHER "i" #OTHER "x" #CLS "x" #OTHER "~" #CLS "~" #OTHER); \
+ } \
+ \
+ template<> template<> \
+ void singleton_object_t::test<N3>() \
+ { \
+ set_test_name(#CLS " circular init"); \
+ CLS::sDepFlag = CLS::DEP_INIT; \
+ OTHER::sDepFlag = OTHER::DEP_CTOR; \
+ sLog.clear(); \
+ \
+ (void)CLS::instance(); \
+ ensure_equals(sLog, #CLS "i" #CLS #OTHER "i" #OTHER); \
+ LLSingletonBase::cleanupAll(); \
+ ensure_equals(sLog, #CLS "i" #CLS #OTHER "i" #OTHER "x" #CLS "x" #OTHER); \
+ LLSingletonBase::deleteAll(); \
+ ensure_equals(sLog, #CLS "i" #CLS #OTHER "i" #OTHER "x" #CLS "x" #OTHER "~" #CLS "~" #OTHER); \
+ }
+ TESTS(A, B, 4, 5, 6, 7)
+ TESTS(B, A, 8, 9, 10, 11)
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/wrapllerrs.h b/indra/llcommon/tests/wrapllerrs.h
index 785197ba11..9a4bbbd630 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/tests/wrapllerrs.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/wrapllerrs.h
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@
#include <tut/tut.hpp>
#include "llerrorcontrol.h"
+#include "llexception.h"
#include "stringize.h"
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <list>
#include <string>
-#include <stdexcept>
// statically reference the function in test.cpp... it's short, we could
// replicate, but better to reuse
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ struct WrapLLErrs
- struct FatalException: public std::runtime_error
+ struct FatalException: public LLException
- FatalException(const std::string& what): std::runtime_error(what) {}
+ FatalException(const std::string& what): LLException(what) {}
void operator()(const std::string& message)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ struct WrapLLErrs
error = message;
// Also throw an appropriate exception since calling code is likely to
// assume that control won't continue beyond LL_ERRS.
- throw FatalException(message);
+ LLTHROW(FatalException(message));
std::string error;